Session 23 September 2023

They have a system like that in place here in the UK too, and it was tested in April this year. I forgot about the heads up that it was going to be tested, so when my phone went off with that creepy, siren-like sound I nearly bounced off the ceiling. It was probably the most disturbing, ominous, and loudest (despite my sound volume being set to a very low setting) alarm I've ever heard, they really made sure to flick that paranoia switch all the way up! Luckily, I was at home, reading a book, that darn alarm was easily an accident risk for someone who was driving when it started.

Given the C's answer, I do wonder if some kind of activating signal was sent through the alarm. Having read the C's answer, and watched the video Mrs. Peel shared, I now regret I hadn't paid more attention and hadn't hidden my phone in another room on the day it was tested. Although living in a large city I'm probably exposed to lots of nefarious broadcasting anyway.
New Zealand used a super creepy and disturbing signal to alert us of the covid lockdowns three years ago. With going into and out if lockdowns we heard it a few times. It is a very disturbing sound and took me completely by surprise. Then when I was in Oregon,USA recently they used the exact same alert sound to warn Lane County of a hail storm that was only in a isolated area.
I assume they will be using this same signal nation wide on October 4th in USA. It seems New Zealand is always the first testing ground for various technologies and society wide “interventions” imposed by the PTB.

If the same signal and sound is being used around the world the frequency and pitch likely has specific significance somehow. Perhaps we should ask about that next session.
Q: (Ursus Minor) Is there a secret underground high-speed train system in the U.S. operated by either magnetic levitation or vacuum tubes? A: Yes.

The rumors of a clandestine, underground maglev train system deep beneath the continental USA have been around for a good 20 to 25 years.

I first heard them in the late 1980s. Such a system has not yet been confirmed to exist.

Richard Sauder Hidden In Plain Sight (2010) - [Chapter 4: Subterranean Maglev Maze?]

There was a US Patent filed on April 30, 1976 by Michael A. Minovitch (patented April 10, 1979):

A high speed ground transportation system is suspended in an underground vacuum tube by a frictionless magnetic suspension system and propelled by gravity.

The tubes are suspended inside deep underground tunnels from anchor points near each adjacent station and follow smooth catenary curves similar to the main suspension cables of a suspension bridge.

Gravity propulsion is accomplished by allowing the vehicle to coast down the descending arc of the tube during which time it is accelerated by gravity, and decelerating by gravitational breaking while coasting up the tube's ascending arc of the tube, during which time it is accelerated by gravity, and decelerating by gravitational braking while coasting up the tube's ascending arc.

Thus, the trip is accomplished by transforming the vehicle's gravitational potential energy at one station into kinetic energy and back into gravitational potential energy at the next station. Excess kinetic energy arising from coasting between stations having different elevations is supplied or absorbed by on-board linear generators that provide supplementary propulsion or regenerative braking. These generators draw and return energy to an on-board flywheel kinetic energy storage system.

Passenger and cargo transfer between the vehicle's interior and station is made removing the vacuum environment of the vehicle, by providing air-locks through the tube walls at the station.

Robert Salter has also attracted a lot of attention with his own Very High Speed Transit (VHST) system.
In a 1972 study for the RAND Corp. he set out a continental-scale, deep underground concept that his study succinctly described as "electromagnetically levitated and propelled cars in an evacuated tunnel."
Salter also mentioned that: "Speeds as high as 14,000 mph have been examined in studis by the RAND Corp. in an example case of a direct link between Los Angeles and New York requiring 21 minutes transit time.
The speeds reqired will certainly be on the order of thousands of miles per hour on the long-haul links."

With a couple of intermediate stops, Robert Salter's system would take only 50minutes to travel coast to coast!
The rumors of a clandestine, underground maglev train system deep beneath the continental USA have been around for a good 20 to 25 years.

I first heard them in the late 1980s. Such a system has not yet been confirmed to exist.

Richard Sauder Hidden In Plain Sight (2010) - [Chapter 4: Subterranean Maglev Maze?]

Interestingly, Alexandra Ocasio Cortez (AOC) must have been smiled upon when she proposed a train link to Hawaii as part of her Green New Deal in 2019.
Even AOC must have realized that there can't be railroads across the ocean (provided she knew that Hawaii is an island).

Had she received a hint by somebody about a different kind of train system connecting the continental US with Hawaii which she accidentally blurted out at the time?
Thank you to everyone and the C's for this information packed session. Knowledge Protects!!

Years back I reported seeing a whole bunch of silver glinting ufo's above North Cyprus. It was actually other customerss in a cafe they saw them first. But they were high up in the sky and there were too many to count, and too high to video. But at least 50 maybe even 100. They were there for hours, yet nobody else ever reported them even though I called a reporter at the time.
Most of the time they were just hovering and I didnt see them leave either as I had to go somewhere else shortly after.
I did note at the time that it was the height of the Syria problems, and others noticed a change in the sky above Syria, which the C's said was a type of portal.
I hope I was not abducted. Strangely I cannot remember what I did next, but that was mainly because it was so long ago. And they can wipe your memory anyway.
Now the C's have mentioned these probes, they would also fit into that description.
In 2003 in the South at the time I was driving past the bases in the Troodos mountains (before we were escorted back!), with my dad. There we had enough driing time to drive along a very high single track dirt road on the peaks of the mountains. To the left of us was a huge excavation that had taken place (no machinery was around), but the entire 'hole' was over 200 feet drop from the side of our track and would have measured at least 14 football pitches minimum. Definitely an new underground nefarious base being built where I feel strongly there are entities there, and that some of these 'probes' could also reside there.
After all they already have the HAARP array there as well as the international listening HQ for the Middle Eastern region!
There is a total difference too between the energies in the Five Finger mountains in the North and the Troodos in the south. I always feel a dense and heavy ,negative, even feels soulless, vibration enveloping me whenever I have occasion to drive over.
Luckily it was the environment and lovely energy I felt that prompted us to fall in love with our project land in the mountains here. It is also very conducive for healing..... which my studies have now taken me to another incredible level. But more on another thread......
It is curious you mention driving past bases in the Troodos Mountains and being escorted away. I spent my honeymoon on Cyprus in the summer of 1995 and my wife and I hired a car and took a drive up into the Troodos Mountains. We stopped high up in a clearing so I could get out binoculars to get a good view of Northern Cyprus, which then, as now, was under Turkish occupation. I thought nothing of it at the time since I was merely sightseeing but we must have triggered an alarm because as we started to drive down the mountain road we were followed by a car, who matched our every move, even when we drove through lanes which were little better than wide goat tracks. It was like something out of an adventure movie. After several minutes of this strange pursuit, I eventually pulled over in a village and waited to see what the driver would do. He subsequently drove past me and gave us a quick look. He clearly looked British and I guess he was part of base security, as I know the British have highly sensitive geodesic radars up in the Mountains, which they use to keep an eye on Russian air movements in the Eastern Mediterranean. This was, of course, eight years before the excavation that you saw but if there was already some underground base there being used by the undergrounders/Orions, then it might provide yet another explanation for such security sensitivity. Who was it who escorted you off the Mountains?​
The rumors of a clandestine, underground maglev train system deep beneath the continental USA have been around for a good 20 to 25 years.

I first heard them in the late 1980s. Such a system has not yet been confirmed to exist.

Richard Sauder Hidden In Plain Sight (2010) - [Chapter 4: Subterranean Maglev Maze?]

Robert Salter has also attracted a lot of attention with his own Very High Speed Transit (VHST) system.
In a 1972 study for the RAND Corp. he set out a continental-scale, deep underground concept that his study succinctly described as "electromagnetically levitated and propelled cars in an evacuated tunnel."
Salter also mentioned that: "Speeds as high as 14,000 mph have been examined in studis by the RAND Corp. in an example case of a direct link between Los Angeles and New York requiring 21 minutes transit time.
The speeds reqired will certainly be on the order of thousands of miles per hour on the long-haul links."

With a couple of intermediate stops, Robert Salter's system would take only 50minutes to travel coast to coast!
I believe that it was the British electrical engineer Eric Laithwaite (1921 – 1997) who was the "Father of Maglev" for his development of the linear induction motor and the maglev rail system - see Eric Laithwaite - Wikipedia. Quoting from his Wikipedia entry:

He became professor of heavy electrical engineering at Imperial College London in 1964 where he continued his successful development of the linear motor. He was involved in creating a self-stable magnetic levitation system called Magnetic river which appeared in the film The Spy Who Loved Me where it levitated and propelled a tray along a table to decapitate a seated dummy.

Laithwaite retired from Imperial College in 1986, but was offered no other research post until 1990, when he became Visiting Professor at the University of Sussex. He was persuaded by George Scelzo of PRT Maglev Systems in Chicago to submit a proposal to NASA for an electromagnetic launch assist track originally inspired by John C. Mankins of NASA. He died within weeks of the contract being awarded.

The initial stage has been successfully continued by William Dawson and the contract with PRT for this development is still active. The track uses both levitation coils and linear induction motors and it can be seen in the "Magnets" episode of Modern Marvels on the History Channel.

However, was his sudden death entirely natural? Not according to the C's:

Session 24 January 1998:
Q: (A) Now, I want to ask about this English anti-gravity guy, who died at the age of 76 after he contacted NASA and after all his experiments that imply he produced anti-gravity. I suspect that his death was not all natural. Eric Laithwaite. Did he discover the secret of antigravity?

A: To an extent.

Q: Was his death, shall we say, assisted?

A: Yes.

I believe that it was the British electrical engineer Eric Laithwaite (1921 – 1997) who was the "Father of Maglev" for his development of the linear induction motor and the maglev rail system - see Eric Laithwaite - Wikipedia. Quoting from his Wikipedia entry:

Richard Sauder actually mentions German engineer Hermann Kemper (1892 - 1977) as having patented a new technology called the 'Rohrbahn' (tube train). He began his research in 1922 and was considering speeds of 3,000 km/h for this maglev tube train system.


Patent received in 1934.
Thank you for the session! I guess many of us are "hipsters" if descendants of undergrounders, lol? Interesting topic on 4D STO procreation. And I will have to remember mirth and keeping a lighthearted attitude. The beam weapons issue I think is taking some time to sink in for me. I'm kind of interested in Tai Chi now, if only for light exercise or stretching.

Just received this about the "test" on October 4.

Emergency System Test
I noticed that Faraday sleeves seem to be in short supply, so maybe the word has already gotten out? Maybe time to get some aluminum foil to make your own? A better Stylish Smartphone Faraday Box | Scottie's Tech.Info
Q: (A Jay) Are the alleged alien mummies that were shown at the recent Mexican Congressional hearing on UAPs actually the mummified corpses of alien beings?

A: No.

Q: (A Jay) Are they, as some have suggested, something put together from the parts of animals and/or people to give the appearance of being real bodies of some alien creature?

A: Close enough.
Interesting that researchers keep posting stuff like this:

Paleontologist allegedly says the bodies are complete, with skin. True mummies. If it turns out they are complete bodies and weren't constructed using various animal/people body parts, maybe they're 4D hoaxes? Or, of course, messages like this are just part of the hoax. We'll just have to wait and see if the peer-reviewed papers materialize in the future.
What I find confounding is not that they discovered that the Aliens were deceitful, but that they believed them in the first place: Aliens from outer space (not Killer Klowns but close) with mysterious technology sign a binding contract with politicians and respect it? They must have had the same expert as the one in the Mars Attacks movie.
What I find confounding is not that they discovered that the Aliens were deceitful, but that they believed them in the first place: Aliens from outer space (not Killer Klowns but close) with mysterious technology sign a binding contract with politicians and respect it? They must have had the same expert as the one in the Mars Attacks movie.
I suspect many in military/intel never really let their guard down - it's their job to be paranoid. In this situation, the Americans (and presumably the Russians, too) were akin to the Natives signing treaties with the American colonists. What choice do you really have, except to take them at their word, try to set conditions, and see how it shakes out? Eisenhower, who allegedly signed the treaty, was no rube, and was skilled at military deception.

I think they probably started getting extra suspicious in the 60s. Around the '67 flap (when Keel was doing his most active investigations) was when cattle mutilations started, and most of the big nuclear facility incursions took place then too, if I remember correctly. Interestingly, according to the book "Culling the Herd" on cattle mutes, 1972 was odd in that there weren't ANY reported mutilations in the news. (Doesn't mean none happened, just that no newspapers picked them up.) And while abductions didn't become popularized until the 80s (though the first post Betty/Barney Hill abduction books were published in the mid-70s), Keel was writing about the same stuff (including genetic experiments and hybridization) in 1967.

So presumably the military/intel types were monitoring this stuff and aware of it before it entered popular consciousness. It looks like 1972 was the year they finally got the proof that the agreement had been a sham.

On a related note, from my reading, it looks like there have been several factions of a sort in the mil/intel world:

1) the Collins elite, who think the whole thing should be ignored because it's demonic (there's perhaps a subset of this group, represented by the DIA and NSA guys who contacted Linda Howe in the early 90s - they believed the aliens were demonic, but weren't necessarily opposed to studying/understanding)
2) another group who knows they're malevolent and consider them a serious threat to national security and humanity (currently, this includes the TTSA guys like Elizondo)
3) another who know all the evil stuff and yet collaborate with them, engage in rituals, do their bidding, etc.
Just received this about the "test" on October 4.

Emergency System Test
Kind of why I am not sure the Oct 4 5G broadcast will happen, but who knows.

A 9/24 SGT REPORT bitchute vid goes into more details about the test including if the test for some reason doesn't take place on Oct. 4, the backup date is Oct. 11. The possible consequences and needed preparations are discussed and worth noting - start @10:59 which is just after the replay of the viral vid going around that @Mrs. Peel posted:


Q: (A) 1 2 3 are the first three prime numbers...
A: Yes, thank you Arkadiusz!!!! Laura is dancing around in wonderland, meanwhile all of creation, of existence, is contained in 1, 2, 3!!! Look for this when you are trying to find the keys to the hidden secrets of all existence... They dwell within. 11, 22, 33, 1/2, 1/3, 1, 2, 3, 121, 11, 111, 222, 333, and so on! Get it?!?!

Q: When you say that the secrets of all existence dwell within 1 2 3 or variations thereof, what kind of secrets are we talking about here?
A: All.

Q: Well, name two at the top of the list just so I know where we are going here?
A: You can do that!

Q: Are we talking about secrets of physics?
A: Yes.

Q: Are we talking about secrets as in encoded words?
A: Yes.

Q: Are we talking about the Fibonacci series?
A: Yes.

Q: (A) Continuous fractions?
A: Yes.

Q: (A) That means all...
A: Yes.

Don't know if this helps at all, but I spent some time working on a spreadsheet many years ago to see if there really was a pattern in the primes. I tried to upload it, but it is too large.
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