Session 23 September 2023

There has been videos (space X comes to mind) of them hitting the firmament. So we don't really know what exists beyond the firmament, yes there could be galaxies, but not the way NASA portrays them. I'm not saying I believe it, but I keep my mind open to possibilities that are out there not explained to us as we wish them to be.

Which is fine, the fact of having an open mind, however, you can purchase a fancy telescope and use it yourself, and you wouldn't see something that is much different from space, galaxies or other planets in the Solar system that has been shown by space agencies. Now, there could be manipulations on pictures about Mars and the Moon, that's for sure. So it wouldn't be a black and white thing.
(Joe) Before we move on, the Maui answer was a bit short. Was the main reason for setting fire to Maui, or that part of Maui, to further the global warming?

A: Only part. Expect more "terrorization".

October terrorism?? 😱 I hope not.
let's see what's coming for october! Very interesting session, thank you for sharing! New here, thanks to Laura and the team for the awesome work!
By the way, about fires caused by lasers, there is a theory on the Internet that the laser could not burn what was blue.

It is said that in China they are painting the roofs blue and it is true that in some satellite photos you can see many buildings in China with blue roofs.

I did a little search on the relationship between lasers and the color blue and I haven't found anything very clear about this.
I think it would depend on the frequency of the laser.
I'm having trouble grasping the concept of 'death' (return to 5D) when applied to 4D STO. In 3D, the body degrades over time (slower or faster depending on the environment and the technology). Life events such as murders, accidents, suicides, fights can also lead to death without the body having to reach its "expiration date."

We were told that "STS fractures and disintegrates" due to its stance on Creation. If 4D STO follows the natural order of things and time does not exist, what is the "disintegrating" factor (if any) in 4D STO existence that makes it part of the "Short Wave Cycle" ?
Knowing that gaps in awareness can make a being vulnerable, is death, then, a choice if there are no more gaps pertaining to the existential safety of the being? Finally, taking into account that there is "variability of physicality" in 4D, is there an existential "penalty" when 4D STO chooses to take a physical form?
I read before that one of the limiting factors on human lifespan is that physical existence places a burden on the soul and it can only take so much burden in one go before needing rest. We can assume that 4D STO will be able to lessen said burden and live longer. But eventually, at some point, the soul would just be tired and need rest. The difference compared to 3D may be that it would be a conscious decision rather than unconscious as in 3D.
Un Grand Merci à Laura et Anna, aux Cassiopéen et tous ceux qui ont permis cette session...
Je suis rassurée pour toutes ces âmes décédées ayant pris le vaccin/poison covid et pour nos petits compagnons 2D que nous avons euthanasiés, je me suis fait du souci pour eux tous...
Par contre, je ne croyais pas que l'homme ait marché sur la Lune mais les Cassiopéens confirme que c'est un fait...
Merci pour toutes vos questions plus intéressantes les unes que les autres, nous voilà avec un peu plus de connaissance...

A big thank you to Laura and Anna, to the Cassiopéens and all those who made this session possible...
I am reassured for all these deceased souls who took the covid vaccine/poison and for our little 2D companions who we euthanized, I was worried for them all...
On the other hand, I did not believe that man walked on the Moon but the Cassiopaeans confirm that it is a fact...
Thank you for all your questions, each more interesting than the last, here we are with a little more knowledge...
There were (and still are) a number of reasons to question the story of Apollo 11. Even if they landed on the moon.
I wonder if the reason why this house survived the fire was in the metallic roof? Perhaps beam weapons cannot work on houses with metallic roofs? Perhaps it reflects the beams?
This one is interesting, but the simple answer is that the burned homes were targeted in the time that the weapon platform had and since this was not targeted there are more questions to ask about it. The blue stuff is a different question. I don't know if this is the house, but one owner who had a house like this claimed that his house is a Faraday cage. I don't know if that would be a problem for the targeting systems, but it could be.

The weapon had no problem melting solid aluminum engine blocks and wheel rims into liquid. It even bent steel I-Beams in the buildings in mere seconds.
The mention of the plane actually disappearing over Lake Michigan made me think of how there is apparently an area over the lake with similar disappearances as the Bermuda Triangle. There's even a book about it, Lake Michigan Triangle, The: Mysterious Disappearances and Haunting Tales. I also recall David Paulides talking about it in his Missing 411 book, Sobering Coincidences. There's definitely something strange going on up there. Makes one wonder if there are more videos of planes disappearing that the PTB have.
We live near Lake Michigan, and I have heard many attribute its “energy” to its beaches, which are comprised mostly of quartz.

Upon further investigation, I was intrigued to find this:

So we’ve got a rock known for magnetism, another known for communication, and a third known for enhancing memory. All of that dancing on the edge of a very large body of water.

From a rock nerd’s perspective, that could play a role in the missing 411 a bit, and maybe even some missing planes.
Thank you for another amazing session!

Ant22, exactly. I don't understand that either. Especially in connection to what the C's said about us being "replaced" by an artificially engineered hybrid race. I mean, aren't we producing enough food for 4D STS? Aren't we programmed enough?
I don't think they get it. And that is a problem not only for them but for the rest of us.
Maybe 4D STO creates 3D bodies which are then altered and "lobotomized" by 4D STS such that the latter can merge with these bodies? The bodies could also be used to entrap "unwary" souls and "promote" them to 4D STS as slaves to other 4D STS.
A rather "indirect" reincarnation mechanism! 😅

I'm having trouble grasping the concept of 'death' (return to 5D) when applied to 4D STO. In 3D, the body degrades over time (slower or faster depending on the environment and the technology). Life events such as murders, accidents, suicides, fights can also lead to death without the body having to reach its "expiration date."

We were told that "STS fractures and disintegrates" due to its stance on Creation. If 4D STO follows the natural order of things and time does not exist, what is the "disintegrating" factor (if any) in 4D STO existence that makes it part of the "Short Wave Cycle" ?
Knowing that gaps in awareness can make a being vulnerable, is death, then, a choice if there are no more gaps pertaining to the existential safety of the being? Finally, taking into account that there is "variability of physicality" in 4D, is there an existential "penalty" when 4D STO chooses to take a physical form?
I think as long as you have any desire to be physical, you are partly STS. If you keep recycling back in to a physical experience, even variable physicality as 4D STO, the physicality part is an STS proportion of your experience. Once you can give up the desire of physicality entirely you no longer need to recycle into a level that has any physicality and you can move on to 6D STO with no physicality at all. Physicality in itself is perse STS. The physical part still has to expire. There is no true immortality in a physical existence.

I think your statement "Knowing that gaps in awareness can make a being vulnerable, is death", may be a little too far reaching. If there were no gaps in awareness at all ( zero gaps ), then there would be no learning and from my understanding even 6th density STO is still learning. I do not recall the exact quote and excerpt, but the last fall for earthbound humanity included the burning off of the first 10 factors of our DNA via Light waves. Those light waves were positive from 6D STO and 4D STS re-directed them and used them to help disconnect us from the 3D STO / 4D STO alignment. I think the C's session referred to it as a battle and they (6D STO) lost.

I may have my recollections messed up, but I think even 4D STO have gaps in awareness, otherwise they would be 6D STO and why would there still be learning in 6D STO if there were no gaps in awareness at all?
Thank you for the session :wizard::flowers: Lots to think about for sure!

I've been wondering about this whole depopulation agenda. Given that they apparently want to reduce our numbers by some 80-90%, doesn't that interfere with 4D STS food supply? This leads me to assume that this is a purely 3D PTB idea rather than a deeper 4D STS driven plan, surely the latter need us to feed themselves? Well, unless it's only up to the point of the wave, after that the cycle will restart and they won't need to worry about that anymore. Or there are aspects of the whole deal that I just don't know about, or don't understand, hence is seems nonsensical to me.
I think you are making several assumptions. Why assume that "Food Supply" is a higher priority to them than preventing soul groups that are resistant to domination from entering 4D? Why assume that we are their only food source?
Regarding this maui fires energy weapon theory, forgive me if somebody has already drew the link but this was another one of these events were there was a hurricane in close proximity.. in this case hurricane Dora. Same like on 9/11 and I'm pretty sure there was something when that russian passenger plane looked to be zapped over Egypt? Where the luggage wasn't burnt but metal burnt to a crisp. So any time there seems to be some funny business like this there always seems to be a hurricane in close proximity...
The Paradise California fires were much the same.
Just received this about the "test" on October 4.

Emergency System Test
If what he says is going to happen (lots of people have been saying so, but I am not buying it for the moment), then put your phone in a good old fashioned christmas shortbread cookie can for a couple of hours. Test it first by trying to call it when it is in the can. After testing it, shut it down so that it doesn't roam to find a signal.

Or you could pay for the fancy bags they sell nowadays.

5G allegedly has a limited line of sight distance. Check your streetlights.
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Q: (irjO) Was Proto-Nahuatl the Atlantean language or one of them?

A: Latter.

I should clarify that the better or correct term should be Proto-Nahua without the 'tl' since Nahuatl is an evolution of the same, Basically Uto-Aztecan language is also the Proto-Nahua which evolved into Mexican or Aztec and later got to be known as Nahuatl in the southern regions. It's the same language, just variations through time, thankfully The Cs knew what I meant since it is the same Nahuan language family.
By them confirming that Proto-Nahua is one of the atlantean languages, I suspect this one might come from the Altantis section ruled by those who looked like Native-american. Fun fact, about Aztecs, is that they called the land where they came from: Aztlan, very familiar eh? Would that be the original name of Atlantis in their language? Who knows.

In a previous session they indicated that giants spoke a language very similar to Basque, which is one of the rarest languages out there since nobody knows where it came from, Cs mentioned being a variant of the Atlantean language. Basque is suspected to come from the Aquitanian language (Aquitania region - Gaul, now France) which it's theorized to come from a Proto-Aquitanian language, perhaps that one could come from those of the 'Kantek descendants' variant ruling the northern region of Atlantis which they later became the Celts. It supposed to sound very similar to the Slavic languages such as old Russian for example and of course, Basque.

There is a third one which only have one variation known through time, and is still used today, it is classified as the oldest living language, it's spoken in the Indian continent, called Tamil, it comes from the Dradivian language family which comes from Proto-Dravidian, and the latter could be the one missing between the 3 main languages of the 'big island'? Assuming that there were only 3 main groups in the home base of Atlantis, that is. Interesting stuff nevertheless.
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