Session 13 May 2017

Adaryn said:
Apart from the treatment program which seems to be more comprehensive and advanced in Russia, the place might be significant and more beneficial energetically speaking than other places like Turkey, the US or Switzerland. Indeed, what better place to "regenerate" than one's ancestral homeland? :)

Yes, of course... I guess I wanted to see closely and host to dear Laura in my homeland. :)
Thank you for the session. I'm short with time today. I can sent something tomorrow. Kisses everyone.
J'ai fait un don hier sous Laura Cristaux, j'espère que vous l'avez bien reçu...

I made a donation yesterday under Laura Crystals, I hope you received it ...
whitecoast said:
Edit: I sent a donation tonight and a few nights ago, but I forgot the mother's day note in both. I hope it still goes toward Laura's stem-cell fund?

Yes, no problem and thanks, thanks to all!

PERLOU, we also received your donation and thank you for it!
Thank you for the session and for all the work

I just donated via the Donate link of the forum (3060897159992725N).

By adding a second "Euro" account to your paypal account it will not be necessary to convert any incoming donations from Euro to Dollar.
The same thought as the others, it is an honor to help you.
"Nous vous souhaitons une bonne santé"
I hope you get well and could dancing again soon Laura :) I will donate later when I can unlock my credit card, for security I have to call the bank to make individual donations on paypal.


On another point I searched for the name given by the C's "Koglila" and is a Russian word that according to google translator means "pervasive or penetrating nature" and "omnipresence" in Spanish. Maybe it's one more clue to do the treatment in Russia :D

For those who have suspicious mind about the session in the last place the word means "dominant nature" that some could say is proof that they were in STS mode :p

I must admit that I usually have suspicious mind too, it can also be useful but as some said, one must always be careful because could be the predator mind, maybe that's why I looked for the name but I'm also studying Russian and I was curious if it meant anything.

luc said:
It seems to me that your statement was driven by the need to have a set of rules that is applicable universally, that will tell you automatically who is to blame, who is right and who is wrong etc. But that just can't be.
I agree with this, it seems to me that some didn't read the wave really or see it as a more sophisticated bible, always waiting for the next session to reveal something explicitly.

P.D: Sorry if I am inconsiderate but Tyrael seems to me an evil troll
josev said:
On another point I searched for the name given by the C's "Koglila" and is a Russian word that according to google translator means "pervasive or penetrating nature" and "omnipresence" in Spanish. Maybe it's one more clue to do the treatment in Russia :D

Hmmm....although, when I tried the Google Translate myself, it did "automatically" detected it as Russian for some reason. But there is no such Russian word. :huh: Can you share a link where you saw this translation? Thanks!
Seamas said:
Chu said:
We often talk about how nice it would be if that kind of pain could be spread around a bit better, so that each of us could get some more and give Laura a break. But the way things are, all we can do is give in the best ways we can give. Time, money, dedication, sincerity, integrity, etc. But I think the key is to do it because it's right.

I was thinking about this and I wonder if the Crystal network might be a way for some of us to help in some small way. The first thing I thought of is to dedicate my morning and evening crystal prayers and my other meditation practices to Laura's recovery and I hope others will join me in this (maybe some/many of you are already doing this...).

I also thought of something from the the Crystal Connection book:

If you have an absent loved one, you may wish to place the [Home Crystal] in front of their photograph with the intent that the protection extend to them wherever they are.

We've never met in person but if its okay with you Laura, I'd like to print out a photo of you to place by my Home Crystal with photos of my family and friends.

I think these may be good ideas Seamas.
fwiw I've had a picture of Laura and Putin by my home crystal for a few weeks (the Putin one has been there since I got the crystal).
Thank you for posting this interesting session.

The indicated actual French election results are shocking although not entirely unexpected... Hope you feel better soon Laura and decide to undergo the procedure soon.

The group has your back and will be sure to help out with the cost. It's one way we can return the favour for all your hard work and superhuman effort over the years. Pledge drive!

Regards from the chilly Western Australian outback!
Thank you for this session Laura and Chateau crew.

I think you have made a wise choice to go with the Moscow option, they certainly seem to be more advanced and capable in Stem Cell medical procedures. I also think it is a much safer place to be in these times. Europe in general seems to be such a mess these days.

I have just made a donation as per Beau's instructions for non US members Wishing you good health :)
I made a donation via Paypal to FOTCM, but I forgot to put the note - "Mother's Day Fund" when I did it. My apologies. Here is the confirmation # - 8AT89154D0182962X
[quote author= RedFox]I think these may be good ideas Seamas.
fwiw I've had a picture of Laura and Putin by my home crystal for a few weeks (the Putin one has been there since I got the crystal).[/quote]

I will do the same, if that is okay at least. I already have Putin, so that's good company ;)

Will make another donation at the end of next week.
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