Session 23 September 2023

I think Atlantis was based around the area of the modern-day US, so references to both Arizona and Atlantis may be correct as it may have been the same location.

Here are a few excerpts from the sessions that mention the location of Atlantis. Note that both the Canary Islands and the Bermuda Triangle are based on the mass of water around to the US. With continents and masses of land being arranged differently before the cataclysm, those locations may have been a part of a larger piece of land, or closer together. There is also Laura's comment that North American Indians could have been the Atlanteans, which points towards the ancient empire being located around the modern-day US.
Actually the C's confirmed that the Atlanteans were the Native Americans here:

Session 24 September 1995:

Q: (L) What genetic type were the Atlanteans?

A: They were the same as the "Native Americans."

Until the end of the last ice age, most of North America was covered by a thick ice sheet. However, I think places like Arizona and Southern California may have been ice free or at least temperate by comparison. Perhaps someone can check. I am not therefore convinced that the modern USA, as we know it today, could have been Atlantis but stand to be corrected.

Elsewhere, the C's have said that "Atlantis was merely a home base of an advanced civilisation of 3 races of humans occupying different sections of a huge Island empire." Thus, the C's seem to be suggesting that Atlantis had been a giant archipelago (think of Indonesia for a modern day comparison), which went through three separate break-up's caused by three cataclysms occurring over a long period of time.

I agree that this island empire would have included Bermuda, the Canary Islands and the Azores. It may also have included Cuba (as the author and researcher Andrew Collins believes) since large pyramidal structures have been found on the sea bed off the west coast of Cuba opposite the Yucatan Peninsula.

The sinking of the main islands of Atlantis may even have led to the creation of the Sargasso Sea as well. It is distinguished from other parts of the Atlantic Ocean by its characteristic brown Sargassum seaweed and often calm blue water. Interestingly, the Sargasso Sea is often portrayed in literature and the media as an area of mystery. It is often depicted in fiction as a dangerous area where ships are mired in weed for centuries, unable to escape. Could this be some sort of residual folk memory involving Atlantis and the Bermuda Triangle I wonder?​
could they have been referring to Arizona here rather than Atlantis, their ancient homeland?
For the moment, there is not much to add to @Ant22 excellent response. Only the assertion of the Aztecs themselves that Aztlan was an island whose name means "place of the herons".​

There is also a legend that a group of Aztecs were tasked by their king to take a hoard of gold back to their earlier North American homeland (Arizona) to hide it from the Spanish conquistadors

In fact, the expedition in search of Aztlan was not to hide the gold from the conquistadors, nor did it go directly to Arizona, since they did not know the location.

Aztlan was a source of fascination for the Aztecs.

Fray Diego Durán, Dominican chronicler of the 16th century, relates in his History of the Indies that Moctezuma Ilhuicamina, fifth lord of Mexico-Tenochtitlan (1440-1468), ordered an expedition to search for his ancestors in Aztlan-Colhuacan- Chicomóztoc.

Moctezuma gathered sixty elderly people (among whom there were priests and sorcerers) for the journey and gave them gold, precious stones, cloaks, feathers, cocoa, vanilla and cotton from the royal storehouses to use as gifts for the ancestors and to invite them to go and live in Tenochtitlan.

It is said that Moctezuma and his Counselor Tlacaélel stopped on one of the palace terraces to contemplate the great extension and beauty that Tenochtitlan had reached thanks to the military victories and the imposition of tribute on the defeated peoples.

Satisfied with such a scene and knowing the power and supremacy of the Mexica/Aztec people, both decided to organízate the expedition.

The priests discussed the route to follow to reach Aztlan and opted to follow the accounts of the codices (many of them no longer exist because they were burned by the friars) and followed the codex known as the "strip of the pilgrimage".

In the Codice Boturini or Pilgrimage Strip we can see the route.


So they made the journey in reverse, since the codex indicated the years elapsed, the names of the places where the migrants passed and settled temporarily, and the main events that occurred during the trip.

Unfortunately, the expedition did not find Aztlan and opted to return to Tenochtitlan. The travelers recounted their adventures to Moctezuma. Aztlan was not located in any point of known geography: its place was, now, in the lands of legend.​
Maybe 4D STO creates 3D bodies which are then altered and "lobotomized" by 4D STS such that the latter can merge with these bodies? The bodies could also be used to entrap "unwary" souls and "promote" them to 4D STS as slaves to other 4D STS.
A rather "indirect" reincarnation mechanism! 😅
That's not reincarnation though; that's possession. Also, you're conflating 4D STO reproduction (ie. 4D STO children) with 4D STO "civilisation seeding", which is 4D STO creating 3D STO civilisations. These are very likely two completely different processes.

We were told that "STS fractures and disintegrates" due to its stance on Creation. If 4D STO follows the natural order of things and time does not exist, what is the "disintegrating" factor (if any) in 4D STO existence that makes it part of the "Short Wave Cycle" ?
Bobo08 gave one very possible explanation, but I'll also add that STO is Long Wave Cycle existence, and if the Creative connection can maintain and 'refresh' a lifeform indefinitely, there still could be the possibility of accidental death.

Knowing that gaps in awareness can make a being vulnerable, is death, then, a choice if there are no more gaps pertaining to the existential safety of the being?
4D is still an entire density of knowledge in itself. So it stands to reason that any 4D being that has not yet completed 4D would have knowledge 'gaps' that could potentially place them at risk.

Finally, taking into account that there is "variability of physicality" in 4D, is there an existential "penalty" when 4D STO chooses to take a physical form?
You seem to be under the impression that a 4D being can 'vary' between complete physicality and complete non-physicality. I don't think it works that way. The C's have talked about souled 3D beings having a "trilateral continuum" of three bodies that includes a physical body, and that if the continuum is 'torn' beyond repair, physical death ensues. There is probably a similar situation in 4D, where the physical body always exists while the being remains alive, although that physicality may be subject to different or fewer physical laws than in 3D, osit.
Disinfo spread by the usual suspects, similar to the Q-Anon scam and flat earth theory. To undermine the credibility of 'conspiracy theory' generally.
The Moon landings were certainly genuine but there may have been some fakery going on to cover for what the US astronauts discovered on the Moon. This would have included cloaking images of the ruined Atlantean infrastructure still present on the Moon's surface, as confirmed by the C's here:

Session 19 November 1994:
Q: (T) Who created the structures on the moon that Richard Hoagland has discovered?

A: Atlanteans.

Q: (T) What did they use these structures for?

A: Energy transfer points for crystalline power/symbolism as in monuments or statuary.

Many conspiracy theorists believe the Moon landings did occur but they may in reality have been technology retrieval missions (see Richard C. Hoagland and Mike Bara's Dark Mission: The Secret History of NASA for more on this (N.B. this was written before Hoagland went over to the dark side) see Dark Mission: The Secret History of NASA: Richard C. Hoagland, Mike Bara: 9781932595482: Books). See also Mike Bara's book Ancient Aliens on the Moon

There is also a mystery over the Moon's gravity. Somewhere I have a copy of an article where Dr Wernher von Braun effectively admitted inadvertently in Time Magazine (25 July 1969 edition) that the Moon's gravity was far greater than people realised. Everyone was told during the Moon landings that the gravity of the Moon was 1/6th of that of the Earth. However, in reality it is meant to be closer to 60% I believe (though my recollection is hazy here). This would have meant that the small Lunar Module rocket would have had no where near the level of liquid fuel required to escape the Moon's gravity in order to rendezvous with the Command Capsule in orbit. This has led some researchers like Hoagland to suggest that the Lunar Module may have utilised some degree of anti-gravity propulsion technology to achieve orbit.​
Which is fine, the fact of having an open mind, however, you can purchase a fancy telescope and use it yourself, and you wouldn't see something that is much different from space, galaxies or other planets in the Solar system that has been shown by space agencies. Now, there could be manipulations on pictures about Mars and the Moon, that's for sure. So it wouldn't be a black and white thing.
The C's were once asked what the stars are. They said 'portals'. All about our world is a lie. Tesla once commented the earth is not a planet but a realm.
(Keit) What exactly happened on September 20, 1977 in the northern regions of the USSR and Finland, that later was called a Petrozavodsk phenomenon. What was it?

(L) Describe it, inquiring minds want to know. Keit, where are you? [Temporarily off camera]

Thank you very much for this interesting and super long session! :flowers::hug2: And I apologize for not being there. It was late and I fell asleep. :-[🙈

Also thank you for asking the C's about this event! Actually, there are many other quite outlandish events that happened in the USSR, but this one certainly takes the cake. Just imagine something like this happening now.

(Keit) Is the Molebsky triangle in Russia an anomalous zone similar to the Skinwalker Ranch?

A: Close.

Very interesting. Molebsky triangle is located in Perm region, which is Urals area. It is also called the M-zone. Here's a small image with the red M-zone dot in the middle.


The reason I asked if it is similar to the Skinwalker Ranch, because Kosmopoisk (it's like a Soviet/Russian MUFON) conducted several expeditions into the area, and during these expeditions they also observed, recorded and measures various anomalies. There are very detailed descriptions and testimonies of a wide range of phenomena happening there.

But then there is also Medveditskaya Gryada. Another famous anomalous zone, and it is located near Volgograd, which is South-West of Russia. You can see other locations below. This map was made by a visitors of some site, so it's probably not extensive, but it does mention a lot of well known places. It's also possible to see that these zones arre concentrated along specific locations. There is probably a very good reason why these places are called "geo-pathogenic zones".

(JGeropoulas) What is the distance from Earth to the closest planet populated by other 3D beings?

(L) I think that's covered in one of the previous sessions from a long time ago. I mean, they didn't give us the distance of the planet, but they told us about there are however many planets and so on.

(Joe) Well, what's the distance of the closest one?

A: 100 lightyears.

Q: (Joe) That's pretty far.

I know that 100 light years is pretty far :-D, but I was curious to see how much far. And I found the following video that is very educational, even if it mentions locations from Star Trek and other sci-fi movies. :-P But not only! Who knew that Zeta Reticuli is "only" 39 light years away.

A: The plane in the video disappeared over Lake Michigan.

Q: (Joe) Okay. We can research.

The mention of the plane actually disappearing over Lake Michigan made me think of how there is apparently an area over the lake with similar disappearances as the Bermuda Triangle. There's even a book about it, Lake Michigan Triangle, The: Mysterious Disappearances and Haunting Tales. I also recall David Paulides talking about it in his Missing 411 book, Sobering Coincidences. There's definitely something strange going on up there. Makes one wonder if there are more videos of planes disappearing that the PTB have.

I found the following incident from 1950:

Northwest Orient Airlines Flight 2501 was a DC-4 propliner operating its daily transcontinental service between New York City and Seattle when it disappeared on the night of June 23, 1950. The flight was carrying 55 passengers and three crew members; the loss of all 58 on board made it the deadliest commercial airliner accident in America at the time.[2]

The aircraft was at approximately 3,500 feet (1,100 metres) over Lake Michigan, 18 miles (29 kilometres) NNW of Benton Harbor, Michigan,[3] when flight controllers lost radio contact with it soon after the pilot had requested a descent to 2,500 ft (760 m). Witnesses reported hearing engine sputtering noises and a flash of light after the last radio transmission.[4] A widespread search was commenced including using sonar and dragging the bottom of Lake Michigan with trawlers, but to no avail. Considerable light debris, upholstery, and human body fragments were found floating on the surface, but divers were unable to locate the plane's wreckage.[5]

It is known that Flight 2501 was entering a squall line and turbulence, but since the plane's wreckage underwater was not found, the cause of the crash was never determined.

Here's a detailed description of the case on the Bureau of Aircraf Accidents Archives site, which is the original "accident investigation report" from 1951. It says in the end:

The Board determines that there is not sufficient evidence upon which to make a determination of probable cause. At the approximate time of the accident a squall line was located in the area where the aircraft crashed. Despite an intensive surface and underwater search, the aircraft was not located with the exception of a few fragments.
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Thank you to everyone and the C's for this information packed session. Knowledge Protects!!

Years back I reported seeing a whole bunch of silver glinting ufo's above North Cyprus. It was actually other customerss in a cafe they saw them first. But they were high up in the sky and there were too many to count, and too high to video. But at least 50 maybe even 100. They were there for hours, yet nobody else ever reported them even though I called a reporter at the time.
Most of the time they were just hovering and I didnt see them leave either as I had to go somewhere else shortly after.
I did note at the time that it was the height of the Syria problems, and others noticed a change in the sky above Syria, which the C's said was a type of portal.
I hope I was not abducted. Strangely I cannot remember what I did next, but that was mainly because it was so long ago. And they can wipe your memory anyway.
Now the C's have mentioned these probes, they would also fit into that description.
In 2003 in the South at the time I was driving past the bases in the Troodos mountains (before we were escorted back!), with my dad. There we had enough driing time to drive along a very high single track dirt road on the peaks of the mountains. To the left of us was a huge excavation that had taken place (no machinery was around), but the entire 'hole' was over 200 feet drop from the side of our track and would have measured at least 14 football pitches minimum. Definitely an new underground nefarious base being built where I feel strongly there are entities there, and that some of these 'probes' could also reside there.
After all they already have the HAARP array there as well as the international listening HQ for the Middle Eastern region!
There is a total difference too between the energies in the Five Finger mountains in the North and the Troodos in the south. I always feel a dense and heavy ,negative, even feels soulless, vibration enveloping me whenever I have occasion to drive over.
Luckily it was the environment and lovely energy I felt that prompted us to fall in love with our project land in the mountains here. It is also very conducive for healing..... which my studies have now taken me to another incredible level. But more on another thread......

For clarity I post the 'probe' transcript below:

(Approaching Infinity) What exactly are the metallic orbs that have been observed on numerous occasions even by group members?

A: 4D probes.

Q: (Joe) Can I ask a question in relation to that? When a person sees them, is it always related to the person? Is there some kind of a connection between the person seeing them or being there, or could it just be that the person just happens to observe the moments in the relation to them?

A: Usually a relationship.

Q: (L) And when you say a 4D probe, obviously this is something that is beyond what we can think of as a probe. Are these probes able to read minds or to control human behavior?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Are they able to open portals between dimensions or densities?

A: If enough are present.

Q: (Joe) Are they precursors to abductions?

A: Sometimes.

Q: (L) Has there been an increase in the prevalence of these objects?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) So what was the one I saw doing when I was about 19 in Ireland?

(L) What was it doing?

(Joe) Yeah.

A: Scoping you.

Q: (Joe) Scoping me for what?

A: Abduction.

Q: (Joe) Was it successful?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) At that time?

A: Yes

Q: (Niall) You see the kind of control they have on people who aren't awake. I mean, it's total.
A: October will be very interesting!! Goodbye. Well October is just around the corner , that statement raises the awareness level a lot.

on a different note..My wife told me the last day of the year is 123 123… 12/31/23. May or may not mean something I don’t know
If I remember correctly, the entire creation is built with those three numbers or something like that according to the C's.

Maybe someone can find the session.
I was under the impression that those left behind were going to be on a reset 3D STS earth as the cycle starts over from square one i.e. very primitive caveman existence with a red sky/volcanoes spewing smoke or however the Cs phrased it. I presume it will be STS again, but maybe without the Lizzie interference?

Amazing session. Thank you to all!

In terms of the depopulation agenda and the removal of potential food - what if it isn't about the food or even the victims - but the FRV of the other side?

Could it be that the "de-populators" - ie: TPTB humans that are going to implement the project are the actual focus? Anyone who undertakes this project against their own species potentially could graduate from Perry Tyrant to Grand Tyrant quite quickly. After multiple generations of knowingly executing this plan, is it possible that the FRV could become so close to that of 4D STS - that incarnation into the tyrannical offspring is possible? Something like Hitler's Nazi superman?

I guess I'm looking at it as intentional depopulation as the greatest treason against one's own species. Essentially the great moral crime of assuming the role of god? Just a thought...
This is interesting. There's a blog I follow where a couple spends lots of time studying Kabbala, numerology, astrology, historical events, Biblical verses/Strong's concordances, ordinal reductions etc. to try to predict/anticipate the "Cabal's" next moves, on the theory that outing their plans before they carry them out causes them to scatter like roaches and abort their agendas. I've been following them for several years, and they have a perfect record of having ZERO of their predictions happen. Their goal is, indeed, to always be wrong!
I agree that there are lots of possibilities that never seem to happen and it could be precisely because of the awareness. Kind of why I am not sure the Oct 4 5G broadcast will happen, but who knows.
Disinfo spread by the usual suspects, similar to the Q-Anon scam and flat earth theory. To undermine the credibility of 'conspiracy theory' generally.
Agreed, but there is still the issue of the supposed Van Allen radiation belts which would have cooked them according to what is presently believed. Of course, that could just all be smoke and mirrors. Many of the images do seem to have been taken on a set and not on the moon. That doesn't mean all of them were, I think many were from the moon, but not all. Then there are the stories of other encounters on the moon that would have been covered up.

Perhaps their journey through the Van Allen belts was protected by the fireflies that John Glenn spoke about?
on a different note..My wife told me the last day of the year is 123 123… 12/31/23. May or may not mean something I don’t know
If I remember correctly, the entire creation is built with those three numbers or something like that according to the C's.

Maybe someone can find the session.
Session 13 June 1998, a legendary session!
Q: (A) 1 2 3 are the first three prime numbers...
A: Yes, thank you Arkadiusz!!!! Laura is dancing around in wonderland, meanwhile all of creation, of existence, is contained in 1, 2, 3!!! Look for this when you are trying to find the keys to the hidden secrets of all existence... They dwell within. 11, 22, 33, 1/2, 1/3, 1, 2, 3, 121, 11, 111, 222, 333, and so on! Get it?!?!

Q: When you say that the secrets of all existence dwell within 1 2 3 or variations thereof, what kind of secrets are we talking about here?
A: All.

Q: Well, name two at the top of the list just so I know where we are going here?
A: You can do that!

Q: Are we talking about secrets of physics?
A: Yes.

Q: Are we talking about secrets as in encoded words?
A: Yes.

Q: Are we talking about the Fibonacci series?
A: Yes.

Q: (A) Continuous fractions?
A: Yes.

Q: (A) That means all...
A: Yes.
Session 13 June 1998, a legendary session!
Thanks for finding it.

So it is a coincidence of powerful meaning, although in other countries the number of the day comes before the number of the month, so it depends on the country for this coincidence to occur.

In my country it would be 31/12/23.

However, although it would not be sequential as in the English world, the three magic numbers would be there the same.
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