The way I see it, Laura is doing exactly what the Cs want her to do - research and find her own answers instead of always asking the Cs. Yes, at first that was what she needed to learn just what the Cs wanted. Through her research many, many great things have been accomplished.
Laura has more on her plate than ever. To me, it seems that everybody thinks that because they are not eyeball deep in research and learning and helping others, Laura must just be sitting around doing everyday things and has plenty of time on her hands so why isn't she gabbing with the Cs more? That just ain't so. Laura is busier than ever - really, really busy. I wish that people could wrap their minds around that.
With all of the information that Laura has written here on the forum, on SOTT and in her books (along with others in her extended family and the SOTT editors), we have enough to keep us busy learning, and, learning how to learn, for quite a while. And this is what the Cs want - people who can find the answers, learn how to see what is truth and what is disinformation, how to nourish our bodies and minds, learn about the lies of our history, what's going on in the heavens, etc. In other words, people who can think for themselves and think critically.
When Laura, Ark and the crew have a session with the Cs, that's just icing on the cake. Yes, we all love when Laura has a session, but it is no longer the main fare.