Session 17 July 2021

Thank you for the interesting new session. The part about hair is kind of interesting. I remember Laura really likes wearing animal prints.... I wonder if there's a connection there. Is it also beneficial to wear fur or leather instead of synthetic or fiber-based clothing? Or should it have to be your own hair?

It's interesting that we are getting closer to definite timelines too, i.e. France is due for natural disasters whereas the US is going to undergo a revolution first.

I'm thinking of the buffalo in the Great Plains, who came from 2D, ostensibly to provide housing, food, clothing and tools to the Native Americans.

My sense is that it would be beneficial, in the instance you get yourself a swanky new animal skin, to offer up some prayers of gratitude or guidance to the Group Soul of that animal in 2D. Many cultures would offer prayers, songs, and handicrafts to the animals that they killed as tokens of honour to the animals. I think there's a reason for that, along the lines of Seeing 'what is' (I owe my life to this buffalo) and reciprocal maintenance (passing some love to Buffalo with a capital 'B').

There's a kinda deification and mysticization thing to be avoided there, I think - but given the knowledge that every tidbit of matter has consciousness, saying a few words of love and appreciation to the animal that comprises your new Ertugrul-style tunic may not be such a bad idea.

+2 to defense? +3 resistance to frost damage? +4 to STO cosmic antenna, or something like that?
I'm thinking of the buffalo in the Great Plains, who came from 2D, ostensibly to provide housing, food, clothing and tools to the Native Americans.

My sense is that it would be beneficial, in the instance you get yourself a swanky new animal skin, to offer up some prayers of gratitude or guidance to the Group Soul of that animal in 2D. Many cultures would offer prayers, songs, and handicrafts to the animals that they killed as tokens of honour to the animals. I think there's a reason for that, along the lines of Seeing 'what is' (I owe my life to this buffalo) and reciprocal maintenance (passing some love to Buffalo with a capital 'B').

There's a kinda deification and mysticization thing to be avoided there, I think - but given the knowledge that every tidbit of matter has consciousness, saying a few words of love and appreciation to the animal that comprises your new Ertugrul-style tunic may not be such a bad idea.

+2 to defense? +3 resistance to frost damage? +4 to STO cosmic antenna, or something like that?
My friend buys poultry from the Amish. No electricity used for defeathering so, the women sit together at tables doing it by hand, as they sing over the bodies while they process them.
Today has been my catch up day here on the forum and it was a nice surprise to see a new session posted, so thank you all for the efforts! Over the last few weeks I've been thinking about the mechanics of this whole situation (to the best of my limited ability :-D) I remember in an older session that the C's were trying to explain that there is a real mechanical aspect to how the hyperdimentional beings use to manipulate us, time and the whole world. It was hard to grasp the mechanics verses the mystical aspects then but now it is easier to see. I also think about them waiting ever so patiently to come in on the wave so they can take over, but back then I never thought they would take our bodies over in the manner they are trying to do now.

The PTB are pushing hard for this but in my everyday life, people seem to be going back to their own brand of normal. Many are not getting it and some are even still wearing a mask at work while others have ditched it. Things could change quickly here though so I am trying to stay aware and keep up with the changes that are going on.

On a side note: none of the video's seem to work for me. They all say Video Unavailable, which is weird because if they haven't been deleted then I usually have no issue watching the clips. On another weird thing, as I was almost finished reading this thread, a sales agent came to my door trying to sign me up for free internet with Spectrum. She stated that Biden mandated that everyone who meets their criteria is eligible for free internet until 6 months after the plandemic is over. :huh: When I told her I already pay them for their service, she asked if I knew the person she had on her list which was a previous roommate. She was a nice lady and was born for marketing. But now they are giving away free internet to select people. Previous roommate is in bad shape last time I saw him with no job, stable place to live and other issues. Makes me wonder...
Thanks so much to the crew for all your hard work getting this information out. It really is a lighthouse in these stormy times.
I feel woefully unprepared and at the same time, very accepting of what’s coming. Take care everyone.

What in particular do you feel you could improve upon? There's still time to make a plan, and make it as good as you can. If you start a thread on the forum with your concerns, I'm sure you'll receive a ton of great advice about your particular situation.
Not sure if this was posted elsewhere but I found this and thought it might be of some interest here concerning the magnetic effects of the vaccine. Not a comprehensive study by any means and I know nothing of the doctor that performed the study. More digging is definitely warranted.
Hi nitsud,

As I see that this is your first post, we kindly ask new members to make an introduction here: It doesn't have to be too personal or too long (It's up to you). For instance, you could tell us how you found your way here. ;-)
(Ark) Can I ask a question? Are eyebrows antennas?

A: Yes

Q: (Ark) Antennas for what?

A: Information.

Q: (Artemis) So is the hair on your head.

(Pierre) Any protein.

(Chu) All proteins are antenna for information.

(L) I knew there was a reason I liked big hair! [laughter]

(Andromeda) And gentlemen get more hairy as they become older and wiser.

(L) Well, they replace the hair on their head with hair in their nose and ears. [laughter] {er, yup :whistle:}

(Joe) If it's all proteins, that means all proteins in your body as well.

When I read the eyebrows section, I remembered an old article on Sott that intrigued me at the time. Hairs are probably receiving antennas for the sensitive system.

Yes, the same immediately jumped to mind when reading the Session above (which you caught too and posted) from old discussion on hair regarding the native American trackers in Vietnam - who lost their tracking abilities once their hair was cut.

In the article, though (at the time), note the end comment:

The Truth About Hair and Why Indians Would Keep Their Hair Long --

Surprisingly, and also immediately following during reading books out of the The Consortium, the Quorum thread (book Seduce Me - 4th book in the series by Le Carre); which other likely noted too, was the very same story of the native trackers in Vietnam that is discussed (page 203).

Coincidental timing of course, yet it makes one look more at hair - and proteins, information antennas that these native trackers may have indeed utilized to help with information, and then lost it (temporarily).

A the risk of adding in George's poem on Hair (some levity), here he is with his affair with hair proteins/antennas on the Ed Sullivan Show.
I'm thinking of the buffalo in the Great Plains, who came from 2D, ostensibly to provide housing, food, clothing and tools to the Native Americans.

My sense is that it would be beneficial, in the instance you get yourself a swanky new animal skin, to offer up some prayers of gratitude or guidance to the Group Soul of that animal in 2D.

Funny you mention praying on animal skins. It is a extremely common ancient Protoindoeuropean (Kantekkian?) belief that going on a dreaming or vision journey requires that you sleep on an animal skin. This was coupled with sleeping above the burial site of an ancestor if you wished to communicate with them. Often these ancestors would be housed in hills called barrows. This video is an excellent primer on this ancient and fascinating practice (I initially linked the video directly to this post, but for some reason returns "this video us unavailable" even though it totally is, so I replaced the direct video with the link). 🤔
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With reference to strange waves from 4D affecting nano-particles in mRNA vaccines and the zombie apocalypse - a strange and tragic incident in Singapore just got me wondering...

Just as background - Singapore is aggressively vaccinating citizens only with mRNA vaccines (Pfizer and Moderna) and the campaign even applies to all teenagers above 12 years old. Vaccination rates are quite high currently (~60%). Most teenagers in school are taking the jab.

Then on Monday (19th July)in a prominent school in Singapore - we allegedly have a 16 year old; waiting in the toilet with an axe, and then randomly killing a 13 year old, who happens to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. Both of them dont know each other. The killer then calmly walks to water cooler (for drinking water) and proceeds to clean himself of blood. When some students walk by and notice this strange sight - he calmly tells them to call the police as he has killed someone. Just like that; no motive, no justification, and a completely random premeditated killing. The MSM are going with a mental health angle.

In living memory (30 years) this has not happened in a school in Singapore; as it is a very safe country with very low crime rates, and law enforcement acts very swiftly on law breakers. Then something like this happens after teenage school students start getting vaccinated.

Definitely could be something else; coincidence or the general corona madness.....but it was really strange the way the whole incident unfolded.
My brother-in-law and his family lived in Singapore. He, and his wife together with his two teenage daughters including his mother (my mother-in-law), had all been vaccinated with the mRNA shots. I heard from my wife that my eldest niece who's 14, whom i loved very much, has reported having her period twice in the same month which is definitely not normal for a child.

It could be the effect of the shot, or something else like her mother always giving her children so much 'bad' food ie. iced-tea sugary drinks (most of the time) and western fast food, that children shouldn't take. Her father took her to a chinese TCM doctor and he said her 'energy' and womb is very weak for her age and if things doesn't change she could suffer a premature death! Her mom even have the nerve to say other children are also having these symptoms and it's nothing out of the ordinary! Sadly, there is nothing i could do to informed their parents on the dangers of the mRNA vaccines although i've tried. My brother-in-law doesn't even want to read any of the articles i sent him.
My brother-in-law and his family lived in Singapore. He, and his wife together with his two teenage daughters including his mother (my mother-in-law), had all been vaccinated with the mRNA shots. I heard from my wife that my eldest niece who's 14, whom i loved very much, has reported having her period twice in the same month which is definitely not normal for a child.

Although other factors cannot be excluded and correlation isn't causation, it could in fact be the vaccine. There have been a few reports regarding period issues following the jab, here's an example:

That is quite optimistic, and not what I have gathered from... mostly, every esoteric source. From theosophy to the aghoris to this very here forum, I would expect quite the opposite of a level playing field. "Beware entering the territory of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup." Would you expect the wave will turn you into a dragon the moment it throws you into their territory?

I'd think that the goal is to prepare beforehand and seize every opportunity as it comes, rather than simply hoping that you'll spawn into a blank canvas...
Maybe aimarok was referring to what the Cs said:

Q: (L) Let me try this: the "buckets of love and light" group say that it is going to be balanced because everyone is going to think nice thoughts, and all of their buckets of love and light are going to eventually reach a critical mass and spill over onto all the rest of humanity and all of the bad guys are going to be transformed into good guys. This is the standard version. Is this what you mean?

A: No.

Q: (L) Swell! Is the energy that is being manifested in the positive, on and around the planet, is it going to reduce the level of negativity in the beings existing on the planet?

A: This is not the point. When "Earth" becomes a 4th density realm, all the forces, both STS and STO shall be in direct contact with one another... It will be a "level playing field," thus, balanced.
I have seen the date of the session and I have remembered something.

That Saturday, I was traveling by car with my family.

Well, around 6:00 pm (European time in France) I felt an enormous "acceleration". It was wonderful. Energy was pouring out of my solar plexus and I felt the familiar "dizzy" sensation.

And it lasted a long time. Around 9:00 p.m. it began to decrease.

One of the things that I thought was:

"Well, maybe they're doing a session today!":-D
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