Dagobah Resident
Thanks for the session, as it was said many times before it was sobering. It is a relief finally and uncertainty for the future. Relief because this state of affairs will finally end and some justice will be served, this last few years it was a torture job wise and family wise in a way, (and if it would take long time would take justice in my hands because there is pent up anger because everything normal was destroyed and everything is disfunctional) but still hope universe has mercy on a family and people of good will to not suffer much, but it does not work like that becuse it will only increase and many will break because here life made them to be already on a brink.
When it comes to prepping most of people where I live are already surviving and have hard time putting something on side and production is non functioning import based so it will be not a pretty sight. At least all the debt will become null when the system comes crashing so it is a good time to push it how far you can. I managed to collect supplies for a month or maybe more but still think I am not going to make it into other side in the end, without family alive do not see much purpose left. Not even sure how long would stay on this job with vaccine push and do not want to either with encroaching totalitarianism, and there are no many jobs left. Making plans of selling car to be able to return and pay of some debt and make me afloat some time until finding delivery jobs. If it comes to long unemployment and starvation financial robbery would be last option for survival and to show middle finger to the system stomping and feel some satisfaction. Hope things get going before any of this has time to manifest. Best to spend left time doing things you did not have time to or in small things with family, friends, nature and make amends with them. Wish everyone the best and all the luck in upcoming times.
When it comes to prepping most of people where I live are already surviving and have hard time putting something on side and production is non functioning import based so it will be not a pretty sight. At least all the debt will become null when the system comes crashing so it is a good time to push it how far you can. I managed to collect supplies for a month or maybe more but still think I am not going to make it into other side in the end, without family alive do not see much purpose left. Not even sure how long would stay on this job with vaccine push and do not want to either with encroaching totalitarianism, and there are no many jobs left. Making plans of selling car to be able to return and pay of some debt and make me afloat some time until finding delivery jobs. If it comes to long unemployment and starvation financial robbery would be last option for survival and to show middle finger to the system stomping and feel some satisfaction. Hope things get going before any of this has time to manifest. Best to spend left time doing things you did not have time to or in small things with family, friends, nature and make amends with them. Wish everyone the best and all the luck in upcoming times.