Session 18 May 2019

As for persecuted Christians worldwide, Open Doors International has a World Watch List 2018. The link contains descriptions of the top 10 offenders, from Iraq to North Korea. The image below summarizes their findings. Since it is best viewed in its original resolution, here is a direct link to it.


edit: the forum image zoom tool actually works really well, almost as good as the native browser support.
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As for persecuted Christians worldwide, Open Doors International has a World Watch List 2018. The link contains descriptions of the top 10 offenders, from Iraq to North Korea. The image below summarizes their findings. Since it is best viewed in its original resolution, here is a direct link to it.


edit: the forum image zoom tool actually works really well, almost as good as the native browser support.
Mexico??? That’s unexpected for a country that’s 83% Catholic.
As for persecuted Christians worldwide, Open Doors International has a World Watch List 2018. The link contains descriptions of the top 10 offenders, from Iraq to North Korea. The image below summarizes their findings. Since it is best viewed in its original resolution, here is a direct link to it.
I would take this map with a grain of salt. Basically it depicts the third world as the cradle of anti-Christian persecutions and the Western world as a safe haven for Christians. This might be true based on individual cases of direct anti-Christian violence.

But, on a more global societal scale, I think that the reverse is happening. This is in the Western world that the destruction of Christian values is the more advanced. It is the Western world that is leading the way in terms of secularism, scientism, individualism, materialism, "free sexuality", all those ideologies which behind the gloss of freedom and progress pursue the fundamental goal of negating Christian views on life.
Many of these countries persecute Christians because of the war. War is the reason of the persecutions, surely, with Daesh and terrorists groups. Some of these countries were secular, that means that Christianity was in peace with other religions. But war came. I think so! Looking at this map we have the impression that the Third World Countries are all persecuting Christians. It is not necessarily true. Terrorists and those who made possible the existence of them, are the responsible of the persecution. Maybe I am wrong. Irak, Syria, were countries where many religions were living together in peace...
Mexico??? That’s unexpected for a country that’s 83% Catholic.

Similar to what loreta pointed out, it seems the drug cartels might have a heavy hand in Mexico being on that list, with pastors and priests getting killed. They also mention different issues with freedom of religion. There is also a catholic majority vs evangelical minority thing going on.

Mexico: Persecution forces 30 Christians from their homes because of their faith
Why Mexico Is on the Watch List for Persecuted Christians
Open Doors USA - Mexico
Open Doors UK - Mexico
Priests in Mexico: 23 church leaders have been killed since 2012
Evangelical Christians Facing Persecution in Mexico for Refusing to Convert to Catholicism

I would take this map with a grain of salt. Basically it depicts the third world as the cradle of anti-Christian persecutions and the Western world as a safe haven for Christians. This might be true based on individual cases of direct anti-Christian violence.

But, on a more global societal scale, I think that the reverse is happening. This is in the Western world that the destruction of Christian values is the more advanced. It is the Western world that is leading the way in terms of secularism, scientism, individualism, materialism, "free sexuality", all those ideologies which behind the gloss of freedom and progress pursue the fundamental goal of negating Christian views on life.

I did find it odd that there were no European countries on the list. I found descriptions of how they rank countries (here and here). In appendix 4 they explain the following persecution engines: 1. Islamic oppression 2. Religious nationalism 3. Ethnic Antagonism 4. Denominational protectionism 5. Communist and post-communist oppression 6. Secular intolerance 7. Dictatorial paranoia 8. Organized corruption and crime. Most make more sense in the 3rd world, but at least secular intolerance is acknowledged as a global phenomenon. I'm not sure why Europe is left out with all the recent conflicts going on, perhaps it just doesn't make their cut or there might be some ulterior motive.

6. Secular intolerance
This engine describes the situation where Christian faith is being forced out of the public domain, if possible even out of the hearts of people. Its drivers seek to transform societies into the mold of a new, radically secularist ethic. This new ethic is (partly) related to a radically new sexual agenda, with norms and values about sexuality, marriage and related issues that are alien to, and resisted by the Christian worldview. When Christian individuals or institutions try to resist this new ethic, they are opposed by (i) non-discrimination legislation, (ii) attacks on parental rights in the area of education, (iii) the censorship of the Cross and other religious symbols from the public square, (iv) the use of various manifestations of “hate” speech laws to limit the freedom of expression, and (v) Church registration laws. Most of this is not violent, although arrests of pastors and lay people have happened.
  • An example of this engine is compulsory sexual education based on gender ideology (including LGBTI insights) in nursery and primary schools in some countries and the serious threat against parents who want to withdraw their young children from these lessons.
The scope of this ‘secularist movement’ is global.

As for the Western world leading the way in promoting those ideologies, I agree. Just as most progress/"progress", it seems to flow/infect from the center to the margins, and the US and Europe have been the center for a while. I find it interesting that, as they are exported, these many ideologies get incorporated and flourish in different degrees according to the local peculiarities. For instance, I think secularism and scientism have a harder time getting fully incorporated in Brazil, whereas "free sexuality" seems to have been more easily assimilated and to have flourished to a larger extent, again first in metropolitan areas (center) and then it spread to smaller cities (margins). I suppose the increasing globalization and homogeneity in terms of technology, laws and way of life, mostly coming from Western powers, play a big role in facilitating the transmission of those ideologies to the four corners of the Earth.
I hadn't prayed and sang to my crystals in some time and wasn't doing EE regularly and finally resolved to 'get back on track' after two busy weeks of work, which ended on Saturday. So I did EE last night before bed and planned to gather my crystals this morning for the prayers and singing. When I woke up I went out on the deck for a smoke. About a third of a mile away is a Baptists church and as I smoked I could clearly hear 'In the Garden' being played on the church bells on a Tuesday at 9 am. Basically, seems like the universe might have given a little message... "What are you waiting for?"
Similar to what loreta pointed out, it seems the drug cartels might have a heavy hand in Mexico being on that list, with pastors and priests getting killed. They also mention different issues with freedom of religion. There is also a catholic majority vs evangelical minority thing going on.

Mexico: Persecution forces 30 Christians from their homes because of their faith
Why Mexico Is on the Watch List for Persecuted Christians
Open Doors USA - Mexico
Open Doors UK - Mexico
Priests in Mexico: 23 church leaders have been killed since 2012
Evangelical Christians Facing Persecution in Mexico for Refusing to Convert to Catholicism

I did find it odd that there were no European countries on the list. I found descriptions of how they rank countries (here and here). In appendix 4 they explain the following persecution engines: 1. Islamic oppression 2. Religious nationalism 3. Ethnic Antagonism 4. Denominational protectionism 5. Communist and post-communist oppression 6. Secular intolerance 7. Dictatorial paranoia 8. Organized corruption and crime. Most make more sense in the 3rd world, but at least secular intolerance is acknowledged as a global phenomenon. I'm not sure why Europe is left out with all the recent conflicts going on, perhaps it just doesn't make their cut or there might be some ulterior motive.

As for the Western world leading the way in promoting those ideologies, I agree. Just as most progress/"progress", it seems to flow/infect from the center to the margins, and the US and Europe have been the center for a while. I find it interesting that, as they are exported, these many ideologies get incorporated and flourish in different degrees according to the local peculiarities. For instance, I think secularism and scientism have a harder time getting fully incorporated in Brazil, whereas "free sexuality" seems to have been more easily assimilated and to have flourished to a larger extent, again first in metropolitan areas (center) and then it spread to smaller cities (margins). I suppose the increasing globalization and homogeneity in terms of technology, laws and way of life, mostly coming from Western powers, play a big role in facilitating the transmission of those ideologies to the four corners of the Earth.

Well, I lived in Mexico and as Pierre says, "take this map with a grain of salt". I think the data is over-exaggerated.

In fact we can see an advance of evangelical Christians in Central America specifically in the so-called Northern Triangle: Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, where we are seeing a hidden agenda of evangelical change.

According to data from the World FactBook, the exponential percentages of evangelists in Nicaragua: 33.2% of its 6.1 million inhabitants and the Northern Triangle: Honduras: 41% of its 9.2 million; El Salvador: 36% of its 6.2 million; Guatemala 42% of its 16,6 million is now the "most evangelistic" country in Latin America. Not far behind are several states in southern Mexico where the percentage of evangelists has increased notably, in Chiapas some sources locate the evangelists in 33% of their population which is 5.2 million inhabitants.

What we see in Mexico more than persecution of the Evangelical cults is distrust. We must remember what happened with the Christian Church "La Luz del Mundo" and its scandals of sexual abuse:

Los Angeles Times - Page unavailable in your region
La Luz Del Mundo's 'Apostle' Faces Sexual Abuse Charges. Here's Why That Has Rattled Many In LA

Now in both Central America and Mexico, the neoliberal plutocratic model predator deranged the social fabric, this not only generated "economic refugees" but also the "religious refugees" whose pleas for help were met by the avaricious pro-Israel organizations (like George Soros Open Society. Soros has been accused of financing NGOs in Mexico to promote the forced migration of Central America). The "religious and economic refugees" are the impoverished masses.

This is now called Geopolitical Theology: the march of "political evangelism" that goes from Nicaragua, passes through the Northern Triangle and penetrates several states of southern Mexico. There is a hidden agenda to create a "biblical belt", an agenda that has taken shape with both "Zionist Christians" from the USA, as in Brazil with the rise of ex-captain Jair Mesías Bolsonaro who has woven a Holy Alliance with Netanyahu through the "Zionist evangelists".

It seems that Pompeo coined the term Geopolitical Theology when he told to the Christian Broadcasting Network that "Trump could have been sent by God to save the Jewish people" of course with the permission of the Lord.

In migratory terms, a global battle has been staged between two well-delineated axes from Israel, through Europe, to Mexico / the Northern Triangle. In my opinion, Mexico has become the electoral battleground between Trump and Soros. Using not only economic but also religious needs. Some migrants say they are suffering the same as the Jewish people with the exodus.

Trump has made the immigration issue the 'leitmotiv' of his reelection, while Soros uses the immigration letter to undo the electoral base of President Trump and to tear down his wall that he has not been able to build. In Europe TPTB are moving Muslims, but in America they are moving to new Christian evangelists.


(Ark) I would like to make a comment. I think to a large extent, we don't really know what's going on around us. Whenever I go out and see what people are doing, all these young people are just like this [mimics walking around staring at smartphone in their hand]. This is their normal life!
(Pierre) And about what Ark said: that's their life. The face stuck to the screen. It's interesting in conjunction in what we said about how to conduct a healthy life and remove ourselves from STS influences. Imagine the antennas of people doing that and eating crap...

A: We warned strongly about electronic devices years ago!

There is no doubt that we are living in times of great challenges for the soul. I was reading this article about the so-called social credit system in China:

SOCIAL CREDIT is a form of cyber-authoritarianism in which people and institutions that are considered "trustworthy" are given positive points and, therefore, rewards, while those who transgress lose points. A super low rating can lead to a "black list", blocking access to services such as health clinics, schools, transportation and jobs. In a social credit system, the most mundane social transgressions are monitored, such as public intoxication, passing the street in an unmarked place for it (jaywalking) or the excessive use of toilet paper.

In the Chinese social credit system, good behavior is rewarded mainly with simplified services and bad behavior, which may include protesting and demanding the government, can leave one out of public services and social networks.

In China, technology has made this possible and has created a system of commercial rewards along with state controls. Most people say that surveillance keeps them safe and the credit system keeps them reliable ... that is, by choice they prefer to be controlled and have "A Boot Stamping on a Human Face" and not to be away from the social network.

George Orwell's Dystopian Nightmare In China

Check this video too:

There is no doubt that we are living in times of great challenges for the soul. I was reading this article about the so-called social credit system in China:

SOCIAL CREDIT is a form of cyber-authoritarianism in which people and institutions that are considered "trustworthy" are given positive points and, therefore, rewards, while those who transgress lose points. A super low rating can lead to a "black list", blocking access to services such as health clinics, schools, transportation and jobs. In a social credit system, the most mundane social transgressions are monitored, such as public intoxication, passing the street in an unmarked place for it (jaywalking) or the excessive use of toilet paper.

In the Chinese social credit system, good behavior is rewarded mainly with simplified services and bad behavior, which may include protesting and demanding the government, can leave one out of public services and social networks.

In China, technology has made this possible and has created a system of commercial rewards along with state controls. Most people say that surveillance keeps them safe and the credit system keeps them reliable ... that is, by choice they prefer to be controlled and have "A Boot Stamping on a Human Face" and not to be away from the social network.

George Orwell's Dystopian Nightmare In China

Check this video too:

I’ve yet to see that episode. Very dark stuff. I’ll be a bushman when that happens.

It goes along the same theme for this Orville episode:

In the Orville’s version, if you drop below a specific downvote number, you essentially get lobotomized.
There is no doubt that we are living in times of great challenges for the soul. I was reading this article about the so-called social credit system in China:

SOCIAL CREDIT is a form of cyber-authoritarianism in which people and institutions that are considered "trustworthy" are given positive points and, therefore, rewards, while those who transgress lose points. A super low rating can lead to a "black list", blocking access to services such as health clinics, schools, transportation and jobs. In a social credit system, the most mundane social transgressions are monitored, such as public intoxication, passing the street in an unmarked place for it (jaywalking) or the excessive use of toilet paper.

In the Chinese social credit system, good behavior is rewarded mainly with simplified services and bad behavior, which may include protesting and demanding the government, can leave one out of public services and social networks.

In China, technology has made this possible and has created a system of commercial rewards along with state controls. Most people say that surveillance keeps them safe and the credit system keeps them reliable ... that is, by choice they prefer to be controlled and have "A Boot Stamping on a Human Face" and not to be away from the social network.

George Orwell's Dystopian Nightmare In China

Check this video too:

I literally just watched that episode of Black Mirror last night. Your ability to get a home, an airline ticket, a rental car, permitted to be maid of honor at someone’s wedding, based solely on your social credit score, on whether people find you likable and agreeable, plastic and phony. In many ways it doesn’t feel like that much of a stretch based on how people present themselves on Facebook. It’s like a societal virus.
Greetings, it has been a long time,

Thank you for thist. Once again, it seems I'm on time when I think I'm late. Something changes in my environment or I make the decision to stop doing what I know is wrong, I doubt and here I find written and in order the words that in my head I could not order, what do you call that? it's strange. Life is increasingly meaningless with the rise of jobs aimed at managing content for social networks and addressing an invasive digital world in all its senses, the community manager, for example. Literally, "if you're not in networks, you do not exist" has become dangerous, makes people more dissociative and more absurd with the rise of influencers and their foolish challenges to gain followers, it seems like a counter-clock to show who has less brain, to say the least.
The smaller one is the original one, the "new" one is bigger. It matches the design of the original one though. The ones I bought on amazon a decade or so ago (the white amethysts), are mounted like on a small silver disk.

It's been a busy week, but I had more time to reflect on this. Can't recall buying a single amethyst earring and last time I checked a month or so ago, I had only one, as it has been since 2006 when I lost the other one. In fact, I was rearranging the precious stones jewels because they got all disorganized in my back pack during my trip to FOTCM France. Although I usually pray to my Cs Crystals every day, I usually do a few repetitions of singing and prayers to the crystals + jewels on Wednesday when I have more time. I decided to re-organize the jewels by type instead of the usual by color. I took everything out and was putting the collars first, then the bracelets and pendants and last the earrings. I left the purple amethyst last because I know it's uneven. That's when I noticed it was paired.

I went through a mental exercise where I imagine myself buying an extra one in a market and when I'm done, although it satisfies my rationality, I still come back with a blank. That is, I don't recall buying one.

On the night of the 27th to the 28th, I had a most peculiar dream. I was climbing up some stairs and a snake was behind me. I felt very calm and said that was nothing to be scared about. Then the snakes bit me twice. I remained calm and just as a matter of fact, I take care of the wound. It was a single wound behind my knee and it looked like two spheres, and I was squeezing some "organized" water out of the two holes. When I woke up, I felt calm, and it was just when I realized that I dreamed with a snake that I started to feel spooked out. The interpretation that most resonated with the energy of the dream was that something was about to be brought up to my conscious awareness and that it was going to be abrupt and shocking. I ramped up the awareness level so when the shock came, I could deal with it with dignity. I decided that I needed to go back to some of my routine for grounding and that's when I decided to do the Crystal Connection singing on the 29th (Wednesday morning).
Hi Gaby (sorry for the late response!)

I will assume you "still come back with a blank" regards the appearance of the paired earring?

Ok, so the lore and heritage of symbolism of amethyst seems to be quite interesting I think. There is some 'wine-god' Dionysian themes to be found:

The Greek word "amethystos" may be translated as "not drunken", from Greek a-, "not" + methustos, "intoxicated".[16] Amethyst was considered to be a strong antidote against drunkenness,[17] which is why wine goblets were often carved from it.[18] In his poem "L'Amethyste, ou les Amours de Bacchus et d'Amethyste" (Amethyst or the loves of Bacchus and Amethyste), the French poet Remy Belleau (1528–1577) invented a myth in which Bacchus, the god of intoxication, of wine, and grapes was pursuing a maiden named Amethyste, who refused his affections. Amethyste prayed to the gods to remain chaste, a prayer which the chaste goddess Diana answered, transforming her into a white stone. Humbled by Amethyste's desire to remain chaste, Bacchus poured wine over the stone as an offering, dyeing the crystals purple.[19][20]

Variations of the story include that Dionysus had been insulted by a mortal and swore to slay the next mortal who crossed his path, creating fierce tigers to carry out his wrath. The mortal turned out to be a beautiful young woman, Amethystos, who was on her way to pay tribute to Artemis. Her life was spared by Artemis, who transformed the maiden into a statue of pure crystalline quartz to protect her from the brutal claws. Dionysus wept tears of wine in remorse for his action at the sight of the beautiful statue. The god's tears then stained the quartz purple.[21]

This myth and its variations are not found in classical sources. However, the titan Rhea does present Dionysus with an amethyst stone to preserve the wine-drinker's sanity in historical text.[22]
Maybe the attacking tigers were similarly symbolic to the snakes attacking you in the dream? And Artemis on this Forum is like a sister to you I think? Artemis is the twin sister of Apollo too... More twin/pairing references hidden away.
And there's this (though I haven't cross-referenced with more 'verifiable' sources so don't know how much truth to attribute here, but it has the right resonance to it): Amethyst - ICA
Its colour is as unique as it is seductive, though in fact this gemstone of all gemstones is said to protect its wearer against seduction.

The amethyst is extravagance in violet. For many thousands of years, the most striking representative of the quartz family has been a jewel coveted by princes both ecclesiastical and secular. Moses described it as a symbol of the Spirit of God in the official robes of the High Priest of the Jews, and the Russian Empress Catherine the Great sent thousands of miners into the Urals to look for it. In popular belief, the amethyst offers protection against drunkenness - for the Greek words 'amethystos' mean 'not intoxicated' in translation. A more apt stone for the month of February, particularly if there is to be plenty going on in the way of carnival celebrations, could thus hardly be wished for.

A large number of further miraculous powers are attributed to the amethyst in all sorts of cultures. It was said to protect crops against tempests and locusts, bring good fortune in war and in the hunt, drive out evil spirits and inspire the intellect. A little study of the works of Pliny will reveal that this gemstone, if worn round the neck on a cord made from dog's hair, affords protection against snakebite. Later, Hieronymus even reported that eagles placed an amethyst in their nest in order to protect their young from the selfsame danger. Apart from these powers, gemstone therapists say that the amethyst has a sobering and cleansing effect.

Amethyst has also been said to quell excessive stomach acid and, according to Hildegard von Bingen, served to combat insect bites and beautify the skin. But the amethyst not only had a firm niche in medicine; it was also esteemed as a stone of friendship. And since it was thought to put the wearer in a chaste frame of mind and symbolise trust and piety, the amethyst came to occupy a very prominent position in the ornaments of the Catholic clergy over the centuries. It was the stone of bishops and cardinals; we find it in prelates' crosses and in the so-called Papal Ring (Italian, 15th century) in the Jewellery Museum in Pforzheim.

Scientific tid-bits

However, the most beautiful of all crystal quartzes also posed one or two riddles for the scientists, and indeed they still haven't been completely solved to this day. The amethyst has its hardness (7), its moderate refraction and its weight in common with the other quartzes, but the crystal structure is different, and it is most unconventional. The construction is stratified, as a result of which areas and lamellae of varying colour intensity often come about. This explains why there are relatively few large cut amethysts of an evenly distributed dark colour, in spite of its having been found so abundantly in all parts of the world. It is only in the last few years that scientists have been fairly certain of having found the real cause of the colour. It is now attributed to certain iron constituents in connection with natural radioactive radiation.

One thing that has been known for a long time, on the other hand, is the fact that the amethyst changes its colour on being heated. Smoky stones are transformed at temperatures of as little as 250 degrees to a shining yellow to brownish-red, whilst clear ones, i.e. those with a high degree of transparency, become yellow or colourless at 400 degrees. Now and then Nature gives us a surprise by having created bicoloured stones, like the ones recently found in Bolivia in the form of causticised crystal nuggets. This variety is known as ametrine, for in its formation certain energy states of iron introduce violet areas to the yellow citrine. At best, flat jewellery with a three-spoked star can be cut from it. However, the highlight for esoterics is that the energy fields can in fact be made visible in polarised light. The Henn Brothers of Idar-Oberstein even supply the photos to go with it.

Some amethysts pale almost to colourlessness in daylight. The reason for this has not yet been discovered, but it is possible to re-colour them by means of radium radiation. The fact that these stones can lose their colour makes it obvious that amethyst jewellery should not be worn while sunbathing, in a solarium or in a discotheque with black light. Sudden changes of temperature can also be harmful to the stone.

Further indepth "Scientific" tid-bits here: The Quartz Page: Amethyst
Amethyst owes its color to high energy radiation, e.g. gamma rays from radioactive sources (Berthelot, 1906) and the presence of iron built into its crystal lattice (Holden, 1925). The irradiation causes iron Fe(+3) atoms which probably replace the silicon in the center of the SiO4 tetrahedra to lose another electron and form Fe(+4), an unusual oxidation state of iron (Lehmann and Moore, 1966). Note that the colorizing iron and its precursor is probably not present in the lattice as ideal ions (Fe3+ and Fe4+), but in part bound covalently to oxygen to form a FeO4 group. The electron released from the iron by irradiation is probably taken up by another ion, but there are different models on how exactly the Fe(+4) color center is stabilized. According to a theory of Lehmann et. al., 1973, the electron released from the Fe3+ to form Fe4+ is captured by another Fe3+ elsewhere in the lattice which gets reduced to a Fe2+, so the color center would be a pair of [FeO4]2+/Fe2+ formed in this reaction:

[FeO4]- + Fe3+ → [FeO4]0 + Fe2
...For a more comprehensive science of Amethyst here's this PDF:

Much to ponder...

I will touch on my bolded-emphasis momentarily, as best I can. (If I miss any, I hope their relevance is self-explanatory enough to the reader)

Amethyst certainly has a very rich tradition invoking many schools of thought, lore, and a precious stone of protection, healing, guidance, insight and 'providence'. Its an incredibly universally-encompassing crystal and one of the most greatly cherished... A very "Cassiopaean" crystal one might say.

Sunlight is a "reactive" for the crystal, and the sunlight issue takes up the metaphor for sunlight-intensity and exposure increasingly a growing concern for us humans nowadays.

To quote a Minerologist on Quora:
"Exceptionally, some semi-precious stones such as rose quartz (and even some amethysts) may fade if they are exposed to sunlight for extended periods of time. It depends entirely on the origin of their colour. Some colours are due to (or enhanced by) defects that are quite unstable and can be modified even by the relatively low energy of sunlight." - Jeanne Paquette, Mineralogist who also teaches some paleontology at McGill University (1991-present))

I'm not scientific-minded, but amethyst seems to have some unusual properties with secrets yet unlocked surrounding iron content too. And iron being of esoteric importance regards the ethereal word interaction with 3D, such is the word-root similarity with; Orion and Origin.
There's something about crystalline-twinning to do with "Brazil Law"(?) Though I think that's to do with many crystals in general through a crystalline process named "twinning", a terminology used of crystalline composition forming its structure in a symmetrical manner Crystal twinning - Wikipedia. I haven't read enough into it though, but sounds like it might be more subtle symbolic relevance with amethyst earrings "pairing" and the 'twin' snake bite "spheres". I also thought of it as a process of initiating your sense of "conscious awareness" surge to creating building blocks from atoms to planets and stars, and somehow symbolizing the Twin Suns; Sole and its "Dark Companion". Another cosmic balance metaphor made manifest of light and dark in equilibrium, and the pull and push of left and right in Kabbalah... more on that in a mo.

You say you have a picture of Laura next to your crystals, and amethyst is the gem of February, Laura's birth month, and her star sign is Aquarius. Its zodiac symbol represented of two water ripples, like a Wave! I always thought it odd Aquarius is Water but also an Air sign, so I read it as very appropriately symbolic embodying the transition of densities.

You dreamed of "organized" water out the 2 holes which could also be a representation of Aquarius the "water-bearer" pouring carefully its "waters of truth and spiritual nourishment". Amethyst is one of the key stones of Aquarius, and Aquarius rules the ankles and calves, and anatomically, calves is quite close to behind the knee.

As for the relevance of amethyst with dreams.. From our esteemed Judaism (and entrusted gatekeepers of our 3D STS capstone):
Kislev: The Month of Dreams
[...] ).the amethyst (achlama in Hebrew) In his Book of Hebrew Roots, the Radak explains that the root of Achlama is chalam (“dream”), and “whomever wears one (an amethyst) on one’s finger will very likely see dreams.
If one were to follow on further down the "Kislev" excerpt, linked, it shows its writings do quickly indulge the classic not-quite-saying-what-it-means therefore not-quite-meaning-what-it-says Kabbalah-isms. With that, the Kabbalic 'epithets' of the "Tree of Life" incidentally leads me on to something of more literal interpretation in regards to recent skulduggeries brought to my attention with this thread:

Frequency Fence (5g, Starlink, etc)

…And a fly-by Wikipedia:

Starlink (satellite constellation) - Wikipedia
SpaceX has plans to deploy nearly 12,000 satellites in three orbital shells by the mid-2020s: initially placing approximately 1600 in a 550-kilometer (340 mi)-altitude shell, subsequently placing ~2800 Ku- and Ka-band spectrum satellites at 1,150 km (710 mi) and ~7500 V-band satellites at 340 km (210 mi).[7] The total cost of the decade-long project to design, build and deploy such a network is estimated at nearly US$10 billion.[8]
Starlink constellation, phase 1, first orbital shell: approximately 1,600 satellites at 550 km altitude
Note the terminology used: "Shells". This really jumped out for me. The PTB like to hint real meaning for the purpose of things hidden in plain sight through applied 'terminology'. I particularly do not like this terminology "Shells" used in this context because its undertones come across as more than the usual Orwellian sub-tonals. "Shells" used here seems to be a disconcertingly accurate analogy with that of an actual non-metaphoric "Qlippoth" and all that that would imply. The Qlippoth or Qlipot is the opposing shells of 'Evil' back-facing the outwardly front-facing 'good' Sefirot - hidden on the opposing side of the Kabbalah "Tree of Life" (much like the Voldemort's hidden-face analogy stuck at the back of Professor Quirrles head in Harry Potter). Here's some evocative reading on this Wiki page (its no doubt a deeply-rooted inspirational 'trickery' of the Lizzies):

Qliphoth - Wikipedia
In Jewish Kabbalistic cosmology of Isaac Luria, the qlippot are metaphorical "shells" surrounding holiness. They are spiritual obstacles receiving their existence from God only in an external, rather than internal manner. Divinity in Judaism connotes revelation of God's true unity, while the shells conceal holiness, as a peel conceals the fruit within. They are therefore synonymous with idolatry, the root of impurity through ascribing false dualism in the Divine, and with the Sitra Achra (סטרא אחרא "Other Side"), the perceived realm opposite to holiness. They emerge in the descending seder hishtalshelus (Chain of Being) through Tzimtzum (contraction of the Divine Ohr), as part of the purpose of Creation. In this they also have beneficial properties, as peel protects the fruit, restraining the Divine flow from being dissipated. Kabbalah distinguishes between two realms in qlippot, the completely impure and the intermediate.

Their four "concentric" terms are derived from Ezekiel's vision (1:4), "And I looked and behold, a whirlwind came out of the north, a great cloud, and a fire infolding itself, and a brightness was about it..."[4] The "Three Impure Qlippot" (completely Tamei "impure") are read in the first three terms, the intermediate "Shining Qlippah" (Nogah "brightness") is read in the fourth term, mediating as the first covering directly surrounding holiness, and capable of sublimation.
It speaks of three "Shells" each of Impure Qlippot. Could it represent the peeled layers of physicality, 1 to 3, indicative of our 3D realm? I think so. I also interpret the "fourth term" to be an analogy for 4D STS orientation to covet "holiness" of souls via "sublimation" which is quite a clear reference to "physical-ethereal variability" of 4D STS... And the "Chain of Being", of which "chain" could well mean to be both "linear linkage" and "to be chained" (shackled) simultaneously.

Reading on...
In medieval Kabbalah, the Shekhinah is separated in Creation from the Sefirot by man's sin, while in Lurianic Kabbalah Divinity is exiled in the qlippot from prior initial Catastrophe in Creation. This causes "Sparks of Holiness" to be exiled in the qlippot, Jewish Observance with physical objects redeeming mundane Nogah, while the Three Impure Qlippot are elevated indirectly through Negative prohibitions. Repentance out of love retrospectively turns sin into virtue, darkness into light. When all the sparks are freed from the qlippot, depriving them of their vitality, the Messianic era begins. In Hasidic philosophy, the kabbalistic scheme of qlippot is internalised in psychological experience as self-focus, opposite to holy devekut self-nullification, underlying its Panentheistic Monistic view of qlippot as the illusionary self-awareness of Creation.
With the ramping up of everything ever gathering pace, and ever increasing Dionysianism stretched things to breaking point, I'd say there's far more to this Starlink "frequency fence" than the usual HAARP-type evils used merely to scrambling our minds. Because here we find Starlink Program terminology lending itself to Kabbalistic-coined terminology, the Qlippot "shells".

A quick rundown: Due to the ever-quickening onset of the Wave, it stands to reason time-mergers and other associated phenomena are likely to increase in the future. For now, the effects are first felt/witnessed by those who's antennae are closest in proximity to - and in compatibility with - cosmic sensitivities shall we say. As the Wave intensifies, the effects may well start to bleed out into the general population. 4D STS will be all too aware of this and want to nullify the effects for all they can using what 3D parameters are available via their agents. There definitely feels like there's another sudden push this year cranking up several notches at once for all this "frequency-fence" stuff targeted for the 2020's. The 4D STS 3D-proxies are going hell for leather in their onslaught for planet-wide coverage of "communications technology" to be vectored from several sectors at once; 5G, low orbit satellites, high-atmosphere weather-balloon-tethered satellites, and soon LED-LiFi [sic] and so on, among other things, with AI always following in close pursuit. The Starlink program is the most ambitious and will no doubt be used in conjunction with HAARP. Its tantamount to an all out force-field like the one shielding the Death Star.

Here we have an analogy: We, the human race aka Lucifer "the fallen angel" of the "holy sparks" exiled. "Fallen" are we, the collective souls of Humanity, yet destiny determines we are to transcend once again with the onset of the coming Wave ascending 3rd density to 4th. We are those "holy sparks" 4D STS are so dependent on, in need to covet and feed off, and as such, the "holy sparks" of humanity must be kept wholly encased, "concealed", locked within a "Qlipoth shell" if the Lizzies/4D STS are to hold onto us, to keep on top of us, to rule us. We know 4D STS and their dastardly 3D-proxies must ensure we are kept detached from the Wave's cosmic "quickenings" therefor more and more resorting to more and more bigger and extreme measures to that effect, as changes continually ramp up, twisting and turning. From the 4D STS standpoint it is now imperative for an all-out all-encompassing "encasement" of ALL the Earth and Her children. To do that, our planet needs to effectively become a giant Qlippot shell if they are to stay ahead of the transitioning period and to stave off as much of the Wave's effects here on Earth in order to continue their influence over us and/or to harvest the lions share.

I'm certain the nature and timing of the dream and the Starlink program launching its "first shell" is indicative to that, portending to whats to come.

Following up with 'timing'... Another thing I observed the timing of the dream following the timing of Starlink's launch is quite interesting not least because gematria is another big thing in Kabbalah. If we are to keep in mind the numerological gematria aspects underpinning the Kabbalah and the Tree of Life, there is a marked focal point referencing the dates issued regards numeric markers against our calendar cycle. There appears to be gematria significance regards the dates of the Starlink launch and the discovery of the manifested "paired" ear-rings.

Maybe its too much a stretch... I appreciate I might be really getting myself lost in detail here, but I'm going in anyway...

Ok, the appearance of the second ear-ring was on 29th May. This date marks the 216 day countdown to the end of year.
Just to quickly recap; I believe (as do most on this forum I'm sure) certain set-dates within the calendar are based on subtle astronomical/astrological significance quietly observed by many occult traditions, both in a forward or reversive trend up and down the 'fixed' calendar against the backdrop of 'timed' synchronized cosmic current cycles. People tend to fixate on forward linear time overlooking the reversive. For an example of a recent numeric trend representing the calculation of linear time in the reversible against the calendar: The Mandalay Bay - Las Vegas massacre takes place on 1st October (incidentally, King Mindon who founded the Burmese city and royal capital "Mandalay" also died on the 1st October (1878)).
The calendar date and position of 1st October against our calendrical system marks the 91 days count-down to the end of the year, and therefor we have the "arranged" numerically appropriate-named: 'Route "91" Festival' to mark the event's calendrical positioning. So you see? It can go forward... and backwards.

The date of the "paired" earrings on May 29th is numerologically significant because it begins the 216 day remainder of the year. The number 216 is one of the most significant and power-representative of all the gematria values in all the Kabbalah. It represents the Order of the Seraphim, the angels of fire, God's "severity, power and Judgement" and is equated with the "Left Hand of God" ruled by Archangel Gabriel. It is the "Gevurah", the 5th sefirot of the Tree of Life. Here's a Wiki summery of Gevurah

Gevurah - Wikipedia

or geburah (גבורה), strength, is the fifth sephirah in the kabbalistic tree of life, and it is the second of the emotive attributes of the sephirot. It sits below Binah, across from Chesed, and above Hod.

Gevurah is 'the essence of judgment (DIN) and limitation, and corresponds to awe and the element of fire,'[1]

In the Bahir it is written "And who are the Officers? We learned that there are three. Strength (Gevurah) Is the Officer of all the Holy Forms to the left of the Blessed Holy One. He is Gabriel."

Gevurah is associated with the color red.[2]
Gevurah - Wikipedia

And of 216...

The numerical value of Gevurah, 216, is 6 times 6 times 6. The tablets of the covenant that Moses received at Sinai were 6 by 6 by 3 handbreadths. The Torah was given to Moses and Israel from "the Mouth of the Gevurah." It is most significant that the name of no other Sefirah is used by our sages to connote God Himself, other than Gevurah (In the Bible, God is referred to as "the Netzach [eternity] of Israel" (Samuel 1 15:29), but not as Netzach alone). Here, Gevurah implies God's essential power to contract and concentrate His infinite light and strength into the finite letters of Torah (especially those engraved on the tablets of the covenant, the Ten Commandments).

Gevurah = 216 = 3 times 72 (chesed). Each of God's 72 hidden names possesses three letters, in all—216 letters. Meaning inheres to words and names. The ultimate "meaning" of every one of God's Names is His expression of love (Chesed) for His Creation. Each Name expresses His love in a unique way. The components of each word and name, the "building blocks" of Creation are the letters which combine to form the words. The letters, "hewn" from the "raw material" of "pro-creation" (the secret of the reshimu, the "impression" of God's infinite light which remains after the initial act of tzimtzum, "contraction") reflect God's Gevurah.

Gevurah is understood as God's mode of punishing the wicked and judging humanity in general. It is the foundation of stringency, absolute adherence to the letter of the law, and strict meting out of justice. This stands in contrast to Chesed.

Chesed and Gevurah act together to create an inner balance in the soul's approach to the outside world. While the "right arm" of Chesed operates to draw others near, the "left arm" of Gevurah reserves the option of repelling those deemed undeserving. (Even towards those to whom one's initial relation is that of "the left arm repels," one must subsequently apply the complementary principle of "the right arm draws near").
As we see, there is "divine pairing" appropriating "left and right"; the Left and Right Hand's of God, here, is talking about the basic Cosmic principles of creative dispersal vs restriction. Archangel Gabriel is associated with "justice or strength of God" as the name Gabriel so derives from - as does yours in the female form "Gabriela" so too derives from in Hebrew. Both "Gabriel/Gabriela" from Hebrew "Gavri'el" and "Gevurah" from Hebrew "Geburah" are one and the same word-root meaning of "strength" or "power of God" of the "Left Hand of God" and "Holy Spirit". Notice the closer similarity of each other's word-root translation interchanging "v" with "b" respectively... Gevurah and Gabriel corroborate each other. Curiously, Gabriel is also the 'head angel' of the "Yesod" the 9th Sefirot representing the "power of connection" and "foundation of the Tree of Life". The energy-surge welling up through your body from the snake-bite could tie in with symbolism of the Left and Right hand of God, and the power of the "Holy Spirit" working through you, entwined like the caduceus surging up for dispersal at the crown chakra which, btw, amethyst being the stone representing the crown chakra. Its like, the ears are apt anatomical representations of the left and right caduceus wings releasing conscious-awareness through your temple sides... And the caduceus being the symbol of medicine of which is your profession.
The Gevurah is associated with the colour red, and purple is the colour of Yesod, the 9th Sefirot. A search on the web reveals the colour of Yesod, of which Gabriel is the head-angel of, is sometimes said to be the colour... "amethyst".
Actually, I'd say your earring's colour looks more rose-magenta to me, the colour combination of the two Sefirots associated with Gabriel.

Continuing on with the significance of 216: 6 x 6 x 6... or "666" we know as VISA: The Mark of the Beast. There is also the 'law-of-three' represented "3" times the 72 hidden names of God... Of which 72 hours makes up 3 days... The dying and rising of Christ.

Just to say... Your name may equate with the Gevurah and therefor number 216 and in turn 666, but please don't see it as a negative (I'm sure you don't, and I hope you in no way think I would think such a thing). 216 and 666 belongs to the golden math of the universe, which is why 4D STS have coveted it through the Kabbalah and in turn the Book of Revelations to pervert it into the Mark of The Beast, the number of abomination. But its precisely because 216/666 is a number representing creation and beauty why the forces of darkness have done so. OSIT.

Anyway, to further explain the numbers importance...

The duration between the Starlink launch on 24th May and your dream on 27th/28th May is 3 days or 72 hours thereabouts, and the appearance of "paired" ear-rings on 29th May makes up the complete set of 5 day equal divisions within the 360 circle = 72 per unit or day, and 72 is the totient for 216 fitting into the pentacle with 144 remaining. And... "5" equates the 5th Sefirot, the Gerurah, as representing the number of days total between the launch of the first of Starlink's "shells" and the discovery/appearance of the paired ear-rings... And 360 degrees of a 2d circle does represent a 3d sphere do the ear-rings and "shelled" Earth make.

Trending forward in the calendar, the 24th May is the 144th day of the year, and 144 is also the significant 'opposing' number to 216 in that when "paired" it makes up the 360 degrees of a circle. Its also a curious number in that it is both 12 x 12 and also marks the 12th position in the Fibonacci sequence ie the Golden Ratio. Religions like 12 a lot, as does the solar zodiac. 144 degrees is what I like to call the hidden "shadow angle" of the pentacle (see image below) much like the hidden Qlipot in opposition to the Sefirot.


The ratio of 3 and 2 days within 5 days is respectively 216 and 144 difference within 360. If each of the 5 days represents a sum unit of a Venus pentagram 360, then each unit equates to the 72 to make up a circle. (Curiously, I remember the Cs said the sessions during when "Frank" was present were channeled to a 72% accuracy score) As such, the 3 days from 24th May/144th day of the year to your dream (Im going to go with the 27th more-so than 28th to shoe-horn credence to my argument, Heh..) and 2 days from the dream to 29th May/216 days-countdown to end of year, accordingly 2, 3, 5 represents basic golden ratio math.

216 and 144 are paired totient sums of 72 within the circle is rooted in Pythagorean equation-math tying into the golden ratio system. It is classically embodied within the perfect pentacle and "Venus rose" (the angles representative of pentacles are in turn equated with the path of Venus' orbital procession across our skies... If there is anything to my... *ahem*… inference... I thought it kinda cute as I did mention Venus previous).

Pentagram of Venus
The image resembles a complex, spirograph floral pattern with five loops encircling the middle.
The pentagram of Venus. Earth is positioned at the centre of the diagram, and the curve represents the direction and distance of Venus as a function of time.
The pentagram of Venus is the path that Venus makes as observed from Earth. Successive inferior conjunctions of Venus repeat very near a 13:8 orbital resonance (Earth orbits 8 times for every 13 orbits of Venus), shifting 144° upon sequential inferior conjunctions. The resonance 13:8 ratio is approximate. 8/13 is approximately 0.615385 while Venus orbits the Sun in 0.615187 years.[123]
Venus - Wikipedia
Note the "shifting sequential inferior conjunction" angle (I don't really what that means btw, just going with that magic number 144).
I'd also add "Rose" (of Venus) to another relevant colour-variant to your earrings. "Rose" derives from "rosa" "rouse" and "rus" of which "Russia" derives from.

I know I'm getting fussy with numbers and whatnot, and in danger of getting lost following numerological bread crumbs seeing 'faces in the clouds' so to speak, but with the symbolism surrounding the timing and of events therein and thereof, and of course the significance of your close proximity with the Cs, it seems to me you have been privy to portents to that effect.

Lastly, regarding the aspects of the Tree of Life, there might be something here for a further portent observed... If we word-merge "gevurah" with "sefirot" we have "gevurot". Gevurot - Jewish Prayers | Learn Hebrew Pod
The gevurot is a declaration that God has the absolute power to accomplish our petitions. It focuses especially on the revival of the dead, a cardinal principle of rabbinic Judaism.
Biblical Judaism paid scant attention to life after death, stressing instead the consequences of obeying (or disobeying) God’s law in this world.
Given the forum's timely realization of lack of actual pertain-able spiritualism to be found in Judaism (or rather not found) I thought it was rather fitting considering. I also think this whole Qlipoth thing is a key component to uncovering the root machinations behind the Rabbinic inverse-spirituality teachings perpetuating Judaism as essentially an altogether anti-spiritual 'spiritualism' of sorts pertaining to a kind of inverted STS-equivalent of individuation unto 4D STS... Judaism is a bit like Dionysianism but given to it intellect and the rigidity of hierarchical structure and ritual through religious order... Some more shells to peel there.

So to sum up with my conclusions: Planet Earth looks set to become a physical "Qlipoth" shell in an attempt by 4D STS to covet humanity in closing efforts to encase the "holy sparks" of Earth, to "conceal" the human race from the Wave. Those are OUR holy sparks! The holy sparks are our souls... "Godsparks" as the Cs might say... Representing humanity's soul-growth potential and expanding conscious-awareness, reigniting receivership ability those souls open to the Cosmos with the onset of the Wave.
The Starlink's "shells" are a clear attempt, IMO, to conceal Earth from the Wave, to 'shield' humanity from its effects to better keep our receivership ability disconnected, for all our worth.

These orbital shells are eventually to be a triple-layered frequency-fence which means we have about 10 years before all 3 shell peels become fully operational in tandem. The size increase of the replicate earring could be a hint to the size increase of Earth taking on its new "Qlipoth" shells. That might be why they appeared on that particular Wednesday, the 216 countdown, to 2020 (like "Vision").

To use symbolic understanding of the Kabbalah and gematria is to better understand the very same occult numeric systems handed down to be used by mankind's greatest betrayer, of those closest aligned with, and closest to, 4D STS. I like it when such 'understanding' happens (if there's anything to it of course), its like turning their own weapons against them... For we have the "Holy Spirit", the "Left Hand of God" speaking through to us on this forum!... The interwoven elements of the dream speaks like another form of 6D communication spoken to us through you via symbolic reverence of the angel of your namesake (the Cs are funny, Lol!)...
And the replicate earring as a result of the time-merger is kinda reminiscent of the early sessions that speaks of Jesus having "Godsparks ad infinitum" to replicate his soul to those who pray to Him :flowers:
Just to clarify, I am not referring to the majority of muslims who follow the forms/traditions of Islam which predominate particularly in the West. I am simply referring to the literature itself, in that it can be and is be interpreted literally by some.
Literally interpreted how and by whom exactly? THAT is a serious question.
I don't think I misunderstood Townsend here, although I am open to that possibility. Have you read his books?
Hold on there, I was making a very specific point about the particular way violence is engaged and the rules of said engagement therein applied by Muslims must duly abide.
No, I haven't read Townsend (though have been meaning to but have a major reading back-log at the mo) I assume you raise Townsend because he argues the psychopathic actions of ISIS is directly equated with Islam, or at the very least allowing for a mindset as such to cultivate from? If so, he's wrong.
ISIS is the creation of Zio-CIA factions as I'm sure you well know. The rules the Muslim world abide couldn't give birth to an *organisation* such like ISIS from within its fold not least because it acts so vehemently psychopathic against its own fold - against its 'own people'! - in the manner it does if Islamic nations were left to their own devices, except perhaps Saudi Arabia under command of the royal House of Saud who are of a similar vein to the pathocracy of Israelis - which is interesting in and of itself given that monarchy is universally prohibited in Islam yet so command absolute authority over the two most holiest of holies in all of Islam; Mecca and Medina (it warrants its own topic I think).
There is no way the likes of ISIS could be seeded within an established Islamic nation without powerfully-backed outside interference. ISIS was dependent on continuous backing from powerful external (ie non-Islamic) forces packin' some serious heat to maintain its upkeep and continuance because clearly it couldn't have taken hold without those outside forces making it happen. This is very important to first recognize if we want to be serious about tackling Islam and dissecting its many demons/djinns that unarguably do exist. To use ISIS in an argument as suggestive to ascertaining the problems underpinning the Muslim mindset, or of Islam in general, is a mistake!
I think you, or rather Townsend, is making an erroneous error by essentially trying to say: "Islam permits killing in its name, and ISIS kills "in the name of Islam" so therefor they're cut from the same cloth". They're not. Islam kills to a predetermined format held to a preordained order - FOR order. As such, Islam kills discriminatory.
ISIS on the other hand kills indiscriminately. ISIS kills because its directed by agents of chaos - FOR chaos.

Try to understand too; unlike Judaism for example, Islam seeks to incorporate EVERYONE and does so through propagating its mainstay-agenda attempted foremost through a process of deductive reasoning that Muslims are surely truly the righteous followers of the One True Benevolent and Merciful God of All - and must therefor go some way to demonstrate thusly on 'His' behalf - not just to others but also themselves to convince their own superior righteousness through genuine self-belief of same - even doing so within the parameters setting about "believing" in having to necessitate 'His' contradictory benevolence through the "divine wrath" of war and retribution - as is always the inevitable crunch point to enforce "divine right of supremacy".

As such: the spirit of Islamic law cannot totally allow for absolute disintegration into entropy through overtly 'psycopathologizing' (for lack of a better term) through the overt abuse via the letter of Islamic law - when its prime mission seeks to be so "inclusive for all mankind".
As such: The spirit of Something must ultimately - and in spite of many a perversion and brutality that Something so embroiled in and of, down through the ages - in its eventuality, must over-arch the letter of Something when general soul patterning of humanity is present and prevalent, of which, at least for the most part, when all is said and done, the general Muslim population DO possess in a sufficient enough quantity - albeit rather stunted.
(For example... The 'letter' is bodily detail in focus of works making up the tomes. The tomes making up the overall works is essence, it is 'its spirit' and succeeds 'the letter' of bodily details of word. Or for a more... personable example: I've 'Liked' your post not because of 'the letter' but because of 'its spirit' succedent to 'the letter';-))

From what I understood, Muslims in secular societies desregard many aspects of the religious text in favor of common human decency and secular values. This is actually a great thing, because it renders Islam compatible with western values and allows for people to thrive in their local communities with other groups of people who either follow different religions or are atheist/agnostic.
Sure, but alas… A Muslim whilst "a Muslim" can never become "Christ-like" because Islam does not - nor likely ever will - hold up to enough Light, for it has not enough Light within. (It is after all an STS creation as are all world-religions, or begotten of)

I might be nit-picking here, but I think "secular values" is a bit of a misnomer. "Secular" is to remain objectively neutral, assuring neutrality remains just that: "Neutral". It cannot be emotionally invested, like values.
"Secular values" is more an objective to "remain objective" throughout the realm, for all. I wouldn't say it has "values" as such, in and of itself, but I would say it is of the highest in having "value". In the Singular.
Secularism ensures other systems of belief and tradition and perpetuation hold on to their respective "values" without the subjectivity of each of the respective systems of beliefs and traditions and perpetuations abridging the free-will of anothers'. OSIT.

However, by doing so - Muslims are actively ignoring various teachings of their own religious text. Those Muslims who are against ISIS etc have decided that the destructive teachings of the Quran/ahadith are no longer useful, and they have thrown them out in favor of more secular ideas. Likewise, there are those Muslims who have distorted principles of their religion (such as misrepresenting/misinterpreting "Jihad" as self-work, when in fact the literal translation is referring to violent warfare on behalf of Islam).
My previous coverage of misunderstanding Islam's relationship with ISIS applies. Regards the rest... As is endemic within the human condition, the "Jihad" misrepresenting/misinterpreting comes down to calamitous failure in understanding:

"There is right, and there is wrong, and then there is the specific situation/context which determines which is which."

Whilst I am trying not be think in black-and-white terms about this, it seems to me that if people were to follow Islam by the book, then it would be a force of destruction.
Not necessarily, at least not in 3D. I'll get back to that.
Edit: Actually, I did already touch on that a little, above, regards "spirit and letter".
The social-rejects and pathological types who are drawn to ISIS and what-not do have a rational justification for their actions, because they are following the text in a literal way.
The actions of ISIS as agents of indiscriminate destruction and chaos are not rational justifications in any texts except Zionism.

With the "Law of Abrogation" (meaning that where there is contradictory teachings, the later teachings should be given more weight), promotion of violence comes later, and this provides justification for that kind of behavior OSIT.
These are fair points, and from what I have read so far it appears that orthodox judaism is indeed more extreme in that regard. However, Townsend cites a few verses in the hadiths/Quran which explicitly state that non-believers, and even "people of the book" (Jews & Christians) can be slaughtered if they do not convert to Islam. These verses come later, which means that they are given more weight than previous contradictory verses.

That's not entirely correct. Putting aside the Islamic Law of Jurisprudence in battle for now, Law of Abrogation may indeed be a worthy point to raise. However, its a big mess! You need to properly understand the conditions behind determining and validating abrogation. Not that I fully know either. But nor do Muslims, and that's my point.
Primarily, abrogation arises after the Quranic 'fact' via determining the validity of the Hadiths. Preliminarily, this is subject to much variable interpretation and we all know what that means! In actual actuality, upon looking into the matter, you will quickly find Muslims still to this day cannot agree on whether or not abrogation should be applied or appropriated in what context, or if Law of Abrogation (or Naskh) should always follow when where and how - and in some traditions if applied at all.
Here's a Wiki page rundown to give you an idea of the confusion of the matter:

Naskh (tafsir) - Wikipedia

As it becomes quickly evident, a theological mine field if ever there was one!

The Quranic texts are subject to interpretation/misinterpretation via the complex validating process of Hadiths, and in turn those interpretations/misinterpretations are categorized in accordance to validity. There are; "weak Hadiths", "strong Hadiths", "fabricated Hadiths", and "authentic Hadiths", and of course "every-in-between" Hadiths. This is a never-ending contention and cause for much consternation within Islam. It is the main reason why there are splits and different sects within Islam, and within each sect furthering different "schools of thoughts", then throw in the usual mix of egos pride and presumption, depending on the geopolitical-centric cultural baggage, often pre-Islamic in origin, handed down the generations exacted by any a given Ulema of the day.

This is the main reason divisions occur within Islam. This issue must first be appreciated to understand the problem of applying Islamic code and practice. It is also this that allows the opening for much needed Reform.

So lets be clear; to NOT follow an abrogated law does not necessarily mean a Muslim is not doing or not believing what a Muslim is supposed to do or believe and. In reality most devout Muslims wanting to follow code religiously and as objectively as can be, will go by what is *most repeated* in holy texts regardless of chronological order writ. That is; if something has been mentioned 3 or 4 times across the array of 'holy' texts it will naturally be given credence over and above a contradictory later text that has only been mentioned once. Also to consider; Law of Abrogation can sometimes be a good thing overriding less desirable codes prior eg extending Dhimmi to non-Christians/Jews across many parts of the Islamic realm. One could say banning the consumption of alcohol was a "sensible" abrogation. So who's to say more recently-abrogated texts aren't sometimes more egalitarian than older contradictory ones? This is the reality of interpretation, whether good or ill.
Townsend may or may not be running away with himself with respect to certain interpretations... And to follow up, as you say:

by doing so - Muslims are actively ignoring various teachings of their own religious text.

A Muslim told me once: "The Muslim who is a moderate is following Islam correctly. However, the Muslim who is an extremist is also following Islam correctly. You see? There lies the problem."

However, despite the latter, no matter how much a jihadist is extreme in his outlook and actions, there is no escaping the fact to collaborate with ISIS goes against Islamic Military Jurisprudence of conduct in war. Period. I think Townsend (again I assume because I haven't read his book) is greatly confusing the matter with genuine concerns with the concept of "Jihad" in Islam and confusing it with ulterior psychopath-led leadership in command over all-too-easily misled Organic Portals and severely-damaged souls making up the ranks and file. I assume Townsend doesn't acknowledge such considerations the Forum covers?
Even so, it would be a bit like saying Christianity is responsible for the mass-horrors committed by Vlad the Impaler and his men on behalf of Christendom because Jesus is quoted in the Bible as saying "I have not come to bring peace, but a sword!".
If the leaders are Psychopathologicals given access to unlimited resources', and the bulk of their flock are the amassed disillusioned and dispossessed Organic Portals and the like, then evil can and will always find its way though eroded spirituality - regardless religious persuasion.

Law of Abrogation isn't absolute. It isn't well defined at all, and is cause for rifts and much internal strife. The letter of the law will always be changed and twisted by the Predator contradicting "God doesn't change His Mind", for sure, but only so far and for so long before the spirit of the law becomes beyond recognizable and the Spirit of Man can no longer sustain its 'self-destruction' before having to resort to a reform. Any system governing large swathes of Earths yoke for a sufficient length of time as did/does Islam must ascertain and maintain a certain degree of general over-arching agreeableness or it will simply implode and have to be ejected before it plunges into complete darkness and/or total chaos. In contrast to that, and following on the Judaic issue; Judaism can in fact get away with it indefinitely because it has become dependent on being a minority within a majority host-culture/nation to "suck" to its hearts content knowing the stupid goyim can be relied on to replenish stock. I think this was the real reason and driving-force behind the diaspora, and why many Jews oppose the creation of modern Israel because those Judaics KNOW they can never become "their own hosts" if they wish to continue their own survival without destroying the beast within. It's probably another reason Judaism is primarily determined through genealogical exclusivity, because in doing so is to regulate and therefor maintain a desired minority status wholly dependent on ensuring adequate "feeding off" of any given burgeoning "host" society, OSIT. Judaism can be disagreeable and destructive in its entirety due to strict laws of genetic progeny cleverly regulating codependency of host cultures through those host cultures to thrive. Judaism needs a goyim population to manipulate and to covertly rule over for their continued supplies of "wool and skins and flesh".
Muslims don't. They have no innate desire to manipulate the kafir because they want everyone to convert to Islam. Muslims believe EVERYONE should embrace Islam, to assimilate ALL under one law.

Just on a side note: I half-wonder if, because Christianity proved time and again would eventually come to see "the wolf under the sheeps clothing", if Islam was created by Judaism to ensure a bloated fat host for itself, a host reliably unable to see the forest for the trees - as much as it was created to undermine and keep in check Christianity. After all… Judaism is quite happy to practice Taqiya if needs be (It should be known "taqiya" is an Islamic (Shia) practice - yet Judaism was the first to practice such).

In a way, Judaism reversibly demonstrates that without religious structured Order governing over a majority-rule, then it is concluded ONLY widespread nihilism of a majority-rule population, practicing literal unregulated atheism/materialism, can and will lead to definitive destruction. Islam is only destructive to non-believers who refuse to convert. There is always the option to simply convert.

Aside from slaughter, there is also promotion of sex with pre-pubescent girls, slavery, bodily mutilation (head, hands and feet), stoning, etc.
Sexual abuse and child sex I think is the biggie here. Islam does, repeatedly, state a female must always consent to consummation and she must be of sound mind and faculties. Rape is rape. Its quite clear on that (perhaps you could bring up the contradictory verse/verses in question for analysis in the Islam thread).
From what I can tell, the paedo issue stems from Mohammed "consummating" his marriage to Aisha at age 9 or 12 and then is followed up with a verse in the Quran of Verse: 65:4 that has been grossly misinterpreted through muddy mistranslations regards timing of "menses".
Putting aside my personal thoughts -- If Mohammed didn't exist therefore its likely - because his first wife Khadija was much older than he, and conversely Aisha much younger - is based in astronomical symbolism of some kind -- I do remember, in point of fact, Jordan Peterson "allowing for cultural practices and customs of the times" or something along those lines, when speaking about Mohammed's sexual preference. Although I can see what he is purporting, I actually disagree with Jordan Peterson there... So I will give you that one.

Following on with "allowing for cultural practices and customs of the times"... Slavery and exacting brutal punishment are all moot points to varying degrees. They're not particularly indicative of Islam and none not waved under the Christian banner (I really hope your not gonna try argue with me on that one! :shock:)

With all of the above said though, I believe; If it is possible to determine as universally disagreeable acts by reasoned men today, it therefore always was universally disagreeable and always was able to be determined so by reasoned men of any a yesteryear. Ponerization as excused or not... Evils are evils, its that simple... Objectively always has been and always will be no matter what cultural-mores justification is excused by apologetics of any given background or time-period.

One can argue that Western Muslims in the 21st century rightly find these practices abhorrent, but I think that is because they have adopted western customs and values, and over time, cut ties with those aspects of the teaching. But when we look at some countries in the middle East, these things are still practiced. Townsend points out it is no coincidence that these countries are also devout Muslims (albeit with a different, more literal interpretation).

Ultimately, I think it is important to factor in that the large majority of Muslims do NOT promote these practices, and rightly see that they should be discarded.
I think what you mean by "adopting western values and customs" is in fact adhering to "secular law", of which Western civilization operates on.
Western 'values' once considered "Christian" at source are now hollowed of its hallowed origins. The way I see it, Christianity has allowed itself to become the victim of potentially the greatest criminal act committed in the name of "Modernization". It is trampled on and pilloried, and continues to fall by the wayside under the bastardization of what is now "Western civilization". With that, "Western values" is no longer representative of secular altruism in the way we might once like to imagine... Hell no - Its outright Nihilism!
And let me repeat: Christianity has allowed itself to become the victim!... Shame on Christianity!!

So its interesting earlier you relate "This is actually a great thing, because it renders Islam compatible with western values" between Islam and the West. Because in contrast to Christianity, Islam on the other hand, when combined with the new age of Western-centric materialism fore-fronting Modernization incidentally (some may say ironically even) appears to be much more compatible with Westernization than does Christianity having now shown itself forlorn and begotten "of the negative" in the face of the negative. Under that banner - or rather umbrella - of "Western values" Christianity has certainly lost its way and its mettle and become watery to the point of pointlessness, or conversely 'flipped' to becoming plain bonkers eg the Bible Belt Inc.

Yet, as you yourself alluded to, a new parallel may be observed:
Therein appears to be a certain compatibility in the relationship between mainstream Islam and modernized Westernization of which seemingly compliments conventional Islam rather well going some way to soften its hard edges and temper its unyielding 'primitive' desert-forged coarseness within but a single generation or two (even allowing for a strange tolerance toward 'discrete' homosexuality).
Certainly, urbanized Muslims overall verily embrace the trappings of modernization - a modernization of which is still primarily led by Western civilization (with the Far-East duly bringing up the rear) - without their flock allowing it to disintegrate the stability of its order among its flock in maintaining its religious heritage through the daily general routines of religiousness. Maybe its because Islam is more prone to primitive religious extremism which allows the contrasting materialistic "immateriality" of modern Western-isms that make for an idyll - and ideal - balancing partnership?... I don't know. I will stress however, Islam, as with any other religion, can only maintain any measure of agreeableness so long as secular law of the land is upheld over and above at all times.

Getting a little off topic, but I think there's another side point in all this worth exploring, here:

There is another important point in all this in regards to relating spirituality, and by association 'religion', to lesser-souled beings who make up the world's majority ie the baying hordes. Keep that in mind because I think it is in part because Islam has quite a limited "Light" emission capacity/capability stunting higher spirituality associated 'ideals', that it is that very limitation of 'Light' Islam is sorely lacking which makes Islam's stunted spirituality so much more obtainable compatible and compliable for Organic Portals in reflect and respect [sic] to their own stunted soul-growth.
As religions go, Islam works rather well for the Organic Portal from the get go because they 'get each other' on a base-line level. Added to that, mainstream or conventional Islam does allow for some semblance of soul-growth potential - ie Sufism being an off-shoot - thereby having just about enough of a glowing ember of "Light" smoldering beneath all that grey matter of 3D STS physicality of which OP's are so strongly attached and bound to - as to make conventional Islam realistically accessible to all OPs in a very real tangible way and especially so for those nevertheless flickering faintly those early stages of potential soul-growth.
The somewhat primitive and 3D-pragmatic approach of Islam becomes more a way of life than religion per se in giving ordered structure to an OP's life, and can give him a bit of a leg-up (just about) to activate the "soul-growth-potential jump-starter pack". However, history has shown it is absolutely imperative secular law must always hold sway - so as to keep a lid on religious zeal bubbling over and running rampant - to allow those ready to progress pre-Adamic on to Adamic (and on to pro-Adamic) to do so without persecution (who'da ever thunk zen-like Buddhists would one day run about in their floaty robes chopping up simple villagers eh??)

I think ensuring secular law maintaining law and order over and above religion may have been the true responsibility for Christ's Christianity here in 3D, for I've come to realize how, in a funny way, upholding secular law on Earth is a divine law understood at 3D level. I think Julius Caesar understood that and was what he was working toward implementing.

Following up with Islam on into the considerations for Christianity and the case for Christendom, there is a major issue that needs addressing:
With so many souls across the ages reaching out, and up, for the lofty spirituality of true Christianity only to then fall back down and FAIL has ended up causing more harm than good. Those poor souls trying all they can only to then find they are incapably of reaching its lofty spiritual heights fall down hard breaking metaphysical bones, unable to re-mend, and so, they spiral down into a darkened psychological descent into spiritual rack-and-ruin seemingly unable to muster the strength to pull back up again. What wells up is contempt resentment and eventual self-deprecation before spilling it over on down through the generations through progeny... Just look at what Catholic guilt has done.
Islam is firmly rooted in the pragmatism of 3D STS physicality first and foremost which makes it an ideal default religion for the struggling OP to fall back down upon with self-preservation relatively intact when failing in his attempt for a higher spiritual pursuit.
Because the basis of Islam is rooted in simplicity, its a religion for the simple, yet gives simple men some self-grounding and has but a sliver of conceptualized spirituality allowing for some awareness in matters of the soul, Islam is far better off for OP's than "True Christ-ianity" (un-corrupted Christianity in its original intended form).
Working toward becoming "Christ-like" is simply too much to ask of an OP, and for most those even a bit above that. For the bulk of humanity learning to be "Christ-like" is to become an Organic Portal aggrieved.. Islam does not have such an effect because its always within grasp. Its just a bit too bigoted and presumptuous, and its leadership all too easily hijacked by the Predator. A very dangerous combination indeed... But ISIS it is not.

Abrogate secular statehood over and above Sharia along with the absolution of the requirements of Da'wah among menfolk, and we may find a "reformed" Islam surprisingly agreeable in a relatively short time.

In short; the spiritually-limiting nature of Islam as a religion in conjunction with an "abrogation for secular statehood" is very OP-viable.

So my comment was not directed at Muslims per se. Rather, it is directed at the text... which upon literal interpretation, is promoting psychopathic and violent behavior IMO.
I would say... Muslims are whom such comments like ours should be most directed toward... Far too many Muslims wriggling away from wanting to "wake up and smell the humus!"
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As an example of the value of singing, some people have reflected on the value of singing for the Danish Lutheran evangelical state church since 1536, (now under de(con)struction as a result of many factors well known).

I found this when I researched a very productive and talented song writer, Thomas Kingo. Thomas Kingo was born and was later, for about 10 years, a vicar in the in village of Slangerup, where (and this was the original reason for may search) a cousin of mine, that I haven't seen for 40+ years, and only learned where lived this afternoon will be buried next Tuesday [condolences not really needed].

I find it quite interesting that the Danes singing in harmony while the Danish Church & Kingdom were involved with enslaving people in the Caribbean & in the pacific. Both entities owned enslaved people and still today benefit from stolen people, goods and lands. If it were not for these resources, the Danish government would not be the power it is today 400 years later. I'm just saying. Were these Danes aware of the horror their people were imposing on others while singing these lovely hymns?
My examples of disappearing items are so mundane that it's hard to notice if they really did disappear or are just something plain and regular like forgetting you threw them out, or they just got lost amongst other things. Appearing items on the other hand are strange. I wonder if there's any difference between disappearing and appearing/multiplying or if it's part of the same process.

Just this morning I lost a semi-good razor (I bought 2 main bases which can be re-filled at the head; I bought 2 because they were on special and knew they don't last forever but at least longer than the 3 weeks I've had them). I know I haven't thrown it out, it can't be located anywhere else and I'm certain both were in good condition yesterday. But today, the one remaining is broken and missing it's 'button' to replace the new heads, so I've no idea how that even happened. Again - it's such a boring anecdote, outside of the context of this discussion, as suggested by Joe, who would even notice something like that? I know I have had similar experiences before, but they're such forgettable memories I can't remember what it was that even disappeared.

My mundane thing happened a couple of days ago. I have a hair clip that I use to pin up my hair when taking a shower. It wasn't on the counter where I usually keep it, not in the shower, nowhere. So I used something else. When I got out of the shower, it was on the counter. I told my husband about it and we laughed. Today, my husband came to me and said, remember how you couldn't find that hair clip? Same thing happended to me... H was typing a letter at the computer, and he had the person's letter (to whom he was replying), on the table next to computer. Then it was not there. He looked everywhere, including trash, and not located. It hasn't reappeared (yet).

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