Session 26 February 2022

whatever 10 means, 4/10 or 40% success rate surely isn't what ptb hoped for, so that gives us hope and reasons for optimism.

not everything goes as bad guys planed for. not even close.

Is this why the sts 4th density may bring a real pandemic, is this a plan B. Are they just trying to salvage what they can and get the best harvest knowing that their puppets are losing the battle and are not going to attain a full control before we move to 4th density. It sure make you wonder doesn’t it.
Wow, excellent session, thank you very much Ladies at the Board and Chateau Crew. Much to ponder. I had to look up the Valley of the Headless Men stuff, very creepy indeed.

There is this session of 21st February 1996, in which Laura asked about the Valley of the Headless Men:

According to this website, film maker Marc J. McPherson is in the process of making a documentary about the mysteries surrounding the Nahinni River Valley. I think it is not done yet. Spectacular landscape:

View attachment 55827
View attachment 55829

Could be straight from Lord of the Rings!

Stay safe and sane everyone during these crazy crazy times!
Many of the people in Whitehorse, Yukon, live there because their car broke down and they just stayed.
Some people might be familiar with the Laird River a it's hot springs.
It's a natural geothermal Valley that is like Dinosaurland.
They have a bear problem and lots of wildlife (moose wading in the river).
It's so beautiful there, lots of little fish, and sticklebacks.
I always make it a point stop there.
It's also a place of right down hectic activity, and yes, there are many Ukrainian Canadians who bath there. Alberta looks a lot like The plains of Ukraine, but it's a lot colder.

Fantastic session and thank you.
I knew there was a reason for the Orthdox founding of Kiev.
Land locked Eastern Ukraine will be a source of Bandarist and extremist insurgency.
When the rest of Ukraine is stabilized, and hopefully by Sping timetable for the sowing of crops, there will be much terrorist activities from there, and Russia will win the information war, what with suffering in Europe and the goodness of Russia.
That's what I think.
What a session!
Thank you for the session!

In light of this fragment, what do you guys make of the following? Sorry if this has been posted before.

'Some Kind of Lightning Shooting from the Sky': Ukrainians Tell Stories of Divine Intervention from the Battlefield

This idea of lightning on the battlefield, portals and downloading made me think of the scene in the 2005 version of War of the Worlds where the alien beings were transferred to their Tripod vehicles via lightning.

War of the Worlds lightning.jpg
When it comes to the PTB, don’t forget: Hubris and wishful thinking are their hallmarks. I don’t see them running scared and thinking they are failing. They are convinced of their own brilliance to manipulate any and all eventualities to their own benefit. Yes, chaos will ensue and their plans will unravel but chaos is actually part of the plan, so, I don’t think they see anything but their own success at this point.
Is this why the sts 4th density may bring a real pandemic, is this a plan B. Are they just trying to salvage what they can and get the best harvest knowing that their puppets are losing the battle and are not going to attain a full control before we move to 4th density. It sure make you wonder doesn’t it.
It makes you wonder what percentage of 4D STS plans are going the way they would like and how badly they want that portal. Ukraine was always going to be a sacrificial pawn in an effort to capture some of Russia's more valuable pieces. The Ukro-nazis had delusions of grandeur, but as far as the US was concerned they had a certain narrow limited role to play after which point they would be discarded one way or another. My thinking has been that the Ukraine is to the US as the US is to the 4D STS/Orion Union collective. The US is meant to hang around long enough to play some role (thinking they are masters of the universe) and then it and its deep state will be disposed of when no longer needed.

Clearly not everything is under their control, and the bit about the portal was interesting. Is the portal, at its root, why the US is being rabidly mobilized into some type of confrontation with Russia? The part about Putin being more or less guided to bring some balance to this area and curtail 4D STS access to our reality implies that the conflict between the US and Russia vis-a-vis Ukraine is a proxy war between aliens and higher dimensional beings.
It makes you wonder what percentage of 4D STS plans are going the way they would like and how badly they want that portal. Ukraine was always going to be a sacrificial pawn in an effort to capture some of Russia's more valuable pieces. The Ukro-nazis had delusions of grandeur, but as far as the US was concerned they had a certain narrow limited role to play after which point they would be discarded one way or another. My thinking has been that the Ukraine is to the US as the US is to the 4D STS/Orion Union collective. The US is meant to hang around long enough to play some role (thinking they are masters of the universe) and then it and its deep state will be disposed of when no longer needed.

Clearly not everything is under their control, and the bit about the portal was interesting. Is the portal, at its root, why the US is being rabidly mobilized into some type of confrontation with Russia? The part about Putin being more or less guided to bring some balance to this area and curtail 4D STS access to our reality implies that the conflict between the US and Russia vis-a-vis Ukraine is a proxy war between aliens and higher dimensional beings.
in some of the early sessions, c's said that actually every war in 3d is a proxy war because you always have influences from higher densities.
Just a thought, but what if we did POTS 24 hours a day every day around the world? With perhaps some specific additions to the prayer (which we have grooved for years) to meet the present situations as they arise. That would entail something like a sign-up sheet to take 1 hour of time, in your part of the world per week let’s say. That would take 168 members per week, using their chosen time to do the POTS. Or everybody on a specific day of the week. Whatever works out but to keep the same FRV pinging the higher-ups with our intentions. I guess the point would be, can continual prayer, or large amount of pray at one time amplify the FRV?

That would be quite the feat of global esoteric cat-herding! And for all the effort of it, I'm not convinced it would have the desired effect.

This post by @zak (thanks for that, by the way) indicates quite clearly that we can't just pray our way to an amplified global FRV... even if we pray in very creative and dedicated ways.

Prayer is one aspect of the Work, and an important one, but it is not the whole banana. Some people pray all their lives, convinced of their cosmic contribution, but never begin to actualize an internal alchemical change. It's quite understandable. Very few in their right mind would want to light a bonfire inside themselves using the friction, tension, discomfort and suffering of confronting all our lies, our parasitisms, our ignorances and arrogances, etc. And then pulling ourselves out of the ashes, getting ourselves cleaned up, and continuing, again and again, to try to align our thoughts, words, and actions with an STO orientation, and learn how to be better every single day.

Those who DO choose this kinda thing send a signal to the cosmos. So it's a signal fire where we get to burn away some of our karmic impurities. And this is a signal that's sent by our choices in our daily lives, which has to do with our levels of Knowledge and Being, and our ability to See, and willingness to Learn. And so upon reflection, this slow, painful and very earthly human progress is already in place '24 hrs a day'. So I don't think we need rounds of POTS because we already have the chance to perform of daily prayer in how we live our lives.

Although I definitely understand the desire to 'call in the Angels', I want to suggest that good ol' fashioned Work methods of cleaning our machine shouldn't be forgotten - especially in these chaotic times - as perhaps the main way of boosting FRV.
Many of the people in Whitehorse, Yukon, live there because their car broke down and they just stayed.
Some people might be familiar with the Laird River a it's hot springs.
It's a natural geothermal Valley that is like Dinosaurland.
They have a bear problem and lots of wildlife (moose wading in the river).
It's so beautiful there, lots of little fish, and sticklebacks.
I always make it a point stop there.
It's also a place of right down hectic activity, and yes, there are many Ukrainian Canadians who bath there. Alberta looks a lot like The plains of Ukraine, but it's a lot colder.

Fantastic session and thank you.
I knew there was a reason for the Orthdox founding of Kiev.
Land locked Eastern Ukraine will be a source of Bandarist and extremist insurgency.
When the rest of Ukraine is stabilized, and hopefully by Sping timetable for the sowing of crops, there will be much terrorist activities from there, and Russia will win the information war, what with suffering in Europe and the goodness of Russia.
That's what I think.
What a session!
Oops I meant Western Ukraine (:
When it comes to the PTB, don’t forget: Hubris and wishful thinking are their hallmarks. I don’t see them running scared and thinking they are failing. They are convinced of their own brilliance to manipulate any and all eventualities to their own benefit. Yes, chaos will ensue and their plans will unravel but chaos is actually part of the plan, so, I don’t think they see anything but their own success at this point.
That's true by and large. In a sense failure is not an option, it's a way of life to them.
For connection with 4D STO perhaps? For channeling the 4D STO energy into this world? Who knows what else is possible at such places.

Network is important, but if you can enhance the network with the frequency of the environment... that's even better. :-)
When it comes to the PTB, don’t forget: Hubris and wishful thinking are their hallmarks. I don’t see them running scared and thinking they are failing. They are convinced of their own brilliance to manipulate any and all eventualities to their own benefit. Yes, chaos will ensue and their plans will unravel but chaos is actually part of the plan, so, I don’t think they see anything but their own success at this point.
Yes that is the most challenging part to watch them believing in their success and to understand that they don't see the whole picture, and probably they don't even negotiate. They just waste the time to Putin, just to make more chaos and that is what we see now ... Zelenski in Instagram still after all "negotiation" has the same tone, he is working by the script feeding his fans with the "helping" fuel of glorious help from Biden and USA ... he even looked to me like the other person yesterday and today ... more aggressive in his approach, like more "heroic" dumber and determine to stick to the script. Who knows maybe they do have clones?? It is interesting that his wife is a scriptwriter ... this is literally a live war TV show for "westerners" who just pay 10$ for a "feel good" experience, while people in Ukraine leave their towns in the middle of the cold night ...

It is also strange that now we are seeing 1:1 what was happening in WWII and how minds get manipulated fast and overnight, and how Germans could not see what was going on with NAZI and Hitler, but instead, they stand to support them.

Recently I watched a documentary about the Volkswagen diesel scandal in Germany in 2018, and what shocked me is how no one, from the government to the court and people, no one didn't do anything to Volkswagen about polluting and poising the world for profit, they just exposed them, like to show what they can do without any consequences, put some poisonous gases in the air for a bigger profit, and they don't even need a war for that in Germany, isn't it ironic again???

What was really sick to watch is how the average German, thin, bold, man, masculine, passive-aggressive tone and posture is in love with the CAR?!?! - in LOVE WITH THE MACHINE that he can polish and clean all day long, and once when car is perfect, he can get out to show to the world how perfectly his car is clean and shiny?? WTF???? 3 days of polishing for one hour driving on the motorway??? I guess that there is no human soul who will be able not to go crazy and feel enslaved by the idea that it might be needed to take so much care about the machine, that can be used just to drive them from point A to point B. I guess human reaction will be, then one probably doesn't even need to go from place A to place B if it needs all life energy just for that move, that means that person is a slave of its own car instead to have a piece of technology - a car like a machine that is helping human to save the waste of energy in order to do something creative.

I don't know, it feels totally impossible to talk with most of the people. Sharing objective happening seams to be so unproductive? As most of the time, it just attracts more aggression and chaos?? You guys seams to have a lot of experience by spreading the objective information around, does it make any sense at all? What will you sugest?
What if the swastika is a sybol for a portal itselfe?

What if it's the Star of David?

I vaguely remember something Richard Hoagland said about hyperdimensional representation (don't recall exactly) and the Star of David. Since my memory is so fuzzy, I checked the net and came up with this:

Think of Richard C. Hoagland's model of "hyperdimensional physics" with two interconnected tetrahedra in a 3-D "Star-of-David" pattern, circumscribed in a rotating sphere (planetary body).

The quote is from "THE CODE" OF CARL MUNCK, AND ANCIENT GEMATRIAN NUMBERS - PART ELEVEN - but one can search for better info with Hoagland and "hyperdimensional physics" to learn more.

Okay, and why not both, star and swastika? Why to separate the tetrahedric Star of David and the swastika? The thing is that they could imbue each other, so to say. For sure I could before have said that in better way. But indeed this is what was meant in the earlier post when I used the word “swapped” :

……….Regarding the communist flag, it’s Thor’s hammer and as to sickle, that is the Scythian symbol, of course. So is all from the Northern Peoples and who, as the C’s told us, in turn comes to the original Kantekkians. Moreover, sum the indiscrete red in the flag into these observations. After all, why so much colorful extravagancy?!! Well, emphasizing, in this session the C’s freely gave us that a Russian-like people is very kin to the Kantekkians. So, in my opinion this particular color does not seem something that can or should be ignored.

Now, is not that most of the comments in this thread show off so already near to a realization, to a deep connection in our neurons?! Does not seem peculiar how the C’s —as just mentioned— in this session ‘voluntaried’ information without pre-specificities?! Maybe is that so because now we are so close in many senses? So be it, I hope. Next, in this spirit, follows a little bit of my old original researches ………..

March 4, 1995 Session

A: Jupiter is already a star.
Q: (L) Why do we not perceive it as a star?
A: You are still learning. Earth is a star to be.

“As above quoted, the C’s years ago told us that earth is a star to be. Now as I see it, that red star in the communist flag indeed links to earth. But… what is the future? See, Earth in esoteric circles is well known as the ‘Red Star’.

Let us compare the following two images:
Extra note: below, the 1st image shows same thematic seen in the 1923 Soviet Union flag; also it is found in the 1918 emblem, as well as in the presidential standard.
Soviet Union theme.jpg

Well, now —considering the 2nd image acceptable— we can perceive that the laurel seen in the Russian flag portrays an Ouroboros also, see? Notice that there we have a 5-tip star, so this should be not exactly earth, but rather an earth-gateway. Such assertion occurs because if were to be earth then it should not have 5 tips —I’m just trying to give a simple explanation but in accord to those things like they are in symbolism; otherwise would deviate too long from the intended ‘shortness’ for this commentary.

Okay, then notice how the star is swapped to a swastika in the 2nd figure. It’s important to observe, I believe, that the swastika is not only a symbol of a cross but that of a moving cross over itself. On this, legends, folk tales may help?!!! So, there is more of course. For instance, C’s also told us on the star of David that it represents a ‘trans-density’ structure. Moreover at last, we have the sickle/scythe symbol of Ceres asteroid, as well what about comets (remarked in this thread as possibly linked to the swastika)?!!! All seems connected at plain sight…….”​

Anyway, since we have this clarification, then I can add too that the positions of those symbols (star and swastika) in the drawings may be likely significant. That’s to say one at the border, another at the center, and nonetheless, following my presented ‘assumption’, they might be merged into the same spot. But, again, as above mentioned these notes are only bits of the scenery.​

Just some thoughts.
Now, a session (3 August 1996) addressed this triple bad day:

As shown in the chapter 3: The 27 million year cometary cycle of "Mass Extinctions, Evolutionary Leaps, and the Virus-Information Connection" the closing of 27 million years twin Sun will occur probably soon.

The Wave grand cycle (309.000) is a multiple of 27 million

As shown in the book "Cometary Encounters" the 3,600 years cycle is probably real and its closing is imminent.

So we indeed have the conjunction of three major cycles, which will affect Rockefeller and the likes in a triple way:
- health-wise (plague 2.0, virus from space)
- finance-wise (manufactured economic crisis that becomes uncontrollable)
- social-wise (popular uprisings due prolly to the two factors mentioned above)

Now, the Cs mentioned a fourth change, FRV:

The change in FRV might be solely due to the conjunction of the three cycles, but there is this remark:

Which makes me wonder, although it might sound crazy, can focused consciousness of, say 200 collinear individuals, contribute the rise of FRV of our planet?
I think the answer to the last question was yes - or at least can make a huge difference/contribution.
Will the coming ice age not also be in the equation, perhaps comet/environmental/healthwise?
That would be quite the feat of global esoteric cat-herding! And for all the effort of it, I'm not convinced it would have the desired effect.

I tend to agree - it sounds just too mechanistic. Also one side seems to be missing in this equation: Knowledge. The Cs have repeatedly said that Knowledge is the key to our future(s). As @iamthis said, a lot of people are fervently praying all their life and thereby putting the onus of change outside of themselves and not doing the work themselves (“Please God do this for me so I don’t have to do it myself”).

It seems to me that prayer/ meditation is a two-way street, essentially a DIALOG. You pray, thus getting input from higher sources, gather the required knowledge, change your views/ behaviours and you feed that back. This results in actions/ change of behaviour within yourself, which may influence those around you, etc.

This might well be a bit too simplistic, but that is the way I think about this at the moment.

BTW, thanks for the terrific session! Things definitely are heating up, it’s downright getting crazy. The big issue that exercises my mind at the moment is the apparent lockstep of all the involved parties, and their seemless transition from the Covid narrative to the Russia-Ukraine narrative. Lots of people that were decrying the malfeasance of the elites in regards to Covid now sing from the same song sheet as their former ‘opponents’, without missing a beat. CRAZY!!!!
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