Session 16 September 2017

All the moves politicians make are suspicious, like a private perverse chess game, but Mother Nature, in addition to the thoughts that can be deduced from 172 Laura's reply, is the one that is going to make a change, forced economic changes in Mexico, there is no doubt.

From the reply 172 of Laura.- "When those with higher centers are blocked from full manifestation of creative energy, that energy must go somewhere. If you cannot create "without" you create "within".

The great destruction in towns, for example the tens of thousands of people who lost their homes in Jojutla and other cities, Only in the state of Morelos has 12 cities seriously affected.
The politicians will forcefully have to move socioeconomic rules and in the City of Mexico has just announced the news that to the multiple buildings and houses and businesses destroyed, at least 87 large buildings that seemed to be strong and safe are about to collapse and this is not anything, it is very serious for the big city, economically speaking.

And And they are NOT counting the cities devastated by recent hurricanes.
mabar said:
goyacobol said:
These for-profit companies get tax breaks and education aide for employees as non-profit companies would get if their home state allows it. It is like a hybrid category which is a mixture. It's a bit weird I think and with all the disasters like the tsunami situation in Haiti and the Clinton Foundation I am getting very suspicious of these organizations.
Ah, do not know if that applies here, I had not heard any petition approved by the government, just being like a reference, I assume ... I really do not know, it would be wonderful, at a certain extent, I think ... I hear today at night news that political parties were going to donate part of their money to earthquake's damages, but is still just in words, it figured to me some sort of reaction, but one knows to no expect too much from them, they are too far shameless...

An example of the solidarity that is going on here, just a little example, this images can be repeated in the whole country, in social media and at the states that were not damaged ...


I think you are probably right about the real solidarity being in the common people. And maybe they using these petitions to gage the emotions of the people since psychopaths don't have emotions in the normal sense. The Cs say this suffering will separate "the wheat from the chaff" and from what I see the majority of common people help each other in time of need. My thoughts are with you and Mexico ,the hurricane victims in the Caribbean and the multiple war torn countries around the globe. These men/entites "behind the curtain" need to be exposed for the psychopaths they are.
Many thanks to all participants in this session :wizard:

The remark about Trump having his heart still in the right place is most intriguing. Wonder what kind of force is behind him and whether he might be playing totally stupid, pretending to be swallowed by the Deep State only to pull some dirty super trick out of his sleeve when the time comes.

The water-from-Mars issue is mind-blowing. I was more a fan of the Canney's hypothesis about a comet as a hoover, first sucking the water from the red planet and then releasing it on Earth but the interplanetary arc of plasma... that's just :O
Hello and thank you all for the session.

Concerning Trump, it seems so weird to listen to his kind of comments from a president of the USA. Actually, the announces he uses to do, especially the latter about destroying North Korea, looks so stupid regarding the tension overthere that we might miss a point. Maybe, he just knows he cannot do anything so he might tell to himself "ok let's play with all of them and have fun ! What will the deep state will do with me doing so stupid comments !"
Thanks for the session. As always.
So Trump at least has tried... Glad to hear But he is still President of common people. But then his public messages about striking North Korea... I don't get it. Unless he has not choice and does what he is being told...
Magnificent and ironic message on twitter and very effective, for the response of the public in general.


Pati Chapoy Verified Account @ChapoyPati 21 Sept.

Dedicated to the deputies and senators who have not manifested their intention to help and remedy in some way the catastrophe that suffers the country and they are supposed to be our representatives in the so-called "democracy".
Thank you for this session and all of the fascinating follow-up discussions, particularly about the transfer of water from Mars to Earth.
Tristan said:
BTW, Could someone tell us where the mirror topic is referenced in Castaneda's books?

This is the only part that I remember where don Juan talks about mirrors, although I did not include the details where he talks about the preparation, I would not encourage myself to do it :D

josev said:
About the mirror from Castaneda’s The Fire From Within:
„The technique I have in mind has to be put in action in the shallow depths of a stream,” he said. „There is one near Genaro’s house.” „What will I have to do?” „You’ll have to get a mediumsize mirror.” I was surprised at his request. I remarked that the ancient Toltecs did not know about mirrors. „They didn’t,” he admitted, smiling. „This is my benefactor’s addition to the technique. All the ancient seers needed was a reflecting surface.”

There are two versions. I’ll give you the old seers’ version first. They thought that the reflecting surface of a shiny object submerged in water enlarges the power of the water. What they used to do was gaze into bodies of water, and the reflecting surface served them as an aid to accelerate the process. They believed that our eyes are the keys to entering into the unknown; by gazing into water, they were allowing the eyes to open the way.”

He said that ancient seers were damaged by their aberrant insistence on staying glued to their procedures, but that whatever they found was valid. They found out that the surest way to meet one of those creatures is through a body of water. The size of the body of water is not relevant; an ocean or a pond serves the same purpose. He had chosen a small stream because he hated to get wet. We could have gotten the same results in a lake or a large river. „The other life comes to find out what’s going on when human beings call,” he continued. „That Toltec technique is like a knock on their door. The old seers said the shiny surface on the bottom of the water served as a bait and a window. So humans and those creatures meet at a window.” „Is that what happened to me there?” I asked. „The old seers would’ve said that you were being pulled by the power of the water and the power of the first level, plus the magnetic influence of the creature at the window.” „But I heard a voice in my ear saying that I was dying,” I said. „The voice was right. You were dying, and you would have if I hadn’t been there. That is the danger of practicing the Toltecs’ techniques. They are extremely effective but most of the time they are deadly.”
Thank you very much for this wonderful session. with respect to Trump, I think we all smelled that he would end up falling into the clutches of the deep state.
very interesting that the C's mentioned Don Juan de Castañeda ...

I hope Laura's recovery remains satisfactory

a big hug to everyone! :hug2:
thanks for the new session!!

It is quite sad about trump. How as a symbolic representation of the people and yet unable to do anything of benefit. It would be such a horrible place to be in!!

Kind regards!!
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