Session 18 December 2021

Yes thank you for a wonderful session it was really informative and lots of question to ask and happy New Year and Caesria to Everybody.
I haven't read the comments yet in detail so I don't know what people have said and haven't said I've been researching about Toro a shapes and die electric and magnetic fields I'm trying to get it understanding of it. It's going okay but I really have to put my head down to figure it out and think and think one thing that really struck me was of course that the magnetic fields are generated by the actual structure itself which of course makes sense.

What is amazing is how everyone is connected by the information field , every person everything.
I have no knowledge of engineering, but I found it interesting to connect these two quotes from the session of December 18 and July 17.

Hair functions as an antenna (like any protein) and takes the geometric shape of a spiral.

So I looked for information about the importance of braiding in the cables that transmit information and I found that it connects very well the article that I quote below (automatic translation from Spanish).

It may be a very basic question, but what are the benefits of growing your hair out? Will it improve its antenna function? Can this function be enhanced if the person braids their hair or dreadlocks?

Only for curiosity.

(Ark) Can I ask a question? Are eyebrows antennas?

A: Yes

Q: (Ark) Antennas for what?

A: Information.

Q: (Artemis) So is the hair on your head.

(Pierre) Any protein.

(Chu) All proteins are antenna for information.

(L) I knew there was a reason I liked big hair! [laughter]

(Andromeda) And gentlemen get more hairy as they become older and wiser.

(L) Well, they replace the hair on their head with hair in their nose and ears. [laughter]

(Joe) If it's all proteins, that means all proteins in your body as well.

(Aeneas) Using the 'as above so below' approach, could the 'storing' of information in quartz crystals be similar to the 'storing' of information in the DNA?

A: Yes.

Q: (Aeneas) Is it a storing of information or is it really more like a link-up to the information field?

A: Storing of information that allows link to information field.

Q: (L) It's like a codebreaker or something - I dunno.

(Aeneas) Pierre mentioned in the link below that protein in keratin is spiral shaped in connection with hair as antennas. Session 17 July 2021

Is it the geometric shape (spiral) which the protein antennas use?

A: Yes.
The Physics Guide to Twisted Pair Cabling for Poets


So why is the communication data cabling twisted, but the power cabling not? Everything revolves around bandwidth. Power signals are so low frequencies that you don't need to worry about bandwidth, but communication data cables do. A high-frequency signal in one cable generates a magnetic field that can induce a signal in an adjacent cable. These induced signals are called “crosstalk,” because with older analog phone lines, you could often hear other conversations in the background of your call as a result of these induced signals.

Imagine that the Ethernet interface on the computer transmits a signal. When a signal is sent on the transmission line (Tx), a signal is induced on the reception line (Rx). This is a problem because Ethernet rules state that it stops talking if someone else talks at the same time. But if every time your computer tries to speak, it hears itself and stops. If it continues like this, you won't be able to send that email.

Actually, the induced signal is many times weaker than the original, which makes this problem less. However, the receiving electronics must be very sensitive. This is because high-frequency signals are greatly attenuated along a cable. For example, the IEEE 802.3 specification for 1000BASE-T allows a maximum of 24 dB of loss, which results in a signal reduced to (I'll do the math for poets) 6% of its original intensity on its way from the ground up. remote transmitter to your computer's Ethernet port. Therefore, the crosstalk signal does not have to be large to overwhelm you. As you move further away from the computer interface, the received signal becomes stronger and less susceptible to crosstalk. This means the problem is worse the closer you are to the transmitter, which is why the key spec is called Near End Crosstalk, or NEXT.

Engineers have a number of tricks up their sleeves for dealing with NEXT. First, the data signals are encoded on one wire in "differential" mode, meaning that each positive pulse on one conductor is matched by a corresponding negative pulse on the other conductor in the pair. This means that the cables generate equal but opposite magnetic fields that cancel each other out and should not generate crosstalk. However, if the wires are simply laid parallel to each other, one of the wires in the pair will be closer to one of the fields, so the magnetic field will be slightly larger for one wire than the other and you will see a bit of crosstalk.

So the second trick is to braid the wire. Thus, the distance between the cables varies along the length of the run, sometimes closer to the positive cable and, other times, closer to the negative. This tends to cancel the effect and further reduce crosstalk. But if all pairs are twisted at the same twisting rate, they may maintain the same spacing throughout the entire run, increasing crosstalk. This is where the third trick comes into play: the pairs are twisted at different steps so that they are not spaced identically from the same conductor throughout the run.

The different twisting steps are why you will see different lengths for each pair when you measure the length of each with a cable tester. If I fully unbraided and stretched them, the ones that are more braided would be a bit longer. The length can vary by 5% or more; the TIA limit for cable length is based on the shortest pair.

Although the conductors run in parallel for only a short distance in the modular connector (RJ-45), in general, they are the main contributor to NEXT in an installed link. And a little excessive untwisting when installing the connectors can greatly enhance the effect and cause the links to fail certification.

Newer designs achieve better crosstalk performance through the use of spacers in the wiring, more meticulous control of the twisting steps, and in linking the pairs together. And new technologies like 10GBASE-T and PoE require much more than excellent crosstalk performance. But crosstalk is still one of the most important parameters in terms of high-performance cabling.
From two days I have been feeling some unjustified anxiety. Until Christmas, despite the large amount of things to do, I didn't feel so bad. During the holidays, despite the rest, I also felt good. But now nothing big is happening and I feel very anxious that something will happen soon. Do you have the same feeling?
From two days I have been feeling some unjustified anxiety. Until Christmas, despite the large amount of things to do, I didn't feel so bad. During the holidays, despite the rest, I also felt good. But now nothing big is happening and I feel very anxious that something will happen soon. Do you have the same feeling?

Yes I do. The feeling has been there for some months now and is growing and like you I'm feeling it worse since Christmas. I'm not normally a jumpy person but I am now. Thank God for this forum and the C's!
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From two days I have been feeling some unjustified anxiety. Until Christmas, despite the large amount of things to do, I didn't feel so bad. During the holidays, despite the rest, I also felt good. But now nothing big is happening and I feel very anxious that something will happen soon. Do you have the same feeling?
same, was fasting yesterday and anxiety was crushing..more than normal
broke it, today we went to sushi i drank 3 sake's and the feeling of unrest continues
Cordillera said:
So the second trick is to braid the wire. Thus, the distance between the cables varies along the length of the run, sometimes closer to the positive cable and, other times, closer to the negative. This tends to cancel the effect and further reduce crosstalk. But if all pairs are twisted at the same twisting rate, they may maintain the same spacing throughout the entire run, increasing crosstalk. This is where the third trick comes into play: the pairs are twisted at different steps so that they are not spaced identically from the same conductor throughout the run.
Very interesting. Thanks for the information. Also, next time I am braiding my eyebrows and facial hair, I will try to remember the third trick quoted above about the spacing. :lol:

But joking aside, I wonder if the various cultural fashions of braiding our hairs has anything to do with some lost knowledge. Hmm. 🤔
As we come to terms with what's been developing on such a grand scale, and how we are choosing to respond to it (both individually and as part of this community), I thought the following blog post to be quite insightful, and affirming, of how we are to think of how positive change will occur:

Archbishop Vigano - correct diagnosis, flawed prescription by Bruce Charlton

"Archbishop Vigano (of the Roman Catholic Church) has made a characteristically incisive intervention concerning the nature and reality of the 2020 global totalitarian coup, led by the demonic powers of evil.

I value Vigano, because I know of nobody in public life who has done a better job of diagnosing the heart of that corruption which has so rapidly accelerated to cover the world; with the compliance of large masses of the populace.

Yet, when it comes to describing what those who agree with his diagnosis ought to do about it; the Archbishop's recommendations are inadequate.

For a start; he envisages an 'anti-globalist alliance' as the basis for future opposition.

But this would not be a positively-motivated movement. Instead Vigano proposes a 'double-negative' basis for alliance - i.e. a grouping of those who are Against Evil.

Such a movement (and there are many already) would certainly be weak because [they are] diversely and feebly motivated. At best an anti-evil alliance could only slow the advance of evil; because it offers no a superior alternative basis of life.

Exactly so. We are here because we have chosen to see ourselves and the world as objectively as possible, and while we might rant or rave from time to time about the malevolence and injustice we perceive or experience, the stance we take is to be proactive and constructive; aligning ourselves - body, mind and soul with what's highest - and not railing against and directly engaging the powers and the principalities that have already rigged the game. And while its true that a few of us are here and there wrangling with elements of the bureaucracy, for the most part the above can be said to be true.

Evil is itself oppositional - oppositional to God/ the good/ divine creation - and ultimately oppositional [to] Christianity with its offer to all Mankind of eternal life in Heaven. A Christian alternative to evil should not itself be oppositional! Christianity has the inestimable advantage of offering positive good - and this ought to be reflected in its aims.

It could be said that this community, here, is offering a positive good; the information, modalities, tools, knowledge and love on offer are ours for the taking, sharing and giving - but are only of true value to us to the extent that they're being well utilized.

Knowledge utilization = light generation.

How well are we utilizing these resources - and what holds us back from, perhaps, utilizing them even better?

These are questions we do well to ask ourselves, I think.

What is needed, therefore, is an alliance of those who are positively For God, good/ divine creation and salvation. In other words a Christian alliance.

In the past this would have suggested A Church - or perhaps an alliance of Churches. However, our problem is that the churches are - overall, but decisively - on the side of the powers of evil; they fail to recognize, discern, and reject global totalitarianism - and indeed all major 'Christian' churches embraces more than one of the core strategic instruments of evil.

(See: The sinister convergence of Klaus Schwab's Great Reset with the Vatican and Liberation Theology)

This means that before any putative Alliance of Good could get off-the-ground and achieve anything; it would first need to reform and turn-around the major Christian churches. But this is not happening - and instead the churches are getting worse, more evil, by the month.

Anyone Christian who hoped to join a church and fight totalitarian evil by the means of offering a positive and transcendent alternative; would immediately find himself confronted by an organization that already served exactly that evil he intended to oppose!

Before opposing global evil, that person would need to embark on a fight against institutional evil; when the institution was embedded in an already evil world; and its evil qualities were being supported by all powers in the global totalitarianism - laws, officialdom, police, the media etc.

Anyone Christian who wanted to fight for good would be faced by inevitable - and probably prolonged - delay; before he could even begin: If he did so via a church!

(On the other hand, if [a] Christian found a small but uncorrupt church; a church who recognized the coup and opposed global evil - he would instead be faced by the immediate problem of growing that church to such a size that it could exert effective socio-political power.)

This greatly reminds me of Gurdjieff's idea that it requires 200 co-linear people to effect positive macro change. Along these same lines we have also heard it said by the C's that it takes a relatively small group of co-linear individuals to do the same - but that, at the time of that particular session, we here weren't there yet. This begs the question: when and how are we going to get that point? The answer, as suggested earlier, is in greater utilizing the knowledge provided here. And what that means for each of us for whom this work holds great meaning.

So what does an individual who agrees with Vigano's diagnosis actually do?

To my mind, any generally proposed solution should be possible for any person, anywhere; and, given the fact that failure to resist evil leads to more and greater evil - the answer needs to be one which every individual can start to act-upon immediately.

This rules-out institutional (including church) solutions, since all these regard the individual first trying to persuade other people - and we don't have time for that; nor can we afford to delay beginning our own opposition.

If we wait until after we have attained a local majority of sufficient size, until after we have achieved sufficient institutional reform; if we put-off our own active opposition until after we can persuade enough 'other people' to join with us in some kind of significant 'movement' - then nothing will happen.

Indeed. By now it is quite clear to all that 'Trump 2024', the 'White Hats' (whoever they are) or even a giant like Putin - do not have the power to effect global institutional reform. No, if anything is to happen at all it is up to each of us to help it along to the best of our ability - by helping ourselves and each other, right here.

Most of us are isolated, surrounded, outnumbered - thus nearly-everybody will end-up waiting for some other people to start something that they can then 'join' - so... nothing will happen.

This group has long ago since been started. And the answer would seem to be that if we could each strengthen ourselves and work to strengthen our own individual signals (and working with others here to do the same) - we might very well 'get there'. We simply don't know how close we are to a sort of tipping point to effect positive change. But we do know that it will require the sincere and consistent efforts of a number of us to accomplish it. So please do not underestimate your own ability to help things along.

Once we have ruled-out what we cannot or should-not do; the answer to what we should do becomes obvious:

We should do what we personally can - starting now, not waiting for anybody else; and relying upon divine providence to amplify and organize individual activities into something greater.

The linked essay above is an excellent explication of this. Using the LOTR series, the author shows how the Divine sometimes truly works in mysterious ways!

After all; if we are doing the right thing, then God will be on our side; and God is the creator - therefore God can and will use whatever we personally do to advance His agenda.

Just replace "divine providence" or "God" with the Divine Cosmic Mind or the Universe - and its clear that the author has a good grasp of what's going on that agrees with our own understanding.

We really must do the positively-right things Now - so far as we are able - and trust in God to deal with strategic considerations.

Such a personally-focused attitude can be made to sound feeble and ineffectual compared with daydreams of a large international anti-evil alliance clashing head-to-head with the demon-controlled corporations and governments...

But the difference is that the one Will happen, starting instantly; insofar as any individual person wants it to happen...

Whereas the other is purely "aspirational."

The author clearly demonstrates great faith in the Universe to lend a helping hand, but faith requires taking the action to demonstrate that faith; what practices/actions/knowledge acquisitions and utilizations can each of us further take to support the Universe in supporting us? A question each of us who wishes to have a part in the future might ask.
Thank you Ennio! The last session had me thinking a lot about what I could do, because I don't really feel the pull to join protests, I feel it would make me antogonistic toward the majority and the gov. That's not what I want, I just want to keep my sovereignty and help where I can. I also looked into myself and admit that I am not doing the Work in regard to many aspects of my Being, so I want to put my energy into that. I spend too much time being anxious about the future, imagining all the scenarios of "how it could go wrong", and I don't focus on the thing I can improve on today.
OK, if the mRNA is not used to create a new race, is it used and is it critical to create the total control system? And if yes (assuming it's a yes), then why were China and Russia allowed to use non-mRNA vaccines. Maybe this would make more sense to ask?

I think that as was mentioned elsewhere, coronavirus presented an opportunity. It's quite possible that the main motivator behind mRNA vaccine is greed, with a bit of "inspiration" from 4d STS to incorporate elements that could be utilized later if needs to.

As for the control system, its plans can be successfully utilized regardless if the country produces or distributes mRNA vaccines or non-mRNA vaccines.

I'm guessing the elites need the factories running to produce essential goods in the future? Or China and Russia have powerful military, blackmail material, etc. so they can't be controlled easily.

Well, I can't say much about China. I can only mention all kind of totally crazy videos that are being shared on Russian Telegram channels, like this one, for example:

Looks like they don't really need an mRNA vaccine, and can control the population just fine without it. But then, we don't really know if this kind of craziness is prevalent everywhere in China, or just in specific provinces, or even specific areas in these provinces.

It just like in Russia, some governors in some regions instituted totally asinine restrictions that held for exactly a day or so, not only because people quickly found alternative solutions or ways around it, but also because it was hurting the local economy.

It is a clash of various bureaucrats that each has their own KPI or goals that they have to meet and give answers for, and so they try to maneuver things and present a certain picture in order to please the bosses, whoever they are.

It's quote possible that this is also what is going on in China in some areas, and in some areas the corona craziness is much less or maybe almost non-existent.

And thank you very much for the session. :hug2::flowers:
Hello to all of you
I would like to send you two texts of Mr. Charles Ridoux, professor of medieval history and French astrologer that I had the opportunity to meet years ago.
His website : Site de Charles Ridoux

The two texts I am sending you are not directly about astrology.

The first text "Archaeology of a totalitarian drift" speaks about his personal reactions to what is happening to us now
The article : BAM 2021-4 - 1 - Archéologie d'une dérive totalitaire.pdf

The second text: "Chronology of the Covidian crisis
BAM 2021-4 - 2 - Chronologie - Crise covidienne.pdf

In this second text, there are obviously things that we know about and that we have talked about in the different forums, but there are also things that I was not aware of.

I hope that this will be of interest to some of you.
The site gives all its texts in French, English and Russian.

Have a good reading
Hello to all of you
I would like to send you two texts of Mr. Charles Ridoux, professor of medieval history and French astrologer that I had the opportunity to meet years ago.
His website : Site de Charles Ridoux

The two texts I am sending you are not directly about astrology.

The first text "Archaeology of a totalitarian drift" speaks about his personal reactions to what is happening to us now
The article : BAM 2021-4 - 1 - Archéologie d'une dérive totalitaire.pdf

The second text: "Chronology of the Covidian crisis
BAM 2021-4 - 2 - Chronologie - Crise covidienne.pdf

In this second text, there are obviously things that we know about and that we have talked about in the different forums, but there are also things that I was not aware of.

I hope that this will be of interest to some of you.
The site gives all its texts in French, English and Russian.

Have a good reading
Since there are english versions, here it is :

Thanks Channa
Yes I do. The feeling has been there for some months now and is growing and like you I'm feeling it worse since Christmas. I'm not normally a jumpy person but I am now. Thank God for this forum and the C's!
I also have this feeling. I am depressed and struggle to make decisions. I do hope that all this can now get to a point where we can move forward, even if it is the end of my life on this planet.
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