Session 14 April 2018

Great Session. Thanks a bunch to everyone involved.
I found the reference to Dionysious Syndrome interesting and was compelled to refresh my memory about the "party god". Found this reference on a Philosophy site and thought the Plato references were interesting and might get us closer to C's reference.

Myth - the Final Phase of Platonic Education by Tim Addey
[. . . .]
Secondly, there is the Orphic initiatory myth. Morgan in his recent book Platonic Piety has explored Plato's connections with the Pythagorean and Orphic schools which were strong in Magna Graeca (southern Italy) - the very area which the Epistles tell us Plato had much to do with. The clearest reference to the Orphic myths (which Classicists consider to be a separate strand of mythology from the more mainstream tradition - it is a deviant mythology, to use their term) is a quote in the Phaedo [69d]:

"For it is said by those who write about the mysteries,
The thyrsus-bearers numerous are seen,
But few the Bacchuses have always been."

The myth to which this refers is that of the dismemberment of Dionysus - a universal myth which is worth retelling.

Cadmus, king of Thebes, had four daughters: Semele, Ino, Agave and Autoneon. Of these four, the beauty of Semele attracted Zeus who lay with her and implanted his immortal seed in the mortal woman. But Hera, the first wife of the King of the Gods, was moved by jealousy and planned the destruction of her husband's lover, as well as the child which she carried within her womb: to this end she planted in Semele's mind a doubt as to the real identity of the father of her child. The only sure proof that he was indeed Zeus, was, Hera suggested, that he should appear in his true form, rather than the disguise of mortality which Zeus had put on to lie with Semele. Thus it was that the princess asked of Zeus a favour, to which he agreed; she then demanded that he appear before her unveiled by illusion. Unable to refuse what he had promised, he was forced to comply, and stood before Semele in the full heat and force of his lightning and thundrous[sic] essence: as no mortal can withstand such untempered power, she was immediately destroyed. But Zeus took the unborn child from her disintegrating body while cooling tendrils of ivy protected him from the intense heat of the Father, who, taking the role of mother, sewed him into his thigh.

So it was that Dionysus was born a second time, from the miraculous womb of his Father, but still Hera's jealousy pursued the child, who was being cared for by nymphs: some sources say these nymphs became afraid and others that they were driven insane, and so he was given into the keeping of his aunt, Ino, who brought him up in a grotto. In an attempt to keep him from the destructive power of Hera, Ino dressed him as a girl and later, Zeus disguised him as a goat.

As he grew into a youth, Zeus placed him on his throne, gave him a sceptre and announced him to be the next ruler of the world - but this served only to rekindle the anger of Hera and she incited the Titans, the gigantic divine offspring of an earlier generation of Gods, to capture the boy Dionysus.

The Titans ensnared Dionysus by disguising themselves as Bacchae (followers of Dionysus), and presenting him with games and playthings - for he was little more than a child: the toy which finally trapped the divine child was a mirror. Once captured the pretend Bacchae gave him not a sceptre - as befits the ruler of the world - but a thyrsus made of a fennel stalk. The monstrous giants then tore him to pieces and prepared to devour him; his torn members were first boiled in water and then roasted over a fire. But while they feasted on the cooked flesh, Zeus, alerted by the rising steam, and perceiving the cruel act, hurled his thunderbolt at the Titans. There followed a battle between the titanic giants and the Gods, during which the uneaten heart of Dionysus was gathered up by Athene; the Titans were defeated and from their burning ashes mankind was generated

Afterwards, Zeus commanded Apollo, Dionysus' half-brother, to bury the scattered limbs of the slain youth according to custom, and this being done, Dionysus was regenerated from the preserved heart by Athene; having been restored to pristine life and vigour, he took his place among the Olympic Gods - the only one born of a mortal woman.

According to the later Platonists this Orphic myth has Dionysus as symbolising the effect of the descent into generation of the intellectual, or spiritual, soul. In the eternal realms she is a whole, but in life as a soul connected with body she become separated out, and subject to death and decay. The Thyrsus, a stalk of fennel which is hollow and divided into chambers (and incidentally the stalk in which Prometheus brought down the fire of heaven for the benefit of mortal man) also represents division. The Titans - the "ti" of the word means, in Greek, particularity - are the material
powers which draw down the soul from her contemplation of universals in her pristine condition towards the involvement of the particularities of the sense-perceptive life. In the Phaedo, Socrates correlates the thyrsus-bearers - those who hold the false sceptre - with the many who have not philosophized rightly, and who are, therefore, trapped in the world of apparent truth. The few Bacchuses, in contrast, are those who have been purified, initiated and healed - reworked, if you like, by Wisdom and Light and raised to the Olympic heights. Dionysus has, as you will notice, three births: one from the womb of Semele, one from the thigh of Zeus; and one from the ashes of the fire by the wisdom of Athene - an interesting correlation may well be seen between these three births and the three phases of the Platonic dialogues, as already mentioned

Dionysus, with a thyrsus as sceptre

Full paper here: Myth - Philosophy
Very interesting! Thank you for the session and for hooking up the electrodes to see what happens during a channeling session. And I've never read the myth's surrounding Dionysus other than brief explanations into the different meaning of the gods in Greek mythology. But will definitely look more into that and how that relates to what's happening in today's world.
Most know him popularly first and foremost as the god of wine.
Interestingly the worlds oldest winery is in Armenia - the worlds first official Christian nation. Armenia sits on the crossroads between Russia, Middle East, Turkey (NATO) and Persia. Although Dionysus is a Greek deity, he is considered to be a foreign 'outsider' god from Mount Nysa - said to be located either Asia Minor, Syria, Arabia, Egypt, Ethiopia and even as far as India.
Dionysus is the only Olympian born of a mortal mother (It would also make him the half-brother of Artemis)
Most know him popularly first and foremost as the god of wine.
Interestingly the worlds oldest winery is in Armenia - the worlds first official Christian nation. Armenia sits on the crossroads between Russia, Middle East, Turkey (NATO) and Persia. Although Dionysus is a Greek deity, he is considered to be a foreign 'outsider' god from Mount Nysa - said to be located either Asia Minor, Syria, Arabia, Egypt, Ethiopia and even as far as India.
Dionysus is the only Olympian born of a mortal mother (It would also make him the half-brother of Artemis)
As mind blowing as usual, so much to ponder?! Thank all of you... This session comes with rasor sharp timing as we stride towards what's coming, halfknowingly on our new skates!
Dionysius as a name conjures up a myriad of possibilities, a myriad of aspects thrown out by the Greek God of the same name: a god of wine; intoxication; ecstasy; frenzy and madness as a removal from the order of society and in to chaos; the leaving behind of the self sane identity. One of the symbols of Dionysius is the mask, a symbol of changing identity.

The Homeric Hymns mention that Dionysius is also a bull god, a creature of rage. Combine this quality with ecstasy, frenzy, madness, and the removal of identity, one comes to the darker sense of the word Dionysius. This is the self beyond the rational, a movement towards chaos.

I found this on Google from a book called Dionysius Williams. There are many people with this name?
Thanks for this new session Laura and Chateau Crew! And for the NO monitoring and data.

A: Hello Earth! Things are moving fast now are they not?

Great way to acknowledge what the times are achanging!
(Joe) What if the electrodes start smoking?

(L) Well, get a fire extinguisher.

(Joe) Alright.
Q: (L) So you're saying that the knowledge that we have and that the use of our own faculties to analyze things is sufficient?

A: Yes

(Artemis) Why wouldn't it be healthy? Whatchoo talkin' ‘bout? Knowledge protects, man! [laughter]

(Joe) We'd talk about it on Facebook, and then we'd get hit by a Tomahawk cruise missile.

(Pierre) If it reached its destination...

There is some serious stuff to think about in all this but thank you all for your sense of humor in these dark days.
Many thanks everyone for another great session! :thup: Using the NO machine was a great idea also with very interesting results. The tensions ramping up with the PTB do seem rather obvious. Just the fact that these swamp creatures are walking around us without being prosecuted and the accusations of things being perpetrated without evidence shows just how desperate they are. It's good to know a cleansing is on the way.
Thank for the new session - sure packs a wallop of data!! The NO baseline measurements were a fascianting touch, although I have no ability to dissect information from it.

The Dionysian information kind of takes me back also to a book I read by Friedrich Nietzsche called The Birth of Tragedy, which talks about the role of the Dionysian spirit in Greek culture and how it was counterbalanced by the essence of the Apollonian spirit in theatrical tragedy. From Wikipedia:
Originally educated as a philologist, Nietzsche discusses the history of the tragic form and introduces an intellectual dichotomy between the Dionysian and the Apollonian (very loosely: reality as disordered and undifferentiated by forms versus reality as ordered and differentiated by forms). Nietzsche claims life always involves a struggle between these two elements, each battling for control over the existence of humanity. In Nietzsche's words, "Wherever the Dionysian prevailed, the Apollonian was checked and destroyed.... wherever the first Dionysian onslaught was successfully withstood, the authority and majesty of the Delphic god Apollo exhibited itself as more rigid and menacing than ever." Yet neither side ever prevails due to each containing the other in an eternal, natural check, or balance.

Funny about the genetic weapon backfiring... I mean you'd have to be a doofus not to have seen THAT one coming.
But to focus too heavily on the bloodthirsty madness of Dionysus and his maenads would be to distort his image. For the madness which inheres in his being and which overtakes all those he comes in contact with, is a double sided madness – capable of the most appalling and dreadful acts, but also of the most fertile, life-enhancing, and creative. The madness which afflicts Dionysus and all those who follow him, is a divine madness.
“The madness which is called Dionysus is no sickness, no debility in life, but a companion of life at its healthiest. It is the tumult which erupts from its innermost recesses when they mature and force their way to the surface. It is the madness inherent in the womb of the mother. This attends all moments of creation, constantly changes ordered existence into chaos, and ushers in primal salvation and primal pain—and in both, the primal wildness of being.” (Walter Otto, Dionysus: Myth and Cult)​
When life begins to stagnate and decay, when one finds oneself in chains, self-imposed or otherwise, when society becomes increasingly repressive and antithetical to the individual’s ability to flourish, Dionysus arrives to break the chains, refresh and replenish the life that was in danger of dying. In the Bacchae of Euripides, after being thrown in prison by the king, the maenads suddenly find their chains mysteriously absent, and witness the prison doors which surround them open of their own accord. In myths Dionysus frequently plays the role of “the liberator”, another of the many titles bestowed on him by the Ancient Greeks

Nietzsche and Dionysus: Tragedy and the Affirmation of Life
Wow! What a great session, thanks for sharing it. Seems like we are in for some interesting times in the near future!

what a session! This Dionysus syndrome kept on reminding me of this whole Pizzagate deal.. the twisted and mad things that went on just to give in and indulge into something that their twisted minds consider pleasant. I believe that's where Hedonism connects with the madness and blood thirst of some individuals.

Another thing is the entire gender fluidity and identification shenanigans that truly wants to make morality a relative concept where things are not wrong so long as "from my point of view" they're right.. the moral implications of that are immense, because it will eventually lead to (and I believe it's already going there and has been reported) things like pedophilia being consideres a simple "sexual preference"... pushing in a darker direction, the darker version of pedophilia can include things that are really shocking to think of and imagine those things being considered a simple sexual preference that is ok because morality is a relative concept.. It's truly scary stuff.

Considering the work of Samenow, Dionysus Syndrome sounds like a world run by criminals who are not afraid of being stopped and who find resonance in the high seats of power in the world. Some criminals know that their actions are seen as wrong by others... and that prevents them from going full blown insane... but what if they don't ever feel that anymore.

It puts a whole different light into the cleansing and why it's so necessary

The genetic surprise is fascinating, i wonder if the NO practice does in fact have a epigenetic effect on all of us and that's one of the ways (along with diet and knowledge and maybe even physical training) that Genes Save?

Thanks everyone for an amazing session!
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