Session 23 January 2016

Pierre said:
angelburst29 said:
A question - Could magnetic forces - also play a part in the force of the Tsunami waves, reaching the shore line?

From what I understand tsunamis are mostly mechanical phenomena due to movements in the ocean floor (underwater quakes). Those quakes, however, can be caused by electromagnetic factors: slower spinning frequency of the Earth because of reduced solar activity (leading to crustal deformation), reduced electromagnetic field between the Earth's core and its surface (binding force) making crustal material loose (like continental and oceanic plates) and therefore more prone to moving relative to each others, i.e. quakes.
What would an event like a 10.4 do to magnetic fields, realm dynamics, etc.? We already have planes supposedly disappearing through portals / tears, things like "window fallers", and other high strangeness? Would such an absolutely phenomenal event, given "The Wave" / "4th density bleedthrough" etc., have a major non-physical side to it?
Laura said:
Session Date: January 23rd 2016

(Chu) What else was in those predictions?

(L) California, Lassen, gas explosion in the Northeast... We've been having gas explosions like CRAZY, but everywhere.

(Data) What about the supernova?

(L) The supernova was included. We just got that report about the most bodacious supernova ever seen.

{From session 3 Dec. 1994:

Ukraine explosion; chemical or nuclear. Hawaii crash; aviation, possibly involving military. More California seismic activity after 1st of year: San Diego, San Bernardino, North Bakersfield, Barstow: all are fracture points. Hollister, Palo Alto, Imperial, Ukiah, Eureka, Point Mendocino, Monterrey, Offshore San Luis Obispo, Capistrano, Carmel: these are all stress points of fracture in sequence. "Time" is indefinite. Expect gradual destruction of California economy as people begin mass exodus. Also, Shasta erupts; Lassen activity. Ocean floor begins to subside. Leave channel open and pause: Queen Elizabeth serious illness; blood related. Princess Diana suicide attempt. Gas explosions this winter in NE United States, Texas and other. Supernova and unusual weather all over. Memphis feels tremors. Minneapolis banking scandal relates to mysterious Nordic covenant. Evangelical sexual tryst exposed. Gold is discovered in California after one of the quakes. UFOs dramatic increase and Gulf Breeze gets swarmed, becomes massive "Mecca". Laura sees much more UFO activity. Huge wave of UFO activity. All manner and origins. Just you wait, it will give you chills and that feeling in the pit of your stomach. Many aliens will appear and we will be visible too. Think of it as a convention. All must awaken to this. It is happening right now. The whole populace will play individual roles according to their individual frequencies. This is only the beginning. Just you wait "Henry Higgins," just you wait!}

(Chu) What else happened in 1997 {the year Diana was killed}?

(Data) Did the supernova that happened in January (this month) have any effects on humanity?

A: It didn't happen in January.

Q: (L) When did it happen?

(Data) The news article is from January.

(Andromeda) I think they discovered it in June of last year – June 2015. That's when it was first detected.

{Lee Billings of Scientific American reports:

Discovered in June 2015 by ASAS-SN’s twin 14-centimeter telescopes operating in Cerro Tololo, Chile, the supernova just appeared as a transient dot of light in an image, and wasn’t immediately recognized as particularly special. Only after several other telescopes piled on to provide additional observations of the outburst’s fading afterglow did it become clear to Dong and his collaborators that they had seen something record-breaking. The first hint came from a spectrum of the supernova delivered by the 2.5-meter du Pont Telescope in Chile seven days after the initial discovery. “When we saw the spectrum, we were baffled,” Dong recalls. “It didn’t look like any supernova we had seen.

The explosion’s magnitude is so large that it challenges the current theories about these cosmological phenomena. Allison Eck of PBS explains:​

If ASASSN-15lh’s parent star shed its out layers of gas and then collapsed its inner core to form what’s called a magnetar—a dense, rapidly rotating magnetized core—then magnetized wind emanating from that collapse could have shocked the outwardly flying matter enough produce a massive explosion. The catch is that the magnetar would have to have been spinning at a rate of one revolution per millisecond—that’s 60,000 rpm—which pushes the boundaries of what scientists think is physically conceivable. The magnetar idea may not be correct, but it’s at least plausible. Meanwhile, experts are on the lookout for other explanations.}

(Data) What were the effects from the supernova?

A: Compare news to event!

Q: (L) Are you saying that it can have an effect on humanity, or it did?

A: Yes

Q: (L) But it's up to us to figure it out?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Also, I suppose we could look at planetary events. Weather events. We'll have to go back on SOTT and look.

(Chu) It may have helped Putin.

(L) When did he start whupping up on those people, September? Within three months, Putin's on the warpath. It probably took three months to formulate strategies.

(Joe) Yeah, they probably started back then and put it all in place.

(L) That could be part of it. What next?

A Candidate for the Biggest Boom Yet Seen
Illustration Credit: Jin Ma (Beijing Planetarium)​

Explanation: It is a candidate for the brightest and most powerful explosion ever seen -- what is it? The flaring spot of light was found by the All Sky Automated Survey for Supernovae (ASASSN) in June of last year and labelled ASASSN-15lh. Located about three billion light years distant, the source appears tremendously bright for anything so far away: roughly 200 times brighter than an average supernova, and temporarily 20 times brighter than all of the stars in our Milky Way Galaxy combined. Were light emitted by ASASSN-15lh at this rate in all directions at once, it would be the most powerful explosion yet recorded. No known stellar object was thought to create an explosion this powerful, although pushing the theoretical limits for the spin-down of highly-magnetized neutron star -- a magnetar -- gets close. Assuming the flare fades as expected later this year, astronomers are planning to use telescopes including Hubble to zoom in on the region to gain more clues. The above-featured artist's illustration depicts a hypothetical night sky of a planet located across the host galaxy from the outburst.

Earthquake : USGS says California is at Greater Risk now for an 8.0 Quake

Published on Mar 11, 2015
The video is broken into two parts. Both are included below:
News Articles:
Chance of Mega-Earthquake in California Increases, Says USGS
Risk of 8.0 earthquake in California rises, USGS says
Odds of an 8.0-magnitude Quake Rising, According to New USGS Study
California More Likely to Have Mega-Earthquake in Next 30 Years: USGS
Chance of mega-quake in California rises, USGS says

Total Chaos that day. The one lucky break was due to, most of the bay-area being totally consumed with the World Series across the bay at Candlestick Park SF.
As a result, most of the traffic had transited almost 1 and half, 2,and 3 hours earlier, before the 6:00 o'clock game time start.
Got a tailgate (American past time festivity before entering the park) party, perhaps saved a lot of life's.

The Great San Francisco Earthquake of 1989 Rare Police Video Part 1
Published on Aug 1, 2013
This rare video of the Great San Francisco Earthquake was produced by California Highway Patrol. A Multidisciplinary Accident Investigation Team comprised of accident reconstruction specialist was formed to identify, collect and document all of the factual information and available data regarding the San Francisco -- Oakland Bay Bridge and the Cypress Street Viaduct collapses.

On Tuesday October 17, 1989 at 5:04pm, as the third game of the 1989 World Series was about to begin, strong earthquake ripped through northern California, killing 63 people, injuring thousands and leaving estimated tens of thousands homeless. With the epicenter 60 miles south-southeast of San Francisco, near Loma Prieta in the Santa Cruz mountain range, the main shock produced the largest destructive force to strike the San Francisco Bay area since 1906, ruptured the segment of the San Andreas Fault and had a surface wave magnitude of 7.1 (6.9 on the Richter Scale). BTW -- I don't know why they call it the World Series since nobody anywhere in the world gives a shit about baseball. Unless because it's the more boring and lifeless sport in the WORLD?

The video is a collection of the best authentic footages and news reports of the '89 Quake amplified by audio recordings of 911 calls made during the disaster. It contains such things as the video of the rescue of a trapped vehicle that tried to jump the collapsed part of the bridge like it was in a Hollywood movie, rescue of a boy that was trapped inside a crushed car beneath the body of his dead mother, the after earthquake demolition of the viaduct and more. As the narrator in the video says, it took a total of 10 days to recover all of the 41 bodied crushed by the collapsed Cypress Street viaduct.
The video is broken into two parts. Both are included below:

Recent Earthquakes Near Carmel Valley Village, California, United States
Carmel Valley Village has had: (M1.5 or greater)

4 earthquakes today
10 earthquakes in the past 7 days
41 earthquakes in the past month
467 earthquakes in the past year​
Talk of cultural icons like Bruce Lee and Kurt Cobain. Even the Cs say Puhleeze! No questions about Cologne, the situation in Germany? Fluff, cotton candy.
I wish i had the info on iodine when i was raising my pigs. Wonder if giving them large doses would have also helped them in such ways. Perhaps it may have made them super healthy to consume and a way to bypass taking this and other supplements directly.
Ruth said:
Skyalmian said:
"We have warned of [Mount] Ra{i}nier." has been on mind. IF that is to be another warning sign before—if it goes active in any way, shape, or form—time to go immediately then?

I would start thinking of making preparations, having an emergency evacuation plan etc or at least thinking about these things. It really worried me that the FIMA representative stated that everything west of highway (101?) was going to be 'toast' if there was a big subduction earthquake and tsunami.

Hi everybody,

there's already so much info here that I might skipped the link I want to draw your attention to. Anyway, better twice than never.


this is a good enough presentation of the subduction zones earthquakes which were significant, as well as which too place on the Californian shores many centuries ago until recently.

It also present the local native's legends, the geological survey's findings, correlation with data from other countries hit by the resulted tsunamis, the way one can be alerted and prepared, etc.

Hope to be of help...sorry that I couldn't come up with some more lighthearted thing, but better safe than sorry.
Laura said:
It's all so sick that it just makes me crazy sometimes. The USA and all the countries it dominates has been so co-opted by pathological types for so long that there are NO individuals in any of them with any capacity for good governance. Look at the presidential line-up in the US. What a freaking farce. It's gone WAY beyond "Idiocracy". At this point, it seems to me that it really has gone beyond fixing. The only "fix" would be a barrage of comets taking humanity back to Square One.

I've been thinking of this from a larger historical perspective. I think that people like Caesar, and now Putin, have the role of giving humanity more time to breathe and more opportunity to make choices (enhancing free will). Putin seems to be extending the time before the great collapse by some unknown number of years. But earlier in history, the gifts given by such people have over time largely come to be wasted by humanity, and in terms of how the cosmos responds, I think this amounts to humanity failing at transmillenial theoxeny. Then we have the current circumstances on top of this.

Through their collective willful ignorance of reality, most of humanity is asking to not-Be, and the cosmos will grant this request. And whether this is done through comets, ice age onset, plague, direct consumption by lizzies, etc. - whatever the 'tool' which ends up used to grant the request in different cases - on the collective scale, this amounts to the objective love of the cosmos, its giving what has been asked for.

This mass die-off of wishful thinkers in this world would level the playing field in terms of collective FRV, and so, it is the key to the becoming of any new future. We simply can't have the latter without the former.

On the more emotional side of things, having grown up in this civilization, and learned so much more about it, and come to see and to deeply feel its nature, I deeply wish for the forces of nature to blast it back to the stone age or beyond. I don't want individual people to suffer, and do not feel ill will towards them, but in looking at the bigger, collective picture, there is simply the wish to see most of humanity as a whole finally face the coming "wrath of the cosmos", to see this civilization ground to dust and the dust burned to ashes.
Brewer said:
Talk of cultural icons like Bruce Lee and Kurt Cobain. Even the Cs say Puhleeze! No questions about Cologne, the situation in Germany? Fluff, cotton candy.

We previously asked about it and as far as I'm concerned, the important questions were answered. Everything is derives from that and can be answered by careful analysis. In other words, it's a manufactured situation, created by the West, horrible suffering on all sides, and if Merkel doesn't get run out of town on a rail soon, I'll be surprised. A revolution might help, too. But I don't blame the refugees; they are just pawns in the game.

In short, while it is a tragedy happening in front of our eyes (along with a whole lot worse tragedies), I'm no longer interested in it and unless something changes, there won't be any more questions about it for that reason.
Skyalmian said:
Pierre said:
angelburst29 said:
A question - Could magnetic forces - also play a part in the force of the Tsunami waves, reaching the shore line?

From what I understand tsunamis are mostly mechanical phenomena due to movements in the ocean floor (underwater quakes). Those quakes, however, can be caused by electromagnetic factors: slower spinning frequency of the Earth because of reduced solar activity (leading to crustal deformation), reduced electromagnetic field between the Earth's core and its surface (binding force) making crustal material loose (like continental and oceanic plates) and therefore more prone to moving relative to each others, i.e. quakes.
What would an event like a 10.4 do to magnetic fields, realm dynamics, etc.? We already have planes supposedly disappearing through portals / tears, things like "window fallers", and other high strangeness? Would such an absolutely phenomenal event, given "The Wave" / "4th density bleedthrough" etc., have a major non-physical side to it?

Earthquakes are highly electrical phenomena because of, among other things, piezo electricity (transformation of mechanical stress into electricty). Therefore, electromagnetic anomalies during such events are to be expected.

In addition "bleedthroughs" seem to be correlated with electromagnetic phenomena:

session 4/12/2014 said:

So, I would not be surprised if a major earthquake leads to some "high strangeness" like windows fallers, time distortion, objects/individuals disappearing, UFO sightings, and so forth.

Actually a wave of UFO sighting was mentioned in the session that alluded to the seismic activity in Calfornia:

session 3/12/1994 said:
More California seismic activity after 1st of year: San Diego, San Bernardino, North Bakersfield, Barstow: all are fracture points. ollister, Palo Alto, Imperial, Ukiah, Eureka, Point Mendocino, Monterrey, Offshore San Luis Obispo, Capistrano, Carmel: these are all stress points of fracture in sequence. "Time" is indefinite. Expect gradual destruction of California economy as people begin mass exodus. Also, Shasta erupts; Lassen activity. Ocean floor begins to subside. Leave channel open and pause: Queen Elizabeth serious illness; blood related. Princess Diana suicide attempt. Gas explosions this winter in NE United States, Texas and other. Supernova and unusual weather all over. Memphis feels tremors. Minneapolis banking scandal relates to mysterious Nordic covenant. Evangelical sexual tryst exposed. Gold is discovered in California after one of the quakes. UFOs dramatic increase and Gulf Breeze gets swarmed, becomes massive "Mecca". Laura sees much more UFO activity. Huge wave of UFO activity.
Laura said:
Brewer said:
Talk of cultural icons like Bruce Lee and Kurt Cobain. Even the Cs say Puhleeze! No questions about Cologne, the situation in Germany? Fluff, cotton candy.

We previously asked about it and as far as I'm concerned, the important questions were answered. Everything is derives from that and can be answered by careful analysis. In other words, it's a manufactured situation, created by the West, horrible suffering on all sides, and if Merkel doesn't get run out of town on a rail soon, I'll be surprised. A revolution might help, too. But I don't blame the refugees; they are just pawns in the game.

In short, while it is a tragedy happening in front of our eyes (along with a whole lot worse tragedies), I'm no longer interested in it and unless something changes, there won't be any more questions about it for that reason.

Ya know, I should never declare that I am or am not going to do something...

I was just checking the news and there's this article:

The German government says nearly 5,000 child and teenage asylum seekers have gone missing from refugee homes since the start of 2016. Police believe that figures could be distorted but have not ruled out that some might have been the victims of crime. ...

Around 10 percent of those who have disappeared are under the age of 13 and 4,387 were between the ages of 14 and 17. ...

Heinz Hilgers, the president of the German Child Protection Agency said that lone children could be “easy targets” for criminal gangs.

"These perpetrators are not necessarily pedophiles," Hilgers explained, speaking to the Frankfurter Rundsch, as cited by The Local. "They have a disease that many people around the world have: that for them it totally does not matter how they make their money." ....

The news comes as Europol announced in January that 10,000 minors have gone missing since they entered the EU and that human traffickers are taking advantage of the refugee crisis to find sex and labor slaves.

At least 5,000 children have gone missing in Italy alone, Europol’s chief of staff, Brian Donald, told The Observer, adding that another 1,000 have vanished in Sweden.

“It’s not unreasonable to say that we’re looking at 10,000-plus children. Not all of them will be criminally exploited; some might have been passed on to family members. We just don’t know where they are, what they’re doing or whom they are with,” he said.

Well, obviously the situation is tailor made for human traffickers and traffickers in children for pornographic purposes and worse. But what also occurs to me, since the Cs mentioned missing children and what often happens to them in some of the earliest sessions, is that this is a perfect set-up for children to be snatched by 4 D STS (perhaps via their human agents) and utilized in the most gruesome ways imaginable. In fact, it could very well be that this situation - and others like it - are created with that being one of the main objectives: food.

So, yeah, I'll probably ask the Cs about that.
Huh, if those news of missing children are true, maybe some will be sacrificed (as by the way of Abraham) for the purpose of building up negative energies (black magick) in order to precipitate things in Germany/Europe... :-[
Seems there at odds to the admission of the true numbers. It is very disturbing.

10,000 refugee children are missing, says Europol
Last modified on Sunday 31 January 2016

A migrant child walks from the Macedonian border into Serbia, near the village of Miratovac. Photograph: Darko Vojinovic/AP

The EU’s criminal intelligence agency warns pan-European gangs are targeting minors for sex work and slavery

Brian Donald said 5,000 children had disappeared in Italy alone, while another 1,000 were unaccounted for in Sweden. He warned that a sophisticated pan-European “criminal infrastructure” was now targeting refugees. “It’s not unreasonable to say that we’re looking at 10,000-plus children. Not all of them will be criminally exploited; some might have been passed on to family members. We just don’t know where they are, what they’re doing or whom they are with.

Skipping down

“Whether they are registered or not, we’re talking about 270,000 children. Not all of those are unaccompanied, but we also have evidence that a large proportion might be,” said Donald, indicating that the 10,000 figure is likely to be a conservative estimate of the actual number of unaccompanied minors who have disappeared since entering Europe.

In October, officials in Trelleborg, southern Sweden, revealed that some 1,000 unaccompanied refugee children who had arrived in the port town over the previous month had gone missing. On Tuesday a separate report, again from Sweden, warned that many unaccompanied refugees vanished and that there was “very little information about what happens after the disappearance”.

Donald confirmed Europol had received evidence some unaccompanied child refugees in Europe had been sexually exploited. In Germany and Hungary, the former a popular destination country for refugees and migrants, with the latter an important transit state, large numbers of criminals had been caught exploiting migrants, he said. “An entire [criminal] infrastructure has developed over the past 18 months around exploiting the migrant flow. There are prisons in Germany and Hungary where the vast majority of people arrested and placed there are in relation to criminal activity surrounding the migrant crisis,” said Donald.

Europol will take evidence from organisations working on the Balkans route, which requested a meeting with the law enforcement agency specifically to discuss children vanishing. “Their concern is in relation to the number of unaccompanied minors. They’re asking for help in identifying how these children are identified and then brought into the criminal infrastructure. They’re dealing with this on a daily basis, they’ve come to us because they see it as a big problem.” He warned the public to be vigilant, stating that most child refugees who had gone missing would be hiding in plain sight. “These kids are in the community, if they’re being abused it’s in the community. They’re not being spirited away and held in the middle of forests, though I suspect some might be, they’re in the community – they’re visible. As a population we need to be alert to this.”
More @ the link
The way the Cass say we need better heroes and Joe becomes a hero ( in a inspirational sense) to lots of people within this forum gives me a happy feeling inside :D
Laura said:
Well, obviously the situation is tailor made for human traffickers and traffickers in children for pornographic purposes and worse. But what also occurs to me, since the Cs mentioned missing children and what often happens to them in some of the earliest sessions, is that this is a perfect set-up for children to be snatched by 4 D STS (perhaps via their human agents) and utilized in the most gruesome ways imaginable. In fact, it could very well be that this situation - and others like it - are created with that being one of the main objectives: food.

Yes, that is all too perfect opportunity for them to resist. In fact, maybe that is the reason why the Germany let the refugees come? So that they can "harvest" the children for themselves and/or their overlords?!

Anyway, on the subject of negative feelings and DNA modification from this session:

Q: (Joe) Can I ask what was the cause of my "Saturday Night Fever"? [laughter]

A: DNA modification!

Q: (Pierre) Those GMO's you consumed! [laughter]

(Joe) By iodine?

A: Yes. Indirectly.

Q: (Data) Is it a positive or negative modification?

A: Positive. New strands online.

Q: (Data) Congratulations! [laughter]

(Galatea) "You have evolved. You are experiencing new feelings: anxiety, fear, terror!" [laughter]

(Joe) Why have I been having these symptoms like anxiety and fear since then?

A: Any DNA activation has far reaching repercussions on multiple body systems. You have experienced swarms of micro-earthquakes within.

It reminded me of this session:

Laura said:
19 November 1994

(T) I've been saying that I have been at 100% depression for six or seven weeks now. (L) What is causing Terry's depression?

A: Change of DNA.

Q: (T) What brought about the change in DNA?

A: Moving toward 4th level of density reality.

Q: (L) Why does this always seem to cause pain, suffering or depression?

A: All level 1 changes do.

Q: (L) What are level 1 changes?

A: We use "level" designation to denote significance.

Q: (L) Is level 1 most significant?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) As the numbers go higher does the significance get lessened?

A: Close.

Q: (L) What is causing the pain in Jan's right shoulder since several of us have been having this exact same symptom?

A: DNA changes.

Q: (L) Can Reiki be used to help alleviate the discomfort?

A: Not necessary or recommended.

Q: (L) Do we just have to suffer through this one?

A: Each "suffering" will be closely followed by dramatic life changes.

Q: (V) Is there any reason why I have not experienced this discomfort?

A: You will.

So the procedure is this: iodine intake -> endocrine activation -> chakra movement -> DNA modification -> suffering -> joy! :D
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