Session 13 January 2024

Also, like you and Maya, I have not yet taken ivermectin (for now), and many times when I go to sleep at night, with the lights off, I close my eyes, and after a while I start to doubt if I have my eyes closed or if I forgot to do it. Then, I test if I can open them, and indeed I do open them, noticing all the darkness in the room. Sometimes I stay for a while opening and closing my eyes. Sometimes I stay for a while opening and closing my eyes, because it is fun to see the inverted effect of light and dark when you open and close your eyes.:umm:
That's exactly like that. Like you have light on in your head.

It is probably a perception through the Third Eye. I also often see a kind of small ball or vortex of white energy in the center of my vision in the dark and sometimes with closed eyes. The sense I get is that it is some type of higher vibrating energy.

When focusing on the Third Eye itself, I often see many blue dots and then yellow dots in a circular pattern. And lately when I rub my closed eyes, there is also sometimes a kind of strong light in front of my closed eyes.

I sincerely do not dare to think it's the 3rd eye yet :lol: lol
What I meant is that at this stage (of the cycle) at least for humans on Earth most of the learning seems to be designed to take place on the 3D Earth implying that most of the progress or the fastest progress can be achieved only on the 3D Earth.
Yes there is the long cycle, which is is for those who remain in 5D for whatever reason as they do not get the physical experience there which dramatically aids the learning process.
The the short cycle of 3D physicality speeds up our learning process due to the many different physical/emotional/suffering elements. Also the fact that we have much 'interference' here from 4DSTS, psychopaths, narcissists, environmental catastrophes, war, weather - many things that shape our souls, thus our relationships, and hopefully, with the right intent, our connection to the Divine and our inner development.
Thank you for the session!

I had no idea that others had experienced visual side effects related to light when taking ivermectin.

I briefly experimented with taking ivermectin earlier this year, but I started waking up in the mornings with this really weird light effect with my vision. Basically, you know how when you close your eyes, it’s dark? Well, for about 6hrs after waking, my vision would be bright. When I closed my eyes, it wasn’t dark, but light instead. So I stopped taking it.

Thinking about the C’s answer, the day of the session, me and @KSee went to visit my grandmother. Earlier in the day, she’d had a visit from her great-great-nephew who has been doing our family tree on my grandmother’s mother’s side.

As I was looking through the research he’d done, I found that this line of ours goes back to the Percys and Plantagenets. The first thing I thought was, “Wait, does that mean I’m related to Laura?”

Whilst driving home, I got to thinking about what the C’s said about bloodlines and parasites:

I always understood this to mean that those of, say, shamanic lineage or with those genes or DNA or whatever ended up with the parasites which suppressed their abilities. Laura has said that in her opinion, alchemy is the process of activating DNA that can link one with hyperdimensions and/or give one hyperdimensional abilities. The C’s also said once that cleansing oneself of parasites should be the first order of business for those wishing to do the Work.

So all of that was fresh in my mind during the session, and then the ivermectin question came up. So I’m thinking that the mechanism behind the DNA changes effected by taking the ivermectin is that the ivermectin kills the parasites that somehow act to prevent the activation of the DNA that is associated with hyperdimensional linkage or abilities.

Hello, thank you for this new session, it is the first time that I am taking ivermectin, it is time to deworm my body.

I would like to know the dose they use, yesterday I took two 6mg pills.

At night something strange happened to me, while I was sleeping I started hearing a sound like digital processes, like an old hard drive working or something similar, when I was completely awake this sound went away, I looked around to see if it was some sound from the cell phone or computer and I saw that the electronic devices were in another room, maybe it was part of the dream but I'm telling it in case someone else had a similar experience.
I know what you're talking about. And I know some examples of cruelty and strange social structure in certain tribes. I do not consider ancient people and their way of life ideal. When I talk about Indians, I generalize a little and select the phenomena I talk about.

My interest is aimed at finding the “natural” and “instilled” characteristics of a person. Or the characteristics of his worldview. And I understand perfectly well that in different circumstances people behave in diametrically opposite ways.

And it turns out that even Cassiopeia suggests that pre-agrarian societies had some special characteristics. Something valuable that we have lost. This is an important additional pointer for me.

Native North American Culture, History and Archaeology hasn't been represented based on primary source records from before 1850. Much of what was constructed and taught to North Americans as well as Europeans was romanticized after the fact. Primarily our most reliable sources of what native cultures believed and practiced at contact with Europeans are in the Jesuit Relations as well as early fur trade and explorer accounts. If your first language isn't English or French using a machine translator probably can't get these texts close enough to make sense of the context of of the 17th and 18th century North America World.

I think the best introduction to the geopolitical landscape of of the 17th century in North America is to start with what we were taught were The Beaver Wars. But which has since been named The Iroquois Wars. Most of the events that follow form American and Canadian History regarding the role of native peoples starts here.

In terms of capturing the cultural and worldview beliefs, Henry Schoolcraft offers a vast array of reports and observations that have held up to this day. In a way, he captured and curated many native North American belief systems as well as their day to day life before full "westernization" occurrede in the late 19th century.

In terms of the esoteric, as @iamthatis mentioned above, there is without a doubt a long history in North America before Europeans arrived of secret society control. What also should be mentioned is that there were warring secret societies. Both sides used the same tools which were most likely some kind of Mound technology and the Shaking Tent. It's not really clear in the accounts as to who's on the dark side, and who's not. But there are some great tales of heroes who use skill and morality to defeat cannibals and giants.

I'm not sure if these videos will auto-translate the subtitles (hopefully), but they are entertaining and well-researched introductions to the "hyper-dimensional" world of native North American's through the eyes of the fur trader. The Shaking Tent ceremony is integral in directing the choices of northern groups before 1930. There is a federal law prohibiting it in Canada to this day.

Wow. Where in NYC is this sewer access point?
Here: Alligator (Tom Otterness, 1995) · 2 MetroTech Center, Brooklyn, NY 11201, Vereinigte Staaten

From what I've read, it's connected to the myth of alligators in NY sewers.

The statue is a weird depiction anyway... It looks to me like the legend was an excuse to depict something else. Notice that the child's head is a money bag - child trafficking comes to mind.
That being said, the way I understand it, an expiry date on a medicine refers to the approximate date when that drug has lost more than 5% of its potency, which renders it below the minimum efficacious threshold in medical terms. The drug doesn't suddenly become ineffective or turn poisonous, and can still be up to 95% effective or less, gradually decreasing over time, which means they can be safely used for years after the printed expiry date.

So, with that in mind, it's best to save all your medicines regardless of the expiry date, as they will likely work well enough and may prove to be quite valuable in the future when more and more shortages start to appear.
I have no problem with taking beyond expiration date meds. I have done so for years with no obvious ill effects. Meds are so expensive these days. I do the same for my cats regarding the standard analgesic/anti-inflammatory medication which costs an arm and a leg from the vets.
Thank you for the wonderful session.
Q: (seek10) C's mentioned that, "Islam is the miscegenation of the worst of both Judaism and Christianity." There is a strong black and white thinking in Muslims, particularly in countries where they are a minority, including current European migrants that follow Muslim canon law that divides the world into two camps, Dar-ul-Islam (abode of Islam) and Dar-ul-Harb (abode of war) at their own peril. How is this psychology sustained so strongly even in this age of technology? Is it related to rigid practice of prayers or is there more to it?

A: Don't really need much more than intensive familial and social programming. Also, there is the circumcision during pubertal imprint point.

Q: (L) Do Muslims do circumcision at like puberty or something later?

(Joe) Later. 13, yeah.

(L) 13. Anybody know for sure? Yeah?

(Joe) Yeah.

(L) All right then. I guess the experience that a guy has when he's coming of age, kind of so to speak, you can really really have an impact. I mean, it's not just infancy. I guess puberty is a time of imprint too. All right, Temperance:
I think, this is a fascinating answer that resolved some very interesting data points in the history of Hindu Muslim conflict (in India), which no body has clear answer.
  • Muslims ruled India for a long time. (from 1000's to occasionally until 1200's), made their home from 1300's to early 1700's. Obviously, they tried to wipe out other priests ( Buddhism in total, Brahmanism in part) as per their monotheistic practices of the time.
  • But, Those who looked for origins of modern day Hindu Muslim conflicts strangely narrowed down to 1880's in British period. These authors included B.R Ambedkar, Jawaharlal Nehru, M.J. Akbar etc. If Muslims ruled for so long, they must have superiority feeling over "Hindus" and it must have continued during British rule too and must have contributed for major communal violence. But that seems to be NOT the case in any major way. Sequence of events are also documented.
    • Congress Party is formed by retired British civil servant name Allan Octavian Hume for better British governance of India in 1883, not for Indian independence. It is M.K. Gandhi who took Independence movement to masses under the umbrella of the party in a big way 35 years later and the party happen to rule most of the post-independence period.
In 1883, Allan Octavian Hume, a retired British Civil Servant also known for his pro-Indian activities, outlined his idea for a body representing Indian interests in an open letter to graduates of the University of Calcutta. The aim was to obtain a greater share in government for educated Indians and to create a platform for civic and political dialogue between them and the British Raj. Hume initiated contact with prominent leaders in India and conducted the first session of the Indian National Congress at Gokuldas Tejpal Sanskrit College in Bombay from December 28 to 31, 1885
  • The British reaction to this creation of Congress Party is pumping of Muslims as a means to divide Muslim and Hindu, gave lot of privileges (now a days called "affirmative action" in the West, even in election with a pretext that Minority Muslims will be suppressed under majority Hindus ).
    • This is also understandable given that Hindu Muslim Unity in 1857 soldier rebellion that hurt the finances of East India company and British politics of the day forced them to transfer the control of the land from "company to Crown" to put an end to the embarrassing charade of Company ruling on the behalf of Crown. All this land is acquired by the means of "fifth columns" (as per Nehru). The "Crown" ruled with the same old heads and tactics and company PR is what is marketed as the "uncivilized natives" that needs ruling, the narration(aka "wisdom") still rules to this day. Of course, they are not going to say it is India's suffering/misery that propelled British from 3rd rate empire to first class empire. That plunder is channeled into conquering of their rest of their lands.
That is origin of communal violence of modern day India's Hindu Muslim conflict. In order to control Muslims, they did split Bengal and so on that killed millions and pumped Muslim league controlled Mohmmad Ali Jinnah and its separation from main land that itself created .5 to 1.5 million deaths and more suffering.

So the obvious question is how do one can switch on a trigger of antagonism so suddenly? The forefathers of current ruling Modi's BJP is "Hindu Mahaasabha", which is formed to counter Muslim fundamentalist violence. So they will show Muslims are aggressors from the beginning, but the data shows some thing different. In any dynastic rule, there will be good guys and bad guys according one's own "lense", that can be promoted by future generation according to their needs.

I know Muslim also do circumcision at a later years, but didn't considered it due to the timing of the process. I never heard of pubertal imprint point. This is makes sense. After all these years of suffering, why can't every body get along even if 80% of Hindus are secular, don't care origin of the gods. Heck, getting along doesn't happen in this world.

Imagine the other use cases and effects of this Pubertal imprint on the current generation - either through this gender nonsense, PTB promoted other agendas promoted through media.
Yesterday, in the morning before the world begins it's race to god knows where..I had this dream, on one side was a a somewhat image, pointing a gun into what I interpreted as a parking lot. of much more than what it displayed, it was some entity held a beam and it showed the the light of many people as golden orbs It was demonstrated as a parking lot in cars, around the world as golden orbs.

The right was a screen from from a pay terminal, asking validation of payment, I thought the payment, which was for support of Palestine In Ham Younis (apologies of the spelling) for fifty dollars, which in reality I don't have money to give away. I saw, a cable which I recognized in my mind as an Ethernet cable, suddenly appear connected, to this black box prompting me to pay, I voiced I did not recognize it, did not want to pay and the display faded.

So my interpretation, there are many lights of force in this world, blue or gold that are fighting for truth, reality and justice as for the Ethernet cable, a demonstration of 4D manipulation and mind control.

Apologies for my absence from participation in the forum, family and health issues.
What a dream! And don't apologise for your lack of participation on the forum, you just do your best and know we are here to help you and listen to you if you need it.
(irjO) Was it, as Graham Hancock suggests, that hunter-gatherers lived inland, and the "advanced" civilization(s) lived almost exclusively on the coastlines which were submerged?

A: Close.
@irjO, Do we know which book or article Graham Hacock suggests "gatherers lived inland, and the "advanced" civilization(s) lived almost coastlines". I want to see what data points he used to come to that conclusion.

This is interesting in the context of mythical Sunken city of "Dwaraka" a Western coast of India that is associated with legend of Hindu god "Krishna" and there is some claim to be 10,000 years old.

Q: (seek10) C's mentioned three destruction events for Atlantis. So does Edgar Cayce. 'Cayce Atlantis' book suggests three destruction event years are around 50K BCE, 28K BCE, and 10K BCE. C's already confirmed the last one is close to 8498 BCE (10 December 1994 session). Are the first two destruction years Cayce suggested, correct?

A: Close

Q: (seek10) If not, what are the approximate correct years?

A: Within 2K years of expressed date.
This is interesting.
Q: (seek10) What is the destruction event and approximate year that made the Paranthas go extinct?

A: 50KYA War.
This raises more interesting questions. Now a days we expect "sampson option" when nuclear capable nations fight and both get wiped out. In this case, C's say 50% of the land, it was not clear 50% of India or the world.
  • If it is in India alone, we can surmise, Kantek descendants has the nuclear capabilities, local Indian Paranthas don't have. May be they have, little slow to react.
  • Given that it is the first destruction event of the Atlantis civilization, probably it is "sampson option" event that happened?
We don't have enough data to makeup our minds.

(seek10) When did Indian plate get connected to Eurasian plate? Is it 70K years ago or after that?

A: Close enough.
This confirms whenever major geographical plate reorientation happens on the planet, there has to be some 4D switch( even if it is temporarily) where lithosphere becomes malleable.
@irjO, Do we know which book or article Graham Hacock suggests "gatherers lived inland, and the "advanced" civilization(s) lived almost coastlines". I want to see what data points he used to come to that conclusion.

This was suggested by Approaching Infinity to me at the moment of fixing the question, however, I do recall in one of the Joe Rogan podcast’s video where G. Hancock was a guest, that he suspects that most of the very advanced cities and civilization must have had develop on coast areas as a the reason of why we can’t find like mega cities or huge structures from previous civilization, and the fact the there is proof of megalithic sites off coast underwater in the Indian Ocean or the Caribbean Sea for example
This was suggested by Approaching Infinity to me at the moment of fixing the question, however, I do recall in one of the Joe Rogan podcast’s video where G. Hancock was a guest, that he suspects that most of the very advanced cities and civilization must have had develop on coast areas as a the reason of why we can’t find like mega cities or huge structures from previous civilization, and the fact the there is proof of megalithic sites off coast underwater in the Indian Ocean or the Caribbean Sea for example
Thank you. I will check that interview. I wonder what type of practical necessity that made them stick to coastline. In theory, Coastlines are vulnerable for ocean currents and hurricanes etc.

Most probably, it has to do something to do with their technology. In the colonial era, cities on the coastline made sense for trade and most of the trade happened over sea and whoever controlled sea was the boss.

For Atlanteans with their fantastic transport capabilities, that shouldn't be big issue. As per C's their currency is "Energy accumulation". May be it is related to pyramids in the ocean as Ocean space is large. May be it is related to their EM grid too.
Thank you. I will check that interview. I wonder what type of practical necessity that made them stick to coastline. In theory, Coastlines are vulnerable for ocean currents and hurricanes etc.

Most probably, it has to do something to do with their technology. In the colonial era, cities on the coastline made sense for trade and most of the trade happened over sea and whoever controlled sea was the boss.

For Atlanteans with their fantastic transport capabilities, that shouldn't be big issue. As per C's their currency is "Energy accumulation". May be it is related to pyramids in the ocean as Ocean space is large. May be it is related to their EM grid too.
I believe it was in interviews, maybe also in his America Before book. But one of the arguments I'm pretty sure he's made is that civilizations tend to always congregate by coastlines and major sources of water. And there is so much land that is now underwater that if they were occupied, it's understandable that there aren't that many available remains on land today.
cities on the coastline made sense for trade and most of the trade happened over sea and whoever controlled sea was the boss.
Fwiw… this seems to me to be a significant reason for coastal dwelling. There seems to be a good bit of evidence of oceanic crossing and trading going back millennia. I recall the pottery found in South America that had cuneiform writing on it, the purported evidence of Egyptian artifacts in the Grand Canyon.

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