Thank you Laura , Andromeda and the chateau crew for this session and for all the sessions I have read and learned from.
I never met Pierre but I am very happy he is happy. And thank you for getting in contact with him.
It confirms something I lived, that I ' d like to share:
When my mom died, some 30 years ago, she contacted me in a dream about 4 months after her passing.
The dream was very vivid and very precise.
She told me many things, some of which I could not remember when I woke up , but what I do remember because she repeated it very clearly is:
'Do not be afraid, never be afraid' ' n'ai pas peur, n'ai jamais peur'.
And she added that she will not be able to contact me again because she was going further away and it took too much from her to contact me.
I just took it as she said it, she was going too far to reach me. I remember thinking that it felt as if she had things to do wherever she was going.
This 'dream felt very real to me.