Session 15 October 2016

Alejo said:
Laura said:
I think it is interesting how many people are hearing or sensing strange nocturnal creatures; perhaps it is a sign of the veil thinning. Maybe they aren't even fully in this reality to be seen? Consider Fabric's hearing of a voice calling his name. Back in the early years of the Cs experiment when I was becoming more aware of the possible reality in which ours is embedded, or from which it extrudes, I had a LOT of high strangeness things in terms of hearing, sensing, being aware of things going on in a reality that I can only describe as "adjacent" with a variable veil between. Things stabilized over time. But, what if the veil of our larger reality is thinning here and there? There certainly are a lot of odd things going on everywhere.

I dunno. It just all seems like something very deeply evil is going on.

Perhaps this has been discussed elsewhere but, regarding the thinning of the veil and the evil things going on. I can't help but notice the crazy behavior that human beings have had lately. Take a look at the Society's Child section SOTT and everyday there's some form of truly bizarre beyond barbaric behavior. Really shocking criminal acts that seem to have no other reason for being other than the senseless and shocking act itself.

The reason i mention this is to bring attention to an idea that occurs to me. Perhaps this thinning of the veil causes certain ease of access to certain attachments that might be looking to feed off the energy generated by senseless acts. And not the human disembodied accidental attachments like Dr. Baldwin would mention in his book Thirty Years Among the dead. But even, and I might be off, trans-dimensional disembodied entities that have never been human, or human from our own species and history.

I remember the Cs saying at some point that the arrival of the Wave (on earth) was a congregation of sorts, of a large number of entities gathering around for their own purposes. And perhaps all of the evilness becoming so apparent in our world might be an expression of this gathering having an influence in human life on earth?

just my two cents.

The Ra Material could just be gobbledegook or not but what if Genghis Khan 4DSTS archetypes manipulating "social memory complexes" to lock as many possible into STS by their own free will before earth moves into 4D is a possibility? As I mentioned above?
goyacobol said:
Alejo said:
Laura said:
I think it is interesting how many people are hearing or sensing strange nocturnal creatures; perhaps it is a sign of the veil thinning. Maybe they aren't even fully in this reality to be seen? Consider Fabric's hearing of a voice calling his name. Back in the early years of the Cs experiment when I was becoming more aware of the possible reality in which ours is embedded, or from which it extrudes, I had a LOT of high strangeness things in terms of hearing, sensing, being aware of things going on in a reality that I can only describe as "adjacent" with a variable veil between. Things stabilized over time. But, what if the veil of our larger reality is thinning here and there? There certainly are a lot of odd things going on everywhere.

I dunno. It just all seems like something very deeply evil is going on.

Perhaps this has been discussed elsewhere but, regarding the thinning of the veil and the evil things going on. I can't help but notice the crazy behavior that human beings have had lately. Take a look at the Society's Child section SOTT and everyday there's some form of truly bizarre beyond barbaric behavior. Really shocking criminal acts that seem to have no other reason for being other than the senseless and shocking act itself.

The reason i mention this is to bring attention to an idea that occurs to me. Perhaps this thinning of the veil causes certain ease of access to certain attachments that might be looking to feed off the energy generated by senseless acts. And not the human disembodied accidental attachments like Dr. Baldwin would mention in his book Thirty Years Among the dead. But even, and I might be off, trans-dimensional disembodied entities that have never been human, or human from our own species and history.

I remember the Cs saying at some point that the arrival of the Wave (on earth) was a congregation of sorts, of a large number of entities gathering around for their own purposes. And perhaps all of the evilness becoming so apparent in our world might be an expression of this gathering having an influence in human life on earth?

just my two cents.

The Ra Material could just be gobbledegook or not but what if Genghis Khan 4DSTS archetypes manipulating "social memory complexes" to lock as many possible into STS by their own free will before earth moves into 4D is a possibility? As I mentioned above?

Yes, i was just reading your post. Thanks for sharing it.

I suppose it is possible, and it's an interesting idea to consider, the possibility that, while there might be accidental attachments by entities that are not aware of their body having expired. There might also be entities who're fully aware and have consciously chosen the STS orientation.
And these might have agendas that become easier to implement as the veil becomes more permeable.

Also, in this light, it's interesting to consider the negative feedback that these sort of events have. In other words, one human being who might act under the influence of such forces, might cause such a severe trauma in his community or country that in turn will make people even more prone to receive attachments which in turn will cause them to act in erratic trauma-causing ways and so on and so forth.

These are really interesting times.
Alejo said:

Yes, i was just reading your post. Thanks for sharing it.

I suppose it is possible, and it's an interesting idea to consider, the possibility that, while there might be accidental attachments by entities that are not aware of their body having expired. There might also be entities who're fully aware and have consciously chosen the STS orientation.
And these might have agendas that become easier to implement as the veil becomes more permeable.

Also, in this light, it's interesting to consider the negative feedback that these sort of events have. In other words, one human being who might act under the influence of such forces, might cause such a severe trauma in his community or country that in turn will make people even more prone to receive attachments which in turn will cause them to act in erratic trauma-causing ways and so on and so forth.

These are really interesting times.

It doesn't look very good does it? We'll just have to "wait and see" for the final "curtain" to find out I suppose. :/
Well, it all depends on ones perspective, I guess. Interesting times, indeed. While the horror and insanity intensify, whatever difficulties one faces in trying to stay sane and be as objective as possible, it is still very fascinating to watch a once-in-a-lifetime confluence of opposing forces and many "derivative" processes make this weird reality even weirder - taken to a whole new level. It's the best of times, and it's the worst of times - the best and the worst will be brought out of people according to their nature/polarization and awareness. And it all seems inevitable to make the process of choosing more "acute" during the closing of the grand cycle. Or so it seems.
SeekinTruth said:
Well, it all depends on ones perspective, I guess. Interesting times, indeed. While the horror and insanity intensify, whatever difficulties one faces in trying to stay sane and be as objective as possible, it is still very fascinating to watch a once-in-a-lifetime confluence of opposing forces and many "derivative" processes make this weird reality even weirder - taken to a whole new level. It's the best of times, and it's the worst of times - the best and the worst will be brought out of people according to their nature/polarization and awareness. And it all seems inevitable to make the process of choosing more "acute" during the closing of the grand cycle. Or so it seems.

Yes, I agree the grand cycle is not even your every lifetime event.

Divide By Zero said:
I was explaining the dynastic cycle and the dragons (comets) that come about the end of a cycle and I had a confusing time loop come up.

We have the cycles, coming up to where corruption is rampant. Then the comets come and clean house, for the birth of a new cycle.

It's been known that there is a 7200 year cycle with 3600 and 1800 year mini cycles as found in history / ice cores etc.

There's a set cycle of time when the Oort Cloud brings swarms of comets into our area. That is set in time.
However, somehow humanity mirrors this at the right time- becomes corrupt and brings its own destruction.

That was kind of confusing. If societies brought it upon them, how did it time with these cycles? Coincidence? I don't think so...

Remember the experiments on humans with electromagnetism? They could get people to go crazy in an isolated room, messing with the electrical fields.
Same for animals who can sense a storm or earthquake before it happens (due to electrical/magnetic changes).

The electric universe theory states that the universe is NOT electrically neutral. Bodies have charges and discharges in interactions with other bodies.

So, if this cycle comes about and brings electrical (and in result magnetic and ?gravitational? changes), the cycle itself could be inducing this chinese dynastic cycle! So, perhaps it's the environment that allows for this manipulation and corruption to build up and come to the boiling point as it has and will happen.

I don't see how it connects to the 309,000 year grand cycle though. But what a thought, that the cometary cycle could be the cause of the growing insanity and disconnect in this world! Like the movie Inception has kicks to exit dreams, could this cycle be a "kick" out of this dream we call 3d for those aware and listening?

I don't know if this is just preaching to the choir since most probably read this already but the grand cycle sounds like this cosmic event of "realm border crossing" in a Cs session way back:

Session 3 December 1994
Q: (V) I am just concerned about the previously mentioned "convention"...
A: Convention is because of realm border crossing.
Q: (L) And why is there a convention attending this realm border crossing? I mean, is it just a "reely
big shew!"
A: It is an opportunity.
Q: (V) As in the windows are all opening at one time so that all these beings can get in at one time?
A: As in an opportunity to affect whole universe. Picture cosmic playing of "Pomp and Circumstance"
AKA "Hope and Glory."
Q: (Laura) How can a convention with slews of different kinds and races of people, converging on a
single little pin- point planet on the outer edges of an insignificant galaxy, at the farthest reaches of
this enormous universe, affect the whole thing?
A: That is your perception.

The opportunity of a lifetime and then some I think. :huh:
These are fascinating but very scary times. Just thinking about the possibility of 4D doors being opened to reveal entities and creatures totally unfamiliar and frightening to us. I just hope it doesn't turn out to be anything like the creatures in Stephen King's horror novel "The Mist."
Tuulikki said:
These are fascinating but very scary times. Just thinking about the possibility of 4D doors being opened to reveal entities and creatures totally unfamiliar and frightening to us. I just hope it doesn't turn out to be anything like the creatures in Stephen King's horror novel "The Mist."

It are not 4D doors perse, but it's still pretty scary, here are some explanations by the C's how the 'window faller' thing plays out :

[quote author= February 3, 1996 ]
Q: (L) If it is a window faller, does it come from another density, or a lateral dimension?
A: Closer to the latter.
Q: (L) Okay, so it is like a horizontal dimension. What allowed it to enter our realm?
A: This is complex, but best described as "EM wave bursts along frequency border variation."
Q: (L) Is there some way to capture or stop this creature?
A: You do not yet completely understand all the "mechanics" of the window faller phenomenon. The physicality is entirely transitory and partially dependent upon consciousness variabilities, as well as expectations of witnesses.
Q: (L) Does the energy of the fear of the witness enable the creature to continue its existence? Does it feed on the excitement and fear, and is that what makes it manifest?
A: Close, but off a little. It is the other way around, and retro-factored by one half.
Q: (L) What do you mean by that?
A: It is mutual, rather than unilateral. Also, remember that a window falling represents a cross-energizing of realities, equally represented from each "dimension" in question. In other words, because the dimensional curtain has been "torn," half of one and half of the other contributes to the whole reality.
Q: (L) Does this mean that something from our reality is also scaring something in that other reality?
A: No, it does not "work" that way at all.
Q: (L) Is there any possibility that this mutual creature is going to turn its attention from animals to humans?
A: Ditto last answer. And review response prior to that!
Q: (L) Okay, now, there are a lot of current teachings that say that the 'dregs' of other planets are being sent to Earth to 'refine' them, so to speak, and that this is why the human race is so divided and antagonistic... that the interactions are supposed to result in annihilation of the weak and survival of the strong in both physical and spiritual terms.
A: First of all, confusion abounds here due to incorrect interpretations of the last subject discussed. Dimensions are not densities!!!! Dimensions are strictly the result of the universal consciousness as manifested in the imagination sector of thought. Density means level of development as measured in terms of closeness to union with the one... Cycle. So, obviously, the "chupacabras" is a manifestation of human consciousness, and, human beings are a manifestation of the Chupacabras consciousness. Get it? Now, a shocker for you: You would not exist if someone didn't "dream you up."
Q: (L) Who dreamed me up?
A: Not important just yet. You literally are the "figments" of someone's imagination, and nothing more!!!
Q: (L) You mean God dreams and brings us into existence?
A: Remember, "God" is really all existence in creation, in other words, all consciousness. This is because all existence in creation is consciousness, and vice versa. [/quote]
@goyacobol, yeah, it's very "cosmic" as the C's have mentioned in many contexts. Thanks for that early session reminder. One way or another, many opportunities are/will be presenting themselves, including us getting a kick (or many kicks) in the pants to wake up and make crucial choices. It's always in the back of my mind, also, that the C's described the Wave as a hyperkinetic sensate. It makes another connection to why individuals and society at large go more insane/degenerate at the closing of the hypothesized Grand Cycle. Whatever was inside people is amplified to the max. And, as we know, what's inside most (by manipulation particularly) is not very positive. FWIW.

@bjorn and Tuulikki, the possible weirdness is multi-fold, I think. There are many concepts to clarify - densities and dimensions included. But, things are coming to a head, so to speak, so the thinning of the veil will probably entail many of them, and the Wave thrown in will make it all a REALLY BIG SHEW.
Goyacobol thanks for the links.
New image. :) Why? (If I may ask, and if it is not considered noise)

Now I see that I was in those three points incorrectly formulated questions. Thus, in English, sound like questions confirmation (Is that so?), and not as a matter of dilemma (should it be so?)

Ah... language, language.... As much as I try always something I miss and overlook, however, I noticed that some of the word "mysterious" change to be more in the spirit of the English language. I take this opportunity to thank everyone who quietly watch over this forum and help us to better understand. :thup: :hug:

I also wrote:
I do not go to the polls for years. I do not know if it has any impact in the real world (perhaps in the energy 4D), or at least have some kind of moral / spiritual solace and I can say to myself: I did not choose you, you do not speak and do not decide for me, and all the bizarre laws (which is more and more) I am not bound to respect.
I've been thinking about it and came to the conclusion that, perhaps, alignment "energy debt" and the reference to the universal / "divine" laws have an impact on reality. I think the mortgage loan (the house and the basic means for work). Since 2010 g. has not paid a single penny on the name of this loan, and we still live in that house, and no one is taking any action on this point. I do not know what will happen tomorrow, but it is so today.
It are not 4D doors perse, but it's still pretty scary, here are some explanations by the C's how the 'window faller' thing plays out

bjorn - Thanks. I am getting my D's mixed up.

@bjorn and Tuulikki, the possible weirdness is multi-fold, I think. There are many concepts to clarify - densities and dimensions included. But, things are coming to a head, so to speak, so the thinning of the veil will probably entail many of them, and the Wave thrown in will make it all a REALLY BIG SHEW.

SeekinTruth - Definitely much more complex than I was thinking. At least we are in some way prepared thanks to Laura and Co and the C's.
Kika said:
Goyacobol thanks for the links.
New image. :) Why? (If I may ask, and if it is not considered noise)

Now I see that I was in those three points incorrectly formulated questions. Thus, in English, sound like questions confirmation (Is that so?), and not as a matter of dilemma (should it be so?)

Ah... language, language.... As much as I try always something I miss and overlook, however, I noticed that some of the word "mysterious" change to be more in the spirit of the English language. I take this opportunity to thank everyone who quietly watch over this forum and help us to better understand. :thup: :hug:

I also wrote:
I do not go to the polls for years. I do not know if it has any impact in the real world (perhaps in the energy 4D), or at least have some kind of moral / spiritual solace and I can say to myself: I did not choose you, you do not speak and do not decide for me, and all the bizarre laws (which is more and more) I am not bound to respect.
I've been thinking about it and came to the conclusion that, perhaps, alignment "energy debt" and the reference to the universal / "divine" laws have an impact on reality. I think the mortgage loan (the house and the basic means for work). Since 2010 g. has not paid a single penny on the name of this loan, and we still live in that house, and no one is taking any action on this point. I do not know what will happen tomorrow, but it is so today.


I think your English is fine. I understand what you are saying. I am sure I would probably have even more trouble with your native language. This kind of relates to your image/picture question actually.

Since you asked I changed my picture/image because I may be changing internally and don't see myself quite the same. I may change it back or I may choose something else that reflects more of what I am trying to express where I am. The picture is an art piece (don't really know which one I just liked the picture). It is the "Tower of Babel" . For years my religious biblical view was very negative of the "Tower of Babel" but the Cs say that it is really more of a symbol of unity in a positive sense and I see this as what humanity has lost.

Session 5 October 1994
Q: (L) What was the event a hundred or so years after the flood of Noah that was described as the confusing of languages, or the tower of Babel?
A: Spiritual confluence.
Q: (L) What purpose did the individuals who came together to build the tower intend for said tower?
A: Electromagnetic concentration of all gravity waves.
Q: (L) And what did they intend to do with these concentrated waves?
A: Mind alteration of masses.
Q: (L) What intention did they have in altering the mind of the masses?
A: Spiritual unification of the masses.
Q: (L) Who were the “gods” that looked down on the tower of Babel, at those who were building it with the intention of unification, and decided to destroy their
A: Lizards.
Q: (L) Okay, so the Lizzies blew up the tower of Babel. What else did they do to the minds of mankind; did they do something causing literal disruption of their
understanding of language?

A: Close.
Q: (L) What tool did they use to accomplish this divisiveness?
A: Brainwashing of masses.
Q: (L) Did they do this through implants and abduction?
A: Partly.

The above session really reverses the meaning most bible "believers" understanding of the "Tower of Babel". I have just been thinking about what it all means.

I hope you keep your house, stay safe and make it through the "Valley of the Shadow" the world seems to be going through. My current house is not payment free either so I know the feeling. :hug2:
Laura said:
It is fine to leave them at home while away. The main purpose of singing and reciting to them is for YOU to get in tune, not to charge or re-charge the crystals. That is to say, if everyone is doing it, it produces frequency resonance. That feeds through the crystals to each and every member of the network.

Thank you very much Laura, lainey and SeekinTruth! :flowers: Now it's clear to me! :clap:
Chacara said:
Laura said:
It is fine to leave them at home while away. The main purpose of singing and reciting to them is for YOU to get in tune, not to charge or re-charge the crystals. That is to say, if everyone is doing it, it produces frequency resonance. That feeds through the crystals to each and every member of the network.

Thank you very much Laura, lainey and SeekinTruth! :flowers: Now it's clear to me! :clap:

Laura said:
As for the Hillary/Trump thing, it seems hard to grok any rational purpose to bringing Hillary down from inside her own organization; or that it would be permitted by the war hawks or media which are obviously totally behind her.

Maybe the people trying to bring her down are within her own organization, but not acting in any official capacity, i.e. someone (or several people) with a grudge. They pass the info to wikileaks and it's out. There's not much they can do about that. I also think there's a large dose of wishful thinking going on here. The establishment figure they can secure the win for Hillary by manipulating voters with "anyone but Trump" and their connections within most of the mainstream media.

Maybe I'm placing too much faith in the average American voter, but it seems to me that it's at least possible that a lot of people in the US are aware or feel, at some level, that they're being manipulated by being 'forced' to vote for Hillary because "anyone but Trump".

The normal human response to this kind of attempted manipulation is, very often, to 'kick back' and do the opposite of what you're 'supposed' to do, if only out of bloody-minded contrariness.
fabric said:
domi said:
Laura said:
Consider Fabric's hearing of a voice calling his name.

I've had this happen at least once recently. I was asleep and I swear somebody called my name and I woke up.
I then asked asked my wife if she called my name but she said she didn't.

I've had experiences before where I thought I heard something which would then wake me up. And I would just attribute that to being in a sleepy dreamy state. However in this case I heard my name, which woke me up and then, after I sat up fully awake and alert listening, I heard it again a second time quite clearly.

I'm glad you brought this up.
I've had this experience several times hearing my name called out and waking up. I thought it odd but I didn't know what to make of it. I've heard it during the day as well. One night, I thought I wasn't asleep and heard two men talking close by outside the window. I was concerned that it would wake my 2 year old granddaughter and she would cry. I next heard what sounded like a voice over a megaphone. It was muted enough that it sounded far off. I was astonished that no one else in the house had heard anything I described. The perculiar part of it was that I felt like I had been awake during these episodes and questioned that while it was happening. I honestly thought I was awake the whole time. Definitely not a getting a sound night's sleep.
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