Session 24 October 2009

Shar said:
If you're posting here and are familiar with Laura's work and the Cs, I can't imagine that you still "believe" in the teachings of Catholicism. :umm:

Perhaps I'm mistaken, but it sounds like you are still a "participating" Catholic and are worried about having to leave that church. :huh: If that's the case, I'm kinda surprised to see you *here*...

P.S. I bailed from Catholicism about 12 years ago. And I don't believe those words from "Hotel California" either. :P

Well, to be fair, there may be many people who, for one reason or another, will be 'closet members' as Laura put it earlier. There can be complicated situations and many things to consider. Practicing the EE program and actively increasing knowledge will benefit everyone who does it, not just those who are formal members of the:

Fellowship of the Cosmic Mind
Institute of PaleoChristianity
To all those having shivers at the word Church or Religion.
Shiver not !

I think the reason for this move has been sufficiently explained in other posts.
It reminds me of something that I experienced/witnessed some time ago.
When I was serving time in the early nineties, I became friends with this aboriginal bloke, who was jailed quite frequently.
Not because he was bad criminal but rather because he was very outspoken, angry and actively fighting the SYSTEM using wrong tactics.
He was being jailed for any little thing, that anyone else would've get only "slap on the hand".
Myself and other friend have told him repeatedly: You can fight THEM only with THEIR OWN WEAPON, study law !
And study he did. He is an attorney now. He is still outspoken, angry and actively fighting the system but not jailed anymore,
rather respected and listened to by those he stands against.

I think it's a brilliant move.

Myself, being brainwashed into Catholicism (an altar boy between 4 and 14!), discovering true nature of it since 25 and not liking what I was discovering - I have no problem with joining Fellowship of the Cosmic Mind.
And I will have no problem with explaining to those who may want to know what it is about (with my limited knowledge).
The difference from any other religion is spelled out in the Statement of Principles.
There are no believes there folks, only hard earned knowledge based on data gathered by hard work, networking and drive for Good.

My few cents...
Sonrisa said:
Quote from truth seeker, reply #109 on 10/24:

I think one of the reasons that the initial focus is on the US is because even though negative feelings are growing towards the US, it's still an incredibly influential country. As America goes so goes the world... You can see how the US's influences reaches most corners of the world - most people want to learn english, most people listen to or watch "American" music, films and television programs. It's the same with laws that are passed: When we passed the new restrictions on flight travel, most other countries followed suit. This also occurred with the swine flu and current economic crisis.

Truth Seeker: What are the restrictions on flight travel that the US has recently passed that you are referring to? I must have missed that!

I think Truth Seeker is referring to the restrictions that were put into place post 9-11, not anything that has occurred recently.
[quote author=Laura]
[T]he Frankfurt School of Social Research advocated radical individualism among non-Jews while at the same time retaining their own powerful group allegiance to Judaism.

Jews benefit from open, individualistic societies in which barriers to upward mobility are removed, in which people are viewed as individuals rather than as members of groups, in which intellectual discourse is not prescribed by institutions [...] and in which mechanisms of altruistic punishment may be exploited to divide the European majority.

It was noted above that individualist European cultures tend to be more open to strangers than collectivist cultures such as Judaism. In this regard, it is interesting that developmental psychologists have found unusually intense fear reactions among Israeli infants in response to strangers, while the opposite pattern is found for infants from North Germany. The Israeli infants were much more likely to become "inconsolably upset" in reaction to strangers, whereas the North German infants had relatively minor reactions to strangers. The Israeli babies therefore tended to have an unusual degree of stranger anxiety, while the North German babies were the opposite-findings that fit with the hypothesis that Europeans and Jews are on opposite ends of scales of xenophobia and ethnocentrism. [...]

Hmmm... I wonder who was really behind this policy then...

Labour 'deliberately let migrants in to make Britain more multicultural'

Would being an ordained minister -just on paper for professional reasons of confidentiality- through Universal Life Church ( which is "non-denomonational" disqualify one for membership in the Fellowship?

I denounce it immediately. Does that make any difference? :halo:
My goodness! I was away from the forum over the weekend moving from my home I sold to an apartment. Then I log in today and see all this activity!

I am very excited about the Fellowship! I will study the Statement of Principles of the Fellowship of the Cosmic Mind and likely put in my application.

The name for this fellowship is wonderful. This adventure is really starting to ratchet up a notch or two.

Simply incredible and many thanks to Laura, QFS, and forum members.
So this is like in the best time, because in the next years this group could be a big help instead just a religion?

this will rock because I think that this should help people, but not just a few, everyone I think, whenever they want obviously


andi said:
:love: wow! what strength on mind !
-this is probably related to "Creating a new world"

I'm happy so many agree with the idea ...I'm under shock and will try and recover by tomorrow.

What makes me sad is that i don't even know who to help ...i want to help, participate ...this "church" gives one more reason to fight and fight i will

Overall, happy for those who are ready for this and will try and make tomorrow newer and better :rockon: :love: ...i'll sustain with the little i have ...Thank U SO MUCHHHHHH

:shock: ohh jajaja come on we don't have to over act :rolleyes:
Hi Gawan thanks for taking the time out to reply. It was kind of difficult to write what I did, as I couldn't quite capture what I was feeling about it.

Gawan Wrote:
And what comes to my mind too, it doesn't matter what the name of the country is, it is important to plant the seed, so that people who are seeking truth can find shelter. Like to create a butterfly effect?! And to show that there is a difference possible.

Overall I think this is really a brilliant thing to do. I am very thankful for you all at the Chateau for your caring and courage to open an opportunity for the world, Americans, my family and myself. Hope I didn't come across as too staticky. It's very brave and bold. The statement of principals was an incredible read, as well as an enlightening experience. It's down to earth, wholesome and healthy.

It's time to get myself out of the closet! :)
Laura said:
For now, anyone who wants to join can send their request to

Quantum Future Group, Inc
P.O. Box 4322
Boulder, CO 80306

You will receive from me a little questionnaire and statement of support of the principles that you must sign and return, and then I will send you a certificate of membership and a membership card to carry in your wallet. It will help if you include a few bux for postage!

Amazing Laura!! and thank you very much for this wonderful work

And thanks all the Team, C's and of course Fellowship of the Cosmic Mind :cool2:
I have some questions!

I'm not sure exactly who or what group I should be addressing so I'm just going to say "we" which includes myself, though I'm not sure if I should. I'm wondering if we have enough funds and people to actually implement such a church as has been described. Taking all the active forum members into account, I cannot really see the formation of a national church as plausible... I do not think I have a good understanding of what the 'picture' is in the minds of you belonging to the QFS. It is not like there are already forum members holding community "breathing sessions" or lectures is there? If it was so then I would understand the need to provide legal rights for the people, but as it stands, as of now, there is nothing to protect yet is there? Also, if we do have the man power, don't we need funds and money? I cannot see such a church funded on, even mandatory, forum member contributions. I don't know how churches work but wouldn't we need to "fund-raise" and the like?

Sorry if this is just noise, but as my logic currently stands I don't have enough time at the moment to go through the "fellowship of the cosmic mind" thread, but I do have just enough time to post these questions I have. Maybe I am not understanding correctly what the intentions are? please feel free to refer me to any threads/post that might help my understanding, I don't need any personal replies or posts. I don't mean to waste any persons time, though obviously I am probably so it is quite untrue...

Also I imagine at least 1 other person has a similar question to what I'm asking so it might benefit them to. sorry this is an unorganized post.

Thanks you all truly who helped get this session up and are hard at work on the fellowship of the cosmic mind :)
"It is the 3D symbol for 4D connections being forged."

Holy Divine Cosmic WOW!!! My heart is overwhelmed with joy and hope. Stucture, community, and symbology for more than we can possibly imagine that is coming to pass with all of our efforts.

Thanks Laura and everyone! I look forward to membership with an organized religion that thinks hard, works hard, and loves the truth. Never thought I'd see the day!

Hi Laura, thank you for the response.

I have to admit that initially I was just in shock about this whole thing. Having thought about it a lot, I can see that I was coming from a place of misconception and I apologize for any falsity that I may have projected on to this amazing change of structure.

Laura said:
Deedlet said:
But like anart said, for me the word ‘church’, same as the word ‘mosque’ are emotionally charged words, implemented in me through birth and it takes a LOT to look outside the box sort to speak on this issue. Having said that, I still haven’t read Statement of Principles of the Fellowship of the Cosmic Mind but I will after I write this post.

Perhaps you should have read it first? It might have answered a lot of your concerns and then you wouldn't have added to the noise factor. ;)

You were right of course! I have read all of the Principles now and it did answer all my concerns. I can say without a doubt, this is a historical moment in development for the Cassiopaean experiment and I am glad to be even a small part of it. I apologize sincerely for adding noise :-[

And also, I need to do a lot more reading on the subject of PaleoChristianity.

Laura said:
Deedlet said:
Something that came to my mind regarding the semantics of the word church is how about we use something less emotionally charged? Like Temple? Something akin to the Buddhist religion, or maybe even Sanctuary?

Understand that this is called "Fellowship of the Cosmic Mind" with the subtitle "Insititute of PaleoChristianity". As I have already mentioned, the word "church" only comes in as a LEGAL definition. It is not our choice of a word to describe ourselves, though it is certainly the legal nomenclature.

I understand that now completely.

Laura said:
Deedlet said:
I just feel as Laura mentioned in the session. That this is going to give a lot of fuel to Vinnie and the gang to attack us even more. I mean, usually what is entailed in a church, doesn’t it require to worship something? Like Christians worship God/Jesus (son of God) Muslims worship Allah/Muhammad (messenger of God) Jews – Yahweh , Buddhists- Buddha, etc… I think you get my point. So what do we worship? The C’s? Aren’t people going to get the wrong idea?!?

Like I said, you should have read the Principles first - then you would understand that the "object of respect" (or "object of cultic value) is Divine Cosmic Mind.

Yup, you were right. The principles explained everything very thoroughly and I apologize for my emotional outburst of a post. As you can tell, I had emotional triggers going off everywhere and I’m ashamed that I re-acted to them so much.

I cried after reading the Principles because I realized that this is the “true religion” my soul had been searching for since the beginning of my child-hood. But my soul and entire being was deprived/traumatized by all the fundamentalist religious programming inserted to me from child-hood through Islam, and later in my youth through the false teachings of the bible. I cried because I finally realised that this is the true religion, and I was so quick to dismiss only because of its “title”. To which I even realized that this group took great measures to not even use the word “church” to describe it, but the word “Fellowship” which shows kindness, friendship and unity.

Laura said:
Deedlet said:
My third question is regarding the purchase of this DVDs and the entitlements. Does every individual have to purchase their OWN DVD and send in their OWN request for membership? Or can a married couple or spouses send one for themselves and their kids. Like since I paid for the DVD does my husband have to buy a DVD too? With his credit card that’s in HIS name? For legal records etc?

All in all this sounds like the next step in development in all this work and it is indeed exciting.

Obviously those remarks were made somewhat lightly and just to make a point and you have taken them absolutely literally and twisted the meaning. Since it has been clearly stated that people are invited to make copies and share the program with others, and it is available on the net for downloading, the technical point is that those who may wish to leave a paper trail of their affiliation are referenced by this remark. ;)

You were right, and in my haste to post and in an emotional state, I completely happen to forget those facts. I apologize for this, as I can clearly see my programs in action and will read the available reading data and give myself some time to think clearly before posting emotional rants in the future.

thanks again for your kind response and everlasting patience :flowers:
Shar said:
Nem said:
Wow, that's a huge step!
However, I'm quite concerned, and can be quite ignorant, but if it is an official and legal "religion" what about the current "religion" somebody is "signed in". You can't follow two religions right? So, for example, in order for myself to participate I would need to resign from the former resulting in apostasy ( so excommunication, loss of rights for a catholic marriage) etc ? Or am I misleading myself here? It's just so exciting but overwhelms me as well.

If you're posting here and are familiar with Laura's work and the Cs, I can't imagine that you still "believe" in the teachings of Catholicism. :umm:

Perhaps I'm mistaken, but it sounds like you are still a "participating" Catholic and are worried about having to leave that church. :huh: If that's the case, I'm kinda surprised to see you *here*...

P.S. I bailed from Catholicism about 12 years ago. And I don't believe those words from "Hotel California" either. :P
You surely haven't seen this:
Nem said:
I'd like to clarify because when saying "follower" I didn't mean a practicing catholic but "signed" aka registered. Sorry for the word misuse. I avoid Catholicism for a long time and I don't miss it. The obstacle are the family issues which I superficially noted previously.
Something would be wrong to even consider it with truly assimilated and applied knowledge from *here*.
neema said:
Wow!! this is amazing news. For what it's worth I have always thought the next logical step for the group has been to go big and incorporate. But a "church" is pure genius from a legal entity standpoint. For everyone who doesn't see how big this is, you will :)

I see from what you have written below that you realize some of the same things we have thought about.

neema said:
This step is going to open up so many possibilities in spreading the knowledge and info of the true religion... Life!

Also if the worry is that people will get the wrong idea, or we are going in the wrong direction, may I suggest you look at it from the point of strategy!

Not to mention that Vinnie and gang have done all they could to actively prevent us taking this step by all their accusations and defamation.

neema said:
This is a great strategy. Not only it can provide a good legal protection within the system for members, but in my opinion it can lead to practical projects that will give great publicity to the "church" plus help many people all at the same time. Remember that people will judge anything by its results.


neema said:
Think about it, a "church" can have a budget, can do multiple fundraising events for different programs, can have an actual newspaper, can have programs for the elderly, programs for the youth, programs for single mothers, counseling and solutions for variety of family and neighborhood problems. If approved of course, maybe the "church" can organize a program where it can help families losing their homes, maybe just with educating strategies alone. The possibilities of practical, actual, and lawful help to people by the members of the "church" are endless. The help can be given as an alternative choice to many other programs being offered by other groups. All of these ideas are legal possibilities that are now open, not that they will necessarily be implemented.

Exactly. And, since Bush and the gang did all their stuff about giving money to churches to operate programs, and our atty is working on our 501(c)(3) filings to make us eligible for those monies, (though we can't count on that - there may be hoops we can't jump through to get go funding), we could do a lot of different things.

Last night I was thinking about setting up places where the homeless can get decent food. And I mean DECENT food, not crap. Good whole brown rice, dried beans, veggies, etc. We could make videos to teach people the basic principles of a good, detoxing diet and show them how to cook food that is nutritious and make it tasty, too.

Then, I was thinking about buying land where the homeless and disenfranchised could come and create communities, help each other build homes...

Well, obviously, I'm getting ahead of myself, but I was sure thinking along the same lines you are.

neema said:
I guess what I am getting at is:

in our realm a "church" can have principles and can actualize those principles in life as true useful alternatives.

Yes. We have had the discussion on the forum here about creating a New Reality. All of this goes hand in hand.

neema said:
Unless I am way off, eventually when you are truly helping the marginalized and disfranchised, as they stabilize and grow many will seek out to better understand the source of this help and how they themselves can be a part of it. In my opinion it is only natural. One day very soon the uneasiness about this "church" will give way to a sense of great hope, from the collective achievements that the "church" as a whole will bring to people and communities around the world.

Exactly. We have a small start with the breathing/meditation program. Right away, that can be taught and meditation groups can be started. We will have to have workshops to train everyone, grant their ordination, and provide them with materials, but it's doable from where we are right now. Then, as groups form, they can begin to decide what they can do in their own context and community to actualize the principles.

neema said:
I as well cannot except the idea of if you can't get it "tough" you are fertilizer. As Laura says not only there are multitude of psy-op mind games that have been played on humanity as a whole, but also don't forget the active technological brainwashing mechanism bombarding us all. If the whole earth is a family how can we abandon any part of it, including nature itself?

Exactly. I mean, do we abandon our children because they aren't grown up yet?

neema said:
As I see it, with an STO philosophy, using the principles of the work and armed with an understanding of psychopathy, the true "church" of life on earth can lead humanity to salvation.

It could, but it's going to take devotion, dedication, and a lot of hard work.

neema said:
Truly, thank you from the bottom of my heart, to you Laura and the rest of the team for creating such a potential . You guys never stop amazing and inspiring us all, well at least me anyway :)

I have only read partially the Statement of Principles of the Fellowship of the Cosmic Mind, but from what I have read I can only say that I am in awe.
By the way, LOVE THAT NAME. The Fellowship of the Cosmic Mind. It has a beautiful ring to it :D

I will admit that taking this step has been agonizing for me. Like many of you, my feeling about "churches" and organized religion has been less than positive. And with all the rants I write about it, geeze... well. You get the picture. But after having those conversations with the two millionaires whose attitudes about others were obviously the means by which they became millionaires in this society, I had to think: Is that the ONLY way? Isn't there another way? A way where we don't ask "Am I my brother's keeper?" Instead we know "I AM my brother." And we act accordingly.

realitybugll said:
I have some questions!

I'm not sure exactly who or what group I should be addressing so I'm just going to say "we" which includes myself, though I'm not sure if I should. I'm wondering if we have enough funds and people to actually implement such a church as has been described.

Well, at this moment, the newly born church does not yet have a bank account, but that is coming soon. And when it gets one, it will be rather empty... but we will transfer the funds from the sales of the EE videos to that account and begin the process of sorting out those details. Whether we will continue to maintain QFG as a legal entity remains to be seen. My preference at the moment is to wind up QFG's business and not spread ourselves too thin.

realitybugll said:
Taking all the active forum members into account, I cannot really see the formation of a national church as plausible...

Well, one of Ark's favorite sayings is (adapted from the Navy or Marines, I think): "The difficult we do immediately, the impossible just takes a little while."

realitybugll said:
I do not think I have a good understanding of what the 'picture' is in the minds of you belonging to the QFS. It is not like there are already forum members holding community "breathing sessions" or lectures is there?

But there are members of QFS who are meeting to do the meditation together already and it is being taken up by people outside of QFS and the forum. There are already a dozen or so QFS members who are scheduled to attend workshops for teaching the program to others. It became obvious rather quickly that we had to do something in order for this to continue and expand.

realitybugll said:
If it was so then I would understand the need to provide legal rights for the people, but as it stands, as of now, there is nothing to protect yet is there?

See above. There is.

realitybugll said:
Also, if we do have the man power, don't we need funds and money? I cannot see such a church funded on, even mandatory, forum member contributions. I don't know how churches work but wouldn't we need to "fund-raise" and the like?

See above. For the moment, yeah, we have no money but we will soon start putting the monies from the meditation program sales into the church account and will then have a modest means of expanding. Further details will be available to members.

realitybugll said:
Sorry if this is just noise, but as my logic currently stands I don't have enough time at the moment to go through the "fellowship of the cosmic mind" thread, but I do have just enough time to post these questions I have. Maybe I am not understanding correctly what the intentions are? please feel free to refer me to any threads/post that might help my understanding, I don't need any personal replies or posts. I don't mean to waste any persons time, though obviously I am probably so it is quite untrue...

Your questions are not noise, but just understand that we do have a LOT going on already via QFS members. If you don't have time to read the threads, it's not likely that you will be able to help or be involved so you don't need to know all the details that will be provided to the membership as it begins to form.

realitybugll said:
Also I imagine at least 1 other person has a similar question to what I'm asking so it might benefit them to. sorry this is an unorganized post.

Exactly. And for those who do have time and want to be involved, I am responding with as much detail as I think is appropriate for a public forum.

Odyssey said:

Would being an ordained minister -just on paper for professional reasons of confidentiality- through Universal Life Church ( which is "non-denomonational" disqualify one for membership in the Fellowship?

I denounce it immediately. Does that make any difference? :halo:

Thanks for the chuckle! :lol:

Yeah, I think that works.
Heimdallr said:
Sonrisa said:
Quote from truth seeker, reply #109 on 10/24:

I think one of the reasons that the initial focus is on the US is because even though negative feelings are growing towards the US, it's still an incredibly influential country. As America goes so goes the world... You can see how the US's influences reaches most corners of the world - most people want to learn english, most people listen to or watch "American" music, films and television programs. It's the same with laws that are passed: When we passed the new restrictions on flight travel, most other countries followed suit. This also occurred with the swine flu and current economic crisis.

Truth Seeker: What are the restrictions on flight travel that the US has recently passed that you are referring to? I must have missed that!

Yes, thanks Heimdallr. That's what I was referring to.

I think Truth Seeker is referring to the restrictions that were put into place post 9-11, not anything that has occurred recently.
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