Session 23 September 2023

Thank you for another great session. Lots of info and some interesting answers. I’m sure next month will be a good popcorn month. It seems like everyday is a circus show. I think we’re ready for another 2008 event. On the great reset thread there was a video talking about increased cyber attacks. Considering what happened recently in Las Vegas, I can certainly see an uptick in cyber attacks. I think as the years go by there has to be a greater risk of these fire balls starting to do more damage. They are going to need some dramatic events to keep everyone’s attention focused away from the skies. Wonder if we‘ll see some more window fallers popping up? Great session. Thank you.
Thank you for another very informative session.

A good friend has died a couple of weeks ago. I believe he was a type of person that would rather avoid confrontations/problems in life, then trying to fight and solve. I am wondering, if there are many such people checking out currently? That would be an indication, that the upcoming October will not only be interesting, but also challenging and hazardous.

Interesting, that in Russia authorities strangely enough (synchronizing?) are also planning a massive emergency drill on October 3rd.

The Russian authorities will hold exercises for officials in conditions of "martial law" and "destruction of 70% of housing"

Officials across Russia, including in the regions of Siberia, will hold a "staff training on civil defense" on October 3. This follows from the order of the head of Rospotrebnadzor Anna Popova. A source provided us with a copy of it.

The training should be attended by "heads of civil defense, management bodies, civil defense forces of federal executive authorities (with the exception of special civil defense formations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations), state authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation (with the exception of the DPR, LPR, Zaporozhye and Kherson regions), local governments, state corporations and organizations," the document says..

Attached to the order is an "operational task" for training: "The loosening of universally recognized norms and principles of international law, the weakening and destruction of existing international legal institutions, the ongoing dismantling of the system of treaties and agreements in the field of arms control lead to an increase in tension and aggravation of the military-political situation, including near the state border of the Russian Federation. The risk of armed conflicts escalating into local and regional wars, including with the participation of nuclear powers, is increasing."

In addition, according to the legend of the exercises, in some subjects of the Russian Federation "there may be zones of radioactive contamination", "complete destruction of life support facilities of the population and up to 70% of the housing stock".
It wa 2 plain clothes guys in a 4 x 4 and I thought they were local by their English pronounciation, but I could have been wrong. My son was stationed up there in the late 90's when in the army. Was to also guard something up there at the time.
I feel it is definitely an international set up for the West, even though there is a local army camp situated a bit before the huge excavation.
Remote viewers are the best bet to investigate, other that the C's info. Not forgetting they can surround with energetic cloaking against psi intrusion now I think.
Your conjecture about a new secret underground base in Cyprus is certainly very interesting.

For those who may not be aware, the British still maintain a large military air base (RAF Akrotiri) and an army base (Dhekelia) in Cyprus but these to all intents and purposes are now effectively NATO bases, so there will definitely be a more western international flavour to operations conducted out of these bases. In addition, there is now an increasingly heavy US involvement in Cyprus, which started in the 1970's:​

In the early 1970s the U.S. built an over-the-horizon radar named Cobra Shoe, which could observe aeroplane operations and missile tests in southern Russia. This was operated by the RAF on behalf of the USAF. This augmented an earlier British system built in the early 1960s named Project Sandra. The U.S. use of the base was hidden from the Cypriot government due to their sensitivities.

In 1974, the British government decided that British forces would be entirely withdrawn from Cyprus, because the sprawling bases had become undefendable in the light of increasing troop demands in Northern Ireland, and because of pressure on the defence budget. The U.S. very strongly objected to any British withdrawal that would result in the United States losing access to GCHQ signals intelligence from Cyprus, since it had lost access to its many signals intelligence bases in Turkey due to its political dispute with Turkey following the invasion of Cyprus. The U.S. agreed to contribute to base costs, and the British cancelled the closure plan. U.S. use of the base increased, such as Lockheed U-2 spy flights on Syria, though flights were generally at night "to avoid local curiosity".

Ayios Nikolaos Station, in the ESBA, is an ELINT (electronic intelligence) listening station of the UKUSA Agreement intelligence network. The UKUSA signals intelligence system is sometimes known as "ECHELON".

We are seeing more and more how NATO is being used as a tool of the New World Order, which we know is ultimately controlled by the Orions. Hence, it is entirely feasible that a new large scale underground base (a DUMB) could have been constructed there without anyone (especially the Cypriots) being aware.

With the mention of the deaths of two senior NATO generals in the Ukraine in this session, it is increasingly obvious that NATO is already at war with Russia in all but name. Given that the US and British use their intelligence gathering facilities in Cyprus to monitor Russian aeroplane movements and missile firings in southern Russia (including no doubt the Crimea and Donbas too), one can see how the military bases in Cyprus will be key NATO assets in any war with Russia, whether declared or undeclared.
Thank you for the session :wizard::flowers: Lots to think about for sure!

I've been wondering about this whole depopulation agenda. Given that they apparently want to reduce our numbers by some 80-90%, doesn't that interfere with 4D STS food supply? This leads me to assume that this is a purely 3D PTB idea rather than a deeper 4D STS driven plan, surely the latter need us to feed themselves? Well, unless it's only up to the point of the wave, after that the cycle will restart and they won't need to worry about that anymore. Or there are aspects of the whole deal that I just don't know about, or don't understand, hence is seems nonsensical to me.
Perhaps 4D have less facility to eat due to the wave so they prefer destroy? Or they know what is behind the corner and same attitude, destroy all? I think it can be a question to the C's for sure.

[edit] Start of answer: Session 23 September 2023
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Par contre, je ne croyais pas que l'homme ait marché sur la Lune mais les Cassiopéens confirme que c'est un fait...

On the other hand, I did not believe that man walked on the Moon but the Cassiopaeans confirm that it is a fact...
The question was already asked by Laura long time ago. The question was formulated something like "Did we go on the Moon as we are tell?". And the answer was "yes".
Perhaps 4D have less facility to eat due to the wave so they prefer destroy? Or they know what is behind the corner and same attitude, destroy all? I think it can be a question to the C's for sure.

[edit] Start of answer: Session 23 September 2023
But don't forget: "Destroy all" = destroy the/their selves

I wonder if they cannot find a way to -let go-, if the entire spectrum exists in any group, then possibly some of "them" should be able to

Interesting thought experiment, at any rate
Thank you Laura and Andromeda for the wonderful session.
Q: (L) All right, next LQB's asking this one:

(LQB) Are Earth’s magnetic field excursions/reversals roughly associated with cometary/asteroid impacts to Earth's atmosphere or surface?

A: Not directly related, but often interactive.

Q: (L) So why are they not directly related?

A: Reversals are related to companion star loosely, but other cosmic conditions also interact here.

Q: (L) Does it have anything to do with the way our part of the galaxy bobs up and down above the plane of the ecliptic of the galaxy? Is that more related?

A: Yes

Q: (L) But companion star interactions are related to cometary activity, right?

A: Yes but often long delays.

Q: (Pierre) And there's a reverberation also.

A: Yes
This is interesting w.r.t other cycles with in cycles with periodicity C's mentioned - Approx. (or vary based on cosmic factors)

27 million companion star
solar system bobbing up and down ( 35 million years)
309,000 years wave
3600 years ooart cloud comets .

This is leaving aside giant comet disintegration remnants that is still circling around and other rocks come into solar system as it goes around the galaxy. But this is what C's said before.
Q: (A) What is the period of pole shift?

A: 100,000 years, roughly.
I have to guess that there are LOT of other factors that creates 100,000 years pole shift.
Q: (L) Okay, JGeropoulas:

(JGeropoulas) What is the distance from Earth to the closest planet populated by other 3D beings?

(L) I think that's covered in one of the previous sessions from a long time ago. I mean, they didn't give us the distance of the planet, but they told us about there are however many planets and so on.

(Joe) Well, what's the distance of the closest one?

A: 100 lightyears.
other 3D beings doesn't mean they have to be humanoid. From previous session: session-24-september-1995
A: Lyra is not inhabited. There have been homes in all places, but some were/are transitory, and some are not. Pay attention to Orion! This is your ancestral home, and your eventual destination. Here is the absolutely accurately accurate profile of Orion to follow: This is the most heavily populated region of your Milky Way galaxy! This is a region that extends across 3rd and 4th density space for a distance as vast as the distance between your locator and it. There are 3,444 inhabited "worlds" in this region. Some are planets as you know them. Some are artificially constructed planetoids. Some are floating space barges. And some are "satellites." There are primary homes, travelling stations and incubator laboratories all in 2nd, 3rd and 4th densities. There are overseer zones in 5th and 6th densities. Approximately one half is STO and one half is STS. Together, along with many other colonies, located elsewhere, this is called, in translation, Orion Federation. Orions created grays in 5 varieties, as cyber-genetic beings, and installed them on Zeta Reticuli 1, 2, 3, and 4, as well as on 2 planets orbiting Barnard's Star. The Reptilians also inhabit 6 planets in the Orion region in 4th density, and are owned by the Orion STS as slaves, and, in some cases, pets!!! The name "Orion" is the actual native name, and was brought to earth directly. Study the legend of the "god" of Orion for parallels.

Q: (L) Are the Orion STS the infamous red-headed Nordic aliens?

A: Yes, and all other humanoid combinations.
comparing the other stars near by.
alpha centauri 4.2 light years
Barnard's Star : 5.9 ly
Zeta Reticuli : 39.3 light years

Probably our way of measuring the distances may not be that correct.

(L) Okay, Aeneas. This is a strange question:

(Aeneas) When somebody is not breathing for four minutes, it is generally said that the person is likely to get brain damage. Yet we read of accounts of near-death experiences where some are left not breathing for much longer and are considered dead, yet they come back with no brain damage and at times with miraculous healings taking place. Has this something to do with souled beings versus OPs?

(L) Is that part of the difference?

A: Yes

Q: (Aeneas) If yes, then are those miraculous healings due to the person reconnecting at a soul level with their lesson plan?

A: Yes
This makes sense. Any way, OP population is 33% of the whole. i.e. 67% are souled beings and this can only happen to souled beings.

Q: (L) All right. Ysus has some questions which I'm gonna break down:

(Ysus) Are there couple relationships in fourth density?

A: Yes

Q: (Ysus) Are they as vital and important as in third density?

A: Moreso.

Q: (L) Well that's a surprise.

(Ysus) Is there still procreation in 4th density?

A: For STO.

Q: (Ysus) And do we meet physically in 4th density?

A: More or less as one chooses.

Q: (L) Alright. That's that one.

(Joe) Does that mean 4D STS just makes babies in a lab?

A: They try.

Q: (L) But we know 4D STS makes babies in labs because they do it in underground bases. Is that it?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Are they unable to procreate physically among themselves?

A: Yes

Q: (L) That was unable, right? They are unable?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And that's why you've previously said that their race was dying and they're seeking to...

(Joe) Or tinkering by getting DNA from us and who knows where else to make the perfect...

(L) Is part of the reason they can't procreate because they're so, what would you call it... entropic?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Well, they disconnected from a source of creative energy or something like that?

A: Yes
I thought this is fascinating. 4D STS wants to be their own god and got disconnected from 7D and can't even reproduce by natural means.
Q: (L) All right. MH370.

(Approaching Infinity) Who created the two videos allegedly of MH370 showing a plane being encircled by flying metallic orbs and hijacked?

(Joe) And disappeared off the video screen.

(L) Have you seen this video? And what did you think about it?

(Joe) Who knows. It's a kind of grainy, almost like radar, if you know what I mean. It was taken from some kind of not-a-home-camera type thing, so it's kind of black and white, more or less. Plane flying across the sky at a distance, small screen with a plane flying across. Some round orbs appear circling around it, like two or three, and then after 10 or 20 seconds of that happening, it just goes. A flash happens, and then the plane is gone.

(L) Didn't we ask about MH370 before?

(Joe) Not about this video. It's whether or not it's a video of it actually disappearing into where they say it disappeared to, which is into another dimension.

(L) The C's said it disappeared into another dimension.

(Joe) Yes.

(L) And so here's a video that shows that happened, and Approaching Infinity wants to know if that video was authentic.

(L) Well I guess the important question there is, are any elements of the video footage genuine?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) So does it actually show MH370 disappearing?

A: No

Q: (L) Does it show another plane disappearing the way MH370 was supposed to have?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Was it a commercial airliner? No...

A: Research.

Q: (Joe) Does that mean it's a research plane?

A: No

Q: (L) That means you need to do the research.

(Niall) Was part of the research that the plane was meant to disappear? Was it a Philadelphia type experiment thing in the air?

A: No

Q: (Niall) So how do they know to film the plane and that it would disappear?

A: Cameras are everywhere these days.

Q: (Joe) Can they tell us how many years ago this event happened?

A: The plane in the video disappeared over Lake Michigan.
There are some tweets showing Malaysian top authorities talking about seeing a blob in their radars. May be portal opening is visible as blob on radar.
Some how this blob Malaysians talking about got associated with video of air craft disappearing with circling 3 blobs ,which C's says happened on Lake Michigan.
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(Approaching Infinity) In the last session, the C's said that the number of undergrounders operating on the surface varied between two and 2.5 million. What is the total population of undergrounders, both underground and on the surface?

A: 4.6 mil
Only 4.6 million after 14,000 years of experimenting using underground territory as a Lab? -Half of them are already on the surface. What about 36 million nephalim coming in a 3 mother ships? Is 36 million nephalim are also human looking (size and shape) already merged into general population?
Q: (Approaching Infinity) How many undergrounders are still in hibernation?

A: Varies. Some come in and out.

Q: (L) Do they go into hibernation when they're tired or when they need to recover from something?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Do they go into hibernation to prolong their lives?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And they come in and out depending on, geez... I mean, one would think that if you're in hibernation, you couldn't make a decision about not being in hibernation, right?

(Andromeda) Right. Unless you set the timer beforehand.

(L) Yeah. Alarm clock. Or somebody else is there to make the decision.

(Approaching Infinity) What was the initial impetus for going underground 14,000 years ago?

A: Comets.

Q: (Approaching Infinity) In the 9/21/1996 session, you said Thor's Pantheum was both STS and STO like the quorum and the description of the Nordic covenant, which sounds like both sides are involved in influencing creative types, but they are not technically working together. But if Thor's Pantheum is located mostly underground, does that mean that some are STO?

A: Yes

Q: (Approaching Infinity) Since the projecting is only mostly done underground, are the ones who aren't underground, the STO ones?

A: Can be both. Your thinking is too black and white.

Q: (L) Is it because STS and STO can, in a sense, coexist in similar physical space without intermingling or being maybe... not even seeing each other? I mean, is it because their frequencies are different? Something like that?

A: Close.

Q: (L) Okay.
Thinking loud... If we consider some are STO , so the STS undergrounder population much less than 4.6 million. Out of all the STS under grounder, only 6% psychopaths like on the surface. It looks to me this number is too small for replacing us. probably it is a of now is sort of "proof of concept" rather than real replacement. Their aim is mentioned as 95% consumption of human containers and probably they use it mass scale creating and replacement? .
(Approaching Infinity) Is our understanding of Earth's strata so poor or is the deepest one actually so deep in the liquid outer core?

(L) Is any of it in the liquid outer core?

A: No

Q: (Approaching Infinity) What about the ultra low velocity zones which are on the barrier between the molten metallic outer core and the rocky mantle at around 2000 miles below the surface?

A: No

Q: (L) So they're not there.

(Approaching Infinity) Since tunnels would seem to be subject to earthquakes and a very long trip down, plus would have to pass through the mantle, is the primary means to access these cities via 4D?

A: Now you are getting closer.

Q: (L) So that suggests that underground spaces, bases, whatever, partake to a great extent of a hyperdimensional reality. Is that the case?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So the things that we are concerned about in terms of, say, people going down in caves and getting an earthquake and the rocks fall on top of you and close forever are not really a concern for these types of structures. Is that correct?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Okay. Now...
Before C's mentioned undergrounders can live on 3D and 4D with ease. so we assumed underground bases are 3D physical. It looks it is not the case though they can live 3D and 4D with ease - not like grays or men in black or lizards.
(Niall) Was the Russian rocket to the moon sabotaged?

A: Yes

Q: (Niall) Why?

A: Keep Russia down and embarrassed!

Q: (Joe) How was it done?

A: Remote activated EM pulse.
It was not clear how this is done? by 4D or 3D (i mean 4D through 3D)? As per Russians their accelerometer that is responsible for controlling the speed failed to work.
The accelerometers that measure the changes in the speed of the vehicle “didn’t switch on,” he added.

The agency head said experts are now looking for reasons why those devices didn’t perform as intended. There are 16 possible scenarios for that to happen, and eleven of them have already been examined, he said.

Borisov also revealed that the first person who offered him words of support after the crash was NASA head Bill Nelson.
Probably 4D STS did it by themselves. May be they have done from moon itself.

Generally EM pulse (as I understand it) fries all the equipment not just one part. If 4D STS does it, they can have finer control- which part to fry it, when etc. May be some questions in future sessions, if it is still important by that time.
(T.C.) How do the Cs determine what events they will try to prevent by transmitting them to the group? It seems like there are plenty of events that seem horrible to us that they haven't prevented by doing this. Are they determining what is good or bad for humanity by doing this?

A: Depends on the questions!

Q: (T.C.) Can I ask a follow up to that?

(L) Yeah.

(T.C) So that then means that if we do the correct research and ask the right questions, then we can pretty much prevent anything from... well, not anything, but anything that could be preventable, could be prevented by asking the right questions?

A: If there was sufficient awareness generated, yes.

In the last session, when the C's said that there was the possibility of disasters being averted by them having transmitted warnings about them ahead of time, I thought about it for a bit.

I wondered about how free will of humanity factors into the equation. My thoughts lead me to the conclusion that it must depend on the questions asked, since it is the free will of the person asking which can potentially reveal the information necessary to avert the calamity.

Of course, by the same token, I believe that if there are definite risks of free will violations of humanity as a whole, or some similar risk, the C's can simply not answer the question, which is what lead me to ask how they determine what info of this type that they will give. The circular answer was, "Depends on the questions!", which I actually find quite amusing, considering the subject and 'my' thoughts about it.

It had been a while since that last session, and a while since I had gone over those ideas. I remembered after this latest session, that I had another question to tack onto the last one I asked: about preventing calamities. The question, had I remembered it, would have been, "Is this, in fact, what has been happening in our reality since the beginning of the cassiopaean transmissions, via Laura and the group's questions?"

Who knows how many timelines have shifted, how many disasters may have been averted so far. And if this is the case, if this non-linear, complex systems, butterfly effect dynamics have been in play, then how much of the early cassiopaean material regarding the future is now rendered null and void?

I'm seeing a mechanism - a trans-density mechanism - at play. 6th density thought forms see a particular dynamic playing out in the one true reality. A cosmic drama, for lack of a better term.

They decide that they will act to bring balance, since if the drama is allowed to play out as is, there will be imbalance of positive and negative.

They incarnate into 3rd density, (through 4th, apparently? No idea how that works or why it has to work that way, but that's what I've gathered from the sessions. I could have completely butchered that), and then they transmit their balancing influence into the reality via their superluminal communication. Not just through the board, but via other means as well like inspiration or during mediations or when a person is pondering or searching for answers. They create a yearning, maybe, in certain people, like those here on the forum - who are really themselves - for answers to questions: questions about the mission, about why they're here. And it's through answering the questions, or through their 3D versions of themselves finding the answers to the questions and putting them out there, living those answers every day in their interactions with the reality, that they are able to influence reality, shift the larger awareness of a large enough number of humans, which then closes off certain potential futures, and opens up new ones.

So it would then logically follow that a large part of our responsibility here and now is to always strive to be mindful of and maximise our receivership capacity/capability, since without it, we will not search, or yearn, or be inspired to seek, and ask. We will just sleep, mired in the default, entropic frequency of this environment. Everything the PTB does to us, through our food, environment, technologies, etc., is to damp the receivership capability, to stop this process.

When Laura said, "It sounds like there was a battle, and you guys lost.", regarding the 'fall', it would then be like an army allowing themselves to be captured by the enemy and taken back to their city, in order to effect a slow and gradual change within that city, by, say, introducing a different culture. In that sense, you would not have to fight a battle with the enemy army. You instead change their nation state's long-term cultural and political direction. It was one big plan, all along.
Only 4.6 million after 14,000 years of experimenting using underground territory as a Lab? - Half of them are already on the surface. What about 36 million nephalim coming in a 3 mother ships? Is 36 million nephalim are also human looking (size and shape) already merged into general population?

Thinking loud... If we consider some are STO , so the STS undergrounder population much less than 4.6 million. Out of all the STS under grounder, only 6% psychopaths like on the surface. It looks to me this number is too small for replacing us. probably it is a of now is sort of "proof of concept" rather than real replacement. Their aim is mentioned as 95% consumption of human containers and probably they use it mass scale creating and replacement? .

Before C's mentioned undergrounders can live on 3D and 4D with ease. so we assumed underground bases are 3D physical. It looks it is not the case though they can live 3D and 4D with ease - not like grays or men in black or lizards.
Don't forget the alien/human hybrids mentioned in previous sessions. For example:

Session 14 October 1995:

(L) I want to ask about one thing from the Matrix material. I want to know who and what are the "Esseseni?"

A: Hybrids, new.

Q: (L) They are new hybrids? And what are they a hybridization of? What are the sources of the material for the hybridization?

A: Humans and grays.

Q: (L) Are the Esseseni positively oriented beings, as has been suggested by some?

A: Split.

Q: (T): Some STS, some STO?

A: Yes.

As to how STS beings like the Lizards travel to and from their underground bases, a clue may be found here:

Session 12 July 1997:

Q: Well, this is what we are looking at! I have even discovered that Sir Francis Bacon's name is even derived from "beech," and that his Latin signature has the gematria number of 17 - and January 17 is the feast day of St. Anthony, who replaced St. Augustine in this affair somewhat... and I have connected the Rosicrucians all over the blasted planet, for crying out loud! And, who is who here? Just who are the good guys?

A: Airports are used by both.

Q: Well, what is THAT supposed to mean?

A: Transdimensional Atomic Remolecularizer.

Q: You mean there is a TDARM at the Denver Airport?

A: Not that simple... and much, much deeper meaning. Did you catch the latest report about Neanderthals and DNA and how it relates to you?

The Lizard beings have been reported by observers at Denver Airport. Perhaps they are using TDARM's (trans-materialisation technology as in Star Trek type transporters) to travel to and from their underground bases, which may explain why the C's said "much, much deeper meaning". By saying that "Airports are used by both", it could mean that STO Nordics are also using TDARM's to travel to and from their underground bases. The C's have clearly admitted in this session that there are 4D STO (Nordics) based underground:​

Q: (Approaching Infinity) In the 9/21/1996 session, you said Thor's Pantheum was both STS and STO like the quorum and the description of the Nordic covenant, which sounds like both sides are involved in influencing creative types, but they are not technically working together. But if Thor's Pantheum is located mostly underground, does that mean that some are STO?

A: Yes

Q: (Approaching Infinity) Since the projecting is only mostly done underground, are the ones who aren't underground, the STO ones?

A: Can be both. Your thinking is too black and white.

Q: (L) Is it because STS and STO can, in a sense, coexist in similar physical space without intermingling or being maybe... not even seeing each other? I mean, is it because their frequencies are different? Something like that?

A: Close.

The session dated 12 July 1997 extract should also be linked to what the C's said in the later session dated 12 September 1998:

(L) In the middle of the night the other night as I was going to sleep, I thought of something that you guys once said about the Denver Airport TDARM, that both sides can use airports and that the meaning was ‘much, much deeper than that.’ It made me think of what you had said before about planets and stars being windows or doorways. Is it possible that there are points in deep recesses or underground places of our planet where one can enter a portal and emerge through a portal on another planet or system. Are the centres of planets and stars the emergences of wormholes or something?

A: If utilized as such.

Q: (C) So it would have to be intentional. Is anyone utilizing them as such?

A: Maybe...

This idea of two distinct 4D groups being based underground, one STS and the other STO, may also explain what the C's once said here to Ark:

A: Well, first of all, we thought this was Ark's turn. But, since you have asked, is it not obvious by now? Magnetic power grid physics. EM utilization. Crystals, and the like. Seeking paths to the interior? The "Poles" know best!

Obviously, Ark is Polish but where the C's are telling him, and by extension us, that when referring to seeking paths to the interior (where you will find the deep underground 4D bases), could their statement that the "Poles" know best! be referring to the fact that the STS and STO underground forces occupy bases deep under the respective poles where one's FRV and propensity to STS or STO becomes relevant? If so, my guess is that the STS forces are primarily based deep under the South Pole (where the STS Antareans directed the Nazis to make contact with them late in WW2) and the STO Nordic forces are based deep under the North Pole, where supposedly American Admiral Richard Byrd made contact with the Nordics (see my earlier post on this matter Session 29 July 2023)

Maglev Trains and the Underground Tunnel System

As to maglev trains and the underground tunnel system in the USA and the question asked by Ursus Minor in this session:

Q: (Ursus Minor) Is there a secret underground high-speed train system in the U.S. operated by either magnetic levitation or vacuum tubes? A: Yes.

Robert Salter has also attracted a lot of attention with his own Very High Speed Transit (VHST) system.
In a 1972 study for the RAND Corp. he set out a continental-scale, deep underground concept that his study succinctly described as "electromagnetically levitated and propelled cars in an evacuated tunnel."

Salter also mentioned that: "Speeds as high as 14,000 mph have been examined in studies by the RAND Corp. in an example case of a direct link between Los Angeles and New York requiring 21 minutes transit time.

The speeds required will certainly be on the order of thousands of miles per hour on the long-haul links."


the C's referred to this underground tunnel system in the session dated 12 July 1997:

Q: I also notice that Edwards Air Force Base is a little to the south of there and my guess is that these bases are connected to this underground tunnel system, these underground bases or cities. Am I going in the right direction?

A: Draw a line on the map to connect Death Valley, Edwards, and the Antelope Valley. Then connect with Mount Shasta, Mount Rainier, Back to Las Vegas, on to Sedona, over to the Archuleta Mesa, then on up to the Denver Airpor
t (MJF: compare these locations to the map above).

And again in the session dated 7 March 2009:

Q: (DD) I noticed that there were things that struck me as numerous underground operations when I was living on the West Coast in South Orange County. The first thing that caught my eye was the possible underground component of the ziggurat pyramid federal building on Laguna {???}. Was that building connected to any other subterranean works in that region?

A: Oh indeed. And it will be surprising to see how these things factor into the future police state.

Q: (DD) When we were involved in that El Toro airport fracas, it came to light that during World War II, they built a rather large underground component at the El Toro base ostensibly for weapons storage. Did that particular base operation link down toward Palomar or that federal building, or does it now?

A: Now you are catching on. There are a lot of linkages down there.

Q: (DD) Linkages meaning tunnel systems? So are most of the military bases on the West Coast linked that way?

A: Yes.

Q: (DD) Are they linked to the federal building systems?

A: In some cases.

It is a bit worrying where the C's say above "it will be surprising to see how these things factor into the future police state", especially as we are pretty much most of the way there now. Will this tunnel system be used for the mass transportation of undesirables and NWO non-conformists to holding centres like those deep under Denver Airport, just as the Nazis used the European rail system to transport their slave workers and Jews to concentration camps, except this time it will be underground and out of sight?​
Thank you for the session!
The mention of the plane actually disappearing over Lake Michigan made me think of how there is apparently an area over the lake with similar disappearances as the Bermuda Triangle. There's even a book about it, Lake Michigan Triangle, The: Mysterious Disappearances and Haunting Tales. I also recall David Paulides talking about it in his Missing 411 book, Sobering Coincidences. There's definitely something strange going on up there. Makes one wonder if there are more videos of planes disappearing that the PTB have.
We live near Lake Michigan, and I have heard many attribute its “energy” to its beaches, which are comprised mostly of quartz.

Upon further investigation, I was intrigued to find this:

So we’ve got a rock known for magnetism, another known for communication, and a third known for enhancing memory. All of that dancing on the edge of a very large body of water.

From a rock nerd’s perspective, that could play a role in the missing 411 a bit, and maybe even some missing planes.
Interesting information above, thanks for sharing..The mention of the plane disappearing over Lake Michigan in this session made me think of the Unsolved Mysteries episode, "Something in the Sky," I saw months ago. No disappearing planes in the episode..There is a part though about UFOs suddenly disappearing from radar, from what I remember. The show covers the 1994 Michigan UFO event. This event included UFO sightings over Lake Michigan.

What really stood out to me from the show is the info surrounding the following eyewitness account:
On the show, Virginia mentioned talking to a couple in 1994 that was camping right on the lake on the night of March 8. They told her about seeing a tall water tower in the lake at around midnight; it was like a high waterfall, about 20 feet wide, and was lit from behind and above. According to Virginia, the frightened couple left right away. Jack Bushong, the meteorologist in Muskegon, Michigan, mentioned seeing something similar on his radar around that time, and he stated that the object was at approximately 6000 feet.
An article about the meteorologist's account of the event:
Interestingly, Alexandra Ocasio Cortez (AOC) must have been smiled upon when she proposed a train link to Hawaii as part of her Green New Deal in 2019.
Even AOC must have realized that there can't be railroads across the ocean (provided she knew that Hawaii is an island).

Had she received a hint by somebody about a different kind of train system connecting the continental US with Hawaii which she accidentally blurted out at the time?
Most likely.
Regarding Primes I read Calculate Primes by James McCanney. Managed to write the code that produces the lists of co-primes (which contains the primes) based on the sequential prime products. His theory actually works. But, by the time one uses the first ten primes the basic list is over a billion elements long. There are many fascinating properties in these lists. They are completely symmetric. I also read Breaking RSA codes but the level of programming required to produce efficient fast code is outside my area of knowledge. Basically I would say it is a very good challenge to understand what is written in Calculate Primes and produce some code in say Mathematica to demonstrate it.
His ideas were the inspiration for the spreadsheet I mentioned. It does work, but you cannot just plug in a random 18 digit number and have it tell you if it is prime or not.
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