Session 22 October 2022

For 4D, it seems it's possible for them to do things to us without leaving any discernible trace (the 'reality merging' described in the session) that couldn't be assumed to be just the normal effects of 3D life. That would seem to be an infringement of the most important law of free will. Hence, the requirement, in such cases, for them to leave some trace, some clue, of their actions.
I've got a lot of thoughts on this particular topic that I'm in the process of formalising at the moment, but perhaps a good way to summarise it is to point out what seems to me to be a contradiction in the idea of "the law of free will".

As I see it, interpreting free will as a "law" automatically brings a lot of associations - crime, judgement, punishment. How can "free will" be exercised if there is an intrinsic threat of punishment? That wouldn't be free will, it would be coercion. There can only be Free Will in a cosmic sense if that Free Will includes the possibility of violating or ignoring the free will of others.

Now, there do seem to be consequences to violating or ignoring free will: alignment with the Thought Centre of Non-Being, which has a whole heap of implications that those who consciously pursue that alignment seem to wishfully exclude from their mentation. So, in this sense, is it just semantics to say that Free Will isn't a "law", and instead call it, say, a gift? Perhaps even the First and Greatest Gift? The way we name and describe thoughts seems to have some deep sense and significance, so I tend to think that there might be something to this.

How does this relate to the "requirement to declare" that the C's mentioned? From my current perspective, the causal determinism that seems to characterise the most fanatical adherents of materialism suggests that, past a certain point of pursuing the STS pathway, those individuals choose to believe that there is no free will, thus such a belief may be an inherent part of the 4D STS mindset as well.

So why would a 'god-like' creature with no belief in free will feel bound by some "law of free will" to declare themselves when manipulating a target? Only if there is some intrinsic utility to doing so.

This suggests that the process that 4D STS follow with their "reality merging tech" creates the declaration as a direct effect of the use of the technology itself.

And it's up to us as the potential 'targets' of such technology to recognise the significance of such declarations and exercise our Gift of Free Will to take appropriate countermeasures (or not).

I hope this makes sense!

Given that 4D allows for part 'ethereal' or non-physical existence while still 'alive', I wonder how this state would differ from the 4D disincarnate spirits you theorize...assuming your theory has any merit! ;-)
LOL! Yeah, this is a really good question. As I imagine it at the moment, there must be some difference between the ability to shift between a physical and spiritual state in 4D, and pure spiritual existence in 5D. Otherwise why have 4D at all? This suggests there may be a qualitative difference between "discarnate" spiritual existence in 4D (with no or very limited control over the material world, similar to a discarnate spirit in 3D), and "incarnate" spiritual existence in 4D, where one can variably "physicalize at will" if one desires.

I read an interesting science fiction book once where the main 'antagonists' were a race of humans who had genetically engineered themselves into a new species with an extra chromosome that gave them the ability to phase between the physical world and a "realm of Light" in which they could heal themselves indefinitely and re-enter the physical world at any location they had knowledge of, thus effectively giving them teleportation abilities. Although in the story those humans were the "benevolent slave owners" of the remains of a post-nuclear-war humanity, I always thought there were some interesting parallels there with the C's descriptions of 4D existence. The book was published in 1988, so perhaps an example of "literary foreshadowing" of certain ideas blossoming in the mass consciousness?
(Ze Germans) What is the true origin of Russophobia? Is there a hyperdimensional aspect to it?

A: Absolutely!!!

Q: (L) Hmm.

(Joe) There's a book on it.

(Niall) There's a whole book on it. It's as old as the West. It's built in to our entire Western system.

(L) Why?

(Joe) Because of today.

A: Purity of soul genes.

Q: (L) Why do you say "soul genes"?

A: Because it is not connected to physical manifestations. It has a great deal to do with locator and resonance of same.

Q: (Pierre) Didn't the C's say once that the true Semites were more difficult to control by 4D?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So, are many of the peoples of the Russian area or whatever their physical manifestation, are they because of their proximity and the probability that they have intermarried throughout centuries and centuries, that they carry some sort of partial human and partial... um, "angelic" (we're gonna call it "angelic" but we really mean some kind of 4D from other planets or whatever) that type of thing? Is that it?

A: Yes close enough
This is what I actually often think of...of such specific “strangeness” of Russian people, they have some core inside which is difficult to wake up (unfortunately nowadays so many are asleep due to mass media propaganda) but as history shows there it is, united and strong, when needed.

This is what Nikolai Roerich wrote about “Russian soul”

"The people must understand, they must sense in their hearts what their glorious stronghold lies in. Let some other peoples be proud of their mechanicalness. The Russian soul is not a mechanical clockwork little soul. No, the Russian soul is alive with beauty, and kindness has built a nest in the depths of the Russian heart.
The Russian people are a builder people. Not a builder of factories, but a creator of life. From every trial, the people come out renewed. May the Russian people be well! And trouble, like river water, will wash away and wash. To a new path, to new construction!" August 31, 1941 (N.K. Roerich. Sheets of the diary v.2. To a new path)

Q: (Ryu) To go back to the genetics of Russian people: Does that mean that a greater proportion of their population have it in them to be 4D candidates?

A: Not necessarily the correct way to put the question.

Q: (L) Okay, well... Lemme think.

(Chu) Does she mean 4D STS?

(L) Well, the thing is that everybody in a sense is ultimately a 4D candidate - either STS or STO. But it doesn't necessarily mean they are 4D candidates in this lifetime or cycle. Even OPs have the potential for acquiring soul essences and ultimately after however many incarnations or whatever, to become 4D candidates.

(Joe) Is it more like a 3D thing with the Russians? They just tend to have a better functioning bullshit detector?

A: Yes. Also due to suffer
It’s interesting how Russian soul is connected with suffering, plenty of Russian poets, writers and philosophers wrote about it.

“The fact that Russians are passionately obsessed with suffering has been written in several studies by the scholar Rancourt-Laferriere who studied Russian culture. In the book “Russian Literature and Psychoanalysis“, he decomposed heroes of Pushkin, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Chekhov, Turgenev and almost all Russian classics into a simple algorithm: everyone irresistibly wants to suffer, everyone is drawn to pain. To whom in Russia to live well? In a word: to no one. Everyone suffers, that's why they are heroes. Brodsky in Vienna argued on this topic as follows: “Only through suffering does a human become a human. Dostoevsky was right!” After that, Brodsky paused (the audio recording of the interview has been preserved) and continued: “I’m looking at you, it’s good in Europe, there is an abundance in stores. Rights are respected, a person is free from birth. Why should a person then fight, for what should he live? For shopping?!“

«Suffering and pain are always indispensable for a wide consciousness and a deep heart.
Truly great people, it seems to me, must feel great sadness in the world.» Dostoevsky F.

Actually, Living here in Russia I more trust in Russian soul, our people, then in today’s Russian government...
As I see it, interpreting free will as a "law" automatically brings a lot of associations - crime, judgement, punishment. How can "free will" be exercised if there is an intrinsic threat of punishment? That wouldn't be free will, it would be coercion. There can only be Free Will in a cosmic sense if that Free Will includes the possibility of violating or ignoring the free will of others.
Well, the way I see it is that free will is a universal law, and it applies to the individual. Your free will is sacred, but that of others too.

And yes, it can be someone's free will, "violating" the free will of others.

So why would a 'god-like' creature with no belief in free will feel bound by some "law of free will" to declare themselves when manipulating a target? Only if there is some intrinsic utility to doing so.
And as an example I see it like this:

Why do we "need" to build an airplane in order to fly?

Well, it seems that there are a series of "irresistible" physical laws that cannot be circumvented.

The being that infringes the free will of others may "need", that person by virtue of his own free will, "choose" to do what this being wants to force him to do.

The being selfish will seek the "action" that most benefits he in all aspects.

Returning to the example, whoever wants to fly without a plane, may be hurt.
This is nothing to deal with in such a context, IMO...
The question was framed in such a way as to also provide information for others.

I just wonder if that many people participating ads anything really worth it to the Cassiopaea communications ?
There's been a bit of "grooving" this year, but the group sessions are really starting to bear fruit, or at least, I think so.

Well, it seems that there are a series of "irresistible" physical laws that cannot be circumvented.
From what the C's have been saying in recent sessions, some of those "irresistible physical laws" are starting to look more like "guidelines!"

Cs Session 27th August 2022 said:
Q: (Ark) Alright. Next question: Is the speed of light constant?
A: No
Q: (Ark) Does it vary with frequency?
A: Yes
Q: (Ark) Are there discrete dimensions rather than continuous?
A: Somewhat.
Q: (Ark) Somewhat. Okay. Is Planck’s constant a constant?
A: No
Q: (Ark) Aha.
From what the C's have been saying in recent sessions, some of those "irresistible physical laws" are starting to look more like "guidelines!"

Perhaps it's the case that all or most laws can be overcome depending on your knowledge and ability, and as such are not laws that incur a "punishment". Looking at the inability to circumvent such laws as "punishment" is a kind of victim mentality. They're not set up to victimize anyone. The only law that can't be completely overcome is perhaps the law of free will, which always involves the requirement to leave evidence that an attempt has been made to infringe it.
Agreed with Joe. Punishment is human invention and cannot be found anywhere else in nature.

Freewill as I understand the subject at this point

Starting with a premise “bad guys do bad things” based on their free will. Yes, we have experienced it time and time again and know this to be true.

Not so pleasant truth comes next.

Good guys based on their free will let bad things happen to them. Why? A plethora of reasons really. Is there a way where good guys can reverse the order? Yes, there is! Thru knowledge and awareness both of which enable us to see bad things from the very beginning and to exercise our own free will to better outcomes.

To complicate things even more, good and bad are opposite sides of one coin. One cannot exist without the other. It is as if one literally help developing the other in seemingly antagonistic ways.

We choose which side of the coin we want to be part of. And learn our lessons accordingly.
Q: (Joe) They don't like declaring themselves. They're required to; like it's some kind of law?

A: Yes
I wonder if they need to declare themselves because attempting to influence free will via 4D technology requires making the target AWARE of something? Sort of like a magic trick where a diversion is required otherwise the audience notices what is happening?
If you think about it, down here, there is no way for anyone to do anything that impacts others without leaving some trace, however obscure, of what they did. Here's it's a direct and unavoidable result of doing something. For 4D, it seems it's possible for them to do things to us without leaving any discernible trace (the 'reality merging' described in the session) that couldn't be assumed to be just the normal effects of 3D life. That would seem to be an infringement of the most important law of free will. Hence, the requirement, in such cases, for them to leave some trace, some clue, of their actions.
So why would a 'god-like' creature with no belief in free will feel bound by some "law of free will" to declare themselves when manipulating a target? Only if there is some intrinsic utility to doing so.
This suggests that the process that 4D STS follow with their "reality merging tech" creates the declaration as a direct effect of the use of the technology itself.
Perhaps it's the case that all or most laws can be overcome depending on your knowledge and ability, and as such are not laws that incur a "punishment". Looking at the inability to circumvent such laws as "punishment" is a kind of victim mentality. They're not set up to victimize anyone. The only law that can't be completely overcome is perhaps the law of free will, which always involves the requirement to leave evidence that an attempt has been made to infringe it.

Thinking out loud:

So there's the universal law of free will. I think this just means, everyone CAN do whatever they choose, within the limits of their knowledge and power/energy. Everything we do creates karma - like "every action has an equal and opposite reaction"(? but in an infinitely complex structure so it doesn't necessarily look as obvious, opposite, or immediate as it sounds!). STS is happy to infringe the free will of others (creating more karma).. STO chooses not to (letting the ripples of karma pass by unreflected/refracted) ..... maybe this is wrong, but it's one way I've visualised this...

STS does always seem to leave this weird hint or declaration of what they're doing...Do they even know they're doing that? The C's say it's like a law. I guess it's a law as in a natural law which can't be broken (variance of natural laws like the speed of light - due to us not fully understanding them? - notwithstanding)...built into the structure of the whole...

There are the big examples we've seen of governments or corporations bizarrely declaring what their evil plans are, leaving a calling card, e.g. in a TV ad or a popular movie, or whatever. (can't think of an example right now, but you know, how they seem to just love to gloat)... But it happens all the time too, at a small scale, like freudian slips. Like, did you ever lie to someone? For whatever reason, you were hiding something from someone... and at some point, you found yourself blurting out SOME kind of reference to it, probably in a different context, just some cryptic little notification of the truth? Anyone know what I mean? I can't explain well, it's late here... but I've done this before! It's not exactly a freudian slip...It's as if your false actions were weighing on your mind and made something pop out somewhere in a different direction. "As above, so below", so it makes sense that if we are like this, 4D STS would be too...

So why does this happen? I wonder why it's a requirement.. Is it some kind of structural wave mechanics thing like a little splash that happens when karma is generated? A pressure release valve on karma? Just a way of the universe keeping balance, like the little dots in the middle of the yin-yang symbol?

...I guess that was all quite abstract, and maybe totally wrong... I'm up past my bedtime...

There's the idea that vampires can't enter your house without being invited, so the STS "calling card" evidence could be like the minimum bit of information put out there for you to, supposedly, at some level, have known what you were doing when you made the choice to allow them in... BUT I'm not so sure that's really how it'd work in the case of higher density STS, because:

Q: (L) You have said on occasion that free will is the most important law of consciousness in creation. Why can we not exercise our free will and refuse to be abducted and experimented upon?

A: Those who abduct are exercising their free will in doing so.

Q: (L) Why does their free will have precedence over our free will?

A: Why does your free will have precedence over density 2 and 1 beings?

..which I take to mean, we have more knowledge and power than density 2 and 1 beings, so we can do whatever we want to them, as 4 can to us.
Thank you, thank you for the session - it was information packed and wonderful as always. I have been keeping the Chateau folks in my thoughts and prayers and will double my efforts. Am relieved to know things will settle a bit, though.

Q: (L) Is everybody feeling the torture of the external world going to hell in a handbasket and nothing we can do about it? Do ya'll feel tortured, horrified, disgusted, amazed, revolted, helpless... Just oh my god! And do you realize how FAST it happened? I mean, things were a little wonky since 9/11, but up until they started that color revolution in Ukraine, things were still kinda... normal. From then on, it just snowballed. That was 2014, and this is 2022. 8 years. It's CRAZY! I can't believe it. The insanity... T
The above rings true for me as well - if it weren't for this forum, am not sure how I would cope. Am recently taking deep breaths and steeping back from the emotion of it all - I live in a relatively conservative Christian area, but have watched my young grand-nieces/ nephew succumb to the gender fluid / 'phobic' / racist narrative - and worse, as I am not the parent, must be very circumspect about what i choose to say as a counterweight. I pray for them - it's so infuriating to see innocents manipulated in this way. It's also very difficult at times not to imagine the worst 'hell' has on offer for the PTB perpetrating this travesty! But I do restrain my thoughts...

I am very happy to hear that our meditations are helping to maintain unity and protection - I have noticed that participating in this project has made a significant difference in how i think and what I understand. Bless you all for making this possible - and for everything you do!
I've got a lot of thoughts on this particular topic that I'm in the process of formalising at the moment, but perhaps a good way to summarise it is to point out what seems to me to be a contradiction in the idea of "the law of free will".

As I see it, interpreting free will as a "law" automatically brings a lot of associations - crime, judgement, punishment. How can "free will" be exercised if there is an intrinsic threat of punishment? That wouldn't be free will, it would be coercion. There can only be Free Will in a cosmic sense if that Free Will includes the possibility of violating or ignoring the free will of others.

Now, there do seem to be consequences to violating or ignoring free will: alignment with the Thought Centre of Non-Being, which has a whole heap of implications that those who consciously pursue that alignment seem to wishfully exclude from their mentation. So, in this sense, is it just semantics to say that Free Will isn't a "law", and instead call it, say, a gift? Perhaps even the First and Greatest Gift? The way we name and describe thoughts seems to have some deep sense and significance, so I tend to think that there might be something to this.

How does this relate to the "requirement to declare" that the C's mentioned? From my current perspective, the causal determinism that seems to characterise the most fanatical adherents of materialism suggests that, past a certain point of pursuing the STS pathway, those individuals choose to believe that there is no free will, thus such a belief may be an inherent part of the 4D STS mindset as well.

So why would a 'god-like' creature with no belief in free will feel bound by some "law of free will" to declare themselves when manipulating a target? Only if there is some intrinsic utility to doing so.

This suggests that the process that 4D STS follow with their "reality merging tech" creates the declaration as a direct effect of the use of the technology itself.

And it's up to us as the potential 'targets' of such technology to recognise the significance of such declarations and exercise our Gift of Free Will to take appropriate countermeasures (or not).

I hope this makes sense!
Makes sense, free will seems to be a general law, but this would not be "infinite" in some respects, STS entities obviously live in illusions and think they can maintain control over others and preserve their view of reality forever and that never there will come a time of destruction for them... after all many things can end up in a black hole after many cycles so to speak.
Regarding the need to advertise, it seems that free will is preserved by the universe in certain ways up to a certain point and the universe has ways of knowing it so to speak, problems of interaction between STS and STO polarities have already been alluded to, violating free will will of an opposite polarity or with tendencies and a certain polarization to another (such as us who are STS, but some with a certain STO polarization) can bring as consequences depolarizations-demagnetizations of the current polarity and with it certain consequences that are feared. Imagine an STS being in a pyramid that has lost strength due to a certain event, knows that maybe it would be quickly moved down the pyramid by other STS entities that want to take its place, it doesn't sound nice. 🙂
Perhaps it's the case that all or most laws can be overcome depending on your knowledge and ability, and as such are not laws that incur a "punishment". Looking at the inability to circumvent such laws as "punishment" is a kind of victim mentality. They're not set up to victimize anyone.
I could have worded my response to @Wandering Star better. I apologise if I came across as flippant. I'll be first to admit that there's a lot more we don't know about the cosmos than we do know. Looking forward to learning more about it!
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