Session 18 September 2021

Thanks for the session, as it was said many times before it was sobering. It is a relief finally and uncertainty for the future. Relief because this state of affairs will finally end and some justice will be served, this last few years it was a torture job wise and family wise in a way, (and if it would take long time would take justice in my hands because there is pent up anger because everything normal was destroyed and everything is disfunctional) but still hope universe has mercy on a family and people of good will to not suffer much, but it does not work like that becuse it will only increase and many will break because here life made them to be already on a brink.

When it comes to prepping most of people where I live are already surviving and have hard time putting something on side and production is non functioning import based so it will be not a pretty sight. At least all the debt will become null when the system comes crashing so it is a good time to push it how far you can. I managed to collect supplies for a month or maybe more but still think I am not going to make it into other side in the end, without family alive do not see much purpose left. Not even sure how long would stay on this job with vaccine push and do not want to either with encroaching totalitarianism, and there are no many jobs left. Making plans of selling car to be able to return and pay of some debt and make me afloat some time until finding delivery jobs. If it comes to long unemployment and starvation financial robbery would be last option for survival and to show middle finger to the system stomping and feel some satisfaction. Hope things get going before any of this has time to manifest. Best to spend left time doing things you did not have time to or in small things with family, friends, nature and make amends with them. Wish everyone the best and all the luck in upcoming times.
For me, it’s not about upsets: it’s about lessons, and the value of the lessons.

The parallel is what is happening today in the school system: it was once a valuable mechanism to socialize and equip kids with the intellectual tools necessary to survive/thrive in this world. Over time it has shifted to become a sick and twisted indoctrination exercise intended not only to achieve the STS power goals of TPTB, but also to unnecessarily corrupt and systematically destroy any innocence thee kids naturally have.

It is the unnecessary overlay of the twisted destruction of innocence I cannot stomach.

I get that all there is is lessons. I also understand the difference between STS and STO. I also know the difference between STS and evil.

A shark eating a small kid playing in the sea is STS. It is not evil. There is no malice.

However, coming back to the school analogy, in every school there is the odd kid that wants to pull the legs off spiders.

This is not just STS. Needlessly taking delight in causing the suffering of irrelevant creatures is not just STS - it IS evil.

My problem is that I believe that the kid who pulled the legs off spiders has grown up to become the teacher in our school. I don’t see any value in lessons from such a teacher.
If you allow me, I'd like to say something about your analogy with the STS/evil kids becoming a teacher...

I see 2 things in that situation:

1/ This kid might have been changed and if not, the man he became could change one day. We all learn at any time, and changes remain possible until our death. Moreover, it's sometimes difficult and simply a personal point of view aka personal judgment to qualify someone as "evil"... Most of the time, things are more complicated and one needs to look from a distance to start to try to see and understand the full picture.

2/ Anyway, our several social interactions make us learn and teach lessons from/to others.
I think that we have many things to learn from many situations and many people, whatever is their orientation or general attitude. By the way, this is exactly what you said when you wrote, "I get that all there is is lessons".
You could learn something from this teacher, maybe material about a specific domain (Math, Economics, etc.) or directly learn how to identify and deal with a psychopath, for example. If you have read Carlos Castaneda, you might remember the petty tyrant's experience and the lessons learned.

Of course, I think that I understand what you mean by saying, "I don’t see any value in lessons from such a teacher" since one would prefer to be taught by an SDA person, at least not someone that we could qualify as an "evil" person.

But, we live in such a reality that psychopaths, twisted, bad and nice people live side by side making our world a vast playground where everyone is learning from any situation and anyone. And who is competent to qualify another one and judge what he can teach anyway ?

Then, I'd like to go further and say that, in a sense, the era we live in is a like chance for us since we are lucky to witness and live ourselves the end of a cycle and the awakening of souls. We might want to see this crisis as a consciousness accelerator.
You could see this reality as a failed attempt to rule souls and do stuff against the nature of things, rather than simply a failed experiment.
And finally, if you think that you got some points pretty well, you might want to help others to open their eyes and get ready for what's coming next. Knowledge is better when shared and used.

Of course, I know that these times are also hard to live in, and for some it can be a real nightmare... But let's try to see things differently while we stay calm, focus and positive like our favorite crew has shown us during this session !

May the force be with us
My sister who lives in the US has told me that the Federal Reserve has stopped printing money. If true, it could be an indication that the PTB plan to crash the US stock market in mid-October and start a programmed takedown of the world's economy in order to usher in the WEF's global economic reset.
Although the Federal Reserve are playing it down at the moment, they seem to be pushing ahead with plans for a US Dollar crytpocurrency Fed to release paper on central bank digital currency soon, Powell says.

In the future, a digital currency — with unique serial numbers like the dollar — could replace paper and coins. ... If you then link a digital only currency with a social credit score (as they presently do in China), you can punish those who do not obey the state (i.e., the PTB) by making it difficult for such persons to get credit for loans/mortgages. For example, refusing to be vaccinated could seriously damage your credit rating. In China, which operates such a social credit scoring system already, even being connected to people with low scores is enough to depress your score, which then encourages people to defriend those who are dragging their score down. Talk about using peer pressure to control the masses.

Ultimately, these plans could be overtaken by a one world cryptocurrency controlled by the Illuminati bankers.
The parable tells of the situations where the seed / knowledge is unsuccessful

1- When the message is not understood.
2- When you do not have the bases to understand the message.
3- When you have the foundations but there are more important things and concerns in your life.

This explains a lot why people prefer to walk away. In fact I have found religion to be an obstacle to knowledge and it is part of the third reason.

Are you saying tht C's,Laura and her team are like the sower? and the seed represent the knowledge given from them? and we the memeber of the forum are like the fertile land?

There is a relationship between the myth of Cthulhu and the Enochian apocalypticism from which they say Lovecraft was inspired and is COSMIC TERROR.

In this session the Cs said about the book of Enoch

Session 16 October 1994

Q: (L) What is the origin of the Enoch books?

A: Sanskrit society in the area that is now known as India.

Q: (L) What evaluation can we give to the Enoch books in terms of the level of truth?

A: 50% of the area was destroyed by a nuclear conflagration in the middle.

So, we suspect "nuclear conflagration" means Cometary bombardment. 😢

Later from Laura's studies of the Book of Enoch we learned that:

: (L) I want to ask something about my reading. I've been reading a lot about the First Book of Enoch and the stories of the Watchers and various other interesting things about a form of Judaism - if you can call it that - that appears to have been... well, it appears to be quite a bit different than what we know as Judaism today. So, whether or not it was the original Judaism or what the deal was, I don't know. In any event, reading the book of the Watchers reminds a great deal of... and of course they talk about it in terms of fallen angels, and giants that came from unions from fallen angels and human women... but certain theological terms or expressions of how things work, how evil entered the world, and so forth, it actually seems a lot like some of the things we have received through this communication. Is that a generally correct assessment?

A: Yes, but with much glossing.

Q: (L) Well, all the ideas of hyperdimensional realities and the ideas about evil and STS and STO and all that sort of thing... but the character Enoch himself seems to be based on a Babylonian character. The fallen angels are presented with some kind of cometary imagery. Is that correct?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So these were stories that incorporated or combined or conflated times of cometary destruction with hyperdimensional understanding?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And the giants seemed to be a variation on the Greek mythology of the Titans. Is that correct?

A: Yes

Is Cthulhu, like a Kraken or a Titan, a Celestial or natural event that causes terror? Some "Lovecraft readers" say that his "Great Ancients" and "Elder Gods" are reminiscent of the evil angels of the Book of Enoch and extraterrestrials.

Volcano eruption

Earthquake and Tsunami

Lovecraft mentions in his study on "Supernatural Horror in Literature":

Being such a literary form so intimately related to primitive emotions, the horror event is as old as human thought and speech.

Cosmic horror figures prominently in the ancient folklore of all races and crystallized in ballads, chronicles, and sacred writings. It was undoubtedly a primordial feature of magical rituals, with their invocations of demons and specters, which reached their greatest development in Egypt and among the Semitic peoples. Fragments such as the Book of Enoch and the Claviculae of Solomon clearly illustrate the power of supernatural elements in the minds of the ancient East, and upon these ideas were based traditions whose echoes have extended to the present day. These transcendental fears are also reflected in the classical literature of the West, and were even more accentuated in the tradition of legendary ballads parallel to the classical current, but which disappeared for lack of written testimonies. The Middle Ages, plunged in fantastic darkness, gave a great impulse to the transcendental representations, and both in the East and in the West an attempt was made to preserve and extend the dark legacy drawn from folklore as well as from magic and Kabbalistic texts, which had arrived up to them. Witches, werewolves, vampires and other terrifying creatures were on the lips of old women and also popular poets, and the step that remained to be taken was very short to overcome the limits that separated oral stories from composition literary. In the East, supernatural tales tended to a nuanced virtuosity that almost transmuted them into the purest fantasy. In contrast, in the West, among the Teutonic mystics who had come from their gloomy boreal forests and the Celts with their strange Druidic rituals, supernatural legends assumed an ominous intensity and were surrounded by an atmosphere of convincing gravity that doubled the potency of horrors. half explained and barely hinted at.

Geoffrey Daniels wrote an essay on Lovecraft's mythology and he tells us that the modern world has traded the Titans and Angels for UFOs and aliens and for those phenomena for which ordinary people have no explanation

Daniels quotes a phrase from Jaques Vallee

UFOs have been seen throughout history and have always received (or provided) their own explanation within the framework of each culture.

But they not always were UFOs but comets.

In this sense it is very possible that we will observe in the very near future the behavior of people when they see "Cthulhu" in the skies ... and if it is not a Lovecraftian monster it will be what the television says, it may be the second coming of Jesus Christ if they want.

There is a danger that Valle mentions in all of this.
We are dealing here with the next form of religion, with a new spiritual movement.
At the end of ancient times, people were fed up with science. The Greeks knew that the Earth was a globe. They knew how big it was and how far it was from the Sun, and they knew the diameter of the Moon. They could calculate the dates. of future eclipses. They even understood the atomic structure of matter. But they couldn't tell people what the human race was doing here and where it would go next. So their science was swept away and forgotten. The same thing will happen with our science? "

"The group of people who first manages to harness the fear of cosmic forces and the emotions surrounding UFO contact for a political purpose will be able to exert incredible spiritual blackmail."

Thank you very much for this new session that comes in the right time for many people. As Laura said, it was a good time to do it.
I see unsurprising stuff for those who follow the material around here, but also hope for some of us and their families. Surely, we live a strange time, but also another end of a cycle well documented for many centuries...

More than ever, the most important is definitely not "what we do and where we are" but "who we are and what we SEE"...
I agree with your sentiments. Where the C's have spoken about seeing reality for what it is, rather than what you would like it to be or the false reality and illusion the PTB and matrix serves up, may take on a deeper meaning for us as things start to really progress. I have been researching the expression 'seer' for another thread and note the C's have used the term 'seer' on occasions, e.g., they spoke of Baphomet as a 'seer of the passage'. The ancient Egyptians also used the term as in the 'Pharaoh's seer' (one of Ramesses II's sons bore the official title). This might suggest someone with clairvoyant powers (like someone who can read the runes or signs and omens) or someone who like Joseph or Daniel in the Bible could interpret the Pharoah's or king's dreams. However, for us I think a seer may be someone who can see true reality, both internally and externally, for what it is and in time may come to perceive higher realities as well.

There is a relationship between the myth of Cthulhu and the Enochian apocalypticism from which they say Lovecraft was inspired and is COSMIC TERROR.

In this session the Cs said about the book of Enoch

So, we suspect "nuclear conflagration" means Cometary bombardment. 😢

Later from Laura's studies of the Book of Enoch we learned that:

Is Cthulhu, like a Kraken or a Titan, a Celestial or natural event that causes terror? Some "Lovecraft readers" say that his "Great Ancients" and "Elder Gods" are reminiscent of the evil angels of the Book of Enoch and extraterrestrials.

Volcano eruption

Earthquake and Tsunami

Lovecraft mentions in his study on "Supernatural Horror in Literature":

Geoffrey Daniels wrote an essay on Lovecraft's mythology and he tells us that the modern world has traded the Titans and Angels for UFOs and aliens and for those phenomena for which ordinary people have no explanation

Daniels quotes a phrase from Jaques Vallee

But they not always were UFOs but comets.

In this sense it is very possible that we will observe in the very near future the behavior of people when they see "Cthulhu" in the skies ... and if it is not a Lovecraftian monster it will be what the television says, it may be the second coming of Jesus Christ if they want.

There is a danger that Valle mentions in all of this.

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Q: (L) What evaluation can we give to the Enoch books in terms of the level of truth?

A: 50% of the area was destroyed by a nuclear conflagration in the middle.

So, we suspect "nuclear conflagration" means Cometary bombardment.

I wouldn't necessarily presume that since Mohenjo-daro, an archaeological site in the province of Sind, Pakistan and one of the largest settlements of the ancient Indus Valley Civilisation, seems to have been destroyed by a nuclear explosion. To this day geiger counters still give high than normal radiation readings. Unless I am mistaken, that doesn't seem compatible with a cometary bombardment. Moreover, the Mahābhārata and the Rāmāyaṇa, the two major Sanskrit epics of ancient India, both contain accounts of battles using fantastic weaponry and of huge, bright explosions reminiscent of nuclear blasts. Some of the ancient Mesopotamian epics tell of similar occurences too. However, I agree with Laura's assessment that there is clearly a link between Enoch's account of the Nephilim and the later Greek tales of the Titans. It is curious that the Watchers, or fallen angels, are associated with Mt. Hermon in Lebanon, which is not a million miles from Baalbek. The remnant of the Nephilim were still present in that general area as late as Biblical times.
(Joe) What percentage of the global population can see this more or less for what it is: something evil or wrong?

A: 12 percent.

Regarding the above. This was the headline in our regional paper today: 87% fully vaccinated. That leaves 13% hold outs, most of whom, at this point, are unlikely to give in. So 10-12% are what we are dealing with. Note, not 10-12% unvaccinated. That is not so important. What is important is the apparent Will and ability to See among those 10-12%.


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Regarding the above. This was the headline in our regional paper today: 87% fully vaccinated. That leaves 13% hold outs, most of whom, at this point, are unlikely to give in. So 10-12% are what we are dealing with. Note, not 10-12% unvaccinated. That is not so important. What is important is the apparent Will and ability to See among those 10-12%.
Jacinda Ardern has stated she is targeting a 90% vaccination rate for NZ.
Cool, I happily part of the 10%.
A very belated thank you for a wonderful session, sobering but with humour attached.
Confirmation of the placing of the added years which were inserted into our timeline was another mystery clarified.

Gloria in excelsis Deo was a Hymn I sang many times in church as a child.
With respect to the parable of the sower I hope a small seed has germinated in me and that I can myself become a seed as time goes on and that I won't make any or too many rash or foolish decisions due to wrong thinking as we progress.

As time moves on and my family remain totally unaware of what's going on "out there". the feeling of wanting to say something grows daily. This is certainly a very hard lesson for me at the moment to respect their free will and outlook but I do, at least, see it as a lesson so that's something.

As I was going through everyone's comments I spotted this excerpt from Laura and thought I was very pertinent.

We have explored, to some extent, the idea that the psychological make-up of an individual can be the real reason they do something or behave a certain way. But beyond that, what we were in the process of learning from the Cassiopaeans was that this so-called psychological dynamic was merely the tool with which battles between forces are fought in hyperdimensional realities. The significance of this point cannot be overemphasized, because until the individual fully grasps the idea that their very thoughts, emotions, and perceptions can be augmented by external forces – which can include brain chemical alteration – and how drastically this can change their perceptions, they have no possibility of developing the ability to truly act with free will.
- The Wave Vol. 5 by Laura Knight Jadczyk
Regarding the above. This was the headline in our regional paper today: 87% fully vaccinated. That leaves 13% hold outs, most of whom, at this point, are unlikely to give in. So 10-12% are what we are dealing with. Note, not 10-12% unvaccinated. That is not so important. What is important is the apparent Will and ability to See among those 10-12%.
Joe, how reliable is that 87% figure coming from a regional newspaper? Does that mean 87% of the total population or just adults? If it is accurate, I am very surprised given the strong feelings that have been expressed by so many in recent demonstrations all over France. I would believe that high figure if it was the British, who are far more apathetic than the French and far more trusting of authority.
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