Session 18 May 2024

As a humble lawyer, I must say that I concur with all that you say above. When I studied physics at High School, I remember telling a fellow classmate (who was a brilliant mathematician) that one day Einstein's theories of relativity would be proved wrong. He was astonished that I could even suggest this. However, even back then I seemed to know instinctively that Einstein was wrong. I know that scientists point to the famous Michelson-Morley Experiment as proof of the Special Theory of Relativity but there are those who think that experiment was flawed (see: Michelson–Morley experiment - Wikipedia).

I agree when you say:

This is, I think, the most important bias of current physics : that of interpreting everything through its 3D filter. We observe terrestrial phenomena, model them and use these 3D models to describe or even explain the workings of the Universe, which may have nothing to do with a 3D terrestrial reality.

For me, we are like the residents of 'flatland' where they try to perceive a three dimensional reality whilst in a two dimensional paradigm. If we are living in a 3D holographic projection or simulation (as some scientists believe) constructed of light, then how are we going to be able to look outside of the hologram to appreciate the true nature of reality? Furthermore, if you are trapped inside such a 3D hologram (whilst also being subject to the perception of linear time), then the speed of light will necessarily be a defining parameter.

Even before I came across the C's material, I was aware that gravity could travel faster than the speed of light, as the C's have since confirmed. This was because I had become aware of the work of the late American astrophysicist Dr Tom Van Flandern. He was a champion of the Exploded Planet Hypothesis as an explanation for the asteroid belt, which the C's have confirmed with them calling the exploded planet Kantek. He was also an advocate for the artificiality of the Face on Mars and the other Monuments of Mars, which the C's have also confirmed. However, it is perhaps his views on the speed of gravity which were the most controversial of his ideas. Quoting from his Wikipedia entry:

Van Flandern supported Georges-Louis Le Sage's theory of gravitation, according to which gravity is the result of a flux of invisible "ultra-mundane corpuscles" impinging on all objects from all directions at superluminal speeds. He gave public lectures in which he claimed that these particles could be used as a limitless source of free energy and to provide superluminal propulsion for spacecraft.

Indeed, many scientists believe that gravity can be explained by the existence of gravitons, which the C's said were really electrons within a time vacuum:
Q: (A) Related to these gravity waves, in 1936 Einstein wrote a paper which was rejected, in which he claims to have discovered that there are no gravity waves. When you talk...

A: Cloak for others. Einstein knew differently, but was forced to comply for political and security reasons.

Q: (A) Should gravity be quantized as other fields?

A: It can be.

Q: (A) But, if it is quantized, it will be gravitons, and you said that there are no gravitons...

A: Gravitons are really electrons within a time vacuum.

The above statement about electrons may, I think, be linked with what the C's said about the origins of electrons here:

Session 15 March 1997:

Q: (L) In the natural state, we know that a photon can have an interaction which causes it to split into positron and an electron. In the natural state, do electrons come from photons?

A: No.

Q: Okay. In the natural state, where do electrons come from?

A: Aether boundary with material continuum.

Q: Where does the proton come from?

A: 7th density.

Q: So, a proton comes from seventh density, but the electron does not.

A: Not mutually exclusive.

Q: In a substance that conducts electricity, say an electrical wire, you have a circuit where, essentially, electrons get passed from atom to atom along this pathway. And, yet, they don't run out, and they don't really get used, it is only the resistance that causes heat that causes the incandescence...

A: Gravity centre of planet is also "window" to all other density levels and dimensional planes of existence, which is why electrically charged atoms "ground" in order to pass on to other planes through gravity binder.

Q: Getting back to my question of the passing of electrons along a circuit: what force is it that initiates the passing of one electron to another atom that manifests as electricity?

A: Electrical energy is merely "tapped," collected, trapped, then channelled.

Q: If it is tapped, where is it tapped from?

A: Collecting electrons.

Q: What is a collecting electron?

A: Not "a" collecting electron. It is collecting them.

Q: What is collecting the electrons?

A: The utilizers. Electrons are "free" energy.

Q: Okay, but where... I am thinking that in an electrical circuit, the electrons that are there, are the ones that are started with, the ones that are passed along, and the ones that are still there when the circuit is broken and the passing of electrons stops. Am I wrong?

A: Yes.

Q: Okay... then...

A: There is no beginning or end.

Q: Then electricity is, in essence, a flow of electrons?

A: Yes.

Q: You say they are tapped. Where are they tapped from? What is the source of these free electrons?

A: All materials. All matter. All aether.


A: What conditions exist in outer space?

Q: Well it is VERY cold... (A) It is almost a vacuum. (L) No gravity. (A) No, there is gravity, but only that. What I think we must ask is what is the relation between superconductivity and gravity. There was something mentioned... what was that about aether?

Nonmaterial realm of existence.

And that is where, as Laura recognised, consciousness comes into play.

In 1998, Van Flandern wrote a paper asserting that astronomical observations imply that gravity propagates at least twenty billion times faster than light, or even infinitely fast. However Gerald E. Marsh, Charles Nissim-Sabat and Steve Carlip demonstrated that Van Flandern's argument was fallacious.

Well, the C's seem to be supporting Van Flandern's notion that gravity can travel faster than the speed of light. Whether Van Flandern was right but his reasoning and calculations were wrong, I am not in a position to judge. However, you might want to look at his ideas alongside those of Robert Townsend Brown. Just a suggestion. :-)

I think over the years a lot of the clues about the physics and math are very confusing.

Has the missing link been found yet?
Has the meaning of expanded gravity been discovered?

I think what the C's mean by gravity as 'a great expansion upon the same concept' is the missing link.

I think once we know what gravity as 'a great expansion upon the same concept' is mathematically, gravity as a binder will become self apparent, the densities will become self-apparent. I think we will discover that not only is electromagnetism (the non-material world) an uncountably infinite continuum, but that we may discover that also physicality (the material world) is also an uncountably infinite continuum and this gravity as 'a great expansion upon the same concept' creates both continuums simultaneously. One cannot exists without the other.
There is always a possibility, it all depends on the “transmitter” and “receiver”. If the “receiver” is forewarned and armed, then the probability is minimal, but it still remains, depending on the situation/conditions. That’s what I think.
so you think that if someone has had covid numerous times and taken 7 vaccines (yes we are up to 7, my lord) that they are transmitting higher spike and the person receiving the transmission of those spikes is more spiked and then could shed those spikes because of the quantity. That could make sense. Like a spill over effect.

Q: (L) So, there is a galactic current that's flowing in the galaxy, yes?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And this galactic current crosses the gap into our heliosphere?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And causes surges because it adds energy to our system. Is that it?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And those surges can cause CMEs?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And can those surges also cause very, very big ones?

A: Yes. Some surges can cause a star to explode.

Q: (L) Well, that's pleasant. Is that what's going to happen here?

A: No.

Q: (L) How do you know it's not going to happen? [Laughter]

A: Current is not that strong at present.
Oh. Wait a moment.
So i suppose that's what's what a supernova is. A star that overcharges, so it goes boom.

We should have probably expected that, since any electric current that is too strong for the medium it's going through can make that medium go poof (perhaps someone did expect that? i don't follow the Electric Universe stuff that much). But that would also mean that, like with regular materials, different starts can have different resistance and conductivity.
Perhaps comets, and even planets, could also be evaporated by such current?

Either way, that would put another nail to coffin for the mainstream view on stars.
so you think that if someone has had covid numerous times and taken 7 vaccines (yes we are up to 7, my lord) that they are transmitting higher spike and the person receiving the transmission of those spikes is more spiked and then could shed those spikes because of the quantity. That could make sense. Like a spill over effect.

There are different vaccines. As far as I know, the virulence and strength of the virus decreases, after several waves of spread, due to the accumulated immunity of the population, either naturally (the person got sick himself) or artificially (vaccination). The conversation was about the precautions of the host. Knowledge protects.
—this Session: on May 18th 2024—
(L) Is it a different protective bubble than the one we create?
(Joe) Or is there more than one?

A: More than one. Also the gravity is slightly greater due to the growing 4D atmosphere.​

Alright, a somewhat funny thing maybe also related to gravity (not sure) is that starting from a 10 years ago, became a routine seeing objects ―anything like pens, glasses, cups, brooms, clothes, etc, etc― tumbling right after “carefully” placed on a spot such as the floor, a hanger, table, etc. As soon the attention is turned away, is like if they sneakily started to sway till quick fall to the horizontal, or else “fly” to the floor. It’s like if they tried to stick to my hand, or follow it, but they don’t have legs, seems. :lol:

Sometimes I even tell to the object: stay, stay, stay! Oh is not magnetism like that seen in some vax lots, since that plandemic came after this phenomenon. Occasionally also is complicate to grab something because it apparently flees away before I can hold it. Anyway, is somewhat upsetting and worrying, though at this point getting used to such weirdness. Indeed I created a method to handle things: before getting or releasing something, first I “fasten” it with my eyes. For while my eyes stare the thing, it “behaves” normally, ...politely! :lol:

White king, 1872 L Carrol - J Tenniel

My coordination and stamina seem okay too, though maybe better earlier!? Could be like once the C’s commented that “dropping things” was a “symptom”? With such clumsiness (?!) comes a thought too, that is, like if I were becoming out of tuning, or immaterial (5D?). Well...

Could be just coincidence that yesterday while reading on some “faith” notes, then we see it ―in the latter link― that the C’s tells us: “You must pass through the "Valley of the Shadow" to cross the bridge”!!? So, to fill the gap, next follow the mentioned notes:​
Talking with Angels, G Mallasz

You, too, are helpers. Help comes from the faith of the one who is helped —not from your faith! It is not you who perform the miracle, and not I; it is the faith of the one who is helped that does it.

.......There are 2 bridges: the great and the small (high road and low road?). The small bridge is still weak. .....Without a way, the bread cannot come: it is blocked. ......Strengthen faith in yourself by uniting the 2 bridges, which, in truth, are One. A bad servant destroys the bridges so that the master cannot return. But the little child crosses with a smile and the child is the master.

.......For belief is the bridge. ......Reason stops, breathlessly, where Faith begins. Reason can never reach Heaven, for it is of the earth. .......If you truly have faith, a wayless way will bear your feet: The New Earth — the child's first step. ...I speak to you of the narrow passage. If you come to a standstill —and often you do stand still—, be aware of the reason: ......It is not your faith which is insufficient; it is your act. Faith without an act is not faith. ........Be aware of what you are doing! Not only have faith but act!​
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I think over the years a lot of the clues about the physics and math are very confusing.

Has the missing link been found yet?
Has the meaning of expanded gravity been discovered?

I think what the C's mean by gravity as 'a great expansion upon the same concept' is the missing link.

I think once we know what gravity as 'a great expansion upon the same concept' is mathematically, gravity as a binder will become self apparent, the densities will become self-apparent. I think we will discover that not only is electromagnetism (the non-material world) an uncountably infinite continuum, but that we may discover that also physicality (the material world) is also an uncountably infinite continuum and this gravity as 'a great expansion upon the same concept' creates both continuums simultaneously. One cannot exists without the other.​
Hi @christx11 :-)

I've already explained in this thread how I feel about the Unified Field.

I think that if it is known, it is known by a handful of people on Earth for what I hear as an individual. As for one or more groups working on the subject, it may have been found but, if so, it's totally, utterly secret, given the possible ramifications. It's a question of becoming aware of the simple ramifications we're thinking of, by integrating consciousness, to realize that in the hands of individuals of a certain consciousness, this could serve to enslave in the greatest discretion and without being perceptible to the people concerned. In other words, once you've “got your hands on it”, you're in a position, I feel, to give birth to any reality and, above all, to modify it at will.

It's been quite a few years since the subject of Unified Field Theory has been explicitly addressed in Cs sessions. So I'm working on a list of questions on the subject that I'll post in the “Questions for Cs” section.

You can imagine how hard it is for us to manage “our daily lives” in 3D, so when I imagine what it would be like to have access to the Unified Field, where everything is possible at every moment because everything is permanently open, where, in fact, you find yourself as Consciousness evolving organically, through energetic processes, through the same non-linear Consciousness itself, since there is now only ONE Consciousness. There is no more separation, EVERYTHING is ONE and the ONE is in EVERYTHING. This requires a mind of mad flexibility and infinite anchorage to avoid going mad. We're then in the realm of pure creation/destruction, where definitions no longer have any place, because any definition is, by nature, limited. We're in total fluidity, if the word fluid still means anything at this level of reality. Do we have mathematics “fluid” enough to describe this? Are we not even at the origin of mathematics itself, where there is as yet no constraint and therefore no LAW? Are our current mathematics sufficient to grasp the dynamics, the life of the Unified Field, the interdimensional Life that is the Unified Field? As we can see, when we go from real numbers to complex numbers, we lose the notion of order; when we go from complex numbers to quaternions, we lose the notion of commutativity; when we go from quaternions to octonions, we lose the notion of associativity... and so we move towards an ever freer reality. Which begs the question : aren't Consciousness and Freedom synonymous?

This leads me to wonder whether access to the Unified Field can be gained in an abstract, theoretical way, or whether it can only be achieved through cellular experience. That's the difference between Unified Field Theory and Unified Field...

Salut @christx11 :-)

J'ai déjà précisé dans ce même fil mon ressenti quant à au Champ Unifié.

Je pense que s'il est connu, il l'est d'une poignée de personnes sur Terre pour ce que j'entends en tant qu'individu. Pour ce qui est d'un ou plusieurs groupes travaillant sur le sujet, il se peut qu'il ait été trouvé mais, alors, c'est totalement, dans le plus grand secret, au vu des ramifications possibles. Il s'agit de prendre conscience des simples ramifications auxquelles on pense en y intégrant la conscience pour réaliser qu'entre les mains d'individus d'une certaine conscience, cela pourrait servir à asservir dans la plus grande discrétion et sans que cela soit perceptible pour les gens concernées. En d'autres termes, une fois que "tu as mis la main dessus", tu es à même, d'après ce que je ressens, de donner naissance à n'importe quelle réalité et, surtout, de la modifier à sa guise.

Cela fait pas mal d'années que le sujet de la Théorie du Champ Unifié n'a pas été explicitement abordé lors des séances des Cs. Ainsi, je suis en train de travailler sur une liste de questions sur le sujet que je posterai dans la section "Questions pour les Cs".

Tu imagines combien nous avons de mal à gérer "notre vie quotidienne" 3D alors lorsque je me prends à imaginer ce que pourrait donner un accès au Champ Unifié où tout est possible à chaque instant puisque tout est ouvert en permanence, où, en fait, tu te retrouves en tant que Conscience évoluer de façon organique, à travers des processus énergétiques, à travers la même Conscience non linéaire elle-même puisqu'il n'y a plus que la Conscience UNE. Il n'y a plus de séparation, TOUT est UN et le UN est dans TOUT. Cela demande un mental d'une souplesse folle et ancrage infini pour ne pas devenir fou. On est alors dans le domaine de la création/destruction pure où les définitions n'ont plus lieu d'être car toute définition est, par nature, limitée. Nous sommes dans la fluidité la plus totale si tant est que le mot fluide représente encore quelque chose à ce niveau de réalité. Avons-nous des mathématiques suffisamment "fluides" pour décrire cela? Ne sommes-nous pas même à l'origine des mathématiques elles-mêmes où il n'y a pas encore de contrainte donc de LOI? Nos mathématiques actuelles sont-elles suffisantes pour appréhender la dynamique, la vie du Champ Unifié, la Vie interdimensionnelle qu'est le Champ Unifié? On le voit bien : lorsqu'on passe des nombres réels aux nombres complexes, nous perdons la notion d'ordre; lorsque nous passons des nombres complexes aux quaternions, nous perdons la notion de commutativité; lorsque nous passons des quaternions aux octonions, nous perdons la notion d'associativité... nous allons ainsi vers une réalité de plus en plus libre. Ce qui amène à se poser la question : est-ce que Conscience et Liberté ne sont-ils pas synonyme?

J'en viens ainsi à me demander si l'accès au Champ Unifié peut se faire de façon abstraite donc théorique ou s'il ne peut se faire qu'en le vivant cellulairement. C'est toute la différence entre Théorie du Champ Unifié et Champ Unifié...​
I can’t say about Maxwell’s equation (I have no information), I’ll just note that Newton’s gravity describes the perception of third-density gravity. Regarding the need for densities as such, the answer is obvious - lessons. In my opinion, you are trying to solve riddles using third-density tools, but in these equations, in addition to gravity, there must be such components as lessons, cycles, entropy.
Please note that Maxwell's equations as seen today are the butchered product of Oliver Heaviside's tampering post Maxwell's death. Maxwell's famous twenty equations, in their modern form of partial differential equations, first appeared in fully developed form in his textbook A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism in 1873. Oliver Heaviside then reduced the complexity of Maxwell's theory down to four partial differential equations. Maxwell originally used the new algebra of quaternions as invented by the Irish mathematician William Rowan Hamilton in 1843 (they came to him in what seems to have been a revelation - hmmm).​

As Barrett and Grimes (1995) describe:

Maxwell expressed electromagnetism in the algebra of quaternions and made the electromagnetic potential the centerpiece of his theory. In 1881 Heaviside replaced the electromagnetic potential field by force fields as the centerpiece of electromagnetic theory. According to Heaviside, the electromagnetic potential field was arbitrary and needed to be "assassinated". (sic) A few years later there was a debate between Heaviside and [Peter Guthrie] Tate (sic) about the relative merits of vector analysis and quaternions. The result was the realization that there was no need for the greater physical insights provided by quaternions if the theory was purely local, and vector analysis became commonplace.

The C's seemed to think that Maxwell had been on the right path with his quaternions:

Q: (A) What about quaternions? Lord Hamilton invented quaternions, and this Bearden tells us that Maxwell wrote his equation using these quaternions, and his original papers are hidden from us by the government; that Maxwell knew more than we are told. Is this really the case?

A: Yes.

Q: (A) Are these quaternions useful?

A: Partly, but there is a missing link.

Was that missing link "consciousness" I wonder?

It is worth noting here that Maxwell believed in a luminiferous aether, unlike Einstein. By understanding the propagation of electromagnetism as a field emitted by active particles, Maxwell also advanced his work on light. At that time, Maxwell believed that the propagation of light required a medium for the waves, dubbed the luminiferous aether or ether. The ether was invoked to explain the ability of the apparently wave-based light to propagate through empty space (a vacuum), something that waves should not be able to do. Well, as we know today, space is not really empty and quantum mechanics has reinvented the aether as the quantum foam or zero point energy. The negative outcome of the Michelson–Morley experiment (1887) had suggested that the aether did not exist, a finding that was confirmed in subsequent experiments through the 1920s. However, as I mentioned in my previous post, the Michelson-Morley experiment may have been flawed. In any event, Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity came along to explain why the experiment (an experiment that had used 3D mechanical technology to explain away a phenomenon that permeates all creation up to 7D) could not detect the aether. By his Special Theory of Relativity, Einstein dispensed with the requirement of a stationary luminiferous aether. However, Maxwell had believed in a dynamic aether not a stationary one. Maxwell's theory seemed to require an absolute frame of reference in which the equations were valid, with the distasteful result that the equations changed form for a moving observer.

It may come as a surprise to learn that Maxwell was something of a poet who wrote about the aether and hyper-dimensionality in his poetry:
"My soul is an entangled knot,
Upon a liquid vortex wrought
By Intellect in the Unseen residing.
And thine doth like a convict sit,

With marlinspike untwisting it,
Only to find its knottiness abiding;
Since all the tool for its untying
In four-dimensional space are lying

For more on this, see my post in the 23 September 2023 session thread - Session 23 September 2023.

As to the importance of mathematics as the language of all creation the C's once said the following:

A: … Knowledge protects in the most amazing ways. Mathematics is “taught” in your realm in such a way that only a select few will learn. And mathematics is the language of all creation. For example, advanced math studies, such as algebra, provide the keys to unlocking the doors between the matter and antimatter universes.
As a humble lawyer, I must say that I concur with all that you say above. When I studied physics at High School, I remember telling a fellow classmate (who was a brilliant mathematician) that one day Einstein's theories of relativity would be proved wrong. He was astonished that I could even suggest this. However, even back then I seemed to know instinctively that Einstein was wrong. I know that scientists point to the famous Michelson-Morley Experiment as proof of the Special Theory of Relativity but there are those who think that experiment was flawed (see: Michelson–Morley experiment - Wikipedia).

I agree when you say:

This is, I think, the most important bias of current physics : that of interpreting everything through its 3D filter. We observe terrestrial phenomena, model them and use these 3D models to describe or even explain the workings of the Universe, which may have nothing to do with a 3D terrestrial reality.

For me, we are like the residents of 'flatland' where they try to perceive a three dimensional reality whilst in a two dimensional paradigm. If we are living in a 3D holographic projection or simulation (as some scientists believe) constructed of light, then how are we going to be able to look outside of the hologram to appreciate the true nature of reality? Furthermore, if you are trapped inside such a 3D hologram (whilst also being subject to the perception of linear time), then the speed of light will necessarily be a defining parameter.

Even before I came across the C's material, I was aware that gravity could travel faster than the speed of light, as the C's have since confirmed. This was because I had become aware of the work of the late American astrophysicist Dr Tom Van Flandern. He was a champion of the Exploded Planet Hypothesis as an explanation for the asteroid belt, which the C's have confirmed with them calling the exploded planet Kantek. He was also an advocate for the artificiality of the Face on Mars and the other Monuments of Mars, which the C's have also confirmed. However, it is perhaps his views on the speed of gravity which were the most controversial of his ideas. Quoting from his Wikipedia entry:

Van Flandern supported Georges-Louis Le Sage's theory of gravitation, according to which gravity is the result of a flux of invisible "ultra-mundane corpuscles" impinging on all objects from all directions at superluminal speeds. He gave public lectures in which he claimed that these particles could be used as a limitless source of free energy and to provide superluminal propulsion for spacecraft.

Indeed, many scientists believe that gravity can be explained by the existence of gravitons, which the C's said were really electrons within a time vacuum:

Q: (A) Related to these gravity waves, in 1936 Einstein wrote a paper which was rejected, in which he claims to have discovered that there are no gravity waves. When you talk...

A: Cloak for others. Einstein knew differently, but was forced to comply for political and security reasons.

Q: (A) Should gravity be quantized as other fields?

A: It can be.

Q: (A) But, if it is quantized, it will be gravitons, and you said that there are no gravitons...

A: Gravitons are really electrons within a time vacuum.

The above statement about electrons may, I think, be linked with what the C's said about the origins of electrons here:

Session 15 March 1997:

Q: (L) In the natural state, we know that a photon can have an interaction which causes it to split into positron and an electron. In the natural state, do electrons come from photons?

A: No.

Q: Okay. In the natural state, where do electrons come from?

A: Aether boundary with material continuum.

Q: Where does the proton come from?

A: 7th density.

Q: So, a proton comes from seventh density, but the electron does not.

A: Not mutually exclusive.

Q: In a substance that conducts electricity, say an electrical wire, you have a circuit where, essentially, electrons get passed from atom to atom along this pathway. And, yet, they don't run out, and they don't really get used, it is only the resistance that causes heat that causes the incandescence...

A: Gravity centre of planet is also "window" to all other density levels and dimensional planes of existence, which is why electrically charged atoms "ground" in order to pass on to other planes through gravity binder.

Q: Getting back to my question of the passing of electrons along a circuit: what force is it that initiates the passing of one electron to another atom that manifests as electricity?

A: Electrical energy is merely "tapped," collected, trapped, then channelled.

Q: If it is tapped, where is it tapped from?

A: Collecting electrons.

Q: What is a collecting electron?

A: Not "a" collecting electron. It is collecting them.

Q: What is collecting the electrons?

A: The utilizers. Electrons are "free" energy.

Q: Okay, but where... I am thinking that in an electrical circuit, the electrons that are there, are the ones that are started with, the ones that are passed along, and the ones that are still there when the circuit is broken and the passing of electrons stops. Am I wrong?

A: Yes.

Q: Okay... then...

A: There is no beginning or end.

Q: Then electricity is, in essence, a flow of electrons?

A: Yes.

Q: You say they are tapped. Where are they tapped from? What is the source of these free electrons?

A: All materials. All matter. All aether.


A: What conditions exist in outer space?

Q: Well it is VERY cold... (A) It is almost a vacuum. (L) No gravity. (A) No, there is gravity, but only that. What I think we must ask is what is the relation between superconductivity and gravity. There was something mentioned... what was that about aether?

Nonmaterial realm of existence.

And that is where, as Laura recognised, consciousness comes into play.

In 1998, Van Flandern wrote a paper asserting that astronomical observations imply that gravity propagates at least twenty billion times faster than light, or even infinitely fast. However Gerald E. Marsh, Charles Nissim-Sabat and Steve Carlip demonstrated that Van Flandern's argument was fallacious.

Well, the C's seem to be supporting Van Flandern's notion that gravity can travel faster than the speed of light. Whether Van Flandern was right but his reasoning and calculations were wrong, I am not in a position to judge. However, you might want to look at his ideas alongside those of Robert Townsend Brown. Just a suggestion. :-)
I love this type of suggestion @MJF.

With the following answer, we're going to get into a bit of a sticky wicket but hey, at some point, you have to, right? :-)

The Michelson-Morley (MM) experiment is one of those that really got me thinking about the basics of physics. I admit that I've always struggled with the theory of special relativity, and one of my dreams would be to extract the essential questions from it and put them to the Cs. For the time being, if it suits you, we'll work around these questions and see how we can get down to a core of crucial questions which, with their answers, allow us to make serious progress towards what we're looking for. As for MM's experiment, I wonder whether it's the experiment that's flawed or whether it's the interpretation we're making of it by taking the Earth's speed into account in our calculations (this requires us to locate the origin of the reference frame outside terrestrial space, whereas we know nothing about the nature of solar or even extra-solar space). This brings us back to the 3D bias we mentioned earlier, which is considered purely as a result of the inertia of scientific thought), while the Galilean formulas of motion have only been established on the terrestrial plane. We can get away with claiming that we can obtain the theory of special relativity without resorting to this so-called “negative” experiment (as it is impossible to demonstrate displacement in relation to the ether, a kind of absolute reference frame). None has apparently considered that the speed of light on Earth could be as it is because the Earth is in motion relative to the ether : it's a change of perspective that needs to be considered at some point, but one that requires clarity between exterior and interior. In other words, we're using an approach that, by definition, includes dynamics in relation to the ether to demonstrate that these dynamics don't exist! Perhaps we should have borne in mind that dynamics are not necessarily 3D dynamics but, to do so, we had to consider that we don't really know what the nature of the ether is. We mustn't forget that in maths and physics we're used to working with quantities, so considering something that can't be quantified didn't occur to scientists. I don't know if I'm making myself clear...

Below, you'll find a list of questions I'd like to ask Cs, one day if the opportunity arises. In the meantime, I'd be happy to exchange ideas on the subject and, perhaps, reduce the number of questions to a smaller number, as we need only be aware of the energy it takes for @Laura to receive answers from the Cs. Or even ask for a session with the Cs, per term, just on maths and physics would be yummy :-)

What put me off, for quite a few years, was the fact that when I made observations, people would reply : “if you're right, we would have realized it a long time ago!” or “who do you think you are, the best scientists have worked on it?”. The fact is, as the years go by, we gain self-confidence and, above all, we realize that awakening our consciousness requires us to question ourselves at every moment. I'm now very clear that understanding the true nature of the 4th “dimension” of space can only be achieved by understanding the true nature of the ether. What's more, let's not forget that the physicists' ether was supposed to be an absolute reference frame, and therefore a new spatial reference, and that the 4th “dimension” of space is presented by our friends the Cs as a new spatial reference...

The more we understand how we take part in the collective and individual creation of the reality to which we belong, the more aware we'll be of ourselves. There's no doubt that this requires clear, reality-based concepts in math and physics.

Historical context

1 - Electromagnetism

In the 1860s, Maxwell's theory of electromagnetism predicted that light is an electromagnetic wave that propagates with a constant speed c. This prediction was remarkably consistent with observation but also raised the question of what was the speed of light relative to. Since physicists at the time still believed in the existence of the light-bearing ether, it was assumed that the speed of light was relative to the global medium of the ether and therefore constant only in a one reference frame: that of the ether. What actually is ether and what the speed of light is relative to?

Physicists discovered that the 4 Maxwell-Heaviside (MH) Equations for electromagnetism don’t transform correctly under Galilean changes of reference frames. In other words, these equations are not covariant under Galilean Group
. Actually, should they be covariant?

In Einstein's theory of relativity (TOR), many times you said that Einstein’s approach is based on too much symmetry :

November 30, 1996

Q: The theory of relativity based on Galilei group is better than that based on Lorentz group?
A: Yes
Q: Why?
A: Because of the symmetric calculations they used as a basis for their efforts.

August 8, 1998

Q: (Ark) Yes because we have been told that the Galilei group which treats space different from time is better than the Lorentz group which treats space as equal to time.
A: But, the link, the link is the bridge, not necessarily a sum of the parts, in other words, that link does not need to belong to either to exist.

December 28, 1996

Q: (Ark) I am confused about time. You said relativistic physics must be redone because it assumes unnecessary symmetry. What symmetry do you have in mind?
A: Unnecessary symmetry? You asked about a particular project or theorem being examined and those involved. We said that it was on the right track, so long as the symmetrical aspects were dropped as an absolute. Meaning the framework of the project was too narrowly focused.

Are the symmetry calculations used as a basis to their efforts, the ones used to not take in count of the asymmetry explanations for the production of current due to relative movement between a magnet and a conducting coil?

Are the 4 MH equations of electromagnetism completes as the 20 Maxwell’s original ones? If not, can you say what was lost with the modern expression?

What are the flaws in Electromagnetism?

The problem with the Lorentz group transformation is it related with the use of the MH ‘s waves equations. In other words, should we mix up the 4 equations in 2 wave equations?

If the emitter and the observer (receiver) travel towards each other with relative speed v, is the speed of light as measured by the observer c' = c+v? Is speed of light affected by the motion of the source of light? Is speed of light invariant relative to a moving observer?

2 - Michelson-Morley
The Michelson-Morley (MM) experiment from 1887 was designed to experimentally confirm this hypothesis by measuring the speed of light in different directions. Given that the Earth is known to be moving through space (thus through the ether), the expected result of the experiment was to measure different speeds of light in different directions. Contrary to expectations, however, the experiment famously produced a "null" result : it measured the same speed of light in all directions.

Can you ponder what’s wrong with the Michelson-Morley experiment in order to account for the complete inability to detect absolute motion, ether wind? Does that mean the believed propagation of light was incorrect?

Interpretation of the "null" result of the MM experiment : today, we know that the medium of the ether doesn’t exist (moreover, the ether is not a medium and it’s a big difference!). Therefore, the MM experiment could not have measured the speed of light in the ether as no such medium exists. The question is which speed of light was measured by the experiment?

Let us analyze what the "null" result of the MM experiment means: if we assume that the MM experiment measured the speed of light inside the atmosphere, then we can conclude that the speed of light is relative. But if we assume that the MM experiment measured speed of light in space, then we must conclude that the speed of light is independent of the motion of the observer. What point is wrong?

The atmosphere is a material optical medium like water or glass and can refract light (e.g. atmospheric refraction) and reflect light (e.g. radio waves reflection). This means that it is also capable of dragging light waves - which is the physical reason why the speed of light is relative?

The Fizeau experiment from 1851 showed that running water does only partial drag light waves. This did not allow the conclusion that the speed of light was relative. By failing to realize that the MM experiment measured the speed of light inside the atmosphere, have physicists also failed to realize that the MM experiment is actually equivalent to the Fizeau experiment? Both experiments measured the speed of light in a moving optical medium but did it differently?

3 - Einstein’s postulates

Lorentz and Poincaré, were on the same track as Einstein in the formulation of a time dilatation and length contraction model but were still holding on the old principles of 19th century physics: ether in case of Lorentz and classical electrodynamics in case of Poincaré. From Poincaré, Lorentz and Einstein, can you ponder which one of them was nearest the truth? Is Poincaré naturally died?

The title of Einstein’s 1905 paper (“On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies”) encouraged the idea that it was just an interpretation of Lorentz's theory of electrodynamics. Is it the case?

One of the interesting historical aspects of TOR is that, although often regarded as the highly original and even revolutionary contribution of a single individual, almost every idea and formula of the theory had been anticipated by others. Is it correct to regard Einstein as the sole originator of TOR?

Are the following Einstein’s postulates correct :
  • The relativity postulate : the laws of physics are the same in every inertial reference frames
  • The speed of light postulate: the speed of light, in a vacuum, measured in any inertial reference frame, always has the same value of c, no matter how fast the source of light and the observer are moving relative to each other.
  • The problem is that Einstein and physicists, don’t understand the nature of time. A muon, traveling at near light speed, decays much slower than a slower moving muon. Yes, the same process occurs but slower. Therefore the first postulate is incorrect since a change in the rate at which something occurs, is a change in the laws of physics?
4 - Beyond Einstein’s TOR

In future physics, Einstein's postulate "Speed of light is invariable" must be replaced by "Wavelength of light is invariable". So any frequency shift is caused by a speed of light shift?

TOR only applies to inertial reference frames and thus could not be used to describe anything involving but motion in a straight line at constant speed. Therefore, it could not be applied to situations involving forces, such as electromagnetic or gravity?

What are the flaws in TOR?

On the subject of relativity, what are the Stefan Marinov’s and Peter Graneau’s breakthroughs?

My feelings are that we can obtain the UFT without going into General relativity and even the TOR. For that, we must be clear about EM and a true apprehension of space. In other words, a truly comprehension of electromagnetism and space is the key to UFT. Is it on the right track?

Enjoy your reading my friend !​
The Michelson-Morley (MM) experiment from 1887 was designed to experimentally confirm this hypothesis by measuring the speed of light in different directions
Was the experiment actually in different directions? Or different directions on the same plane? All of the diagrams I saw have only ever been horizontal. Do you know of any that did it vertically? I'd image I'd see the same kind of relative speed across the table from me, than opposed to the top and bottom of large object, say, Mt Everest. This is me thinking in terms that maybe the difference would be similar to how we would see different strength of magnetic field lines of the Earth the farther out you go.
I love this type of suggestion @MJF.

With the following answer, we're going to get into a bit of a sticky wicket but hey, at some point, you have to, right? :-)

The Michelson-Morley (MM) experiment is one of those that really got me thinking about the basics of physics. I admit that I've always struggled with the theory of special relativity, and one of my dreams would be to extract the essential questions from it and put them to the Cs. For the time being, if it suits you, we'll work around these questions and see how we can get down to a core of crucial questions which, with their answers, allow us to make serious progress towards what we're looking for. As for MM's experiment, I wonder whether it's the experiment that's flawed or whether it's the interpretation we're making of it by taking the Earth's speed into account in our calculations (this requires us to locate the origin of the reference frame outside terrestrial space, whereas we know nothing about the nature of solar or even extra-solar space). This brings us back to the 3D bias we mentioned earlier, which is considered purely as a result of the inertia of scientific thought), while the Galilean formulas of motion have only been established on the terrestrial plane. We can get away with claiming that we can obtain the theory of special relativity without resorting to this so-called “negative” experiment (as it is impossible to demonstrate displacement in relation to the ether, a kind of absolute reference frame). None has apparently considered that the speed of light on Earth could be as it is because the Earth is in motion relative to the ether : it's a change of perspective that needs to be considered at some point, but one that requires clarity between exterior and interior. In other words, we're using an approach that, by definition, includes dynamics in relation to the ether to demonstrate that these dynamics don't exist! Perhaps we should have borne in mind that dynamics are not necessarily 3D dynamics but, to do so, we had to consider that we don't really know what the nature of the ether is. We mustn't forget that in maths and physics we're used to working with quantities, so considering something that can't be quantified didn't occur to scientists. I don't know if I'm making myself clear...

Below, you'll find a list of questions I'd like to ask Cs, one day if the opportunity arises. In the meantime, I'd be happy to exchange ideas on the subject and, perhaps, reduce the number of questions to a smaller number, as we need only be aware of the energy it takes for @Laura to receive answers from the Cs. Or even ask for a session with the Cs, per term, just on maths and physics would be yummy :-)

What put me off, for quite a few years, was the fact that when I made observations, people would reply : “if you're right, we would have realized it a long time ago!” or “who do you think you are, the best scientists have worked on it?”. The fact is, as the years go by, we gain self-confidence and, above all, we realize that awakening our consciousness requires us to question ourselves at every moment. I'm now very clear that understanding the true nature of the 4th “dimension” of space can only be achieved by understanding the true nature of the ether. What's more, let's not forget that the physicists' ether was supposed to be an absolute reference frame, and therefore a new spatial reference, and that the 4th “dimension” of space is presented by our friends the Cs as a new spatial reference...

The more we understand how we take part in the collective and individual creation of the reality to which we belong, the more aware we'll be of ourselves. There's no doubt that this requires clear, reality-based concepts in math and physics.

Historical context

1 - Electromagnetism

In the 1860s, Maxwell's theory of electromagnetism predicted that light is an electromagnetic wave that propagates with a constant speed c. This prediction was remarkably consistent with observation but also raised the question of what was the speed of light relative to. Since physicists at the time still believed in the existence of the light-bearing ether, it was assumed that the speed of light was relative to the global medium of the ether and therefore constant only in a one reference frame: that of the ether. What actually is ether and what the speed of light is relative to?

Physicists discovered that the 4 Maxwell-Heaviside (MH) Equations for electromagnetism don’t transform correctly under Galilean changes of reference frames. In other words, these equations are not covariant under Galilean Group
. Actually, should they be covariant?

In Einstein's theory of relativity (TOR), many times you said that Einstein’s approach is based on too much symmetry :

November 30, 1996

Q: The theory of relativity based on Galilei group is better than that based on Lorentz group?
A: Yes
Q: Why?
A: Because of the symmetric calculations they used as a basis for their efforts.

August 8, 1998

Q: (Ark) Yes because we have been told that the Galilei group which treats space different from time is better than the Lorentz group which treats space as equal to time.
A: But, the link, the link is the bridge, not necessarily a sum of the parts, in other words, that link does not need to belong to either to exist.

December 28, 1996

Q: (Ark) I am confused about time. You said relativistic physics must be redone because it assumes unnecessary symmetry. What symmetry do you have in mind?
A: Unnecessary symmetry? You asked about a particular project or theorem being examined and those involved. We said that it was on the right track, so long as the symmetrical aspects were dropped as an absolute. Meaning the framework of the project was too narrowly focused.

Are the symmetry calculations used as a basis to their efforts, the ones used to not take in count of the asymmetry explanations for the production of current due to relative movement between a magnet and a conducting coil?

Are the 4 MH equations of electromagnetism completes as the 20 Maxwell’s original ones? If not, can you say what was lost with the modern expression?

What are the flaws in Electromagnetism?

The problem with the Lorentz group transformation is it related with the use of the MH ‘s waves equations. In other words, should we mix up the 4 equations in 2 wave equations?

If the emitter and the observer (receiver) travel towards each other with relative speed v, is the speed of light as measured by the observer c' = c+v? Is speed of light affected by the motion of the source of light? Is speed of light invariant relative to a moving observer?

2 - Michelson-Morley
The Michelson-Morley (MM) experiment from 1887 was designed to experimentally confirm this hypothesis by measuring the speed of light in different directions. Given that the Earth is known to be moving through space (thus through the ether), the expected result of the experiment was to measure different speeds of light in different directions. Contrary to expectations, however, the experiment famously produced a "null" result : it measured the same speed of light in all directions.

Can you ponder what’s wrong with the Michelson-Morley experiment in order to account for the complete inability to detect absolute motion, ether wind? Does that mean the believed propagation of light was incorrect?

Interpretation of the "null" result of the MM experiment : today, we know that the medium of the ether doesn’t exist (moreover, the ether is not a medium and it’s a big difference!). Therefore, the MM experiment could not have measured the speed of light in the ether as no such medium exists. The question is which speed of light was measured by the experiment?

Let us analyze what the "null" result of the MM experiment means: if we assume that the MM experiment measured the speed of light inside the atmosphere, then we can conclude that the speed of light is relative. But if we assume that the MM experiment measured speed of light in space, then we must conclude that the speed of light is independent of the motion of the observer. What point is wrong?

The atmosphere is a material optical medium like water or glass and can refract light (e.g. atmospheric refraction) and reflect light (e.g. radio waves reflection). This means that it is also capable of dragging light waves - which is the physical reason why the speed of light is relative?

The Fizeau experiment from 1851 showed that running water does only partial drag light waves. This did not allow the conclusion that the speed of light was relative. By failing to realize that the MM experiment measured the speed of light inside the atmosphere, have physicists also failed to realize that the MM experiment is actually equivalent to the Fizeau experiment? Both experiments measured the speed of light in a moving optical medium but did it differently?

3 - Einstein’s postulates

Lorentz and Poincaré, were on the same track as Einstein in the formulation of a time dilatation and length contraction model but were still holding on the old principles of 19th century physics: ether in case of Lorentz and classical electrodynamics in case of Poincaré. From Poincaré, Lorentz and Einstein, can you ponder which one of them was nearest the truth? Is Poincaré naturally died?

The title of Einstein’s 1905 paper (“On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies”) encouraged the idea that it was just an interpretation of Lorentz's theory of electrodynamics. Is it the case?

One of the interesting historical aspects of TOR is that, although often regarded as the highly original and even revolutionary contribution of a single individual, almost every idea and formula of the theory had been anticipated by others. Is it correct to regard Einstein as the sole originator of TOR?

Are the following Einstein’s postulates correct :
  • The relativity postulate : the laws of physics are the same in every inertial reference frames
  • The speed of light postulate: the speed of light, in a vacuum, measured in any inertial reference frame, always has the same value of c, no matter how fast the source of light and the observer are moving relative to each other.
  • The problem is that Einstein and physicists, don’t understand the nature of time. A muon, traveling at near light speed, decays much slower than a slower moving muon. Yes, the same process occurs but slower. Therefore the first postulate is incorrect since a change in the rate at which something occurs, is a change in the laws of physics?
4 - Beyond Einstein’s TOR

In future physics, Einstein's postulate "Speed of light is invariable" must be replaced by "Wavelength of light is invariable". So any frequency shift is caused by a speed of light shift?

TOR only applies to inertial reference frames and thus could not be used to describe anything involving but motion in a straight line at constant speed. Therefore, it could not be applied to situations involving forces, such as electromagnetic or gravity?

What are the flaws in TOR?

On the subject of relativity, what are the Stefan Marinov’s and Peter Graneau’s breakthroughs?

My feelings are that we can obtain the UFT without going into General relativity and even the TOR. For that, we must be clear about EM and a true apprehension of space. In other words, a truly comprehension of electromagnetism and space is the key to UFT. Is it on the right track?

Enjoy your reading my friend !​
Don't worry about sticky wickets. As a former cricketer, I have batted on a few in my time :-).

I am quite a fan of the American researcher Dr Joseph Farrell's work and I recall that he dealt with the potential flaws in the Michelson-Morley experiment in one of his books. If I can find the critique, I will try and post it if it should help the debate.

In your post, you ask "what are the flaws in TOR?" You then suggest that it might be possible to obtain the UFT without going into General Relativity. On this issue, the C's once pointed out that Einstein's TOR was not completely incorrect:​

Session 23 November 1996:

Q: (A) Are the extra-dimensions beyond those of space and time relevant?

A: What "extra dimensions?"

Q: (A) Is time multi-dimensional? If so, is it three- dimensional?

A: Not correct concept. Time is not a dimension. This is very complex from your standpoint, but let us just say that time is "selective," or "variable."

Q: (A) I thank you for tonight. Any other comment to ponder about before the next session?

A: Ask, if needed, for a comment on the last responses.

Q: (A) Yes, a comment is needed. I am confused about space, time, Einstein's general relativity, gravitation and electromagnetism.

A: Einstein's Theory of Relativity is only partially correct. That is why we say that there is no "dimension" of time. As far as gravity and electromagnetics are concerned, we suggest a review of the as yet publicly unfinished Unified Field Theory of the same gentleman. Was it completed and put into application in secret? Hmmmmm... And, if so, what are the ramifications? Maybe you could make the same discoveries.

I believe that Einstein published a UFT circa 1936, which he was not happy with. Evidently, the C's are suggesting that he completed it in secret, presumably in the 1940's, but never published it (I assume he wanted to stay alive and not suffer Marinov's fate!). Where the C's say "was it [i.e., UFT] completed and put into application in secret?", I wonder if they had in mind perhaps the Philadelphia Experiment, which may have had catastrophic consequences for the poor crew of the USS Eldridge but no doubt produced incredible data and results for the scientists, including the reality of time travel and teleportation amongst other things. Could this be what the C's were hinting at? Anyway, as a physicist, I would ask if have you studied Einstein's incomplete UFT for ideas?

Now Einstein's TOR is predicated on his Space/Time concept where you have three dimensions of space and one of time. In the above extract I quoted, the C's shot down Einstein's 'dimensionalisation' of time.

On that note, whilst looking for a specific article in my old issues of Nexus Magazine for a piece I am writing about for another thread, I stumbled across a 2022 article written by Robert Solomon called 'Time and Causality'.

He started his article by quoting first Einstein where he said: "There is something essential about the 'now' which is outside the realm of science".

He then followed this by quoting professor Nima Arkani-Hamed from a lecture he delivered in 2016:

"Very many separate arguments, all very strong individually, suggest that the very notion of spacetime is not fundamental. Spacetime is doomed. There is no such thing as spacetime fundamentally in the actual underlying description of the laws of physics. That is very startling, because what physics is supposed to be about is describing things as they happen in space and time. So, if there is no spacetime, it is not clear what physics is about."

Robert Solomon (N.B. who has read the Jane Roberts' Seth material) then boldly states that time does not exist as an objective reality. I would add that Solomon has also been influenced by Julian Barbour's theories in his book 'The End of Time'. Thus, Solomon goes on by stating:

"The existence of time is an illusion thought by some to "be" because conscious beings in our physical, three dimensional world can only be aware of single states of physical reality in each "now" - or current instant, which consequently have to emerge sequentially - so that each instantaneous state needs to be separated by something. That "something" is time."

He then uses the analogy that time can be compared to the interval between frames, as a film (movie) is wound forward. He suggests that we experience these instantaneous states seamlessly, in a casually ordered sequence.

I seem to recall the C's using a similar analogy although they do not dismiss time altogether, only what we view as linear or sequential time. Indeed, they followed up on their statement that "time is "selective," or "variable"", which they made in the session dated 23 November 1996 quoted above by using a 'juke box' analogy:
Session 30 November 1996:

Q: (L) You said previously that time was 'selective and variable.' What, exactly, does this mean?

A: By "Selective", we mean simply to think of time as if it were like your jukebox. There are many selections there, you may play them as you choose. But you need not play them sequentially, unless that is all you know. The selections are always there, are they not?

Q: (L) Well, that is crazy! You can't just go around having things happening in random order?!

A: Random is in the eyes of the perceiver.

Q: (L) What is it that causes us to only be able to perceive time in a sequential way?

A: DNA restructuring, as in the handiwork of our friends, STS 4th density.

Well, there have been various examples of glitches in the Matrix cited on the Forum where time itself even seems to have been frozen. Take for example the incidents a few years ago of aircraft that were frozen in mid-air as they came into land. Indeed, 4D STS seem to use such time freeze technology to abduct people, as discussed by the three gypsy commentators in Morris K Jessup's book The Case for the UFO (Varo Edition). One of them mentioned using his consciousness to break the time freeze lock they had tried to place him in. If you haven't read Jessup's book do so, as the C's recommended it to Laura since it is an absolute mine of information (including a mention of Einstein and UFT). It is available free online.

However, if you remove time from the equation, it then raises questions about the existence of linear causality. In an earlier post, I referred to the theory that our physical universe is in reality a holographic projection, a virtual reality so that we are like players within a video game. Solomon runs with this notion and cites the Matrix paradigm, a concept that was popularised by the Matrix movies. He states that we do not experience reality directly but rather, it is "buffered". He then cites Hoffman's interface theory of perception ("ITP") to support his arguments that we exist in a computer simulation or a virtual reality. Hoffman proposes that consciousness itself, not spacetime and physical objects, is the fundamental reality from which all else is derived.

This leads Solomon to state:

"For the past 300 years or so, scientists have been avidly studying space, time and physical objects - and with great success. They thought they were studying reality but, by analogy with virtual reality games, they were merely studying the behaviour of images displayed on the headset, far removed from reality itself."

This last analogy reminds me of the metaphor of Plato's cave, where his human observers were looking at shadows on a cave wall (analogous to 3D) when the real action (4D) that was casting the shadows on the wall was going on behind them, which they were unable to see since they were facing forwards.

I think you echoed this same point in your earlier post when you said:
Scientists who have set up a theoretical framework to unify G and EM on the basis of Einstein's theory of general relativity (which implies that EM and G are not identical, otherwise they wouldn't have wasted all those years developing a conceptual framework for unification) will be able to claim that this is the case, since G and EM both unfold and propagate at the speed of light. This is how they say they discovered that gravity waves propagate at the speed of light. In fact, what they're describing here, to me, is the 3D perception/interpretation of a physical phenomenon. It doesn't tell us anything about the reality of the physical phenomenon in question. In a way, it's like observing reality through a 3D dimensional filter or a pair of 3D glasses. This is what we say about mathematical models : they serve to model and describe the observed phenomenon but it's only a model. What about the intrinsic reality of the phenomenon itself? This goes back to what many former scientists and, above all, physicists have described over the last few decades, when they said that mathematics had overtaken physics and even science.

This is, I think, the most important bias of current physics : that of interpreting everything through its 3D filter. We observe terrestrial phenomena, model them and use these 3D models to describe or even explain the workings of the Universe, which may have nothing to do with a 3D terrestrial reality. Between modelling, which is just one approach among many, and the fact that the Universe is not necessarily 3D in nature, it's easy to understand why we're talking about dark matter, dark energy and so

Hence, it seems that we need to follow Hoffman's proposal that consciousness itself, not spacetime and physical objects, is the fundamental reality from which all else is derived and build this into the UFT in place of time. How one achieves that is how the Nobel Prize is won - over to you :-D.​
This stuff is way beyond my knowledge. My father was a Quantum Physicist, and nowadays I wish he were still around to share this discussion with. I on the other hand am utterly clueless. I was able to follow the ideas of Hawking’s Brief History of Time, but honestly I’m lost in deeper mathematics and theory of this topic. But reading this last post by @MJF , I’m sorta left (half jokingly) asking the question “If a singularity occurs and no consciousness is there to witness it, did it happen? And if so in what order??” -time being nonexistent in the universal jukebox of events.

Pay me no mind. I’m just talking out loud. Sorry for bringing (barely) freshman questions into graduates’ discussions.😄
MJF says:
"Hence, it seems that we need to follow Hoffman's proposal that consciousness itself, not spacetime and physical objects, is the fundamental reality from which all else is derived and build this into the UFT in place of time. "

Q.E.D.- What needed to be proven ;)​
If everything is consciousness, there's nothing left to prove, because consciousness can't be proven, it can only be experienced! The only question is, is our consciousness sufficiently awake, deployed and expanded to experience this consciously at all levels? :-)

Si tout est conscience, il n'y a plus rien à prouver car la conscience ne se prouve pas, elle se vit ! Seule question, notre conscience est-elle suffisamment éveillée, déployée, expansée pour vivre cela consciemment à tous les niveaux? :-)
The Cs confirmed how I always felt about eating eggs. But I kept on eating them. I should have listened to myself better.

(L) That's a good question. Why are eggs so bad for so many of us?

A: They are the potential young of another species with linkages to reptiles.

Q: (L) So, it's the information again?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And it's concentrated in the egg?

A: Yes
(L) ...Is there some kind of cosmic law about consuming the young of other creatures?

A: Close

For economic reasons I have based my diet mainly on the consumption of eggs. Jokingly and seriously: this information from the Casses impacts my finances and my conscience.

In addition to the reptilian information we may be consuming, I was left wondering if consuming the potential young of other creatures was similar to the cosmic effect of aborting a child.

I know that thought is a weird plot jump, but I can't get it out of my head.

I realized that in all this time that I increased my consumption of eggs in my daily diet, I had a strong feeling of wanting to have a child. I'm single so I was even thinking about offering my friends who don't have children that I could be a sperm donor?

It may be annoying, but I did the experiment of stopping eating eggs after the session and that feeling of wanting to have children disappeared.

So, I would like to venture a theory of how this cosmic law works. Perhaps if we consume the potential young of other creatures (just as if we abort), a need is born in us to compensate the universe by generating life, giving children to the world.

This makes sense of my family history, as my parents aborted their first child. Shortly after, my mother became pregnant again. And even a month and a half after my sister was born, my mother became pregnant with me. Later I had 2 more brothers, but 10 years apart.

So, I wonder if the guilt of having aborted their first child has motivated my parents to compensate the cosmos by having more children.

I don't have the answers, but (jokingly and seriously) I think I'll have to eat eggs again, because I've been feeling muscle fatigue in recent weeks.
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