Session 18 May 2024

Why apologize for such an interesting story? Maybe you weren’t Carroll, but you were definitely one of his sisters :)
Who knows? :-D

I came across this interesting article on Carroll and his connections to Guildford. He seemed to work his own experiences into Through the Looking Glass judging by the article: Lewis Carroll in Guildford

It appears that Poet Laureate Alfred Lord Tennyson became the model for the White Knight and his sons were the models for Tweedledee and Tweedledum. Moreover, Carroll seems to have become firm friends with Queen Victoria's youngest son Prince Leopold, which gave him an entree to royal circles. Hence, we seem to be looking at a man who rather than being just a humble Oxford don and clergyman moved in the most exalted circles of his time. As the article states:

It helps to see Dodgson in his Surrey setting. He was not, after all, simply an eccentric Oxford don with his head in the clouds. In real life, family responsibilities demanded that he set at least one foot on the solid ground of home-counties' England. In his writing, too, he not only played games with his child readers, but gave plenty of scope to scholars who see dark undertows of reality beneath his phantasmagoric narratives and weird characters. Of course, all the truly great classics of children's literature can be read on different levels. Yet there is another twist to Dodgson's tale. By mixing "stuff and nonsense" in such an unpredictable way, he inspired new generations of writers as well as readers, setting the scene for the stream-of-consciousness techniques, surrealism and absurdism of the next century. The history of the modern novel might have been very different without the input of his extraordinarily inventive mind.

The highlighted statement above reminds me somewhat of what the C's once said here:

Q: The other night you said something about what I had found as being one leg of the table. How many legs does the table have?

A: Search for answer. When found in literature, profound meanings enclose compartment.

Is this mention of tables and literature a possible reference to Alice in Wonderland and the Mad Hatters Tea-Party I wonder, which, of course, took place at a table? Quoting from Melanie Bayley's article Algebra in Wonderland, which I posted as an attachment to an earlier post, she had his to say about the Mad Tea-Party, with my comments inserted in red in parentheses:
The Mad Hatter and the March Hare champion the mathematics of William Rowan Hamilton, one of the great innovators in Victorian algebra [who invented 'quaternions' as used by James Clerk Maxwell in his original 24 equations for the laws of electromagnetism]. Hamilton decided that manipulations of numbers like adding and subtracting should be thought of as steps in what he called “pure time.” This was a Kantian notion that had more to do with sequence than with real time, and it seems to have captivated Dodgson. In the title of Chapter 7, “A Mad Tea-Party,” we should read tea-party as t-party, with “t” being the mathematical symbol for time.

Dodgson has the Hatter, the Hare and the Dormouse stuck going round and round the tea table to reflect the way in which Hamilton used what he called quaternions a number system based on four terms. In the 1860s, quaternions were hailed as the last great step in calculating motion. Even Dodgson may have considered them an ingenious tool for advanced mathematicians, though he would have thought them maddeningly confusing for the likes of Alice (and perhaps for many of his math students).

At the mad tea party, time is the absent fourth presence at the table. The Hatter tells Alice that he quarrelled with Time last March, and now “he won’t do a thing I ask.” So the Hatter, the Hare and the Dormouse (the third “term”) are forced to rotate forever in a plane around the tea table.

When Alice leaves the tea partiers, they are trying to stuff the Dormouse into the teapot so they can exist as an independent pair of numbers, complex, still mad, but at least free to leave the party.

This image of the Mad Hatter, the Hare and the Dormouse being forced to rotate forever in a plane around the tea table evokes the ancient symbolism of The Three Hares rotating around a common plane or axis (see below), which may represent our 3D reality. The symbol appears in sacred sites located in East Asia, the Middle East and Europe, including churches in Devon, England where it is called the 'Tinners' Rabbits. It has different meanings in different cultures. The symbol of the three hares has a threefold rotational symmetry. Each of the ears is shared by two hares, so that only three ears are shown.


Is is also reflected in the triskelion flag of the Isle of Man located just off the west coast of England:


However, the triskelion is in fact a very ancient symbol, which seems to have originated in the Neolithic age and can be found inscribed in stone at Neolithic sites all over Europe including Newgrange in Ireland:


Today it is often used as a neo-pagan symbol or as a representation of the Triple Goddess. However, my suspicion is that it is a symbol hiding a deeper scientific meaning that would have been known to the ancients but became blurred and distorted over time leading to it becoming a religious, occultic or spiritual symbol. Thus today it is often associated with concepts of movement, progress, and cycles. In some traditions, it represents the past, present, and future; in others, it symbolises life, death, and rebirth. The three spirals can also represent different trinities like mind, body, spirit or earth, water, sky.

The triskelion symbol was ubiquitous throughout Celtic society, appearing on many of their artifacts, such as on ceremonial gold cups, everyday pottery, clothing, coinage, weaponry, shields, religious items and carved into stone monuments (see below).


The word "Triskelion" itself is derived from the Greek words “tri” meaning three and “skelos” meaning leg or branch. The Triskelion symbolised the importance that the Celtic culture placed on the number three. Curiously, the great Serbian inventor Nikola Tesla was passionate about the significance of the number three and believed that it held the secret of all creation. For example, he would always walk around a building three timed before entering it. Then there is the C's with their Law of Three and what they once said to Laura about the numbers 1, 2 and 3 (the first three prime numbers), which echoes Tesla's conviction and brings us neatly back to wonderland again:
Q: (A) 1 2 3 are the first three prime numbers...

A: Yes, thank you Arkadiusz!!!! Laura is dancing around in wonderland, meanwhile all of creation, of existence, is contained in 1, 2, 3!!! Look for this when you are trying to find the keys to the hidden secrets of all existence... They dwell within. 11, 22, 33, 1/2, 1/3, 1, 2, 3, 121, 11, 111, 222, 333, and so on! Get it?!?!

Q: When you say that the secrets of all existence dwell within 1 2 3 or variations thereof, what kind of secrets are we talking about here?

A: All.

Q: Well, name two at the top of the list just so I know where we are going here?

A: You can do that!

Q: Are we talking about secrets of physics?

A: Yes.

And the Greek definition of "Triskelion" meaning three legs brings us back to the question the C's posed when they said:

Q: The other night you said something about what I had found as being one leg of the table. How many legs does the table have?

A: Search for answer. When found in literature, profound meanings enclose compartment.

If the compartment the C's are speaking of is the "three hares" or the triskelion as depicted in Carroll's Mad Hatter's Tea Party, then it suggests the answer to Laura's question is three legs.

For more see: Triskelion - Wikipedia

It is very likely that Lewis Carroll may have known of the true significance of the triskelion and employed it in Alice in Wonderland in allegorical form by having the Mad Hatter, the Hare and the Dormouse being forced to chase each other forever in a plane around the tea table. As a member of the Orphic Circle, which was led by Lord Edward Bulwer-Lytton who many consider to have been the leading English Rosicrucian of his day, it is likely that Carroll had access to a rich store of Rosicrucian esoteric information.

To reinforce the potential significance of the triskelion, it has also appeared in crop circles, which the C's said were the work of 6th Density:

Session 2 November 1994:

Q: (L) Who or what group is responsible for crop circles?

A: Us. You bet.

Q: (L) What is the purpose of the crop circles?

A: Messages to world. All


Session 30 November 1996:

A: Was there, will be again. You wanna know all there is to know about time, quantum reality, etcetera? Then it is time for you, and especially Arkadiusz, to study all that you can about the "crop circles," and closely network with those studying them directly.

Q: (L) Why crop circles?

A: The answers to all the questions are, or will be there.

Q: (L) You said that crop circles represented thoughts from 6th density. What does this mean?

A: We are compiling an almanac as well as a manual for the entire Terran population there. The reason we are doing this, is that there are millions who want to know the answers on the eve of the Grand Cycle Transformation. However, there are precious few that have chosen to try this form of communication, thus opening up a conduit.

Q: (L) Well, how many people are going to be able to understand?

A: But it would not be in form with Prime Level 7 Directive to limit entirely the availability of supreme knowledge!!!

Q: (L) So you are trying to put the entire story out there for all the world to see?

A: Not "trying," we are, my dear.

Q: (L) Okay, crop circles are a language, so to speak. Are they in some way related to mathematics?

A: Mathematics is the one and only true universal language.

Finally, they once posed the question in the Session 14 December 1996::

A: Yes, now check out those crop circles photos... any prime number combos there?


Q: (T) OK now, and then, outside of that are smaller spheres, each one connected one to the next, in a line. We're looking at prime numbers here. What are we looking at? We've got a central one, six outer: large, six outside of that: smaller, six outside of that: tiny... Could, and I'm just thinking off the top of my head here, nothing cast in concrete, is this a representation of... a sphere, getting smaller and smaller... going that way. Or, coming in, this way. Or that way and this way. Like the infinity mirrors...

A: If you three-dimensionalize.

Q: (L) It would be circles, like balls, like spheres. (T) Ohhh, it's an axis, an x-y-z axis! A three-dimensional axis. Three-dimensionally, it would be like this [Holds up hand, forefinger pointed up, thumb pointed to himself, third finger at the horizontal] Larger, smaller, smaller... A three-dimensional axis. Are we going somewhere with this, or am I out in left field again?

A: Yes.

Q: (T) I'm going somewhere with this?

A: Yes.

Q: (T) Ahhhh, I now see this as a three-dimensional object as opposed to a flat circle.

A: Do that to the others too.

Well, the triskelion crop circle shown above with its three intertwined legs arguably represents the first three prime numbers, which are 1, 2 and 3. So what would happen if we three-dimensionalise the triskelion crop circle (which you will note also contains the ying-yang symbol within each leg representing balance) as the C's suggest?

The C's also once said to Laura: "A: Ever feel as if you are dancing around in circles?"

When Laura followed up on their comment in the session that occurred a week later, the C's said:

Q: In response to your remark from last week, 'ever feel that you are dancing around in circles?' Mike wanted to know if this was a reference to crop circles?

A: No, not directly!

Perhaps their reference above to Laura "dancing around in circles" could have been be an indirect reference to the Mad Hatter, the Hare and the Dormouse dancing around the table in circles and the triskelion crop circle, which reflects the image of the three hares.

One could even say that Carroll himself metaphorically danced around in circles bearing in mind that Emma Hardinge Britten, the esoteric Alice and trance medium of the Orphic Circle, who Madam Blavatsky (who established the Theosophist movement) once described as the most gifted psychic or medium she had ever encountered, was a professional actress and dancer.

Anyway, I am happy for the scientists among you to comment on the triskelion and the mad Hatter's Tea-Party and what you think the imagery may be conveying from a scientific point of view.​
Please don't apologise, your stories, tales and asides are always intriguing and never never boring. All is lessons and I like yours.

I don't want to hijack the flow here but I was wondering how your sister is doing. I continue to have her in my prayers and was wondering if this was ok?
Thank you for asking and for your prayers, which are very welcome. Here at home, we pray for her every day. At the beginning of the month she was still in hospital in Seattle, this being her sixth stay in hospital in as many months. However, she was discharged (prematurely according to my brother-in-law) and is now back at home. Although she has been surviving mainly on liquid nourishment due to ongoing issues with her intestines resulting from Covid, she has started to eat more solid food again, although her diet is still very restricted at this stage. We hope that her diet will become more expansive with time and we are sending her goodies from England that we know she likes, which she cannot get in the States. She is also receiving physio to get her walking again. We continue to hope for the best. Thank you again for keeping her in your thoughts.​
It's just a bunch of barbarians destroying what they do not understand, because it's associated with a culture they want to conquer.
We're in Rome 2.0, and these are the modern Vandals (literally and figuratively).
Sometimes it doesn’t seem that the lizards, at the level of the elites (some of them), have achieved their goal - they replaced the human race with obedient programmed slaves

This is only the latest in a long line of such acts of vandalism by Just Stop Oil. They have glued themselves to motorways to bring traffic to a standstill, attacked works of art, interfered with major sporting events and even let off smoke bombs at the wedding of the Duke of Westminster last month. Rather than garnering support for their cause, they are turning more and more people against it. They chose today because at sunrise tomorrow morning, there will be thousands of modern day druids, neo-pagans and hippies congregating at Stonehenge to mark the summer solstice. No doubt these idiotic eco-activists thought this would draw attention to their cause. Hopefully, going forward, security will be beefed up at the site after it was left to tourists to try and stop the activists in their act of desecration.

The mysteries of Stonehenge continue to unfold though. A few years ago an arc of large underground pits were discovered by ground penetrating radar. The circular pits are on average 16 feet deep. The newly found pits — 20 have been found so far, and there are likely more — are about two miles from Stonehenge, near the town of Durrington. The pits form an arc with a diameter of over a mile, with a gap on its western side — like a giant crescent moon partially encircling the site of Durrington Walls, another “superhenge” enclosure. It brings to mind a giant eye, with Durrington Walls, itself 1,600 feet across, as the pupil. The complex is just a couple of miles from Stonehenge.


At the moment, archaeologists are unsure what the pits represented. I am not sure if any proper excavation of the pits has occurred yet. However, the thought that crossed my mind is that Stonehenge, which according to the C's was built in 8000 BC, was constructed about 1600 years after the ancient Neolithic site discovered at Göbekli Tepe in Turkey. Göbekli Tepe is comprised of a number of circular enclosures that were covered over and buried over time. This makes me wonder whether the pits at Stonehenge were equivalent to the kind of subterranean circular structures built by Native American tribes called a "kiva", which were also covered over. Examples can be found at south-western American sites such as Chaco Canyon, which the C's confirmed was a spiritual centre:
Session 4 July 2009:

Q: (L) Okay, enough on that. Next? (A**) I was gonna ask about Chaco Canyon. What was it built for?

A: Gathering place for those of unusual abilities.

Q: (A***) Did anybody actually live there?

A: More like a "conference centre."

Q: (A**) So what happened to the people that used it?

A: Change of cosmic environment followed by earthly difficulties such as famine, climate etc.

Q: (J) What kind of things did those people with unusual abilities do when they gathered together?

A: Well, levitate, for one; direct manifestation for another; and "travel".
[MJF: Compare this with the Ancient Britons dancing at Stonehenge and levitating as they did so]

A kiva is a space used by Puebloan Indians for rites and political meetings, many of them associated with the kachina belief system. Among the modern Hopi and most other Pueblo peoples, "kiva" means a large room that is circular and underground, and used for spiritual ceremonies.


Stonehenge, like the Pyramids at Giza, was built by Atlantean descendants. However, the C's also confirmed that groups like the Hopi Indians were also descended from Atlantean survivors. We also know from the C's that Stonehenge was built by spiritual people to receive communications from 6D:
Q: (L) Well, we talked about Stonehenge before, that it was an energy transducer, so to speak. So, was Stonehenge put there because of the location, or did Stonehenge create... (T) Why don't you just ask what it is about Stonehenge? (L) Okay, what is it about Stonehenge?

A: Location attracted those spirit types on the proper frequency, who in turn, placed stones in proper location to receive the coded communications in code telepathically, in order not to have to chase around the countryside reading encoded pictographs.


A: Stonehenge used to resonate with tonal rill, teaching the otherwise unteachable with wisdoms entered psychically through crown chakra transceiving system.

Elsewhere they even described these people as "Wiccans entubed on the information superhighway!"

However, Stonehenge is not the only mysterious Neolithic stone circular structure that was used for divers purposes since the C's also commented on the subterranean Hypogeum found on the Island of Malta:
Q: (L) Okay, next question: Who built the Hypogeum in Malta?

A: Ancient "circle people".

Q: (L) And for what purpose?

A: Rebirth, healing, manifestation. See answers previously given about Chaco Canyon

You will note that the C's referred to the builders of the Hypogeum as "ancient circle people". Would it not be reasonable, therefore, to infer a link between the stone circle builders of Göbekli Tepe, Stonehenge and the Hypogeum, a link that can even be traced down to the more modern builders of Chaco Canyon. If so, is it possible that the underground pits discovered at Stonehenge may have served a similar purpose to the kivas constructed at Chaco Canyon, as places where spiritual communications took place with higher densities? It may even be the case that these pits predated the construction of Stonehenge, being based perhaps on the older circular structures built at Göbekli Tepe. I should add here that other pits, varying in size have also been found by archaeologists all around Stonehenge, the earliest of which date back to 8,000 BC, the date the C's said Stonehenge was built:

"When all these pits date to is uncertain. The team excavated nine of the large pits and found that six of them were made by humans in prehistoric times. They could tell they were made by humans based on the artifacts found within them and the shape of the pits. The oldest excavated pit was around 10,000 years old and contained the remains of stone tools that may have been used for hunting. The finds "suggest it [the pit] was probably dug as a hunting trap for large game such as aurochs [a now-extinct cattle species], red deer and wild boar".

However, the archaeologists do not rule out that some of these pits may have been dug for purely ceremonial purposes.

I would finish here by pointing out that the use of subterranean sites for ceremonies is a tradition that was preserved by many mystery schools such as the adherents of the Greek Eleusinian Mysteries and also by more modern groups such as the Knights Templar and the Hellfire Club. This leads me to wonder about the 19th century Orphic Circle since they took their name from Orpheus who famously descended into the underworld (Hades) to retrieve his dead wife Eurydice. The cult of Orphism was a mystery sect that originated from ancient Greece and followed the practices and writings of the mythical poet Orpheus. Similar in many ways to the Eleusinian mysteries, only those initiated into the cult learned the full truth of the group’s practices and beliefs. It is unclear exactly what occurred during the Orphic initiation rites, but recent archaeological discoveries suggest that an important aspect of them was the revelation of important knowledge to prepare and guide followers in the afterlife (see: Orpheus & the Mystery Cult of Orphism (Myths, Beliefs, Practices)).

No doubt the Orphic Circle chose their name with good reason. However, in my earlier post on Lewis Carroll, who appears to have been a member of the ultra secret Orphic Circle, I mentioned that his fictional work Alice in Wonderland may have been what the C's had in mind when they said:
Q: The other night you said something about what I had found as being one leg of the table. How many legs does the table have?

A: Search for answer. When found in literature, profound meanings enclose compartment.

However, what I neglected to mention was that the C's had spoken of "one leg of the table" in response to Laura's question about the Eleusinian Mysteries, which revolved around the cult of Demeter and Persephone (a story comparable to that of Orpheus and Eurydice):
Q: What was the Eleusian mystery? Is this what we are supposed to be tracking back to? I mean, this is sort of where I have ended up?

A: One leg of the table.

This brings us back to the Orphic Circle again, who may well have had some knowledge of the Eleusinian Mysteries and thus one leg of the table, a three legged table perhaps as depicted by Carroll in the Mad Hatter's Tea-Party?

One line of thought by modern scholars has been that the Eleusinian Mysteries were intended "to elevate man above the human sphere into the divine and to assure his redemption by making him a god and so conferring immortality upon him". Since the Eleusinian Mysteries involved visions and conjuring of an afterlife, some scholars believe that the power and longevity of the Eleusinian Mysteries, a consistent set of rites, ceremonies and experiences that spanned two millennia, came from psychedelic drugs. It would be interesting to know whether the members of the Orphic Circle may have used such psychedelic drugs in their occult practices for this has certainly been a facet of mystery schools from time immemorial, including those of Egypt where the blue lotus flower was used by Egyptian priests for mind altering purposes. In some ways, one can view Alice's adventures in Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass almost as psychedelic trips given the weirdness she encounters in both tales. It makes me wonder, therefore, whether Carroll was familiar with such trips?

For more see: Near Stonehenge, an Even Bigger Neolithic Site Is Hidden Underground



I don’t agree with what was done to the Stonehenge. Still, I’m more appalled by the unhinged responses on this thread than I am by someone spraying cornstarch-based paint that will wash away in the rain.

This is very disturbing. Vandalizing and destroying things that do not belong to you is a sign of mental sickness. And against such historical sites like SH, Im a huge believer in severe physical retribution as deterrent.

With any due respect, you might want to look inward and reflect if you think this warrants “severe physical retribution”. Nothing more disturbing than this line of thinking. I’d be more inclined to believe that the mentally sick is someone who wishes physical pain onto others, rather than someone spraying a rock in an act of misguided and uninformed “activism”. In my honest opinion.
I don’t agree with what was done to the Stonehenge. Still, I’m more appalled by the unhinged responses on this thread than I am by someone spraying cornstarch-based paint that will wash away in the rain.

With any due respect, you might want to look inward and reflect if you think this warrants “severe physical retribution”. Nothing more disturbing than this line of thinking. I’d be more inclined to believe that the mentally sick is someone who wishes physical pain onto others, rather than someone spraying a rock in an act of misguided and uninformed “activism”. In my honest opinion.
What can I say?? I'm mostly peaceful.

To be truly peaceful you must be capable of violence, or you are harmless.

If I was at Stonehenge and I saw these monsters vandalizing the stones, I swear on my children, I would put them into the nearest ICU.
Sometimes it doesn’t seem that the lizards, at the level of the elites (some of them), have achieved their goal - they replaced the human race with obedient programmed slaves
To be fair to the lizards, they did seem to achieve their goal with Stonehenge...

If we are entering times where more current will flow through the planet, Stonehenge could start zapping people more frequently, or do some even more bizzare things, and then people might start asking questions. That would be very inconvenient for the status quo.

However, it's no longer a problem if nobody will get allowed near, right? Nobody near, no need to explain anything! And all in the name of security and protecting against vandalism.
To be fair to the lizards, they did seem to achieve their goal with Stonehenge...

If we are entering times where more current will flow through the planet, Stonehenge could start zapping people more frequently, or do some even more bizzare things, and then people might start asking questions. That would be very inconvenient for the status quo.

However, it's no longer a problem if nobody will get allowed near, right? Nobody near, no need to explain anything! And all in the name of security and protecting against vandalism.
Naturally, they will no longer use only one door
What can I say?? I'm mostly peaceful.

To be truly peaceful you must be capable of violence, or you are harmless.

If I was at Stonehenge and I saw these monsters vandalizing the stones, I swear on my children, I would put them into the nearest ICU.

You would likely go to jail, depriving your kids of a father. And for what? Sounds pretty silly to me.

Better to call the authorities and let them deal with it. Vigilante justice has its place, but thats mostly in self defense IMO. Reacting in the way you suggest is lower emotionality on overdrive.

Theres also no evidence that violence is actually a deterrent. Knowing the activist types, they secretly love being oppressed, or targeted in some way, because it justifies their worldview, gives them attention, and they think it will draw more people to their cause. So you'd likely be playing into their agenda while ruining your life.

Even prison isn’t a deterrent for many criminally minded, as the rates of recidivism are high. Thats the thing - people are programmed. You cant beat it out of them. I suggest reading Samenow’s books as mentioned on the forum. Better to heed him and his research, as well as Castaneda - just observe when people are going nuts, observe the petty tyrants of life, and don’t allow them to get to you. Stay in your centre and self-remember.
You would likely go to jail, depriving your kids of a father. And for what? Sounds pretty silly to me.

Better to call the authorities and let them deal with it. Vigilante justice has its place, but thats mostly in self defense IMO. Reacting in the way you suggest is lower emotionality on overdrive.

Theres also no evidence that violence is actually a deterrent. Knowing the activist types, they secretly love being oppressed, or targeted in some way, because it justifies their worldview, gives them attention, and they think it will draw more people to their cause. So you'd likely be playing into their agenda while ruining your life.

Even prison isn’t a deterrent for many criminally minded, as the rates of recidivism are high. Thats the thing - people are programmed. You cant beat it out of them. I suggest reading Samenow’s books as mentioned on the forum. Better to heed him and his research, as well as Castaneda - just observe when people are going nuts, observe the petty tyrants of life, and don’t allow them to get to you. Stay in your centre and self-remember.
Theres nothing you wrote that I disagree with. And my chances of visiting Stonehenge in my lifetime are practically zero, I really don't have to contemplate this very deeply.

SH is a very special place to me, and many others...there are times to call the police and there are times to act...for me personally, I would act. I don't expect everyone/anyone to agree with me.
And here are the prize idiots who attacked Stonehenge:

Rajan Naidu and Niamh Lynch were arrested on suspicion of damaging the monument
Mr Naidu (72) is a Quaker from Birmingham and Miss Lynch (21) is a student from Oxford. She justified her actions by saying the continued burning of fossil fuels was leading to 'death and suffering'. 'It's time for us to think about what our civilisation will leave behind - what is our legacy?' she said. 'Standing inert for generations works well for stones - not climate policy.'

Their actions have drawn criticism from across the spectrum, including even J.K Rowling, the Harry Potter authoress. The attackers were arrested and will be prosecuted. It will be interesting to see though what kind of penalty they are given. Will they just get a fine or will they be given jail time to act as a deterrence?

Apparently, the orange paint will wash off in the rain but there are concerns it may have affected the rare lichen that grows on the stones, which helps to preserve them. The attack did not stop 15,000 people turning up to see in the summer solstice though:


Stonehenge summer solstice

Witches, druids, pagans and revellers all faced the horizon, waiting patiently for their first glimpse of the sun, cheering as the first rays appeared above a line of trees silhouetted on the horizon and the Heel Stone at the prehistoric site near Amesbury, Wiltshire.

As to the reaction to the attack, Simon Banton, 59, an astronomer from the Avon Valley, said Just Stop Oil couldn’t have picked a worse target. He added: “The entire constituency of people here probably strongly identify with Just Stop Oil’s environmental message, so why on earth they targeted this monument is entirely baffling to me.” Mr Banton, who described himself as a “semi-detached druid”, added: “There are so many valid targets. This monument is a testament to the power of people working together. Whoever is doing Just Stop Oil’s campaign organisation needs to take a long hard look at themselves.

MJF: What the heck is a "semi-detached druid"?

One Just Stop Oil supporter, Ben Larsen, when interviewed on Sky News said the protest had just resulted in a ‘a bit of orange dust on a rock’. When Presenter Matt Barbet asked him: 'Why these tactics in particular, which for the most part amount to criminal damage?’, he replied:

"Well you can call them criminal damage if you like, it's a bit of orange dust on a rock that's weathered 5,000 years of British weather.​
'It's a beautiful ancient monument but this is orange dust. It's orange dust on stone. All that we need to do is wait for it to rain and all this will be washed off. And these have been the 18 wettest months on record. So we're not going to have to wait very long even. It's unwise to get hung up on tactics."

I would draw your attention to what Larsen said about the British weather here. Britain has a temperate wet climate but the level of rainfall has been quite extraordinary. It reminds me of what the C's once said long ago about global warming:

Q: Well, how could that be? What caused these glaciers?

A: Global warming.

Q: How does global warming cause glaciers?

A: Increases precipitation dramatically. Then moves the belt of great precipitation much farther north. This causes rapid build-up of ice sheets, followed by increasingly rapid and intense glacial rebound.

If the C's are right, it makes a mockery of the aims of the 'Just Stop Oil' campaign.​

For more see: Stonehenge expert fears for rare lichen after Just Stop Oil attack
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