Session 29 July 2023

Yes... I also was very struck by those films and the size and the impetuosity and the ferocity of the women. It confused me at the time because of my lack of understanding that such were already here. Today I believe them to be truants that surfaced from laboratories underground and went berserk, frenzied angry. Something akin to the giants photographed on top of a Peruvian mound who appeared listless and confused before disappearing very rapidly leaving the hysterical daughter of the photographer totally traumatized.
" Bio and cyber/genetic humanoid types now increasing exponentially in general population " [ The C's ]
The references to super soldiers in some of the posts above and the undergrounder hybrid breeding programme in the session transcript made me wonder if there could be a connection between the two things. In other words could the super soldiers really be undergrounders in disguise. The C's spoke of hybrids being born to surface women who have been abducted and impregnated. Would the resulting children appear to have super powers, e.g., be stronger and more resilient than surface people, as well as being psychopathic in nature?

A strange case of Swedish female identical twins arose a few years ago, which had conspiracy theorists wondering if they were the product of such a super soldier breeding project. There may be nothing in it but the story of Ursula and Sabina Eriksson is so bizarre, especially when one learns that one of them perpetrated a cold blooded killing for which she was convicted and sentenced to prison. I attach a video and the Wikipedia entry for the twins and leave Forum members to judge for themselves whether they could have been part of an underground civilisation hybrid breeding project. How they survived the collisions on the motorway is so astounding given the speed of the traffic. Comments are welcome, since I for one could never make up my mind over the matter.

I am thinking about possession...
They feel insecured and pushed to run away. The strength used to escape because they really believe they are in danger. The lack of communication because they must be told to keep things for themselves (voices). The focus on one thing only (finding the hospital where the sister is).
We don't have much about what has been said and how. The sound of the voice would have been of great help...
IMO it is possession.
I am thinking about possession...
They feel insecured and pushed to run away. The strength used to escape because they really believe they are in danger. The lack of communication because they must be told to keep things for themselves (voices). The focus on one thing only (finding the hospital where the sister is).
We don't have much about what has been said and how. The sound of the voice would have been of great help...
IMO it is possession.
Yes, I thought along those lines too. However, what exactly do we mean by possession here? One of these sisters killed a man who had supposedly shown her a kindness in giving her a bed for the night, yet she stabbed him to death in cold blood. We don't know though whether he may have made unwelcome sexual advances towards her, as we don't have the trial transcript. Alternatively, she may have been in a delusional state and perceived him as a threat when he was not. As to possession, the C's gave us something of a clue as to how a psychopath can be programmed and used subsequently for Lizard feeding purposes with the case of the serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer:

Session 23 October 1994:

Q: (L) Was Jeffrey Dahmer abducted by the Lizzies at an early age?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Did he get his perversions from the Lizzies?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Is he genetically connected to the Lizzies?

A: No.

Hence, the twins could have come under Lizzie or Orion STS mind control through prior abduction(s) and programming just like Dahmer. In this 29th July session, the C's confirmed, for example, that the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is subject to mind manipulation:
(Ursus Minor) Who or what is making Netanyahu push Israel to the brink?

(L) I think we have that answer! [laughter] Already answered there! Is that something along the line of what these underground handlers would be doing?

A: Yes and also mind manipulation.

However, there are other aspects of this case that raise questions, which makes one wonder whether the twins could have been subject to abuse in the past, perhaps at the hands of the Illuminati as mentioned in this session. The seemed fearful and paranoid towards any authority figures and made a reference to the police wanting to harvest their organs. The medical experts who examined them seemed to think the twins shared a delusional psychosis. As an identical twin myself, I am aware that identical twins do share a strong telepathic bond and can even feel the other twin's pain (my brother and I have experienced such pain transfer on occasions, particularly when we were younger). There is also the fact that they originally went to the police in Liverpool for help since the twins were concerned for the safety of Sabina's two young children who had been raised in Ireland with her partner. So again we see the issue of abuse towards young children surfacing here. I appreciate people can exhibit super strength when possessed but collisions with a car moving at great speed and going under the wheels of a 40 ton truck speeding along at 56 mph would normally leave you dead or permanently disabled at the very least. Yet somehow they miraculously survived, in one case with only fairly minor injuries. Possession may give you super strength I grant you but it doesn't normally give your body super immunity from serious injury.

Could they have been truants that surfaced from laboratories underground who went berserk, frenzied angry as Mantle suggested in his post above. In the 29th July session the C' said this of the undergrounders:
Q: (Joe) So these people were born underground?

A: Yes

Q: (Andromeda) And raised underground?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) And then appeared as adults on the surface, got a job...

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) And who made them?

A: Lizards in cahoots with STS Orions.

Q: (Joe) So these are human beings. They're functionally the same, as human as other human beings? Like biologically the same as other human beings, or not?

A: Some genetic tweaks. Most were harvested from human mothers and incubated.

Q: (Gaby) So this is part of the hybridization program that some experiencers or abductees recall?

A: Yes

Q: (Possibility of Being) Do they know good and evil the same way as we would understand it?

A: No

Q: (Joe) Are they - from our perspective - very much like mind-controlled beings in that sense? They don't have much free will?

A: Yes. And much like very efficient psychopaths.

Well in this case they didn't seem to be very efficient psychopaths and they didn't seem to exhibit super intelligence either, but they could still be mind controlled subjects like Dahmer. Moreover, the twins do seem to have had a background childhood story that checks out, so it is unlikely they were incubated and raised underground to be introduced to the surface world as adults. However, this doesn't rule out that they may still be STS hybrids (like some sort of Midwich Cuckoos in the nest - see The Midwich Cuckoos - Wikipedia ) who have been raised in the surface world but are subject to ongoing STS mind control.

As I said in my original post, the twins' case is certainly very bizarre and there may be a lot more to it than the authorities have been prepared to admit. If the twins are psychopathic hybrids, then we should ask how many more of them there are at this present juncture in time who can be activated like ticking time bombs or Manchurian Candidates*.

*See: The Manchurian Candidate (1962 film) - Wikipedia.​
That post contains a brief synopsis of his book Vril: the Coming Race (you can see why it might have inspired the Nazis and their Aryan master race theories).

By the way, on page 47 it was written:
It was not for some time, and until, by repeated trances, if they are so to be called, my mind became better prepared to interchange ideas with my entertainers, and more fully to comprehend differences of manners and customs, at first too strange to my experience to be seized by my reason, that I was enabled to gather the following details respecting the origin and history of this subterranean population, as portion of one great family race called the Ana.

The name ANA is also All Nippon Air. Ana is also "1. mother of the ancient Irish gods; sometimes identified with Danu

How they survived the collisions on the motorway is so astounding given the speed of the traffic. Comments are welcome, since I for one could never make up my mind over the matter.

Very strange, although on the surface it is so twisted - possession-like. Curiously, they never really gave reason concerning Sabina's family - her children in Ireland, wherein she went to the police in Liverpool to complain that they were in danger. In danger of what? And why go to Liverpool. This may be explained in a later book or video.

Of the video you have posted, when Sabina was originally hit by the vehicle, when she came conscious after 15 min, she had said (must be her sister) "They're going to steal your organs." Haunting stuff.

Laura and @Windmill knight look to this briefly on this thread, while on a larger discussion in 2015 it was expanded upon here.

The main thread looks to Jon Hollinshead, who is the brother of Glenn who was stabbed to death by Sabina. Glenn, sadly, had three young children. Hollinshead had also written a book called a Madness Shared by Two.

Here is one linked to video talk by Hollinshead (Jon briefly mentions there was someone else of perhaps pivotal interest, who he can't name - or doesn't, anyway).

Noted also are these unwatched III Parts: Madness Shared by Two with a series of three videos;Part I • Video Part II • Video Part III • Video

Laura said:
Q: (L) Are there going to be these human hybrid monsters that DeSouza depicts?

A: No! There are already human hybrid "monsters", but they look human.

Q: (L) Are these human hybrid monsters, any of the people that are involved in this whole pedophile business?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Are they also involved in the gender transitioning of our young people?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And you can tell from their pedophilic tendencies and their destruction of young people their monstrous nature?

A: Yes.

Q: (Joe) Does the presence of the weed killer atrazine in the food supply contribute to the increase in children and adolescents reporting as transgender?

A: Yes.
These undergrounders or hybrids, I would call them moles, this term also defines an infiltrator, a spy with a mission, in French.
As what is below reflects what is above, and we can add that in the underground this reflection is even more accentuated, in the distorted sens.
Transhumanism, and transgender are two different words for the same agenda, so the first for a Homo deus and for the second a Homo transidentitem, both in a hubris style.

Laura said:
Q: (L) So 4D STS could theoretically inspire or compel discarnate entities that have not gone into the light to attach to individuals?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) They did also create conditions, or waited for conditions where a lot of people all die in traumatic circumstances - meaning they're a bit confused, they don't go into the light - and then shove them all into new bodies.

Q: (L) Could they do that?

A: Yes yes yes

Q: (Joe) Is that their sneaky plan?

A: Part of it.
Child trafficking, pedophilia, organ harvesting, snuff movies, and satanic rituals at all times and climates can also fuel this demoniac plan.

I want to share some thoughts on the 'smashing of the souls" topic.

The possibility of having enormous amounts of energy as a result of generating enough pain and suffering and using it to crash many souls is definitely terrifying and mind boggling. And, indeed, the question is if it is possible, and if it is, how exactly something like this can happen and how to prevent it?

Not long ago I read Illion's "Darkness over Tibet" (C's remarked about the book that it is a disguise for conveying truths of a spiritual nature as well as a depiction of 4th density realities). And in the book author mentions several interesting points about soul and the possibility of losing it:



So we have several things here: It seems that even one has a soul, it doesn't mean that one necessarily will find oneself on an "upward"/developmental current of life. It IS possible to lose a soul if one will choose to sin against one's soul - essentially to go against one's "being"/level of being.

Another thing that we get from the above, that a soul cannot be "taken", it should be given voluntarily. It is a result of one's choice. The tricky part about it is, that according to C's, the "fall" also happened because human kind made a choice, but it was a choice as a result of 4D STS manipulation - they were deceived. But it was their choice non the less. It puts "greys" claims to the abductees that they agreed (at some point) to be taken and tampered with in a different and more sinister light. The stakes appear to be higher and more complicated.

But how all those ideas can be applied to our personal lives?

My own painful life experiences and the resulting narcissistic wounding made me realize that we all have our own personal "battle for the soul". Growing up in a toxic environment, being exposed to pathological way of thinking influences one's mind and thinking process. In a sense, person (out of ignorance and tragic lack of awareness) learns to resonate with ideas (thought centers) which are not of his/her level of being. And since it is very painful and straining for the soul, unless a person makes a conscious choice of stopping identifying with those damaging archetypes, it will gradually deform the soul and put it on a downward path. And tragic and manipulative as it is, it will be this person's "choice", because "we can always go home". Because if we have a spark of pure and true creativity inside us, it will find the existence in the deep and filthy mud of pathology so repulsive, it will try to find a way out.

The problem is that the mud might be so thick, one might have a hard time having enough hope to keep making the right choice, so one may succumb and eventually give up. And I think that this might happen when a person, as a result of his/her wounding, will start to believe/resonate strongly with pathological ideas and believe that this is who he/she is and act upon it. This person, instead of aligning oneself with names of God (creativity) will align oneself with the names of Wrath (entropy). And this what might be called "sinning against one's soul."

And that leads to the remark made by C's in the following excerpt:

What if the idea behind 4d STS plan of crashing the souls is an ongoing process that begun a long time ago? It is trans-generational, trans-cultural and even trans-reincarnational. The goal is to create extremely toxic environment where people with souls have little chance of choosing to align themselves with the names of God. In this case the eventual "crushing" is just a final "small event" considering the fact that the choice of going on a downward developmental spiral is a very gradual process. At the beginning, pathology moves slowly while infiltrating every aspect of our lives, but at some point (and as it seems in our generation) it might reach a critical mass, where many may choose to sin against their souls and give enough energy to 4d STS to implement their plan.

Until now they "squeezed" the life (chlorophyll?) out of us "mercifully", just like a parasite makes sure to keep its host alive. But there might come a moment where the gravity of soul killing pathology is so heavy, there is not enough "air" to breath. So the soul reaches a fast track of total disintegration into a primal matter.

It gives a whole new meaning to the "battle for the souls". It is an ongoing battle that goes through us, and it is not too late for us (though not much time remains) to stop aligning ourselves with the names of Wrath. But since we are talking about reaching a critical mass here, it is also very important to make everything possible to help others (who's souls are tortured and in pain) and give them a fighting chance.
Staying with the subject of child trafficking, these demons, not satisfied with raping and torturing children, involve them and make them become executioners themselves.

An act of destruction of the integrity of body and spirit. An innocent body and soul defiled and atomised, what more could you ask for from a servant of evil, satiated but still hungry.

Q: (Joe) What was your theory? (L) She was talking about Illion's Darkness over Tibet and the descending spiral and that it's a choice and you have to...

A: We couldn't have explained it any better!

Q: (Scottie) Did you write about this on the forum? (Keit) Yeah. (Scottie) How did I miss that?? (A***) Yeah. (Keit) I have some more to say about this. (Joe) So that was about trying to smash all these souls back into primal matter, was that it?

A: Yes

Q: (Allen) Could you just explain it, because I didn't read it. (Keit) What I said is that... I brought this in quotes and quoted from Darkness Over Tibet. The author mentions that there are two possibilities in development: upward and downward. And there is a possibility of losing one's soul, but it should be a conscious decision, it's a choice. And it can't be taken by force. (L) But they can make you choose by wearing you out. (Keit) Exactly, and I gave my personal example where I felt that traumatic experiences in our lives kind of manipulates us into choosing the downward development. And we basically choose something that is against our own level of being. And it's so traumatic for the soul, that it twists the soul and puts it in a downward position. The eventual outcome of this event is basically smashing the soul, even if the final smashing event is relative small. And that's why there is so much suffering and pathology in the world, where they force and manipulate souls into choosing. (L) Against their own nature. (PL) And Illion said that the worse thing for a human being is the sin against their own soul. (Keit) And sinning against the soul is going against your own level or nature of being. So, like narcissistic tendencies and everything, that's why for our own sake we need to clean ourselves. (DD) Is this why they've injected so many drugs into the culture to just weaken people?

A: Yes and remember also transmarginal inhibition principles.

Q: (L) One of those principles is that even strong dogs that could not be broken in ordinary ways, if they subjected them to physical trauma like surgery, or illness, or something like that, that that would weaken them to the point where they could be turned. So torture is also part of this process.

A: Yes

Q: (L) And we live now in a culture of torture which is basically a soul-smashing culture.

A: Yes

Q: (L) So there are souls that are being twisted and deformed to the point where they will... I mean, a lot of these people think that they will be going to heaven because they're imposing their god's will on other people, and they think that whatever they have to do to bring in the rule of their distorted version of Jesus Christ on Earth or whatever - ya know, these fundies - that basically they themselves are putting themselves in the position of being soul smashed because they are completely going against not only the teachings of Christ, but also against their own natures. I think many of them really mean well, but they have been so gradually and so incrementally twisted by pathological individuals in positions of power and in high positions in churches, and pathological individuals that create doctrines and theologies that are twisted, that they are essentially agreeing to the sale of their own souls to the devil. (Joe) I wonder if it extends to people who aren't directly involved in it, but are just ordinary members of the population whose minds are so twisted that in their own minds they sanction it or they agree with it. Even when they're faced with the facts, they're not being lied to so much, but they realize the whole thing about torture and the CIA and torture camps...

A: Silence in the face of "evil" is equal to participation unless there is a good reason for the silence that serves a higher goal.

Q: (Joe) That's really interesting because it kind of explains the whole debate over torture, and how they've been trying to get people to accept torture. And more and more facts coming out about the reality of the CIA having tortured and trying to twist that around to get people to accept that as something that is conscionable.

A: Acceptance of torture is the "mark of the beast."

Q: (DD) That's why there's the popularity of television shows like "24". (Joe) Conditioning people. (DD) It's wildly popular. (Joe) I mean, you get all these people who are faced with the real life torture of another human being, and they actually cheer it on. And if that's the same as participation, then these people are all being put on that downward spiral.

A: Remember the "lake of fire" in the Book of Revelation? Remember that those who live by the sword will die by the sword?

Q: (Keit) What's "lake of fire"? (Allen) In Revelation where all those who didn't accept Christ would be thrown in... (Joe) Hell, basically.

A: Soul smashing.

Q: (L) Creepy. (Allen) I'm thinking about all those people who don't necessarily think torture is okay, but they still... like they abhor torture but they're still kind of accepting it because it's necessary, or maybe they just try to not think about it at all. (Joe) Well, people who think it's necessary... (L) They're already lost. They've already bought it. I mean, the scientific evidence is that if you need information or whatever, if there's some justifiable reason, that is NOT the way to get it. The records of the inquisition which are extensive - I mean, tens of thousands of people were tortured and confessed to the most outrageous lies just to get it over with. Just get it over with and let me die! I'll tell you anything you want me to say! And they confessed to flying on broomsticks, to mating with devils, to dancing naked in the moonlight, to kissing each other's backsides... I mean, you name it, and they confessed to it just to get it to stop. And it was ALL horse-hockey! (Allen) And I'm sorry, even if scientific evidence doesn't show that, even if we said, "Oh yeah, torture actually works for getting information," you're still torturing human beings! It's still abhorrent. It's like, how can you do that?! (Keit) The thought I had is that pathology, what is done to children of narcissistic families, it's like torture. (L) It IS torture! (Keit) And what happens is kind of like it poisons them and basically allows them to accept the torture environment. Because they already experienced it, they were like touched by evil. (L) Torturing another human being to force them to say or do something that is against their principles is wrong no matter what your perspective. They are, each individual, entitled to their principles, to their ideas, to their politics whatever. And if you want to change that, or if you think that there is something about their point of view that is threatening to you, then the way to change that is by discourse, by education, by sharing information and data. NOT by trying to force them to go against what is rightfully theirs, at the soul level, by torture! To try to force somebody like that is basically a kind of soul killing of its own. Jesus even said in the New Testament that whoever is a stumbling block to the least of these, it would be better for him that he had never been born. And when he said, "never been born", that's almost like a way of saying his soul is going to be smashed. It's just really astonishing. (DD) What happens to a soul after it is smashed?

A: Primal matter. Start the cycle over. Millions or billions of years acquiring consciousness.

In this thread I had written this post:
The term castration in this case is misleading, because it is not an ablation of the organs concerned and definitive, or even a sterilization, but rather a drug treatment with a reversible effect, which at the end of the treatment does not change the mentality and predation of the pedophile in any way.
This is a very good question to ask in the future context of Lobaczewski's "Logocracy", what to do with pedocriminals, and also child traffickers.
It would always be torture to surgically castrate child criminals, remembering this passage, knowing precisely that the latter have sadistically tortured children:
Indeed, it was their own impulse, their own choice, their own 'free will' that destroyed and fed on every physical and mental fibre of these children.
To want to 'cure' them is to go against this cosmic law of free will.

One of the solutions, just as these large and rich families in the service of evil educate their offspring generation after generation, wouldn't it be judicious to arm our generations from their youngest age to no longer serve as food, to know their true enemies, to face their predator without fear.
Unless it's more natural in service to others, a kind of spontaneous generation?

These children, tortured to the extreme, are one of the most important issues, and we need to find a solution to help them well in advance, because to take the example of chlorophyll, imagine a shrub radiating life, with its microclimate and its fauna... drying up and rotting on the ground in two heartbeats.
More than just a leaf, an entire ecosystem is lost.
Here's some food for thought on the topic of engineering of humans by 'higher density beings". Doesn't seem so outlandish.

It doesn't seem outlandish to me at all.
This can even still be considered almost normal in the current frenetic production and consumption.

In addition there is this story of "Frankenfish", a GMO salmon, but sold with this label genetically engineered fish, perhaps this is what comes close to hybrids/moles/underground, in terms of fish.

See these videos that are already 7 years old but still relevant:

AquAdvantage salmon - Wikipedia
AquAdvantage — Wikipédia
By the way, on page 47 it was written:

The name ANA is also All Nippon Air. Ana is also "1. mother of the ancient Irish gods; sometimes identified with Danu

Very strange, although on the surface it is so twisted - possession-like. Curiously, they never really gave reason concerning Sabina's family - her children in Ireland, wherein she went to the police in Liverpool to complain that they were in danger. In danger of what? And why go to Liverpool. This may be explained in a later book or video.

Of the video you have posted, when Sabina was originally hit by the vehicle, when she came conscious after 15 min, she had said (must be her sister) "They're going to steal your organs." Haunting stuff.

Laura and @Windmill knight look to this briefly on this thread, while on a larger discussion in 2015 it was expanded upon here.

The main thread looks to Jon Hollinshead, who is the brother of Glenn who was stabbed to death by Sabina. Glenn, sadly, had three young children. Hollinshead had also written a book called a Madness Shared by Two.

Here is one linked to video talk by Hollinshead (Jon briefly mentions there was someone else of perhaps pivotal interest, who he can't name - or doesn't, anyway).

Noted also are these unwatched III Parts: Madness Shared by Two with a series of three videos;Part I • Video Part II • Video Part III • Video

Thank you for drawing our attention to the longer BBC account of the twins' story and to the mention of the story in an earlier Forum thread. Although Laura linked it with either drugs or possession, the Wikipedia entry reveals that there was no evidence that drugs or alcohol were involved in the incidents on the M6 or the death of Hollinshead. Given what the C's have now revealed about the underground civilisation and the ongoing hybridisation programme, I think it is justified to reconsider the twins' tale in this new light.​
Q: (Keyhole) Are there members of the elite who consume the bodily fluids and or body parts of other humans?

A: Yes

Q: (Keyhole) If so, why do they do this?

A: Sickness.

Q: (Keyhole) Is there any truth to the theory that human blood is consumed for adrenochrome?

A: Not exactly. It is extracted from the blood first.

Q: (Joe) And it's created in the way that people claim it's created...

A: Yes

Q: (L) Remember they described that to us. Remember I asked about a painful and torturous death, and they said it produces chemicals that they like to consume? And if that happens for aliens, then the possibility that they're alien hybrids...

(Pierre) What are the properties of adrenochrome?

A: Anti-aging, sexual potency, energy and somewhat psychedelic.

Q: (Niall) So it's a drug.

(Joe) When you say anti-aging, is it a pronounced anti-aging effect? We're not talking about rejuvenation in any literal sense, are we?

A: Temporary or Hillary and George would look younger.

Q: (Joe) So that suggested Hillary Clinton, George Bush...

(L) I don't think you're talking about George Bush.

(Joe) George Soros. Are they aware that they seek out adrenochrome, and take it actively? They have done?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) And they know where it comes from?

A: Yes

Q: (Gaby) Jesus!

(Chu) When they mention sickness above, it is the same as Obama, right?

A: Yes

Q: (Chu) Not that they're sick, but they are.

(Joe) And is it done via blood transfusion?

A: No

Q: (L) They said they extract it from the blood. And give it to them as a drug.

(Joe) Oh, yes, it's injected as a drug.

A: Yes

Q: (Andromeda) So basically, they torture people so that there's more of this in the blood.

(L) Children.

(Andromeda) They take the blood...

(L) Yeah.

(Gaby) That's very sick.
Tranhumanism, transgender, wokism, LGBT+-..., are forms of ponerizations, like all the rules during the Covid episode, some of which have become laws (that said, what is done can also be undone, if a "normal" leader returned one day), also as demonstrated in various threads on this Forum on health and nutrition, our mind and our body, since the dawn of time have been weakened, corrupted, ponerized, even GMO-genized.

(PoB) I have one. It's about the GMO food. My question is: How deep the modification goes? When you have for example a GMO corn, and it will go through chemical processes, and we get alcohol or vitamin C from it. Is it affected by the modification?

A: Unless you consume the DNA bodies there should be no problem.

Q: (L) So does that mean that when products are made out of some kinds of genetically modified things that if the product is made in such a way that it excludes the DNA bodies and it just extracts a chemical or something from it, then it should be generally safe?

A: Yes

Q: (PoB) And when we eat meat of an animal that was fed with GMO corn or crops?

A: That is different!

Q: (Pierre) If we consume DNA bodies directly, it's harmful for us. The animal consumes the DNA bodies, and then we consume them. That's the same. There will be toxins, and maybe DNA migrations.

A: Yes
Q: (L) Remember they described that to us. Remember I asked about a painful and torturous death, and they said it produces chemicals that they like to consume? And if that happens for aliens, then the possibility that they're alien hybrids...
Keeping the idea of the "Frankenfish", and having a certain frequency that allows aliens to evolve more directly in 3 density in the form of human hybrids, more evolved and authentic than the old grey models.

In the food chain of the STS hierarchy, from the vibratory consumption of suffering to fear, then to that through the pores of what serves as their skin, but perhaps also being by their genetically modified nature, genetic food through human beings consuming more and more genetically modified food, thus having a frequency even more exploitable by hyperdimensional beings.

A few Cass quotes to put things into context:
Citation de: November 12, 1994
Q: (L) Back to the quorum and illuminati.
A: Quorum mostly alien; illuminati mostly human.
Q: (L) Well, the quorum has been described...
A: Meet; two halves of whole.
Q: (L) Well the quorum seems to be described as being in touch with the Cassiopaeans, that is, yourselves, which you have described as beneficial beings, is this correct?
A: Close.
Q: (L) The illuminati has been described as being behind or with the brotherhood which has been described as being in connection with the Lizard beings...
A: Close. But not that simple.
Q: (L) Well, if the quorum is the good guys and the illuminati is the bad guys, and they both are at the high levels of Freemasonry, what is the story here?
A: Picture a circle or cycle first now then contemplate for a moment before follow up.
Q: (L) Okay, I am contemplating a cycling circle.
A: Now, two halves representing positive and negative. Two halves.
Q: (L) Well, what I am getting out of that is the two halves and both sides are playing with the human race. Is that it?
A: No. This is complicated but if you can learn and understand, it will be a super revelation.
Q: (L) Well, go ahead and explain.
A: Ask step by step.
Q: (L) Why do we so often have to ask things step by step?
A: In order to absorb the information.
Q: (L) The quorum is described as the good guys. The illuminati is described as bad guys. And yet, they are both
Masonic. When a person in the Masonic organization reaches the higher levels, are there individuals at the higher levels recruiting masons to one side or the other?
A: First, not exactly one side or another.
Q: (L) I am beginning to not understand something here because if the Lizzies...
A: Unblock.
Q: (L) I don't have a block here. If the brotherhood AKA illuminati AKA Lizzies AKA beast are the ones who are going to do detrimental things to this planet, how are they related or connected to the quorum which is in touch with...
A: This will take time to explain be patient it will be worth it.
Q: (L) Well, are you going to explain it right now?
A: Ask step by step.
Q: (L) Okay. What is the nature of evil?
A: Blend.
Q: (L) Are the Lizzies what we would consider to be evil?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Are the Cassiopaeans what we would consider to be good?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Yet, do the Cassiopaeans use and manipulate the Lizzies to accomplish certain things?
A: No.
Q: (L) The Lizzies work independently and in opposition to the Cassiopaeans?
A: Independently, not in opposition.
Q: (L) Well then, is there somebody over and above this whole project...
A: We serve others therefore there is no opposition. Careful now. Step by step. If you do not fully understand answer ask another.
Q: (L) Part of a whole. Part of a circle.
A: Blend.
Q: (L) Does this mean...
A: Picture a blending colored circle image.
Q: (L) Are you saying that at some levels the two halves overlap?
A: Close.
Q: (L) Are you saying that some of the Quorum are good guys and bad guys and the same for the Illuminati because the two are on opposing sides of the circle but at the point of blending one is weighted more to one side and the other to the
other side? And these organizations are where the interactions come together?
A: Closer.
Q: (L) Let's leave it for the time being.
A: No. Now please.
Q: (L) Okay. So it is a blending. Does it have something to do with ... in your case service to others means that you even serve those who serve self, is that correct?
A: Yes; we serve you and the Lizards have programmed your race to self service remember.
Q: (L) Well, I am down a notch or two. So, I am still a service to self individual to some extent, is that correct?
A: But moving slowly toward service to others. Not all humans are.
Q: (L) Does this mean that when people who are members of the quorum or illuminati call for information or help, that you, because of your service to others orientation are obliged to answer whoever calls?
A: Yes and no.
Q: (L) What is the no part.
A: If vibrational frequencies are out of pattern we do not connect.
Q: (L) Is the work of the Lizzies part of an overall grand plan or design?
A: All is.
Q: (L) Let's go on. I am depressed because you guys told me I was a bad person.
A: You are not a bad person.
Q: (L) Well, I am feeling pretty crummy right now.
A: Lizzies induced.
Q: (L) You mean my crummy feelings are Lizzie induced?
A: As always.
Q: (L) Well I am feeling crummy because you guys let me know that I am in the same sinking boat as the rest of the poor slobs on this miserable planet. I was working pretty hard to get out of the boat.
A: Silliness; you're in your own boat.
Q: (L) I would like to know where Dr. Usui got the Reiki symbols?
A: Must answer question.
Q: (L) What question? The quorum and illuminati question?
A: You will feel ecstasy once answered.
Q: (L) Okay. A blending. Yet two halves.
A: Of a circle.
Q: (L) Who designed this circle?
A: Natural frequency wave. Some near conjunction blend both service patterns and each "camp" to create perfect balance.
Q: (L) Okay, so the Illuminati are the higher level on the pathway of service to self and somehow, by reaching these higher levels may have come to realizations or frequencies which have caused their position to be modified or blended to where service to self becomes or incorporates or moves them to service to others realizations, is this correct?
A: Continue.
Q: (L) Okay, the ones in the quorum are those who are focused on service to others and they, in their pathway of service to others begin to understand that some service to self is service to others.
A: Close.
Q: (L) And the whole idea is to blend both pathways no matter which direction you come to it from?
A: Service to others provides the perfect balance of those two realities; service to self is the diametrical opposite closing the grand cycle in perfect balance.
Q: (L) So it is necessary to have a pathway of service to self in order for the pathway of service to others to exist?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And those who are in the quorum and the illuminati ...
A: Blends in middle.
Q: (L) So it is necessary to have the darkness in order to have the light...
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And it is necessary to have the Lizzies in order to have the Cassiopaeans...
A: Close.

Q: (L) And both groups evolved through the Masonic organizations..
A: Freemasonry is human reflection in physical of these processes.
C's: We have told you before: the Nazi experience was a "trial run," and by now you see the similarities, do you not? ...Now, we have also told you that the experience of the "Native Americans" vis a vis the Europeans may be a precursor in microcosm. Also, what Earthian 3rd density does to Terran 2nd density should offer "food for thought." ...And we have also warned that after conversion of Earth humans to 4th density, the Orion 4th density and their allies hope to control you "there." Now put this all together and what have you? At least you should by now know that it is the soul that matters, not the body. Others have genetically, spiritually and psychically manipulated/engineered you to be bodycentric. Interesting, as despite all efforts by 4th through 6th density STO, this "veil remains unbroken."

What brings me back to the fate of children in the hands of satanic paedophiles is that it's still a question of free will, as gloomy and demonic as it may be in this case, it's still the same trap we've been in since our Fall, if I take JB Peterson's example:
There is this passage at the beginning of Matthew 18:

1 At the same time came the disciples unto Jesus, saying, Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?

2 And Jesus called a little child unto him, and set him in the midst of them,

3 And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.

4 Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

5 And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me.

6 But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

In this video, JB.Peterson points out verse 3:

Where he says: "There's a gospel line and the line is'unless you become as a little child, you will in no way enter the kingdom of heaven', and it's a very very subtle line because it doesn't say 'unless you stay as a child', it says 'unless you become as a child', and it's a very paradoxical injunction and it means something like this: if you rediscover the innocence and humility and the capacity for play and wonder and the open ending trust that you had as a child, but you still have the childhood, but you still have all the wisdom that you have as an adult after having seen the world, then you've entered a new domain and a more elevated form of being."

The state of the innocent child on earth is a remnant, a reflection of our original state before the fall as STO beings. I only need to hear the laughter of a baby behind a shelf in a supermarket to brighten my day.
You can see the perversity, the sadism of these demonic beings in abusing them so easily, deceiving them, manipulating them, lying to them with false promises, again and again.

And indeed it's also a reflection of our own way of being at this moment in our life on this plane.
It's not all just another lesson history, the point of the pun is that the lesson becomes historic in our embodiment of it.
We're not all Caesar, JFK or Putin, but that shouldn't limit us in any way, and even less so our children.

I can understand that some people are waiting for the comet that will put an end to all this, but are we so sure of that?

After all, the hyperdimensional battles are reflected in the climate, but they also take place within us, as Pierre explains, the connection between human activities and cosmic phenomena, so there we go again:
A: It is not that those who endure to the end will be saved, but that those who endure to the end shall save others. It is your choice to be among those who choose to be a part of the vanguard of the new reality!!!
And indeed it's also a reflection of our own way of being at this moment in our life on this plane.
One would have to wonder what kind of 4d change we are exposed to in addition to what we are seeing and what we are willing to do for others. (?)
In addition to all that you think and write and link I am also reminded of Cass's quote, "It's not where you are that matters, it's who or what you are that matters."
One would have to wonder what kind of 4d change we are exposed to in addition to what we are seeing and what we are willing to do for others. (?)
In addition to all that you think and write and link I am also reminded of Cass's quote, "It's not where you are that matters, it's who or what you are that matters."
The matter is to see beyond the visible.
And very often these little things are right in front of our eyes and noses.
It's well worth taking a moment to watch this video again:

Q: (L) Well, if the quorum is the good guys and the illuminati is the bad guys, and they both are at the high levels of Freemasonry, what is the story here?

When I see Laura here struggling to make sense of all this I see myself also struggling not only at the time (possible mid to late 90’s) but also many years afterwards, adamantly trying to understand, to the point of wracking my brains and often just ready to give up and throw in the towel. Slowly but surely, and over the course of many years, I believe I’ve come to an understanding of this most crucial question, and this has come hand in hand with the realisation that one must overcome the hurdle of persisting to paint reality in terms of black and white, good versus evil, if one really hopes to make a truly significant headway into higher understanding.

To put it rather succinctly and with reference to the current topic of the hybrids, the point is understanding that so called “evil” is as much a part of the natural scheme of things as is so called “good”, meaning that if you believe that the former must be stamped out, obliterated, in order to achieve the “greater good” which presumably would translate into the greatest benefit for the majority, then you are still playing, however well-meaningfully, the same game as, say, the Nazis, who believed that whole chunks of humanity who they believed were detrimental for the betterment of the race as a whole, should have to be obliterated too.

How to explain that there is also a 4D STO camp “underground” with a strength equal to the STS forces, without getting oneself right smack into the dead-end of questioning just what the hell they are waiting for to intervene? Well, they obviously have a higher understanding of reality, and this may include the realization that, first of all, it’s a Free-Will universe; that each fragment of consciousness advances at its own pace towards perceiving ever larger chunks of reality; that every fragment of consciousness holds a unique and particular point of view because the larger Consciousness gets to know itself through the input of as many different “units of perception” as possible; that it’s all lessons in the pursuit of ever higher awareness and understanding; that forcing your will to heavy-handedly reshaping a consensus reality your own particular way because you think you know better is a serious infringement, etc. Based on this, I can very well picture a truly advanced 4D STO individual “underground” striving to put forward his own understanding without attempting to impose, convinced that every camp trying to preserve their own integrity by eliminating the opposing camp (the hybrids hoping to supplant humanity or the good decent individuals above hoping that a space rock come smashing into the Lizzie minions above), are as misguided as the white Europeans hoping to exterminate the Native Americans for the advancement of “civilization”. So, in my understanding, a 4D STO individual would instead be partial to the idea that, “look, there’s these 2 opposing camps and both have a right to live according to their own understanding of reality, and the fairest outcome is for peaceful coexistence instead of genocide one way or another”. This would obviously entail the recognition that mutual respect of the other’s boundaries is essential so that 2 realities may coexist without no one creature being forced to partake of the opposing reality without consent.

Now this may sound overly simplistic but if we use creative imagination then it’s not hard to picture a workable reality based on these premises.
When I see Laura here struggling to make sense of all this I see myself also struggling not only at the time (possible mid to late 90’s) but also many years afterwards, adamantly trying to understand, to the point of wracking my brains and often just ready to give up and throw in the towel. Slowly but surely, and over the course of many years, I believe I’ve come to an understanding of this most crucial question, and this has come hand in hand with the realisation that one must overcome the hurdle of persisting to paint reality in terms of black and white, good versus evil, if one really hopes to make a truly significant headway into higher understanding.

To put it rather succinctly and with reference to the current topic of the hybrids, the point is understanding that so called “evil” is as much a part of the natural scheme of things as is so called “good”, meaning that if you believe that the former must be stamped out, obliterated, in order to achieve the “greater good” which presumably would translate into the greatest benefit for the majority, then you are still playing, however well-meaningfully, the same game as, say, the Nazis, who believed that whole chunks of humanity who they believed were detrimental for the betterment of the race as a whole, should have to be obliterated too.

How to explain that there is also a 4D STO camp “underground” with a strength equal to the STS forces, without getting oneself right smack into the dead-end of questioning just what the hell they are waiting for to intervene? Well, they obviously have a higher understanding of reality, and this may include the realization that, first of all, it’s a Free-Will universe; that each fragment of consciousness advances at its own pace towards perceiving ever larger chunks of reality; that every fragment of consciousness holds a unique and particular point of view because the larger Consciousness gets to know itself through the input of as many different “units of perception” as possible; that it’s all lessons in the pursuit of ever higher awareness and understanding; that forcing your will to heavy-handedly reshaping a consensus reality your own particular way because you think you know better is a serious infringement, etc. Based on this, I can very well picture a truly advanced 4D STO individual “underground” striving to put forward his own understanding without attempting to impose, convinced that every camp trying to preserve their own integrity by eliminating the opposing camp (the hybrids hoping to supplant humanity or the good decent individuals above hoping that a space rock come smashing into the Lizzie minions above), are as misguided as the white Europeans hoping to exterminate the Native Americans for the advancement of “civilization”. So, in my understanding, a 4D STO individual would instead be partial to the idea that, “look, there’s these 2 opposing camps and both have a right to live according to their own understanding of reality, and the fairest outcome is for peaceful coexistence instead of genocide one way or another”. This would obviously entail the recognition that mutual respect of the other’s boundaries is essential so that 2 realities may coexist without no one creature being forced to partake of the opposing reality without consent.

Now this may sound overly simplistic but if we use creative imagination then it’s not hard to picture a workable reality based on these premises.

If Admiral Richard Byrd did actually meet with a leader of an STO 4D underground society as I posted about above, then what he recounts about his meeting does seem to reflect what you are saying about a truly advanced 4D STO individual “underground” striving to put forward his own understanding without attempting to impose on our surface world's free will environment:​

"We see at a great distance a new world stirring from the ruins of your race, seeking its lost and legendary treasures, and they will be here, my son, safe in our keeping. When that time arrives, we shall come forward again to help revive your culture and your race. [MJF: Assuming this is not just a work of fiction and is a reasonably true account of what occurred - could this be the 4D Nordics the C's spoke of who may be coming to our assistance in the near future?]

Perhaps, by then, you will have learned the futility of war and its strife…and after that time, certain of your culture and science will be returned for your race to begin anew. You, my son, are to return to the Surface World with this message…

What the 4D leader seems to be referring to here appears to be a cyclical recurring pattern on our surface world, where surface societies and civilisations advance technologically until they reach a point of self destruction through the use of advanced weapons technology in all out warfare. Examples of this would seem to have included Atlantis and the Celts who were at war with the Paranthas in India:​

A: Yes, but regions change with waves of immigration, or conquest... witness your own lands.
Q: You also said once that there was a nuclear war in India and that this was what was being discussed in the Vedas when it talks about the 'blue-skinned' people who weren't really blue because they were Celts, and they were flying in aircraft, and they were engaged in this war, etc. Who were the Celts at war with?
A: The Paranthas.

Thus, if there really is an STO 4D civilisation based deep under the North Pole, then they seem from Byrd's account to observe a Star Trek style non-interference 'Prime Directive'. Perhaps this may even explain a peculiar comment made by the C's about the "Poles" knowing best:

Q: (L) What I am getting at is: why go to all the trouble to thaw out a whole big island if it might have been easier to have been somewhere else?

A: Well, first of all, we thought this was Ark's turn. But, since you have asked, is it not obvious by now? Magnetic power grid physics. EM utilization. Crystals, and the like. Seeking paths to the interior? The "Poles" know best!

Admiral Byrd's encounter with the 4D STO leader supposedly occurred at the North Pole, whereas the Nazis we are told joined the underground 4D STS Aryan society at the South Pole in Antarctica:
Q: (L) Well, I know it's vague... (T) Are the Celts part of these underground civilizations?

A: Yes.

Q: (T) And they came to the surface some time ago...

A: No.

Q: (L) No, they came here, and they were taken underground...

A: No.

Q: (L) No, well, what's the story?

A: Went.

Q: (L) They went underground? Is that it? (T) When did they go underground?

A: Several occasions, the most recent being, on your calendar: 1941 through 1945.

Q: (L) That's when they went underground? 1941 through 1945?

A: Last episode of mass migration, mostly Deutschlanders.

Q: (T) Underground. We're talking underground, as in under the surface of the earth. Is this what we're talking about?

A: Antarctica. Under there.

Q: (T) Under Antarctica, under... Oh, in one of the big... OOOhhh!

A: Entry port.

And Session 2 December 1995:

Q: (L) These individuals who have this time machine in Antarctica, what are they doing with it or what do they plan to do with it?

A: Exploring time sectors through loop of cylinder.

Q: (L) What is a loop of cylinder?

A: Complex, but is profile in 4th through 6th density.

Q: (L) Are there any particular goals that they have in doing this "time exploration?"

A: Not up to present, as you measure it.
[MJF: Does this mean that these people may yet manipulate events at some stage by coming back in time from what we perceive at the moment to be our future?]

Q: (L) Well, if they escaped and took this time machine to Antarctica, are they working with any of the so-called "aliens?"

A: 4th density STS.

Q: (L) Are these Germans and their time machine, any part of the plan to take over earth when it moves into 4th density.

A: Maybe.
[MJF: This could have been a non-definitive answer where the possibility of such a plan is concerned due to the open and fluid nature of unfolding time lines since 1995.]

Do we therefore have a 4D STO society based under the North Pole and a 3D/4D STS society based under the South Pole, which is why the STO orientated Admiral Byrd was invited to meet the 4D STO leader at the North Pole, whereas the STS orientated Nazis were invited to join the 3D/4D STS underground society at the South Pole - i.e., The "Poles" know best? If so, do these polar opposite underground encampments reflect perhaps what you said in your post above:​
... look, there's these 2 opposing camps and both have a right to live according to their own understanding of reality, and the fairest outcome is for peaceful coexistence instead of genocide one way or another.

Could the existence of an STO 4D North Pole underground civilisation also help to explain why the Hyperboreans (the Sons of the North Wind) originally spread from Northern Britain and other parts of Northern Europe (including Frisland which is now submerged by the sea) to civilise the Eastern Mediterranean and Adriatic societies as confirmed by the C's:
Q: What was the connection between the Hyperboreans, including the Celts of Britain, I believe, and the people of Delos?

A: Northern peoples were responsible for civilising the Mediterranean/Adriatic peoples with the encoded secrets contained within their superior extra-terrestrially based genetic arrangement. Practice of which you speak was multi-trans-generational habit.
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