Jani King, 2001
Choose love
We greet you, dear ones. You know that you are all in this time, in this now you were born into, because you have a great mission to accomplish. The mission to becoming your true self, the true nature of human species.
You should know that you are star-seeds. Eons before your time, from civilizations, far your species came from here. You came from a state of great awareness and during eons you have played the game: "I forgot who I really am".
So who are you?
Well, in truth you are powerful, multidimensional, spiritual beings who live for Life come here to play the spiritual game "Life as a human being in the now". And you are heading for a big change. The end of a large cycle, the 52,000 of your years counts and at the same time the end of a cycle of 25,000 years in which you tied to this awareness - and to the beginning of a new cycle.
What is the new cycle about? It is the acceleration of the vibrating frequency from which your molecular, your emotional and your spiritual Being exists. It won't just affect people. It also affects the earth. Earth and you live in a co-existence. You are interdependent and part of one great awareness. The fact is that nothing is separate. One is not separated from others. You are not separated from anything, not even from them Things that you consider human-made.
So you are actually powerful, spiritual beings, even if you often don't feels. You came here to make a great discovery in this life. Namely to recognize this great truth along with every cell of your body, with every fiber of your being. You can call this change enlightenment or super consciousness. Which just means that you will be vibrating at a higher frequency. That also means that you will recognize your true nature.
However, we would be very happy if you didn’t think the words "enlightenment" or "Super consciousness". Enlightenment is quite simply the result, though the absolutely love of every facet of your being. You are all pretty stressed out about to be on the path of spiritual enlightenment, but that only implies that you are not already complete. But see, the truth is, you are already whole. You are already what you are trying to achieve. It is in you. Your being is made that way. Because your biggest Truth is that at every moment you are a perfect, eternal expression of the source are. That is your truth.
Now you can say; "If that's the truth, why doesn't it feel that way?" Why then am i not this great manifestator? Why do I have recurring sabotaging patterns that end in broken hearts or express in deficient situations? Why don't I feel this truth?
Well, you've been programmed not to find yourself enough. You was programmed that you cannot live in abundance. You was programmed to love not knowing and especially not loving who you are.
Look, dear ones. Each of you was put in a situation in one way or another born from malfunction. Malfunction is simply another word for fear. What you have experienced from the time in the uterus to the age of about six to nine years.
Fear, pain and inferiority and your consciousness are not separated from it.
When you are about six years old, the idea and beliefs change about who you are. Of course, many of these ideas like yours change mental and physical growth, but basically you become a little boy, a little girl who lives emotional in your chest and does not know his/her true identity. So you have your life and the same old ones, always. If you look at recurring patterns in it, you can see why.
We want to remind you of the basic truths. The most basic and the most important thing of all is that everyone creates their own reality, fully. There is no exception. There is no such thing as coincidence. Nothing; nor accidents either. At some level you create it all yourself.
Before you come to this realization, you remain trapped and victim of respective living circumstances. As long as you are a victim of fate, circumstances, the karmas or random chaos long you powerless. Since this moment, where you get up and say; "I am responsible, I have created it all myself”, you are in a state of empowerment and have a choice.
Because look, if you pay attention, you will find out how you make your own Reality. How you keep creating the same stories, and your life is sabotaged. How you based on the belief that you are not worthy, not enough; and you wouldn't have deserved it otherwise, even the choice is yours.
You create your reality with your beliefs about who you are and your ideas of reality. That's what your reality creates, so how you perceive them. You could say that your thoughts, your ideas and beliefs make up the house you live in. Everything you experience takes place in this network of ideas, beliefs and thoughts.
Your structure, both your material structure and your non-material structure consists of energy. And energy is synonymous with consciousness. So you are one Body of consciousness, self-awareness. This energy from you is electromagnetic. You are all a huge draw, one huge magnet.
Now this powerful being that you are is supported 100% by the universe. Everything, what you believe will happen. That is what you perceive as reality. Seen from a higher perspective, this is not the ultimate reality, but what everyone perceives is its own reality. By changing your perception, changes you also your reality. This is how it works.
The other important component of your creative power is your emotions. E-Motion, is energy in motion. You could say that the emotion deals with that connects ideas, thoughts and beliefs and delivers the universe corresponding. The same thing attracts the same thing in every case. That manifestation doesn't just apply only to material things, but also for emotional experiences.
Aside out from your beliefs about yourself and what you deserve, most of you operate a state of deficiency. You never have enough, be it love or money, a new job, more fun, a new house. If you achieve what you wanted, you focus your attention on what you still didn’t have, and that’s what you create. That is the vibration of yours Creation. Like attracts like. Does that make sense to you?
Now let's go back to the emotional part, because that's the driving force in your life. Most of your beliefs about reality are like this very part of you that you cannot recognize them as beliefs. You believe, it's all a reality. You all believe that the sun will rise tomorrow and it does. You have to know that you collectively create the weather, you are that powerful. The individual consciousness is fully connected to collective consciousness. It is the morphogenetic field that connects like with like.
When you are born, you are born into a family. That family has its own consciousness, its own mythology, its own stories, its own Art. This is a small ball of consciousness. It's over this ball of consciousness the Awareness of your city or village and the groups in it that you join, and feel that they are of a religious nature, be it sports clubs or business groupings. Each of these groups lives under their own little one Awareness screen. Then you have an even greater group consciousness, namely that of your country. This is the consciousness of your race and ultimately the race you have the entire knot of consciousness called "human consciousness". And everything, really everything, is absolutely connected.
There was a time in your world when people, in this connected consciousness, believed that the earth was flat. Nobody seriously questioned this belief. That was just the reality. Then someone came up with the incredible idea that the earth was round and as more and more people shared this idea, awareness reached the critical mass and from then on the whole world knew that the earth was round. Because yourself exponentially expanding consciousness as it grows, it eventually reaches one critical mass. Everyone is affected, even if they are not aware that it is so is.
It is this now from which you create your future, however you create wishes. So when you look at your world how you created it and you ask yourself: "What if I didn't believe that it was the way it was, how would it look like then? ”And if you create yourself anyway, you can do it as well do well consciously and you can do abundance, health, vitality and a lot as well create joy. Does that sound like a good idea?
Well, we agree and we want you to know that you have all these worth miracles, simply because you exist. You are perfect, eternal in every now Expression of God / Goddess, "EVERYTHING IS". That's the truth. And that can also be your truth if you wish so.
Another expression for God / Goddess, EVERYTHING IS, is love. We're not talking about a romantic, short-lived idea of love. We're talking about a power like that tremendous that it is the building material of the entire multiverse. Love is that gives life to the atomic structure of your body. Everything you perceive is Love. Without love there would be no existence. Love is prana, love is energy, molecules that you exchange with each inhalation and exhalation.
Love is your truth. Love is what you are made of. Everything that is not love is one Illusion, a misunderstanding based on the erroneous belief that you are not enough. That came about because you forgot that you are all gods and goddesses playing the game "human life in the now".
Love is your power. When we say that enlightenment is the natural result if you love every facet of your being, we don't say it lightly. The first Step is to assume responsibility for your own creations, called reality. If you have taken responsibility, then you have yourselves empowered, then you have a choice. "I choose love."
Because, see, you all live in fear. Fear is one polarity of love and everything, every emotional response, any emotional response that is not an expression of love is one Expression of fear. It doesn't matter what name you give to fear. You can call frustration, stress, anger, envy, possessiveness, hunger for power, greed or abuse. Everything, everything that is not an expression of love is simply a manifestation of anxiety.
Now what happens when you are in a state of fear? You try it to overcome, to push them away, to whitewash them, to run away from them, to let them behind you, wipe them under the carpet. You were brought up to be strong, everything to overcome. This is how you were programmed. But that doesn't work. All that does not work. Look at your world. Not really a playground of love, is not true? So it's learning about how to choose love. Therefore it goes here; how can you change your life, how can you change your love, how does decide what choose to love?
To do this, you need to know that you cannot change anything that does not belong to you. All these facets of your being that you think are unacceptable, that you consider negative, all of the things that you hide, are the things that dictate your life. If you own them, take. You just have to accept it, then you can do the transformation cause. It's easy. Transformation is easy when you have the tools. You have to know the recipe. How can you love what you're hiding from?
To do this, you have to watch yourself like a detective. That is not that difficult, though each time you find yourself doing something outside of yourself, you condemn and says, "Aha, we have something to look at again."
How do you like that? Well, each of you is the central sun of your own universe. There is nothing outside of you, just a mirror that in every moment shows who you are and where you are right now.
It's not about you saying: "I saw a man who hit his dog and I know this is now my reflection, although I have never, ever hit my dog”. That's not how it is meant. The reflection is the emotional reaction. Every emotional response, every emotional response that is not expressed in love, is a reaction in fear.
So if you observe abuse and you break out in anger, where is the buried fear? If you get to the bottom of it, it is the fear of impotence. You identify yourself with the small, abused creature because you know all abuse. We're not just talking about blows. In some way, all abuse is known to you. So, if you watch something where someone is helpless and is powerless and is injured, in a flash you react with such reaction.
Well, this reaction is not really the reaction of an adult, rational-thinking, human being. It is the reaction of the injured child that is in each of you around the age of six. The name of this child that lives in your chest is fear. You ran your whole life away from it, devalued it, got it try to overcome it because that's how you were taught, with fear deal.
But look, the fear is only a small, abandoned child. This little child wishes just that you take it in your arms, weigh it by your chest and tell it how much you do it loves. We have already recommended that you pull it towards you, hug and say to him: Beloved of my heart, you need not be afraid. I'm going to ... never leave you. I love you unconditionally. You and me, we will be in this forever safe and wonderful universe stay together and together after we will go home.
If you hold the little one in your arms until you feel warmth in your body spreads out, something magical happens. Then you have the miracle of transformation accomplished. Because then you are in your midst. Your energy centers are open and you are ready for your next creative choice.
The transformation is not about something intellectual. Could you transform your intellectually, the world would be a different place. The intellect changes nothing, nothing can change. The intellect was created to please your heart; it serves to implement what gives joy to the heart. The way to Transformation lies in the embrace, the absolute love for the little girl or the little boy who lives in your chest and nothing else than unconditional wishes, total love.
You also have to take care of the broken heart. It is the broken heart that causes diseases. Your bodies were created to last for hundreds of years hold. In other civilizations, far from here, they do hold hundreds of years. Your bodies don't wear out.
If you don't care about your emotional issues, nor your broken ones hearts and the fear that dwells in you, then the energy called e-motion, that is, energy in motion is out of balance. It has negative value judgments tainted with how you think about yourself and thus trapped. It cannot get through your Release body, so is deposited in the cellular structure. Then he tells your Body: "Stop. There is something you should take care of." And if you don't do, it gets worse and worse until the body finally gives up and then you embark on your next adventure.
Of course, death is just an illusion. You have lived thousands of lives and what you call past and future lives are lives that all happen simultaneously, because there is no time outside of this space-time continuum. You are so great multi-dimensional that you are at every level or dimension. You exist from the angelic level down to the void of creation.
If you are looking for guides and angels, look within yourself. You are absolutely and completely along with your angel self, connected to your light beings. You are not separated. You yourself be the ones who have the power. It is you who have the knowledge about it. It’s you, powerful, eternal and spiritual beings. You, your power, and your truth are called love.
All of this is about giving you the ability to love more, more joy, more fun, more laughter, more miracles, more beauty, more harmony, more peace and create more satisfaction in your daily life. That loving and every facet of your being is what enlightenment is about.
It's not about being good at all. It's about living your truth. Nobody will judge you. You are the gods and goddesses who play this game. There is no god sitting on a cloud with a little book that says, "Oh, oh, that is bad. Wrong decision!"
You have never made a wrong decision or ever become a wrong decision to meet. Never. You have some decisions based on divine consciousness and some were hit by the small, very frightened child living in the chest that dwells in each of you and in fact does not know it is a truth powerful, great and wondrous spiritual being.
It is you, my beloved beings. All this knowledge is in you. You are from God whose Goddess, EVERYTHING, IS NOT separate. You are light beings or Soul energy that does not call separate. This soul energy is like a huge, golden one Ladder or a thread that exists through eternity. You are and you are unique. You are a unique tone, a vibrating frequency, sound and color, unmistakably recognizable in the universe. Everyone is an extremely beautiful jewel in the crown of creation.
A miracle, indeed, isn't it? Namaste.
Death, grief and separation
For some of you, this year means a change in housing, one change in your employment or a change in your relationships. Many of you will lose a family member or a dear friend experienced through death. Many of you hardly will turn around and notice the extraordinary fact that someone you know, either seriously physically got sick or died.
Death is an interesting event. Most of you are not prepared or a positive path was shown to you as on this occasion you can handle what is a certainty for all of you.
The main fear related to death is the uncertainty about this later. Many of you fervently believe that after death nothing there is, and it looks like a pretty terrible idea. Others of you fervently believe in a kind of heaven, and maybe hell, and maybe pretty unsure how to judge you will earn whether either one or the other. The other fear is that of everything is close to you, you know and loved will be separated so that you have to leave everything that is dear to you.
The other interesting thing concerns grief. For those who are left behind and stay away the physical separation from a loved one can be ongoing traumatic process of mourning that sometimes lasts over many, many years and takes all the joy and laughter from the lives of the bereaved.
We say that the fear of death and grief are valid, that but everything is based on a misunderstanding of the greater reality. With you can build your own understanding and understanding Change reality about these things and others about this new one too Help perception.
If you have any doubts about a life without a body, we ask you to remember how in that state of changed consciousness of sleep you leave your bodies. You who had a near-death experience or an out of body experience, know with absolute certainty that something like an end of life does not exist. The only end is that perception of life with one body that you created for this one moment, and of this one to the next moment.
After you have left your body in death, you find yourself in an extreme wonderful state of lightness of being again. Usually after a few moments you set up your attention from your physical reality to this new vibration of reality in which you are then. In this new state of being, of glorious light and unfolding vibration, you will perceive yourself as not separate from anything and anyone. This is truly a joy being. On the one hand, you feel welcome, accepted and showered with unconditional love, on the other hand you are so free that you can dance the moon rays.
Nobody, no matter what situation he was in physical reality, or how valuable you believe that he lived his life, this experience becomes joy of an undeniable reality.
We would like to remind you once again of your greatest truth. You are in everyone instant, no matter what the circumstances, a perfect and eternal expression of the Source.
Please note your eternity part! This is not about the body. Be blessed the body, really, because you created it for the miracles of the so-called matter experience. However, it is your eternal being, which is life again and again in its myriad of different ways in which with different time spans, different genders, different races want to experience new social circumstances.
Life never ends. You will not be separated from your loved ones in death. In some ways you could even say that the omission of the physical body deepens the relationship with your loved ones, because now there is nothing between you and they. Nothing interferes with the real communication of the heart; there is no misunderstanding anymore.
Now let's talk about grief. Of course, grief is valid. You just have lost someone who was very dear to you. You are here and your loved one has chosen to abandon you for the great experience of dancing on the moon rays. And maybe he feels up for many years physically light, free and full of joy, bathes in love and has everything in all a wonderful time. The children you lost are no longer lost but are taken up by loving poor and very soon deal with hers connecting greater soul energy will come to knowledge and wholeness.
Can you treat your loved ones to this experience? I do not think so. Why, for who are you mourning now? For yourself? All right, that is valid. Being left behind like this, you are a real one poor creature. But are you aware that your loved one is still available to you? Maybe not in the same way, but he is still with you. It is up to you to want, to interest in this new type of open company.
As we said, there really is no separation. If you have this thought then you can allow your thoughts and feelings to become perceivable to the loved ones. There are even many other options. But you shouldn't have expectations of what this experience should look like. Maintains a state of Joy for the loved one and sharpen perception while you live your daily life. You will simply become recognizable a certain feeling to the loved one. When you speak to your loved one, do so with the certainty that your words and feelings will be received immediately.
You may be in the situation that you are unhappy because you did not say the words you could have said, if so say now! You will be heard. Your true being is recognized and if you think you need forgiveness, be so very simply loving and compassionate for yourself. After death, you become your true being and recognize there is nothing to be forgiven.
We want to tell you that it would actually be more appropriate, though unusual, to celebrate your loved ones with great joy. Celebrate their lives. Celebrate the gift she has you guys were. Pay attention to the wonderful pages in your lives and the joy and vitality that you feel in your present life. If you do this, after your death you will notice that the grief gives way to deep satisfaction because it is accompanied by the knowledge that everyone has his own birth and creates his own life. And you really has. Everyone creates, in one deep level, the circumstances of his death so he can get back into this state of omniscience, of wholeness, so that in this eternal game, which the source plays, to have new choices and experiences, however, where and whenever he or she feels like it.
I love and respect you and your eternal games forever. Namaste.