Session 15 October 2016

Thanks a million Chateau Crew for the posting the new session :hug:, much appreciated. Dear Laura, warm wishes, and i hope your knee will heal very soon.

Dear Tim, and Alana, really sorry to hear about your puppy.
[quote author= WIN 52]Mothman? I did think about it, which is why I was reluctant to leave the shelter of the deck. What exactly do these guys do, other than hang around scaring people? Can they attack you?

Best to assume that window fallers and the like don't come in peace. So let's not put that to the test I think. You probably end up like a ''mortal kombat fatality'', which is not a positive thing. (rather gruesome way to die)

This is how the mothman supposed to look like :


And it isn't exactly a squirrel or anything alike.
Thanks for another great session!

Sorry to hear about what you had to go through with the puppy, Alana and Timotheos. :hug2: Hope you'll find the perfect 2D companion.

Here's hoping for the quickest and fullest recovery for Laura, and stay safe everyone! Also, keep on keepin' on....
Sorry Timótheos and Alana about your pup. thats a real shame. We just got a puppy where i am. Best of luck in choosing a suitable new furry creature that is in alignment.

Also thanks for the session, chills seemed to run up my spine on hearing this.

Laura said:
(Windmill knight) Is the situation in Syria going to escalate to a third world war as some people think?

A: No. But there may be a terrorist dirty nuke or two!

Q: (L) And when you say, "terrorist", we assume that that should be in quotes?

A: Yes

Terrorism with nukes. very serious stuff. Same as the election business. Appreciate you sharing this session Laura and team :)
Bastian said:
About Toulouse pedophiles network, I suppose that you've heard about the children of judge Roche's account (they gave a conference in Dieudonné's "Théâtre de la Main d'Or", which is probably the real reason why Dieudonné got into big trouble after that...).

In French (for instance) :
(among many others)

There is also "homicide 31" written by gendarme Roussel who was initially leading the investigation about Allegre and discovered that the "isolated predator" hypothesis didn't hold water. Of course, Roussel was diffamed, threatened and quickly removed from the investigation process.
Nienna said:
I am so sorry to see what happened to Buddy, Timótheos and Alana. But, there are some interesting things that have uncovered thanks to the Cs because of this. It doesn't lessen the hurt, though. Big hugs to both of you. Don't let this stop you from getting a more compatible pup, though.

Thanks Nienna and everyone for your thoughts. Buddy was a good boy and we became quite attached to him over the short time he was with us. He was a beautiful dog, with a strong personality no doubt, but with no hint of aggression towards humans. He was very friendly towards everyone and I loved that about him.

He was certainly single-minded at times, especially if he caught a scent of something under the ground and he would dig for hours. We spent a lot of time with his training and taking him for long walks which we all really enjoyed. In the end he showed some good progress, beginning to learn several simple commands like sit, come, stay, down, leave it, and fetch.

What is distressing is the thought that it was because of our mismatched frequencies that resulted in his untimely passing. He was only 6 months old and I wonder what kind of long and happy life he might have had if his was paired with a more suitable family. It goes to show how a lack of awareness can quickly turn to disaster and we must bear responsibility for that.

And after thinking on it some, we've decided to put aside any efforts to search for a new puppy at this time.
Thanks to all for the session. Lots to think about for sure. Sorry to hear about your pup Timótheos and Alana and hope you find another great one if you decide on one later.

Dirty nukes as a possibility I guess shouldn't be a total surprise to us but let's hope it's only a possibility.

Strange about: said:
(Galatea) So what caused the howling?

A: Small mothman type creature.

WIN 52 said:
About a week ago, after dusk, my roommate and I both heard a screeching noise from outside. Both of us are outdoors people and we agreed that the noise was kinda like the noise that a raptor type animal would make. The dogs barked a bit but didn't seem to want to go out and investigate and bark furiously. We agreed that it was dark out so it wasn't likely to be any raptor type of animal. The screech did seem to be up in the trees and not on the ground. I did venture out onto the front deck for a smoke but was reluctant to go out from under the eve. The noise came from out back.

Well, I have heard most all of the animals that it could have been. This screeching noise was new to me.

Mothman? I did think about it, which is why I was reluctant to leave the shelter of the deck. What exactly do these guys do, other than hang around scaring people? Can they attack you?

Strange about:

(Galatea) So what caused the howling?

A: Small mothman type creature.

Until I read WIN 52's post I wasn't going to mention a strange sound that I heard late at night last week. It sounded like some awkward bird taking off from a nearby tree and I thought that's weird it almost sounds bat-like and very noisy for a bird. It kind of startled me and gave me the impression it was larger than the average bird. Probably just my imagination. :huh: :cuckoo:
Thanks everyone for the session -- the parts about the animal attachments and the DNC emails were very interesting. I'm sorry about your loss of Buddy, Timótheos and Alana :hug2:
I think it is interesting how many people are hearing or sensing strange nocturnal creatures; perhaps it is a sign of the veil thinning. Maybe they aren't even fully in this reality to be seen? Consider Fabric's hearing of a voice calling his name. Back in the early years of the Cs experiment when I was becoming more aware of the possible reality in which ours is embedded, or from which it extrudes, I had a LOT of high strangeness things in terms of hearing, sensing, being aware of things going on in a reality that I can only describe as "adjacent" with a variable veil between. Things stabilized over time. But, what if the veil of our larger reality is thinning here and there? There certainly are a lot of odd things going on everywhere.

As for the Hillary/Trump thing, it seems hard to grok any rational purpose to bringing Hillary down from inside her own organization; or that it would be permitted by the war hawks or media which are obviously totally behind her. Well, I was thinking back over some things the Cs said and some things that Ra said a long time ago. Cs basically said that the turmoil that was coming was designed to get people to accept totalitarian dominance. Ra said something about it being necessary for the masses to CHOOSE and that the STS have to manipulate acceptance to come out openly. Something along that line, anyway. Maybe somebody can find the passage. So, what if Trump is that totalitarian ruler that the masses have to choose en masse? What if it is Hillary who is the "really bad choice" that is being put up next to Trump to make him look good? Rather than Trump being put next to Hillary to maker HER look good?

I dunno. It just all seems like something very deeply evil is going on.
Thanks you so much for the session. I really hope your knee heals very soon Laura. :flowers:

Q: (Andromeda) Speaking of which, I've been having this sense of time fluidity for the past few weeks. Memories pop up for no reason, or at least they don't seem to be for any reason, old dreams and stuff... Is that related, or is it something else?

A: Working through the cycles.

Q: (Andromeda) What does that mean?

A: Time, past lives, trauma etc.

Q: (Andromeda) There's a particular dream that I remember that seems to be associated with the present where somebody dies. Is that to do with past lives, or anything in the present?

A: New beginnings are usually signaled this way.

Interesting. I have been having seemingly random memories/thoughts like that too recently. It feels like achieving a sense of closure or acceptance at some level (lessons learned?), which brings more peace of mind.

What is distressing is the thought that it was because of our mismatched frequencies that resulted in his untimely passing. He was only 6 months old and I wonder what kind of long and happy life he might have had if his was paired with a more suitable family. It goes to show how a lack of awareness can quickly turn to disaster and we must bear responsibility for that.

I don't think you ought to feel too guilty about this Tim. Hugs to you and Alana :hug2:. It does seem to raise the issue as to what our real intentions are in making such decisions perhaps? Is it to make us feel wanted and needed or are we truly acting in the best interests of the pet concerned? It may take a period of time to determine if there are any incompatibility issues (mismatched frequencies), then the lesson would seem to be in finding a new home for our pet, despite any sense of attachment we may feel towards it?

So overall, the Killary camp and the establish that supports her are engaging in lots of wishful thinking here and I reckon they'll be getting a big shock on election night.

I think you are right about the wishful thinking, but would her supporters allow this outcome to run its course? As mentioned on the radio show last night, I think it would take a 'false flag' attack on American soil, perhaps a cyberwarfare or EMP event (blaming Russia and Trump by association. Obama recently signed a new Executive Order pertaining to 'space weather' events too. Is this part of the 'priming'?) to completely derail Trumps populist support.

Or as Laura just mentioned "What if it is Hillary who is the "really bad choice" that is being put up next to Trump to make him look good? Rather than Trump being put next to Hillary to maker HER look good?"

These next few weeks are going to be very interesting for sure! It is fascinating and horrifying. I have spoken to folk who have never expressed much interest in foreign politics, yet they are looking at the unfolding drama across the pond with a palpable sense of incredulity and dread.
Thank you for the new session.

My wife woke up upset some time ago saying that she heard somebody calling her name in the middle of the night. She was very upset because she said that she heard it so loud and real . But it was a 3am in the morning .
So this explanation about awareness is making things clearer.

And I think that neither Trump or Killari is a good choice , so choosing between 2 evils is not really a choice. But , then, with each of them, things can go in different direction and none of those directions will be a good one.
[quote author= Laura]I dunno. It just all seems like something very deeply evil is going on.[/quote]

I don't know also, but this was on my mind a while back.

The US is in dire need for a color revolution before a real revolution may occur. Because it all stopped being believable. And Trump may be set up to take the fall.

The PTB might not be able to fully control Trump, but they should know how he will react to certain situations. If a ''dirty'' nuke goes off by so called 'Muslim terrorists' on US or European soil, Trump will respond the only way he knows how.

Just listen to what he stated about tackling the Muslim problem and illegal immigrants. If anything catastrophic happens, he is in a position to round up millions of people and forcefully put them in FEMA camps. And I am not just talking about Latino immigrants and Muslims. I am especially talking about the human rights & anti war activists. All of the people who the Empire has marked as their enemy could be finally disposed of.

I am not saying that Trump will order to exterminate those people. I am saying he wouldn't be informed of what is truly happening inside those camps, and who exactly are being round up. All he is led to believe that he is making America safer by not taking any risks with Muslims.

This regime of his wouldn't be able to last. But this is by design. Because when all the enemies of the Empire are exterminated. Inside the US and abroad (through special hit squads) The PTB will usher in color revolution. And here is where the Empire wins big time.

Trump will get the blame of committing the second holocaust and the establishment will walk away with a clean state while in fact they where truly the ones behind the mass genocide. Trump will get the blame of exterminating there enemies. They could even say that the MSM tried to warn the public about Trump. But nobody listened !! Painting themselves as heroes.

Without the alternative media, The Empire has free reign over the minds of the public.

Just imagine what they could do with that. 30 years or more without a significant alternative media to hold them back.

If you look at history. Every few generations or so intellects, human rights, anti war activists etc in huge numbers got exterminated. This certain gene pool is getting erased again and again. Because Entropy can only flourish without those? Not doing anything about these special breed of people is digging their own grave in the long run?

- Anyhow, here is another sunshiny note of mine.
Thank you for the session. Condolances for the loss Timótheos and Alana, and hope you heal quickly Laura.

mkrnhr said:
The information about the mismatch of energy profiles is intriguing. It has been discussed within the framework of a 2D creature living closely with humans making "progress". I wonder whether it may be extended to people to a certain extent.

Yes it is intriguing. I would guess that it can go both ways.

I adopted a dog about a year ago. I didn't really choose him, as it happened because my neighbours left him when they moved, and so he didn't have anybody, and I was doubting some if it was a good idea to take him, as I had thought he was a quite annoying little dog (barking a lot at anything human or animal passing by, being quite nervous and making knots on himself while sounding like a pig when petted and so) but it was heartbreaking to think of him in a shelter, so I took him in.

He has changed a lot in the time he has been with me. He quickly stopped being so nervous, and making pig sounds, but the guarding his territory persisted. I didn't have a lot of energy to train him as I was quite sick, and he would completely ignore my calling him when he was barking at something.

Then I moved to a new place, and the neighbours have 3 dogs that are quite calm and wellbehaved (unless they see a fox) and so he got dog friends, and as they would come when I called him, he came too, so he improved a lot, but there was still some of that aggressive/nervous guarding his territory and ignoring me left.

Then one day he heard me singing In the Garden (he would usually be out when I was singing as I let him out in the morning) and he changed. It was subtle, but as he turned more soft and loving. After that he has changed over the last months, from mostly wanting to run around outside, to go for a quick run when I let him out, then come back about 10 minutes later and seeming to be more contend to be around me, than defending his territory. And most stunning, lately, the few times he has barked at something, he has stopped and come running to me when I called him.

So I'm thinking that the place has changed a lot, but also the crystals (I got the crystals about a week before I moved) and that In the Garden might also have some frequency changing abilities..

About scary stuff at night, last week I woke up because my dog was on the floor weeping (he sleeps in my bed) he was hurting a lot in his back leg. It was really weird as there had been nothing wrong when we went to bed. It was hard to examine the leg as he was in so much pain he growled and snapped at me (he has never done that before, and has only squirmed when something hurts) but it seemed to be the knee (or is it the heal, as dogs walk on their toes I guess) I put on a mix of (therapeutic grade) Wintergreen and Helichrysum essential oil, that is good for painrelief and healing for muscles bones and tendons, it gave some relief and we went back to sleep. The leg got better during the next day, and by the evening there was no pain at all, and he seemed as it had never happened, and thankfully it hasn't returned.

It did make me wonder if something was attacking while I was sleeping, it just seemed so weird...
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