Session 10 October 2020

Hello to you,

Thanks for the messages.
I have to tell you that I was not depressed and I am still not depressed.
But when a tear is there, I let it out...
I had to be so strong in this life that there was no way I was going to give up.
And I succeeded.
But I still had some post-traumatic after-effects.
Three people helped me
- My homeopath
- A radiesthesist I had already seen two years ago
Two months ago, she found what was parasitic and making my life impossible: entities captured during my last operation and long anesthesia.
I was much better from then on
- Crystals: I already wrote it in my last message.
Today I went out shopping and I realized that I had regained all my faculties "before". No more shaking, no more anxiety, driving my car faster and more frankly, finding the parking spaces I had visualized, etc. I'm back to the way I was before.
In short, I was in great form.
Thanks to all of you.

And another thing:

A huge celestial object captured by the stereo A and stereo B heliospheric telescope on October 28thUn objet céleste immense capturé par le télescope héliosphérique stéréo A et stéréo B le 28 Octobre…. Nibiru, vaisseau spatial ou autre ?

View attachment 39813

With other photos in the article

Is it the brown star that Laura talked about at length with the Cs?
Is it for this reason that the observatories and telescopes in Mexico were closed in October?
If anyone has an idea.....


Howdy Channa,

I looked at the footage from the SOHO on the NASA site and if you watch the entire video for October 28th-October 29th and there is a coronal ejection at that time period. It seems this article pulls the one frame were it is circular and could be interpreted as a planet, especially as it was enhanced. I wish I could create an animated GIF and show it here. If you go to NASA at the following link, SOHO Movie Theater, and create a video for October 28th-October 29th, you can see it. Pay close attention to the time frame of 14:00 on the 28th to 15:00 on the 28th and you will see it. Let me know your thoughts on this.
Merci pour les fleurs CHANA, elles sont magnifiques...
Je me suis commandé des Roses de Noël comme RYU, je les aurai dans 6 jours...
Juste pour me faire plaisir... J'adore les fleurs et les plantes, j'en ai plein mon balcon surtout des succulentes...
Mais aussi un olivier, deux jasmins, un magnolia, un citronnier et plein d'autres petite plantes...

Thank you for the CHANA flowers, they are beautiful...
I ordered Christmas Roses like RYU, I will have them in 6 days...
Just to make me happy... I love flowers and plants, I have a lot of them on my balcony, especially succulents...
But also an olive tree, two jasmines, a magnolia, a lemon tree and many other small plants...

For Perlou

The plant " Christmas Rose ", in Latin it is "Helleborus niger".
And it's a great remedy for the kidneys (and sadness) and depression.
Thank you plants for being there for us
Interesting that the attack happened in Nice of all places in France. A large proportion of Muslims of North African origin in Nice vote Front National, except Islamist who are some sort of a counter-balancing presence in those communities. Next to the Nice cathedral to the west there is(was?) an obvious salafist presence (unless it has changed since the 2000s anyway), which is odd given that the Jewish neighbourhood is next door to the north (5min walk). The police and one of France's internal intelligence agencies (equivalent to the mi15) monitors closely this sector of the city but oddly enough, I was told on a few occasions that they do not intervene in salafist-related issues, just observe. Not jumping to any conclusions but it is of note that if any attack of this sort is to be prevented, one would assume that it is not only in Nice but also in this sector of the city where it can be done. Strange.

Interesting! Also, the church is called Notre-Dame. First a reminder of the Charlie Hebdo massacre with Patty's case, and then of Notre-Dame, which was quite traumatic. Coincidence?
Thank you for the session! :-)

I wish Ark a speedy recovery. Take care!
Session Date: October 10th 2020

Laura, Andromeda, and Artemis at the board

Pierre, Joe, Chu, Ark, PoB, Scottie, Niall, Noko the Wonderdog, the Lunar Module, Princess Leia

Q: (L) Alright...

A: Hello children of Cassiopaea.

Q: (L) And who do we have with us this evening?

A: Nighhillaea of Cassiopaea.

Q: (L) Well, I forgot to enumerate our people. Today is 10-10-2020, and we have all the usual suspects [review of those present]. Alright. It's been awhile, and we've been very very busy as you know.

(Artemis) They want to speak...

A: It will turn out well. Worry not. All major transitions are fraught and chaotic.

Q: (L) Well, as long as you don't mean transitions off the planet...

A: No!

Q: (L) So, that I'm assuming is referring to Ark and his condition?

A: Yes and so much more yet to come yet on your plane.

Q: (L) Does anybody want to ask any specific questions?

(Pierre) I would like to ask about Arky. Is his current condition a consequence of the viral infection that was alluded to back in December last year?

A: Partly as a trigger.

Q: (L) Is he going to achieve complete remission?

A: Yes

Q: (L) When we asked earlier in the year if he had cancer, the answer was no. Then apparently something happened between then and now. Were there any other factors involved in that?

A: Development and trigger.

Q: (L) Are you saying that it developed AFTER that question was asked?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Are you also saying that that's the trigger you were referring to - that the trigger of the Covid operated over that period of time?

A: Close.

Q: (L) Was there anything else that happened during that period of time?

A: Recall our previous remarks about weapons that can cause heart attacks? Consider failure of same on some occasions that included dispersal of energies. There were numerous cardiac events on that date due to this factor.

Q: (L) Are you saying that somebody was playing around with one of these satellite beam-type weapons and it sort of like misfired?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Is that what happened the night Ark had that attack when he felt something popping in his heart?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And that there were other people at the same time who were having cardiac events as a result of the same energy?

A: Yes

Q: (Artemis) How come Arky was particularly vulnerable to it?

A: He was a lot less susceptible than others!!!

Q: (Chu) Were you referring to the recent episode? By then, the lymphoma was already there. I don't understand.

(L) We don't know that it was.

(Chu) Well, that would have been only 10 or 12 days...

A: Yes

Q: (Chu) What about the mass they discovered three days later in the heart? That would have been sudden.

A: Yes

Q: (L) He said he felt a popping sensation, and Gaby said the interior of the mass was already necrotic.

(Andromeda) He had started having symptoms a couple of days before he felt the pop, and that's when he went down to get his blood work done.

(Chu) Blood work was before. The pop was 24 hours later.

(Andromeda) Well, remember that before he had it done and his BNP was high but his troponins were fine. Then after he felt the pop, he went back in and that's when his troponins had shot up and we figured that was the result of the pop. That was just a couple of days later, and that's when we took him to the hospital.

(L) And the end result was that despite all of that crazy stuff, they still say that he didn't have a heart attack and that he has not sustained any cardiac damage.

(Pierre) If I understand correctly, the growth was the result of this...

(L) Was the growth the result of this energy dispersal like triggering the Covid business?

A: Yes

Q: (Ark) Mineral oil canister! I want this canister of mineral oil. I'm asking for it already two weeks and no one cares.

(Chu) Niall had to order it. It'll be coming soon.

(Niall) It's coming tomorrow.

(Andromeda) So basically this weapon that was beaming acted on him. But instead of just acting on the heart, it dispersed and created different growths in different parts of him.

A: Yes

Q: (L) You know something? Didn't Pierre-Paul have a heart attack on the same day?

(Andromeda) It was about the same time.

(Joe) What day are we talking about here?

(Andromeda) It wasn't a heart attack...

(Joe) An aortic dissection. But we don't know the date that he had that. He didn't say the date.

(Andromeda) But when you saw his thingy, he said it had been a couple of weeks.

(Joe) What do they mean that he was a lot less susceptible than others?

(Artemis) Yeah, that's what I was wondering.

A: His intrinsic nature and makeup is a powerful shield.

Q: (L) You mean like his DNA and...?

A: Yes and psychic.

Q: (Artemis) Was this 'heart attack ray' configured to target a specific type of person?

A: Yes

Q: (Artemis) And Arky just happened to fit the bill? He had a similar energetic frequency or something?

A: Close

Q: (Pierre) What kind of person is this ray supposed to attack?

A: With higher abilities.

Q: (Artemis) So they're targeting people with potential to...

(Joe) But they didn't say that it was... It was specifically targeted then at Arky.

(Chu) Not at Arky.

(Joe) So, some kind of blanket...

(L) Was it specifically targeted at him?

A: No

Q: (L) But it was specifically targeted at someone?

A: Yes

Q: (Artemis) Someone who had some vague similarities to Arky.

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) So it was a blanket... a wide ray.

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) The target was in France?

A: Yes

Q: (Artemis) Was it somewhere near where we live?

A: Not so much.

Q: (Joe) A wide area.

(Pierre) We cannot ask who was the target, right?

A: No

Q: (Artemis) Can we ask if we keep it a secret? [laughter]

(L) They know we don't keep secrets!

(Artemis) They don't tell us the good stuff because of that.

(L) When they say, "higher abilities", it could mean academic... Could it be academic, which would mean doctors and so forth?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And that's because those are the ones that are more likely to say things against the whole Covid lockdown?

A: Yes!!

Q: (Pierre) Is it Didier Raoult?

(Joe) The long-haired Marseille doctor who was speaking out.

A: Among others. But like Ark, many of them have defense mechanisms.

Q: (L) Anything else about that?

(Andromeda) Did they get the person they were after?

A: No

Q: (Artemis) YAY!

(L) Okay, this chemo... I mean, it seems to me that the chemo is like what the I Ching said: it's the outside intervention that we would not be particularly happy about, but that would help a lot. Is that what was meant?

A: Yes

Q: (L) It obviously has unpleasant side effects, and are we going to be able to manage those effectively?

A: With current adjunct therapies and future methods, yes.

Q: (L) So, things like the Revici protocol, the infrared sauna, ozone therapy...?

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) This mass in Arky's heart, is it cancerous?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) It better be, because the therapy won't work against it if it isn't!

(Joe) They're all lymphomas, right?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Maybe I shouldn't ask this, but is chemotherapy the only effective treatment for lymphoma like Arky has?

A: Under the circumstances prevailing, yes.

Q: (Joe) As in, it's a bit late to be looking at something else...

(L) Yeah, you don't have time. Alright. Shall we move on to other topics, or do you have something to ask, Honey?

(Artemis) Well, we have our paper with questions.

(L) Okay, what do we want to ask about the pandemic?

(Joe) Why did Sweden not act in lockstep with pretty much everyone else in terms of lockdown and the fear mongering and controls? Why did they get a pass? Why were they ABLE to not follow the mandate?

A: Just wait!

Q: (Joe) Really?!

(L) Oh dear...

(Pierre) I would like to get a feel of what the population thinks about those lies. For example, in France, what percentage of people do NOT believe the Covid lies and narratives?

A: 62

Q: (L) 62 percent do not believe it.

(Joe) That doesn't mean they're gonna do something about it.

(L) I'd say it's probably about the same in a lot of places. That's more than half, but there's still a BIG chunk of people that buy into it.

(Artemis) Has there ever been a virus released that had a similar effect to Covid-19 in the past?

(L) You mean created and released by humans? Covid is not a really spectacular virus.

(Artemis) Yeah, I know, but it can also cause DNA changes.

A: No

Q: (L) Are there viruses that have effects on DNA?

A: Yes

Q: (Artemis) Yeah, that's obvious. Of course.

(L) Did Trump actually have Covid?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Is Joe Biden suffering from senile dementia?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Okay, here's the $64,000 question: Is Trump going to win the election?

(Joe) We asked that last time!

(Andromeda) They said yes.

(Joe) They said there's a very good chance.

(L) Are his chances getting better?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) How likely is it that there will be some major public chaos or civil chaos if Trump wins?

A: Very likely and will lead to martial law.

Q: (Joe) Imposed by Trump.

(Pierre) Yeah.

(Joe) So he's going to fulfill the role that they have given him of dictator! But is a lot of the chaos...

(L) One suspects that it may have been planned that way: he's being driven into the corner by all of the events in order to do what they want him to do.

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Will a lot of the chaos in a certain sense be artificially induced?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Like paid groups out in the streets wrecking the place...

(L) But they're working people up. They're making people completely helpless and unhappy with the lockdowns. Then all of those people are having all of that anger and frustration building up inside of them. They're just powder kegs waiting to be ignited.

(Joe) We've seen that already with the Black Lives Matter protests not just in the USA but also in the UK. There were massive protests during lockdown that were allowed! It was like, "No lockdown for you guys." And they went into the streets partially because of the lockdown.

(L) He's the perfect fall guy. Honey, you have questions.

(Ark) Yes. This is science. Two questions of the same kind. Here I have a little book. It's letters about absolute parallelism, 1929 to 1932, letters between Elie Cartan and Albert Einstein. The key word is absolute parallelism. This book has 232 pages. Letters, exchanges... Is there any particular page that I should pay special attention to?

A: 132

Q: (Ark) Second question: This sheet of paper is from a little book. The title is Geometry of Absolute Parallelism. This book has 132 pages. Is there any particular page in this 132 pages that I should pay particular attention to?

A: 71

Q: (Ark) I'm done.

(Joe) You have 2 pages to read.

(Pierre) Instead of 300!

(Scottie) I'm gonna read romance novels that way!

(Joe) Can we have that for every important book? [laughter]

A: No

Q: (L) They're only helping Ark because he's weak.

(Joe) Yeah.

(Pierre) And then he's gonna read the whole book anyway, but he'll pay special attention to those pages I suppose.

(L) What's on page 132?

(Chu) I was just checking to make sure it wasn't a blank page. [laughter] It's full of equations!

(Ark) Elie Cartan is writing in French. Einstein is either replying in German or in English. I'm not sure because it may be translation from German. I'm not sure Elie Cartan knew German.

(Joe) There's a new UFO documentary that Tucker Carlson was talking about on his show. It has a bunch of current and previous senators, bipartisan, who are interviewed in it about the UFO phenomenon. They're all straight up about how yes, there's something real to this and things are being hidden. It follows on the heels of those military tic-tac videos that were released. Is this building up to some kind of disclosure in the near future?

A: Near enough. But other events may intervene.

Q: (L) So, that doesn't mean immediately near, but...

(Joe) Other events will push that off the front pages.

(Andromeda) Wow. Gotta be something pretty major!

(Joe) So, martial law in the USA will be short-lived, right?

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) Why do you think that?

(Joe) Just to put the National Guard out to quell the riots...

(L) I don't think Trump is inclined to be a dictator, but he'd do what needs to be done to restore order.

(Joe) He threatened it once already during the Black Lives Matter protests. He's already set the scene.

(L) But think that whatever he does, he's not gonna get the USA out of the karmic hole it's already in.

(Pierre) Too far gone.

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) What is flabbergasting to me is that the polls and the mainstream media claimed four years ago all the same numbers in terms of Clinton vs Trump. Now, they say Biden is leading, Trump is gonna lose. They didn't learn ANYTHING. They keep using the same lies and propaganda. They're gonna look ridiculous once again.

(Joe) Since this Covid thing has progressed, the lockdowns have continued, businesses are being destroyed, and governments are continuing to push ahead with it despite all evidence that there's no reason for it, have a lot of them kinda been told that... What I'm thinking about here is way back in 2003, Tony Blair got on board with the Iraq thing for no good reason. They said the reason was that he was promised a seat on the Rapture Train. It suggests he was given some inside info about future events. So, a lot of them have been brought in...

(L) They know that this is all going on and there'll be a lot of death and destruction. They're padding their own...

(Joe) Yeah, so my question is: Have a lot of government leaders been given information about upcoming events that...?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So they know that there probably is more likely to be an Ice Age, cometary impacts, earth changes, death, destruction, disease...

(Joe) Food shortages, mass immigration, chaos... Otherwise, how can you keep those people on board to destroy their own reputations, countries, and economies? There has to be a compelling reason for them to continue to do that.

(Andromeda) But they're not even afraid of repercussions...

(L) They KNOW something's coming.

A: Yes and so do you and some few others. Enjoy the show!

Q: (L) Well, we're trying really hard to enjoy the show. People are enjoying their romantic fiction and getting their emotional centers sorted out - at least some of them are, not everybody. But I think with persistence, that little reading exercise is going to help a lot of people. Is there anything else that we can do for our group in these trying times??

A: Consider crystal protection for travel and supplementary spaces.

Q: (L) You mean like the crystals we charged to put in all of our vehicles?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) What's a supplementary space?

(L) Any special places in the house, like a home office or somewhere you spend a lot of time. Something like that?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So we have these crystals that we already charged for travel protection. I guess we could offer them to group members to have a crystal in their vehicle, attach it to their bicycle, in their offices... Is that what you mean?

A: Yes. The more the better.

Q: (L) Do we need to select each one personally?

A: No. The batch you have prepared is ideal for the purpose, as they are, indiscriminately.

Q: (L) So people could take them and even make jewelry out of them.

(Andromeda) Wherever they spend a lot of time.

(L) Yeah, wherever they spend a lot of time: in the kitchen, or...

A: Yes. Create a network of psychic light now that all those who asked have been served with the basic protection.

Q: (L) What is psychic light?

A: Connected directly at higher level where space and time are variable and selective.

Q: (L) So, people who have more crystals are more connected. They're connected at another level where there's really not the space or time distance between them. So everybody who has the charged crystals is more or less connected directly at some level. Is that it?

A: Close

Q: (L) Close enough. Alright, any other questions? We covered the list. Alright, we'll just thank you for being with us. Is there anything you need to warn us about or something we haven't asked?

A: Just stay calm and patient. Goodbye.


(L) Calm and patient. Yeah...

(Andromeda) Yeah, sounds so easy!

(Joe) One thing I was thinking of was that we don't KNOW how bad it can get, but us and a lot of group members have a lot of family members spread out.

(L) They could be connected to their family members with crystals.

(Joe) I'm just thinking because that's one thing that would...

(L) You don't even have to tell the family anything about it. Just tell them it's a protection crystal, and put it on top of the TV or something.

(Joe) Group members could get themselves in trouble or in danger if they traveled somewhere to try to lend support to family and friends that were in trouble.

(L) Yeah, I think it's just gonna be a rough time. There's just no getting around it, so... We were warned about it YEARS in advance. We've had all this time to prepare for it. Here it is now. We've gotta look at it, deal with, and live through it as peacefully and calmly as possible. The C's said that things will change. So they were right about it coming... Let's hope they're also right about the change part!!
Thank you to the crew for this session. I wish Arky all the best in his recovery.

I also would like to say that I received my crystal yesterday :
I felt bad in the morning and didn't know why. I live in Nice and learned at the end of the morning the terrorist attack. I then made the connection between my mood in the morning and this tragedy. I went out to walk and when I came back I discovered the CS Crystals in my mailbox.
When I opened the package I felt energy from them and gratitude for all the attention and care you took for the shipment :
the silk, the ribbons, the little hearts on the labels, the prayer booklet. My morning sad mood went away.
I understood It was a kind of Synchronicity. It was as if the CS were telling me: "times are hard but we are with you through the crystals and all those who are connected to them."
Thank you so much for all.

Gurdjieff said something along the lines of 200 awake people could change the course of events. Could 200 awake people change the course of events? When things are put into the perspective of the Divine, you gotta wonder!

I/We all have been thinking about the situation that happening right now in this planet.
And timely Cs mentioned the Crystals connection once again, and this provides us protection and also “A: Connected directly at higher level where space and time are variable and selective.”
And now, it seems a lots more members realized the how importance of this connection, and enthusiastically participate in, world widely. Probably we have more than 200 members connection.
Maybe this activities will awaking our consciousness to higher and more positive way.
Like Gurdjieff said, 200 or more members activities might change the course of this planet.
I think it is possible, or this is just my wishful thinking?

October 10th 2020

Q: (L) Well, we're trying really hard to enjoy the show. ...
Is there anything else that we can do for our group in these trying times??

A: Consider crystal protection for travel and supplementary spaces.
A: Yes. Create a network of psychic light now that all those who asked have been served with the basic protection.

Q: (L) What is psychic light?

A: Connected directly at higher level where space and time are variable and selective.

Q: (L) So, people who have more crystals are more connected. They're connected at another level where there's really not the space or time distance between them. So everybody who has the charged crystals is more or less connected directly at some level. Is that it?

A: Close
I/We all have been thinking about the situation that happening right now in this planet.
And timely Cs mentioned the Crystals connection once again, and this provides us protection and also “A: Connected directly at higher level where space and time are variable and selective.”
And now, it seems a lots more members realized the how importance of this connection, and enthusiastically participate in, world widely. Probably we have more than 200 members connection.
Maybe this activities will awaking our consciousness to higher and more positive way.
Like Gurdjieff said, 200 or more members activities might change the course of this planet.
I think it is possible, or this is just my wishful thinking?
I think it's possible that some of us are of those 200 people, or maybe this group is like one unified people. Or better said, I think there are other people who are not part of this group, which build their own network, conduit, etc.

I don't consider myself especially awaken, just maybe a little more conscious of a lot of things than the average Joe, but maybe with all of you, with all of our more or less little knowledge, a piece here and there, together we form a conduit. And there are others who forms other conduits.

my 2 cents!
Aujourd'hui sur SOOT NET France, cet article m'a fait beaucoup de bien : Ne perdez pas espoir, nous sommes faits pour affronter le défi de cette époque --

Today on SOOT NET France, this article did me a lot of good : Ne perdez pas espoir, nous sommes faits pour affronter le défi de cette époque --
Thank you for this Link... the text touches my heart :love: I got the wolves book as a gift from my mom many years ago... <3
Aujourd'hui sur SOOT NET France, cet article m'a fait beaucoup de bien : Ne perdez pas espoir, nous sommes faits pour affronter le défi de cette époque --

Today on SOOT NET France, this article did me a lot of good : Ne perdez pas espoir, nous sommes faits pour affronter le défi de cette époque --
Thanks @PERLOU ! I hadn't seen it yet! I'm going to share to some of my friends who are in dire need of comfort.
I don't consider myself especially awaken, just maybe a little more conscious of a lot of things than the average Joe, but maybe with all of you, with all of our more or less little knowledge, a piece here and there, together we form a conduit. And there are others who forms other conduits.
Exactly my thinking. We can only hope and pray this is so. The C's "wait and see" is very tantalising but they gave us clear instructions to watch reality right and left so we should do just that.
I don't consider myself especially awaken, just maybe a little more conscious of a lot of things than the average Joe, but maybe with all of you, with all of our more or less little knowledge, a piece here and there, together we form a conduit. And there are others who forms other conduits.
Yes, I guess we are all links in a chain. Links more or less "solid" according to each. And the more numerous and solid the links, the more important the chain will be for the rest of the events. It's up to us to consolidate this chain as best we can. And when a link feels weakened, do not forget that it is supported by all the others, until it can consolidate itself again.
Just a few thoughts.
Q: (L) What is psychic light?

A: Connected directly at higher level where space and time are variable and selective.

Q: (L) So, people who have more crystals are more connected. They're connected at another level where there's really not the space or time distance between them. So everybody who has the charged crystals is more or less connected directly at some level. Is that it?

A: Close

I've stumbled upon the quote from other session and thought it may be a good fit here:
A: Yes. But we would like to point that all "souled" individuals are members of a fragmented 6D soul/being. When they begin to connect with their future/higher centers, this implies a natural connecting with the other members of their soul group.

I wonder about the impact it could have on our reality when the individuals will connect thanks to charged crystals.

Fragmented/disconnected, even if sharing the same vision, individuals probably have little impact. But while connected on the higher level, that's different. We are not talking in 3D terms any more and the impact probably would grow exponentially.
I/We all have been thinking about the situation that happening right now in this planet.
And timely Cs mentioned the Crystals connection once again, and this provides us protection and also “A: Connected directly at higher level where space and time are variable and selective.”
And now, it seems a lots more members realized the how importance of this connection, and enthusiastically participate in, world widely. Probably we have more than 200 members connection.
Maybe this activities will awaking our consciousness to higher and more positive way.
Like Gurdjieff said, 200 or more members activities might change the course of this planet.
I think it is possible, or this is just my wishful thinking?

@Kay Kim ,

The Cs mention this 200 number too. It is a work in progress for all of us I think. Our strength will depend sometimes on our numbers and sometimes on the sheer will to continue.

The bumps in the road come and go I think.

Session 23 October 2004:
Q: (Galahad) What is the major problem facing the group at the moment?

A: Stalling frequency waves.

Q: What can we do to jump-start the group?

A: Requires will and knowledge. You share, they find will if it is there to find.

Q: (A) What kind of knowledge do we need to share?

A: That their lack of ability to see and do is due to deliberate stalling.

Q: (Galahad) Can you elaborate?

A: They are in a frequency fence being stored for later food.

Q: (A) Are we also in a fence? Or, are we different?

A: Quite.

Q: We are quite different?

A: Yes.

Q: What makes us different?

A: Seeing and doing.

Q: Well, if we have a network, different people are doing different things. They are at different levels. Shouldn't we consider it in this light?

A: You were in as bad condition before leaving the USA, remember?

Q: (Galahad) Can they overcome the stalling?

A: If they wish.

The 200 number in the following is I think given to develope a sense of the power of unity. When/If this strength will reach a more critical/balenced state we could see real change I think.

Session 16 July 2009:
Q: (L) Okay, the Maruts were referred to as - they were like all of a special bloodline - and they danced, and their dance produced benefits for the tribe. I mean, the heavens opened, and baskets came down with food and whatever they needed. I mean, it's like the original story of Manna from heaven. Only it wasn't just something tasteless, it was whatever they wanted or needed. Krunchy (healthy cereal)! (laughter)

A: Keep in mind that in order for the techno-spiritual techniques to work, the people of the "blood" must be purified and their chakras must be "connected". If this is done, there are even more important functions. For example: mental blocking of 4D STS attacks. Do you realize that 200 or so people assembled this way, and a block against the marauders could be put in place? Furthermore the wave is coming, the "dancers" could very well determine how it affects your planet and reality. Can you imagine what would happen if the "elite" of your world were cut off from their 4D STS power supply? What if their mind control techniques and frequency fences just "fizzled"?

Q: (L) Well that's crazy. (Ark) How can it happen that they are cut off from their power supply? I don't understand.

A: Mental blocking.

In addition to general group unity there are the events that have happen and are yet to happen that could trigger more frequency changes. Much could depend on which planted "seeds" begin to grow.

Session 19 July 2014:
(L) Yeah. So, it's going to be only the people who've had the seeds of knowledge implanted already, and they have been taking root and growing slowly inside them. But they're not yet...

(Perceval) Look at the effects of this recent shock of the plane crashing. The vast majority of people felt it as a shock in some way or another, and it made them MORE authoritarian, more authoritarian followers. It threw them into the arms of the government. Ya know, "Get Putin! He's out to get us!" They basically bought the lie, and went further to the Dark Side just like so many people did on 9/11, buying the government conspiracy theory about 19 Arabs who couldn’t fly.

(Andromeda) They have different seeds.

(Perceval) Exactly. A few people, like on our forum and who read Sott and our work would have felt it as a shock as well. But, because they had the seeds of knowledge about how these things happen and who does them, and that it's all lies, that pushed them further in the direction of waking up and realizing that things are getting serious! It was confirmation that this kind of shit is real, there IS really a cabal, there IS really an STS pyramid, ya know... It's more confirmation for what they already know. And it's a shock.

(Ark) But, but... There is also another thing, because Pierre mentioned electromagnetic whatever. Now, such a shock, what it can do is, it can destroy the programming frequencies of the STS.

(L) Oh yeah.

(Perceval) The frequency fence?

(Ark) And then, because we are all the time blocked from knowing more at higher levels, those who have knowledge and those who don't, being beamed in many ways, by some kind of organized thing…

(L) A cosmic event could definitely destroy the frequency fence.

Fantastic session, many thanks. And, of course, wishing Ark a speedy recovery! :rockon:

With regards to the following exchange.

Q: (L) Okay, here's the $64,000 question: Is Trump going to win the election?


(L) Are his chances getting better?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) How likely is it that there will be some major public chaos or civil chaos if Trump wins?

A: Very likely and will lead to martial law.


Q: (Joe) Will a lot of the chaos in a certain sense be artificially induced?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Like paid groups out in the streets wrecking the place...

(L) But they're working people up. They're making people completely helpless and unhappy with the lockdowns. Then all of those people are having all of that anger and frustration building up inside of them. They're just powder kegs waiting to be ignited.

(Joe) We've seen that already with the Black Lives Matter protests not just in the USA but also in the UK. There were massive protests during lockdown that were allowed! It was like, "No lockdown for you guys." And they went into the streets partially because of the lockdown.

(L) He's the perfect fall guy. (...)

(Joe) So, martial law in the USA will be short-lived, right?

A: Yes


(L) I don't think Trump is inclined to be a dictator, but he'd do what needs to be done to restore order.

(Joe) He threatened it once already during the Black Lives Matter protests. He's already set the scene.

(L) But think that whatever he does, he's not gonna get the USA out of the karmic hole it's already in.

(Pierre) Too far gone.

A: Yes

The mainstream media has suddenly began to cover the risk of unrest post US elections. This is interesting and one must wonder whether it is coming from a place of genuine concern - or if it as a call to arms.

The news stories are everywhere and mainly focus on the shopfronts being boarded up. However, we are also getting "expert opinions" based on clever "models" which state that - either way - trouble is coming. Hmmm... expert opinions... rooted in statistical modeling... where did I see that before...?

Here is one such article which surprised me for its depth of analysis - and a mention of colour revolutions.

Is America on the brink of a Second Civil War?

Experts fear the US election could be the “match” that sparks the Second Civil War – regardless of who wins.

NOVEMBER 1, 2020 4:56PM

America is bracing for chaos.

As the most powerful country in the world heads into what is shaping up to be the messiest, most contested election in its history, no one really knows what will happen.

But one thing appears certain – there will be violence.

With the November 3 election just days away, huge swathes of shopfronts in downtown Washington, Chicago and New York have been boarded up with plywood, as long-suffering store owners prepare for the worst.

“I’m usually a very positive person – I hope for the best,” Washington DC salon owner Alex Provenzano, whose store is one block north of the White House, told USA Today last week. “But the people are very stressed out, and there is a lot of uncertainty in the country right now. It’s pretty scary.”

Mr Provenzano said his entire street was vandalised during Black Lives Matter riots in May after the death of George Floyd, and his store only removed the plywood in July – now it’s going back up.

The damage bill from the rioting, looting and arson in the months after the May 25 death of Mr Floyd has already been estimated at up to $US2 billion, Axios reported last month.

More than 30 people died in the violent riots, which researchers said accounted for just 7 per cent of the “overwhelmingly peaceful” protests around the country.

In recent days there has been a fresh outbreak of Black Lives Matter rioting in Philadelphia, just to the north of Washington, where thousands of looters spent several nights ransacking large parts of the city after the fatal police shooting of a knife-wielding black man.

On Thursday, Walmart announced it was removing all guns and ammunition from its sales floors – the country’s biggest retailer sells firearms in about half of its 4700 US locations – to head off any potential thefts if its stores are looted amid civil unrest.

It came as a poll released by Suffolk University and USA Today found three quarters of respondents were worried about the possibility of violence on election day. In 2016, only 50 per cent of voters were concerned about violence.

People of all races and political stripes have been stocking up on weapons and military-style tactical gear as fearful Americans prepare to hunker down. Many gun shops have sold out of ammunition, and firearm stocks are running low.

The Wall Street Journal reported on Wednesday that officials in closely contested states were working with law enforcement to guard against any potential voter intimidation or threats posed by armed groups or individuals.

Of course, the shop owners might also be boarding up their windows out of fear of roaming gangs of Proud Boys – President Donald Trump was widely criticised for telling the far-right group to “stand back and stand by” during the presidential debate with Joe Biden last month – or “QAnon” conspiracy theorists.

With nearly all polls pointing to a loss for Mr Trump, the President and other Republicans have attempted to cast doubt on the legitimacy of the vote, claiming Democrats are attempting to “steal” the election through fraudulent mail-in ballots.

Mr Trump sparked backlash last month after declining to answer whether he would “commit to a peaceful transfer of power” – bizarrely, the reporter asked if he would transfer power “win, lose or draw” – during a White House press briefing.

“We’re going to have to see what happens,” the President said. “You know that I’ve been complaining very strongly about the ballots, and the ballots are a disaster.”

White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany subsequently sought to hose down concerns, insisting Mr Trump would “accept the result of a free and fair election”. “He will accept the will of the American people,” she told reporters.


Even if the result is not immediately known, activist groups have vowed to swarm the streets of Washington DC on election day in an attempt to oust the President.

The groups, going under the banner of ShutDown DC, say they plan to disrupt traffic around the White House and National Mall with more than 10,000 people.

“We are concerned like many people that Trump may try to steal this election,” ShutDown DC spokeswoman Kaela Bamberger told WTOP. “He’s given us a lot of evidence to indicate that he has no problem trying to confuse the results or prematurely declare victory.”

The group does not appear to believe Mr Trump can win the election legitimately, writing on its website that “from his attacks on mail-in ballots and the US Postal Service to the GOP’s longtime voter suppression strategy, Trump has shown that he will stop at nothing to maintain his grip on power” and “will not leave office without mass mobilisation and direct action”.

“We’re making plans to be in the streets before the polls even close, ready to adapt and respond to whatever comes our way,” the group writes. “We’re going to make sure Trump leaves.”

Black Lives Matter riots have flared up again. Picture: Gabriella Audi/AFP Source:AFP


It comes as two researchers, Peter Turchin and Jack Goldstone, warn America is on the precipice of a Second Civil War amid rising inequality and social division – and that the 2020 election is the potential “fire-starter” event.

Professor Turchin, an evolutionary anthropologist from the University of Connecticut, and Professor Goldstone, a sociologist from George Mason University, have developed a statistical model that connects inequality with political instability.

They argue that the political stress indicator, or PSI, currently predicts dire problems for the US regardless of the outcome. “If those trends continue after Trump departs, then the risks and the occurrence of violence will likely continue,” Prof Goldstone told BuzzFeed. “I’m worried about that no matter who wins. The social problems are the gasoline. Trump is throwing matches.”

In a recent article published by the Berggruen Institute think tank, the pair dubbed the upcoming period of chaos “the turbulent twenties”.

“Given the Black Lives Matter protests and cascading clashes between competing armed factions in cities across the United States, from Portland, Oregon, to Kenosha, Wisconsin, we are already well on our way there,” they wrote. “But worse likely lies ahead.”

A woman celebrates during the 2005 “Orange Revolution” in Ukraine. Source:AFP


A number of prominent conservatives, meanwhile, have floated theories about an impending “coup” by Democrats. Darren Beattie, a former White House official, believes US intelligence agencies are using the same “playbook” deployed overseas to dislodge President Trump, regardless of the outcome.

Mr Beattie told the New York Post in September there were parallels between the so-called “Colour Revolutions” used to remove authoritarian leaders in Eastern European countries such as Ukraine or Belarus to the “sustained co-ordinated coup against Trump”.

He argues Mr Trump’s failed impeachment, along with co-ordinated street violence by groups like Antifa and Black Lives Matter and the push to mass mail-in voting are part of a well established strategy to “overthrow regimes by peaceful means”.

“It ticks off every single box,” he told the American Priority Conference. “They’re setting up the system for a contested election scenario, creating the very conditions ripe for the Colour Revolution framework.”

He added, “They know, or at least they doubt they can win at the polls, so they want to take the election to the streets and to the courts, and that’s precisely what the mail-in voting ballot issue does – it creates the conditions for a Colour Revolution, for lawfare.”

Joe Biden makes his final pitch to Florida voters. Picture: Jim Watson/AFP Source:AFP


Similarly, another former White House official, Michael Anton, penned a viral column for The American Mind titled “The Coming Coup?”, which argued Democrats were “laying the groundwork for revolution right in front of our eyes”.

The former national security adviser to President Trump highlighted a number of examples, including apparent insubordination from top military brass over the Insurrection Act, and calls by former officers to have the 82nd Airborne Division drag him from the Oval Office.

“The first rule of conspiracy is, you do not talk about the conspiracy. The second rule of conspiracy is, you do not talk about the conspiracy,” Mr Anton wrote.

“So why are the Democrats – publicly – talking about the conspiracy? Because they know that, for it to succeed, it must not look like a conspiracy. They need to plant the idea in the public mind, now, that their unlawful and illegitimate removal of President Trump from office will somehow be his fault.”

There are fears of mass violence on election day. Picture: Olivier Douliery/AFP Source:AFP


As evidence of the alleged coup plotting, Mr Anton and other conservatives have pointed back to “war-gaming” of various election scenarios conducted by a group called the Transition Integrity Project, which released a report in August titled “Preventing a Disrupted Presidential Election and Transition”.

“Planners need to take seriously the notion that this may well be a street fight, not a legal battle – technocratic solutions, courts, and a reliance on elites observing norms are not the answer here,” the group wrote.

“If there is a crisis, events will unfold quickly, and sleep-deprived leaders will be asked to make consequential decisions quickly ... Military and law enforcement leaders need to plan now for these possibilities to avoid becoming unwitting pawns in a partisan battle.”

The report also appeared to explicitly raise the prospect of continued street violence from Antifa and Black Lives Matter to tip the scales after election day. “A show of numbers in the streets – and actions in the streets – may be decisive factors in determining what the public perceives as a just and legitimate outcome,” the report said.

It noted that Democrats would almost certainly rely on mass protests “to demonstrate the public’s commitment to a ‘legitimate’ outcome”, but warned that “racial justice activists and others will likely act independently of the Biden campaign”, which may not be able to “control these actors once mobilised”.

Experts fear the US is heading for a Second Civil War. Source:News Limited Network


As rhetoric on both sides heats up, an online spat has erupted between The New York Times and prominent conservative broadcasters Mark Levin and Dan Bongino, both of whom have amplified claims by the likes of Mr Anton and Mr Beattie.

In an article headlined “Riled Up: Misinformation Stokes Calls for Violence on Election Day”, the newspaper accused the Fox News contributors of circulating “baseless claims ... about a Democrat-led coup, inflaming tensions in an already turbulent election season”.

“This is extremely concerning,” online extremism researcher Megan Squire from Elon University told The New York Times. Professor Squire argued the false rumours were “giving violent vigilantes an excuse” that acting out in real life would be “in defence of democracy”.

The newspaper quoted Trey Grayson, a Republican former secretary of state of Kentucky and a member of the Transition Integrity Project, who said the notion that the it was preparing a left-wing coup was “crazy” and that it had explored many election scenarios, including a Trump victory.

Levin responded by describing the article as a “disgusting hit job”, while Bongino accused author Davey Alba of “inciting violence against me for exposing the left’s calls for a ‘street fight’ after the election and a ‘coup’”.

“This is classic Soviet-style disinformation and Alba should be embarrassed,” he tweeted. “These are genuinely awful human beings without a shred of decency.”

Donald Trump has claimed the election could be ‘rigged’. Picture: Mark Ralston/AFP Source:AFP


As Profs Turchin and Goldstone explain in their piece, there are several outcomes of the election that could “trigger mass violence”.

“If Trump wins narrowly in the electoral college but loses the popular vote by a large margin, there will surely be massive demonstrations protesting the outcome, calling it illegitimate and demanding allegiance to the will of the majority of Americans,” they write.

“If Trump loses, he is likely to contest the outcome as a ‘rigged’ election. But that action will again lead to massive popular protests, this time to insist that the election results be honoured.”

Due to the unprecedented number of mail-in ballots making a clear victor unlikely on election night, both pro and anti-Trump forces will have more time to “claim victory and try to mobilise supporters to demand that their victory be recognised”.

“This is likely to end up with clashes between partisans on both sides,” they write.

But wait, there's more. Since it is Halloween, I have been catching up on my favourite ghost hunter TV shows and YouTube channels.

Huff Paranormal (YT) can best be described as an attempt at techno-spiritism. It is what it is but this guy has been getting very strange messages from beyond - basically warning him of an impending war. This started at the beginning of the year and his family moved to the country within a few months.

Here are some examples. It's all rather unusual, though strangely enticing.

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