Session 13 January 2024

And I know I have a long way to go. But in lack of knowing how to "give back" fully I find myself grasping for something, no matter how small, otherwise I fall into the trap of taking; consuming. Giving nothing in return.

Hi Pearce. I'm glad to hear that you feel the need to help in any way you can to help others.
I just want to tell you not to let the anxiety of doing that get the better of you.
It is true that doing a practical task, or activity that is tangible or identifiable to others, and easily recognizable as a service, is a good and important thing to do, for a variety of reasons.
However, that is not the only important thing.
It is always good to remember that by the mere fact of applying the knowledge acquired so far, we are already helping those around us and ourselves.
Applying "external consideration" in our interactions, for example, has an enormous impact on our environment and therefore on the world.
I don't know if what I am saying will help you to reduce your worries, but I wish it would.
I know the feelings you are going through, and at least in my case, reflecting and/or thinking in that direction, has helped me a lot to slow down, adapting little by little to the rhythm of the Soul.
As far as I can see you are doing very well, because you are cautious and have asked for guidance regarding Reiki, which is a very delicate matter. Surely others here will help you with that information.
Good luck with that.
I'm curious, again now as I've been in the past, I've always held an unshakable interest in Reiki as an available pathway to help trasnduce energy into this realm, but @Laura's warnings about the current state of Reiki have had me hesitant about providing the "wrong" approach to people. Is there any advice other than the warnings about pursuing this type of modality? I'm located in Texas, and I'm curious if anyone knows of a reliable source of continuing education around Reiki that isn't corrupted?

You could search around for someone who is trained in Usui Reiki. There's this thread, too:

Hybrids are being created, she says because humans have the birthright to Earth, and these ETs want the planet, so they are trying to "become" us through interbreeding and eventually replace us. They need to inherit our birthright. Hybrids are said to be underground waiting to take over.

This is interesting as I was contemplating why the C's used the word, amalgamation, as being more accurate than 'takeover' when it came to the 'alien invasion.' We have from Castaneda the idea that, "they gave us their minds." Also from the C's, that they hope to overtake us once in 4D. I was therefore toying with the idea that they are somehow attempting to merge with us. So, that's why I find that particular statement interesting. FWIW
Q: (L) So the ancestors of the Russians and the Celtic peoples were the same?

A: Yes

Q: (seek10) C's mentioned 4D STS aim is to eliminate 'True Semites' before the transition. Is the current and recent past Palestinian resistance to Israel the result of "True Semitic" gene type?

A: Partly in so far as any of them carry it.

Q: (L) Are you saying that Palestinians may not be Semitic, or only partly Semitic?

A: Yes

Q: (L) I think we once established that the Semites were something quite different from what we call them today, so that we can't necessarily say that Palestinians are Semitic, or even that the Jews are Semitic.

(Joe) Is there a significant concentration of people anywhere in the world that carries that Semitic gene that they're talking about?

A: Yes.

(Gaby) Where?

(Niall) Or who?

A: Russia.

Q: (Joe) Not your average "Semites"...

(seek10) The current War seems to be focused in Middle East. Do they have other plans for "True Semites" in other regions like in West or East other than vaccine framework?

A: Review knowledge and re-ask in different form.

Q: (L) Well, let me ask this: Are there a lot of people in Iraq and Iran who are part of this true Semitic type?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And that would be one of the reasons why they're focused on ultimately fighting... why they went into Iraq and started the whole thing there. And then ultimately wanting to fight a war with Iran, and constantly wanting to fight a war with Russia...

(Niall) Through Ukraine....

(L )...and just bleed Russia dry. That's part of the whole thing. Is that it?
This is making me think more on the situation in Israel. Previously, I was under the impression that Israel, being Semitic, was being manipulated to bring about the Semitic peoples’ own demise by our 4D handlers. Now with the knowledge that Russia is closer to the true Semite, how does that factor into the history of Jews being manipulated and influenced by 4D sts?
I’m aware that Israel had a large number of Russian Jews move there after its creation, however I can’t see how the actions of Israel will bring about more than than the destruction of Israelis and possibly Semites in the Middle East if the war expands.

Is the thousands years of meddling in Jewish history just a literal 4D chess move to have them play the role of belligerents to spark a conflict with Russia and other semites under the guise of religion zeal? I could be overthinking but it’s something to ponder.
Thank you very much for the session. Although I read it closer to the D day, I though I would read all the interesting feedback before writing but you really all surprised me with such a long interesting thread. I am still reading, still taking things in...
Thank you all, take good care of yourself for the coming weeks.
Q: (L) So the reason they're concerned or interested is because nukes can break dimensional barriers?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And those barriers can be not just between horizontal dimensions, but between densities?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And also is it true that that energy can go into those other densities or dimensions and cause damage there?

A: Yes
Great Session, Thanks!

When a nuke explode, it creates a "mini sun" like ball of energy (not fire); C's said that all stars are portals and planets are windows, something like that, so the point is: When a nuke explodes maybe it opens a portal for a time, like a "mini sun", and that mess with other realms and let things enter in ours.

Just a thought.
Thanks for sharing the interview, she's a good speaker.

I liked her focus on two main positive points - (1) that there is a higher power that one can tap into in order to defend against abduction phenomena and (2) that we are not alone in this, we always have each other so long as we reach out and connect.
We watched the first interview of Karin Wilkinson yesterday. First, I want to say that she does sound sincere and genuine to me. As you can imagine her story is quite disturbing, but it does confirm a lot of info from the Cs and other sources. It was hopeful as well, since she claims that since she 'remembered' her bond to the Creator after a near death experience, she realized it was the same Creator of the aliens and so she refused to be allowed to be abducted any more, and apparently from that point on they left her alone after being regularly abducted since childhood.

I'm not sure what it was exactly that worked for her - if it was the prayer or grace; or the realization that since 'we are all children of God' so to speak, she had the right to refuse; or that her new spiritual perspective took her out of a victim/Stockholm syndrome mentality, or all of the above. The Cs did say that prayers helped and resisting also discourages the critters, as well as knowledge, so there's that.

Anyway, the things she talks about are not something one enjoys being reminded of, but I think it's healthy to do so once in a while because it puts things in perspective. I mean, the information and its implications are like the darkest of dark secrets regarding the human condition, and if we can hold that very real probability in our consciousness, then I'd say we are as ready as we will ever be for anything coming our way. What a time to be alive, what a world to be living in.
On the 31st of December (after listening to New Year's EVE Toast), I took a dose of Ivermectin.

Three nights ago, I went to bed with my eyes closed and wearing a watch cap (a.k.a. in a pitch-black environment).

As I started to nod off, there was a massive flash of light like a meteor burst, which startled me, but now I realized that the event had a positive impact. Big hugs to all,:hug2: and thanks for the great news.
I have visual light phenomena sometimes.
A couple of times a year, I see something like flashes of phosphenes before going to bed in absolute darkness with my eyes closed.

In December, I caught Covid (after contact with the patient, it is confirmed by tests). There were no respiratory symptoms and fever, only severe headache and weakness. And also unusual difficult-to-describe vision problems: light and darkness slowly replaced each other. AndrewMn, our son, mom, and nephew, who were ill before, had similar symptoms. Some of them even went to an ophthalmologist, who did not find anything dangerous in the state of the eye structures. Gradually, everything passed.

And about ten days ago, I received a stroboscopic effect after applying ivermectin in my usual dose of 10 mg. It was unexpected and different from all previous experiences. At first, I saw a stroboscopic blinking with my eyes closed in the evening. I thought that the flashing of a garland was imprinted on my retina, which was really in another room and was turned off at that moment. But the second time was even more amazing. A couple of days later, in the evening, I went into the bathroom, closed the door and I saw stroboscopic white-yellow circles on the periphery of my vision with my eyes open. This is just crazy! 😵‍💫I rolled my eyes, turned my head in all directions, but it didn't go away for about 20 seconds, and then suddenly everything returned to normal.

У меня случаются зрительные световые явления иногда.
Пару раз в год я вижу что-то подобное вспышкам фосфенов перед сном в абсолютной тьме с закрытыми глазами.

В декабре я подхватила ковид. Не было никаких респираторных симптомов и температуры, только сильная головная боль и слабость. А еще необычные трудноописуемые проблемы со зрением: свет и тьма медленно сменяли друг друга . Похожие симптомы были у Эндрю, нашего сына, мамы и племянника, которые болели раньше. Некоторые из них даже сходили к офтальмологу, который ничего опасного в состоянии структур глаз не обнаружил. Постепенно все прошло.

И вот около десяти дней назад я получила стробоскопический эффект после применения ивермектина в обычной для меня дозе 10 мг. Это было неожиданно и отличалось от всех предыдущих опытов. Сперва я увидела стробоскопическое мигание с закрытыми глазами вечером. Я подумала, что на моей сетчатке запечатлелось мигание гирлянды, которая правда находилась в другой комнате и была в тот момент выключена. Но второй раз было еще более удивительно. Через пару дней вечером я зашла в ванную комнату, закрыла дверь и я увидела стробоскопические бело-желтые круги по переферии моего зрения с открытыми глазами. Это просто сумасшествие! Я выпучила глаза, крутила головой во все стороны, но это не проходило примерно 20 секунд, а потом вдруг все вернулось в норму.
(irjO) Yeah, I think those, if I'm correct, those are the ones that are perfectly crafted. There are like three of them in India. They are really perfectly crafted and there's no way with our technology that we've done that. That's it. That's the only thing that I know.

A: Made by 4D STS to receive human worship directly.

Q: (Joe) Is the word "worship" there a euphemism?

A: No.
The timing of Barabar caves are attributed to Mauryan emperor Ashoka's period (261 BC) because of some inscriptions of his time. This appropriation of the old monuments by the emperors is nothing new. But unfortunately it is hard to prove the dates.
Dating the Caves
Helpfully, some of the caves share an inscription from Emperor Ashoka. The caves of Visvakarma and Sudama are dedicated to the Ajivkas in the twelfth year of his reign during his conversion to Buddhism.

It is then suspected that he built the other caves though this is much harder to prove. Karna Chaupar is recorded as being in the nineteenth year of his reign. This cave may have been dedicated to the Buddhists, but another translator also claims that this was dedicated to the Ajivikas.

Interestingly, despite the Lomas Rishi not having an inscription, its architecture reflects more of a Buddhist style. It is thought that this cave was a reference for a Chaitya arch which is a room similar to a temple or prayer hall most commonly associated with Buddhism.

One of the most interesting aspects of the caves is the polished walls of the extremely hard granite structures. Elsewhere in Maurya society, this skill is shown in sculptures and pillars.

However, this level of skill and technology is not seen anywhere else in this period on this scale. Some historians have argued that the precision and accuracy of these caves, surpass even the finest Greek buildings that exist throughout the ancient world.
If Barabar caves are done by 4D STS what about Lot complex structures at Ajanta and Ellora caves which contains monuments of Buddhists and Hindus?.
It is suggested Initial Hindu Idol's are from Buddhists of Mauryan period (around 322 to 185 BC.) who supposed to have built The Buddhas of Bamiyan in modern day Afghanistan (that was part of Mauryan empire of the time). In Vedic religion, there is no idol worship. I think finger prints like this goes different directions.
  • It was well documented that Founder of Mauryan empire Chandragupta Maurya met Alexander the great when he was young and inspired by him. As per C's, alexander was manipulated not to invade India. Few years or decades later, Mauryan empire started over previous Gupta Empire.
(seek10) Is it true that UFOs (great flying silvery shining shields) influenced Alexander the Great's world conquest? The siege of Tyre and his decision to not invade India?

A: Yes, Alexander was manipulated.
This ties into one of my previous question. Thought process at that time is this.

If current Hinduism is from Vedic religion of the invaded/migrated Kurgan Aryans ( 2nd Millennium BCE) and they don't have idol worship and the necessity of to come from some where else. That is from locals (remnants of Indus Valley Civilization+ other locals) though Brahminism borrowed the initial idol worship from Buddhism. That leads to cause of the "vulnerability" of the locals (that can be traced to current Ram Temple saga.)

(seek10) The C’s mentioned gypsies are gene spliced with an alien race, humanoid and Atlantean drone workers. Did this happen in the Indus Valley civilization region and period?

A: No, it was much earlier. Refugees migrated there.

(seek10) If the Indus Valley civilization peoples are into genetic modification, is the current Indian tendency for rituals the remnant of it through the Dravidian lineage?

A: Yes, but see previous answer also.
How earlier is that? It has to be before 4098 BCE (Start of Mohenjo Daro). Sure, they can be later than 4098 BCE too, but "much earlier" pointing older than that. Some body suggested it is during Atlantean times.

Add this to Mohenjo Daro 22-october-1994
Q: (L) Who built the city of Mohenjo Daro?

A: That also was built by the Lizard Beings directly.

Q: (L) Did they live in these cities?

A: No, as stated before, they did not live there, they visited or occupied on a temporary basis, but did not live there.

Q: (L) Who did they build the cities for?

A: They built the cities for themselves and their worshippers amongst humans.
Q: Now, you said Mohenjo Daro was built by the Lizzies directly. Did they occupy this city themselves?

A: No.

Q: When was this city last inhabited continually?

A: 3065 years ago.

When was it built?

A: 6092 years ago.
That is (4098BCE to 1071 BCE). The end of it coincides with 1100 BCE comet impact (End of Bronze age) that became for the inspiration of Mahabharat and Illiad and the creators obviously used elements of very old stories for posterity. Probably these Troy stories are carried to Greece by these "Sea people"

C's also mentioned that people from Indus Valley Civilization are air lifted to some other planet. From the current session
(The Mexicans) Was Troy the dominating force in the region before its fall?

A: Yes

Q: (The Mexicans) Did it get destroyed during the events of 1627/8 BC?

A: No. 1100 BCE.

Q: (L) Okay, so, but that was the city of Troy, not necessarily the story of the Trojan War, right?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) The story of the Trojan War was probably a combination of the cataclysmic events, as well as maybe the destruction of the actual city of Troy. Is that it?

A: Yes.
Q: (seek10) C's mentioned 4D STS aim is to eliminate 'True Semites' before the transition. Is the current and recent past Palestinian resistance to Israel the result of "True Semitic" gene type?

A: Partly in so far as any of them carry it.

Q: (L) Are you saying that Palestinians may not be Semitic, or only partly Semitic?

A: Yes

Q: (L) I think we once established that the Semites were something quite different from what we call them today, so that we can't necessarily say that Palestinians are Semitic, or even that the Jews are Semitic.
My line of thought of the question is related how the souls of the Palestinians chose to born at this time to suffer so much. So this is not so much related to "True semite". Other possibility is to purge the "Atlantean Karma"
Q: (L) Are you saying that the Jews were the only ones in the holocaust?

A: No.

Q: (L) Are you saying that the Jews were not the only ones in the holocaust?

A: No special karmic significance to being "Jewish", special significance is experiencing holocaust for purpose of purging extraordinary karmic debt.
Q: (L) All right. That's the end of the questions on the list. What have we got on the Zoom chat?

(Aeneas & Ysus) Did Lloyd Austin's sudden illness have anything to do with being in Ukraine?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Was he injured in some way?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Is it being covered up?

A: Yes

Q: (Niall) Was he injured in a Russian airstrike?

A: Yes

Q: (Niall) Dayum.

(L) And that must be what Medvedev was alluding to in his tweet... Very, very interesting!

(Niall) So they're getting ready to start hitting big.

(Joe) How badly injured was he? I mean, he's back on the job, right? So...

(L) No, don't think so.

(Niall) He's still in the hospital.

(Joe) Is he likely to recover enough to continue his duties?

A: Most likely but was iffy for a bit.

Q: (Joe) Complication from prostate surgery is what they said... [laughter]

(Niall) That's why Biden didn't know!

(L) He got shot in the cojones! [laughter]

(Niall) On Twitter today, Medvedev basically threatened to do similar to the British Prime Minister. He said he's lucky he got away pretty much from Ukraine.

Twelve days earlier, LOL!

Tom Vanden Brook USA TODAY Video

WASHINGTON — Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin returned to the hospital Friday for a routine exam following his two-week stay that sparked controversy for his failure to disclose his illness.

Austin, 70, developed a severe infection after surgery for prostate cancer Dec. 22 and was admitted to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center Jan. 1. He had complained of severe pain and was taken by ambulance to the hospital where he spent four days in intensive care. He was released Jan. 15.

Austin delayed informing the White House, members of his own staff and Congress of his diagnosis, treatment and eventual return to the hospital after surgery. He sought to keep secret his illness, hospitalization and trip by ambulance to Walter Reed. The communication failure about his serious condition sparked bi-partisan outrage and multiple investigations.

In a statement, his doctors said Austin continues to recover and his cancer was treated early and effectively. He will continue with physical therapy and follow-up appointments but has not planned further cancer treatment.

The Pentagon and White House required the cabinet members immediately inform their staffs and the Biden administration when they are incapable of doing their jobs as Austin was when he underwent surgery and treatment.

Austin has been recovering and conducting Pentagon business from his home. His prognosis is excellent, and he is expected to make a full recovery, Air Force Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder, said in a statement Friday.

Austin, who has acknowledged he should have disclosed his illness sooner, will likely face tough questions on Capitol Hill about that communicaiton failure after he has recovered fully.

Republican Rep. Mike Rogers, chairman of Armed Services Committee and the ranking Democrat, Adam Smith, said in a statement earlier this month that Austin "must provide these additional details on his health and the decision-making process" as soon as possible.
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