Jedi Master
There is a relationship between the myth of Cthulhu and the Enochian apocalypticism from which they say Lovecraft was inspired and is COSMIC TERROR.
In this session the Cs said about the book of Enoch
Session 16 October 1994
Q: (L) What is the origin of the Enoch books?
A: Sanskrit society in the area that is now known as India.
Q: (L) What evaluation can we give to the Enoch books in terms of the level of truth?
A: 50% of the area was destroyed by a nuclear conflagration in the middle.
So, we suspect "nuclear conflagration" means Cometary bombardment.
It probably refers to the nuclear war between Paranthas and Kantekkians. One of the 3 cataclysms of Atlantis.
Session 31 May 1997
Q: You also said once that there was a nuclear war in India and that this was what was being discussed in the Vedas when it talks about the 'blue-skinned' people who weren't really blue because they were Celts, and they were flying in aircraft, and they were engaged in this war, etc. Who were the Celts at war with?
A: The Paranthas.
Q: Now, wait a minute! Who are the Paranthas?! Do we have a new player here?
A: Not new.
Q: Do we know them by another name?
A: Choose.
Q: The Atlanteans? Were the Celts of India at war with the Atlanteans in the Atlantic?
A: Atlantis was merely a home base of an advanced civilisation of 3 races of humans occupying different sections of a huge Island empire, which, in itself, underwent 3 incarnations over a 100,000 year period as you would measure it.
Q: The 3 races were the Celts... and who were the second and third?
A: Or Kantekkians.
Q: Are the Kantekkians different from the Celts?
A: Only in the sense of long term racial and genetic blending.
Q: So, Atlantis had the Kantekkians and who else?
A: Race you would call "Native Americans," and a third, no longer existing race, somewhat resembling Australian or Guinean aborigines, only lighter in complexion.
Q: Was this third group destroyed by the other two?
A: One of the 3 cataclysms.
Q: Paranthas. Who were the Paranthas?
A: Nation of race mentioned above.
Q: So, the Paranthas were the antecedents of the Abos of Australia?
A: Yes, and compare to now existing peoples of India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Australia, and New Guinea for similarities, bearing in mind genetic mixing and dilution.
Q: Were the Vedas written by the Paranthas or written by the Celts?
A: Descendants of Parantha, as per "Divine guidance."