Yes. Been-there-done-that. Did peroxide soaks, peroxide drops and ozone therapy. Overall, I have notice that it is too harsh on the body. I even used peroxide in the garden with the same negative affect.
Hydrogen peroxide: There is a right and a wrong way to do it - as with everything. Also, not everything works equally well for everyone. Just because there are rare side effects or rare cases where it does not work, it does not make sense to dismiss it for everyone.
I think concluding from just one personal experience and making a general statement based on one case, can often lead to wrong and misguided ideas.
I once asked in a group of people who had anterior cervical discectomy and fusion surgeries done (ACDF, the removal of one or more vertebral discs and then the insertion of artificial discs) whether they were happy with their decision to get this done or not. Over 100 people answered. The vast majority, around 85%, said they were happy or very happy with their decision. But, there was one woman in the group who was worse after the surgery than before. She kept posting regularly and telling everyone not to get this surgery done ever under no circumstance. Basically dismissing the experience of 85% of the group.
I personally have had a bad experience with Vitamin C whenever I took it, but I recommend it for most people, since I see that it helps in the overwhelming number of cases, and I rarely encounter other people who had a similar, bad reactions like me.
I think it's a good idea to check whether one's experience is representative of the majority before making sweeping statements or recommendations.
Fact is that ozone therapy has been practiced for over 150 years all over the globe and is now being used by tens of thousands of ozone therapists, and this although there have been vicious attempts to ban or discredit it. So, if ozone doctors still practice this, in spite of considerable risks to their reputations and careers, then maybe it's because it does work often enough.
Also, there are many different ways to administer ozone therapy. Without specifying how and what you did, it's impossible to tell if you did it right, if it was indicated in your case, or if you overdid it or if you misinterpreted your reaction.
The principle of ozone therapy is that it kills pathogens. It is true in lab studies but does not hold true in biological environmental framework.
There are many different theories which try to explain why ozone therapy works. The idea that it works in humans because it directly kills pathogens is not supported by most ozone researchers anymore. The more correct theory seems to be that ozone works with a wide variety of infections because it stimulates the immune system, which then takes care of the infection.
A highly oxidized environment causes multiple large system reactions that actually can stimulate pathogenic growth. You need to balance the increased oxygen with other factors to avoid system imbalance.
Ozone does not stimulate growth of any organism. Or at least I have never seen research which would point to this. Same for peroxide. But feel free to correct me, if I'm wrong.
Ozone therapy has been shown to increase (albeit temporarily) antioxidants - which may be the explanation why it is a potent anti-inflammatory intervention.
Ozone therapy has been shown to reduce chronically elevated oxidative stress.
It also stimulates blood circulation.
Since ozone is an electrically charged molecule, it is possible it also works by supplying extra electricity to the body.
Ozone therapy is also theorized to work through hormesis.
It also helps with energy generation by supporting mitochondria.
So, there are many different mechanisms which explain how ozone therapy works. It appears that the simplified view that it directly kills pathogens is the least correct or the least relevant explanation. Ozone, when supplied to the human body, breaks down and reacts with lipids within fractions of a second. There is very little time for the ozone to directly kill anything. Unless the ozone is in direct contact with the pathogen over a prolonged time (e.g. ozone treatment through ozone bagging / ozone sauna to treat skin infections).
There are also a number of studies which show that ozone therapy was able to help with Covid-19 and that it reduced the duration of hospital stays in patients.
There are also reports from some doctors that ozone therapy was able to reverse damage from the jab, at least when it comes to the blood coagulation issues:
Canceling the Spike Protein - LewRockwell
But, whether ozone therapy is a valid anti-viral mechanism or not may not be relevant when dealing with vaccine effects. Since the question is whether ozone could prevent the vaccine from doing damage in the first place. I think the spike proteins may be the smallest problem here ... So, it would be interesting to know what the C's think about it.