So much gratitude

for this information and all the incredible knowledge and observations being offered on this site (and the SOTT emails which keep me informed about such a broad range of topics!). I would really have struggled to cope without the knowledge being offered. I have been unable to connect with this wonderful tribe online much recently and sorely miss you all, even though I know the connection always remains strong.
I had several very intense ‘flushes’ of energy while reading that session also, but particularly relating to the line:
“A: Your program is good if combined with knowledge and awareness. Knowledge itself changes DNA.”
In relation to this, I have some questions...
CAN DNA ‘SURROGATION’ OCCUR (between some people)
(apologies if this is not the correct place for them)
Has anyone mentioned seeing golden ‘sparks’ or ‘flashes’ out of the ‘corner’ of their eyes? Almost like in your peripheral vision? This has been happening to myself and my adult daughter for quite some time but has accelerated over time, and now the ‘sparks’ are bigger and longer.
At first the ‘sparks’ were tiny and not so bright, I thought I was imagining them, but my daughter had a few months before commented about it, and then I started having the same experience. I didn’t really understand what she meant until it began happening to me. My daughter lives in a different state in Australia and we don’t get to see one another often (mostly due to Covid restrictions). We often have similar dreams and appear to be psychically very connected, so at first I thought it was something almost psychosomatic (I think that’s the correct term?) These ‘sparks’ started after we had both been pretty ill (possibly Covid) in 2019 and have increased over time.
Often they seem to happen when I am thinking intensely about something - it’s almost as if what I am thinking is being affirmed. Or sometimes when they appear, I feel I am being asked to pay attention to something more closely (ie; my thoughts, what someone else is saying or doing). Initially I thought it could be just some electrical ‘fritzing’ in my brain, but whilst reading this latest session with the C’s, I was reminded of my own previous thoughts...
I was wondering if the ‘golden sparks’ experience possibly relates to DNA changes?
Also in connection to this,
I am wondering if the C’s have ever mentioned whether anyone can support another (surrogate?) to have shifts in their DNA (as in unconsciously facilitate DNA shifts if they are closely connected to someone psychically) as their own FRV raises?
I have had the most unbelievable ‘ringing’ in my ears after my 2019 illness that was just unbearable and was driving me bonkers. Feels like it’s in the middle of my brain. I get pretty bad headaches and it’s very hard to focus on anything at times. The first year was very overwhelming.
At times it seems to change in ‘frequency’. Over time I have found ways of coping with it by focusing my attention as much as I can on other things or listening to music, or singing or doing something where my heart is fully ignited in the highest way, immersed in being creative or caring for plants / the garden.
When I was sick with the ‘flu recently, it became much less in ‘pitch’ as my ears were very blocked. But as soon as I recovered it got a lot worse. It’s a continual irritating, high pitch that rarely deviates, at times it might become less intense for a bit and then it’s like someone turns a dial and wham! up it goes again. I read about the Havana Syndrome ages ago trying to comprehend what was going on. I also heard that the WHO was reporting a while ago that many people who have had Covid have a form of
tinnitus so wonder if that is what I have.
Any ideas on any of these questions?