Session 28 October 2023

Thank you very much for this session and especially for the news about Pierre's transition to 5D. I am very happy that his paradigm shift went well and that he is now receiving the best energetic care for his healing. He must be "aux p'tits oiseaux" (this is a Quebec (Canada) expression that means happy. To be 'aux petits oiseaux' is to be "aux anges", to be in seventh heaven, to be delighted).

I never knew him either, but I loved reading his articles on various subjects. And what's special is that on the evening of 20 October (it was 11pm in Quebec but 5am in France on 21 October) while reading in a forum thread, I got to thinking about Pierre's last topic Mass Extinctions, Evolutionary Leaps, and the Virus-Information Connection, where I wondered if there'd been anything new in the last few months. Then, when I checked the 'What's new' tab, I saw the publication about his departure. It was quite a shock, especially as I'd just been thinking about his research work. I wasn't aware of the illness he had, so it made me realise just how much willpower, creative energy and, above all, self-sacrifice he had, and how happy he was to share his knowledge with us. I'll always be grateful for all the work he's done in 3D and I hope that one day I'll have the joy of meeting him in either 5D or 4D.

His death also triggered my realisation that it was time to read the 2 books I'd been meaning to order one day. So I did, and these will be my next reads.

Indeed, we all feel that we are getting closer and closer to these tribulations, but that our deliverance will also be part of them. On the other hand, I have to admit that this will require a lot of letting go and a lot of work. I'm very close to my family, but I'm the only one who sees the future differently from the other family members. But what saddens me most is that I have a daughter with an intellectual disability and I hope with all my heart that she won't suffer too much in all this upheaval.

I'm filled with contradictory emotions of joy and sadness. Thank you again from the bottom of my heart for this session.💖

Merci beaucoup pour cette séance et surtout pour les nouvelles concernant le passage de Pierre vers la 5D. Je suis très heureuse que son changement de paradigme s'est bien passé et que présentement il reçoit les meilleurs soins énergétiques pour sa guérison. Il doit être aux "p'tits oiseaux" (ceci est une expression québécoise (Canada) qui signifie que l'on est heureux. Être aux petits oiseaux, c'est être aux anges, être au septième ciel, être ravi.).

Moi aussi, je ne l'ai jamais connu mais j'adorais beaucoup lire ses articles sur les différents sujets. Et ce qui est particulier, c'est que le 20 octobre au soir (il était 23h00 du soir au Québec mais 5h00 du matin en France le 21 oct) tout en lisant sur un fil de discussion du forum, je me suis mise à penser à Pierre concernant son dernier sujet Mass Extinctions, Evolutionary Leaps, and the Virus-Information Connection, où je me demandais si il y avait eu du nouveau depuis les derniers mois. Alors, en vérifiant sur l'onglet "What's new", je vois la publication sur son départ. Ça été tout un choc surtout que je venais tout juste de penser à lui sur son travail de recherches. Je n'étais pas au courant concernant la maladie qu'il avait, alors ceci m'a fait réaliser toute la volonté, l'énergie créatrice et surtout le don de soi qu'il avait, et sur sa joie de partager ses connaissances avec nous. Je serai toujours reconnaissante pour tout le travail qu'il a accomplit en 3D et j'espère qu'un jour j'aurai la joie de le rencontrer soit au 5D ou 4D.
Sa mort aura aussi été pour moi le déclencheur, qu'il était temps de lire ses 2 livres que je voulais commander un jour. Alors, c'est fait et ceci sera mes prochaines lectures.
Effectivement, on le ressent tous que nous nous approchons de plus en plus des ces tribulations mais que notre délivrance en fera aussi partie. Par contre, j'avoue que ceci me demandera beaucoup de lâcher-prise et de travail. Je suis très proche de ma famille mais je suis la seule qui voit le futur différemment des autres membres de la famille. Mais ce qui m'attriste le plus, c'est que j'ai une fille ayant un handicap intellectuel et j'espère de tout cœur qu'elle ne souffrira pas trop dans tous ces chamboulements.

Je suis remplies d'émotions contradictoire de joie et de tristesse. Encore merci de tout cœur 💖 pour cette séance.
Huge thanks Laura, Andromeda and Chateau crew for such a capacious session! 👍

Great to know that Pierre is fine and soon will be ready for further step in progression to the Union with the One mission and helping others in need🤗

Interesting that Cs clarified the concept of both ways communication/link between the densities. They often mentioned that everyone is connected between the levels of realities/consciousness. It shows how we act/think/feel here and there ‘now’ - reflects and could affect what choice we make on different levels in past, present and future (expanded present formula) and vice versa. As we remember, when the moment X comes-all the fractal parts of our essence/soul will merge together (even dreadful mantises🥴). We have to be prepared to accept all of our versions and that is a not a trivial task.

@Possibility of Being, big thanks for the question asked!
The answer of Cs - No - to that project in Ukraine do sound pretty straightforward. On the other hand it leaves many questions on why so many ‘coincidences’/facts around it- are still remaining ‘hanging up in the air’. Considering that these high level planners/cabalists do not usually undertake anything spontaneously, so to say. Speculating here-could all that narrative be a distraction from other/parallel prepared steps?
Or might it be the Cs answered in a way, so Zionists will not be able in the end to fulfill that mission (would be out of time for example🤔).
As the Cs later answered: ‘A: They're willing to do anything to further their goals’.
It would be interesting to know what are their real plans as soon as their deeds are leading to a worldwide misery/suffering/chaos and ultimate destruction. Imo, the task is to reveal the plan, so that the Divine cosmic mind/Universe/our collective consciousness could make it fail or at least to minimize the ‘collateral damage’.

P.S. Sitting tight, networked and helped by Higher selves with eyes wide open - is fun and inspiring🙏
To Pierre:

And so you venture forth unto the unkown a fate beyond the horizon that cannot be defined a future undefined in flux.
Treasure every moment every step to 5D and there where souls and stars rest find your own truth dear Pierre.

Glad to know that Pierre is doing well on the other side. I will keep my thoughts and prayers for him. : )

Thank you so much Laura and all her team for this extraordinary session
Q: (Joe) Does everybody have a 5D self?

A: Yes. Those with souls.
Q: (Joe) Do people with souls have 2D selves?

A: Yes
If i remember well, in the Wave series C's mentioned tht 2 cats (pets Laura) would be prometed to graduate to 3 density in they next rencarnation. So this could mean tht those who have souls they have fractal consciousness throug time? our 5D self is us from the future?
(Andromeda) Is it more likely that we'll see him in 5D or will he be born again?

(Scottie) That's cheating! [laughter]

A: Latter. In 4D!

Q: (Andromeda) Born again in 4D.
Haha! i though the same! tht was cheating question, but i really get surprise with the C's answer, Born again in 4D so those tht mean this is gonna be the last rencarnation for Laura and her team in 3D?
Thank you for this beautiful session, as much desired as necessary.
It is truly a blessing to receive this good news about Pierre.
Thank you for the questions you asked, and to the Cas for answering them with so much Love, which includes the knowledge that we need to be calm, quiet, lucid, in these moments of chaos, perhaps necessary.
Hallelujah for Pierre!!! :flowers:
A surprise session so soon, thanks for sharing. Really good to know that Pierre has transitioned to 5d smoothly, now he must contemplate his life and lessons in depth. Amazing to learn that he can now also begin planning for his future life in 4d! I find it very encouraging to learn that this pathway is possible for us as candidates. But first comes the challenge of learning the hard lessons of 3d STS reality.

The confirmation that Oct 7th was a variation on a false flag is welcome too. A cold, clinical, calculated act to further their ultimate goal, which is the Greater Israel project. That old C's quote that there is "a grave aura of danger" hanging over the Middle East springs to mind as being particularly pertinent now. It's increasingly likely that this current conflict is going to spawn greater regional troubles. Time to stay very watchful of events on the ground level. The suffering of the Palestinians seems to be endless, will there ever be justice for these poor people? Naturally we should all be scrutinising all available data and info relating to this unfolding travesty.

As an aside, it's been interesting to note that the UFO subject seems to have been all but forgotten as events worsen, yet another by-product of war. Soon we'll have more troubles to negotiate at our local levels I think, both the UK and the US seem to be unstable with regards to their governments. Elections loom on both horizons, but events may intervene before we reach this point. Time to keep a cool head that's for sure. Thanks again for this timely session!:-)
Glad to hear Pierre is OK on the other side.
Grieving going both directions? What a concept. Our bubble is not as impenetrable as it would seem at the very first look.
ATM I am reading Elsa Barker's Letters from the Afterlife: A Guide to the Other Side and although I can't find it now the man who is communicating from the afterlife to the author says more or less the same thing if I remember it correctly. That grieving hurts the deceased? Or perhaps he means unnecessary grieving as in unnecessary suffering? Because how can we not grieve the loss of a loved one, before we learn how to live with our loss and how to love our loved one in another way?

But keeping in mind that what we do here affect the people in 5D is very good to know.

It reminds me of a poem from a book by a Swedish author that I read several times when I was an adolescent. It went something like: Every time you cry on earth my grave will be filled with thorns or blood (? something negative at least). But every time you are happy and smile my grave will be filled with rose petals.
Somewhere on the Forum I read this: "worry changes the outcome of any situation". (At least I think I read it here!!!) So, let's do our best with the knowledge we have and worry not.
I think it was in one of the latest C's sessions where they said that worry can change the outcome. Thank you for the reminder!

Thank you for the session, we love you Crew! And we love you, Pierre! :love:
Thank you all for the session. Since Pierre’s passing, I’ve carried in my heart a kind of dejection, a background sadness which has waxed and waned but never fully left. Even as the days have passed, however, this has struck me as slightly odd; I didnt know Pierre nor did I have any direct interaction with him that I can recall. But his articles (and the books, one of which I still have) were insightful and extremely interesting, and his comments on the boards were always calm and helpful.

At any rate, I’m grateful for the info given by the C’s here and especially happy to hear that Pierre’s transition/recovery is coming along. His struggle through his health challenges (and his contribution despite them) is profoundly inspiring. Prayers & gratitude and love for him.

Yeah, I didn't know Pierre personally either but have been grieving for his loss pretty intensely. And also celebrating his life! As the saying goes, 'grief and praise are two wings of the same bird'. I read a book recently called On Grief and Grieving. It was very timely to read, and helped me see how 'grief illiterate' I have been - blocked up, and cold emotionally in times of loss in the past.

One aspect of grief that was unknown to me is that the experience of one loss can touch on, or open up, our other losses. This includes experiences or issues that we have not yet grieved for. So the grief can come with more grief than we are expecting. I think that's part of what I've been feeling. It's different for each person.

One of the things Pierre has taught me with his passing is that we are becoming more and more similar to Paul's 'body of Christ' - many souls forming one body, one community.

1 Cor 12:
But God has composed the body and has given greater honor to the parts that lacked it, so that there should be no division in the body, but that its members should have mutual concern for one another. If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.

Now you are the body of Christ, and each of you is a member of it.

If the body loses a foot, there is a pain signal sent along our nervous system, and the way we walk has changed. When we lose a member of the group, there is also a pain signal, sent along the network, and the way we 'walk' is also changed.

In the energetic way, we're also connected through the network of our chakras with golden filaments of love/light/knowledge. So even if we didn't know him in one way, we knew him in another, and each loved him in our own way, and the proof of this is that we feel his loss. That's the main takeaway from the book - that grief is a manifestation of love, and it needs time, attention, patience and care. It's not a negative emotion to be shut off or avoided.

I'm really glad to hear you're doing well, Pierre!
Pierre's probably thinking of all the fun he's going to have in 4th-density... lots of fun things to do I bet, and maybe he'll become a part-time chef, who knows? Thanks for the reassuring session. I guess we folks in the US and Israel better keep a sharp eye out and an open mind - open to possibilities at least. Perhaps some unique personal solutions will help deal with global problems.

Whatever out-of-the-blue stuff happens, at least knowing that what does not look very nice at the time will likely lead to positive outcomes - and the realization that what happened was needed.
Thank you for the session, and I'm glad to hear that Pierre is alright and resting!

i have looked at the site you mentioned, which is:

this site is highly interesting and possibly more explicit than the cass. it is in german. have a look.

Fwiw, there are psychics out there who say similar things. Here's one German-speaking guy who claims to be receptive to the symbolic energetic level and in touch with spiritual entities he calls his "colleagues". It's nothing really new, and he himself is conscious of the open nature of the future and what he describes are essentially shifting timelines that are not set in stone, but here's a DeepL translation of his latest where he talks about the US (take it with a grain of salt, as always with such things):
As much as the departure of Pierre from "here" is heartbreaking, knowing that he's at peace and resting is heartwarming. They are lucky to have his smile where he is.
As for the coming energy crisis, given how the Earth and the weather is behaving at this time, one wonders if this crisis will not "coincide" with the beginning of a glaciation. In fact, maybe it's already started?
Thank you for the session. As everyone is, I'm relieved to hear Pierre is at peace. Taking stock of this life then preparing for his next adventure.
I was kind of sad as I sometimes stop praying after people have passed after a couple of weeks. I shall remember to converse with my lost loved ones and friends who have left us on a regular basis.
It wasn't a suprise what the C's said about Israel. My first thought was how could they let Hamas across the border. Far too convenient!
The knowledge on the threads on our wonderful forum are priceless. I'd be so sad if I lost contact with the group but I feel anything could happen over the coming months. Hopefully my connection is strong enough to the group.
If i lost my instant finger tip access I feel it would be very difficult for me and others. Though I have a family/friends to care and share with here.
I've been member/visitor here for many years now. Unfortunately I've not met anyone in person. Who knows, I hope one day I can. I love the wonderful people who created this space. You have shared your life, love, books and knowledge with us all. I can't possibly repay what you have done for me and others. Although I've got so much still to learn. You game me some understanding of the wonderful, complex world we live in. Also other members and guests who all played a part in creating this unique space.
Thank you to all the chateau crew. You have been hit so hard by the loss of our beloved Pierre. Though through this grief for our lost brother. There has been such an outpouring of love for Pierre, the loss appears to have brought us closer together. Wondering where the roller coaster over the next few months will take us. Love to all and thanks again for all you do.
❤️ :hug2:
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