The Force is Strong With This One
alteroru486 said:Puma1974, why should you be disappointed? I would be, if it turned out that I was not moved to the fourth density. This STS environment has been making me sick since I was a child. Extreme hatred, jealousy and selfishness dominates throughout the globe. Sick chase for money and desire (figuratively) to drown other people even members of one's own family. I do not need ten years of bad experience of living here, nor do I need ten million years. Just a few days tells me everything. I cannot even imagine that STS can exist at all. That has always been beyond my comprehension. It seems, that for some sick reason, people very much like to fight with each other to climb a social ladder, that is similar to life and death struggle. Money is necessary to survive but society will not give you the money. Society will not let you "move out" (of this world) either. So millions of people starve for no reason at all as all necessary technologies that allow to produce everything like free food and other things are available but only to people in power. They have been suppressed by the powers that be since the assasination of J.F.Kennedy. Continual wars between countries. Very short life span and many diseases. A lot of disabled people having incurable diseases. Some of people deserve that, but a lot of them do not. Most people are addicted to something, especially to sexual activity. As extraterrestrials say: "Hell does not exist, only in such planets as the Earth."
In addition to the videos, I would suggest a thorough reading of the Wave Series. At the end of the day, the reality is that if you find yourself in a hole, do you dig yourself in deeper or do you start trying to figure out how to get out the hole or do you chose to simply do nothing? Each option will have to have you working if you're to get out of it, that is the work that Laura and Cs emphasize. I believe you should also understand the roles of the STO and the STS, because for you to understand light there has to be dark. As for STS, even in 4D there is STS, so getting to whichever side, depends on your input.