Session 27 Aug 2022

If you're a non physical being, what happens when you get your [energetic] butt kicked?

So, it is just an STS entity that has become demoralized. 🤭
Thank you ladies at the board and everyone sending questions, another great session.

I think "degaussing" in this context means something like being energetically diminished (demagnetized) as a result of some interaction, possibly with STO (or something like that). If you're a non physical being, what happens when you get your [energetic] butt kicked? You get "degaussed". :-D

As for ``degaussing’’, I see it as Joe the result of a 4th density sts losing it energy because of battle or simply the result of a change in the environment. STS use human as a source of energy, one of them is to believe in their lies but as The Cs told us some time ago, light was pouring in our reality our universes. To maintain them self again the light (truth, knowledge, love) they need to continually receive the human energy but , people are seeing there lies (covid, war in Ukraine) and they just don’t perceive that the ``attack`` coming from the cosmos as more energy available then they could imagine. So in there wishful thinking and there immense sense of their self, ego, god like power are incapable to see the reality, that the cosmos is about to level the playing field. So obstinately they hang to their grand goal, never accepting defeat and use their immense reserved of energy because of the diminishing supply from human and ultimately because of their obstinacy are ‘’degaused’’, exhaust their reserved.
Thank you ladies at the board, the Chateau and the C's for a very interesting session and thank you all for your insights in the following thread.

The following excerpt caught my curiosity:

Ze Germanz) Why has the rotation speed of the Earth recently increased by almost 1.6 milliseconds?

A: Grounding the current!

Q: (L) Does that mean that something out there is grounding the current?

A: Yes

Q: (L) What?

A: Wait and see!

Q: (L) Does that mean we will be able to see something at some point?

A: Oh indeed!

Which reminded me of the following excerpt from a recent C's session:

Session Date: May 23rd 2020

Laura, Andromeda, and Artemis at the board

Pierre, Joe, Chu, Ark, PoB, Scottie, Niall, Noko the Wonderdog, Princess Leia


Q: (L) Well, I was just reading that the Earth's magnetic shield has dropped even lower, and it's causing problems with satellites. Is that going to be a big issue in the days to come?

A: Oh indeed. Best laid plans fail?

Q: (L) So in other words, the powers that be that are running the show aren't really as smart as they think they are...

A: Exactly.

Q: (L) They never counted on their satellites getting fried.

(Pierre) And other electronic equipment through which they monitor, control, and influence populations. It's a failing of the electronic control system.

A: Level playing field eventually. Just wait for the current to begin to flow!

Q: (L) So in other words, we're all going to get electrocuted!

(Pierre) That might be due to the fact that the magnetosphere protects the planet from most high-energy cosmic rays and other radiations. If you have no magnetic shield, the planet is open to any such radiation.

(Joe) Does that refer back to astronomical phenomena and the close passage of a large body that will cause the current to flow?

(Chu) Well, they said phenomena...

A: Close! Think of the grooves on Malta.

Q: (Pierre) They're talking of electromachining of the surface of the planet...

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) Electromachining means basically arcing...

(Joe) Moving lightning along the ground.

(Pierre) Long-lasting moving lightning.

(Joe) Chasing people!

(Andromeda) That's coming soon?

A: Soon enough.

Q: (L) Soon enough, but not right away.

So, once the current has been grounded the energy/current will start to flow which will make things even more interesting...
Session Date: August 27th 2022

Laura, Andromeda and Artemis at the board

Pierre, Joe, Gaby, Ark, PoP, Chu, Scottie, Niall, Princess Leia, Noko the Wonderdog, Chairman Lulin

FOTCM Members attending by Zoom:

3DStudent, 987baz, Adobe , Aeneas, aimarok, Alana , Alejo, Altair, aluminumfalcon, Ana Huitzil, anartist, AndrewMn, Andrian, Annp, Ant22, Anthony, Approaching Infinity, Arwenn, [Barb], bjorn, bluefyre, Bo, Bobo08, brandon, Brett, cassandra, Chad, cinnamon, ClaudiaYG, Cosmos, Deliverance , Dirgni, dugdeep, Eboard10, Ellipse, Elohir, fabric, Fallen_735, France, Gandalf, Gawan, genero81, Gottathink, goyacobol, grini, Harmony99, herondancer, Hesper , Hesperides, hiker, iamthatis, irjO, IronFloyd, JeanneT, JEEP, Jefferson , Jenn, jess, Jhonny, Josi, Keit, kenlee, keyhole, kinyash, KJN, Konstantin, korzik18, KS, Laurentien2, Laurs, Lilou, logos5x5, loreta, LQB, Luc, Lucius, Madara Horseman, Maiko, Manitoban, Mari, Mariama, Mark, Martina, mARTinSky, maxwell1110, Michal, Mikkael, mimimari, Miracle, MK Scarlett, mkrnhr, Mr. Cyan, Mrs. Peel, msante, Navigator, NewEngland Seeker, Nicholas, Nienna, Ollie, Oxajil, Pecha, PERLOU, Puma, Redrock12, Renaissance, rrraven, Ryan, Rylek, Ryu, Saman, Seamus , seek10, seeker2seer, Siberia, Sinapi, Stoneboss, sToRmR1dR, Temperance, thorbjorn, Timótheos, treesparrow, Tristan, Tuatha de Danaan, Ursus Minor, Voyageur, whitecoast, will01, Windmill Knight, Yas, Ysus, Zar.

Q: (L) 15 questions already!

(Joe) Do the people who've asked them realize there may be financial penalties (for badly formed questions)? [laughter]

(L) Well, we'll try to go through as many as we can.

(Gaby) Do you want to talk with jar?

(L) No, we're not gonna talk with him. We'll ask a couple of questions about him, maybe. So, I'll let Ark do his questions first and then I'll ask about jar. Then we'll get to ya'll's questions. Make these questions real good and give enough background. Alright...

A: Dear people of Cassiopaea hello!

Q: (L) And who do we have with us?

A: Keleeinaea of Cassiopaea! Names signify energy flow.

Q: (L) Alright, dear.

(Ark) I have question. It's not about hyperdimensional being, but about hyperdimensional physics. I am coming to the session of 14 November 1998 where I was asking about the relation between 4th density and 4th dimension. And the answer was that yes indeed, 4th density is experienced in 4-dimensional reality. So, I got curious about this 4-dimensional reality. I was asking if it was any kind known in physics under the name of Kaluza-Klein theory. But the answer was that no, it's related to visual spectrum. And then there came the term this is related to a prism. Now, visual spectrum, I am associating with the frequency of light. And so, my question - which I should have asked then, but didn't - is: Is 4th dimension indeed a frequency?

A: Yes

Q: (Ark) If it is a frequency, I would like to know what kind of geometry has this 4th-dimensional reality? Is there such a concept of a distance there, for instance?

A: No

Q: (Ark) Well, there is something more general than distance. For instance, there is a degenerate metric. Is there a metric there? Metric tensor?

A: Yes

Q: (Ark) Well, if it is not a distance but it is a metric tensor, does it mean it is degenerate so that there is zero distance between two different points?

A: Yes

Q: (Ark) Okay, that's what I was suspecting. But the next question is whether 5th density requires 5-dimensional reality?

A: No

Q: (Ark) So 5th density requires what?

A: No space, no time.

Q: (Ark) If there is no space and no time, what is there?

A: Pure information in units.

Q: (Ark) Alright. Next question: Is the speed of light constant?

A: No

Q: (Ark) Does it vary with frequency?

A: Yes

Q: (Ark) Are there discrete dimensions rather than continuous?

A: Somewhat.

Q: (Ark) Somewhat. Okay. Is Planck's constant a constant?

A: No

Q: (Ark) Aha.

(L) Oh geez. That's a can of worms.

(Ark) I am done. I have no more questions.

(Pierre) I have a question related to Ark's question. Imagine you have two different proteins, okay? And two different emissions of biophotons, okay? My question is: For two emissions, do they behave differently or not?

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) Aha! But it's not the coherence that is differing.

A: Correct.

Q: (Pierre) Is it a fractal pattern?

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) THANK YOU! You made my day.

(L) Alright. Okay, we want to ask if our brother jar had a smooth passing?

A: More or less as such things go.

Q: (L) Does that mean that there was difficulty in his passing?

A: Some

Q: (L) Why was there difficulty?

A: Drugs always cause such.

Q: (L) But in his situation and that of many other people, ya know, it's just too much suffering for them to endure without drugs.

A: Yes

Q: (L) So, it's damned if you do, and damned if you don't. What is he doing now?

A: Resting and recovering.

Q: (L) Did he in fact come to my house and move those objects on the mantel in my bedroom?

A: Yes

Q: (L) I wanted him to give me a sign that he was here.

(Andromeda) On the same day?

(L) Yeah. And it was kinda weird. Anyway... Is it appropriate for us to ask why he chose to check out?

A: He had little choice under the circumstances.

Q: (L) What circumstances?

A: His environment.

Q: (L) You mean like his... Well, maybe we should ask jar. Will we be able at some point to speak with jar?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Well, I don't want to pry into that too much without asking jar directly. That would be a little bit of a violation. I'm not trying to be nosy. So is he alright and are our prayers helping him?

A: Yes yes yes!

Q: (L) Alright, so we shall continue to pray for him, that he will rest and recover and be able to speak with us at some point in the future.

A: Yes

Q: (L) Alright, I guess that's all for what I wanted to ask. And I guess now it's time to turn to...

(Scottie) Can I ask about our fiber cut?

(L) Our who?

(Scottie) Our fiber cut?

(L) What fiber cut? We had a fiber cut?

(Artemis) We had a fiber cut? [laughter]

(Scottie) Remember when our fiber was cut for 5 months?

(L) It was? [laughter]

(Joe) We didn't lose our internet connection. That's why you didn't notice. We have 2 fibers. One of them was cut.

(Scottie) Okay, lemme just ask the question then... On February 24th, the day that Russia went into Ukraine, we lost our satellite internet connection (which is a backup). Also, one of our two fibers was cut at the pole across the street. It took them over 5 months to fix it. While they were fixing it, they discovered that the same fiber was cut a second time down the road in Castelsarrasin. So my first question is: What the HECK happened to our fiber?

A: Sabotage energies.

Q: (L) Sabotage energies... Is a sabotage energy different than a sabotage person?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And what was the reason for it?

A: Similar things happened in other places, usually at points of conflicting realities.

Q: (L) Conflicting realities...

(Joe) Was there any relation to the Russian invasion?

A: What we just said.

Q: (Andromeda) What about our electrical problems, as well?

[We have had 3 events where there is an overvoltage on multiple and varied phases of our 3-phase connection from the power grid, resulting in countless gizmos in the house getting fried, exploding, popping, and so on. We run successfully on generator power until EDF arrives. Each time, the power company comes, we think we find something that could be the issue, but then it happens again some weeks or months later. These 3 events happened on:
1. January 23, 2022 at 6:20
2. June 12, 2022 at 11:00
3. August 10, 2022 at 7:45
It's really NOT very much fun... Getting insurance to pay for things has been a nightmare, and is still an ongoing process with no results thus far.]

A: That was due to other, but similar, energies of conflict.

Q: (L) So what I'm getting is that maybe we had kinda like a bubble of energy around us and when those other energies start really acting up and they can't penetrate our bubble completely, they just wreak havoc in our electronics or whatever. Is that what we're talking about here?

A: Yes close enough.

Q: (Artemis) It's wild and crazy out there.

(L) Yeah, stay home!

(Niall) Well, stay home and get power surges. BZZZT!! [laughter] If you stay home, you still get it!

(L) So, we covered all of our little thingies. Are you happy Scottie, or you wanna follow up?

(Scottie) Just for the power surge thing, are we on the right track towards solving the problems?

A: Yes

Q: (Scottie) Good. I'm happy.

(L) Okay, now... Go to the top of group members' questions.

(Mr. Cyan) How accurate in % is the Deagel 2025 population forecasts?

(L) Okay put that over to the side and let me talk to Mr. Cyan. Gee, I saw you at my kitchen table not too long ago!

(Mr. Cyan) Yeah, I know. A month ago!

(L) What is the Deagel Forecast?

(Mr. Cyan) It's a population forecast done by this company called Deagel. No one really knows much about them, but they predicted... I think, ya know, in Western countries somewhere between 50-60% reduction. I can't remember the details, but it was like in the USA there would be 80 million people less by 2025 - something like that.

(L) I remember! Ya'll were talking about it on...

(Joe) It was there a long time ago, like maybe 10-12 years ago. It kinda like got mothballed. Then they came back with an explanation of who they are and what they do and why they gave that prediction. It's not really that mysterious. Their explanation anyway was to do with climate change and all the usual stuff. That's what they said. But it was there a long time ago - 2010 maybe?

(L) 2010?

(Joe) It's been there a long time.

(Mr. Cyan) It kinda pinged in my mind because you mentioned in a forum post that you had a dream that we had 2 years left before everything goes kaflooey. So I thought, "Ah! This coincides with the Deagel thing"

(L) Alright. So, what is the percentage of accuracy of the Deagel forecast?

A: Not even close. There will of course be population reductions and catastrophic events, and things will certainly be falling apart, but not as they describe or predict.

Q: (L) So... They said something like 70% of the population?? Something crazy like that, wasn't it?

(Joe) They had different reductions for different countries. But in a lot of places, it was like either a 3rd or half reduced. Maybe 2/3 in some places.

A: Human beings are far more resilient than those types factor in to their calculations.

Q: (L) I should hope so. Alright, now...

(Luc) Iain McGilchrist's work had a big impact on me, so I was wondering: What, if anything, have the left and right brain hemispheres to do with our uplink to the information field and the higher realms?

A: They interpret in tandem the information received by full body sensing.

Q: (L) Left and right brain interpret the information sensed by the full body sensing system...

(Joe) Proteins.

(L) Yeah, all your proteins and your antennas...

(Joe) And your left hemisphere and your right hemisphere fight over it.

(Andromeda) Probably overinterpreting it.

(L) And the uplink to the whole thing is, what, your pituitary?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Alright. Okay:

(Eboard10) Is Elon Musk a Greenbaum victim?

A: No

Q: (MK Scarlett) Who killed Darya Dugina and why?

A: Several individuals involved in planning and support including from within Russia. The accused woman is the primary executor.

Q: (Joe) The people from within Russia would have been a fifth element, right? They're not actually part of the Russian government...

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Was it more or less as a propaganda ploy to just show that they can get to people inside Russia?

A: Darya's death was partly revenge and partly statement to inspire fear. Plus she was a "burr under the saddle".

Q: (L) Alright.

(NewEngland Seeker) My question is taking Laura's commentary on the Secret of the Kingdom of God and linking that to the C's April drop dead date. Since Aries is the zodiac sign for April would the drop dead be a reference to a hyperdimensional being, i.e., Aries?

(L) $25 in the jar! [laughter]

(Joe) Aries is gonna kill us all.

(L) No, it's just kind of a... Where is this person? Lemme see him. Move that camera down so I can see you. That's pretty stretching it, dontcha think? You don't think so?

(NewEngland Seeker) [something about it being a hyperdimensional or a 3d related event]

(L) Well, I don't see how that relates to Paul's Kingdom of God except that you're talking about it the broad sense of it being a hyperdimensional thing. My emphasis was on the fact that the Kingdom of God was, as far as Paul could see, inclusive of individuals who were basically inclined in that direction while there were other individuals who were not so inclined. They were inclined in the STS direction. And basically, in Paul's Kingdom of God, you could only be inclined in the proper direction. Those who believed the lies or couldn't see or understand were not yet able to perceive the unseen. So, you're asking about Aries in terms of Aries being something like the war god, is that...?

(NewEngland Seeker) Correct. Something like a dark hyperdimensional being.

(L) So, let's ask: Is the April Drop Dead Date a reference to a hyperdimensional being such as Aries, i.e. the God of War?

A: Not exactly.

Q: (L) Is it more a reference to something that will manifest on Earth in our 3d reality at some future April time?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Um... Since he's asked the question, are there indications that we could notice if we were paying attention and had a clue what we were supposed to be looking for, that would indicate to us the death or termination or something of any 4D beings that were engaged in this battle in the sky, so to speak?

A: Not that you would think of as different. That is, a volcanic eruption could represent the degaussing of a 4D STS being... or just a volcanic eruption.

Q: (L) So you're saying that some natural phenomena such as floods, fires, earthquakes, gigantic thunderbolts and all that kind of stuff, could represent this kind of conflict, and it could represent a degaussing event, but it doesn't always have to. Is that it?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And so because of that, we would not necessarily be able to tell. Is that it?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And you say "degaussing"...

A: Not "death".

Q: (L) Hmm.

(Andromeda) Interesting.

(L) Well, I don't know where to go with that. Alright...

(Ryan) What were the mysterious red lights seen over the Atlantic ocean in late July 2022?

(Joe) Can I answer that? Fishing vessels.

(L) Joe says fishing vessels.

(Artemis) You wanna make sure, or no?

(L) Was it fishing vessels?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) $5! All you had to do was look up large-scale fishing vessels. In the past, like maybe 10 years ago, they started putting on lots of LED lights all along these ships because they attract squid and other kinds of fish. When there's cloud cover and someone flying in a commercial jet above that is looking down, they see this big red glowing area as the light from the boats is reflected off the bottom of the clouds. So, anyway.

(Andromeda) There ya go.

(Joe) I just looked it up on the internet.

(L) Okay:

(Keit) Some analysts in Russia are saying that there is something in the Zaparozhskaya power plant that either Ukraine or the West don't want to become public knowledge. That's why Russians want official representatives to visit and record what's in there. Is there something they don't want others to know?

A: Yes

Q: (Keit) What is it?

A: Weapons grade uranium.

Q: (Joe) A month before Russia went in to Ukraine, Zelensky mentioned that Ukraine would possibly be looking at developing a nuclear weapon. That kinda sealed the deal for the Russians.

(L) So basically, Vladimir Putin has gone looking for those infamous weapons of mass destruction - and they ARE there!

(Ze Germanz) Why has the rotation speed of the Earth recently increased by almost 1.6 milliseconds?

A: Grounding the current!

Q: (L) Does that mean that something out there is grounding the current?

A: Yes

Q: (L) What?

A: Wait and see!

Q: (L) Does that mean we will be able to see something at some point?

A: Oh indeed!

Q: (Niall) It's the Death Star!

(Joe) A nice shiny comet.

(Keit) What was the wave that people in Donetsk area (Volnovakha) saw in the sky today?

[See: Videos in Session 22 February 2020 thread]

A: A portal activated!

Q: (Joe) Was something coming through it?

A: Preparing.

Q: (Gaby) It looked like the same thing as in Aleppo.

(Artemis) Well, what's gonna come through when it opens? Can we have a hint?

A: Energies!

Q: (L) Okay.

(seek10) C's mentioned that the Hindu epics Ramayan and Mahabharat are representations of cosmic events. Are they the same event or different events?

A: Multiple events!

Q: (seek10) Is Mahabharat event happened at 1100BC end of bronze age event? If no, what is the event date? If yes, is it related to Victor clube's Enke disintegration event ( 1000 =/- 300 BC )?

A: Close enough. But the main event was the 12900 event.

Q: (seek10) What is the Ramayan's originating cosmic event date?

(L) Well, since they said multiple events, I'm not sure you can divide it up that way. So, next question:

(seek10) Is it the 2300 BC event hypothesised by M.M. Mendelkher?

A: Close enough.

Q: (seek10) The C's mentioned Anghor Wat was created by 4D STS around 1100 BC. Did 4D STS etch Hindu epics on Anghor Wat?

A: No

Q: (seek10) Did these etchings contribute to the creation of Hindu epics or later representations?

A: Later.

Q: (seek10) The C's said there were Prototype 3 (Neanderthal) before aryans invaded India 8000 years ago. They also mentioned that Neanderthals were also airlifted when the Kantekanians arrived 80,000 year ago. Does it mean some versions of Neandarthals still existed until 8,000 years ago.

A: Yes

Q: (L) Alright, you got more than one question in there! Okay, Ryan:

(Ryan) Was the Roman historian Cornelius Tacitus alive at the time of the cometary event of 536-540 CE?

A: No

Q: (NewEngland Seeker) Does the hyperbaric therapy increase our resistance to hyperdimensional manipulation?

A: Funnily, yes!

Q: (Artemis) If you're strong all over, you're strong all over.

(L) I don't think that's so funny! [laughter]

(Pierre) I have a question related to that. Does the 2.0 bar HBOT induce some qualitative benefits versus the 1.5 bar version?

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) You were right!

(L) What are those qualitative... God. No, I don't want to ask that question be then we'll open a can of worms.

(Joe) Supercharged.

(KS) Is the "space virus" already present on the surface of 3D Earth?

(L) You have to be specific there. You mean the one they were talking about that might be coming that would cause a serious plague? Is that what you're asking?

(KS) Yes

A: No

Q: (L) We have SO much to look forward to!

(KS) What kind of intended upgrades or downgrades does the "space virus" contain?

(Joe) In the last session, they said there's a chance that a space virus would recombine with any number of existing viruses on the planet, and it would cause the plague and kill everybody.

(L) I don't think you can ask that. Viruses are so...

(Artemis) And everybody's different.

(L) There are a million answers to that question. Oh, wait... What kind of intended upgrades or downgrades? INTENDED... That makes the question a little more specific. What kind of INTENDED upgrades or downgrades?

A: Mainly a filtering system.

Q: (L) Like filtering human beings?

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) Selection. Darwin.

(Joe) I applaud whoever that was for taking what the C's said before which was that there's a plague coming that will kill up to 80% of the population, and spinning it into a positive. "So what kind of superpowers are we gonna get from this plague?" [laughter]

(Chu) Well, they said that about COVID: That it was intended to do one thing, but it mutated in some people...

(L) And that tells us that you can't intend a virus to do anything because you don't know what it's gonna do when you turn it loose.

(Ryan) Is our Cassiopaean Crystal Network influencing and/or activating the subsurface Atlantean crystals described in earlier sessions?

A: No!

Q: (L) I don't think we WANT to activate those crystals! Weren't they used for control?

(JEEP) My question - July 18 Flyover Conservatives (FOC) interview with Dr. Buttar - he states the mRNA shots have hydrogel containing stabilized e-coli, Marburg, and ebola that possibly with an 18 gigahertz trigger, will dissolve the hydrogel and release the pathogens. True?

A: No

Q: (L) Alright, next:

(bluefyre) Mike Adams analyzed the clots from the embalmers and says they seem to be amyloid plaques. Are they amyloid plaques?

A: Yes.

Q: (bluefyre) How are the jabs creating these?

A: The jabs don't, the body tries to defend itself from invasion.

Q: (irjO) We now know that the enforcers for the STS 4D beings in our realm are psychopaths...

(L) Do we?

(Joe) It was from a session years ago when you asked about alien invasion and enforcers and stuff. And it was basically who needs aliens when there are psychopaths.

(L) Okay. So:

Q: (irjO) We now know that the enforces for the STS 4D beings in our realm are psychopaths and other pathological individuals. But is it still true that there are 3 ships with Nephilim coming this way as stated before in one of the early sessions?

A: Yes

Q: (Puma) In early August of this year a photograph of a UFO that the UK Ministry of Defense kept for 32 years was released. This photo was labeled by many as "the best image in the world". The Calvine UFO caused a sensation on social networks when it was digitally processed. This UAP/UFO had very different characteristics than is usual. No bright lights. It looks organic, rocky, one person wrote "almost like the underwater side of an old rusty boat with algae and shit growing on the fuselage."

In the image, we can see an angular, diamond-shaped object, estimated to be about 30 meters long, flying a short distance away from what appears to be a Harrier jet.

[See: UFOs, Aliens, and the Question of Contact - video]

Is it a real UFO or was the photo fabricated to further support the Pentagon's UFO agenda?

A: Yes

Q: (Puma) If it is a real UFO was it manned or was it a probe?

A: Manned.

Q: (Puma) What are the organic, worn characteristics of this UAP due to?

A: Structural specifications for camouflage.

Q: (Ze Germanz) Was Roman Mithraism created to distort ideas and principles taught by Caesar?

A: Not precisely, but it came to be used that way.

Q: (Rancho Relaxo) What happened to Pompey in 51 to 49, that he did an 180 degree on Caesar?

A: He was manipulated via ego.

Q: (aimarok) Were any of the explosions in Crimea this month caused by space based weapons?

A: No

Q: (Toronto group) Canada is still punishing the unvaxxed with unemployment, travel bans, even denying medical transplants. Why is Canada the outlier compared to the other countries, and will this end soon?

A: It will end when Canadians say so.

Q: (L) Well, why is Canada doing this?

A: Experiment on "tough" people.

Q: (L) So they're trying to see how far they can push people who are reputed to be tough and not pushable.

(LQB) Does our Sun micronova about every 12,000 years as suggested by Ben Davidson?

A: No

Q: (LQB) If not, how did fission tracks appear in the glass beads brought back from the moon?

A: Other events can cause this.

Q: (Ze Germanz) Why were the images on tauroctony reversed as seen from the cosmos?

(L) No, they were correct as seen from the cosmos, but they were reversed if you were looking at them from the Earth.

(Andromeda) Maybe "as if" seen from the cosmos.

A: Artist confused by concept.

Q: (L) So it's like I thought. The artist was just using something like the globe...

(Andromeda) Where it was already reserved for an...

(L) For an artistic reason, and didn't... Yeah, so... Well, we're gonna have to shut down here because Artemis is getting tired.

(Joe) Can I ask a question? Ya know the 480 years that we assume were added to the timeline? Were they all added after Caesar's death?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Were they all added after Caesar's death up until the 540 AD cataclysm, or were some added afterwards in the Dark Ages?

A: 2 major chunks. They can be identified by duplicate histories.

Q: (L) Okay, we're gonna have to say goodnight because Artemis’s getting really exhausted and I can feel it. Anything we should have asked that we didn't ask?

A: No. Goodbye.

Thank you all for the session.
Thank you @Puma for such precious advice ! Yesterday I applied it and it worked ! Usually I’m very afraid of flying and once even had a panic attack ...but yesterday , during take off I took the crystal in my hands, read the prayer and asked everybody connected to help me not to be afraid and it worked ! My heartbeat didn’t go faster and I even manage to fall asleep (because of my anxiety I never managed).
So thank you all very much ! 😊 it’s amazing how we can help each other out!

P.S. it reminded me of “Sense 8” series...there were connected different people around the world (being of very different cultures and characters and each being good at smth unique to the others) and they could apply each other’s knowledge and abilities whenever in need. They worked in such situation like a whole .
I think that’s the meaning the Cs put in the Crystal’s network🙏
Thank you to all who made this session possible, and for sharing - so much to digest and think about.

Thank you for adding these thoughts iamthatis. It is all too tempting to get caught up in negative thought spirals about how the world is circling the drain (with the Nephilim on their way..!). I found your thoughts very re-orientating, so thank you!
I completely agree. It’s so easy to get caught up in the negative aspects of the world around us. Every day I have to remind myself to keep trying to find balance in my life, keep moving forward. Thanks iamthatis, you have a great way of looking at the world and putting thoughts into actions.
Thanks for the new session!

Is Planck's constant a constant?

That is an interesting point, especially given how finely tuned all these constants are to make life as we know possible in our universe. And I suspect all the other ‘constants’ vary too.

The question then arises what effect the changing of these constants has on our physical life? And has that something to do with the wave influencing these constants, thus changing the environment in which we live? Probably a bit of a stretch …
Another amazing proof how little scientists know today about the very basics of physics, but how fiercely they defend their insecurities in their imagined knowledge [!] is this simple video. Those who read up on Tesla years ago, know that electricity doesn't really travel inside of the electric wires, but that's what most people think nowadays. How much will our ignorance in similar matters cost us in the end??

The science around transmitting electricity through power lines should be pretty much set in stone by now, right? Right?
Watch this video to find out.

The Big Misconception About Electricity

I only made this post, because after all the scientific explanations in the above video, in 13 minutes - and after consulting two scientists, who are professors with PhD degrees, experts in the field of power-transmission - the creator of this video, who is a physics teacher himself, makes the crazy shocking admission - at videotime 13:00 - , the one I made as well in my original post in this thread.

No wonder Laura remarked with
- "(L) Oh geez. That's a can of worms." after Ark got the C's answer about the "Planck's constant"...

After this we shouldn't be surprised how our society is revealing itself as The Idiocracy, as it always was from the very beginning! Our civilization never really had the right foundations and the Rockefellers made sure: if anybody came up with the right answer, they murdered them and buried their patents sea-deep in the patents-office, so the public will never profit from the use of truly effective, highly beneficial and absolutely working technologies that are based on Objective Reality, The Power of Truth!
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