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Do people practice it? C's point dances as something compelling.
Do people practice it? C's point dances as something compelling.
A: Moon-day.
A: With the current imbalance, about once a week. Later, as the balance is restored, it can be once a month... Dark of the moon.
A: A "conduit" maybe?
You see, I would like to go dancing. Some time ago I used to go to clubs and "dancing," but now they give me nausea. I am wondering about dancing however about at the entirely new level and wondering whether others developed those ideas about dancing. I am not stressing anybody about it. I am just curious.
I misunderstood your reference but I suppose practice that dancing might be useful as exercise but it may depend on health issues or age.
Maybe others can comment if they have some experiences to share. I often wished I could take dance lessons to not look so clumsy. Group dancing seems to be very much fun.
It has been a possibility for a long time I think so "practicing" like any endeavor can take time and planing.
We have the concept but planning, timing and building the strength of a "conduit" is a part of the process I think.
I think being "compelled" is not quite the same as seeing the purpose and usefulness of a tool and understanding how to use it.
I don't know the current status or importance of this suggestion but I do think about it now and then too.
Any update about dance?
I think now lots of people have time at home lockdown to practice dance maybe not in 7or8 group but. that is also interesting that PTB in all country cancels gathering more than 2 people.
My first thought after reading this session was.. maybe because of that dance...
Q: (J) Say something and heal us all, Laura! (A**) Would doing this in groups physically be even more powerful, like if we did workshops?
A: Yes. That will come. And Don mentioned spinning, too. That all has its place along with the "maze dance"; but patience. The meditation and cleansing prayer comes first. You had to go through a "cleansing" too. You are now giving the tools to others so as to enable them to accomplish the same in a different and more efficient way.
Q: (L) So I mean... Just doing this meditation tape the way we plan to do it, people can listen to it, and by listening to it, there is some sort of frequency that can be triggered in them by my voice?
A: Yes. And it can be ten times more powerful in groups with you personally speaking.
Q: (L) That's too weird. (A**) I think it's cool! (C) Wake up the masses!
A: The method has been used nefariously for millennia so what is wrong with FRV in a positive context?! The power of love is also FRV! Only nobody is using it of late.
"Q: Now, on a couple of occasions we have talked about trees. You have said that theYes, one really negative individual can spoil the whole thing. We are really beginning to appreciate the old saying about "one bad apple..."
Also, notice that the Cs said that the dance would only be effective when performed by members of "the blood." Let's have a look at a few remarks the Cs made about blood in the past to see if anything becomes clear here:
Now, here's a bit from Secret History about the Maruts:
Yes, one really negative individual can spoil the whole thing. We are really beginning to appreciate the old saying about "one bad apple..."
Also, notice that the Cs said that the dance would only be effective when performed by members of "the blood." Let's have a look at a few remarks the Cs made about blood in the past to see if anything becomes clear here:
Now, here's a bit from Secret History about the Maruts:
How about the Pando trees in Utah?
Yes, Goyacobol.....but also that there is a stange phenomenon that they are slowly dying and that they are one massively interconnected organism.They are Aspen trees that spread out. So if you are comparing them to the "bloodline" then I suppose that the bloodline might be "spread out" by now.
Yes, Goyacobol.....but also that there is a stange phenomenon that they are slowly dying and that they are one massively interconnected organism.
Hi goyacobol. Here an article about Pando trees in Utah. But I'm not sure we can deduce from their situation that "the bloodline is slowly dying"
Hi goyacobol. Here an article about Pando trees in Utah. But I'm not sure we can deduce from their situation that "the bloodline is slowly dying"
Pando, the Most Massive Organism on Earth, Is Shrinking (Published 2018)
The grove of 47,000 quivering aspen trees in Utah is being diminished by mule deer, foraging cattle and human mismanagement.www.nytimes.com
Q: (L) Going back to the beings that absorb nutrients through their pores, what kind of beings are they?
A: Both those that you describe as the Lizard Beings and those you describe as the Grays. This is necessary for their survival in each case. Even though the Grays are not natural parts of the short wave cycle, but rather an artificial creation by the Lizard Beings, but nevertheless they mimic the nourishment functions.
Q: (L) Since they are artificially created by the Lizard beings, does this mean they have no souls?
A: That's correct.
Q: (L) How do they function? Are they like robots?
A: They function by interaction with the souls of the Lizard beings. This technology is extremely far in advance of that with which you are familiar, but the Gray beings are not only built and designed artificially, but also function as a projection mentally and psychically of the Lizard beings. They are like four dimensional probes.
Q: (L) As four dimensional probes, what are their capabilities?
A: They have all the same capabilities of the Lizard beings except for the fact that their physical appearance is entirely different and they do not have souls of their own and also their biological structure is internally different. But, their functioning is the same and in order to remain as projection beings they also must absorb nutrients in the same fashion both spiritually and physically as the Lizard beings do. The reason the negative energy is necessary fuel is that the Lizard beings and the Grays are both living in the fourth level of density, which is the highest level of density one can exist in serving only self as these entities do. So, therefore, they must absorb negative energy because the fourth level of density is the highest example of self service which is a negative thought pattern. The fourth level of density is a progression from the third level of density. With each progression upward in density level, the existence for the individual conscious entity becomes less difficult. So, therefore, the fourth level of density is less difficult to exist in that the third, the third is less difficult than the second and so on. It puts less strain on the soul energy. Therefore, beings existing on the fourth level of density can draw from beings existing on the third level of density in terms of absorption of negative soul energy. Likewise, beings on the third level of density can draw from beings on the second level of density, though this type of drawing is not as necessary but is done. This is why human beings existing on the third level frequently cause pain and suffering to those of the animal kingdom who exist on the second level of density because you are drawing negative soul energy as beings who primarily serve self, as you do, from those on the second level, and on the first, and so on. Now, as you advance to the fourth level of density which is coming up for you, you must now make a choice as to whether to progress to service to others or to remain at the level of service to self. This will be the decision which will take quite some time for you to adjust to. This is what is referred to as the "thousand year period." This is the period as measured in your calendar terms that will determine whether or not you will advance to service to others or remain at the level of service to self. And those who are described as the Lizards have chosen to firmly lock themselves into service to self. And, since they are at the highest level of density where this is possible, they must continually draw large amounts of negative energy from those at the third level, second level, and so on, which is why they do what they do. This also explains why their race is dying, because they have not been able to learn for themselves how to remove themselves from this particular form of expression to that of service to others. And, since they have such, as you would measure it, a long period of time, remained at this level and, in fact, become firmly entrenched in it, and, in fact, have increased themselves in it, this is why they are dying and desperately trying to take as much energy from you as possible and also to recreate their race metabolically.
Q: (L) Well, if we are sources of food and labor for them, why don't they just breed us in pens on their own planet?
A: They do.
Q: (L) Well, since there is so many of us here, why don't they just move in and take over?
A: That is their intention. That has been their intention for quite some time. They have been traveling back and forth through time as you know it, to set things up so that they can absorb a maximum amount of negative energy with the transference from third level to fourth level that this planet is going to experience, in the hopes that they can overtake you on the fourth level and thereby accomplish several things. 1: retaining their race as a viable species; 2: increasing their numbers; 3: increasing their power; 4: expanding their race throughout the realm of fourth density. To do all of this they have been interfering with events for what you would measure on your calendar as approximately 74 thousand years. And they have been doing so in a completely still state of space time traveling backward and forward at will during this work. Interestingly enough, though, all of this will fail.
Q: (L) How can you be so sure it will fail?
A: Because we see it. We are able to see all, not just what we want to see. Their failing is that they see only what they want to see. In other words, it's the highest manifestation possible of that which you would refer to as wishful thinking. And, wishful thinking represented on the fourth level of density becomes reality for that level. You know how you wishfully think? Well, it isn't quite reality for you because you are on the third level, but if you are on the fourth level and you were to perform the same function, it would indeed be your awareness of reality. Therefore they cannot see what we can see since we serve others as opposed to self, and since we are on sixth level, we can see all that is at all points as is, not as we would want it to be.
I'm not so familiar with the transcripts that I can go and retrieve but the Cs spoke more on this.I'll paraphrase here and hopefully be close to accurate. Ultimately, there is a being at the apex of STS called the Desolate One which draws all into it or 'eats' them in a line of succession. And I think this represents the sleeping side of Prime Source; that which wishes only to roll over and go back to sleep. Those at the top ranks in STS densities may or may not realize or do vaguely.My question is STO anyone? Who in their right mind wants to be part of a "dying" race or anything?