Session 2 May 2015

The worst thing is that I do not have a supportive partner. This is tearing me apart. I have tried to find a girlfriend many times in my life and all in vain. Being empathetic does not pay off. Money or social position mean nothing. It is only a warm relationship that counts. I miss very much going out with a girl to have a talk. It seems that during such a conversation there occurs an energy exchange at the esoteric level, which gives the two people an enormous motivation to overcome difficulties.

MariuszJ said:
The worst thing is that I do not have a supportive partner. This is tearing me apart. I have tried to find a girlfriend many times in my life and all in vain. Being empathetic does not pay off. Money or social position mean nothing. It is only a warm relationship that counts. I miss very much going out with a girl to have a talk. It seems that during such a conversation there occurs an energy exchange at the esoteric level, which gives the two people an enormous motivation to overcome difficulties.


Does it have to be a "partner"? What about just friends?
Laura said:
MariuszJ said:
The worst thing is that I do not have a supportive partner. This is tearing me apart. I have tried to find a girlfriend many times in my life and all in vain. Being empathetic does not pay off. Money or social position mean nothing. It is only a warm relationship that counts. I miss very much going out with a girl to have a talk. It seems that during such a conversation there occurs an energy exchange at the esoteric level, which gives the two people an enormous motivation to overcome difficulties.


Does it have to be a "partner"? What about just friends?
Well, I think all people need three things to live a satisfactory life.
1) a close bond with a partner
2) belonging to a close-knit group, cooperation with other people
3) having a purpose in your life, a hobby
As for 1) I mean a platonic love, which is a much more satisfactory friendship than a usual friendship. I am going to miss that very much when I leave the Earth. When I talked to a girl that I was in love with, I felt so good as if I had sex with her, but not the earthly sex, a sort of a higher dimension sex. I felt warmth, peace, joy, and being one soul with her. Those feelings are difficult to describe in words.
MariuszJ said:
Laura said:
MariuszJ said:
The worst thing is that I do not have a supportive partner. This is tearing me apart. I have tried to find a girlfriend many times in my life and all in vain. Being empathetic does not pay off. Money or social position mean nothing. It is only a warm relationship that counts. I miss very much going out with a girl to have a talk. It seems that during such a conversation there occurs an energy exchange at the esoteric level, which gives the two people an enormous motivation to overcome difficulties.


Does it have to be a "partner"? What about just friends?
Well, I think all people need three things to live a satisfactory life.
1) a close bond with a partner
2) belonging to a close-knit group, cooperation with other people
3) having a purpose in your life, a hobby
As for 1) I mean a platonic love, which is a much more satisfactory friendship than a usual friendship. I am going to miss that very much when I leave the Earth. When I talked to a girl that I was in love with, I felt so good as if I had sex with her, but not the earthly sex, a sort of a higher dimension sex. I felt warmth, peace, joy, and being one soul with her. Those feelings are difficult to describe in words.

Not all people need those things, well in my case, I want to have -in the process/struggle at the present, though-- a satisfactory life without the needy part and, if I leave earth whenever it would be the case, I really wish/hope to not miss anything at all, other wise it comes to my mind, I wont be able to leave at all, staying behind as a ghost.
MariuszJ said:
The worst thing is that I do not have a supportive partner. This is tearing me apart. I have tried to find a girlfriend many times in my life and all in vain. Being empathetic does not pay off. Money or social position mean nothing. It is only a warm relationship that counts. I miss very much going out with a girl to have a talk. It seems that during such a conversation there occurs an energy exchange at the esoteric level, which gives the two people an enormous motivation to overcome difficulties.


I have had many partners in my life and I always ended feeling like an oppression, a bad and painful sensation in my stomach. This made me eventually even to refuse physical contact. When I met them, these girls were not spiritually oriented. So after the last one I made a decission: "I will never have a non-spiritual partner again".

Not much time after that I met my actual partner and she is spiritual. And that bad sensation in my stomach has not appeared again.

So... have you thought if your lesson related to this is that you must decide to not get involved in any relation until you not share common aspirations?

I think that was my case, don't know if it is yours too...
Laura said:
MariuszJ said:
The worst thing is that I do not have a supportive partner. This is tearing me apart. I have tried to find a girlfriend many times in my life and all in vain. Being empathetic does not pay off. Money or social position mean nothing. It is only a warm relationship that counts. I miss very much going out with a girl to have a talk. It seems that during such a conversation there occurs an energy exchange at the esoteric level, which gives the two people an enormous motivation to overcome difficulties.


Does it have to be a "partner"? What about just friends?

For me, that I don't have many friends and one of the reason is that I am always moving from place to place, my best friends are "spiritual", I mean they are books. This is possible. And they are good company. In fact, I am never alone because I am surrender by books, always. And the most important thing is that these friends make me accept my solitude and be well with myself.

Lately I see that I love to re-read the Wave. In these books many, many answers are there about what we are talking here, and the experience of Laura, her sense of humor, her capacity to see things as they are but also about a sense of "adventure" and challenge, is of great help. She is for me a "spiritual" friend. How can I be depress with a friend like her? And I don't say this to flatter.

Friendship is something vital, one of the most beautiful thing in this life. Maybe the most important. But as I say, your friends can be spiritual.

And we have the friendship here, in this space. It is real.
On the partnership thing, I have to say, if it wasn't for my 'wife' (we are not really married, nor intend to be, but we live together pretty fine) I wouldn't know where I would be emotionally/spiritually/mentally. She is the best thing that ever happened to my life, so I understand this feeling of being connected to someone in a way that you cannot describe in words. She is literally the light of my life, and in my experience you can't find this in just 'friends', because a partner like that is a mix of a friend/lover/supporter all in one. And it's not about being needy, I've never even had a girlfriend for too long, it always made me feel bored eventually, it's about the sharing, the giving, and the getting it back naturally, without having requested it.

I've lost a best friend last year, one of my greatest disappointments, and one I never thought it would happen, and I found that friendship is much more volatile than a relationship. Even in natural events, like moving. If you have a wife/husband, you won't move without him/her, but you will leave friends if you have to.

Maybe all we need is love, however it is that you find it. Be it in a community, with real friends, or in two, with a partner. I miss having friends, no doubt, but I wouldn't exchange my sweet babe in a small apartment for a million friends in a beautiful green farm.

In fact, there is nothing in this world I would rather have more, then what I have now with her.
Red Star said:
MariuszJ said:
The worst thing is that I do not have a supportive partner. This is tearing me apart. I have tried to find a girlfriend many times in my life and all in vain. Being empathetic does not pay off. Money or social position mean nothing. It is only a warm relationship that counts. I miss very much going out with a girl to have a talk. It seems that during such a conversation there occurs an energy exchange at the esoteric level, which gives the two people an enormous motivation to overcome difficulties.


I have had many partners in my life and I always ended feeling like an oppression, a bad and painful sensation in my stomach. This made me eventually even to refuse physical contact. When I met them, these girls were not spiritually oriented. So after the last one I made a decission: "I will never have a non-spiritual partner again".

Not much time after that I met my actual partner and she is spiritual. And that bad sensation in my stomach has not appeared again.

So... have you thought if your lesson related to this is that you must decide to not get involved in any relation until you not share common aspirations?

I think that was my case, don't know if it is yours too...
You are quite right as to the need to have a soul-mate partner but this is difficult to achieve since we do not communicate telepathically and can't feel the partner from distance. There are so few spiritually advanced people. You are not likely to come across them especially those ready to go out with you to have a chat.
Mariusz, have you looked back at why the relationship ended?

Originally, when my last long term relationship ended, I was so sure that it was mostly her issues. Despite that, having time to look back and later on chat with her, I was able to learn that there were some issues that I had. At first, I was angry at her for not telling me these issues or giving me a heads up as we had an understanding to be open. She swore that it wasn't something that she was able to communicate at first and after reading some of Gabor Mate's books, I was better able to understand her issues to communicate and show her that it is ok to share negative emotions.

The key comes from what the C's say: It takes two to tango.

So, maybe some of your depression is coming from not yet processing your past relationship??
Merci beaucoup à Laura et son équipe pour ce message, toujours si intéressant...
Y-a-t-il des messages pour la France... D'après "La Grande révélation" de Jacques Dorval, c'est la France qui sauvera le monde, qu'en est-il d'après les Cassiopéens...

Thank you very much to Laura and her team for this message, always so interesting ...
Y-he has messages for France ... According to 'La Grande revelation' of Jacques Dorval, it is France that will save the world, what about after the C's .. .
PERLOU said:
Merci beaucoup à Laura et son équipe pour ce message, toujours si intéressant...
Y-a-t-il des messages pour la France... D'après "La Grande révélation" de Jacques Dorval, c'est la France qui sauvera le monde, qu'en est-il d'après les Cassiopéens...

Thank you very much to Laura and her team for this message, always so interesting ...
Y-he has messages for France ... According to 'La Grande revelation' of Jacques Dorval, it is France that will save the world, what about after the C's .. .

Well, whoever Jacques Dorval is, I think he's way wrong. France is a mess, no doubt about it.

Cayce said that Russia would save the world and Rudolf Steiner said something similar, that it was the Slavs.
André De Carvalho said:
Sorry for the double post!

Really, I'm not a double poster, but I just found this video out, like in this very moment, and it correlates so much with what I was trying to say in my last post that I am shocked by the coincidence, and I just have to post it here.

Seriously, it's partly what I was trying to say, and very inspirational.

Sorry again, I hope you enjoy it.

As I tried watching your video link, I was only able to see the last minute from a total of 7 minutes, which made relatively few sense from what you were implying in your post. Then I restarted the video because I thought maybe I had missed something and this time it started from the very beginning. I´ve linked it here again, just in case others overlooked this issue like I did.

Thank you André de Carvalho, this bicycle experiment really illustrates the fact that we are not so smart as we think and a good example of how hard it can be to rewire our brain on the most silly thing. Like the guy says at the end of the video grosso modo "I learned that knowledge doesn´t equal understanding and truth is truth, no matter what I think about it."
For whatever reason the video link won´t start from the beginning. Maybe someone knows better how to fix it? From my opinion I think it´s worth. Thank you!
MariuszJ said:
Being empathetic does not pay off.
I'm, not sure exactly what you mean here, but as I understand it, there really is no 'payoff' for our being empathic to others. It is simply who we are, if we actually have empathy for others.

Money or social position mean nothing. It is only a warm relationship that counts. I miss very much going out with a girl to have a talk. It seems that during such a conversation there occurs an energy exchange at the esoteric level, which gives the two people an enormous motivation to overcome difficulties.

Maybe what you experience in this way is a connecting of Chakras. What is interesting is that you, and all others here, may be able to connect our Chakras right on this Forum by means of our networking with each other in the proper manner.

It seems to me that this 'connection' is what you mainly feel you are missing. Perhaps it really doesn't have to be specifically with a 'girlfriend', but with other compatible souls?
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