Session 21 September 2024

Lozenges, gum, and pouches often have artificial sweeteners and probably other fun ingredients. What stand out to me are Ace K and titanium oxide. Maybe not all of them have these, but it seems like many do list these ingredients. On the other hand, maybe those things aren't so bad comparatively?

Titanium oxide should be avoided as much as possible. It irritates the Intestinal villi very quickly, as well induces cell changes to pre-strage cancer in the intestines. That's from an article i read something like 20 years ago. Since then I tried to avoid it. Common ingredient in some toothpastes, and very common in sunblockers, quite common in pills, too. And i suspect in products one doesn't even think about it would be in there...
Titanium oxide should be avoided as much as possible. It irritates the Intestinal villi very quickly, as well induces cell changes to pre-strage cancer in the intestines. That's from an article i read something like 20 years ago. Since then I tried to avoid it. Common ingredient in some toothpastes, and very common in sunblockers, quite common in pills, too. And i suspect in products one doesn't even think about it would be in there...
Agreed. Since I lost my sweet tooth decades ago, I don't use the sweetened gum, but you are correct that the manufacturing of the gum itself still may have issues as do commercial cigarettes.
Titanium oxide should be avoided as much as possible. It irritates the Intestinal villi very quickly, as well induces cell changes to pre-strage cancer in the intestines. That's from an article i read something like 20 years ago. Since then I tried to avoid it. Common ingredient in some toothpastes, and very common in sunblockers, quite common in pills, too. And i suspect in products one doesn't even think about it would be in there...
Was reading yesterday about silicone dioxide nanoparticle studies in rats, grape seed extract mitigates the negative effects of it, same is true for titanium dioxide. But avoidance is always the first line of defence with these things.
But I don't know that [...] so much stuff has been messed with on this planet by our evil archon overlords. They have messed with our history. They have messed with our minds. They have messed with our propaganda. They have messed with our archeology. They have done so much against us and to confuse us that I don't think, except in the most general of terms, that it can ever be sorted out. There are some things that can be identified, there are some things that can be nailed down, and there are some things that we have some kind of a written text for plus an archeological or geological context to fit it into. But for the most part we don't - and we won't.
Laura says in this paragraph that history and archeology have been totally messed up by our evil archon overlords, and I fully agree to that. And from Ark's physics we also get the notion that time is an unreliable marker as time seems to be a highly personal matter (if I can say so), that is, each person may have lived his or her individual timeline within the multidimensional reality we're all immersed in. Therefore, I can spot a seeming contradiction in Laura's research method. If time and historical timelines cannot truly be relied upon, all recorded history becomes doubtful. Take the historical Christ and Christianity for example. What use is the historical research about this then? Historical 'facts' might have truly happened or not at all. They might have happened in one timeline but not in another, in the sense that modern physics establishes. So, I think that Laura's research method needs some clarification. On the one hand, we take the multidimensional timespace world as disclosed by the C's. But when Laura writes "From Mark to Paul" the linear timeline of history suddenly becomes valid, perhaps for the lack of a better method. How can that be? How can seemingly opposite world views be ever taken into account at the same time? Isn't there a philosophical contradiction here? Or maybe I'm missing something fundamental here when I consider this type of reasoning myself?
Laura says in this paragraph that history and archeology have been totally messed up by our evil archon overlords, and I fully agree to that. And from Ark's physics we also get the notion that time is an unreliable marker as time seems to be a highly personal matter (if I can say so), that is, each person may have lived his or her individual timeline within the multidimensional reality we're all immersed in. Therefore, I can spot a seeming contradiction in Laura's research method. If time and historical timelines cannot truly be relied upon, all recorded history becomes doubtful. Take the historical Christ and Christianity for example. What use is the historical research about this then? Historical 'facts' might have truly happened or not at all. They might have happened in one timeline but not in another, in the sense that modern physics establishes. So, I think that Laura's research method needs some clarification. On the one hand, we take the multidimensional timespace world as disclosed by the C's. But when Laura writes "From Mark to Paul" the linear timeline of history suddenly becomes valid, perhaps for the lack of a better method. How can that be? How can seemingly opposite world views be ever taken into account at the same time? Isn't there a philosophical contradiction here? Or maybe I'm missing something fundamental here when I consider this type of reasoning myself?

Any good science does what it can with the tools available while acknowledging what it us unable to see. Time, and therefore history, is much stranger and much more complex than the usual linear model, as you mention - but I see no reason to conclude that all history is doubtful in a nihilistic sense - that is to say, I don't think that because we can't know it All, therefore we know nothing. Or because we can't know the full truth, therefore everything is a lie. There is an option between these two extremes - to be where we are, See where we are, and move in the best possible direction, towards truth and the All.
So the use of historical research in 3D is to get as close as possible to the true story of whatever puzzle we're looking at. This story can never include everything, and so it will always be limited. It will be limited by the available sources we have access to, by the frequency fence, by our own biases, overt manipulation of texts, etc. We can put pieces of the puzzle together as best we can, and also acknowledge we will never have the full picture.

There is also the many worlds theory that there might be infinite simultaneously co-existing dimensions, which means infinitely co-existing historical puzzles which occur side-by-side. So if we accept this hypothesis, as the C's seem to indicate we can, things get impossibly complex. Streams of reality converge, then diverge again, leading to all kinds of strange phenomena. There is also 4D bleedthrough as well. So this is another limiting factor, a metaphysical one - our story of the puzzle is generally limited to its exploration this world, and this timeline, this reality, as it appears to us.

As such, Laura's focus has been on THIS timeline. I see no problem with that, as I don't think anyone in 3D would be able to write a cosmically 'correct' history due to our many limitations listed above. To Laura's credit, she has written an excellent history of the truth of Christ. In other places she has also extensively explored the weirdness of alternate timelines, contact with ourselves in the future, time loops, as well as the effects of other densities and dimensions interacting with our own. She is one of the only writers I've encountered who has gone so far into both history of this reality, and also the hyperreality in which ours is embedded. So yeah, I see no contradiction here.
I don't think there are personal timelines for us on 3D Earth, only one timeline for everyone that can be manipulated (for everyone), according to the C's.
Well, if a decision comes, such as having a child or having an abortion, in your personal life there would be two lines of experiences that will dictate your lessons on a personal level very clearly.

But you can believe what you want.

In the end, they are lessons and you can eventually decide to learn what you have avoided learning at any time.

On a global level, the world will continue on the path marked (it seems that millennia of manipulation contemplate us) with any of your personal decisions, unless that decision can affect globally, as can sometimes happen as well.
Well, if a decision comes, such as having a child or having an abortion, in your personal life there would be two lines of experiences that will dictate your lessons on a personal level very clearly.
I'm not sure what you mean. You get to experience only one of the two options, depending on your choice.

There does seem to be something like 'parallel selves' experiencing other timelines (maybe splitting off at major decisions in life), but I have no idea how that works and I think the C's also did not talk about it much. In any case, our experience is in this timeline - and whenever it gets tampered with, it seems to involve everyone.

Despite many people talking about the Mandela Effect, I have yet to see a convincing example of people remembering different timelines before a change for everyone happened.
Any good science does what it can with the tools available while acknowledging what it us unable to see. Time, and therefore history, is much stranger and much more complex than the usual linear model, as you mention - but I see no reason to conclude that all history is doubtful in a nihilistic sense - that is to say, I don't think that because we can't know it All, therefore we know nothing. Or because we can't know the full truth, therefore everything is a lie. There is an option between these two extremes - to be where we are, See where we are, and move in the best possible direction, towards truth and the All.
So the use of historical research in 3D is to get as close as possible to the true story of whatever puzzle we're looking at. This story can never include everything, and so it will always be limited. It will be limited by the available sources we have access to, by the frequency fence, by our own biases, overt manipulation of texts, etc. We can put pieces of the puzzle together as best we can, and also acknowledge we will never have the full picture.

There is also the many worlds theory that there might be infinite simultaneously co-existing dimensions, which means infinitely co-existing historical puzzles which occur side-by-side. So if we accept this hypothesis, as the C's seem to indicate we can, things get impossibly complex. Streams of reality converge, then diverge again, leading to all kinds of strange phenomena. There is also 4D bleedthrough as well. So this is another limiting factor, a metaphysical one - our story of the puzzle is generally limited to its exploration this world, and this timeline, this reality, as it appears to us.

As such, Laura's focus has been on THIS timeline. I see no problem with that, as I don't think anyone in 3D would be able to write a cosmically 'correct' history due to our many limitations listed above. To Laura's credit, she has written an excellent history of the truth of Christ. In other places she has also extensively explored the weirdness of alternate timelines, contact with ourselves in the future, time loops, as well as the effects of other densities and dimensions interacting with our own. She is one of the only writers I've encountered who has gone so far into both history of this reality, and also the hyperreality in which ours is embedded. So yeah, I see no contradiction here.
I must congratulate your answer which I acknowledge as brilliant and exhaustive, since it encompasses everything that can be said about this subject and so I consider the query I've raised to have been fully answered and very satisfactorily so. There is no contradiction in fact, we know history as far as we can know it with the tools we possess. Our historical certainty must then be relative, since there can exist no 'absolute' account of history. Well said!
I don't think there are personal timelines for us on 3D Earth, only one timeline for everyone that can be manipulated (for everyone), according to the C's.
Interesting, I was in doubt about what the C's might have said about this. So one may talk about an only collective timeline for all in our 3D Earth. Let me ask you if there have existed known splits to this collective timeline previously (if ever, maybe reported by the C's in the sessions).
Interesting, I was in doubt about what the C's might have said about this.
The C's have not said much about parallel selves, I think. You can search through the sessions here, I used the word "parallel" and only came up with this about parallel selves:

23 September 2023

(Ursus Minor) What has happened to people who start speaking in different accents or languages following a stroke?

A: Accessing information.

Q: (L) So you're saying that it is like they've changed their antenna, and they're accessing something that... Is that it?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) When you say that, do you mean they could also be accessing something like a past life?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Or a parallel life?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Any number of answers to that.
And "parallel life" may also refer to the same soul (or parts of the same oversoul?) incarnating as other people, yet living at the same "time". The C's mentioned that in rare cases people who have the same soul live at the same time on our planet too.
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The C's have not said much about parallel selves, I think. You can search through the sessions here, I used the word "parallel" and only came up with this about parallel selves:

And "parallel life" may also refer to the same soul (or parts of the same oversoul?) incarnating as other people, yet living at the same "time". The C's mentioned that in rare cases people who have the same soul live at the same time on our planet too.
Very interesting and mind-boggling at the same time - how hermetic time really is! Thanks for your explanation.
I'm not sure what you mean. You get to experience only one of the two options, depending on your choice.

There does seem to be something like 'parallel selves' experiencing other timelines (maybe splitting off at major decisions in life), but I have no idea how that works and I think the C's also did not talk about it much. In any case, our experience is in this timeline - and whenever it gets tampered with, it seems to involve everyone.

Despite many people talking about the Mandela Effect, I have yet to see a convincing example of people remembering different timelines before a change for everyone happened.
I’ve always tried to wrap my head around how this works. The C’s have said that time is an illusion and that 4DSTS are able to manipulate both the future and past. There has to be some kind of cosmic limitation to this though. Otherwise 4DSTS could wipe out entire bloodlines so any future threat would never even be born. On the other hand, maybe they have done just that. And this timeline is still their best course. See the current state of the world.

Couple this with free will and our futures are open. Maybe. Maybe the timeline has been tweaked so much, that even though we have free will, 4DSTS knows exactly how the our future plays out. Kind of like a computer simulation where you keep tweaking the program to get the desired end result.

The monkey wrench in this is 4DSTO. The C’s have said that severe weather is an indication of 4D battles between STO/STS. If 4DSTO wants free will and 4DSTS wants complete control, maybe the battles are over keeping certain futures and possible timelines open. 4DSTO aren’t going to push anybody in a certain direction but they want to (for lack of a better term) “keep hope alive”. Even if the chance is miniscule, people can still make available choices to get themselves out of this mess. Maybe 4DSTO are the ones keeping the door open for us, but we are the ones that have to make the choices that allow us to step through.

Anyway, just some ramblings from me.
I'm not sure what you mean. You get to experience only one of the two options, depending on your choice.
Session 1 December 1994

Q: (L) What is the probability that S__ will pay me what he owes me? There is a lot of money.

A: It depends on the course of events.

Q: (L) And what are the possible courses?

A: 956000 possibilities.

Session 4 March 1995

Q: (F) Does that satisfactorily answer the question? It's like saying, "Oh, what an interesting store, what's in there?" (L) Well, if none of the numbers that science has come up with are correct, what is the correct definition of the age of the universe?

A: Quasi-quantum possibilities.

Session 17 June 1995

A: Yes, that's true, however, we have already told you in previous sessions, in detail, the methodology that is used for what you call "abduction." And, if you are familiar with the transcripts you have created now, you know exactly how this is done. Your description of it is not completely correct as referenced in the hypnosis session you speak of, or at least your interpretation of the information given during the hypnosis session is not correct.

Now, it should be noted here that when we make clarifying statements such as “this is not correct” or “that is not correct,” it is unusual for us to do so because the nature of your state of being and everyone else’s involves various degrees of illusion. . bound. Therefore, any and all Possibilities. In most cases, there are cases of misalignment of the links of illusion. However, when two or more of these links of illusion are misaligned, then, in fact, it is possible for there to be absolute correctness or absolute incorrectness. In this case, there is a misalignment of the links. Therefore, it is, in fact, completely incorrect.

................................................ ........................

I could go on, but if you search the transcripts using the keyword possibilities, you'll have some time to read.
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