Session 22 July 2012

SAI asks that somebody delete his first post because he used his real name. Or at least delete his name in his first post.


OK, napiši ga.
Persej said:
Obrisano ti je ime u prvom postu. I promeni lozinku odmah.

Kao prvo, molim te piši malim slovima. To je jedno opšte pravilo na svim forumima.
Kao drugo, ne preporučujem ti da joj postaviš takvo pitanje jer kao što vidiš na ovom forumu je registrovano više od 4000 članova tako da nema teoretske šanse da Laura postavlja takva pitanja Kasiopejcima za sve koji bi bili zainteresovani za to. A siguran sam da bi svi mi voleli da joj postavljamo takva pitanja.

Ono što možeš da uradiš je da lepo ovde objasniš svoj problem i možda će se pojaviti neko rešenje od strane nekog člana ovog foruma. Možda čak i od Laure, ko zna. ;)
Evala zemo i godino SAI!

Ovaj forum je osmišljen za one koji traže pravo znanje i sukladno tome napredak na tom putu (ovdi se to zove "4th way" tj četvrti put) koji je pak poprilično trnovit. Forum je toliko sveobuhvatan i u svom nevjerovatnom obimu sadrži mnoga polja od prehrane, UFO & PSI fenomena, spiritualnosti do zemaljskih i kozmičkih promjena. Uglavnom se moraš osloniti na vlastite snage u snalaženju na ovom site-u koji je na engleskom jeziku, a sudeći po tvojim dosadašnjim postovima ti tu nisi na svom terenu. Ove stranice su prožete fantastičnim cjeloživotnim radom i istraživanjem Gđe Laure Knight-Jadczyik, nadobudnog tima zvanog "Posada Zamka" i mnogih drugih... Da bi bar otprilike stekao nekakav uvid o čemu se ovdje radi evo nekih linkova na "našem":

P.S. Inače gledaj ubuduće ne postati velikim slovima jer to izgleda, na neki način, uvredljivo drugima - kao da urlaš!

U najboljij namjeri

Yozilla D'monster

Hi to you countryman!

This forum is designed for those who seek real knowledge and personal advance relating to it (here it is called the 4th way) – and this is quite a thorny path. Forum is so comprehensive and integrates many fields of interest in it's almost unbelievable volume: from nutrition, UFO & PSI phenomenon, spirituality - to changes of Earth and Cosmos. Mostly you will have to rely on your own in going through this pages which are, unluckily for you, in English language of which you are not in very good command – regarding your posts up to now. This pages are permeated by fantastic work and research from Msr Laura Knight-Jadczyik and 'her' team so-called „Castle Crew“ and so many others... Maybe it could be, for best interest if yours, to go through some pages in language of „ours“:

Snip linkz

P.S, In future try not to post in upper-case letters cause it's a kind of offensive to other members – like yelling on them.

In good faith

Ovo je za ekipu sa foruma ( This is for forum members):
Huh this was soooo draining, I hope I've got a gist of it - cannot imagine how are you managing all this typing, translating, editing, Sanskrit etc. etc. ... You must be from Out of Space, YOU..

Added: Evo ti je i Persej nešto slično savjetova...
Yozilla said:
Evala zemo i godino SAI!

Ovaj forum je osmišljen za one koji traže pravo znanje i sukladno tome napredak na tom putu (ovdi se to zove "4th way" tj četvrti put) koji je pak poprilično trnovit. Forum je toliko sveobuhvatan i u svom nevjerovatnom obimu sadrži mnoga polja od prehrane, UFO & PSI fenomena, spiritualnosti do zemaljskih i kozmičkih promjena. Uglavnom se moraš osloniti na vlastite snage u snalaženju na ovom site-u koji je na engleskom jeziku, a sudeći po tvojim dosadašnjim postovima ti tu nisi na svom terenu. Ove stranice su prožete fantastičnim cjeloživotnim radom i istraživanjem Gđe Laure Knight-Jadczyik, nadobudnog tima zvanog "Posada Zamka" i mnogih drugih... Da bi bar otprilike stekao nekakav uvid o čemu se ovdje radi evo nekih linkova na "našem":

P.S. Inače gledaj ubuduće ne postati velikim slovima jer to izgleda, na neki način, uvredljivo drugima - kao da urlaš!

U najboljij namjeri

Yozilla D'monster

Hi to you countryman!

This forum is designed for those who seek real knowledge and personal advance relating to it (here it is called the 4th way) – and this is quite a thorny path. Forum is so comprehensive and integrates many fields of interest in it's almost unbelievable volume: from nutrition, UFO & PSI phenomenon, spirituality - to changes of Earth and Cosmos. Mostly you will have to rely on your own in going through this pages which are, unluckily for you, in English language of which you are not in very good command – regarding your posts up to now. This pages are permeated by fantastic work and research from Msr Laura Knight-Jadczyik and 'her' team so-called „Castle Crew“ and so many others... Maybe it could be, for best interest if yours, to go through some pages in language of „ours“:

Snip linkz

P.S, In future try not to post in upper-case letters cause it's a kind of offensive to other members – like yelling on them.

In good faith

Ovo je za ekipu sa foruma ( This is for forum members):
Huh this was soooo draining, I hope I've got a gist of it - cannot imagine how are you managing all this typing, translating, editing, Sanskrit etc. etc. ... You must be from Out of Space, YOU..

Added: Evo ti je i Persej nešto slično savjetova...

Puno hvala na uputama,primljene na znanje.
Gore navedene stranice :val-znanje ,sav već sve pročitao o kasiopejama ,a i mnoge druge.
Tamo je sve na hrvatski pa se dobro snalazim,a ovdje sam se registrirao jer sam mislio daje lakše doći do Laure u vezi postavljanja pitanja casiopejama.
Nisam ovdje da bi baš usvajao nova znanja,nego da ako je moguće dobit od casiopeja informaciju u vezi mog problema. Puno sam toga ,nažalost doživio,pa bi se tih stvari htio rješiti.
Napisao sam šta sam sve doživio ,da li se smije svoje svjedočanstvo iznjeti na portalu?
To je ružno iskustvo,nažalost.
Što se seansi tiče više nisu tako česte zbog velikih obaveza Laure i ekipe, a i C's "rađe" odgovaraju na pitanja od zajedničkog interesa. Ali možeš probati - nije na meni da sudim. Samo bi te zamolio da prije postanja na hrvatskom, tekst pomoću nekog od prevodiljskih programa (npr. Google prevoditelj) prebaciš na engleski tako da nam malo olakšaš stvari. I nemoj postati bilo gdje nego imaš sekciju "Questions for C's". Toliko od mene za sada...

C's seances are not so frequent today since Laura and team have so many other obligations and, also, C's prefer questions of common interest rather than solving private issues. But you can try - I am not here to judge. But before posting in Croatian try to prearrange your text through some translating site (for example Google translator) just to ease thing for us here. And please post in thread "Questions for C's", So much from me on this occasion..

Yozilla D'monster
Yozilla said:
Samo bi te zamolio da prije postanja na hrvatskom, tekst pomoću nekog od prevodiljskih programa (npr. Google prevoditelj) prebaciš na engleski tako da nam malo olakšaš stvari.

To je već uradio u prvom postu. Tako će nam samo otežati stvari a ne olakšati.
Ako želiš SAI da napišeš nešto o svojem iskustvu napiši ga na hrvatskom a mi ćemo se potruditi da ga prevedemo.
Persej said:
Yozilla said:
Samo bi te zamolio da prije postanja na hrvatskom, tekst pomoću nekog od prevodiljskih programa (npr. Google prevoditelj) prebaciš na engleski tako da nam malo olakšaš stvari.

To je već uradio u prvom postu. Tako će nam samo otežati stvari a ne olakšati.
Ako želiš SAI da napišeš nešto o svojem iskustvu napiši ga na hrvatskom a mi ćemo se potruditi da ga prevedemo.

Persej, please also write in English so we can follow this conversation.
anart said:
Persej, please also write in English so we can follow this conversation.


Yozilla said:
But before posting in Croatian try to prearrange your text through some translating site (for example Google translator) just to ease thing for us here.

He already tried that in the first post. That way he will only make things more complicated for us, not easier.
If you want to write something SAI about your experience write it in Croatian and we will try to translate it.
Bluestar said:
This stood out to me as well as much that has been pointed out already.

[Referenced session: 17 January 1997:

Q: (Laura) So, in other words, this cosmic event is the catalyst for the change in those human beings who are ready and prepared to experience it in a positive way...

A: Well, sort of, but... Remember... There is no "supernatural" or "paranormal," only natural and normal. Your 'Noah Syndrome' implied, originally, a discrimination between "wicked" and good. Being ready does not recognize such distinctions!

This is one of the hardest concepts to accept. There are times when I can not see so clearly and my personality will get caught up in the momentum of what I am experiencing, especially these days here in the US and the presidential elections. The lies I see in the news is appalling. Can not at times understand why the populous does not see. Then I have a glimmer of truth come back and remember the Magician's hypnosis, the authoritarian mind set and all the other stuff that is out there and I sigh, my heart a bit more hardened and try and let it go. It's an armor of sorts because I am working on being as objective as I can be in this plane of existence. Just don't want to be so armored that I lose something within myself that is what being human is all about.

Don't let your heart harden, Bluestar. Don't turn away from suffering. Remember the 'pot of gold'? I feel like when we said yes to that pot of gold, we unwittingly said yes to the suffering that followed. Can we have a climax without an anti-climax? We said yes to both because we entered a realm characterized by dualities; e.g., 'wicked' and good, seemingly separated but also intertwined.

Just accomplishing anything in this life shows that pain and pleasure are necessary conditions of pursuing one's destiny in this 3D realm. To get outta here, we probably must not renege on any agreement to allow ALL of our experience while helping those who also want out of this mess.
Buddy said:
Don't let your heart harden, Bluestar. Don't turn away from suffering. Remember the 'pot of gold'? I feel like when we said yes to that pot of gold, we unwittingly said yes to the suffering that followed. Can we have a climax without an anti-climax? We said yes to both because we entered a realm characterized by dualities; e.g., 'wicked' and good, seemingly separated but also intertwined.

Just accomplishing anything in this life shows that pain and pleasure are necessary conditions of pursuing one's destiny in this 3D realm. To get outta here, we probably must not renege on any agreement to allow ALL of our experience while helping those who also want out of this mess.

Doing my best Buddy, thanks. I guess it's the reaction that counts and I am working on not being so "reactive" and at the same time not letting it get bottled up within me. Keeping it below the head :)

In agreement with the basic concept here, just having difficulty not using the terms "wicked and good" For example to me it is very very wicked for a grown person to intentionally harm a child. And maybe the two involved can glean some "good" out of the action, yet I am having trouble seeing the "normal and natural" in these kinds of actions. I sit here with tears in my eyes at the site of a Palestian man pulling a dead child out of the wreckage of a bombed building but also in not being "ready" because I see a distinction between who dropped the bomb and the innocent child. Does that make sense? Or am I stuck in a place of mechanical reactions of judgment because the big picture is just to big to see for me at the moment?

On a side note today is thanksgiving holiday in the US and want to say I am very grateful and thankful for this opportunity to be on this planet at this very time to experience what is presumed to be an amazing experience in the incarnation of me. The balance I feel is the prayers sent out to all who are suffering in whatever way that it be a catalyst somehow to help set you free. Thank you chateau and formites.
Bluestar said:
In agreement with the basic concept here, just having difficulty not using the terms "wicked and good" For example to me it is very very wicked for a grown person to intentionally harm a child. And maybe the two involved can glean some "good" out of the action, yet I am having trouble seeing the "normal and natural" in these kinds of actions. I sit here with tears in my eyes at the site of a Palestian man pulling a dead child out of the wreckage of a bombed building but also in not being "ready" because I see a distinction between who dropped the bomb and the innocent child. Does that make sense? Or am I stuck in a place of mechanical reactions of judgment because the big picture is just to big to see for me at the moment?

On a side note today is thanksgiving holiday in the US and want to say I am very grateful and thankful for this opportunity to be on this planet at this very time to experience what is presumed to be an amazing experience in the incarnation of me. The balance I feel is the prayers sent out to all who are suffering in whatever way that it be a catalyst somehow to help set you free. Thank you chateau and formites.

Are you saying that you feel you are not ready because the suffering of others effects you, and you can't see everything in it's 'oneness'? Empathy is not something that holds us back, it is quite the opposite. Empathy is where our power lies, it brings us together and stops us from internally considering.

I'm sure you're familiar with the quote from the C's:

Emotion that limits is an impediment to progress. Emotion is also necessary to make progress in 3rd density. It is natural. When you begin to separate limiting emotions based on assumptions from emotions that open one to unlimited possibilities, that means you are preparing for the next density.

Yes, at some level those poor souls being bombed may have chosen these lessons, and in an objective sense nothing is good or evil, only contacting or expanding. But it is important not to forget that we are still human, and our emotions are still necessary. They should be nurtured and kept in check, like a good horse.

Sorry if I misunderstood you, hope this helps.
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