Session 28 October 2023

Thank you very much for this session. I can imagine how it was for you to ask these questions, but I am also relieved to hear that Pierre is doing well so far. Thank you for that! I think of you so often that I can't even count it. Precisely BECAUSE I know what feelings you have to go through. I know no words can really help, but it helps to know that there are people who are thinking of you and are with you, in heart and in reality.

Our world stops for a moment when someone we love has to go. But the world keeps turning and we are still here. I send you hugs from afar and keep you all and Pierre in my thoughts and prayers. It feels so mundane to write this and also a bit hard for me to find the right words... You have all been so supportive last year and I feel like I can't do or say anything to really help you. The only thing I can say is that you are in my heart! :hug2:
Thank you all for sharing the new session. I'm so happy to hear that Pierre is resting and doing well. :flowers:

As others, I'm also very curious about the developing of the ongoing events in the next month(s). And, one more time I would like to thank you: C's, Laura & crew, as well as other members who contribute to make this comunnity a great one, and to help us to navigate through all this.

Big hug guys!:hug2:
What a sharing of love for Pierre with each and all of your questioning hearts and minds, with knowledge of his transition and wellbeing to help sooth. I'm so glad, and yet how could he not have achieved the great work he can now further Do. Pierre is resting before moving to take on new work - providing new help from beyond our understanding. My prayers!

Going back into a Behe discussions, which Pierre and others took a great interest in:

March 2019

A: No. There is no evolution as you are thinking.

Q: (Joe) I thought you were saying that basically there IS evolution, but then these small organisms...

(L) No, that's not what I'm saying! I'm saying if you look, you can see where they created parts. And every time you can see where they did something and then it went along. If you look at the book, you see each world of... There was the Slime World. It came to an end. When the slime world ended, then there was another world. Okay, still some slime survived, but the new world had tube creatures. Then that world ended, and another one started that was plant creatures.

(Joe) Okay, so there's no development from one to the next.

(Pierre) I have an analogy, and I'd like to know if it's correct. You see in the history of the planet these cycles of mass extinctions, and bursts of life. Recurring. An analogy between those cosmic cycles and engineering at a human level is toss the old blueprint, and start a new one.

(Joe) So each stage is discrete.

(Pierre) Is it a correct analogy?

A: Yes but that does not mean that all designs are useless.

Q: (L) It's like...

(Pierre) You have some parts that go through a lot of different animals that are more and more evolved, but the part stays more or less the same.

A: Here is an analogy: You could use a horse drawn wagon as a chassis for an automobile.

(Pierre) Ah, okay...{:-)}

It isn't perfect, but it is a step.

(Pierre) Yes.

A: Human souls were put into Neanderthal to incubate and induce direct DNA changes. There is so much to this topic that it could take a very long time to explain it all. Best to continue to study and think and network. Look at the book. It is all there for those with eyes to see. Love is the human manifestation of creative energy.

Happy designing and engineering from the future, Pierre - with all our 3d love. :hug2:


The Ugly:

As for the overall Chaos that foreshadows our present and future days, for awhile anyway, this catastrophize long in the making with many trial runs, reminded me of old fiction by Ludlum - initially could not recall which, although it was a theme in his many books - Chaos. The one thought of was The Matarese Circle.

From Dr. John Colman's The Committee of 300, he mentioned this book (Pg. 111) - or movie actually that was never made by David Cronenberg (recall from Colman (gran of salt and all) that this is from 1991):

But with the coming of the New World Order-One World Government, far-reaching experiments will be stepped up to drive mans God-given yearning for freedom out of his mind, body and soul. What we are already experiencing is but nothing, a mere bagatelle, when compared with what is to come. Attacking the soul is the thrust of a host of experiments being readied, and I regret to say that institutions in the United States will play a leading role in the terrible experiments which have already been carried out on local small-scale levels at such places as Bethesda Naval Hospital and Vacaville prison in California.

The movies we have seen thus far include the James Bond series, the "Assassination Bureau," the "Matarese Circle" and so on. They were make-believe movies, designed to hide the truth that such organizations do exist and on a far greater scale than even Hollywood's fertile idea-men could dream up.

From The Matarese Countdown (much later sequel to The Matarese Circle):

"The Mediterranean, the fires. It will start in the Middle East, and as the sun moves west, so will the chaos. Slowly at first, then gathering momentum, until within a few weeks or months there'll be economic paralysis. Everywhere."

Buckle up.
Thanks for the heartening session.
(Joe) His need to rest, is that normal for most people or is it particular in this case?

A: Yes. After prolonged suffering and before-death drugs.

I was thinking that rest makes a lot of sense. It must be very taxing to be here. I've found watching recent events to be exhausting, draining and depressing more than ever. Living on a planet completely infested and ruled by demons, where there is no justice, people never learn, and the "bad guys" just win over and over again. And that's before you factor in personal hardships, suffering with illness etc. I think we all need a long hot bath in 5D when this is done. For now, DCM send us strength and courage to carry on.
After reading the whole thread, I also wanted to share my feelings. Before I heard the news about Pierre's transition, a day before, I had a vision of a lighthouse. Then, like many on the forum, I felt the same emotions when I thought of him. It's comforting to think that Pierre established a bridge between the group and 5D and then 4D. To me, that's divine genius. What a great idea!
Durant les années 2004-2012, cela a été très intense. Quand je parlais aux gens, je voyais une sorte de distorsion visuelle sur les visages des gens, c'était très rebutant. Je voyais souvent des choses très étranges, comme si je voyais autre chose que le moi ordinaire en 3D en mouvement. À l'époque, j'attribuais ces visions à des attachements, parce qu'à ce moment-là, j'avais commencé à lire à leur sujet. Je pensais pouvoir voir des créatures en 4D, sur les visages des gens. Comprenez que j’étais dingue pendant ces années.
I had the same experience, but without any particular pathology. In my opinion, this experience had more to do with the opening of the coronal chakra to the reality of densities than with pathos. On the other hand, this state cannot last more than a few weeks, and I was relieved when the veil closed. So I guess your state of mind took a lot of courage.
Wonderful news that Pierre is well and resting in 5D. I expect it won't be long before he is ready to get going again. I say this not because I knew him personally but by all the information about him I read in the "Pierre" thread. I will, of course, include him in my prayers. I suspected that the Israeli's were behind the whole Gazza mess. They have no interest in coming to a peaceful agreement about the situation but are just interested in warmongering and killing. To kill their own people is the lowest of the low. I am happy to hear the news that people are awakening to reality. It is sad that they have to achieve that state by suffering but I suppose that is the way it has to be. A fuel crisis seems to be on the cards by the sound of it also.
Thank you Laura for the new session. I am glad Pierre is resting, mostly fulfilled his 3D Plan and will be meeting in 4D. It was a heck of journey for him.
(Andromeda) Did he on some level choose the timing such as he did, even if he was shocked at how quick it came?

A: Yes. His 5D self called him home.

Q: (Joe) Does everybody have a 5D self?

A: Yes. Those with souls.

Q: (Joe) Do people with souls have 2D selves?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) And 1D selves?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) So is it kind of like fractal consciousness?

A: Yes
This is interesting and raises some confusion related to Organic Portals.
  • 5D Souls are not created and exist for ever. I guess they fall under 2 categories (at least)
    • individual souls
    • and group souls
  • Organic portals are supposed to be bridge between 2D and 3D.
  • 2D learns its lessons as a group soul. so all lessons for the group.
Are the Souls with 2D selves graduated to early 3D are different from Organic Portals? Probably I am missing some thing.
Q: (V) What is the "origin" of these organic portal human types? In the scheme of creation, where did they come from?

A: They were originally part of the bridge between 2nd density and 3rd density. Review transcripts on the subject of short wave cycles and long wave cycles.
Souls constantly evolve from 2D to 3D. the word "originally" made me think are these "organic portals" are some sort of "mutation" to that natural 2D to 3D process? If so, how and when it happened? Is it related to introducing human souls in to chimpanzees?

Animals has group soul. 5D self has its own fractal self. Does it mean, 5D self "outsources" its 2D self's needs to group soul?

(Joe) I think it was brought up on the forum. The Cs have said that all souls were already created from the beginning. But we have this idea that OPs and stuff can develop souls. So they are kind of mutually ... they are not compatible ideas, right? And the idea that OPs come back to the soul pool, and keep coming back and forth, so, what is the deal there? If all souls are already created, is there no progression from an OP point of view into... or is it a group soul type of thing?

A: No. A group soul can differentiate. Same "amount" of soul "stuff".

(Joe) OK. So, it's just levels of souls, then, right?

A: Yes
quotes are saying there is more to it.
  • "Amount" - I guess it is experience
  • "stuff" - consciousness
"A group soul can differentiate". Then what? that OP group soul "fragment" becomes individual soul? I am not sure whether I am expressing the question properly.

(Adobe) In much of the NDE, and karmic studies, the STS path entities are under-represented. Can you help with understanding why?

(Adobe via Zoom) Am I still on? We've been discussing that on the Near Death Experience or Afterlife thread, and in reading through the books, we're going, "Hey, where's all the baddies?" You know, when you hear the near death experience and the karmic stuff, you always hear these great, wonderful stories. If someone dies and it's all wonderful and they come back and it's all wonderful and it's like, "Hey, is there any bad over there?" Where are the service to self people that are putting together a program for their next life where they're gonna do real bad stuff? They're coming down here to learn how to be baddies. So there's no stories of that. So why is the negative side of the other dimensions and densities unrepresented when we go to read about near death and karmic stuff? Well, some of the stuff does, like the recent movie, and I forget the name of it, the 'Astral City' and also Wicklands '30 years among Dead'. They do represent some negativity, but it's generally lost souls not far from us. So let's get back to the question. Okay. Why is the negativity less represented in the truth at 5D?

A: 5th density does not work that way. Negative entities are intensely entropic and sort of gravitationally enclosed so as to give them the opportunity to reflect on their choices. They may then decide to try again but it is rare for the truly negative to reincarnate. They are subsumed.

Q: (PoB) So why there are not less and less of them on the earth?

(L) Well, I think it's because the negativity draws from... I mean so many what we call negative individuals are like psychopaths, which is like a defective OP. They don't really have a reincarnating soul anyway. They're just a portal for negative 4D STS energies to enter into the world. And there's plenty of OPs. Plus the fact that the normal soul - and you use "normal" kind of loosely - is always subjected to the pool of STS by virtue of being in the body and being subjected to all of the temptations and the vicissitudes of life in a more-or-less unfriendly environment. Earth is really kind of not a really friendly place with all of its things that just happen, but naturally. So I think that there's plenty of opportunity for negativity. And I also think that sometimes what we might consider to be a negative individual or negative entity or negative events from a larger cosmic perspective may not be that at all.

(Joe) Well, there's the idea of 4th density STS and being able to graduate, so you assume it's someone who was incarnated in 3D repeatedly over and over again and entrench themselves in an STS way of being to the point that they are eligible to take a place.

(L) I think what happens is that there are just OPs and they get utilized, they get downloaded. Is that it? I mean, when we're thinking about really negative individuals on earth, are we talking about basically OPs that get downloaded by 4D STS, which can't go any higher than 4D?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So it's a different economy altogether than that which operates for souls recycling and so forth?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) So how are 4D STS beings... How do they get to be there then if they haven't gone through, you know what I mean? I mean the natural progression for non-STS or not fully STS beings?

A: Different process. And they must achieve a high percentage of negativity in a single lifetime. And, yes, some of the extremely negative types do go directly to 4D STS.

Q: (Andromeda) Maybe they don't go to the contemplation zone. Like if some soul has a destiny, they can pass that energy... just goes into another body, but they don't need to contemplate, do they?

(Joe) It just seems to be a lot of those types. They're quite negative and supposedly there's an equal number of 4D STS and 4D STO, right? I'm just wondering, where do they all come from? How do you get an equal number?

(PoB) And they are coming in, in bigger numbers because it seems that the percentage is kind of constant through generations, let's say this 6% or whatever...

(L) Well, if you think about it, when you read Lobaczewski and he talks about the influence of pathological types on the human population and the percentage of the really negative psychopathic types and then the larger percentage of the other different pathologies that surround them, and then the even larger circle of those who are wounded or damaged in some way, who then are attracted to that sort of pathology. You see, kind of a similar thing is what's going on in 5D? They're only a few really negative ones and they might go directly to 4D because they achieved that level in a lifetime. But the others go and they experience what's described in all of the literature and they reincarnate and they have another chance and another chance. And maybe it takes a number of lifetimes of them going through this and experiencing that to choose right. To really choose. And then they may choose to go totally negative and then finally just go to a 4D as an STS. Is that close to what we're talking about here?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So you may see on the surface there's an awful lot of negativity, but the core of it is a small number of essential psychopaths and then the ever widening circles of lesser and lesser pathologies and then out to normal people. How many normal people do and have done and will do and are driven to or inspired to, or drawn into doing very, very bad things even though they're maybe not essentially evil, right?

(Joe) They can go and make amends and they learn through a lot. They're just saying that most people aren't that way inclined. That's why, in answer to the question, that's why you don't, in the literarature, you don't see much in the way of negative entities or beings or demons, whatever, hanging out in 5D, cuz that's not what 5D is for essentially.

(L) The essential nature of the negative entity is not to be sharing, right? So they're having an experience, they would be in their own zone. And that zone is kind of...

(Joe) Closed off, segregated.

(L) Is that also close to the way it is?

A: Yes
Thank you all @ the chateau and elsewhere for this session! I am also glad to hear that Pierre made it safely to the other side. That the world is dealing with an inside job in Israel was rather more than less evident from what some eyewhitnesses told about the actions of the IDF on october 7th, that most peeps died in the heavy crossfire of the IDF...
Thanks for this session!

It will be very interesting to see what will happen in the Middle East this month. Either way, lots of innocent people on both sides will die due to fanaticism ( at the lower levels) and manipulation ( at the higher). If Israel where to perish then I wonder what people would say about biblical prophecy?

All of the tension building up among the people that live in the US, I wonder what will be the last straw that sets off civil war and destruction. As of now, my guesses are something happens to Trump or something to do with Biden getting re-elected.

Very interesting times up ahead. If things are going to be moving faster down here, I can’t imagine what’s going on in the cosmos. Thank you all and God Bless! Thank you Pierre for all the knowledge you shared with us! Rest in Peace.
Thank you all for the new session.

Q: (L) Okay. Anything else about Pierre?

(Andromeda) Is it more likely that we'll see him in 5D or will he be born again?

(Scottie) That's cheating! [laughter]

A: Latter. In 4D!

Q: (Andromeda) Born again in 4D.
Glad to hear that Pierre is doing well🙏, that he has passed 3D school and will meet people he loves in 4D.❤️
That suggests that the the forum is on the right path, and need to keep up with work. 💪🏻
So then I was thinking about soul groups and that ultimately there is only one big "soul" that is unified at 7D (according to the Cs). From there it splits into replicas of itself, and let's say a certain number 'populate' 6D, and then a certain number (perhaps larger) of replicas of those 'populate' 5D and then replicas of those 'populate' 4D and replicas of those 'populate' 3D, and on down to 1D. Although these replicas are increasing less 'dense' in terms of vibration or information as they move down, they are perfect replicas of those 'higher' and 'more dense' soul groups and are most connected to the group from which they are immediate replicas. Those would be our "higher selves" perhaps, and as we move up through the densities, each replica 'merges' with the higher level soul group to which it belongs.

That's maybe why the Cs say (paraphrasing) that "the sum total of all knowledge/information is contained within you" and that it's "fun to see how much you can access". A very crude analogy would be matrioshka dolls. Each smaller doll is a replica of the bigger ones and can neatly fit inside ('merge') with the next bigger one.
Good explanation Joe, thank you, That is how I see it and understand it from all the informations I've gathered so far.
A: More to come. Just wait and see. Things are getting interesting and will move fast for the next several months as more and more people wake up to reality.

Q: (Andromeda) So people will be waking up.

(L) Does that mean people will be suffering more, causing them to wake up?

A: Indeed!

Q: (Joe) Several months.

(Niall) The next several months. Remember the guy's prediction, that Vedic astrologer?

(Gaby) From October to April will be interesting.

(Joe) So we don't get a break.

(L) Anything else? No. Okay. So if there's anything else we need to know, consider the open question asked.

A: Sit tight. Good things can come out of chaos. Goodbye.
Looks like there will be no break anymore, sit tight and prepare popcorns. :cool2:
I'm so happy to read about Pierre, I was thinking of him yesterday when walking in the cold with a mild rain.. and I got this cascade of warm feelings inside me, little bit strange but made me happy for whatever reason.
Thank you for this very rewarding session. Knowing that Pierre ♥️ is in a better place is encouraging and a motivation to keep trying to see the truth of events.
A: The change is coming and 4D masters are getting desperate.
It is as true as it is perceived in the energy of the atmosphere and I am very happy about it.

Once again thanks to Laura, Andromeda and all those who made this session possible.
What about a general western banking collapse? Stock markets are diving and the bond markets are seeing higher and higher yields. There is an ongoing process of de-dollarisation, which will only get worse as the US gets dragged more and more into the Middle East conflict and countries increasingly ditch their holdings of T-Bonds.

Didn't the C's say that the elite will see their wealth, and thus their power to control countries and events, collapse, as in a "Triple bad day for the Rockefellers"?
Q: The wave is gonna happen and how we meet it depends on what we do to prepare and that we can...

A: Yes. And there are a lot of the "elite" who will go under. As we once said it will be a "triple bad day" for Rockefeller and his ilk.


A: Sure! Karma gets its day too! Review session re: Triple cycle rhythms on a cosmic scale.

Q: (L) If I remember correctly, there was something said like when something comes... What do they call those things? Those cycles? Biorhythms! They said something about a triple bad day if you're John D. Rockefeller, and a good day if you're Mahatma Gandhi. Is that what you were referring to?

A: Yes.
It is interesting that the Rothchilds have been recently selling off their assets. Why would they do that?

"Have the Rothschilds fallen on hard times?

I have no idea what is going on or what the motivation is, but the story is real: the Rothschilds are suddenly auctioning off assets expected to fetch millions upon millions of dollars at auction.

The Auction is being ran by famed auction house Christies and even has an entire website dedicated to it which you can view here:"

This October, Christie’s is honored to present Rothschild Masterpieces, a series of auctions in New York. With collections dating back to the late 18th century, the Rothschilds are famed for their curated trove of extraordinary works of fine and decorative arts that form the interiors of their homes across Europe.
This selection of highlights is part of a sale that comes from the collection of Baron James de Rothschild, his wife Betty and their sons Baron Alphonse and Baron Gustave. So lavish were the interiors of their houses in Paris and at the Château de Ferrières that this style became known as ‘goût Rothschild’.
The collection to be offered includes important maiolica produced in Renaissance Italy, hardstone boxes, silver and silver-gilt sculptures, European furniture and tapestries, Limoges enamels, Old Master paintings, 17th-century jewellery and a set of remarkable painted leather panels from Weißenstein castle in Pommersfelden, Germany.
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