Session 13 June 2015

thank you for the session.

in regards to music, it would have been interesting to ask about the standard tuning of 440 Hz vs. alternative tunings like 432 Hz (which i have used on my last 2 songs, because i think it sounds a bit better).
AFAIK the 440 Hz tuning was implemented despite widespread oppostion from the musical community.
About music, here are some threads that might provide some thinking material:,23595.0.html,31839.msg426957.html

Many people here have talked about how they really enjoy music and they like how they feel when listening to it. Well for me it's always been a double edged sword because it affects my thoughts too strongly. It's not the lyrics, but the melody that I find does this. And when I start to think because of the music rather than because of what comes from inside me, the result is generally garbage (moreso than usual at any rate). So, you can see why I was experimenting with different ways of listening in that first link.
(L) Obviously we need to be paying much closer attention to our musical tastes, and analyzing what it is about songs that we like. And obviously, we need to pay a lot more attention to what we listen to in the background. But that means I'm safe since I only listen to old classic rock like Bob Seger, whose music is the best! [laughter]

But then a new format of this song enters the picture and music tastes get modelled in a not so inspiring art:

Nonetheless, I still find this arrangement comic in the sense of letting go of useless fears. Otherwise, rock and roll may be rewired in our brains through images, as in this video, more or less equating with wild sex behaviour.
Reading this session on music when I got back home late last night gave me goose-bumps! I don't generally play music at home as I like peace and quiet to study or listen to the podcasts But yesterday I happened to be particularly thinking of music and how rare it was to hear decent music or lyrics etc.

I then went into town when a guy started playing guitar and singing in the cafe next to the one i was in. This was the first time a live player was in that cafe. I was so enraptured with the fact that he was playing all my fave oldies - rock classics and others, and also that for the first time ever, someone had the volume just right - no blasting - a pleasure to listen - in fact a slight 'muted' sound. It WAS music to my ears - literally. I was sad when he finished as I only arrived for his last 5/6 songs.

Well I had such an urge to go to meet this person and congratulate his playing - rare for something to actually be a pleasure to the ears - plus the choice of songs. Technically the playing was very masterful on the guitar too. NOt only did i wish to meet this person and congratulate him, but also to encourage him to play at that venue more, and who was he, why had I not heard him before?

Well now it got even stranger!!!

So I leave my drink and things on my table (I am a regular so the waiters know me), and go around to the cafe next door.
I introduce myself and get totally stunned by his reply.

He said I know, I wondered what happened to you - you were the angel that just stopped outside my music bar the day I was closing and my grand piano was on the patio outside and out of the blue spent the rest of the afternoon with me singing, asking me to play different songs on the piano and chatting about nearly every esoteric subject under the sun! I remember every minute of that day - that you have an old battered red mercedes, that you said you are a free spirit, your face hasn't changed one bit, it was over 5 years ago you came into my life for just that one day for a magical time playing outside of my place by the sea. Not a soul came by - it was like time stood still for us. I will never forget that day or you it is indelible in my mind. I always wondered what happened to you - like if you were actually real - and here you are again!!!

Well this guy Aydin Cubukcu - who is about the same age as me, I would guess is a very talented and professional musician who plays many instruments and is a total whizz on the piano (my mum, daughter and niece also incredible musically). Well I just happened to be passing down this beautiful road by the sea at the edge of a little village as I was searching for the house next door to his place (reason was that the owners owed me money - they were previous managers of my NEO music bar/club in town).

I stopped by the house and saw a beautiful grand piano outside on the patio area in front of the music cafe and this guy shifting things - moving out! I needed to ask him about the neighbours. Got chatting, asked him to play the piano for me - and the rest is history - a special unforgettable 'time/no time' episode, that I never forgot either.

There are times in life when you just know, there is nothing more important I should be doing with my time at this very moment - all can wiat/be forgotten about etc. You just go with the flow, spontaneously, in the now - and 'allow' such events to manifest!

So we were both totally gob-smacked last night - again he was packing up to leave - yet although he had had no sleep previously due to playing at the very first Turk bikers festival/meeting all day - again all stopped and we were chatting until 3am in the morning - all around us had closed. It turned out his family had just taken over this cafe - thankfully!

What were we talking about? How I felt the need to create higher conscious music, how to combine east/west music/instruments in a new music form - to bring to the west the beauty of eastern instruments/music. To find like-minded musicians and form a team (including my daughter) to proactively create a counter effect to the negative music and lyrics of today. To bring a powerful alternative now that melody and harmony is so rare now.

I felt so uplifted and positively excited once again after an horrendously emotionally draining week and total turnabout/crossroads that I brought about in my life. Even a recent 'gangster' looking aqauaintance had turned out to be an angel and protector for me getting me a job the very next day with a local family who run a restaurant and who 'adopted' me on his recommendation and even let me keep my dog in the back garden as she couldn't stay in the flat alone while I worked. He also arranged to fix my car as the head gasket had gone and oil/water mixing - major job. I do believe such 'angels' exsist but very rare!!! He has taken me under his wing - to also get money back that someone owes me too!

All this since last Monday!!! So I am back single again - by choice, and on a new road where such 'synchronicities' are happening all over the place.

Sorry for the long explanation, but was needed to explain my shock when I came home this morning to read the current session all about music!!!!
Lastly - having finished work at 9pm and needing to take the local 'taxi bus' as no car even this transport diverted its normal route. I had had this need for 2 hours previous to go to my local cafe to unwind before I went home. When the taxi diverted I questioned the need to go to the cafe as the taxi was now going to pass right by my flat. Something inside my head told me that the digression was a 'test' of my decision - to sensibly go home early or stay on the taxi until it reached its proper destination a longer route now just to go to this cafe! I decided to be headstrong and stick to my original idea. Thank goodness I did or that meeting would never have taken place!!!

It so reminds me of the movie 'Sliding Doors' - two possible outcomes/realities available!

Further still as events unfolded this last week, I have also (only semi intentionally) achieved the advice Laura gave me this time last year. No boyfriends/Get a job (this doesn't apply to you guys - was just a private exchange about a problem I had). So I truly believe that unconsciously we do get help to achieve the exact opposite (that is actually our best path) of what path we erroneously have chosen. External events bring this about for those with eyes to recognize what is happening. (Obviously the opposite negative 'choices' /temptations are out there in abundance too!)

Also does being mentally and emotionally drained and exhausted also heighten our awareness somehow? I feel it did for me - the total having to' just'let go/let God/the universe drive' for a while, when things seem so unsurmountable, perhaps prevents the ego interfering - having no option but to accept what comes? Just asking, as it is a thought I have been having this week.

So a big thank you to everyone and the C's for this session. For me, as per the last few sessions, it always seems to be corroborating what I have been mulching over the weeks prior to the session. (Again, as now mentioned in the Cliff High experiments on population 'emotions'). Funny that.
Thanks for another great session and fast transcription!

I think the music issue is that there can be subliminal signals added to any production release or broadcast, even if it wasn't in the original recording, just added to the mass release.

The info about the Pope was surprising, as I was very skeptical about him, thinking he's just giving lip service.
Mille Mercis Laura à vous et toute votre équipe ainsi qu'aux Cassiopéens...
Il y a toujours tant à méditer...
Soignez vous bien et portez vous de mieux en mieux, prenez grand soin de vous...

Laura Thousand Thanks to you and your entire team and the Cassiopaeans ...
There is always so much to think about ...
Look after you well and you wear better and better, take great care of you ...
thanks for the session
music really has a different impact on people

as it can "cure" to help in some difficult emotional situations, and could "cripple"
Thank you for this informative session :)

The part about music is very interesting. For those of us who were born before the 80s (even before the 70s) we had the chance to grow up with relatively healthty music so our tastes are connected to our youth even if we discovered other style in adulthood. But for our children and those to come, it's really sad.
Thank you very much for this session! :flowers:

Most interesting the statements about the Pope! It reminds me of a prophecy that there will be a good pope before some catastrophe comes. I will find that later . . .

Next point I find very helpful was the part about music. I dont like music up to a certain point now. I think very often you cannot sing to it without getting ones mind confused. Singing is very helpful and the more easy and clear the intervalls the better your feeling.

I am glad to hear Laura, that your health is getting better . . .

Much thanks and hearts to you all!

Thanks Ark, Laura the Château for this session very informative indeed!!!... :cool2: :cool2: :cool2:

I hope that Laura get rid of that illness very soon, one observation that I have to say about it

is that at the start of last year (2014) I have some initial symptoms of arthritis, I immediately started

using a more higher dose of Omega 3 pills in just 10 day my symptoms vanished...

Reduces joint tenderness
Reduces morning stiffness
Reduces the amount of painkillers needed
Reduces enzymes that destroy cartilage
Increases grip strength
Enhances walking pace

There are two main types of arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and osteoarthritis (OA) can
cause aches and discomfort in your joints and make it difficult to enjoy life the way you used to.


The Omega3 that I used was the one of 1200Mg having the following composition:

EPA = 247mg DHA = 115mg

it is advised that people with more than 60 years take doses of Omega 3 with EPA less than 200mg

(Why? this is what I found)...

Here is how much Omega-3 you need per day:

For depression, you need: 1000 mg per day
For heart disease, you need: 1000 mg per day
For skin disorders, you need: 1000 mg per day
For blood pressure, you need: 2000 mg per day
For arthritis, you need: 2000 mg per day
For asthma, you need: 2000 mg per day
For diabetes, you need: 2000 mg per day
For high triglycerides, you need: 3000 mg per day


and for people with less than 60 years old or more younger the EPA doses have to be more than 200mg

(When in normal conditions - just for health manutention...)

So a little bit of initial caution on that EPA amount.

One important note about the Omega3 that is sold is that it is very difficult to find pills with more than

200mg of EPA in just one capsule (usually that amount is for two or more capsules.)

TIP: Some product labels try to fool you by saying 1000 mg Omega-3 per serving…
but if you read the back, you’ll find that a serving is 3 pills. You need 1000 mg in JUST ONE PILL.

That way, you just need one pill a day.

I recommend The label brand: Fish Oil from Natures Bounty Inc. _

I hope that you succeed and be well Laura... cheers!!!... :cool2: :cool2: :cool2:
many thanks to all involved for the latest session. very interesting, much to ponder of course.

Kind regards,

Thank you to all for the session. Laura, wishing you all the best with overcoming your physical struggles.

The corruption of the internet and music is logical given that it is a huge part of peoples lives (at least in most developed countries). I for one do struggle with trying to discern certain information when trying to get to some truth. However I do find reading SOTT helps a great deal, not just in the articles but how the SOTT originated articles give a critical eye to a particular subject. It helps put my own mind into that critical mode of thinking when reading other sites.

As for music I find that there is a lot of good independent music out there but you certainly have to go out of your way to find that 10% that is possibly not corrupted.
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