Session 16 April 2016

Thank you to all for the new session. :)

I have been slow to experiment with many ideas the Cs have given due to old programs and not wanting to be "a tool of the tool". But I suppose the more you use a tool the more you learn and grow to appreciate it's value. I have wondered about pendulums, dowsing, crystals, grounding and how water can store information. I am sure there are scientific reasons for the clues the Cs give us to help but even if they tried to explain much of it we probably wouldn't understand everything. So, I am going to "experiment" a bit.

Vulcan59 said:
Thanks for sharing the session. :) And FWIW, "Valley of the Shadow" was also the title of a 1963 episode of The Twilight Zone!

I haven't watched it yet but here is the episode for "Valley of the Shadow" on YouTube:

Thank you for this very amazing and interesting session :perfect:

I was thinking about charging crystals and precious metals and first thought that came to me was about all the legends, stories and movies where some stone, crystal or a ring have a huge power and good and bad guys fight over it. Like in the movie "Lord of the rings" for example.
So now we can see what it really means, that crystals and precious metal can really be charged and have a real power.

I `m also feeling very tired lately. Not physically tired but somehow tired of everything, like lack of motivation and its present no mater what i do. It wont go away completely.

I would like to try to charge up a crystal or some jewelry made of precious metal and to see and feel that power effect. I have never done that, so it will be very interesting and helpful to try. Any instructions are welcome.
WIN 52 said:
Walking in the valley of the shadow with charged crystals lighting the way. All we need are Hobbits, Dwarves and Elves to complete the entourage.

Thanks for the messages.
I'm ready ;).

Thank you guys for very interesting session, I have enjoyed reading it.
Many thanks to Laura, Ark and the chateau team for another great session. :hug:

Lot of interesting info to think about.

I also have lot of problems with migraines, and I'll try to increase salt water dosage in order to highten brain electrolytes. Thank you Joe for suggestion.

It is pretty scary to think 4 kilometres of comet's fragment hit the Jupiter other day, I wonder how many more are on the way.

Related to the "bed grounding", how big metal mesh patch needs to be, and if we should put it directly under the head (and of course the mattress)?

Looking forward for crystal protection.
Thank you very much for this session.

Regarding the 4000 m comet that crashed into Jupiter. 4000m, 4km, 2.5 miles is a lot. I am happy Jupiter took that blow. Jupiter is a huge planet, according to said:
The planet’s diameter is 11.2 times larger than Earth’s. Jupiter’s volume is 1321 times larger than Earth’s and it’s surface area is 122 times that of Earth’s.

If the Earth got hit by a comparatively similar sized body, what would the diameter be? Below there are some considerations which do involve math, but I have tried to reduce it.

To compare one needs to take the difference of size into consideration. If Jupiter is so much bigger than Earth, we would have an idea, if we found the volume of a spherical body that was 1321 times smaller than the comet with the size of 4000m that hit Jupiter.

The formular for the volume V of a sphere with the radius r is:
In the formular we notice that (4/3)*pi is a constant. What makes the difference in volume is therefore the size of the radius.

Since (r^3) means r*r*r if the radius of another comet is half of the radius of 4000 meter ball, we would have 1/8th of the volume of the original body, if one third of the radius then the volume would be 1/27, if it had been a quarter then 1/64 and so on. If the radius of the body had been 1/10 of the original its volume would be a 1000 times smaller.

For our purpose a 1000 times smaller is not enough, we need to find a body that is 1321 times smaller. As it turns out, if the radius is 1/11 of the original we would get af volume which is 1331 times smaller and this is close enough for our puposes. Since the diameter is two times the radius, if the radius has to be about 11 times smaller, so does the diameter.
This means that if a 4000 meter comet hits Jupiter an equivalent punch would be an Earth hitting comet with a diameter of 4000m/11 which is a staggering 360 meters. [One could get to the number 11 in other ways, like arguing that since the diamter of Jupiter is 11.2 times the diameter of Earth, therefore the Jupiter sized Comet would need to have a diameter that is 11 times smaller if it was to hit Earth.]

There is only one "small" problem, Jupiter is a gas planet! Although the volume is 1321 times more than that of the Earth, the mass is only 318 times more. This means the mean density on Earth is (1321/318) or 4.15 times higher. Therefore we need a comet that contains more mass than the 360 meters ball, we already have. If the radius of the comet had been 50% more, we would have a body with a mass that is (1.5)^3 =3.4 times more. That is not enough, we increase to 60% more and this gives us (1.6)^3 which is about 4.1 more mass and since we needed 4.15, this ansver is sufficient.

This means that if the cross section size of our 360 meter comet is increased by 60% or if you like multiplied by 1.6 then we have a comet body which would be comparatively equivalent to what hit Jupiter the other day. The shocking part is that this gives us a comet with a diameter of 580 meters!

One might say that this is not fair, since Jupiter is a gas planet, it absorbs the comet much better than a solid Earth, therefore if fairness was to prevail the comet for the Earth should be smaller.

In any case next time it is reported an object of a given size has hit Jupiter, we can divide the diameter by 11 and multiply the result by 1,6 to get the size that would fit the Earth.

Below is a list of estimates regarding the frequency of bigger objects colliding with the Earth, even though this presuppoes they are random and equally distributed.

Kinetic energy at Crater diameter Frequency (years)
Impactor atmospheric
diameter entry impact
100 m (330 ft) 47 Mt 3.8 Mt 1.2 km (0.75 mi) 5,200
130 m (430 ft) 103 Mt 31.4 Mt 2 km (1.2 mi) 11,000
150 m (490 ft) 159 Mt 71.5 Mt 2.4 km (1.5 mi) 16,000
200 m (660 ft) 376 Mt 261 Mt 3 km (1.9 mi) 36,000
250 m (820 ft) 734 Mt 598 Mt 3.8 km (2.4 mi) 59,000
300 m (980 ft) 1270 Mt 1110 Mt 4.6 km (2.9 mi) 73,000
400 m (1,300 ft) 3010 Mt 2800 Mt 6 km (3.7 mi) 100,000
700 m (2,300 ft) 16100 Mt 15700 Mt 10 km (6.2 mi) 190,000
1,000 m (3,300 ft) 47000 Mt 46300 Mt 13.6 km (8.5 mi) 440,000

Apparently a 580 meter object does not come in often. If a change in diameter from 400 -700 meter changes the frequency from 100,000 to 190,000 years, then it roughly means that 500 meter object might come every 130,000 years, and a 600 meter object every 160.000 years, but again that is statistics.

Apart from the size, it is very important to know the energy it carries, which includes the kinetic as well as the electric charge. The electric charge and its influence is hard to evaluate, but the size and speed one can simulate.

On this page one can play with the options for different sizes of impact, ajusting for speed, density, impact angle and so on. They also say: said:
[...]The minimum impact velocity on Earth is 11 km/s. Typical impact velocities are 17 km/s for asteroids and 51 km/s for comets. The maximum Earth impact velocity for objects orbiting the sun is 72 km/s.
The impact angle is measured from a plane tangent to the impact surface. This angle is 90 degrees for a vertical impact. The most probable angle of impact is 45 degrees.[...]
If a 580 meter comet hit the Earth at 45 degrees with a speed of 51 km/s, and we were within a 1000 km of the impact, we would most likely hear the sound from the impact some 50 minutes later, but it would not make the Earth shake much at that distance. However there are also people who will be closer, and for them it will be a very traumatic experience, if they even survive.

There are some quesitons besides the physical impact calculations: Would the Earth environment be significantly affected by a highly charged object, or is the cosmic environment affected? What happens to Jupiter when it takes in a 4000 m object. What happens to Earth when Jupiter is hit by a comet?
Thank you for sharing it! Very informative as usual.

luc said:
Thanks so much, what a fascinating session!!

Session 16 April 2016 said:
(Galatea) Do the Cs suffer?

A: Not as you understand it, but in empathy only.

Q: (L) I think I remember ya'll saying that when we suffer, you suffer. Is that it?

A: Yes

Fwiw, I think the question about whether the C's suffer was brought up in this thread: Life experiences represent interaction with "God".

Maybe what they mean is that they still experience the suffering that comes with being empathetic, but they are not suffering from the "daily crap" that we experience here, and certainly not from our various "human quirks". I guess they learned to overcome these some "time" ago. Plus, they can see a lot more truth, a lot more "what is" without going crazy, maybe because they see the whole picture at once. But it's difficult to grasp all that, I don't know...

Perhaps it's kind of a suffering which is experienced by a mother who sees her children suffering?
Eärwen said:
Related to the "bed grounding", how big metal mesh patch needs to be, and if we should put it directly under the head (and of course the mattress)?

I don't know the best solution but I just ordered a 20 meters roll of square (1.2cmX1.2cm) galvanized mesh and I will put a 1m X 2m rectangle under my mattress.
Pierre said:
Eärwen said:
Related to the "bed grounding", how big metal mesh patch needs to be, and if we should put it directly under the head (and of course the mattress)?

I don't know the best solution but I just ordered a 20 meters roll of square (1.2cmX1.2cm) galvanized mesh and I will put a 1m X 2m rectangle under my mattress.

Thank you Pierre. :flowers:
Awesome, my little one has been playing with a container of gems and crystals a lot lately.. She has favourites too.
Time to reconnect with them. I had an urge to wear a Rose quartz pendant the over day...

Thanks for the session... It was very helpful to me right now with my current struggles.
Thank you for the session :)

"The very fact that the car was recently checked should raise suspicious rather than be used as evidence of mechanical correctness" - funny, but I think this way everytime after my car, bike or some other mechanical/electrical thing is checked or repaired...

As for crystals, I put one on my forehead every time I feel exhausted or during practicing pipe breathing lying in bed before going to sleep.
I knew that I had read that magnesium is a good way of overcoming migraines, I looked up migraines on SOTT and found a few good articles.

Magnesium deficiency is a factor, according to many, and so are B vitamins. There is one article that says that there are many different causes of migraines so it would mean that there are many cures for them, too.

Here are the articles I quickly looked at:

Hope these give some relief to those who suffer from migraines.
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