Session 23 September 2023

Q: (Niall) So how do they know to film the plane and that it would disappear?

A: Cameras are everywhere these days.

Q: (Joe) Can they tell us how many years ago this event happened?

A: The plane in the video disappeared over Lake Michigan.

Q: (Joe) Okay. We can research.
If it was this plane, surely cameras wouldn't have been 'everywhere'? It was in 1950!
(Two-tents) What was the cause of the recent fire that destroyed the town of Lahaina on Maui Island in Hawaii?

A: Beam weapons.

Q: (L) What kind of beam? Does anybody know?

(Pierre) Laser.

A: Yes
Some interesting questions here.... The possible significance of the colour blue (as a defence against energy directed weapons?), and at the end, some clips of melted aluminum from cars - in a grass fire! 18 minutes long.

Some interesting questions here.... The possible significance of the colour blue (as a defence against energy directed weapons?), and at the end, some clips of melted aluminum from cars - in a grass fire! 18 minutes long.
I doubt it's "energy weapons" in general. If it was indeed a LASER that was used (not a MASER, XASER, or anything like that), then it would make sense if blue colored materials weren't being damaged by a blue wavelength laser. Blue materials reflect the blue light spectrum while other materials absorb it, thus no damage should be dealt.

If the laser would have a different wavelength then a different color should be resistant to it, so if one was to paint everything blue expecting to be protected against all lasers, they would get unpleasantly surprised if a red laser was used instead.
Probably the only thing effective against all kinds of lasers would be... a mirror, because it reflects majority of visible light.

But i have no laser to test it to be sure. Maybe someone on the forum has access to a lab with a laser in it, and they would be able to try out how a laser fares against materials of same color, or is blue really special in that regard.
(Niall) Was the Russian rocket to the moon sabotaged?
A: Yes
Q: (Niall) Why?
A: Keep Russia down and embarrassed!
Q: (Joe) How was it done?
A: Remote activated EM pulse.
China reaches dark side of the Moon (VIDEO) — RT World News
2 Jun, 2024 09:29
China’s unmanned Chang’e 6 spacecraft has successfully landed on the Moon in a landmark mission to collect soil and rock samples from the far side of Earth’s natural satellite, the China National Space Administration has announced. The probe landed in a pre-selected area in the northeastern part of the South Pole-Aitken basin at 6:23am Beijing time on Sunday.
Apparently if China does it by the books and land where no alien artifacts visible, China don't have to erase too many alien stuff from their photographs.
The lander is expected to go through initial checks and then start gathering samples from the lunar surface using its robotic arm. If successfully returned, it would provide scientists with the first samples from the Moon’s little-explored dark hemisphere, which always faces away from the Earth.
Shooting down all probes would be too obvious?
Q: (L) But we know 4D STS makes babies in labs because they do it in underground bases. Is that it?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Are they unable to procreate physically among themselves?
A: Yes
Q: (L) That was unable, right? They are unable?
A: Yes
Does that mean we will enter 4th Density into lab-grown bodies, because we'll be still STS? New entrants will have to decide for a 1000 years if they wanna become STS or STO. But only 4D STO families there are able to procreate.
Since we'll enter as STS, we cannot / would not be able to use the bodies created by 4D STO families, who already made their decision to be STO?

Unless, my hypothesis about "Cosmic Government Workers" holds: everybody serves the Celestial Authorities / Quorum because this one has been set up a Universe working by Cosmic Laws - and therefore STS is legally required to supply lab-grown STS bodies ready made for new entrants to select and be born into 4thD.

This also further raises the question: if the 50% souled vs 50% OP population balance holds everywhere? Even on STO planets?

Or is it that 4D STO _and_ 3D STS families automaticaly create 'Alignment Neutral OP'-bodies - per Universal Law. Then only the soul entering the neutral body counts for STS/STO and only the soul will determine if the bodied-individual can become polarized more toward STS / STO? Karma system. So bodies don't matter, only souls regards STS vs STO FRV?

Because OP bodies are naturally Alignment Neutral?

So if OPs in 3rd Density are 'STO/STS alignment neutral'.. then any evil they do gathers merely group karma - which I guess is "dispersed" inside the "OP OverSoul-Mass" - as opposed to karma for souled individuals, which weighs greatly.

I'm asking, because what Putin remarked about the West, what Kennedy brought up with his "I intend to shatter the CIA into 1000 pieces":
If it were not for this dead-end policy, driven by aggressive messianism based on the belief in their own superiority and exceptionalism, international relations would have long been stabilised.
Naturally I could figure in past decades that all evil comes from CIA's - or from its incarnation in the past: The Roman Empire's - activities. If the CIA were not come into existence as focus of supreme evil because of Orion STS occupation of this space sector, there would be no terrorism on this planet: everything naturally would relax into normal Peaceful Life. Which is all what The People want ==> So is the "CIA"-phenomenon missing on STO planets, which are NOT under Orion STS occupation? What this going on there? Were they - STO planets - originally free from Orion STS, thus allowed to develop calmly, completely missing World Terrorism and Lizzie induced Evil?

Could it be that STO planets are weighed regards souled vs OP distribution? I figured that maybe more than 50% souled beings are allowed to incarnate on STO planets, therefore more 'Souled Conscience' was present there and it ultimately resulted in foreign relations normalizing ==> directly causing planetary governments to become aligned / inclined towards STO. Foreign relations on STO planets between countries might have already "automatically" created a perfect situation, what Caesar was beginning to plan and work for towards the end of his life.
Same what Team Putin now is actively undertaking: transforming this planet into "near STO"-capable normalized energy alignment. Where - according to the plan you can read in his recent speech - everybody has a livelihood and reasonable work and business opportunities and the CIA-caused Slave Colonies must die out and global exploitation of countries and slavery to be completely missing. So we would have naturally re-enter the state of having a good life, what we had the pre-2007 economic crash that was artificially induced by evil bankers to [cyclically re-] create Global Slavery.

With our livelihoods naturally normalizing, - the Lizzies leaving this space sector their baleful influence no longer here - I figured Earth's alignment would balance out creating a good opportunity to transit into STO planetary government.

Reading "Caesar: Life of a Colossus" made me realize, this was what Caesar wanted. This is what Team Putin aims for. Making this planet inedible for Lizzies and Orion STS.
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Does that mean we will enter 4th Density into lab-grown bodies, because we'll be still STS? New entrants will have to decide for a 1000 years if they wanna become STS or STO. But only 4D STO families there are able to procreate.
According to Ra (not sure if the C's confirmed this), you need to be either 51% STO or 95% STS to graduate to 4D. Those who graduate on the STO path are then majority STO in 4D with a lot of STS tendencies left I guess.

This also further raises the question: if the 50% souled vs 50% OP population balance holds everywhere? Even on STO planets?
If I understand it correctly, 3D OPs are a natural progression step between the "group souls" of the 2D animal world and the individuation to a "personal soul" in 3D.
(Approaching Infinity) In an early session you said there had been a treaty between aliens and the US government, but that it had not been in effect because the US had been tricked. This realization came in 1972.

(L) Well that's oddly... but that it had not been in effect. Okay. I think what they said was that there was a treaty between aliens, the US government, but the aliens weren't really meeting their side of the treaty and the US government didn't realize it until 1972. So...

(Approaching Infinity) 1972 was the year of Watergate, the creation of the Stargate Remote viewing program, the year the NSA allegedly started monitoring for UFO allegations worldwide, allegedly the year crash retrieval study transferred from military to private aerospace, and the year of the final NASA Apollo mission. 1973 was the year of the Nixon-Gleason UFO alien body meeting, The year the Air Force almost gave Emenegger footage of the Holloman landing for public viewing, and one of the largest UFO waves in the fall. What did the aliens do or not do to make this clear to those in the know?

(L) Okay, I guess what the question applies to is what did the aliens do or not do to make the fact that they were not meeting their... Approaching Infinity? What the heck are you writing here? [laughter]

(Approaching Infinity) Yeah, that's my question. Basically what happened in 1972 to make it clear to the US that the treaty was a fraud?

A: All The abductions with glitches, cattle and human mutilations, and tampering with military equipment and aircraft.

Q: (L) So they had an agreement and they decided that what was happening wasn't part of the agreement. Is that it?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And I guess when you say abductions with glitches, that the military would possibly... when they knew somebody had been abducted, they would go and bring them in themselves and ask them questions or hypnotize 'em and find out what was going on and they discovered that things were going on that were not part of the treaty. Is that part of it?
Here is an interesting excerpt from Devils Den: The Reckoning by Terry Lovelace. The author has been abducted for years since his childhood and regularly brought to some room to play with other children. An alleged female hybrid "Sue"/"Betty" was watching them. The conversation took place years later when he grew up:

I was with Betty on our 1987 “moon trip.” She held my hand. I recognized my fondness for her. She used my name when she spoke to me, telepathically of course. It touched me when she used my name...

I don’t know why, but I told her about my children, and she acknowledged me with something very kind—I forget her exact words. Then she shared, “As a hybrid, I’m incapable of bearing children.” She spoke matter of fact and without emotion. I thought that was sad.

Whatever we were traveling in completed its turn because we were now squarely facing the dark side of the moon. We traveled for a long while looking at the black below us. The billion stars that were in front of us were now out of sight. The landscape was as black as ink.

Then widely scattered patches of light came into view below us. I saw three flying discs. All were lit around their edges 360 degrees. They flew in a tight “V” formation. They did not land like an aircraft, rather they slowed and just dropped in unison to the surface maintaining their “V” configuration.

There were towers and buildings, some illuminated brightly from inside. I also saw some large heavy equipment like you would expect to see in a mining operation. Betty pointed out a mushroom shaped tower that she said was one and a-half kilometers in height. That equates to just under a mile. It was difficult to gage size or distance from our vantage point, but I would estimate our altitude at 10,000 feet.

I noted many of the buildings were constructed like an apartment complex on earth, with multiple floors, square windows, some lit and others dark. It reminded me of an urban downtown area at night with tall office buildings, mostly dark, but with offices lit here and there.

Here are a couple things Betty told me that are disclosed in the first book, just with more detail for the sake of accuracy. I asked her, “Are human beings living here on the moon?”

She immediately responded. “Yes, my people (hybrids) and my hosts (aliens) also reside here with humans on the surface. There are others that reside inside the moon below its surface.”

Betty described the moon’s subterranean inhabitants as “reptilian,” and said they are “possessive and territorial like humans.” I asked if they were still there? She replied “yes”...

“Reptilians feed on blood from cattle and will feed on human blood and tissue as well. Your government has a treaty that limits the number of human beings and the number of cattle that the Reptilians can take. The Reptilians have no obligation to return them or agreement as to their ethical treatment. She said, “Since the mid 1960s they have failed to honor the agreed limits.”

I asked her, “What limitations?”

She explained the agreement “limits the number of humans that may be lawfully harvested.” Likewise, “the number of cattle from private ranches and federal land is limited according to the conditions in the Eisenhower accord.”

I asked Betty why we abruptly abandoned moon missions. She claimed we had not. She said the Apollo missions and the subsequent shuttle program were “the public face of your nation’s space program.” She continued, “Human beings have lived on your moon for many generations now, your government has two space programs. One for the people and another that is secret. Just like your nation, countries have governments with superficial control, but there is only one global council that truly represents and controls your planet. Many people begin work for the covert government as ‘young people’ and will serve in that capacity for their entire lives.”...

Back in 2017, Betty picked up on my concern about the threat of thermonuclear war. She said, “nuclear detonations tear the fabric of space-time and result in interdimensional bleeds.”
I noted many of the buildings were constructed like an apartment complex on earth, with multiple floors, square windows, some lit and others dark. It reminded me of an urban downtown area at night with tall office buildings, mostly dark, but with offices lit here and there.
My problem with the above is unless there is some fairly heavy force-field around these types of buildings, you would think that they would be destroyed by meteor impacts. Especially on the dark side of the moon that is open to much more bombardment..

I do find what he says very interesting, though, and will get the book.
My problem with the above is unless there is some fairly heavy force-field around these types of buildings, you would think that they would be destroyed by meteor impacts. Especially on the dark side of the moon that is open to much more bombardment..

I do find what he says very interesting, though, and will get the book.

I cant look it up at the moment, but didn’t the Cs say at some point that there are 4D bases on the moon? Perhaps what was described was more of a 4D environment?
I cant look it up at the moment, but didn’t the Cs say at some point that there are 4D bases on the moon? Perhaps what was described was more of a 4D environment?
I am aware of the Cs saying there are 4D bases on the moon. Still, I would think that a meteor could take out apartment-type buildings in 4D as well as 3D unless there was a very strong force-field of some sort around them. I'd like to know, if these buildings are really there, how they are protected.
I think I hered something about the actual development of such a field by now, it was on Youtube on the chanel of Mrwhoisteboss, but I cant tell in which of the videos ist was talked about. The channel is a tech channel where he mostly reviews products...
And I cna't remember exactly but it is a kind oft pulse (I believe electromagnetic, but I'm not sure about it) in the right moment and this pulse will for e.g. interrupt a shockwafe so it can't propergate behind this pulse/field...

Edit: I think ist was this one
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I am aware of the Cs saying there are 4D bases on the moon. Still, I would think that a meteor could take out apartment-type buildings in 4D as well as 3D unless there was a very strong force-field of some sort around them. I'd like to know, if these buildings are really there, how they are protected.
I tend to think that we mostly wouldn't be able to understand 4d technology.

Because what kind of understanding can cats have of how a cellphone works ?
I am aware of the Cs saying there are 4D bases on the moon. Still, I would think that a meteor could take out apartment-type buildings in 4D as well as 3D unless there was a very strong force-field of some sort around them. I'd like to know, if these buildings are really there, how they are protected.
I remember the Cs saying that what occurs in 3D is experienced differently in 4D. They talked about inside earth having doors to 4D. What we would expect in 3D might not be happening in 4D, or differently! What do you think?
I am aware of the Cs saying there are 4D bases on the moon. Still, I would think that a meteor could take out apartment-type buildings in 4D as well as 3D unless there was a very strong force-field of some sort around them. I'd like to know, if these buildings are really there, how they are protected.
My first thought is that a meteor is a 3D object, so all sorts of questions arise about the nature of “apartment-type buildings”, whether a 3D meteor could actually impact such a structure. Is the structure solid as we know it, or in some way variable or less dense in such a way that a rock could pass through it? From what I’ve read about 4D, we can see around corners and inside things (OSIT), so the question becomes whether that’s a wavelength thing, an actual unfolding of our perspective and ability to see and comprehend in more than 3 dimensions of space, and finally, what shape is the meteor in the space of a 4D object?
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