Session 13 May 2017

I come a bit late but as they say: better late than never! ;)

First of all, as I usual write, thank you very much to Andromeda, Galatea, Laura, the C's and all the chateau's people for sharing the session so quickly.

Second, Laura, if I may suggest this: I'd wish you will ASK more often. You don't need to be ashamed, osit.

Some of us (at least me) are living in a kind of fairy world where our life goes more or less happily, without big issues, having all our needs covered, surrounded by friends and/or family and/or job's opportunities and so on. I am thinking that it might happen that the "sheet" is not going to hit the fan and that we will live on happily... (people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark). FWIW last weekend I had a relative's communion, in November I will have to assist a wedding, and so on.

What I mean is: in my daily routines, I always FORGET you are giving us/the world constantly & suffering for it. Even if I have you and the people of this forum in my heart.

And I/some of us are wasting money in really worthless things if we take into account a bigger picture.

So please ASK, and you will be given. I am pretty sure because I've seen it before here, on this forum.

Thank you very much for all the people who donated and I encourage everybody to do it, if you have the means.

If you have not, don't worry either. There are many ways to give back, not just in money but in love, help, time, etc.

This is my donation confirmation number: 8EM86848S37473226

Keit said:
josev said:
On another point I searched for the name given by the C's "Koglila" and is a Russian word that according to google translator means "pervasive or penetrating nature" and "omnipresence" in Spanish. Maybe it's one more clue to do the treatment in Russia :D

Hmmm....although, when I tried the Google Translate myself, it did "automatically" detected it as Russian for some reason. But there is no such Russian word. :huh: Can you share a link where you saw this translation? Thanks!

Yes, there is no such word in modern Russian. One possible explanation as to why Google Translate interpreted this word as Russian could be the ending "lila" which is frequently used in Russian to denote a verb of feminine gender / past tense (as in "rulila", "pilila", "solila" and in this case - "koglila"). Had such word existed in English, it would be used in one of the following forms "she was koggling / she used to koggle".

In any case, the Russian-like name is very interesting in the context of this session. :)
Miguel Ángel said:
I come a bit late but as they say: better late than never! ;)

First of all, as I usual write, thank you very much to Andromeda, Galatea, Laura, the C's and all the chateau's people for sharing the session so quickly.

Second, Laura, if I may suggest this: I'd wish you will ASK more often. You don't need to be ashamed, osit.

Some of us (at least me) are living in a kind of fairy world where our life goes more or less happily, without big issues, having all our needs covered, surrounded by friends and/or family and/or job's opportunities and so on. I am thinking that it might happen that the "sheet" is not going to hit the fan and that we will live on happily... (people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark). FWIW last weekend I had a relative's communion, in November I will have to assist a wedding, and so on.

What I mean is: in my daily routines, I always FORGET you are giving us/the world constantly & suffering for it. Even if I have you and the people of this forum in my heart.

And I/some of us are wasting money in really worthless things if we take into account a bigger picture.

So please ASK, and you will be given. I am pretty sure because I've seen it before here, on this forum.

Thank you very much for all the people who donated and I encourage everybody to do it, if you have the means.

If you have not, don't worry either. There are many ways to give back, not just in money but in love, help, time, etc.

This is my donation confirmation number: 8EM86848S37473226


Yes I was thinking along this line yesterday. Don't wait so long to ask for help please. It's better for us to give anyway. There has to be balance. The C's are right, we are happy to give back in this essential way.
Many thanks for the session, the C's always provide inspiration! I will definitely contribute for the stem cell experiment. Wishing the crew the strength to see us through the endgame :)
Thank you to everyone who has stepped up and made this treatment possible. We will be seriously booking it tomorrow. I'm just amazed and humbled by all the love all of you have shown. Hopefully, soon, I'll be back on my feet and up in the saddle! The sooner the better!

And yes, ya'll can use my pic and I thank you so much for the protective thoughts and prayers.
Laura said:
Thank you to everyone who has stepped up and made this treatment possible. We will be seriously booking it tomorrow. I'm just amazed and humbled by all the love all of you have shown. Hopefully, soon, I'll be back on my feet and up in the saddle! The sooner the better!

And yes, ya'll can use my pic and I think you so much for the protective thoughts and prayers.

This is my donation confirmation number for 'Mothers Day Fund': 1E989085N0935662C
Thanks to Laura for everything. I wish you the best in this Russian adventure
Siberia said:
Keit said:
josev said:
On another point I searched for the name given by the C's "Koglila" and is a Russian word that according to google translator means "pervasive or penetrating nature" and "omnipresence" in Spanish. Maybe it's one more clue to do the treatment in Russia :D

Hmmm....although, when I tried the Google Translate myself, it did "automatically" detected it as Russian for some reason. But there is no such Russian word. :huh: Can you share a link where you saw this translation? Thanks!

Yes, there is no such word in modern Russian. One possible explanation as to why Google Translate interpreted this word as Russian could be the ending "lila" which is frequently used in Russian to denote a verb of feminine gender / past tense (as in "rulila", "pilila", "solila" and in this case - "koglila"). Had such word existed in English, it would be used in one of the following forms "she was koggling / she used to koggle".

In any case, the Russian-like name is very interesting in the context of this session. :)

I thought the Russian connection sounded interesting too. Capacitors store a lot of energy.

Maybe the sparks that have been flying over this session are discharging a lot of stored energy and may be related to this one find on a Russian site:

Condenser with accession number KOGLI
capacitor marking KOGLI

edit: KOGLILA is found there but I searched for KOGILA sorry for the error. The screen print attachment shows KOGLIA but you can search it and see
a capacitor for KOGLILA is there.


  • KOGLIA.png
    58.1 KB · Views: 321
Thank you so much for the session everyone. I wish you all the best with the stem cell therapy Laura, I'm sorry that I can't afford to donate anything at the moment, but I will try and send protection and prayers your way :flowers:.
Olaf said:
By adding a second "Euro" account to your paypal account it will not be necessary to convert any incoming donations from Euro to Dollar.

How is that? The account is linked to US bank accounts, so presumably the funds would have to be converted to dollars before they are deposited into those accounts. For legal purposes you cannot link bank accounts from other countries to a PayPal account that "resides" in the US. So for one, I don't know how the above would be possible. And secondly, after looking around I have absolutely no idea how to add a "Euro account" to our PayPal. Seems the simplest thing would be for donations to be made in US dollars so as to avoid PayPal's questionable currency conversion rates.
hi all,
ouups! I forget to put "Mother's Day Fund", here is my confirmation number 4LN41344HA153560Y.
thank you,
Laura said:
Thank you to everyone who has stepped up and made this treatment possible. We will be seriously booking it tomorrow. I'm just amazed and humbled by all the love all of you have shown. Hopefully, soon, I'll be back on my feet and up in the saddle! The sooner the better!

And yes, ya'll can use my pic and I thank you so much for the protective thoughts and prayers.

Hurra!!!Your first dance could be tango to celebrate the recovery of your health :dance: You will have my thoughts and prayers.By the way how are your daughters feeling this days? Say them we love them and appreciate their effort,also :love:
Windmill knight said:
I've had similar thoughts too. When I think about the Cs saying that Laura and the group's work is very significant in some way, and then I think of how few people we actually help, compared with the overall global population, and therefore how little we can do to change the way things are, then my conclusion is that whatever we are doing is not going to benefit us, but future generations. Perhaps after decades or even centuries of traumatic global events, Laura's work and the principles of community living, esoterism, health, etc., will be remembered if enough people still practice them, and will literally be the seed for a future, better world to grow. And without her work now, that future world would just sink into the dark ages. Some historical figures have influenced our civilization for thousands of years, yet when they were alive they too probably thought that anything they did was futile. Yet they did it out of principle.

In the meantime lets keep our fingers crossed for that stem-cell therapy to work and make Laura rejuvenate a decade or three. ;)

Thinking in cosmic term, and I don't how to unless imagining a far more longer linear time like some thousands years, it becomes clearer that the group is doing this for future generations, and there is a lot to go for it. Thinking in probabilities there's an all set of futures, chaos as well as peace and joy.
So does working now in the right direction would just made the group and his lineage aware of this righter realitie, or the entire planet as well ?
Maybe it will be like the alchemist tradition, where there's a line of knowledge timing back to the truth, guiding the offspring of the group through their maze ? Maybe some will graduate and helping others through densities by diffusing clues ? I once felt that I was Nicolas Flamel, but that's just maybe a recognition of my own heart being one with a great alchemist.

Infinite possibilities is quite astonishing...
Data said:
Ant22 said:
I must say some of these conclusions that there was something wrong with the session, as Dakota pointed out, are truly interesting. I mean, just think of what the C's have said so far about aliens, UFOs, 4D controllers, religion, people being food, the PTB, you name it. And yet people believed it all despite there being little tangible and observable evidence of it.

But when the percentages of the French elections are reported to be waaaaay different from the official results, well, that is just really hard to believe! No way! :rolleyes:

Good observation, it is a very curious phenomenon indeed. The normal, everyday, down to earth, issues are much harder to stomach than people expect. That's why Gurdjieffian Work is so hard, because it aims at struggling with such 'normal' issues rather than airy-fairy stuff.

I agree, good observation! It seems to me that the voting system is a huge sacred cow for many people. They just can't imagine that our leaders can or will rig elections! Yes, they think some of them are very bad, but the assumption is that the system as such is still somehow "holy", the democratic framework is "eternally true". After all, this is what we've been told since we were toddlers. It's kind of strange if you think about it: why on earth would our leaders have the will and the power to destroy whole nations and kill millions of people, yet lack the will and power to rig elections?

On a hopeful note, with regards to France and now the UK, if some smoking gun evidence comes up that the elections were rigged, or people just realize it because the results just don't make any sense, then those who do "get it" might get it thoroughly.
Thanks for the session.
It's odd that when you use Google translate to translate "Koglila" to English it's response is "coglyla".
Search results for word coglyla doesn't show any interesting data.
Maybe some search results are hidden? Someone must have added that word from somewhere... Maybe there were better translation, but "data got corrupted".
Translating "Koglila" to different language gives you way better results. At least few of them means "nature that is everywhere".

You can translate "Koglila" to many languages at once by using

Afrikaans: verreikende aard
Arabic: طبيعة انتشار
Azerbaijani: yayılan təbiət
Belarusian: когла
Bulgarian: всепроникваща природа
Bengali: পরিব্যাপক প্রকৃতির
Bosnian: prožima prirodu
Catalan: naturalesa penetrant
Cebuano: kaylap nga kinaiya
Czech: plošný charakter
Welsh: natur hydreiddiol
Danish: vidtfavnende karakter
German: allgegenwärtige Natur
Greek: διάχυτη φύση
English: Coglyla
Esperanto: Coglyla
Spanish: naturaleza penetrante
Estonian: kõikjaletungivust
Basque: pervasive natura
Persian: ماهیت فراگیر
Finnish: Kattavan luonteensa
French: nature omniprésente
Irish: nádúr forleatach
Galician: transversalidade
Gujarati: વ્યાપક સ્વભાવ
Hausa: sai} yanayi
Hindi: व्यापक प्रकृति
Hmong: Coglyla
Croatian: prožima prirodu
Haitian Creole: omniprésente nati
Hungarian: átható természet
Armenian: համատարած բնույթը
Indonesian: alam meresap
Igbo: ju ebe niile agwa
Icelandic: langvarandi eðli
Italian: natura pervasiva
Hebrew: טבע מתפשט
Japanese: 普及自然
Javanese: alam mrembet
Georgian: გავრცელებულია ბუნებაში
Kazakh: етек табиғат
Khmer: ធម្មជាតិទូទៅ
Kannada: ವ್ಯಾಪಕವಾದ ಪ್ರಕೃತಿ
Korean: 보급, 자연
Latin: Coglyla
Lao: ລັກສະນະແຜ່ຫຼາຍ
Lithuanian: skvarbumo
Latvian: iespiedies daba
Malagasy: toetra misongadina
Maori: āhua uufi
Macedonian: продорна природа
Malayalam: വളർന്നുകൊണ്ടിരിക്കുകയാണ് സ്വഭാവം
Mongolian: түгээмэл шинж чанар
Marathi: व्यापक निसर्ग
Malay: sifat berleluasa
Maltese: natura pervażiva
Myanmar (Burmese): နေရာအနှံ့သဘောသဘာဝ
Nepali: चलाएका प्रकृति
Dutch: alomtegenwoordige natuur
Norwegian: gripende natur
Chichewa: mukuchitika chikhalidwe
Punjabi: ਵਿਆਪਕ ਕੁਦਰਤ
Polish: wszechobecna natura
Portuguese: transversalidade
Romanian: natura omniprezentă
Russian: Коглила
Sinhala: එ් එ් ස්වභාවය
Slovak: plošný charakter
Slovenian: prodorna narava
Somali: dabeecadda pervasive
Albanian: natyra e përhapur
Serbian: прожима природа
Sesotho: atileng mofuta
Sundanese: alam pervasive
Swedish: genomträngande naturen
Swahili: kuenea asili
Tamil: பரவலாக இயல்பு
Telugu: పరివ్యాప్త ప్రకృతి
Tajik: хусусияти паҳн
Thai: ธรรมชาติที่แพร่หลาย
Filipino: malaganap na likas na katangian
Turkish: yaygın doğa
Ukrainian: когла
Urdu: وسیع نوعیت
Uzbek: tarqalgan tabiati
Vietnamese: tính chất phổ biến
Yiddish: דורכנעמיק נאַטור
Yoruba: pervasive iseda
Chinese: 无处不在的性质
Chinese (Simplified): 无处不在的性质
Chinese (Traditional): 無處不在的性質
Zulu: ubunjalo usabalale

And i donated too. I hope this therapy will work. Confirmation number: 2YA69656468406453
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