Session 13 January 2024

Thank you all involved for conducting and sharing this extra lengthy session. :flowers:

So we can talk to the water in a cup, and also talk to the water in our own body, and in so doing it's another way we can transform ourselves.
An easy way to start with this might be when singing and talking to the Cass crystals to leave the Water crystal in its jar/jug filled with water, so the eventual difference in the taste of that water can be checked/compared afterwards with new refilled water not sang/talked to, and to 'incorporate/include' in the mind the physical self with the Cass crystals as being talked and sang to, to which sensing the vibrations in the body of own voice during the process might be helpful.
Perhaps not yet officially, but unofficially at least in Québec/Canada, some pharmacists recommend keeping certain drugs even if they've passed their expiry date, since they can't be replaced for the time being.

Regarding the expiry date of - the date is looks back to an FDA study from back in the late 70's dealing with the military. This can be looked at below from Harvard Med:

Drug Expiration Dates — Do They Mean Anything?​

August 29, 2020

FDA study gets to the heart of expired medicine and safety​

The big question is, do pills expire? With a splitting headache, you reach into your medicine cabinet for some aspirin or ibuprofen only to find the stamped expiration date on the medicine bottle is more than a year out of date. So, does medicine expire? Do you take it or don't you? If you decide to take the medication, will it be a fatal mistake or will you simply continue to suffer from the headache? And how long is a prescription good for?

This is a dilemma many people face in some way or another. A column published in Psychopharmacology Today offers some advice.

It turns out that the expiration date on a drug does stand for something, but probably not what you think it does. Since a law was passed in 1979, drug manufacturers are required to stamp an expiration date on their products. This is the date at which the manufacturer can still guarantee the full potency and safety of the drug.

Most of what is known about drug expiration dates comes from a study conducted by the Food and Drug Administration at the request of the military. With a large and expensive stockpile of drugs, the military faced tossing out and replacing its drugs every few years. What they found from the study is 90% of more than 100 drugs, both prescription and over-the-counter, were perfectly good to use even 15 years after the expiration date.

So, the expiration date doesn't really indicate a point at which the medication is no longer effective or has become unsafe to use. Medical authorities state if expired medicine is safe to take, even those that expired years ago. A rare exception to this may be tetracycline, but the report on this is controversial among researchers. It's true the effectiveness of a drug may decrease over time, but much of the original potency still remains even a decade after the expiration date. Excluding nitroglycerin, insulin, and liquid antibiotics, most medications are as long-lasting as the ones tested by the military. Placing a medication in a cool place, such as a refrigerator, will help a drug remain potent for many years.

Is the expiration date a marketing ploy by drug manufacturers, to keep you restocking your medicine cabinet and their pockets regularly? You can look at it that way. Or you can also look at it this way: The expiration dates are very conservative to ensure you get everything you paid for. And, really, if a drug manufacturer had to do expiration-date testing for longer periods it would slow their ability to bring you new and improved formulations.

The next time you face the drug expiration date dilemma, consider what you've learned here. If the expiration date passed a few years ago and it's important that your drug is absolutely 100% effective, you might want to consider buying a new bottle. And if you have any questions about the safety or effectiveness of any drug, ask your pharmacist. He or she is a great resource when it comes to getting more information about your medications.
Disturbing views on the human body and its possible components.

What conclusions would we reach if someone really knew the components of human blood and fluids?
What if blood is not what we or scientists think it is.
And what really are the psycho/electrical frequencies.

A truly rich suggestive session. Extremely interesting food for thought
Thank you very much for the session
Well, now when you said it I realised it happens to me also. Also without Ivermectin.
I just thought that's normal. Before sleep for instance, laying in comepletely dark room but you have
beautiful warm glowing light in front your eyes shut, or like in your head.
For few seconds, than you open your eyes - it's dark,
but close again and the glowing is back. I don't know if it is like that for you but it's cozy and nice.

Also if you sneeze or cough in the dark it's like inner explosion of light, like firework.
Once I asked my husband if he sees it but he replyed I'm probably just nuts. :whistle:

Anyway, thanks for the amazing sesssion once more ❤️
For me it is like a lighthouse or searchlight (on and of in an constant frequency).
It awakes curiosity.
In the end of last year, there was an other srange thing that happened to me. It also was when we got to bed, in the moment short after we turned of the lights I could see a lightpettern (tiny dots) that extended and then vanished. (It lasted only a second).
I don't know what that was but for me it was a WOW feeling so strong that I shouted it out and my wife asked why I have done that...
And no it was not a firework, only I was able to see that.
Maya said:
Well, now when you said it I realised it happens to me also. Also without Ivermectin.
I just thought that's normal. Before sleep for instance, laying in comepletely dark room but you have
beautiful warm glowing light in front your eyes shut, or like in your head.
For few seconds, than you open your eyes - it's dark,
but close again and the glowing is back. I don't know if it is like that for you but it's cozy and nice.

Also if you sneeze or cough in the dark it's like inner explosion of light, like firework.
Once I asked my husband if he sees it but he replyed I'm probably just nuts. :whistle:

Anyway, thanks for the amazing sesssion once more ❤️
For me it is like a lighthouse or searchlight (on and of in an constant frequency).
It awakes curiosity.
In the end of last year, there was an other srange thing that happened to me. It also was when we got to bed, in the moment short after we turned of the lights I could see a lightpettern (tiny dots) that extended and then vanished. (It lasted only a second).
I don't know what that was but for me it was a WOW feeling so strong that I shouted it out and my wife asked why I have done that...
And no it was not a firework, only I was able to see that.

I remember this part of a session. Session Date: February 27th 2016
Q: (PoB) Were there fireballs that people said they saw in the location?

A: Probing portals obviously!

Q: (L) So in other words, sometimes some of these balls of light or fire could be like openings or portals that are probing around in our reality?

A: Oh indeed!

Q: (Galatea) Which reminds me... I see like tiny flashes of light in the dark. Is that similar?

A: No

Q: (Galatea) Well, what am I seeing?

A: Phosphenes in the brain.

This is something that has been happening for years with my husband (Bernardo GA), and we found it very curious. Even with our eyes closed. Sometimes they are a kind of "flashes"; others are these "bursts". The strongest one was when I read a book that talked about Julius Caesar without knowing who he really was. In the dark, when we were in opposite positions on the bed, each on his side, we experienced a great flash of light in the darkness as if it were a fireball explosion. We both saw it in unison. This was the strangest thing we had ever experienced. In time we learned the truth about Julius Caesar. Now I have to leave and I don't have time to investigate what this "phosphenes in the brain" thing is. I will look for material later.
A: As yet unknown organic structure throughout the body carrying a different fluid other than blood or lymph that is related to light. Your ancestors glowed and transmitted light and power.

Q: (Joe) Was that related to the veins? They were talking about blue veins or the light coming from them... Wasn't there some session about it?

This was a thing with the Taelons in Earth Final Conflict relating to exertion and/or psychic communication. See Blush.

Interesting the range of sources & traditions that the writers of that show drew from. The aliens also moved their hands into mudra when they talked. Hmm, I see that last time I made a connection to that show was this week a year ago, how funny.
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I remember this part of a session. Session Date: February 27th 2016

This is something that has been happening for years with my husband (Bernardo GA), and we found it very curious. Even with our eyes closed. Sometimes they are a kind of "flashes"; others are these "bursts". The strongest one was when I read a book that talked about Julius Caesar without knowing who he really was. In the dark, when we were in opposite positions on the bed, each on his side, we experienced a great flash of light in the darkness as if it were a fireball explosion. We both saw it in unison. This was the strangest thing we had ever experienced. In time we learned the truth about Julius Caesar. Now I have to leave and I don't have time to investigate what this "phosphenes in the brain" thing is. I will look for material later.
It looks like it is a kind of stimulus (mechanic, electric or magnetic) that happens. So the variant electric and magnetic could be triggert by learning or realisation of something (change of FRV causes change of your electric/magnetic fields).

Phosphene - Wikipedia
It actually makes sense. If 3D is a school, where most of the learning takes place, then in 5D the (in 3D acquired) knowledge can only be reflected upon but not expanded.
Hi Altair. Are you saying that gaining knowledge and learning is just reduced to reflecting and contemplation in 5D? I cannot see where the progress is in that. Unless we already know everything already - which I doubt, unless we have already recycled from 1st to 6th already and have reached 3D again.
If knowledge is something you wish to continue to pursue, which I certainly DO, why would there not be the equivalent of guides or 'halls of learning' etc. Why just contemplate your navel until you reincarnate?

Obviously there is plenty of opportunities to charitably help, and be part of teams for such work, which is always required. Including reviewing your past live, which is also essential for progress.
There is also a choice as to how long you remain in 5D before reincarnating for some people. Not all recycle very quickly. I cannot see that creativity or learning is not expanded upon - or at least I have never heard of that before now.
I think it has to do with the belief center. We've been given some big clues by the C's over the years. One of my favorites; "Remember density refers to conscious awareness only, once one becomes aware, all conforms to that awareness." This is something that continues in 5D. I've been consciously working to expand my awareness while here in 3D so hopefully, I can finish up any lessons still needed at 5D and incarnate next round in 4D. That's my hope anyway. The more you can become aware of now, the greater your access in 5D. OSIT

"disease X" back in 2014.

Once again the timeline surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic has shifted - this time with the revelation that a researcher based in Beijing had already mapped the COVID-19 sequence two weeks before the CCP revealed its details to the world, raising questions over what other critical information China may have obscured from view - and why.

The sequence came from a 65-year-old Chinese deliveryman who was hospitalized with high fever and coughing on Dec. 18, and became critically ill four days later.

According to documents released by the House Energy and Commerce Committee, Ren Lili - a current Beijing-based recipient of US federal grants via US nonprofit group EcoHealth Alliance, uploaded the COVID-19 sequence into an NIH US government genetic database on Dec. 28, 2019 - when Chinese official were still calling the disease an unknown pneumonia, and ordered health workers not to spread any information about the disease or face harsh penalties.

Over two weeks later on Jan. 12, Beijing shared the genetic sequence with the World Health Organization. Two days later, the CCP acknowledged that the disease could spread between humans.

The NIH's GenBank repository to which the sequence was uploaded by Ms. Ren subsequently notified her that the submission was "incomplete" and "lacked the necessary information required for publication," according to the Department of Health and Human Services. Ren - who works at the state-run Institute of Pathogen Biology - was asked by the NIH for more information, but the agency never heard back, resulting in the removal of the sequence from the database on Jan. 16, 2020.

During the same period, GenBank received a near-identical COVID-19 genetic sequence from a different researcher, which was published Jan. 12, 2020, according to a letter released by the Energy and Commerce Committee on Wednesday.

The newly unearthed information points to yet more evidence of the CCP's lack of transparency on the origins of COVID-19.

"This significant discovery further underscores why we cannot trust any of the so-called ‘facts’ or data provided by the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) and calls into serious question the legitimacy of any scientific theories based on such information," said committee chair McMorris Rodgers (R-WA), Subcommittee on Health chair Brett Guthrie (R-KY), and Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations chair Morgan Griffith (R-VA), in a joint letter, the Epoch Times reports.

"The American people deserve to know the truth about the origins of SARS-CoV-2, and our investigation has uncovered numerous causes for concern, including how taxpayers’ dollars are spent, how our government’s public health agencies operate, and the need for more oversight into research grants to foreign scientists."

As the Epoch Times' Eva Fu notes further;

Mike Gallagher (R-Wis.), chairman of the House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party, praised the House committee for the findings and criticized the Biden administration for “lack of interest in understanding the basic facts of how this pandemic originated.” The declassified COVID origin report, compelled by a 2023 law, “obscured more than it illuminated,” and the Energy and Commerce Committee only received information after threatening subpoena, he noted.

The virus genome data that Ms. Ren submitted, the earliest kind known by far, appears to have come from a 65-year-old Chinese deliveryman, who was hospitalized with high fever and coughing on Dec. 18 and became critically ill four days later.

A Chinese microblogger said their private firm in the southern Chinese city Guangzhou had analyzed the virus samples on Dec. 26, 2019. Deeming the findings too sensitive, their company decided to withhold making them public and shared the findings with Ms. Ren’s institute the following day after they pieced a “nearly complete genetic sequence” together.

“In terms of how I see this whole incident, most of all is disappointment, pain, and anger. We had been so timely on this, how come it’s still not under control?” the person wrote on Chinese social media. “It has less to do with science or technology, and more with policy and media.” A Chinese media report citing the incident has been deleted.

Ms. Ren has led the discovery of several emerging viruses in China, including human rhinovirus A21 subvariant, and, like other prominent Chinese virology researchers, has come out in defense of the CCP on the virus origin issue.

In correspondence from September 2021, now published in the medical journal Lancet, Ms. Ren and over a dozen other Chinese medical researchers dismissed the chances that the virus may have leaked from Wuhan Institute of Virology—another EcoHealth subgrantee that had, for years, been working on dangerous bat coronaviruses—demanding instead that the origins of COVID-19 would best be “investigated worldwide.”

Chinese media have lauded her role in isolating and synthesizing the virus genome, citing approving statements from the World Health Organization that lent her credence. Ms. Ren’s work was recognized by the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences—the highest state-level Chinese medical research institute that her research center is affiliated with—as one of 40 “major national medical developments of the year.”

Scrutiny has increased over the lab leak possibility.

Dr. Francis Collins, director of the NIH until late 2021, said in recent closed-door congressional testimony that the theory that COVID-19 could have come out of a lab in Wuhan “is not a conspiracy theory.”

National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases’s former head Dr.
Anthony Fauci made a similar statement when questioned days earlier by the same House panel investigating the COVID pandemic.

"disease X" back in 2014.

Once again the timeline surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic has shifted - this time with the revelation that a researcher based in Beijing had already mapped the COVID-19 sequence two weeks before the CCP revealed its details to the world, raising questions over what other critical information China may have obscured from view - and why.

The sequence came from a 65-year-old Chinese deliveryman who was hospitalized with high fever and coughing on Dec. 18, and became critically ill four days later.

According to documents released by the House Energy and Commerce Committee, Ren Lili - a current Beijing-based recipient of US federal grants via US nonprofit group EcoHealth Alliance, uploaded the COVID-19 sequence into an NIH US government genetic database on Dec. 28, 2019 - when Chinese official were still calling the disease an unknown pneumonia, and ordered health workers not to spread any information about the disease or face harsh penalties.

Over two weeks later on Jan. 12, Beijing shared the genetic sequence with the World Health Organization. Two days later, the CCP acknowledged that the disease could spread between humans.

The NIH's GenBank repository to which the sequence was uploaded by Ms. Ren subsequently notified her that the submission was "incomplete" and "lacked the necessary information required for publication," according to the Department of Health and Human Services. Ren - who works at the state-run Institute of Pathogen Biology - was asked by the NIH for more information, but the agency never heard back, resulting in the removal of the sequence from the database on Jan. 16, 2020.

During the same period, GenBank received a near-identical COVID-19 genetic sequence from a different researcher, which was published Jan. 12, 2020, according to a letter released by the Energy and Commerce Committee on Wednesday.

The newly unearthed information points to yet more evidence of the CCP's lack of transparency on the origins of COVID-19.

"This significant discovery further underscores why we cannot trust any of the so-called ‘facts’ or data provided by the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) and calls into serious question the legitimacy of any scientific theories based on such information," said committee chair McMorris Rodgers (R-WA), Subcommittee on Health chair Brett Guthrie (R-KY), and Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations chair Morgan Griffith (R-VA), in a joint letter, the Epoch Times reports.

"The American people deserve to know the truth about the origins of SARS-CoV-2, and our investigation has uncovered numerous causes for concern, including how taxpayers’ dollars are spent, how our government’s public health agencies operate, and the need for more oversight into research grants to foreign scientists."

As the Epoch Times' Eva Fu notes further;

Mike Gallagher (R-Wis.), chairman of the House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party, praised the House committee for the findings and criticized the Biden administration for “lack of interest in understanding the basic facts of how this pandemic originated.” The declassified COVID origin report, compelled by a 2023 law, “obscured more than it illuminated,” and the Energy and Commerce Committee only received information after threatening subpoena, he noted.

The virus genome data that Ms. Ren submitted, the earliest kind known by far, appears to have come from a 65-year-old Chinese deliveryman, who was hospitalized with high fever and coughing on Dec. 18 and became critically ill four days later.

A Chinese microblogger said their private firm in the southern Chinese city Guangzhou had analyzed the virus samples on Dec. 26, 2019. Deeming the findings too sensitive, their company decided to withhold making them public and shared the findings with Ms. Ren’s institute the following day after they pieced a “nearly complete genetic sequence” together.

“In terms of how I see this whole incident, most of all is disappointment, pain, and anger. We had been so timely on this, how come it’s still not under control?” the person wrote on Chinese social media. “It has less to do with science or technology, and more with policy and media.” A Chinese media report citing the incident has been deleted.

Ms. Ren has led the discovery of several emerging viruses in China, including human rhinovirus A21 subvariant, and, like other prominent Chinese virology researchers, has come out in defense of the CCP on the virus origin issue.

In correspondence from September 2021, now published in the medical journal Lancet, Ms. Ren and over a dozen other Chinese medical researchers dismissed the chances that the virus may have leaked from Wuhan Institute of Virology—another EcoHealth subgrantee that had, for years, been working on dangerous bat coronaviruses—demanding instead that the origins of COVID-19 would best be “investigated worldwide.”

Chinese media have lauded her role in isolating and synthesizing the virus genome, citing approving statements from the World Health Organization that lent her credence. Ms. Ren’s work was recognized by the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences—the highest state-level Chinese medical research institute that her research center is affiliated with—as one of 40 “major national medical developments of the year.”

Scrutiny has increased over the lab leak possibility.

Dr. Francis Collins, director of the NIH until late 2021, said in recent closed-door congressional testimony that the theory that COVID-19 could have come out of a lab in Wuhan “is not a conspiracy theory.”

National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases’s former head Dr.
Anthony Fauci made a similar statement when questioned days earlier by the same House panel investigating the COVID pandemic.

Haven't we already established that the virus came from Fort Detrick, and was spread to Wuhan during the military games? Both from the C's and Pierre's article?

A: The virus did not appear first in China. There were experiments at Fort Detrick regarding the creation of a vaccine that would make humans more controllable. This vaccine had unexpected effects and in some cases did the opposite of what was intended. The strain escaped into a population and further mutated. Indeed it was carried to China by US soldiers. China soon knew the type and origin and launched a massive campaign to control the situation. This was seen by Western powers as a good model to follow with additional add-on factors. In the meantime further mutations have occurred, some engineered via STO forces by virtue of the virus taking hold in certain persons whose spiritual force was able to direct the progression. At this point, there are two major strains. The elite need to stop the spread of that which they "created".

Hi Altair. Are you saying that gaining knowledge and learning is just reduced to reflecting and contemplation in 5D? I cannot see where the progress is in that. Unless we already know everything already - which I doubt, unless we have already recycled from 1st to 6th already and have reached 3D again.
If knowledge is something you wish to continue to pursue, which I certainly DO, why would there not be the equivalent of guides or 'halls of learning' etc. Why just contemplate your navel until you reincarnate?

Obviously there is plenty of opportunities to charitably help, and be part of teams for such work, which is always required. Including reviewing your past live, which is also essential for progress.
There is also a choice as to how long you remain in 5D before reincarnating for some people. Not all recycle very quickly. I cannot see that creativity or learning is not expanded upon - or at least I have never heard of that before now.
What I meant is that at this stage (of the cycle) at least for humans on Earth most of the learning seems to be designed to take place on the 3D Earth implying that most of the progress or the fastest progress can be achieved only on the 3D Earth.
Amazing session to start the year off! Thank you so much Laura & crew.

A lot of things to look forward to that I hope will wake even more people up, especially if they’re going to do something similar with this new disease like covid. In my area, I have been noticing a slight increase in power outages, etc. To me this is pointing out the deteriorating conditions around my area and to an extension the city, state, and country. I’m not surprised about “disease x” as the us election is later on this year which could be a sort of marker for the release ( like the Olympics for example).

I hope we all push through these difficult times and get to see what’s next. Thank you Laura & crew and every one in the forum and Fotcm!
Is anyone else noticing power outages. We have had two in the last two days. Usually they warn us of any outage in advance but nothing for these two. Yesterdays was over 9 hours and today it is just back on after 2 hours.
Coincidently I was on X just before the outage and saw a post saying the electric had just been restored to the main hospital in Nicosia. I could not find the reason for that one so far. And they are on a different grid to us.
Just wondering if we are being 'primed' for such emf storms? But no explanations.
It looks like it is a kind of stimulus (mechanic, electric or magnetic) that happens. So the variant electric and magnetic could be triggert by learning or realisation of something (change of FRV causes change of your electric/magnetic fields).

I find what you said particularly interesting, and it coincides perfectly with what I have observed:
For some time now, maybe two years, maybe more, I don't know exactly, both my wife and I started to see a little light, which appears for a second and then disappears.
This is not the same case she mentioned above, but it is related.
This little light appears independently for both her and me.
This has been so frequent that I have been able to tell when it appears.
Whenever it appears, it is when one is deepening in some reasoning or thought, and is realizing something transcendent, or is organizing and ordering ideas, and manages to connect some pieces correctly.
This can happen either during a conversation, or being alone (although being alone doesn't seem to me to exist).
Sometimes this little light gets bigger, and it's like a flash.
I must point out, that for this phenomenon of the little lights, it is not that it has to be dark.
It happens in broad daylight, or with artificial light, it is the same thing.
Also, like you and Maya, I have not yet taken ivermectin (for now), and many times when I go to sleep at night, with the lights off, I close my eyes, and after a while I start to doubt if I have my eyes closed or if I forgot to do it. Then, I test if I can open them, and indeed I do open them, noticing all the darkness in the room. Sometimes I stay for a while opening and closing my eyes. Sometimes I stay for a while opening and closing my eyes, because it is fun to see the inverted effect of light and dark when you open and close your eyes.:umm:
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