Session 18 May 2024

There is so much more to these books than simple children's fantasies. I have posted on Carroll and his works on various threads. There was so much more to this man than a children's story teller. Apart from being an Oxford don at Christ Church College Oxford specialising in mathematics and being a librarian there with access to a wealth of information long before the creation of the internet, he was also allegedly a member of a secret society called the Orphic Circle, which numbered in its ranks such luminaries as the British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli, the author, government minister and leading Rosicrucian Lord Edward Bulwer-Lytton (who wrote Vril: the Coming Race that so influenced the German Thule Society and by extension the Nazis) and Sir Richard Burton the famous British explorer and travel writer and orientalist scholar who founded the infamous Victorian dining club known as the 'Cannibals Club'. Carroll moved in other social circles too including the Pre-Raphaelite art movement headed by John Ruskin and Dante Gabriel Rossetti. He was an early member of the Society for Psychical Research. What most biographies seem to leave out though is that he was also involved with the Theosophy movement, which brought him into contact with the likes of Annie Bessant, Madam Helena Blavatsky (the author of 'The Secret Doctrine'). Thus, Carroll would be a prime example of someone involved with 'circles within circles' and was also someone who seemed to be aware of the "other realities" you referred to in your post above.

The Orphic Circle (with its reference to Orpheus in the Underworld and by extension ancient Greco-Roman mystery schools) engaged in trance channelling through gifted young mediums like Emma Hardinge Britten (the esoteric Alice in Wonderland) but also through special (sacred) mirrors, which may have acted as psychomanteums (a practice Laura was encouraged to follow by the C's). Who knows what knowledge Carroll may have learned from these sessions, which he may then have built into his books.
Thanks for that MJF, the two Alice books are two of my favourite books. I'll do some deeper digging around the books and Carroll himself and go back through them again with yet another perspective.
Sorry to add to your reading list but I think it would be well worth your while getting hold of copies (French translations if possible) of Lewis Carroll's two books Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass. Both books were mentioned by the C's and they would have had their reasons for drawing Laura's attention to them. Indeed, they even told us that the experience of going from 3D to 4D was like that which Alice experienced when going through the looking glass:
Q: Well if a person transitions directly from 3rd to 5th density via dying, that implies that persons can transition directly from 3rd to 4th density without dying. Is that correct?

A: Yes.

Q: How does that feel? How is that experience …

Alice through the looking glass.

There is so much more to these books than simple children's fantasies. I have posted on Carroll and his works on various threads. There was so much more to this man than a children's story teller. Apart from being an Oxford don at Christ Church College Oxford specialising in mathematics and being a librarian there with access to a wealth of information long before the creation of the internet, he was also allegedly a member of a secret society called the Orphic Circle, which numbered in its ranks such luminaries as the British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli, the author, government minister and leading Rosicrucian Lord Edward Bulwer-Lytton (who wrote Vril: the Coming Race that so influenced the German Thule Society and by extension the Nazis) and Sir Richard Burton the famous British explorer and travel writer and orientalist scholar who founded the infamous Victorian dining club known as the 'Cannibals Club'. Carroll moved in other social circles too including the Pre-Raphaelite art movement headed by John Ruskin and Dante Gabriel Rossetti. He was an early member of the Society for Psychical Research. What most biographies seem to leave out though is that he was also involved with the Theosophy movement, which brought him into contact with the likes of Annie Bessant, Madam Helena Blavatsky (the author of 'The Secret Doctrine'). Thus, Carroll would be a prime example of someone involved with 'circles within circles' and was also someone who seemed to be aware of the "other realities" you referred to in your post above.

The Orphic Circle (with its reference to Orpheus in the Underworld and by extension ancient Greco-Roman mystery schools) engaged in trance channelling through gifted young mediums like Emma Hardinge Britten (the esoteric Alice in Wonderland) but also through special (sacred) mirrors, which may have acted as psychomanteums (a practice Laura was encouraged to follow by the C's). Who knows what knowledge Carroll may have learned from these sessions, which he may then have built into his books. For example, the twins Tweedledee and Tweedledum in Through the Looking Glass may be a disguised reference to the matter/antimatter universes, as hinted at by the C's here:

Q: (F) Well, they mentioned twice to be careful about putting in the designated quotes. (L) One of the crop circles you interpreted was an "astronomical twin phenomenon." What is an astronomical twin phenomenon?

A: Many perfectly synchronous meanings.

Q: (L) Synchronicity is involved. Does this have something to do with "image?"

A: Duplicity of, as in "Alice through the looking glass."
[ref. the twins Tweedledee and Tweedledum]

Q: (L) Double images. Does this relate to matter and antimatter?

A: Yes, and...

Q: (L) Gravity and manifesting on one side and manifesting a mirror image on the other...

A: Yes, and...

Q: (L) And images of 4th density bodies with tenuous fibers connecting to DNA as in manifesting imaginal bodies on 4th density?

A: Astronomical.

Q: (L) Okay, that relates to stars and planets... astronomical in terms of another universe, an alternate universe composed of antimatter?

A: Yes, and....

Q: (L) And is this alternate universe going to merge with our universe...

A: No.

Q: (L) Is this alternate universe of antimatter the point from which phenomena occur or are manifested in our universe?

A: More like doorway or "conduit."

Q: (L) Is this alternate universe the means by which we must travel to 4th density? Is it like a veil, or an abyss of some sort?

A: Think of it as the highway.

In the book, a sequel to Alice's' Adventures in Wonderland, Alice again enters a fantastical world, this time by climbing through a mirror into the world that she can see beyond it. There she finds that, just like a reflection, everything is reversed, including logic (for example, running helps one remain stationary, walking away from something brings one towards it, chessmen are alive, nursery rhyme characters exist, and so on).

This reflection and reversal may therefore be a reference to the matter and antimatter universes, where in the latter things are reversed, so that antimatter is composed of the antiparticles of the corresponding particles in "ordinary" matter, and can be thought of as matter with reversed charge, parity, and time, known as CPT reversal. Thus, a proton and an antiproton have the same mass but opposite electric charge. An antiproton is negatively charged and an antielectron (a positron) is positively charged.

The modern theory of antimatter only began in 1928, with a paper by Physicist Paul Dirac. Dirac realised that his relativistic version of the Schrödinger wave equation for electrons predicted the possibility of antielectrons (N.B. Dirac did not himself use the term antimatter). These were discovered by Carl D. Anderson in 1932 and named positrons from "positive electron".

Hence, the modern theory of antimatter appeared long after Lewis Carroll's time. However, could he have learned about it through the scrying/channelling sessions involving the Orphic Circle just as we have learned of such things through the C's?

For more on the mysterious Orphic Circle see my post on the Alton Towers thread: Alton Towers, Sir Francis Bacon and the Rosicrucians

For your information, Carroll was a brilliant mathematician who was a a contemporary of William Hamilton and James Clerk Maxwell. He was certainly aware of their work. However, it is known that he was also a critic of the new forms of mathematics emerging at that time, like Hamilton's quaternions. Carroll found the radical new maths illogical and lacking in intellectual rigour. In “Alice”, he attacked some of the new ideas as nonsense using a technique familiar from Euclid’s proofs, reductio ad absurdum, where the validity of an idea is tested by taking its premises to their logical extreme. Quoting from a 2010 article called Algebra in Wonderland by Melanie Bayley, which I am attaching to this post:
"The Mad Hatter and the March Hare champion the mathematics of William Rowan Hamilton, one of the great innovators in Victorian algebra. Hamilton decided that manipulations of numbers like adding and subtracting should be thought of as steps in what he called “pure time.” This was a Kantian notion that had more to do with sequence than with real time, and it seems to have captivated Dodgson. In the title of Chapter 7, “A Mad Tea-Party,” we should read tea-party as t-party, with “t” being the mathematical symbol for time.

Dodgson has the Hatter, the Hare and the Dormouse stuck going round and round the tea table to reflect the way in which Hamilton used what he called quaternions a number system based on four terms. In the 1860s, quaternions were hailed as the last great step in calculating motion. Even Dodgson may have considered them an ingenious tool for advanced mathematicians, though he would have thought them maddeningly confusing for the likes of Alice (and perhaps for many of his math students).

At the mad tea party, time is the absent fourth presence at the table. The Hatter tells Alice that he quarrelled with Time last March, and now “he won’t do a thing I ask.” So the Hatter, the Hare and the Dormouse (the third “term”) are forced to rotate forever in a plane around the tea table.

When Alice leaves the tea partiers, they are trying to stuff the Dormouse into the teapot so they can exist as an independent pair of numbers, complex, still mad, but at least free to leave the party."

Hence, on a subtle and hidden level, Carroll's book Alice in Wonderland was intended to be a critique of the new mathematics and ideas for Carroll was very much a traditional algebraist and a punctilious logician. This reminds me of what the C's once said about the importance of algebra and its relevance to the matter and antimatter universes:
A: It is not all that way, and you know it! Most are not eaten, just manipulated. Knowledge protects in the most amazing ways. Mathematics are "taught' in your realm in such a way that only a select few will learn. And mathematics is the language of all creation. For example, advanced math studies, such as algebra, provide the keys to unlocking the doors between the matter and antimatter universes. Suggest those present who still need to, learn algebra.

Q: (L) Okay, you suggest that those present learn algebra...

A: Who need to.

Q: (L) Are you saying that we can unlock doors between matter and anti-matter universes? Is that what you are getting at here?

A: Maybe...

Carroll's works are also laced with esoteric information that may have been an attempt by him at a deliberate disclosure of long held Rosicrucian secret knowledge for those capable of understanding it. For more on this esoteric theme see Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland: An Esoteric Journey – Nifty Buckles. Quoting from that article (which I am attaching to this post):​

In Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland one of the principal characters, the White Rabbit, symbolises purity, spiritual enlightenment. The White Rabbit is in esoteric terms a shamanic guide who journeys between worlds such as the Earth, underground and heavens. The Rabbit leads the seeker into multiple worlds or realities to reveal truths of the universe and the seeker’s true self. [However,] the White rabbit is also about time and out of time racing in and out of seven dimensions (densities?). The Book of Enoch mentions seven heavens. Time may not be linear like we have been taught, go ask the rabbit. It may represent our souls passing through different worlds being recycled and experiencing amnesia of past lives. Alice asksWho am I?

That black and white swirly tunnel that leads to Wonderland may represent our subconscious or a portal to other dimensions, or maybe a stargate? There are many references to time in the novel. This story may hint towards a tribute to time, Chronos the Greek deity the personification of time.

I apologise if you think I may be labouring the point but I believe that physicists and mathematicians who read the book with an open mind, leaving preconceived ideas on one side, may discover hidden gems within Carroll's works, which he may have learned of through his participation in the Orphic Circle. I believe that the C's deliberately referred to Carroll's books for a good reason and wished to draw our attention to them as evidenced here and in the earlier quote above:
A: Who are your prime numbers?

Q: The dwellings or the mystics, or do you want specific numbers?

A: Yes.

Q: (A) Who?

A: Who?

Q: How do we find out who are the prime numbers? Do we plot...

A: Who are the first 3?

Q: Father, Son and Holy Ghost?

A: Numbers!!!

Q: (A) 1 2 3 are the first three prime numbers...

A: Yes, thank you Arkadiusz!!!! Laura is dancing around in wonderland, meanwhile all of creation, of existence, is contained in 1, 2, 3!!! Look for this when you are trying to find the keys to the hidden secrets of all existence... They dwell within. 11, 22, 33, 1/2, 1/3, 1, 2, 3, 121, 11, 111, 222, 333, and so on! Get it?!?!


Q: (J) Internet? (T) Is it like a big fence* to keep us in? *The world wide electromagnetic field that shrouds the Earth.

A: You are dancing on the 3rd density ballroom floor. “Alice likes to go through the looking glass” at the Crystal Palace**. Atlantean reincarnation surge brings on the urge to have a repeat performance.

**This could be a possible reference to the ALICE detector, which interfaces with the Large Hadron Collider (the LHC accelerator) at Cerne in Switzerland, which is a bit like a crystal palace when you think about it. For more on this see: ALICE experiment - Wikipedia and ALICE opens its new nerve centre.

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Overall view of the ALICE detector
Q: (T) The Atlanteans who have reincarnated are getting ready to do the same thing they did before with the crystals. So this is an Atlantean type thing that is being done now? Different equipment, but the same type of thing?

A: All lessons must be learned before you can move on to bigger and better things.

Q: (L) Is that a general statement about the Atlanteans repeating the lessons, or that once we learn this lesson, we can move on to bigger and better things in counteracting this grid.

A: All that is present and future too.

If you cannot lay your hands on the books in France, I can supply electronic copies (in English) that I have on file in my documents folder. If you do get the chance to read them, feel free to pass on your comments, if any, within the Forum. I know that another Forum member was so taken by the hidden knowledge concealed in Carroll's works that he forwarded copies of the articles to Ark. However, I have no idea what Ark made of them or whether he even read them.​
Thank you so much MJF of reminding us, and guiding us as to how to interpret the two books of Alice's Adventures. I bought the two as a set for my children when they were so small but never got to reading them. Perhaps sub consciously I felt they were incredibly complicated esotric works! However, they remained in my library, under the children's section :-) but are now on my table ready to investigate next! I so wish I could have understood the complex mathematics the C's referenced as essential knowledge of the universe. So I am aware that before I go down the rabbit hole I will be lacking this equation, but I shall enjoy the adventure anyway. Especially with your guidance on how to interpret the journey!

On another question I have:
We know that when we observe anything material that appears to us as solid, that it is in fact 'blinking' on/off continuously. Yet we cannot observe the 'off' mode. Same as in computing language. That once we discarnate nothing appears 'solid' thus our energy can 'penetrate' through walls, tables etc as if they do not exist. Plus we are able to 'see' the interior and exteriof of anything simultaneously.
Now is this 'off' mode classed as anti matter? Is this the 'mirror' of everything? If so does the 'ether' also blink? Or how does it / would it appear if observation of it were possible?

We also have to view the Universe and all therein, as the Universe observes itself. That matter only 'materialises' when it is observed? Or thought about/considered? Rather similar to evoking spirits/our loved ones?
So what would be the 'mirror' to that with anti-matter, anti-gravity? What is to 'observe', if anything?
And is it truly dark, black (holes), 'nothingness'?
In theory I would have thought that only 7th Density can truly view the Universe as it views itself/exists/continues to be created?
And that in 3D we are totally blind to the vastness of the Universe, Universes and all that, that entails. But in 5D an entity is free to explore much of this vastness, however, there would still remain 'areas' that are out of bounds/our of comprehension to such free spirits, despite the veil having being lifted to those with the knowledge and curiosity to probe further 'afield'.
Then there is the question of the Universe folding back on itself, like an arching mesh. Does this apply to all the universes? Or just what scientists can conclude about our particular Universe?

Is the Universe generally silent? I doubt supa nova's can be silent. What kind of 'sounds' have been recorded say, just in our back yard?
And light photons - is there any 'barrier' as to where light can penetrate? Could light access black holes at all, if the source of the such light became available in the vicinity for some reason?
If all stars and suns are windows, what are they windows into? Where would they lead to? The same with portals we have on our planet?
As ever, the more we are enlightened, the more questions arise ;-)
On another question I have:
We know that when we observe anything material that appears to us as solid, that it is in fact 'blinking' on/off continuously. Yet we cannot observe the 'off' mode. Same as in computing language. That once we discarnate nothing appears 'solid' thus our energy can 'penetrate' through walls, tables etc as if they do not exist. Plus we are able to 'see' the interior and exteriof of anything simultaneously.
Now is this 'off' mode classed as anti matter? Is this the 'mirror' of everything? If so does the 'ether' also blink? Or how does it / would it appear if observation of it were possible?
Wave peaks are plus/minus (conditionally), plus, for example, we perceive (matter), minus, respectively, no (antimatter). Only this is perceived as a pulsation. Basically, what you described. As for the ether, I think the ether does not blink, the blinking effect is the result of the interaction between the observer and the object.
Thank you so much MJF of reminding us, and guiding us as to how to interpret the two books of Alice's Adventures. I bought the two as a set for my children when they were so small but never got to reading them. Perhaps sub consciously I felt they were incredibly complicated esotric works! However, they remained in my library, under the children's section :-) but are now on my table ready to investigate next! I so wish I could have understood the complex mathematics the C's referenced as essential knowledge of the universe. So I am aware that before I go down the rabbit hole I will be lacking this equation, but I shall enjoy the adventure anyway. Especially with your guidance on how to interpret the journey!

On another question I have:
We know that when we observe anything material that appears to us as solid, that it is in fact 'blinking' on/off continuously. Yet we cannot observe the 'off' mode. Same as in computing language. That once we discarnate nothing appears 'solid' thus our energy can 'penetrate' through walls, tables etc as if they do not exist. Plus we are able to 'see' the interior and exteriof of anything simultaneously.
Now is this 'off' mode classed as anti matter? Is this the 'mirror' of everything? If so does the 'ether' also blink? Or how does it / would it appear if observation of it were possible?

We also have to view the Universe and all therein, as the Universe observes itself. That matter only 'materialises' when it is observed? Or thought about/considered? Rather similar to evoking spirits/our loved ones?
So what would be the 'mirror' to that with anti-matter, anti-gravity? What is to 'observe', if anything?
And is it truly dark, black (holes), 'nothingness'?
In theory I would have thought that only 7th Density can truly view the Universe as it views itself/exists/continues to be created?
And that in 3D we are totally blind to the vastness of the Universe, Universes and all that, that entails. But in 5D an entity is free to explore much of this vastness, however, there would still remain 'areas' that are out of bounds/our of comprehension to such free spirits, despite the veil having being lifted to those with the knowledge and curiosity to probe further 'afield'.
Then there is the question of the Universe folding back on itself, like an arching mesh. Does this apply to all the universes? Or just what scientists can conclude about our particular Universe?

Is the Universe generally silent? I doubt supa nova's can be silent. What kind of 'sounds' have been recorded say, just in our back yard?
And light photons - is there any 'barrier' as to where light can penetrate? Could light access black holes at all, if the source of the such light became available in the vicinity for some reason?
If all stars and suns are windows, what are they windows into? Where would they lead to? The same with portals we have on our planet?
As ever, the more we are enlightened, the more questions arise ;-)
Wow, you are asking a lot of searching questions here. If it helps, I believe human beings can only view about 5% of the electromagnetic spectrum that we know of in 3D. This makes us virtually blind without scientific instruments to detect what we cannot see with our own senses. I also seem to recall that when Laura had an out of body experience, she said that she could see electric fields around people and objects, which suggests that freed from normal physical restraints we can see so much more than we do. I believe that some animals like sharks have the ability to detect other creatures' electromagnetic fields, which allows them to home in on their prey. Hence, their senses in this case would seem superior to ours.

I also recall reading about the experience that a brain surgeon had when he himself suffered a stroke. The stroke affected his normal vision, so when he went to pick up the telephone to call for help, he saw his hand actually merging with the phone. As we know, nothing is really solid when you look at it through an electron microscope. The distance of electrons from the nucleus of an atom is so vast that it is comparable to that between planets and their parent stars, with seemingly empty space in between.

Thus, our ability to perceive the physical universe with our normal 3D senses is severely curtailed unless you have the ability to pierce the veil, as a few have always been able to do. This no doubt is not the case in 4D where reality will look very different (recalling here the analogy of Alice going through the mirror or looking glass).

As to your question "what kind of 'sounds' have been recorded say, just in our back yard?", NASA has in fact recorded the electromagnetic sounds of the planets in our solar system - shades of Pythagoras's Music of the Spheres here. Curiously, the sound of Saturn (with its strange hexagonal energy vortex at the pole) is somewhat weird and ominous, almost evil in nature. If you do a Google check, you should be able to track it down.

Perhaps more targeted questions to the C's based on what we currently know or suspect, will expand our understanding of these things.​
Thanks for that MJF, the two Alice books are two of my favourite books. I'll do some deeper digging around the books and Carroll himself and go back through them again with yet another perspective.
There is a lot more to Carroll than his biographies go into. If you check out the Alton Towers thread, which I contribute to, you will find more about him and his links with some of the movers and shakers of his age. Much more should really be made known about the secretive Orphic Circle. The Dark Journalist did a good podcast on them if you want to check it out. It really is like going down a rabbit hole though.

The town where I live close to, Guildford in Surrey, has strong links to Carroll since his sisters lived there (see picture of house below) and he often visited them from his lodgings in Oxford. He was also good friends with the vicar of Albury, a village close to where I live, and would frequently visit him there. Carroll is in fact buried in one of Guildford's cemeteries where people can still visit his grave.


For more see: Lewis Carroll's connection with Guildford - Visit Surrey


There is a lot more to Carroll than his biographies go into. If you check out the Alton Towers thread, which I contribute to, you will find more about him and his links with some of the movers and shakers of his age. Much more should really be made known about the secretive Orphic Circle. The Dark Journalist did a good podcast on them if you want to check it out. It really is like going down a rabbit hole though.

The town where I live close to, Guildford in Surrey, has strong links to Carroll since his sisters lived there (see picture of house below) and he often visited them from his lodgings in Oxford. He was also good friends with the vicar of Albury, a village close to where I live, and would frequently visit him there. Carroll is in fact buried in one of Guildford's cemeteries where people can still visit his grave.

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For more see: Lewis Carroll's connection with Guildford - Visit Surrey

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Are you, by any chance, the reincarnation of Carroll?:)
Are you, by any chance, the reincarnation of Carroll?:)
Well, if I am, I have not inherited his mathematical ability or his penchant for witty poetry. Carroll also loved walking in the beautiful hills around here and thought nothing of walking twenty miles in a day. Again, I don't share his enthusiasm for such long walks much to my discredit since the walks around here draw people from all across south-east England. My late father was a very good mathematician though and loved writing witty poetry, so maybe he was Carroll's reincarnation :-D. Who knows?

This area is also linked with Jane Austen too, especially nearby Leith Hill if you may have watched one of the recent Emma Movies, which was filmed there. Below is a view from Leith Hill, which gives you an idea of the local countryside that was well known to Carroll.​

Well, if I am, I have not inherited his mathematical ability or his penchant for witty poetry. Carroll also loved walking in the beautiful hills around here and thought nothing of walking twenty miles in a day. Again, I don't share his enthusiasm for such long walks much to my discredit since the walks around here draw people from all across south-east England. My late father was a very good mathematician though and loved writing witty poetry, so maybe he was Carroll's reincarnation :-D. Who knows?

This area is also linked with Jane Austen too, especially nearby Leith Hill if you may have watched one of the recent Emma Movies, which was filmed there. Below is a view from Leith Hill, which gives you an idea of the local countryside that was well known to Carroll.​

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Maybe you have other lessons, or after Carroll, you were for a long time wandering around in a completely different reality, so you forgot a lot, and you’ve already had enough of long walks)
Maybe you have other lessons, or after Carroll, you were for a long time wandering around in a completely different reality, so you forgot a lot, and you’ve already had enough of long walks)
Maybe:-D. Carroll, or Dodgson his real name, was very much an Englishman whereas I come from an Irish family but then Laura was supposedly an O'Brien in another life (which incidentally was the surname of my maternal Irish great grandfather), being an identical twin in that life as I am in this. Sadly, the C's said her twin died in a tragic farm accident. That would have been a very tough lesson to learn as you don't get two people much closer than identical twins.

However, in that view from Carroll's grave I posted earlier, you will see Guildford Castle in the distance. Carroll's sisters home was located within the grounds of that castle near one of its outer gates that is still a through route for traffic today. For a few years English King Henry III (1207-1272) made Guildford his main base, building a palace within the castle's ground where his family lived with him. Since the court and parliament followed the King wherever he went, this briefly made Guildford the de facto capital of England. I come from an old French Norman family on my father's side. One of my ancestors joined Richard de Clare (Strongbow) in the Norman conquest of Ireland. My ancestors subsequently became the seneschals (sheriffs) of Kilkenny (think here of the Sheriff of Nottingham in the Robin Hood story), which was the old administrative capital of Ireland before Dublin took over that role. It is more than likely therefore that one of them periodically visit Henry III at Guildford Castle to report on English/Norman progress in the subjection of Ireland. If so, then it is curious that my father in moving us to the town, may have been following in the footsteps of our ancestor who had visited the town hundreds of years before. My father loved it here and died whilst looking out on the Surrey Hills rather than in a hospital bed (his choice). The view from where I live always inspired him. He was a man who counted his blessings and believed it was his good fortune to live in an area as beautiful as this one. Not a bad finish for a man who grew up in the urban jungle of south-east London during the Great Depression.

Carroll was not the only famous English writer though to be inspired by the Surrey Hills. There is a hill on top of which an old Norman Church called St Martha's stands. In fact, it overlooks the village where I live. Believe me when I say it is a tough and very steep climb for ramblers to reach the church. It was for this reason that famous Christian writer John Bunyan who made that same climb used it as the model for the 'Hill of Despair' or Hill of Difficulty in Pilgrim's Progress: "Christian scrambles up the Hill of Difficulty on his hands and knees." When you walk up that hill, it is so steep you really do end up on your hands and knees by the time you get to the top.


For any New Zealanders looking at the above picture, the graveyard of the church contains the grave of New Zealander Lieutenant-General Bernard Freyberg VC, a First World War hero. During the Second World War, he commanded the New Zealand Expeditionary Force in the Battle of Crete, the North African campaign and the Italian campaign.

You may recall the C's saying in an early session about the ice sheets that covered much of Northern Europe at the end of the last Ice Age:

Q: At the same time, there were Celts in the Caucasus, along the Baltic, in Ireland, England and Europe...
A: Ireland, England, etc. was later.
Q: But there were in the Norse lands, as Sweden, Norway and Denmark, they were along the Baltic, and they were in the Caucasus?
A: Some above mentioned areas were ice covered.

Well, the great ice sheet that once ran down the whole length of Britain during the Ice Age actually finished in the North Surrey Hills where St Martha's is located. Where I live is in fact an old river valley but long before that it was a gigantic lake where the great ice sheet terminated and the melt water poured into the lake. Indeed, there are sand banks up in the hills that once formed the lake's shore. They are very popular with local runners. Indeed, one such runner was the South African long distance athlete Zola Budd (Zola Budd - Wikipedia) who because of South Africa's then expulsion from the Olympic Games ran for Great Britain in the Olympics. Zola, who ran barefooted, lived around here and trained for the Olympics in the Surrey Hills. She is famous for bumping into American golden girl Mary Decker and knocking here to the ground during the 3000 meters final in the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics (see: Mary Decker - Wikipedia). Decker later claimed that she was robbed of the 1984 Olympics 3000-meter gold medal by Budd. Things could have been very different though but for some quick thinking on the part of Budd's coach. Before the Los Angeles Olympics I was driving up a steep stretch of road that winds through the Surrey Hills, which tops out at a place called Newlands Corner, a local beauty spot. As I approached the spot at about 40 mph, I spotted a young female runner who was about to run out in front of my car without looking. Thank goodness her coach had the quick wits to pull her back just as she was about to run out in front of me, as I would almost certainly have knocked her down causing either death or serious injury. When I looked back I saw it was Zola Budd. God forbid but if that had happened, I guess Mary Decker may have won that gold medal. It just shows you how fickle fate can be.

Apologies for the travelogue:-D.​
Thank you very much for the session. The information about the types of meat is very interesting and helpful. We have been trying to eat grass-fed beef and lamb for the past few years and it does make a difference. It even tastes better without the strong meat smell you get from non-grass fed especially the cow meat sometimes smell like cow-dung. Personally, I have found that I have a preference in the order of Lamb/Beef -> Bacon/Pork/Ham -> Chicken depending on what's available on the day. And for eggs, they have to be free-range and organic (not just free-range) otherwise we get flatulence and that's a clear sign on body telling us that something is not right.

Currently, we are trying meat from this place and the first batch of Lamb is the best we've had so far.

Also, you can tell the quality of meat from the way it cooks on the pan. Grass-fed meat will brown the moment it hits the hot pan whereas the other meat will loose water and become rubbery. We also tried grass-fed pork recently and it tasted great but was very pricey so, have to let go until we can afford it or find a cheaper source.
For example, let's say you have a physical ball in front of you. You play with it, look at it from all angles, and you imagine it in your mind. You create a non-material ball with identical characteristics. Then, you make copies of the ball—one copy, ten copies, one million copies, and so on. The physical world around you still works; the physical ball is still there; the fabric of reality is seemingly 'intact,' yet you have created a virtually unlimited number of non-material balls almost instantly. Where are these non-material balls located?
I believe that your Hermoza creation of little balls, for now mental, could be found in the "plane of thought".

A: Parallel reality, you see, when something crosses into another reality, it accesses something called, for lack of a better term, the "thought plane", and as long as that reality is misunderstood, the window remains open, thus all perceptions of possibility may manifest concretely, though only temporarily, as thought plane material is constantly fluid.

Perhaps, when your pellets are already there, possibly with a sufficient collection of electrons, they could manifest in the material world.
And I am thinking that possibly, such physical appearance, will have a "matter/antimatter" ratio not necessarily balanced.
This last is actually a few questions that came up for me, and that is:
Is the balance between matter and antimatter, actually something that takes place only at the total level of the Universe?
Would it be far-fetched to think, for example, that the 4D experience of life implies some imbalance between matter and antimatter, which is ultimately corrected by the total Universe?
I don't know if I'm thinking too much. :umm:

Translated with (free version)
Maybe:-D. Carroll, or Dodgson his real name, was very much an Englishman whereas I come from an Irish family but then Laura was supposedly an O'Brien in another life (which incidentally was the surname of my maternal Irish great grandfather), being an identical twin in that life as I am in this. Sadly, the C's said her twin died in a tragic farm accident. That would have been a very tough lesson to learn as you don't get two people much closer than identical twins.

However, in that view from Carroll's grave I posted earlier, you will see Guildford Castle in the distance. Carroll's sisters home was located within the grounds of that castle near one of its outer gates that is still a through route for traffic today. For a few years English King Henry III (1207-1272) made Guildford his main base, building a palace within the castle's ground where his family lived with him. Since the court and parliament followed the King wherever he went, this briefly made Guildford the de facto capital of England. I come from an old French Norman family on my father's side. One of my ancestors joined Richard de Clare (Strongbow) in the Norman conquest of Ireland. My ancestors subsequently became the seneschals (sheriffs) of Kilkenny (think here of the Sheriff of Nottingham in the Robin Hood story), which was the old administrative capital of Ireland before Dublin took over that role. It is more than likely therefore that one of them periodically visit Henry III at Guildford Castle to report on English/Norman progress in the subjection of Ireland. If so, then it is curious that my father in moving us to the town, may have been following in the footsteps of our ancestor who had visited the town hundreds of years before. My father loved it here and died whilst looking out on the Surrey Hills rather than in a hospital bed (his choice). The view from where I live always inspired him. He was a man who counted his blessings and believed it was his good fortune to live in an area as beautiful as this one. Not a bad finish for a man who grew up in the urban jungle of south-east London during the Great Depression.

Carroll was not the only famous English writer though to be inspired by the Surrey Hills. There is a hill on top of which an old Norman Church called St Martha's stands. In fact, it overlooks the village where I live. Believe me when I say it is a tough and very steep climb for ramblers to reach the church. It was for this reason that famous Christian writer John Bunyan who made that same climb used it as the model for the 'Hill of Despair' or Hill of Difficulty in Pilgrim's Progress: "Christian scrambles up the Hill of Difficulty on his hands and knees." When you walk up that hill, it is so steep you really do end up on your hands and knees by the time you get to the top.

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For any New Zealanders looking at the above picture, the graveyard of the church contains the grave of New Zealander Lieutenant-General Bernard Freyberg VC, a First World War hero. During the Second World War, he commanded the New Zealand Expeditionary Force in the Battle of Crete, the North African campaign and the Italian campaign.

You may recall the C's saying in an early session about the ice sheets that covered much of Northern Europe at the end of the last Ice Age:

Q: At the same time, there were Celts in the Caucasus, along the Baltic, in Ireland, England and Europe...
A: Ireland, England, etc. was later.
Q: But there were in the Norse lands, as Sweden, Norway and Denmark, they were along the Baltic, and they were in the Caucasus?
A: Some above mentioned areas were ice covered.

Well, the great ice sheet that once ran down the whole length of Britain during the Ice Age actually finished in the North Surrey Hills where St Martha's is located. Where I live is in fact an old river valley but long before that it was a gigantic lake where the great ice sheet terminated and the melt water poured into the lake. Indeed, there are sand banks up in the hills that once formed the lake's shore. They are very popular with local runners. Indeed, one such runner was the South African long distance athlete Zola Budd (Zola Budd - Wikipedia) who because of South Africa's then expulsion from the Olympic Games ran for Great Britain in the Olympics. Zola, who ran barefooted, lived around here and trained for the Olympics in the Surrey Hills. She is famous for bumping into American golden girl Mary Decker and knocking here to the ground during the 3000 meters final in the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics (see: Mary Decker - Wikipedia). Decker later claimed that she was robbed of the 1984 Olympics 3000-meter gold medal by Budd. Things could have been very different though but for some quick thinking on the part of Budd's coach. Before the Los Angeles Olympics I was driving up a steep stretch of road that winds through the Surrey Hills, which tops out at a place called Newlands Corner, a local beauty spot. As I approached the spot at about 40 mph, I spotted a young female runner who was about to run out in front of my car without looking. Thank goodness her coach had the quick wits to pull her back just as she was about to run out in front of me, as I would almost certainly have knocked her down causing either death or serious injury. When I looked back I saw it was Zola Budd. God forbid but if that had happened, I guess Mary Decker may have won that gold medal. It just shows you how fickle fate can be.

Apologies for the travelogue:-D.​
Why apologize for such an interesting story? Maybe you weren’t Carroll, but you were definitely one of his sisters :)
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