Now, a session (3 August 1996) addressed this triple bad day:
As shown in the chapter 3:
The 27 million year cometary cycle of "Mass Extinctions, Evolutionary Leaps, and the Virus-Information Connection" the closing of 27 million years twin Sun will occur probably soon.
The Wave grand cycle (309.000) is a multiple of 27 million
As shown in the book "
Cometary Encounters" the 3,600 years cycle is probably real and its closing is imminent.
So we indeed have the conjunction of three major cycles, which will affect Rockefeller and the likes in a triple way:
- health-wise (plague 2.0, virus from space)
- finance-wise (manufactured economic crisis that becomes uncontrollable)
- social-wise (popular uprisings due prolly to the two factors mentioned above)
Now, the Cs mentioned a fourth change, FRV:
The change in FRV might be solely due to the conjunction of the three cycles, but there is this remark:
Which makes me wonder, although it might sound crazy, can focused consciousness of, say 200 collinear individuals, contribute the rise of FRV of our planet?