Session 21 September 2024

Thanks for the session and the discussion before starting the session! :flowers:

(L) All right. If there's anything we need to ask or should have asked what we didn't ask that's essential to our wellbeing or whatever, please consider it asked.

A: Not now! You have enough for now. Explosive revelations and events coming! Goodbye.
With escalations of war in the Middle East & Russia, the crazy weather, societal decline in the collective West, let alone the upcoming election in the US, there are some interesting times ahead. It really is a spiritual battle that is being fought around us and through us.
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms ~Ephesians 6:12.
Thank you all for this interesting session :flowers:

The discussion and questions on Dispenza's information and approach reminded me of something I'd read years ago that I thought might be helpful to note here because it might be the basis of some interesting questions later. While not about the pineal gland, but rather the pituitary gland, there is a condition called Empty Sella Syndrome. The sella is the bony cavity in the skull that houses the the pituitary gland. On imagings studies, the sella can appear to be empty. This can be because the pituitary gland is flattened onto the surface of the sella or because there is no sign of a pituitary gland in the sella at all!

Empty Sella Syndrome is listed as a rare disease, but unless every person has had imaging studies done, symptoms alone may not point to the condition because there may not be any. There may be many more incidences of this condition than what is known. Where symptoms are present they include headaches, high blood pressure, fatigue, impotence in men, low sex drive, irregular or no periods in women, infertility, a feeling of pressure inside the skull (probably from intracranial hypertension), spinal fluid leaking from nose, swelling in eyes and blurry vision.

Sometimes the occurrence of empty sella is idiopathic and the sella can be malformed in a way that allows CSF to pool in it, but it's known to be caused by hypertension, surgery, serious head injury and radiation.

Seems like one of those things that hyperdimensional folk might want to interfere with given the pituitary gland is reported be the site of the uplink. Apparently most surgeries carried out on the pituitary gland go through the nose so that brings up memories of abductees reporting long instruments being put in their nose, also some aggressive nasal swabs used in medical contexts like reported in the coronavirus thread.
Thanks for the new session!

A: Not now! You have enough for now. Explosive revelations and events coming! Goodbye.

“Explosive” … sounds somewhat ominous. Plenty of potential in this regard, I guess - Middle East, Ukraine, Taiwan, or any other hotspot, take your pick. Or “explosive” could be also used in a less literal sense, as the economy “blowing up” etc. Fun times!

I didn't quite understand, how does mental blocking produce acetylcholine? What would be psychological means to protect ourselves (if we are not using nicotine)?

The way I explain this to myself is … and I might be wrong: Not mentally blocking leads to emotional arousal, and thus to a sympathetic stimulation, aka stress, anger, increase in blood pressure and heart rate etc. Mental blocking achieves the opposite, the balance between the symathetic and the parasympathetic shifts towards the parasympathetic - hence more acetylcholine. Maybe too simplistic? Dunno!

I’m open to tips on how to help life suck less.

I think at the end of the day this is a matter of attitude. Life only sucks if you let it be like that. For me it basically comes down to one central question (and that may be different for you) - fear of death. Once you overcome that, things start to look different. Sure, there is always another aspect to dying than just me - those we leave behind, that we feel need us in the here and now. That certainly is a difficult thing to reconcile, but maybe comes down to the same issue.

Reminds me of a saying from Jordan’s Wheel of Time series, where the Aiel refer to dying as “waking from the dream” - just the opposite of what we think dying is. For us, life is ‘real’ and death and the afterlife the nebulous ‘illusion’.

I myself have somewhat reduced my perusal of news social channels, like Telegramm. I still follow SOTT on a daily basis, as well as Telegram, but I don’t get obsessively immersed into it, following events on a hour by hour basis. I keep abreast, but somewhat emotionally distanced, as far as this is possible (which in the case of mass slaughter is not an easy task). Instead I focus on ‘real” things, creating, tinkering, researching things I am interested in for the sake of interest etc.
Thanks for the new session!

“Explosive” … sounds somewhat ominous. Plenty of potential in this regard, I guess - Middle East, Ukraine, Taiwan, or any other hotspot, take your pick. Or “explosive” could be also used in a less literal sense, as the economy “blowing up” etc. Fun times!

The way I explain this to myself is … and I might be wrong: Not mentally blocking leads to emotional arousal, and thus to a sympathetic stimulation, aka stress, anger, increase in blood pressure and heart rate etc. Mental blocking achieves the opposite, the balance between the symathetic and the parasympathetic shifts towards the parasympathetic - hence more acetylcholine. Maybe too simplistic? Dunno!

I think at the end of the day this is a matter of attitude. Life only sucks if you let it be like that. For me it basically comes down to one central question (and that may be different for you) - fear of death. Once you overcome that, things start to look different. Sure, there is always another aspect to dying than just me - those we leave behind, that we feel need us in the here and now. That certainly is a difficult thing to reconcile, but maybe comes down to the same issue.

Reminds me of a saying from Jordan’s Wheel of Time series, where the Aiel refer to dying as “waking from the dream” - just the opposite of what we think dying is. For us, life is ‘real’ and death and the afterlife the nebulous ‘illusion’.

I myself have somewhat reduced my perusal of news social channels, like Telegramm. I still follow SOTT on a daily basis, as well as Telegram, but I don’t get obsessively immersed into it, following events on a hour by hour basis. I keep abreast, but somewhat emotionally distanced, as far as this is possible (which in the case of mass slaughter is not an easy task). Instead I focus on ‘real” things, creating, tinkering, researching things I am interested in for the sake of interest etc.

I should elaborate and add that I have a 13 month old that doesn’t give me much time to myself except at the end of the day for about an hour before I’m too tired to be awake anymore, then I’m up multiple times through the night, sometimes for hours.
I’m beyond exhausted, I just have to keep on going though, I don’t have any options but to keep on going and I just want to hide under a rock some days and pretend I don’t exist.

I don’t fear dying, it actually sounds good to me. I could say I fear others dying and not knowing what’s coming and how that looks for the people I love.
A: Great discussion! True networking! 4D STO is active in all of you tonight! Viconneaeil here of Cassiopaea.
Thanks to all for another session. Look how far you've all come to receive such a compliment.
It really does feel we are on a different reality. So few in the world speaking out against the horror we see everywhere. Though It has been mentioned that things have to get worse so more people can awaken. Then be shocked out of their slumber!!
It's just the rank disregard and slaughter of anyone or thing in these psycho's way! Coming to a town near you?
❤️ To all and I suppose try to keep the faith with a sprinkle of hope thrown in.
Thanks for a great discussion!

Q: (Joe) In the study that was done showing one of these nano objects or nano bots in anesthetic, they used nicotine and it was observed to destroy them. Was that true?

A: Yes. We have often pointed out the benefits of nicotine. Why do you think there was such a concerted campaign to eradicate its use?

I asked when dangers of smoking become known [playing purposefully dumb here], and here's what it answered:

Early Awareness
16th to 17th Century: Initial criticisms of smoking emerged from religious and state leaders, who viewed it as a threat to public morality and health. For instance, Murad IV of the Ottoman Empire attempted to ban smoking, citing its negative impact on society.
Scientific Research and Reports
1920s: Research began to establish links between smoking and lung cancer, although these findings were initially met with skepticism.
1950s: A series of studies in the UK and US confirmed a strong association between smoking and lung cancer, leading to growing public concern.
1964: The U.S. Surgeon General's report marked a pivotal moment,
concluding that smoking causes lung cancer and other serious health issues. This report synthesized extensive research and significantly shifted public perception about the risks associated with tobacco use.
Continued Recognition
to Present: Ongoing research has expanded understanding of smoking's health impacts, linking it to numerous diseases beyond lung cancer, including heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and various cancers. Reports have consistently reinforced that smoking is the leading preventable cause of death globally, responsible for millions of deaths each year

So, it appears that the 'big push' for gradually eradicating smoking began in the 1950s (remember, Roswell/UFOs was around 1947) and 1960s. Maybe too 'tinfoilish' but it makes one curious if something like injecting nanobots was already in the planning back then.

Did they make a deal with some aliens? Maybe crazy, but I've been thinking about that – sure, various aliens can abduct and implant us anytime they want, and there's nothing we can do about it. However, this procedure probably requires some effort by them, and to do it on a largel scale than, say, 2% (160M) that was mentioned in the session, would not be feasible. So, what if the the idea was that via these mRNA jabs a handy 'conduit' could be injected into the vast majority of Earth's population? The aliens would provide the technology, and the humans would make it happen. But first, the groundwork of brainwashing and programming would have to be done until 'programming was complete', which is now. A win-win situation: the deplorables could be controlled and manipulated easily through these 'receivers', both by alien and human controllers.

Okay, I'll take off my tinfoil hat now! :-D
This was a great session, thank you! I especially LOVED the way the entire group + on-line members grooved on their own without the C's presence early on. I'd almost want to ask, ok I AM asking: could some future group sessions also start this way, with a list of questions the entire group has been presented with to think about, personally research, and discuss beforehand? Maybe on the "Questions for the C's" thread? It seems like a pretty darn good way to groove not only a channel, but entire groups, to be able to find answers for themselves on their own in the times to come.

I loved the content of this session, and I am very thankful for it! But I appreciated the sharing and interplay between all those present even more before bringing in the C's to close the ballgame out.
Thanks for sharing this session!
I'm more excited about the revelations that are coming than the explosive events, but I guess the choice is not available. 😉
Thank you everyone, big hugs.

I mentioned in the last session thread that things are really really weird for me. I can’t find any peace and comfort in anything, feel like my body is falling apart, I’ve gotten ultra sensitive, and generally just spend most of my time trying to convince myself somehow that being alive on earth doesn’t suck, because it does suck. I can see how sudden death would be ecstasy!

Again, hope y’all are going okay.

I’m open to tips on how to help life suck less.
I think seeing the world in such a negative state as the default isn't healthy to you personally. I think the challenge is in fighting to see something in it that gives hope and rejuvenates. There are people for example who survived in the gulags for many years and didn't lose hope so it's possible.
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