It is good that you have touched on themes of air, but I want to supplement it because did not mentioned the role of intention. You can throw bad energy with air during exhalation (sometimes it may not be a bad energy than simply the energy of others that we do not need, when cleaning and breaking the links), by imaging that you do it during exhalation. You can draw energy you want when you inhale. This can be simple energy or energy for special purposes. When I did it, raised my hands in the air, breath and imagined that I draw cosmic energy (white) through the hands. But I think this is not necessary, you can direct the energy to the lungs, then further (I liked feel of energy in my hands). When I expel bad energy, I imagine that it is black smoke leaving my body with air. When you expel someone else's energy, imagine that it is going back to one which is, during exhalation. This is usually needed when someone direct negative energy to you or when break love affair. If you break/clean the link, during inhalation take your energy back, also.