Session 16 July 2009

WOW! They described some incredible ideas. Thanks for posting it. I love dancing :wow:
Nienna Eluch said:
Oh, I just love to dance!!! :wow:

Me too! The first video of the Balkan finale looks like a blast! You can see some similarity to Irish dance too, with the very quiet upper body and all that energy below.

Nienna Eluch said:
Although I'm not a young one anymore.

Well, who knows? There may be different dances that need different energies. One of the most beautiful dancers I ever saw was a Haida woman who was part of group performing at Expo '86. It was a group of elder women and she was the eldest of them all (in her '70s at least). They were doing a dance honouring the snow geese migration which apparently only the older women did. The dance was composed of very simple steps and formations, but I swear if you blurred your eyes you could see her as a a snow goose. It really touched your soul.

thank you group for publishing the session so fast.

WoW! . This sessions is more sounded like PLEIADIAN stuff . any way, C's always has good regards for what PLEIADIAN's said

It is amazing and rejuvenating to read these sessions after years of depressing news reading over and over again on a daily basis

The most important part of it is 'Triple bad day for Rockefellar and ilk ' :cool2: :cool2: :cool2:.

Of course , it is better not to sleep. I am still struggling with this mental blocking thing. There is a long way to go.

I always puzzled about the so many things in my life happened in a random way coming to be connected. Self hypnosis , reiki, meditation, yoga , exercises , other language learning. Last year , I participated in a group folk dance in our company's cultural festival, mainly to get out of frustrating thought loops of life time of narcissistic fear of 'what others think'. It is amazing experience , which it really served my purpose. Now C's talking about dancing.

This session damn contrast to the first session on AoL.

It is great they mentioned that dancers doesn't need to be at the same location , 2 or more is good. I don't think earth time matters. I occasionally go to Yogananda's meditation group , where there is a healing prayer goes at the end, saying now 'we will join world wide prayer circle '. Despite my scepticism and fear of it becoming YCYOR, i feel much rejuvenating, after frustrating disturbances , distractions from inside and outside predators.
Ok then, we have plenty to work with. I once won a dance contest. I have no idea of these types of dances though. Movement, rhythem, "connecting chackras,"
and singing or chanting creates "conduit." What the conduit is for is known by the participants accessing it for a purpose. Like "mental blocking." "Consciousness is gravity expressed." The number of participants adds "power" exponentially.

Words have power, and who knows what kind of power under the right conditions. So the C's will give us what to say through dreams. And breathing is "time."

Wow, I think we can network and figure out how to access this "higher" realm and do who knows what, create a new reality?

Anyone know why it could be a "triple" bad day for Rockefellers and the like?
Thanks for doing this session! Amidst all the craziness it does give some hope of light.

About the dancing, it might be a little like the Noah's ark: seemed like a fun thing to do at the time, and then when it was needed it came in handy! :)
This just gets more exciting day by day! So much to take in and whoa, the possibilities! How could you not enjoy this ride?! I used to love dancing in my earlier days and would love to give it a try once again. I however will also be dancing alone but I believe that it would still make a difference. The effect would most definitely be stronger with more people but every little bit helps, maybe? One thing at a time of course and off I go to meditation land! Thanks as always to you and the team for working so hard and fast for all of us Laura :)
genero81 said:
Anyone know why it could be a "triple" bad day for Rockefellers and the like?

Maybe some of the comets are what you would call "homing comets", each having a name carved on them like Rockefellers and the like and they each explode only on contact with the correct target!!! :lol:
Quote from: genero81
Anyone know why it could be a "triple" bad day for Rockefellers and the like?

Maybe some of the comets are what you would call "homing comets", each having a name carved on them like Rockefellers and the like and they each explode only on contact with the correct target!!! Laugh

Well, that is a funny thought, but I prefer to focus on our possible escape by our own efforts, even if we're given a bit of help. Remember that the C's emphasized
BEING, and the idea that we should purify ourselves in order to "connect chackras" and so forth. Laura also speaks of knowledge imput on continual basis.

Then there was the C's pointing out how the first six years were to empower through the learning process of knowing what and who the pathological types are, and how they operate. And maybe most importantly, why they are so successful.

We need 200 of "the blood" who have recognized themselves by connecting with their higher centers, and therefore recognize one another. All the while, avoiding the "posers." Psychopaths who operate on behalf of 4D STS.

I also realized that the C's were referring to Laura when they mentioned giving the right words through dreams.

But having said all that, I'm feeling much more hopeful myself. :)
Wow, this one struck me.

I have undergone some powerful life changes recently (well, if you consider the past year as "recent"). One of the changes in my life is that I have "joined" (for lack of a better word) a dance studio to learn to dance. Ya know, Ballroom. Waltz, Tango, Cha-Cha, Salsa, Swing, and so on. I have put a lot of work and time (and money...) but somehow it feels "right". And believe me, I appreciate the danger in "feels right". I have started to actually learn this stuff and many of the ladies who also go to this dance studio complement me. Of course this feeds my ego, but I try and take this as an objective bit of feedback that my efforts are working, at least to seriously learn Ballroom, if nothing else.

So I was struck by the whole dance thing... and how it resonated with recent changes in my life.

But at the same time, there was this little nagging voice in the back of my head that I recalled from previous transcripts "There are NO good rituals."

I don't quite know how to balance the input that the rhythms and "frequencies" of dance will have a positive and collaborative effect with the admonition about ritual. Frankly it has me puzzled.
So I was struck by the whole dance thing... and how it resonated with recent changes in my life.

But at the same time, there was this little nagging voice in the back of my head that I recalled from previous transcripts "There are NO good rituals."

I don't quite know how to balance the input that the rhythms and "frequencies" of dance will have a positive and collaborative effect with the admonition about ritual. Frankly it has me puzzled.

It's been discussed that this knowledge has decayed into "rites," "initiations" and so forth that has lost the original meaning. In fact, has become something entirely different. Like animal or human sacrifice, for example.

Besides, I didn't see any reference to rituals by the C's.

In fact it looks like a ploy to bring doubt into the mix. We don't even know how it works just yet and you are concerned about rituals.

I'm thinking more like creative application of knowledge by participants who share the same understanding. Is agriculture a ritual? No, it's an application of knowledge.

See the difference?
Thank you Laura for the latest sessions.

That was two sessions published very close by.

I look forward to the next installment. Currently learning to breathe properly.

Q: (L) Okay, the Maruts were referred to as - they were like all of a special bloodline - and they danced, and their dance produced benefits for the tribe. I mean, the heavens opened, and baskets came down with food and whatever they needed, it's like the original story of Manna from heaven.



It would seem we have a clue as to the basket-weave pattern crop circle - a cosmic basket?

C's said:
A: You have your work cut out for you. You have a choice of futures. What will it be? A dark star or paradise restored???

Paradise restored?! That I and all others might live to see this happen?! The nightmare becomes the dream!!!
Love and blessings to all who have sacrificed, labored, shared, encouraged, and given that this day may actually become a reality! :love:

Now, on with the spinning, breathing, praying, meditating, and dancing! Let's make this happen! :thup:
Laura said:
(L) Well it kind of reminds me... Remember when I talk about my power walking, when I get on the treadmill and I kind of meditate on the treadmill and focus on whatever is needed, and somehow it usually kind of happens? This business the Cs are talking about is power walking on steroids.
Hi this was very interesting session.

I have to say I was very confused after the quoted statement. We have already established on this forum and elsewhere that YCYR (You create your own reality) paradigm doesn't have any grounds in reality. Could you kindly explain in which way is this method of yours different to usual New Age YCYR ?

Nota benne: It has been pointed to me before how big is my self importance (and I am grateful for this) and that this usually manifests in the need to "put Laura down for a notch or two". I hope this question will not be interpreted in the same way as it has nothing to do with it.

I feel mostly gratitude and love towards Laura and her team ( no, this is not emotional hook its just a statement of fact) but in the same time I was never good at blind following , if something doesn't make sense I would like to ask.
I hope this was not too much of internal considering,I felt explanation is in order given certain situations from the past.
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