Session 23 September 2023

Thank you for the new session. Once again, this is a lot to take in and process!

(Approaching Infinity) What exactly are the metallic orbs that have been observed on numerous occasions even by group members?

A: 4D probes.

Q: (Joe) Can I ask a question in relation to that? When a person sees them, is it always related to the person? Is there some kind of a connection between the person seeing them or being there, or could it just be that the person just happens to observe the moments in the relation to them?

A: Usually a relationship.

Q: (L) And when you say a 4D probe, obviously this is something that is beyond what we can think of as a probe. Are these probes able to read minds or to control human behavior?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Are they able to open portals between dimensions or densities?

A: If enough are present.

Q: (Joe) Are they precursors to abductions?

A: Sometimes.

Q: (L) Has there been an increase in the prevalence of these objects?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) So what was the one I saw doing when I was about 19 in Ireland?

(L) What was it doing?

(Joe) Yeah.

A: Scoping you.

Q: (Joe) Scoping me for what?

A: Abduction.

Q: (Joe) Was it successful?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) At that time?

A: Yes

Oddly enough, I also had my one and only “close” encounter with a UFO at the age of 19. Except mine wasn’t an orb, it was triangular with a single light in the middle of it. I was riding with a friend very late at night, and we were traveling through some of the more heavily wooded areas of Northern Alabama. At one point, I just so happened to look out of my window and noticed something just above the tree line traveling at exactly the same speed as the car, and directly above my side. I probably stared at this thing, speechless, for a solid 30-45 seconds before I turned to get my friend’s attention to look out the window and see what I was seeing. When I looked back, it was gone. Definitely thought I had gone crazy. And little did I know, this event was part of the prelude to my rude awakening.

Still to this day, I wonder about this event. I’ve even wondered if I was abducted during this experience as well. I’ve seen mysterious lights in the sky, things zipping and zagging, things I couldn’t explain, but this was the only event that I can consciously remember seeing something of this nature.
Curiously, there is a reference to 'Gog and Magog' in the names of some hills near to the modern city of Cambridge see: Gog Magog Hills - Wikipedia
There is also the carrying of statues of Gog and Magog if I remember correctly, during the Lord Mayor's City of London walk about. Supremely pretentious and ritualistic, wigs and gowns galore pass in divisions that have always been observed.
" There were giants in those days " Gog and Magog being the procreation of unholy unions that should of never been , stand for the genocide of the human and the prospering of the wicked and for " heady, high minded, lovers of pleasure , truce breakers , false accusers and despisers of those that are good ". The CITY of London has for hundreds of years been the crown of all financial corruptions.
Thank you for another informative session Laura & crew. The C’s closing statement has me thinking that the October 4th mass text has something to do with it since it was discussed as well. As time passes it is becoming more and more obvious that the psychos are getting more desperate. There’s a certain imminent event that’s approaching and you could just see all these leaders scrambling to oppress their citizens. Let’s see how far they will go before they realize they lost it all ( probably won’t happen).

I’ve been noticing more flooding and crazy rain in most parts of the world. If there is to be a cataclysm of major proportions then I can’t imagine how bad it’s going to get for some people to finally wake up. If anything, I’ve learned here that learning is really fun and there’s always a bigger reason why things happen.

I hope everyone stays safe and take care! Much love to all!
A: October will be very interesting!!
Thank you for another very informative session.

A good friend has died a couple of weeks ago. I believe he was a type of person that would rather avoid confrontations/problems in life, then trying to fight and solve. I am wondering, if there are many such people checking out currently? That would be an indication, that the upcoming October will not only be interesting, but also challenging and hazardous.
Don't know if this helps at all, but I spent some time working on a spreadsheet many years ago to see if there really was a pattern in the primes. I tried to upload it, but it is too large.
Regarding Primes I read Calculate Primes by James McCanney. Managed to write the code that produces the lists of co-primes (which contains the primes) based on the sequential prime products. His theory actually works. But, by the time one uses the first ten primes the basic list is over a billion elements long. There are many fascinating properties in these lists. They are completely symmetric. I also read Breaking RSA codes but the level of programming required to produce efficient fast code is outside my area of knowledge. Basically I would say it is a very good challenge to understand what is written in Calculate Primes and produce some code in say Mathematica to demonstrate it.
There is also the carrying of statues of Gog and Magog if I remember correctly, during the Lord Mayor's City of London walk about. Supremely pretentious and ritualistic, wigs and gowns galore pass in divisions that have always been observed.
" There were giants in those days " Gog and Magog being the procreation of unholy unions that should of never been , stand for the genocide of the human and the prospering of the wicked and for " heady, high minded, lovers of pleasure , truce breakers , false accusers and despisers of those that are good ". The CITY of London has for hundreds of years been the crown of all financial corruptions.
You are quite correct. The statues or images of Gog and Magog have adorned the London Guildhall (the ceremonial and administrative centre of the City of London and its Corporation) for centuries. The giants are even looked upon as the guardians of the City:​

The Figure of Magog

Two giants, Gog and Magog, are associated with Guildhall. Legend has it that the two giants were defeated by Brutus (the legendary original king of Britain) and chained to the gates of his palace on the site of Guildhall. Early carvings of Gog and Magog were destroyed in Guildhall during the Great Fire of London. They were replaced in 1708 by a large pair of wooden statues carved by Captain Richard Saunders. These giants, on whom the current versions are based, lasted for more than two hundred years before they were destroyed in the Blitz. They, in turn, were replaced by a new pair carved by David Evans in 1953 and given to the City of London by Alderman Sir George Wilkinson, who had been Lord Mayor in 1940 at the time of the destruction of the previous versions.

There is also a curious link between 'Gog and Magog' with the term "Jubilee", a term which has already been mentioned in several posts above) since the Jewish non-canonical work the Book of Jubilees (aka the Lesser Genesis) makes three references to either Gog or Magog: in the first, Magog is a descendant of Noah, as in Genesis 10; in the second, Gog is a region next to Japheth's borders; and in the third, a portion of Japheth's land is assigned to Magog. The Book of Jubilees covers much of the same ground as Genesis, but often with additional detail, and addressing Moses in the second person as the entire history of creation, and of Israel up to that point, is recounted in divisions of 49 years each, or "Jubilees". Quoting from Wikipedia:

The Book of Jubilees claims to present "the history of the division of the days of the Law, of the events of the years, the year-weeks, and the jubilees of the world" as revealed to Moses (in addition to the Torah or "Instruction") by angels while he was on Mount Sinai for forty days and forty nights. The chronology given in Jubilees is based on multiples of seven; the jubilees are periods of 49 years (seven "year-weeks"), into which all of time has been divided.

The Book of Jubilees narrates the genesis of angels on the first day of Creation and the story of how a group of fallen angels mated with mortal females, giving rise to a race of giants known as the Nephilim, and then to their descendants, the Elioud. The Ethiopian version states that the "angels" were in fact the disobedient offspring of Seth (Deqiqa Set), while the "mortal females" were daughters of Cain. Their hybrid children, the Nephilim in existence during the time of Noah, were wiped out by the great flood. Jubilees also states that God granted ten percent of the disembodied spirits of the Nephilim to try to lead mankind astray after the flood.

Hence, we find a curious indirect connection through the Nephilim of the Book of Jubilees to the giants Gog and Magog.

Significant fragments of the Book of Jubilees were found among the Dead Sea Scrolls at Qumran. Between 1947 and 1956, approximately 15 Jubilees scrolls were found in five caves at Qumran, all written in Hebrew. The large number of manuscripts (more than for any biblical books except for Psalms, Deuteronomy, Isaiah, Exodus, and Genesis, in descending order) indicates that Jubilees was widely used at Qumran (where a group of monastic Essenes had been based).
The Book of Jubilees also contains a few scattered allusions to the Messianic kingdom. Robert Henry Charles wrote in 1913:

This kingdom was to be ruled over by a Messiah sprung, not from Levi—that is, from the Maccabean family—as some of his contemporaries expected—but from Judah. This kingdom would be gradually realized on earth, and the transformation of physical nature would go hand in hand with the ethical transformation of man until there was a new heaven and a new earth. Thus, finally, all sin and pain would disappear and men would live to the age of 1,000 years in happiness and peace, and after death enjoy a blessed immortality in the spirit world.

Finally, you are correct in your view of the City of London and its Corporation. The City of London is basically the Illuminati's piggy bank and the World's financial centre. It says it all that the City of London is the only place in England where the King of England has to ask permission to enter. Perhaps this is the reason why:
The coat of arms of the City of London

There be dragons!
Richard Sauder actually mentions German engineer Hermann Kemper (1892 - 1977) as having patented a new technology called the 'Rohrbahn' (tube train). He began his research in 1922 and was considering speeds of 3,000 km/h for this maglev tube train system.


Patent received in 1934.

That is interesting. I was not aware of Kemper. Perhaps this is an example of two brilliant engineers coming up with the same concept independently. It happens more often than people think - the invention of the telephone being a good example. The only alternative I can think of is that Laithwaite was brought in after the War to research captured Nazi technology, including maglev technology. That being said, Kemper obtained his patent in 1934, which was right at the start of the Nazi period, suggesting his pioneering work was mainly conducted prior to the rise of the Nazis to power.​
I think as long as you have any desire to be physical, you are partly STS. If you keep recycling back in to a physical experience, even variable physicality as 4D STO, the physicality part is an STS proportion of your experience. Once you can give up the desire of physicality entirely you no longer need to recycle into a level that has any physicality and you can move on to 6D STO with no physicality at all. Physicality in itself is perse STS. The physical part still has to expire. There is no true immortality in a physical existence.

I think your statement "Knowing that gaps in awareness can make a being vulnerable, is death", may be a little too far reaching. If there were no gaps in awareness at all ( zero gaps ), then there would be no learning and from my understanding even 6th density STO is still learning. I do not recall the exact quote and excerpt, but the last fall for earthbound humanity included the burning off of the first 10 factors of our DNA via Light waves. Those light waves were positive from 6D STO and 4D STS re-directed them and used them to help disconnect us from the 3D STO / 4D STO alignment. I think the C's session referred to it as a battle and they (6D STO) lost.

I may have my recollections messed up, but I think even 4D STO have gaps in awareness, otherwise they would be 6D STO and why would there still be learning in 6D STO if there were no gaps in awareness at all?
I am wondering if this is true. I just finished a short book by Isabella A. Greene, Leaving the Trap How to Exit Reincarnation Cycle. It does talk about programs that can be used to keep us here when we die -guilt, punishment, being imperfect or not good enough. I have found myself as I go about my day noticing what is most appealing in my life that would be hard to live without or makes this life seem worth experiencing. Is this valid “work” on self? I suppose it’s non attachment to materiality as taught in Eastern religion. Does it prepare one to escape 3D/4D transition and where you can go next?
It is curious you mention driving past bases in the Troodos Mountains and being escorted away. I spent my honeymoon on Cyprus in the summer of 1995 and my wife and I hired a car and took a drive up into the Troodos Mountains. We stopped high up in a clearing so I could get out binoculars to get a good view of Northern Cyprus, which then, as now, was under Turkish occupation. I thought nothing of it at the time since I was merely sightseeing but we must have triggered an alarm because as we started to drive down the mountain road we were followed by a car, who matched our every move, even when we drove through lanes which were little better than wide goat tracks. It was like something out of an adventure movie. After several minutes of this strange pursuit, I eventually pulled over in a village and waited to see what the driver would do. He subsequently drove past me and gave us a quick look. He clearly looked British and I guess he was part of base security, as I know the British have highly sensitive geodesic radars up in the Mountains, which they use to keep an eye on Russian air movements in the Eastern Mediterranean. This was, of course, eight years before the excavation that you saw but if there was already some underground base there being used by the undergrounders/Orions, then it might provide yet another explanation for such security sensitivity. Who was it who escorted you off the Mountains?​
It wa 2 plain clothes guys in a 4 x 4 and I thought they were local by their English pronounciation, but I could have been wrong. My son was stationed up there in the late 90's when in the army. Was to also guard something up there at the time.
I feel it is definitely an international set up for the West, even though there is a local army camp situated a bit before the huge excavation.
Remote viewers are the best bet to investigate, other that the C's info. Not forgetting they can surround with energetic cloaking against psi intrusion now I think.
Fantastic session again! And again: many thanks for all the work you're doing!
The testosterone supplementation question was interesting. I'm curious how that goes.
Based on my reading, as long as bloodwork is monitored, TRT is a fairly good way to help men get back to "normal."
Will search through the forum to see if there are additional threads on it.
Edward Riordan the remote viewer recently put up a video of a remote viewing session he did a year ago on September 22, 2022 that relates to what you mention regarding Clif High:

He portends a situation in 2023 of some kind of cometary impact that will turn off the power in some places on Earth. His feeling is that it would happen soon.
Clif High says his best guess is that they will use the beam weapons to fake a large meteor impact in a populated area.
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