Session 20 August 2011

Possibility of Being said:
Lukas said:
Laura said:
Session Date: August 20th 2011
Q: (L) So how do we get rid of the ghost?

A: Change the energy.

Q: (L) How do you change the energy?

A: Move the dressing table.

Q: [Laughter] (L) Why?!

A: Mirror faces window.

I have question about mirror and table then
to get rid of the spirit need to set the mirror so that the mirror reflected in the window? I do not know if I understand ?

No, Lukas, just the contrary. The mirror placed across the window causes the problem as it reflects light energy. To get rid of the ghost the mirror needs to be moved.

interestingly my grandmother recently died in a room in which she lived is set to mirror in the door facing the window. parents propose to switch over this piece of furniture.

thank you for the explanation
I was just wondering last night when you guys were gonna do a new session and if you were gonna ask about our members with their spirit board. But on top of that you've included quite a lot more questions in this session. Lots of things to think about.

As always many thanks for sharing the session and expending energy for us all. :flowers:
happyliza said:
Thank you for such an informative session as usual everyone. Was my son Michael's birthday on 20th - He died in 2004. Had schizophrenia and psychosis at the time. As have others in my family. So very appropriate especially the verification of diet. I will definitly get some chickens when I get a bigger garden!

Hmm, chickens aren't the best, as we've discovered. Birds make some people sick, and they are usually too lean, so you get more protein that fat, which isn't ideal. Better get some pigs! You can read more about this on the Life Without Bread thread.
osher said:
Now i'm thinking it may be just the ionized air itself that behaves like stem and membrane. Maybe it happens in ionosphere. Electromagnetic waves from space creating resonance in ELF field of HAARP in the ionosphere thus creating mechanical-accoustic waves. Or it may have nothing to do with HAARP, just the ionosphere itself. But the ionosphere is like 50km away, the sound would have to be enormously loud to get down to Earth's surface. Or maybe the air in lower layers is also so ionized (due to weather, but the sky is clear in the video) it can behave like a loudspeaker's electromagnet with membrane.

Actually, all of the phenomena going on in the solar system and on earth over the past however many years makes me think of the following:

31 Oct 2001

Q: (L) Now according to these guys who are writing this web page about pole shift, they say it can be predicted where the poles will shift to. Is this in fact the case?
A: No.
Q: (L) Why can't pole shifts be predicted? Can't we know where the new pole will end up?
A: Chaotic function here
Q: (L) Okay, in a pole shift does the lithosphere of the planet slide on the core? (A) No. We have to be very precise. There are three possible things that would come under the name pole shift. Only one of them may come, or two, or three, okay? And these are the following - the axis of rotation with respect to stars is changing, straightening out for instance; this is one thing; while all the rest goes with the axis, the lithosphere and the magnetic field. Second, the axis stays where it is, maybe it shifts a little bit; the lithosphere stays where it is - maybe it wobbles - but the magnetic field changes: for instance reverses. Third, axis stays, magnetic field stays, but the lithosphere is moving. So that's three ways a pole shift can happen. And of course there are things that come together. The most dramatic one which is seen from outside is when the axis of rotation changes. The next dramatic one is probably when the lithosphere changes. And the third of unknown consequences is when the magnetic pole changes, okay? So, we want to have an understanding what will be the main change. (L) Well I guess we ought to ask an even more basic question: are we looking at a pole shift happening? That's starting at the beginning. (A) Alright. (L) In the next ten years. Is a pole shift possible in the next ten years?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Is a pole shift of the axis...(A) Honey, you ask if the pole shift is possible, of course it's possible. But suppose it's almost zero probability? 'Is it possible' is not the right question. 'Is it going to happen?' That's a question. (L) Okay you ask, carry on. (A) Are we looking at a pole shift during the next ten or so years with a high degree of probability?
A: Yes.
Q: (A) In this concept of pole shift, what would be the main feature of this pole shift, of all those which we were discussing?
A: New axial orientation, and magnetic reversal.
Q: (L) That's fairly dramatic. (A) Alright, now, change of axis or orientation of axis of rotation: can we say we would straighten up, getting almost perpendicular to the ecliptic? Or the other possibility is that it will fall down being almost parallel to the ecliptic. The third is that we'll flip completely by 180 degrees. We know it's highly unpredictable, but can we have a clue from which one is, so to say, dominate?
A: Perpendicularity will be restored.
Q: (A) We know the axis will change dramatically and magnetic reversal will happen. You didn't mention a change or shift of the lithosphere alone. Can we...
A: Lithospheric shift will feature to some extent.
Q: (A) But, that means eventually that the equator will almost not change because...
A: Correct.
Q: (A) So it will just shift a little bit, but its not going to go to Hawaii? (L) Oh rats! That was my theory! Well, it was a good idea. (A) What about changes in the lithosphere: can we predict a little bit of change in geography, coming from motions in lithosphere and changes in water level?
A: Chaotic features predominate but in general it will be safer inland and in mountainous areas since less folding occurs in such locations.
Q: (A) Now, the major, the change of the orientation of the axis, what would be the main trigger, force, or activity, or what kind of event will trigger this change of the axis?
A: Cometary bodies.
Q: (L) Are the planets of the solar system going to kind of shift out of their orbits and run amok? Is that a possibility?
A: Yes.
Q: (A) Due to cometary orbits alone?
A: Yes. Twin sun also.
Q: (A) When we speak about these cometary bodies, are we speaking about impacts?
A: Some will hit.
Q: (A) What would be - if any - the role played by electric phenomena?
A: Twin sun grounds current flow through entire system setting the "motor" running.
Q: (L) Does this mean that all of the different bodies of the solar system are like parts of some kind of giant machine, and once this electric current flows through them, depending on their positions relative to one another at the time this current flows, that it has some influence on the way the machine runs?
A: Yes, more or less.

Also, there is the following posted in another thread:

Laura said:
I posted the following on my FB page:

09 March (Wednesday evening 6:45 EST):

09 March but 9:30???, 20 min long

18 March, Flagler County, Fr, 9:30am

21 March, San Diego?

(Which I got from PoB) and among the responses:

Surviving Planet X Passage by J.M. McCanney;

To sum up, here's a list of possible effects that can occur months and years before the actual close passage of a Planet-X-type object, summarized from McCanney's supplement pamphlet Surviving Planet X Passage (pp. 20 - 25):

‎-violent storms with excessive lightning, wind and water (drawn in from space in the manner comets do)
-degradation of complete elimination of infrastructures and facilities
-groups of cyclones, destroying housing
-torrential rains and mudsli...des, causing mass flooding
Surviving Planet X

Surviving Planet X Passage by J.M. McCanney
-strong winds and land hurricanes, tearing up Earth and vegetation (which will later form coal)
-erratic weather, like snow in the tropics
-influx of chemicals such as water, ammonia, and hydrocarbons
-contaminated water supplies
-visible electric discharges between planets and moons
-colorful auroras, trumpet- and whistle-like sounds caused by discharging
-frequent magnetic reversals allowing radioactive particles to enter our atmosphere, causing gene mutations and new species
-blotting out of the Sun leading to mini-Ice Age
-meteor stream impacts
-"plagues" as electric currents force insects and vermin out of the ground
-"pillar of fire" as Earth forms an electrical connection with Planet X, scorching the Earth and producing deafening noise
-if the object is larger than Earth, the loss of atmosphere and oceans; if smaller, massive pollution events
-physical pole-shift, displacing continents and causing the flash-freezing of animals (e.g., the Wooly Mammoths) and causing earthquakes and the eruption of old and new volcanoes
-the above resulting in an altered orbit, rotation, and tilt of the Earth, requiring a re-calibrating of our calendar (for which McCanney gives practical instruction in the pamphlet)

In Mike Baillie's book, Exodus to Arthur, he writes:

There are two types of physical body which can hit the Earth, namely, comets and asteroids. In the past ancient people had seen and recorded comets; the bright gaseous plume which is illuminated by the sun was often described as a bow, or sword, or arm in the sky. There are no obvious records of asteroids, small dark bodies which are effectively invisible without a telescope, and not that easy to spot even with large telescopes. Astronomers have devoted quite a lot of time to asteroids because, from a hazard point of view, the most interesting ones are locked into orbits in the inner solar system. But perhaps the interest is actually stimulated by the fact that most of the early ones were discovered by accident and some are in Earth-crossing orbits. [...]

It is now known that the comets we see originate from what is effectively a shell of comets called the Oort Cloud which sits far out on the fringes of the solar system. From time to time gravitational effects from passing stars, or changes in our sun's position relative to the galactic plane, displace comets from the Oort Cloud into the solar system; some of these comets penetrate the inner solar system where we reside.

As already noted, objects moving inside the inner solar system represent a definite hazard to inhabitants of this planet. Looked at simplistically, we are trapped in the middle of a target, orbiting close to the bullseye (the Sun) and from time to time objects are fired towards the centre of the target.

Then, just to make the game more interesting, there is a deflector (in this case the giant planet Jupiter) whose gravitational field is sufficiently strong that it mops up most of the incoming missiles and either captures them or fires most of them back, away from the target. Unfortunately, the deflector is not 100 per cent successful and it actually encourages some material towards the target: worse still, it sometimes breaks the missile up and fires a scatter of debris inwards to the target. Though the reality is much more complicated than this simple model, the model is sufficient to get the feel of the problem.[...]

{Special note: notice that Baillie has reported that Jupiter is a "comet attractor." Consider that in light of all the recent discoveries of "new moons" of Jupiter, the numbers going higher almost daily!}

Comets are loosely compacted, but deeply frozen, hard, masses of rock and ice and organic materials, debris left over from the formation of the solar system. The common term 'dirty snowball' only half does them justice. [...] A snowball is typically thrown at a velocity of around ten metres per second; a comet is typically travelling at 20 to 50 km per second! [72,000 mph] So do not think of dirty snowballs; think of psychopathic iceballs. [...] {NOTE: Many of them with rock cores as is presently being learned}

While the asteroid population in the inner solar system is relatively stable, and as lumps of rock or nickel-iron the asteroids themselves are pretty stable, comets are a bit more diverse. Normally a few kilometer or miles across, they can be captured into fairly stable orbits which can be or long or short periods - a few years or thousands of years. These long-return types will normally appear out of the blue and are not much different from a completely new comet [...]

Then there are giant comets up to hundreds of kilometers across. [...] If left orbiting long enough, all the comet's volatiles will eventually burn off and only the rocky core will be left, effectively indistinguishable from an asteroid. {Not necessarily, according to McCanney's Plasma Comet Theory.} So there are at least two broad classes of hazard from comets: interaction between a live comet and the Earth and interaction between a dead comet and the Earth, with the latter being indistinguishable from the asteroid hazard. [...]

We need to think a little bit more about this idea of being hit - what does it mean in reality.

Well, there are hits and there are near-misses. We can imagine the simple case. A boulder whizzes in and hits the Earth directly at high velocity. Depending on the size of the boulder and the velocity, there is an explosion ranging from the equivalent of a few kilotons to hundreds of millions of megatons. It is clear that nothing in the latter class has occurred in even the last few million years - though we did witness those impacts on Jupiter in July 1994. In this direct hit scenario it is immaterial whether the object was an asteroid or a dead or live comet; size and velocity are all that matter. However, near-misses are a different thing altogether.

A near-miss with an asteroid is just that: 'whoosh - that was lucky', and as mentioned, we have had several of those in recent times.

A near-miss with a comet, whether it is dead or alive, may be very different. Because cometary nuclei are 'loosely packed' there is a tendency for them to be torn apart by the gravitational fields of the Sun or the planets in any close situations. {NOTE: Here he is unaware of the electrical nature of the Cosmos and Comets in particular, but he has noted that Comets seem to be very different!}

So we can be pretty sure that cometary nuclei are not travelling alone; there is likely to be a whole hierarchy of fragments. This could happen in a single pass or it could happen over a number of orbits. Such activity might lead to loading of the Earth's atmosphere with dust and maybe even volatiles and, as Clube and Napier, and Bailey and Steel, and Vershuur and others would argue, with the possibility of multiple Tunguska-class impacts - the 'cosmic swarm.' Simple mathematics indicate that for every comet that would hit us, about 4,000 pass closer to us than one Earth-Moon distance.

{And clearly, according to the Electric Universe theory, any body in the solar system can have electromagnetic effects. Smaller objects can have greater effects if they pass very close, and larger objects can have stronger effects even if they are far away. The question at the moment is: are the effects that Earth is presently experiencing due to Elenin as a LARGE body that is having strong effects even far away? Or is it due to an even larger body not yet seen/identified, such as a companion star? Or, are smaller, unseen, bodies that are closer producing stronger effects? Obviously, science has painted itself into the non-electric universe corner and is generally helpless to sort these questions out.}

This introduction to cometary hazards tells us that the real problem on the timescale of civilization is the debris associated with a 'close pass' comet, irrespective of whether the comet was dead or alive. As we will see, the comet would fairly certainly blow your mind. [...]

What, I asked myself, would actually happen in a close approach? I sought out Gerry McCormac, a colleague who had trained and worked as an atmospheric physicist. [...] When asked what he thought would happen if a comet approached very close to the earth, his reply was startling:

If it came within the earth's magnetosphere it would probably be spectacular ... the sky would go purple or green, particles from the comet would spiral down the lines of force and it is likely that you would have amazing auroral displays and coloured streamers...

Suddenly a new series of possibilities had opened up. One had to try to imagine a cometary body, or associated debris, passing within the Earth's magnetosphere and possibly producing a fabulous, moving, coloured display. So I asked if there would be any other associated phenomena - noise maybe? He replied: "Well, the Eskimos say that at the time of aurora they sometimes hear a hissing noise ... but! ...scientists who took up sensitive listening equipment did not manage to record anything.' [...]

{Back in 1989 when Aurora's were seen in Florida, there was, indeed, this hissing sound witnessed by myself and my children. There was also a cinnamon smell in the air. }

There is a whole literature on auroral sounds and, indeed, sounds heard directly from bolides, even comets. Colin Keay has written extensively on these phenomena. [...]

People have claimed that they have heard an incoming fireball and in fact heard it and turned around to see it. There is the contradiction: the flash of light from the fireball is travelling much faster than any related sound.
{Remember the flash of light in the one video???}

Traditional wisdom holds that we cannot actually hear fireballs coming in, we may hear the rumble and explosion only some time later, usually after we have seen them. Keay has accumulated information showing that some people genuinely do hear fireballs as they come in and before they see them: how? The plasma trail from a large fireball may generate Extra Low or Very Low Frequency radio emissions; if an observer happens to be standing beside a suitable object (or perhaps if he is wearing a suitable object like glasses or headgear, that object can act as a transducer for the electromagnetic signal - thus the observer actually 'hears' the incoming fireball as it enters the atmosphere, before seeing it.

The technical name for this phenomenon is 'geophysical electrophonics.' {Baillie, Exodus to Arthur, Batsford; London, 1999}

Notice this: Extra Low or Very Low Frequency radio emissions
My cravings for fruit have been badly hit :shock:
Along with Lierre Keith's book it makes more and more sense, as it is the only planet sustainable answer here, to not interfering with nature's food chain. It also gives a new meaning to the word 'gluttony'.

Mmm.. Now, that mirror stuck behind the door of my bedroom looks sinister.

Thanks for sharing!!
- i forgot about phenomena like this. Due to temperature diffrencies and thus pressure diffrencies if i understand correctly, there may form layers which act like walls that bounce the sound.

A: Twin sun grounds current flow through entire system setting the "motor" running.
The plasma trail from a large fireball may generate Extra Low or Very Low Frequency radio emissions; if an observer happens to be standing beside a suitable object (or perhaps if he is wearing a suitable object like glasses or headgear, that object can act as a transducer for the electromagnetic signal - thus the observer actually 'hears' the incoming fireball as it enters the atmosphere, before seeing it.
Yes, that's what i was thinking about. And maybe the "suitable object" doesn't have to be near ("ducting"), but then it takes more time for sound to travel than the light, so it wouldn't work with fireballs, but could work with current flow between solar bodies. It could be heard far away from the area of transducing radio waves to sound uder "ducting" conditions. And maybe it could be the air itself that acts like transducer. Thank you for reply.
Woah schizophrenia remembers me those of lodestar, at the doors of time or whatever, that can be burned because of it.
ELF wiki said:
One of the difficulties posed when broadcasting in the ELF frequency range is antenna size. This is because the antenna must be at least a substantial fraction of the size (in at least one dimension) of the wavelength of the frequency of the EM waves. Simply put, a 1 Hz (cycle per second) signal would have a wavelength equal to the distance EM waves travel through a given medium in 1 second. For ELF, this is very slightly slower than the speed of light in a vacuum. As used in military applications, the wavelength is ~299,792 km(~186,282 mi) per second divided by 50–85 Hz, which equals around 3,527 to 5,996 km (2,192 to 3,726 mi) long; by comparison, Earth's diameter is around 12,742 km (7,918 mi). Because of this huge size requirement and, to transmit internationally using ELF frequencies, the earth itself must be used as an antenna, with extremely long leads going into the ground.

So the earth/cityscape is the antenna which reverberates in the atmosphere, the transducer being celestial alignment?
Could there be a modulation through EM factors creating secondary/ harmonic frequencies some octaves higher into the VLF?

Electromagnetic Components of Auroral Hiss and Lower Hybrid Waves in the Polar Magnetosphere by H. K. Wong said:
The electron acoustic wave is electrostatic in nature and thus might account for the electrostatic component of auroral hiss.
One theory for thunder generation which was first suggested by CTR Wilson back in the 20's is that a sudden reduction in electrostatic energy in the atmosphere can generate an acoustic wave. This is mentioned in the recent book "Lightning" by Rakov and Uman on p385. It's suspected that this mechanism generates the infrasonic component of thunder. It should be quite directional and only be detectable directly under the source.
Lightning: physics and effects said:
Holmes et al. established that the peak acoustic powers could be in the audible at one time during a thunder record and in the infrasonic at another time...The conversion of stored energy to acoustic energy, as an explanation for the infrasonic component of thunder has been examined from a theoretical point of view by Wilson (1920), McGehee (1964), Dessler... [the remaining text is omitted from the google book]
wiki infrasound said:
Infrasound is sound that is lower in frequency than 20 Hz (Hertz) or cycles per second, the "normal" limit of human hearing. Hearing becomes gradually less sensitive as frequency decreases, so for humans to perceive infrasound, the sound pressure must be sufficiently high. The ear is the primary organ for sensing infrasound, but at higher levels it is possible to feel infrasound vibrations in various parts of the body.
Suggested relationship to ghost sightings. Research by Vic Tandy, a lecturer at Coventry University, suggested that an infrasonic signal of 19 Hz might be responsible for some ghost sightings. Tandy was working late one night alone in a supposedly haunted laboratory at Warwick, when he felt very anxious and could detect a grey blob out of the corner of his eye. When Tandy turned to face the grey blob, there was nothing.

The following day, Tandy was working on his fencing foil, with the handle held in a vise. Although there was nothing touching it, the blade started to vibrate wildly. Further investigation led Tandy to discover that the extractor fan in the lab was emitting a frequency of 18.98 Hz, very close to the resonant frequency of the eye given as 18 Hz by NASA.[20] This was why Tandy had seen a ghostly figure—it was an optical illusion caused by his eyeballs resonating. The room was exactly half a wavelength in length, and the desk was in the centre, thus causing a standing wave which caused the vibration of the foil. Tandy investigated this phenomenon further and wrote a paper entitled The Ghost in the Machine

Lord and Wiseman played four contemporary pieces of live music, including some laced with infrasound, at a London concert hall and asked the audience to describe their reactions to the music.The audience did not know which pieces included infrasound, but 22 percent reported more unusual experiences when it was present in the music. Their unusual experiences included feeling uneasy or sorrowful, getting chills down the spine or nervous feelings of revulsion or fear.

The 'Tao hum' must be connected with this
Now a tiny English village is the latest community to claim to be being hit by the phenomenon known as "the hum". Residents of Woodland, in County Durham, claim that every night a noise permeates the air similar to the throb of a car engine. ... Its most famous occurrence was in Bristol in the 1970s when more than a thousand people complained of the consistent drone causing nosebleeds, sleeplessness and headaches.

Electrophonics, a field excursion with sound samples

Thanks for sharing this interesting session!
Oxajil said:
Laura said:
A: No not exactly. When humankind "fell" into gross matter, a way was needed to return. This way simply is a manifestation of the natural laws. Consciousness must "eat" also. This is a natural function of the life giving nature of the environment in balance. The Earth is the Great Mother who gives her body, literally, in the form of creatures with a certain level of consciousness for the sustenance of her children of the cosmos. This is the original meaning of those sayings.

That's really beautifully put.

Thanks for this session!

I agree, this is beautifully put. How far the human race has gone from the basic understanding of this statement that they do not honor, respect and have gratitude for the very life sustenance that has been given.

Thank you Laura and crew for this session. There is much to think about and absorb for me.
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