Session 29 August 2015

sitting said:
I believe those that are indifferent to the plight of others, may find themselves eventually in similar shoes. And those who are behind it all, may get it much much worse.

If I may just add -- it's the above that are truly the walking dead. They just don't know it yet.

sitting said:
JEEP said:
Your dream combined w/ the million evacuees as well as the thousands of Syrian refugee immigrants struggling to find a place to live/survive - are these people the real walking dead - dead men walking?


That's one possibility.

But I tend to think it refers to things to come -- rather then what's presently happening. Something more dire, suggested by the C's commentary in recent years.

One can speculate till the cows come home and only discover how off-base one is as the future becomes the present. And if the wallking dead specter is more dire, what to make of this:

Former British SAS soldier warns that ISIS could unleash the Black Plague

The bubonic plague has been taking hold across the west coast of America infecting people in six states and ISIS's thirst for shocking new ways to kill means an endemic is a real possibility.

It would be a "huge problem" if ISIS got hold of a virus like the plague, say experts.

IF they got a hold of it - aren't they already on the Pentagon's mailing list?

The Pentagon says that live anthrax was inadvertently shipped across state lines from a military lab in Utah. Col. Warren told the Associated Press that the government had confirmed that a single shipment meant to contain dead, or inactivated anthrax samples for research use actually contained live specimens. According to AP, Warren said the government believes eight other shipments contained similarly live samples.

The samples in question were shipped to labs in Texas, Maryland, Wisconsin, Delaware, New Jersey, Tennessee, New York, California and Virginia, according to AP.

In actuality:

September 11, 2015 - Army lab in Maryland has reportedly mishandled, mislabeled and accidentally shipped plague bacteria. This comes after a military lab in Utah sent out anthrax to almost 200 labs in all states and 9 countries.

Well, Washington, DC is the porn watching capital of the country - one could imagine how that might impact work performance.

I agree w/ you that the souless creatures behind all these Machiavellian machinations are the real walking dead but are incapable of recognizing it. Do predators ever have empathy for their prey?
JEEP said:
In actuality:

September 11, 2015 - Army lab in Maryland has reportedly mishandled, mislabeled and accidentally shipped plague bacteria. This comes after a military lab in Utah sent out anthrax to almost 200 labs in all states and 9 countries.

That statement reminds me, that because of "Free Will" they have to announce (mask) their intensions and hope we take the bait?

The Pentagon fails to identify, "What type of labs" received the shipments that the Army lab mishandled, mislabeled and accidently (on purpose) shipped?

Then consider this situation:

Children in the US receive 49 DOSES OF 14 VACCINES BEFORE AGE 6.


After completion of the childhood vaccinations, the Adult immunization plan kicks in at age 19: CDC recommends 72 vaccinations between the ages of 19 and 65.
angelburst29 said:
JEEP said:
In actuality:

September 11, 2015 - Army lab in Maryland has reportedly mishandled, mislabeled and accidentally shipped plague bacteria. This comes after a military lab in Utah sent out anthrax to almost 200 labs in all states and 9 countries.

That statement reminds me, that because of "Free Will" they have to announce (mask) their intensions and hope we take the bait?

The Pentagon fails to identify, "What type of labs" received the shipments that the Army lab mishandled, mislabeled and accidently (on purpose) shipped?

Then consider this situation:

Children in the US receive 49 DOSES OF 14 VACCINES BEFORE AGE 6.


After completion of the childhood vaccinations, the Adult immunization plan kicks in at age 19: CDC recommends 72 vaccinations between the ages of 19 and 65.

Sometimes I can understand why the general population keeps going along seemingly oblivious to all that's transpiring around them. When even someone who is clued in encounters the latest shocking revelation of actual truth, it's just so over the top that's it's hard to process mentally/emotionally. A recent revelation that still makes me dizzy - from :

There are a number of cases in which a virus is said to be the cause of a disease—but the evidence doesn’t stand up.

I first realized this in 1987. I was writing my book, AIDS INC., Scandal of the Century.

Robert Gallo, who claimed he had found the cause of AIDS, hadn’t done proper work. From everything I read, he had discovered HIV in 35 to 60 percent of AIDS patients he had studied.

He should have been able to isolate HIV in virtually every patient.

Then there was the fact that the most popular tests for HIV, the Elisa and Western Blot, were fatally flawed. They could register positive for a whole host of reasons that had nothing to do with HIV.

And no one had found sufficient quantities of HIV in humans to justify claiming it caused any kind of illness.

My own research into the so-called high-risk groups revealed that the immune suppression in those groups could be explained by factors other than a virus.

(Note: All my research at that time assumed HIV existed. Since then, several researchers, including the Perth Group, have made compelling arguments that the existence of HIV was never demonstrated.)

And the following article fleshes this all out in great detail - :

This article is taken from a talk I gave on HIV/AIDS at the 33rd annual meeting of the Doctors for Disaster Preparedness in Ontario, California last week (some of the slides that I used for this talk are put in here). It is based on a commentary I wrote titled "A Fallacy of Modern Medicine: the HIV/AIDS Hypothesis." [1] As I will show, this fallacy has done a great injustice to people who happen to test positive for HIV, to gay men in particular. It has caused the deaths of many thousands of these young men, becoming what one might call a homosexual holocaust.

In July 1982, the name "Gay-Related Immune Deficiency" (GRID) went down the Orwellian memory hole, to be replaced with "AIDS," acquired immune deficiency syndrome. The CDC published a list of 12 AIDS-defining diseases, shown here, consisting of various opportunistic infections and cancer. It is now known that Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia is caused by a fungus, and Kaposi's Sarcoma is not a cancer.

A particular herpes virus causes it.

These are all old diseases affecting people that have become immunocompromised. Moritz Kaposi described the supposed sarcoma named after him in 1872, and two Dutch investigators first described Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, also now called Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia, in 1942, documented in 2 infants and a 21 year old adult.

At a press conference on April 23, 1984, the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS), Margaret Heckler, announced that a virus "is the probable cause of AIDS"—a retrovirus, which came to be named HIV (human immunodeficiency virus); along with 2 more things: that a "new process has been developed to mass produce the virus"; and we now have a blood test that "can identify AIDS victims with essentially 100% certainty." HIV/AIDS came into existence by government fiat. The secretary of HHS announced this germ cause of AIDS before any studies had been published about it.

Also that day, virologist Robert Gallo, who some call the father of science by press release, submitted a patent for his HIV "antibody blood test," bringing him millions of dollars in royalties.

Gay leaders abandoned the multifactorial risk hypothesis of AIDS. If caused by a sexually transmitted virus, then AIDS is "everybody's disease," also affecting heterosexual men and women. AIDS is not prejudiced, it can kill anyone.

In this current era of gay liberation, pointing a finger at the lifestyle of homosexual men raises sensitivities. Better to go with the "no blame, virus from hell" cause of AIDS.

AIDS investigator Joan Shenton puts it this way:

"Once HIV was accepted as the cause of AIDS by the majority of gay men, a certain sense of relief entered their lives. They had seen many of their lovers and closest friends waste away before their eyes. Now they could grieve for them, knowing that HIV, this strange, novel virus, said to have come from Africa, had caused the death of their loved one... Anyone challenging the accepted viral cause of death was deeply resented, and quickly labelled homophobic. That was sacrilege."

The human immunodeficiency virus was no longer called just HIV, it became "HIV, the virus that causes AIDS," and today, simply, "HIV/AIDS."

In 1987 the CDC revised its list of AIDS diseases, now totaling 25.

The CDC added four more AIDS-indicator diseases to its list in 1992. Now you could be perfectly healthy and still have AIDS if you were found to be HIV+ and your T-cell lymphocyte count was below a certain level. Pulmonary tuberculosis was added. If you have tuberculosis and are HIV- you have tuberculosis, if you have tuberculosis and are HIV+, then you have AIDS. The CDC added cervical cancer to the list, perhaps as a way to increase the number of women having AIDS, since men continued to comprise 90 percent of all AIDS victims. With the addition of a low T-cell count, 61 percent of all new cases of AIDS are now healthy people with no disease.

AZT (zidovudine, azidothymidine, Retrovir) was the first drug the FDA approved, in 1987, for treating people who are HIV+. Critics now know that its approval was based on fraudulent research, on trials that became unblinded and were terminated prematurely. This drug was first employed for cancer chemotherapy but proved to be too toxic and oncologists stopped using it.

The patient cited on this slide, although healthy, took AZT after he was found to be HIV +. Intolerable side-effects made him stop taking it two years later. He then developed a lymphoma and died. It turns out that people who take AZT for 3 years have a 46.4 percent probability of developing lymphoma.

In the period 1988 through 1996, there were 235,000 recorded AIDS deaths. AZT caused more than 96 percent of these deaths, with 140,000 deaths occurring in HIV+ young gay men, 20-44 years old.

I had what one might call an elite education at Dartmouth and Harvard and then surgical residency training at three hospitals affiliated with Columbia University. Then I moved to Seattle and joined the surgical faculty at the University of Washington School of Medicine. But like my colleagues there, and is the case with most doctors, I lived in a knowledge cocoon, mine wrapped around adult heart surgery; and I did not question the received wisdom that a virus causes AIDS. I read little about it and accepted what our infectious disease specialists told us to do if you should get pricked by a needle or cut by a knife operating on an HIV+ patient. When I performed heart surgery on an HIV+ patient, I'd put on two pairs of gloves and the surgical team would be extra careful handling needles and knives.

This changed in 1996 when my wife and I went to our favorite bookstore in Seattle and heard Peter Duesberg, Professor of Molecular and Cell Biology at the University of California, Berkley, talk about his new book Inventing the AIDS Virus. I bought a copy and read it. It was a real eye-opener.

Dr. Duesberg shows that the germ theory AIDS fails a key test. That is Koch's four postulates for identifying the causative agent of a particular disease. First, the germ causing the disease must be found in all cases of the disease. But not with HIV.

Second, as regards isolating the virus, with HIV it can't be done. Dr. Etienne de Harven, who published the first electron microscopy picture of a retrovirus (in 1960), notes, "no one has ever observed by electron microscopy one single retroviral particle in the blood of HIV/AIDS patients."

8 percent of the human genome is composed of Human Endogenous Retroviruses (HERV), which can be mistaken for the Human Immunodeficiency Virus.

With regard to the third and fourth postulates, blood from AIDS patients injected into chimpanzees do not give them AIDS or make them become HIV+. As for injecting drugs using dirty needles, some studies show that using clean needles is associated, not with a decreased, but with an increased likelihood of becoming HIV+.

This virus lives happily incorporated in the DNA of cultured human T cells. It infects less than 1 in 10,000 T cells in the body and doesn't kill them.

The next stage in my education on HIV/AIDS occurred in 2003 at the 21st Annual Meeting of the Doctors for Disaster Preparedness (DDP) in Phoenix, where Willie Soon gave a presentation on climate change; Howard Idso, on CO2; and David Rasnick, on the causes of AIDS.

I wrote an article for about this meeting, titled "Finding Truth in Phoenix." [5] Its conclusion reads: "The three truths discussed here, on climate change, carbon dioxide, and AIDS, share one thing in common, as do other truths found at this meeting. They all correct flawed hypotheses and models that have resulted from government involvement in science and medicine."

Dr. Rasnick presented the findings of a key paper he wrote with Drs. Duesberg and Koehnlein published in the Journal of Biosciences titled "The Chemical Bases of the Various AIDS Epidemics: Recreational Drugs, Anti-viral Chemotherapy and Malnutrition." These investigators show that HIV is an innocuous, passenger virus; that AIDS is not contagious and therefore is not treatable by antiviral drugs or vaccines.

At this point, 20 years into the alleged AIDS epidemic, spreading psychological terror and toxic treatment, the "scientific truth as opposed to the politically perceived truth," as DDP's Dr. Arthur Robinson would put it, is that a virus does not cause AIDS. Other things cause acquired immune deficiency syndrome.

Well, I think you can figure out how the rest of this article went. Just a bit more regarding the $ angle of this contrived epidemic:

"The book reminds us that although over $100 billion has been spent on AIDS research, not a single AIDS patient has been cured—a colossal failure with tragic consequences.

In 2006, Dr. Duesberg and I gave talks at a Lew Rockwell conference (titled "Be Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise") held at the Center for Libertarian Studies in Foster City, California. I didn't know it at the time, but Foster City, in the Bay Area, is the home of the politically connected pharmaceutical company Gilead, the worldwide revenue leader in sales of HIV antiretroviral drugs, with more than $9 billion in sales in 2013. Donald Rumsfeld was chairman of Gilead when he resigned to become Secretary of Defense in 2001.

The U.S. government so far has spent $420 billion on HIV/AIDS programs and research. Even adjusted for inflation, this is more than it spent sending a man to the moon. It is ten times more than the $40 billion the U.S. government has spent on climate science since 1992.

With HIV care, antiretroviral drugs cost between 17,000 and 21,000 dollars per patient per year. The CEO of Gilead, John Martin, is paid $50 M a year, which makes him one of the top ten highest compensated CEOs in America.

This is a classic case of Crony Corporatism meets Bureaucratic Junk Science. Regarding pre-exposure prophylaxis for HIV, investigative reporter Terry Michaels writes:

"Tens of millions of mostly taxpayer dollars were squandered in behalf of Gilead, so the drug company could reap potential billions in new revenues, by exposing untold number of HIV negatives [people] to toxic chemotherapy."

Plus, let's not forget the horrific toll AIDS took in Africa - NOT!

In 2009, Peter Duesberg and coauthors submitted a paper titled "HIV-AIDS Hypothesis Out of Touch With S. African AIDS - A New Perspective" to the journal Medical Hypotheses.

It critiques a Harvard study which estimated 330,000 S. African AIDS deaths occurred each year in the period 2000-2005 (no actual count took place) that could have been prevented by antiretroviral drugs. Duesberg etal. show that rather than decrease, the Sub-Saharan African population has markedly increased, from 400 million in 1980 to 800 million in 2007, and up to 1.1 billion in 2013.

In Uganda, where 15 percent of Ugandan men are HIV+, overpopulation has become a central concern. The population there has tripled during the AIDS era, increasing from 12 million in 1980 to 37 million in 2013.

Geez, no wonder Bill Gates is in such a tizzy! Quick - roll out the 'life saving' vaccines w/ covert birth control pronto!

I don't know your age, but being a baby boomer, the HIV/AIDS threat was a significant occurence in my life and the source of a lot of hysteria. It remains to be seen if the fear of unvaccinated kids mingling w/ those who have been will reach the same level of crazy that the HIV/AIDS fear of contagion engendered.

I also was exposed to the whole polio fear threat as well. Those pictures of children in the iron lungs scared the crap out of me! And scared a lot of parents as well I'm sure. And that's why we all showed up in total compliance - on two separate occasions - to get our dose of the oral polio vaccine on the sugar cube. Imagine my shock on learning that I and millions of others could have gotten a little add on - Simian Virus 40!

From :

CONCLUSIONS: These data suggest that there may be an increased incidence of certain cancers among the 98 million persons exposed to contaminated polio vaccine in the U.S.

It's been speculated that Lyme disease was let loose on the public from a military facility in Conneticut. Could all that anthrax/plague virus mistakenly shipped to labs also end up as components of mandatory vaccines or just simply let loose upon the population?

Based on the above, it wouldn't be that hard to imagine.
JEEP said:
There are a number of cases in which a virus is said to be the cause of a disease—but the evidence doesn’t stand up.

I first realized this in 1987. I was writing my book, AIDS INC., Scandal of the Century.


My own research into the so-called high-risk groups revealed that the immune suppression in those groups could be explained by factors other than a virus.

(Note: All my research at that time assumed HIV existed. Since then, several researchers, including the Perth Group, have made compelling arguments that the existence of HIV was never demonstrated.)

And the following article fleshes this all out in great detail - :

This article is taken from a talk I gave on HIV/AIDS at the 33rd annual meeting of the Doctors for Disaster Preparedness in Ontario, California last week (some of the slides that I used for this talk are put in here). It is based on a commentary I wrote titled "A Fallacy of Modern Medicine: the HIV/AIDS Hypothesis." [1] As I will show, this fallacy has done a great injustice to people who happen to test positive for HIV, to gay men in particular. It has caused the deaths of many thousands of these young men, becoming what one might call a homosexual holocaust.


The human immunodeficiency virus was no longer called just HIV, it became "HIV, the virus that causes AIDS," and today, simply, "HIV/AIDS."


AZT (zidovudine, azidothymidine, Retrovir) was the first drug the FDA approved, in 1987, for treating people who are HIV+. Critics now know that its approval was based on fraudulent research, on trials that became unblinded and were terminated prematurely. This drug was first employed for cancer chemotherapy but proved to be too toxic and oncologists stopped using it.


I had what one might call an elite education at Dartmouth and Harvard and then surgical residency training at three hospitals affiliated with Columbia University. Then I moved to Seattle and joined the surgical faculty at the University of Washington School of Medicine.

The next stage in my education on HIV/AIDS occurred in 2003 at the 21st Annual Meeting of the Doctors for Disaster Preparedness (DDP) in Phoenix, where Willie Soon gave a presentation on climate change; Howard Idso, on CO2; and David Rasnick, on the causes of AIDS.

I wrote an article for about this meeting, titled "Finding Truth in Phoenix." [5] Its conclusion reads: "The three truths discussed here, on climate change, carbon dioxide, and AIDS, share one thing in common, as do other truths found at this meeting. They all correct flawed hypotheses and models that have resulted from government involvement in science and medicine."

Dr. Rasnick presented the findings of a key paper he wrote with Drs. Duesberg and Koehnlein published in the Journal of Biosciences titled "The Chemical Bases of the Various AIDS Epidemics: Recreational Drugs, Anti-viral Chemotherapy and Malnutrition." These investigators show that HIV is an innocuous, passenger virus; that AIDS is not contagious and therefore is not treatable by antiviral drugs or vaccines.

At this point, 20 years into the alleged AIDS epidemic, spreading psychological terror and toxic treatment, the "scientific truth as opposed to the politically perceived truth," as DDP's Dr. Arthur Robinson would put it, is that a virus does not cause AIDS. Other things cause acquired immune deficiency syndrome.


I don't know your age, but being a baby boomer, the HIV/AIDS threat was a significant occurence in my life and the source of a lot of hysteria. It remains to be seen if the fear of unvaccinated kids mingling w/ those who have been will reach the same level of crazy that the HIV/AIDS fear of contagion engendered.

I also was exposed to the whole polio fear threat as well. Those pictures of children in the iron lungs scared the crap out of me! And scared a lot of parents as well I'm sure. And that's why we all showed up in total compliance - on two separate occasions - to get our dose of the oral polio vaccine on the sugar cube. Imagine my shock on learning that I and millions of others could have gotten a little add on - Simian Virus 40!

From :

CONCLUSIONS: These data suggest that there may be an increased incidence of certain cancers among the 98 million persons exposed to contaminated polio vaccine in the U.S.

It's been speculated that Lyme disease was let loose on the public from a military facility in Conneticut. Could all that anthrax/plague virus mistakenly shipped to labs also end up as components of mandatory vaccines or just simply let loose upon the population?

Based on the above, it wouldn't be that hard to imagine.

Very much appreciate the information, Jeep and the fact that you have taken an active roll in research and hands-on-application of exposing the truth.

You're right, many of the truth's surfacing, do seem to be "over the top" in processing because they're in front of our face but we never thought to look under the veil. I think, part of the problem is that we have been conditioned to except things at face value, that when something does come out in the open, we're either too afraid to acknowledge it or retract in embarrassment because the truth was so simple.

Being simple minded, I could never grasp the concept of "vaccine." Why try to fix something- that isn't broken? As stated in my last reply, " 49 DOSES OF 14 VACCINES BEFORE AGE 6" - if the child was born normal (for our species), what am I fixing? Then another 72 by the time they reach 62 y.o. (if they live that long)? Isn't that "another species?" We're nothing more than a walking "medicine cabinet!" Maybe the rumors that Earth is quarantined is more than a myth?

I'm a baby boomer, too and I remember having to line up in the School gym for our Polio treatment. Who knew then - that it was the beginning of a real nightmare?
It is interesting to note that the Cs did not answer the question, yes or no, whether the earth was flat or not.

Q: (L) Okay. What other problems to we have to deal with? Oh... Well, let's just get on to the main one here. Hey! Is the Earth flat?

A: I can't believe you would even ask!!!

Q: (L) You didn't answer the question! [laughter] Well, of course you know the reason I'm asking. I know you're trying to be a little humorous here, but the reason I'm asking is because this is just like... I mean, there is this CRAZY group of people who are claiming this Dark City kind of reality is what really exists in our world. They've take conspiracy theory to the ultimate extreme. They're preaching the Gospel of the Flat Earth.

A: Disintegration and ultimate soul smashing takes many forms and pathways!!!!

This last answer from the Cs is also enigmatic. It could equally refer to the 'disintegrative beliefs' of the ball earth theory as the flat earth theory.
The Cs are not permitted to challenge our deeply held belief systems because we need to discover the truth on our own. It would be problematic for them to confirm a flat earth at this time due to the tremendous cognitive dissonace that would be created. We need to use our own intelligence and senses to discover the truth ourselves.
Djc123 said:
It is interesting to note that the Cs did not answer the question, yes or no, whether the earth was flat or not.

Q: (L) Okay. What other problems to we have to deal with? Oh... Well, let's just get on to the main one here. Hey! Is the Earth flat?

A: I can't believe you would even ask!!!

Maybe you're not familiar with the Cs sessions, but that was a very clear "no".
Perceval said:
Djc123 said:
It is interesting to note that the Cs did not answer the question, yes or no, whether the earth was flat or not.

Q: (L) Okay. What other problems to we have to deal with? Oh... Well, let's just get on to the main one here. Hey! Is the Earth flat?

A: I can't believe you would even ask!!!

Maybe you're not familiar with the Cs sessions, but that was a very clear "no".


I agree.

A: Disintegration and ultimate soul smashing takes many forms and pathways!!!!

Holding on to "beliefs" and then finally realizing they were just lies is going to be too much for many I think.

The Cs are saying don't wait for the Wave it is here already if you have the eyes to see and the ears to hear.

We best be on our way I think.

Session 28 November 2009
Q: (L) You once said that the wave was something like "hyperkinetic sensate". And I've often wondered if that means that it's something that massively amplifies whatever is inside an individual? And if that were the case and they were full of a lot of unpleasant, painful, miserable feelings, repressed and suppressed thoughts and so forth, and something that was hyperkinetic sensate amplified all of that, what would it do to that individual? I mean, can you imagine any of us in our worst state of feeling yucky and then having that amplified a bazillion times? If it was bad stuff inside you, you would implode!

A: Soul smashing!

Q: (L) So it is really important for people to go through this process of cleansing to prepare themselves for that?

A: Yes, then they will "rise up with wings as eagles"!
angelburst29 said:
JEEP said:
There are a number of cases in which a virus is said to be the cause of a disease—but the evidence doesn’t stand up.

I first realized this in 1987. I was writing my book, AIDS INC., Scandal of the Century.


My own research into the so-called high-risk groups revealed that the immune suppression in those groups could be explained by factors other than a virus.

(Note: All my research at that time assumed HIV existed. Since then, several researchers, including the Perth Group, have made compelling arguments that the existence of HIV was never demonstrated.)

And the following article fleshes this all out in great detail - :

This article is taken from a talk I gave on HIV/AIDS at the 33rd annual meeting of the Doctors for Disaster Preparedness in Ontario, California last week (some of the slides that I used for this talk are put in here). It is based on a commentary I wrote titled "A Fallacy of Modern Medicine: the HIV/AIDS Hypothesis." [1] As I will show, this fallacy has done a great injustice to people who happen to test positive for HIV, to gay men in particular. It has caused the deaths of many thousands of these young men, becoming what one might call a homosexual holocaust.


The human immunodeficiency virus was no longer called just HIV, it became "HIV, the virus that causes AIDS," and today, simply, "HIV/AIDS."


AZT (zidovudine, azidothymidine, Retrovir) was the first drug the FDA approved, in 1987, for treating people who are HIV+. Critics now know that its approval was based on fraudulent research, on trials that became unblinded and were terminated prematurely. This drug was first employed for cancer chemotherapy but proved to be too toxic and oncologists stopped using it.


I had what one might call an elite education at Dartmouth and Harvard and then surgical residency training at three hospitals affiliated with Columbia University. Then I moved to Seattle and joined the surgical faculty at the University of Washington School of Medicine.

The next stage in my education on HIV/AIDS occurred in 2003 at the 21st Annual Meeting of the Doctors for Disaster Preparedness (DDP) in Phoenix, where Willie Soon gave a presentation on climate change; Howard Idso, on CO2; and David Rasnick, on the causes of AIDS.

I wrote an article for about this meeting, titled "Finding Truth in Phoenix." [5] Its conclusion reads: "The three truths discussed here, on climate change, carbon dioxide, and AIDS, share one thing in common, as do other truths found at this meeting. They all correct flawed hypotheses and models that have resulted from government involvement in science and medicine."

Dr. Rasnick presented the findings of a key paper he wrote with Drs. Duesberg and Koehnlein published in the Journal of Biosciences titled "The Chemical Bases of the Various AIDS Epidemics: Recreational Drugs, Anti-viral Chemotherapy and Malnutrition." These investigators show that HIV is an innocuous, passenger virus; that AIDS is not contagious and therefore is not treatable by antiviral drugs or vaccines.

At this point, 20 years into the alleged AIDS epidemic, spreading psychological terror and toxic treatment, the "scientific truth as opposed to the politically perceived truth," as DDP's Dr. Arthur Robinson would put it, is that a virus does not cause AIDS. Other things cause acquired immune deficiency syndrome.


I don't know your age, but being a baby boomer, the HIV/AIDS threat was a significant occurence in my life and the source of a lot of hysteria. It remains to be seen if the fear of unvaccinated kids mingling w/ those who have been will reach the same level of crazy that the HIV/AIDS fear of contagion engendered.

I also was exposed to the whole polio fear threat as well. Those pictures of children in the iron lungs scared the crap out of me! And scared a lot of parents as well I'm sure. And that's why we all showed up in total compliance - on two separate occasions - to get our dose of the oral polio vaccine on the sugar cube. Imagine my shock on learning that I and millions of others could have gotten a little add on - Simian Virus 40!

From :

CONCLUSIONS: These data suggest that there may be an increased incidence of certain cancers among the 98 million persons exposed to contaminated polio vaccine in the U.S.

It's been speculated that Lyme disease was let loose on the public from a military facility in Conneticut. Could all that anthrax/plague virus mistakenly shipped to labs also end up as components of mandatory vaccines or just simply let loose upon the population?

Based on the above, it wouldn't be that hard to imagine.

Very much appreciate the information, Jeep and the fact that you have taken an active roll in research and hands-on-application of exposing the truth.

You're right, many of the truth's surfacing, do seem to be "over the top" in processing because they're in front of our face but we never thought to look under the veil. I think, part of the problem is that we have been conditioned to except things at face value, that when something does come out in the open, we're either too afraid to acknowledge it or retract in embarrassment because the truth was so simple.

Being simple minded, I could never grasp the concept of "vaccine." Why try to fix something- that isn't broken? As stated in my last reply, " 49 DOSES OF 14 VACCINES BEFORE AGE 6" - if the child was born normal (for our species), what am I fixing? Then another 72 by the time they reach 62 y.o. (if they live that long)? Isn't that "another species?" We're nothing more than a walking "medicine cabinet!" Maybe the rumors that Earth is quarantined is more than a myth?

I'm a baby boomer, too and I remember having to line up in the School gym for our Polio treatment. Who knew then - that it was the beginning of a real nightmare?

Thank you both for your input. It certainly is a dark landscape to ponder. But at least we know what they are doing to us and why the Cs are letting us know about "parasites" and the need for getting rid of them.

What the control system is doing really is apparent in the things you have shared. It has started to sink into me what the Cs are saying here:,39067.msg590456.html#msg590456
Q: (Pierre) Yeah. The parasites act as receivers. So when you are full of parasites, you are more under the influence of bad waves, or waves sent by bad entities. You're more susceptible to those messages. There's a bad influence on you beyond the parasites.

A: Getting free of parasitic microorganisms is one of the first orders of business for transformation.

Just before that in the same session quoting from August 9, 1997 transcript:

Q: I know that. I have already figured that one out! But, it seems that no one else has made this connection. I mean, the bloodlines that converge in the Percys and the Mortimers are incredible!

A: You should know that these bloodlines become parasitically infected, harassed and tinkered with whenever a quantum leap of awareness is imminent.

Q: Whenever a quantum leap...

A: Such as "now."

Trying to be "optimistic" the only thing I can think of is:

Session 4 July 2015
Q: (Galatea) How do you remain optimistic?
A: It is always darkest before dawn.
Q: (Perceval) Would it be true to say that it hasn't yet gotten as dark
as it's going to get?
A: Probably. Recall that this is necessary to awaken those who are
still dreaming. Those of you who see and know must be ready to
guide those who stumble into the light with blinded eyes. Thus it is
necessary for all who do see to remain steadfast and continue
allowing their awareness to transmit cosmic energy. Think of it as
similar to your activities in Praha, though on a grander scale.
Djc123 said:
It is interesting to note that the Cs did not answer the question, yes or no, whether the earth was flat or not.

Q: (L) Okay. What other problems to we have to deal with? Oh... Well, let's just get on to the main one here. Hey! Is the Earth flat?

A: I can't believe you would even ask!!!

Q: (L) You didn't answer the question! [laughter] Well, of course you know the reason I'm asking. I know you're trying to be a little humorous here, but the reason I'm asking is because this is just like... I mean, there is this CRAZY group of people who are claiming this Dark City kind of reality is what really exists in our world. They've take conspiracy theory to the ultimate extreme. They're preaching the Gospel of the Flat Earth.

A: Disintegration and ultimate soul smashing takes many forms and pathways!!!!

This last answer from the Cs is also enigmatic. It could equally refer to the 'disintegrative beliefs' of the ball earth theory as the flat earth theory.
The Cs are not permitted to challenge our deeply held belief systems because we need to discover the truth on our own. It would be problematic for them to confirm a flat earth at this time due to the tremendous cognitive dissonace that would be created. We need to use our own intelligence and senses to discover the truth ourselves.

Hello Djc123, :welcome: to the forum, this being his first post, we invite makes his presentation the dash of newbies here;,39.0.html

You can tell us how he found this forum, the books that are familiar, if you've read the books of Laura, something that you feel comfortable, and allow us to know him a little. :flowers:
goyacobol said:
angelburst29 said:
JEEP said:
My own research into the so-called high-risk groups revealed that the immune suppression in those groups could be explained by factors other than a virus.

Very much appreciate the information, Jeep and the fact that you have taken an active roll in research and hands-on-application of exposing the truth.

Thank you both for your input. It certainly is a dark landscape to ponder. But at least we know what they are doing to us and why the Cs are letting us know about "parasites" and the need for getting rid of them.

What the control system is doing really is apparent in the things you have shared. It has started to sink into me what the Cs are saying here:,39067.msg590456.html#msg590456
Q: (Pierre) Yeah. The parasites act as receivers. So when you are full of parasites, you are more under the influence of bad waves, or waves sent by bad entities. You're more susceptible to those messages. There's a bad influence on you beyond the parasites.

A: Getting free of parasitic microorganisms is one of the first orders of business for transformation.

The control system and the Pharmaceuticals are making sure, if we want to address parasites and eradicate them from our systems, using their drugs, we will have to pay a "premium" for their concoctions. I doubt, the affordable care programs - ObamaCare or SilverScriptLife (Medicare) will pick up the hefty tabs for the average American? So, only "the few" will be served.

Company hikes price 5,000% for drug that fights complication of AIDS, cancer

September 18, 2015 - A drug treating a common parasite that attacks people with weakened immune systems increased in cost 5,000% to $750 per pill.

At a time of heightened attention to the rising cost of prescription drugs, doctors who treat patients with AIDS and cancer are denouncing the new cost to treat a condition that can be life-threatening.

Turing Pharmaceuticals of New York raised the price of Daraprim from $13.50 per pill to $750 per pill last month, shortly after purchasing the rights to the drug from Impax Laboratories. Turing has exclusive rights to market Daraprim (pyrimethamine), on the market since 1953.

Daraprim fights toxoplasmosis, the second most common food-borne disease, which can easily infect people whose immune systems have been weakened by AIDS, chemotherapy or even pregnancy, according to the Centers for Disease Control.

“This is a tremendous increase," said Judith Aberg, a spokesperson for the HIV Medicine Association. Even patients with insurance could have trouble affording the medication, she said. That's because insurance companies often put high-price drugs in the "specialty" category, requiring patients to pay hundreds or even thousands of dollars a year. Patients whose insurance plans require them to pay 20% of the cost — a common practice — would shell out $150 a pill.

About 60 million people in the United States may carry the Toxoplasma parasite, according to the CDC.

(And this on fast tracking vaccines ... )
NVIC Questions FDA Fast Tracking of Squalene Adjuvanted Flu Vaccine

The non-profit National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) is questioning the basis for the fast tracked licensure by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of a squalene-adjuvanted influenza vaccine for use in seniors over age 65. The Novartis MF59 adjuvanted Fluad vaccine was approved for accelerated licensure by the FDA Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) on Sept. 15, 2015 primarily using limited immunogenicity and safety evidence from a small clinical trial in which only about 1,000 healthy Americans over age 65 were given the adjuvanted vaccine.1 2

“Novartis failed to demonstrate that squalene adjuvanted Fluad was more effective or safer than an unadjuvanted influenza vaccine in the small clinical trial being used to justify accelerated licensure. In fact, Fluad was shown to be far more reactive and, in some studies, the vaccine was associated with even more serious reactions in the elderly when given a second time,” said NVIC Co-founder and President Barbara Loe Fisher.

At public comment time, Fisher asked the FDA advisory committee, “Why does Fluad need to be fast tracked to licensure for the elderly without additional evidence? There is public concern that fast tracking Fluad is really about fast tracking MF59 to licensure so it can be added to lots of new vaccines targeting infants, pregnant women and every American without adequate evidence for safety or effectiveness.”3

[bSanofi Pasteur Will Deliver 65 Million Doses of Flu Vaccine to U.S. ][/b]

According to the press release, Sanofi Pasteur will supply a “wide portfolio” of Fluzone for “children as young as six months of age through adults 65 years of age and older.” The company states that the portfolio will include the Fluzone High-Dose vaccine “specially formulated” for those 65 or older; Fluzone Intradernal Quadrivalent vaccine for people 18-64 years of age; and Fluzone Quadrivalent and Fluzone trivalent vaccines for children and adults over six months old.

Fluzone contains three or four type A and B strains of the influenza virus, which are selected each year by public health officials in the U.S. and World Health Organization (WHO).

Sanofi Pasteur is only one company among many that market influenza vaccines in the U.S.
angelburst29 said:

The control system and the Pharmaceuticals are making sure, if we want to address parasites and eradicate them from our systems, using their drugs, we will have to pay a "premium" for their concoctions. I doubt, the affordable care programs - ObamaCare or SilverScriptLife (Medicare) will pick up the hefty tabs for the average American? So, only "the few" will be served.

Company hikes price 5,000% for drug that fights complication of AIDS, cancer

September 18, 2015 - A drug treating a common parasite that attacks people with weakened immune systems increased in cost 5,000% to $750 per pill.

At a time of heightened attention to the rising cost of prescription drugs, doctors who treat patients with AIDS and cancer are denouncing the new cost to treat a condition that can be life-threatening.

Turing Pharmaceuticals of New York raised the price of Daraprim from $13.50 per pill to $750 per pill last month, shortly after purchasing the rights to the drug from Impax Laboratories. Turing has exclusive rights to market Daraprim (pyrimethamine), on the market since 1953.

Daraprim fights toxoplasmosis, the second most common food-borne disease, which can easily infect people whose immune systems have been weakened by AIDS, chemotherapy or even pregnancy, according to the Centers for Disease Control.

“This is a tremendous increase," said Judith Aberg, a spokesperson for the HIV Medicine Association. Even patients with insurance could have trouble affording the medication, she said. That's because insurance companies often put high-price drugs in the "specialty" category, requiring patients to pay hundreds or even thousands of dollars a year. Patients whose insurance plans require them to pay 20% of the cost — a common practice — would shell out $150 a pill.

About 60 million people in the United States may carry the Toxoplasma parasite, according to the CDC.

(And this on fast tracking vaccines ... )
NVIC Questions FDA Fast Tracking of Squalene Adjuvanted Flu Vaccine

The non-profit National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) is questioning the basis for the fast tracked licensure by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of a squalene-adjuvanted influenza vaccine for use in seniors over age 65. The Novartis MF59 adjuvanted Fluad vaccine was approved for accelerated licensure by the FDA Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) on Sept. 15, 2015 primarily using limited immunogenicity and safety evidence from a small clinical trial in which only about 1,000 healthy Americans over age 65 were given the adjuvanted vaccine.1 2

“Novartis failed to demonstrate that squalene adjuvanted Fluad was more effective or safer than an unadjuvanted influenza vaccine in the small clinical trial being used to justify accelerated licensure. In fact, Fluad was shown to be far more reactive and, in some studies, the vaccine was associated with even more serious reactions in the elderly when given a second time,” said NVIC Co-founder and President Barbara Loe Fisher.

At public comment time, Fisher asked the FDA advisory committee, “Why does Fluad need to be fast tracked to licensure for the elderly without additional evidence? There is public concern that fast tracking Fluad is really about fast tracking MF59 to licensure so it can be added to lots of new vaccines targeting infants, pregnant women and every American without adequate evidence for safety or effectiveness.”3

[bSanofi Pasteur Will Deliver 65 Million Doses of Flu Vaccine to U.S. ][/b]

According to the press release, Sanofi Pasteur will supply a “wide portfolio” of Fluzone for “children as young as six months of age through adults 65 years of age and older.” The company states that the portfolio will include the Fluzone High-Dose vaccine “specially formulated” for those 65 or older; Fluzone Intradernal Quadrivalent vaccine for people 18-64 years of age; and Fluzone Quadrivalent and Fluzone trivalent vaccines for children and adults over six months old.

Fluzone contains three or four type A and B strains of the influenza virus, which are selected each year by public health officials in the U.S. and World Health Organization (WHO).

Sanofi Pasteur is only one company among many that market influenza vaccines in the U.S.

I'm trying to be "optimistic" but that sounds like "lethal injection" to me. :(
JEEP said:
I first realized this in 1987. I was writing my book, AIDS INC., Scandal of the Century.


I read your outstanding post carefully, but was a bit confused by the above ... and subsequently this (via an internet search):

AIDS Inc., Scandal of the Century - Jon Rappoport (1988).pdf

If you don't mind me asking, are both attributions one and the same?
sitting said:
JEEP said:
I first realized this in 1987. I was writing my book, AIDS INC., Scandal of the Century.


I read your outstanding post carefully, but was a bit confused by the above ... and subsequently this (via an internet search):

AIDS Inc., Scandal of the Century - Jon Rappoport (1988).pdf

If you don't mind me asking, are both attributions one and the same?

That seems to be a quote from the jonrappoport link. The whole thing could have been put in a quote box but was pasted in without a quote box.
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