Ditto over here.
I have been overwhelmed by this anxiety that generates this way thought: "I have to catch up". After observing this way of thinking along with the emotions that accompany it, I made like a "click" and realized the root of these processes.
I noticed that behind this was hiding a kind of being at the "height of others", that is, I was measuring myself, comparing with others. Yes, I really put all the effort and will every day of my life, but learning was not being fun, so to speak. When learning provokes this kind of state, then it meant that I was out of my center, thus losing the joy of this trip.
With the desire to "keep up to date", I traveled the road at full speed thus losing "the precious stones contained in the cracks". I didn't see them, thus losing valuable opportunities.
I realized, the deeper I went, the deeper I went into the unknown. Therefore, the question arose: If this is what I know, how much will it be what I don't know that I don't know?
It seems like a circular thought, but it's not. I rather see it as a fractal. A mystery to answer this question!
Then and only then did the fact arise in my consciousness that it was all about self-importance. He wasn't Humble. This realization has been and continues to be a great lesson for me. I've never really seen Ignorance before. I thought so, but no! (SEEING and not just saying that I see her, there is a big difference. It is false modesty) Ignorance disguised as modesty is pure arrogance.
Now I compare myself to who I was yesterday and enjoy the gifts and gifts that others have. How could we open ourselves to the infinity of the Cosmic Mind by having a "full glass"? Ignorance makes us more open and receptive to new horizons of knowledge; however, pride is restrictive, constrains the Soul and closes us to the magnificence of the beloved Divine Cosmic Mind. Blessed Ignorance that you fill us with questions and help us grow!!
So, right now I find myself doing the daily work of keeping myself alert not to get on the pride train. It's a permanent job! The thing is that the more aware we are, if we fall, the fall hurts more!
I just wanted to share my experience. Maybe your experience is different. Don't get overwhelmed and don't get discouraged. Step by step. As our dear Cs say:
"A quest successfully follows one rung at a time. There is no need to measure the ladder."